The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 23, 1954, Page 19, Image 19

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    Around Town . .
Stafasman, Salom. Or., Friday, July 23, 1354 (Soc 2) II
- t
PARTY TIME . . . Barbara Ba
con, daughter of the Harold Bacons,
will celebrate her birthday at a
barbecue supper Saturday night
. . . a group of the teen-age con
tingent has been invited '. . Tthe
six o'clock supper will be served
on the patio of the Bacon home on
Ratcliff Drive, after which the
group will make ub a line party at
the theatre ... Wishing Barbara a
happy birthday will be Jo Anne
Hoover, Ccnnie Hammond. Kave
Tomlinson, Nancy Payne, Phoebe
Lou Braun, Pat Myhre. Sondra Jo
chlmsen ana Anne Feltzel . . -
A luncheon . . . featess today
will be -Mrs. Charle A. Barclav,
wha has invited a few Meads ta
her Fairmonat H'l home for the
pleasure f Mrs. Richard SaWvaa
of Bendwho ts vision In the cap
ital at the home of her parents,
the Kenneth Bells . . j. Covers will
be placed for Mrs. Sullivan, Mrs.
James Bennison of Portland, Mrs.
CL S. From. Mr. Hillary Etzel,
Mrs.' Richard E. Grabenhorst, an
the hostess ... ' ; v i
Ob the calendar . . . for members
of the Monday Night Dancing Club
Is the annual mid-summer picnic,
which will be an event of Sunday
at. the summer home of Mr. and
Mrs. Everett D. Crabtree on the
Little North Fork of the Santiara
... The picnic dinner will be serv
ed at 4 Vdock . . . 1
Celebrating . . . his, fourth birth
day today will be Roger Dunham,
son of Dr. and Mrs. Tom H. Dun
ham ... a group of nil neighbor
hood friends have been invited ta
a picnic in tle garden of the Fair
tnount Hill homo of the Dunhams
this afternoon ...
Newlvwed ... Mr. and Mrs.
. - ... . a a a .
anv informal party Saturday night
when Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eber-
tele entertain it their apartment
at the Lee for a few friend ...
- Guests ... of Mr. and Mrs. Har
old G. Maisoa at the Subscription
.. . . t.n. ji
, uun s (pons nance anr uuuci
aer tonight at the American Le
gion Club will be Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Bosch and Mr. and Mrs.
- Thomas Dehell at Portland . . .
A farewell . . . family dinner
will honor Mrs. Ai C Curtis and
ner ougnier, auss urate vuxua
Columbia. Mo.. Saturday night
when Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Taylor
entertain at their home . . . Mrs.
Taylor is a daughter of Mrs. Cur
tis . . Miss Curtis is chairman
of counsellors at Stephens College
and the two have been visiting
here at the Taylor home since
June . . . they will return w Mis
souri by plane Sunday, . . . :At me
supper covers xwiH be placed for
the honor guests and the Taylor's
four children and tneir xamiues:
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd D. Riley, Pat
rick and Michael . . 'i Mr. and Mrs.
Robert C. Taylor, Bobby, Doug and
Sharon Ann ... Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Ritchey, Tommy and Tim
my of Independence . . . and Mr.
and Mr. James Taylor. Sandra
Lee. Stevie and Jackie Sua ot As-
Jack Napier and children; Janet,
Michael and Frank, have arrived
from Arlington. Va., to spend the
summer at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc
Callister ... Lt CoL .Napier is
stationed at the Pentagon in Wash
ington, D. C. . i Uf.-- v
From the East . I . e come
mr r j. Jnsenh of Belleville, BL,
and her granddaughter, Colleea
Moraa of St Louis, Mo., ta visit
Sfe UV aWUIC W 1. AT. a .wnrai
in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs.
Sam R. Haley, for several weeks
... The visitors, Mrs. Haley and
sons. Sammy and Thomas, re tam
ed Thnrsday from. a- several day's
sojourn at the surtuaes . . .-. -V
Vacationing . . . and fishing at
trr 1 T r- 1 ir,
uiaiTTMina are : jur. auiu ivi i s.
. worm tr. Aiauiawg ana eiaest son.
. Johnny . . . this weekend they will
be joined by tneir otner son. Mi-
b 1 ta . . a . , V. 1 . .
rnapi jur. ana Mrs. Ka on h.
Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.
Cooley and daughters, Christine
' and Pamela ... - .
Sojourning . . . at the summer
home of Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Wood
maasee at Devils Lake a few days
41.1a. a. m ww a
sis wv wen mn. nraonuun.
Mrs. H. K. StockweO and ker sis-
-ter, Mrs. Fred Bender, and Mrs.
A. C. F. Perrv
A mest ... at the home at Mr.
and Mrs. William C Dyer Jr. this
week has beea her sister, Mrs.
uagn t. amita of f orest brave . . .
- Larry Eyre of Portland, sea of the
David W. Eyres, returned to his
home Tuesday after a visit here
with his uncle aad aunt, the Ste
wart Johnsons . . Larry came
down for the Soap Box Derby an
Sunday .... - n :
The Astoria Regatta .. . is at
tracting a number of Salem people
to the coastal city this weekend
.. . . this will be the 33rd annual
celebration with numerous events
planned in honor of the visitors . . .
luncheons, dinners and the queen's
ball Saturday night are among the
social affairs slated . . . with the
regetta .festivities and parade also
scheduled . ... . Leaving Thursday
from Portland by boat for Astoria
were : Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Ray
mond F. Olson. Lt. and Mrs. Paul
Kliever, Lt CoL and Mrs. William
Hugh Adams, and Commander and
Mrsl Cart Cover . ; . Others plan
ning, to go to Astoria today-for the
regatta are Lt. and Mrs. Harold
Perkins. Major and Mrs. Ernest j
Freeman, Captain and Mrs. Har
vey Iaatham. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton
Mudd . . . Mr. Mudd has been in-!
vited by General Thomas E. Rilea
to be one of the honorary admir
als for the weekend ifestivities
Justice and Mrs. ' Walter Tooze,
Justice and Mrs. William Perry
and Attorney General and Mrs., j
Robert Y. ThorittonJ. . '
From California . i . comes news
of the birth of a little glri, Jane
Marie, to Mr. and Mrs.- Doraae
Humphrey (Virginia Covert) oa
July 20 la San Jose . . also wel
coming the baby are'two brothers,
Daniel and David ... The grand
parents are L, S. Covert aad Mr.
and Mrs. L A. Humphrey of Sa
lem . ;
MrsV Lutz Threo
Timo Winner
Mrs. F. C. Lutz was on the win
ning team in a third tournament
within ten. days by topping the
north-south players with Charles
L. Newsom as a partner in the
July master point of the American
Contract Bridge league unit at the
Elks club. Her -other victories
were with Mrs. R. L. Park as a
team-mate at the mid-Week club
and Elks duplicate bridge club
meet ' " " - '
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hutchinson
of Corvallis , had high , east-west
score at the master point, while
other places went to Mr. lad Mrs.
Max Moore of Scio, Mrs. Stanley
Neuens and Ray Ward, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Freund of Corvallis,
and W. T. Leary and John Pugh
of Shedd. ' .
In the Elks club Friday tourna
ment W. E. Kimy and W. F.
Leary were high north-south, while
Mrs. Carroll Ford and Hay Ward
won' - east-west Others placing
were Mrs.' F. C Lutz and Ellis H.
Jones, Walter M. Cline and Mrs.
C. B. Bentson, Mrs. . Jose Moritz
and Jack Shepard ' of Corvallis,
Mrs. Wesley Ritchie and C. Ford,
Mrs. A. L Eoff and Mrs. Dewey
Howell, Mrs. George Rein - and
Mrs. E. E. Boring. v r
Starting off at the top of the
Monday; series were Mrs. S.
Neuens. Mrs. Frank Mohlman,
Mrs. M. Parker, Ralph S. Dan-
nen .of Brownsville, .Mrs. Dorothy
McLain, Lih Miles, and D. Hutch
inson and J. Shepard of Corvallis.
The series will last eight weeks
with about 100 players expected to
participate. '-' J j ,
Other point winners at the mid
week club included Mrs. C. Ford,
Mrs. F. R. Mohlman, Mrs. C B.
v s. y .
! ft
t -
Sheridan A shower honoring
Mrs. Everett Ellis was given Sat
urday by Mrs. Ben Ellis and Mrs.
J. C Ellis. Others attending were
.Mrs. Eva Baxter, Mrs. Daisy
- Rainsforth, Mrs. Art Merry man,
Mrs. . Ellen BirdweU, Mrs. D. C.
Albright all of DaytonrJean Wil
der, Karlene Gast Mrs.- Nelson
Agee and Mrs. Harry Wilder, all
of Sheridan; Myrna Jones of Mc-
Minaville; and Margie Ellis of La
fayette. . ' - ,
McMiaavillo Re,eeatly aa-
nounced was toe engagement of
Miss Jean Ann Fletcher, daughter
of Phillip J. Fletcher of McMinn-
ville, to Airman 2c Jerry Bogh,
son of Mr. and MrsTed Bogh, also
of McMinnville, Miss Fletcher is a
senior ; at the McMinnville high
school, and Mr. Bogh is stationed
in Washington at the Fairchild
AFB. No date has been set for
" the wedding. - j '
Mrs, Anna U. Arnold hat mov
ed to Woodbnrn to make her
home with her son and family
Her new address is 444 Gatch St
Cansisg Apricsis
, 335S Portland Road
5 K;
: I' .
' 7 y
-at v
i 4
-It 'i - J a I
m v.-..- ...... M
- . 4 it- ' 1 '1 '
. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Bales (Gwendola May Ramsey)
who were married July 2 at the Rose City Park Methodist
Church. The bride is the daughter of William G. pamsey
of Portland and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
'. Frank Bales. The couple will live In Salem. j.
A "
Kfrs. Ronald V. Jones, the former Shirley Mae Peterson
before her July 10 marriage at xtne Liberty Christian
Church. (McEwan Studio).
WOODBUSN Miss Phyllis
Chamberlin arrived in Woodburn
early Sunday morning for a visit
with her mother, Mrs. : Clara
Chamberlin, 114 Bradley Street
This is Miss Chamberlin's first
visit to j Oregon in three years.
She will return Monday to San
Francisco, where she is employ
ed in the office of the Insntector
General Presidio of San Fran
cisco, California. "
A Bride
Nola Campbell
Honor Guest
Miss Nola Campbell, "August
bride-elect of Pfc. Elmer Haugen,
was the honor guest at a pre
nuDtial party when Mrs. 'Julian
Haugea - and Mrs. Marvin Wil
liams entertained at the former's
Kingwood Drive residence. The
wedding is set for' August 13.
The bridegroom-elect- isi current
ly stationed at Fort SU1, Okla
homa with the army.
. A miscellaneous shower honor
ed the future Mrs. Haugen. A
late dessert supper , was served
by the hostesses.
Bidden to, fete Miss Campbell
were Mrs. Charier H. Campbell
and Mrs. H. & Haugen, mothers
of the engaged duo, Mrs. A. Cam
eron. Mrs. Emma Gar&el, Mrs.
Walter Johnson, Mrs. H. A. Pet
ersen of Dallas, Mrs. Howard Pet
ersen. Mrs. Kenneth Wright, Mrs.
Vera Haugen.Mrs. Harry Hau
gen, Mrs. Palmer Williams, urs.
Hugh Williams, Mrs. John Veer,
Mrs. Ben Satrom, Mrs.. Everett
Soden, Mrs. Gilbert E. Jones, Mis
ses June Haugen, Donna Haugen,
Judy Loucks and Nancy Jenks. ;
Bentson, Mrs. D. Duncan; Mrs. R.
L. McKesson, , Mrs a E. E. Boring,
Mrs. C law Rhoades, and Mrs. A.
W. Binegar. This group will hold
its July master point at the, wom
en's .club AVednesday - alternoon,
while' the next special ACBL event
is set for next Saturday afternoon
and evening at the Elks dub. .
: ' . .. v .. -j.
.. : - ) .
- ' nie a t
; a v Mi.
CDv!zfe9 cano-m
To Provt YCU csa rzU tht Ctsf .
Ie crua Susisri sad Sedi-jit KC"!
inrr nc rr ia
if1?' .
) Mr 7
Sec how Quick and aasv ru4
economical K k to make the best km
cream treats you ever tasted RIGHT
AT HOMX with these five favorites! .
1 , v.'l 1
DeliciAUl an1 ennA fnf Mill mil
' from butter, cream, sugar and the finest fruits .
. and chocolate avail We! No artificial flavor or coloring!
T2Y T.7JA ll HI C7C::i! Mil us this ad together
. . with the numbered TOP from any can of TOWNS
PRIDE TOPPINGS and Ull us how your f amily liked iC
Wa will refund your purchase price and a 3c stamp
. Only one refund to a family.
Offer expires. November SO, 1954
ISWKX TAIX CCmFAXT, $431 ff . 104TS h. 10$ AXCfUS U, QUF.
Tea Honors yisitor
Mrs. Vernon Deca'u was host
ess for an informal tea Tuesday
afternoon for her house guest,
Mrs. Flossie Tromblee of Klam
ath Falls, who has been visiting
here the past week. Honoring the
visitor were Mesdames A. W.
Rockafellow, A. A. Niederberger
and Carolyn, R. W. Wolf, A. R.
Jacobsen, D. M. DuvalL Laura
Johnson, L. L. Hanson, ,V. J.
Peck, R. 0. Bowman, ;M. C. Cox,
Ama Muncey, A. A. PossehL Nora
Pearce, C. M. HUson, G. W. Tho
mas, H. H. Gatts, Mary Pugh, R.
L. Forester, Dora Stanton and O.
C Harris. -
for your -
eiiw.'.ei u::;::s
lS4 .
?rws-lV-Ttsr-- DOtfl 4m. far saotaU :
AU tlOTMEU COMPANY ladwparata West Cm Kv 11
said ralfS
i Th5s,iiew Sunist Orange weight-control
plan helps 70a hold down weight to an attractrre.
heafafafiii IcreJ and keep it there.
" .
r- 'Jfr
Ibis is not a reducing plan as yon know them.
It's 'far simpler aad makes snuch better sense."
lben n no dangeroos dieting,' no tiresome calorie
coanting, 110 back-breaking currcisa, no expen
sive piUs or drugs. 7
Yoa simply follow this rale:
Est m Smikia Ofm&VO
lunch nd dmnr 4icb dj.
Then eat moder
' ( you should. This becomes sxmzkigly
easy because tMtimg die fresh orange
it with xs heahhfql "meat" (rich in
. ccllolosc) helps enrb your sppetke tbe
tuUmd way aad gives yoa new meal
time hunger cootroLj
' This new eat-aa-orange plan k working for 1
orfjers. Why. not give k a faifl trial, say for three
weeks? Take advantage of tbe big SLZM-JAKB
irtrakkne. as
orange tale at your madcet aad start todays
THiy so bt Brian cflifs cs3 for fresh
Whea you eat leas, yoor mpply af vicsxnias, mioenk
and other food eaeotialt k tedaced. fresh otaages help
maintain a proper balance of these values because they
are a storehouse of health. Both their joke and meat
ace rich in vitamins and mineral.: And their important
pfocopectins actually help yon get more ol the health
essentials from the other foods yoa esc Whether yoa
are oa a weight -control pUa or 4 strict ndadng diet,
include fresh oranges . fresh SmmJtia Qnmgcs, the
finest braod yoa can bay guy where.
eatmT-aTToA vatrvcta otairt'
Always Iks Lowe:! Prices In Town
1SK3 Ilirsica St., Towards Uderi Park '
Shrefldedn;:' CI
Cciicgs Cr. Slyls
mm :
303 S2x Can ; '
' can
y.Cclfc53 Broken
3-lb. can
Cdirgs VrtJ. Kernel
J -333 Six Com
Perils Egg Ilccdles
Laurel Farns
Deg. 33c Uillians
Polalo Chips
c 3 Pkg.
Fere-Yes, Pnre
&es!i Gorn DEI? . '.
on Gob nm$$ .
C- ear VfJ . Hi.
smrrs s
Swift's Brokan SScad : -Ih. 29
Bog Food ; SjIqEV
TBOWT ' Half or Whole- HIND
fW Vfil
r W-u,-' CJlsdJ LB. C-ZX LI LB.
,. . .... f ... . . . - -
rresh-Cen3 Beg I UIMSIIiiS
nr, or, or OIHOIIS
UV- Bag Dolcona c4Cc