t (Zee. fl Statesman, Sclera. Or, Tiers July 22, 1S54 Valley News Statesman News , Service nn ilk Plywood by Christmas Aim Of New Firm BUtesmaa Mews Serriea : INDEPENDENCE The Nation al Plywood . Corporation , plant, slated for construction here, ex pects to be shipping green ply wood by Christmas time Inde pendence civic leaders were told at a Tuesday night meeting.' . Tom O'Connell, chairman o the corporation's board, said 125 shares out of an announced goal of 300 already had been sold to The plant will be on the site of the Beaver Plywood firm, which folded last winter before beginning operations. Merritt Steele Contractors of Portland will build the new plant Machinery it expected to be in stalled sotsfater than November, O'Connell said. phasized that National Plywood liai ha MHinrtions with the Bea ver plywood firm that failed be cause of insolvency. , . The problem of housing for workers in the new plant was a chief point of discussion by 0' ConneU and Independence Cham ber of Commerce members at the meeting. " Pollys Rural Schoolliouses Twins Top Dallas Births StaUsmaa Newt Service DALLAS Mrs. W. T. Ward, 918. Tenth street, Dallas, gave birth Monday to twin boys at I BarteU HospiUl in Dallas. Weight of the-youngsters at birth was 5 pounds; IVx ounces,; for William Dean and 5 pounds,' 1 ounce, for Thomas Ray. The Ward family includes six other children. Other' births during the week: to Mr. and Mrs. Filmore E. Trine, Dallas, a son July 13 at Bartell Hospital. ; ' . To Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Pe ters, Dallas, a son July 16 at Dal las Hospital. v -vr; . To Mr. and Mrs. Keith Sanders, Dallas, a daughter Jul-13 at uanas Hospital Appraised . DALLAS Polk County! rural - arhnot huildinzs have been valued at il.300.000 in an appraisal just completed under the direction of F. C. Ween, county supennxena- ent. Th jmrvev reoortedlT is the first mJ Urn m StrAt- OATlHl1tt TTt th County. It covers building struc tures, but not equipment and rr minds, of the county's 28. rural rhools including three - second- class high schools. Perrydale, Val tx and Falls City. PtirnAM of the survey was to give an idea of valuation for in surance and to form a basis tor depreciation. Rreen has recommended that marh Hi strict act no a percentage ef its annual budget for deprecia tion and a sinking fund for fu htr hniMin replacement. Amounts not spent for repair .and maintenance should be placed 1b 1 building fund, he said. " - A irt bv George F. Anderson, tngineer who assisted in the ap praisal, pointed to the need for re pairs to avoid excessive aeprecia tion in many of the structures. Bids Called for Mt Angel Sewage "nianoKnl Svstem f i j ' itiuaui Newt Srvie : ; irr mm Th fcitv Council accepted plans and specifications for ML Angel's sewage disposal rniint a crMil meeting here UnndiT mipht. . Felix Zeidlhack of the engineer firm of Cunningham and Associ- atea presented the plans Ba was authorized to advertise for bids. The construction bids wiu oe opened at the City Hall at 8 p.m. on August 8. Valley Briefs Roberts The Roberts Grange will hold its annual picnic at Cham- ooez State Park on Sunday at p.m. All Grangers, their families and mends are umtea. Marqnam All 4-H Club mem bers, families and friends ' of the Butte Creek District are invited to attend the annual 4-H picnic Sun day at Coolidge McQaine Park ff . Tt 2' I . I 11 in aiiverioa. u is no-mui. iuu u should bring their own table serv- ice. ; . , , Oakdale Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Smith have received word from their son. Robert L. Smith, that he has recently become a sergeant. H is still in the 142 M. P. Bat talion in Korea but expects to re- turn borne in about tour montns Silverton An oil stove fire threatened the home of . L Montgomery, 734 S. Water St, Wednesday noon but was quickly brought under control by the Sil verton Volunteer - Fire Depart ment Damage was reported as "very little." Silverton A no-host 6:30 fam- i ily dinner will mark the Thurs i day night meeting of the Silver- ton Toastmasters Club. The din ner will be held at the Coolidge & McClaine Park with Dr. R. F. ' . Schmidt as toastmaster. Speakers will be William Iron, Felix Wright, Al Rasmussen and Milton Baum., The use of fur garments was one of the luxuries that the Rom an people adopted from' Greece. Old Shoes Look , Like New After A Trip to Jin's Sh:3 Sendee 111 N. Rich Salem Pollc County Court News DALLAS A marriage license has been issued to Ronald LeRoy Mehl, 19, service station attend ant and Roberta S. Stoneburner, 16, both of Dallas. I The following decree of di vorce was filed here: Rose 11a Jj Freres vs. Richard John P. Fte-I res, restored plaintiffs former name of Rosella J. Thomas. ' The following divorce com plaints are on file in Polk Coun ty Circuit Court: Barbara Kime vs. David Kime: Alleges cruel and Inhuman treatment. Seeks custody of three minor children and $50 per month for each child. Married Dec 26, 1951, at .Van couver, Wash. -,-. Mary Naomi Thomas vs. Ray- mond Burton Thomas: Alleges cruel and inhuman treatment Seeks custody of minor child and $50 per month for support - of cnua, ana approval of property settlement agreement Married Sept 8, 1949, at St Anthony, laano. Zena Church Holds Bible v . y - ... Schobl for 33 lUttmu Ntin Srrfcr ZENA Thirty-three children of Zena Union Sunday School attend ed daily vacation Bible school at Zena Church from July S to 16. concluding the week with a pro- grant, composed of singing, plays, pantomines and Bible memory lessons. . v Jack J. Quiring, Sunday School superintendant directed the pro gram assisted by the teachers, Mrs. Edward Schlegel and Mrs. Jack J. Quiring. ' Perfect attendance records were made by Judy Meissner, Larry Purvine, Marcia and Kendall Nei- ger. Mike and ; Tracy Camillo, Barbara Anderson and John and James Quiring. Judy Meissner, Marcia Neiger and Gail Miller left Sunday for a week at American School Union young people's camp at Silver Falls State Park. PIONEER CLUB MEETS PIONEER LOOP Community Club met Saturday night in a set ting of red and white streamers. American flags, and red roses. There were colored movies about Canada and a comedy. Mrs. How ard Terry was, appointed hostess for next month. Valley Obituaries Claibonrae Steele NORTH HOWELL Funeral services lor uaibourne bteeie, 76, member of a pioneer family of this district, were held Sunday at Hubbard with interment near Aurora. . . . . a a . . . i ne deceased naa uvea most ox his life in North Howell before moving to Hubbard where he died after suffering for several months from a heart ailment Survivors areJhe widow, Fan ny Steele, a daughter, Cecil Trest of Hubbard: a sister, Mrs. ; Ora Downey, Salem, and three grand children. Enal R. Lane SILVERTON Enal Ralston Lane. 81. died . Tuesday at the Silverton Hospital where he had been, a patient for a few days. Final rites for Lane, born in Illinois March 22, 1873, will be held from. North Bend with the Ekman Funeral Home in charge of Silverton arrangements. Survivors are sons, Paul Lane of Molalla; Cass Lane of North Bend, Cecil Lane and a daughter, Mrs. Lillian Killborne, Empire. - Why Suffer Any Longer When ethen fall, um our Chlneaa remedies. Amazing tuccen tor 5000 yean In China. No matter with what ailment you are i dicted. disorder. nusiU. heart lunf. nver. Wdneya. gas. consa oation ulcers, diabetea, rheuma- Mam van and bladder fever tkin female complaints CHARUc CHAN Chines Berk Ca. Office Hrs. t to S Tue It SaL nnly . ZM N ComX SALEM ORE. Phone S-1&3 1 J Mr 1 V'1 ft - . ! I ... . ! IS ON AT o A "Sole et BISHOP'S is t SALE' embodying on actual reduction In prices without substitutions of inferior, dam aged, or out-of-date merchandise. Every sale sponsored by this orgbnixation has a carefully premeditated and deli berate purpose, and that purpose' never contemplates nor countenances the deception, of Bishop's patrons, nor cor ruption of the standards of quality upon which the business has been built. Every item is from our regular stock of fin merchandise. Naturally there is not every six in each lot but yeu will find all sixes in the group. SOD ORDINARY ALTERATIONS FREE Wt are not 'at liberty to mention th names but they are natfrnally known brands." In this group you'll find popular models in handsomely tailored rugged tweeds and jool tropicals. Hera's m few names we CAN mention, Clothcraft, Botany "500", Michaels-Stern. Everyone a winner in its field. You're sure to find the color and model that fits YOU in this group. Val. lo 45.00 Vat. lo 65.00 Flannels; Tweeds, Gabardines, Worsteds-and Sharkskins are all in here for your selection of fine suits by Hollywood, Hart Schaffner & Marx, or Michaels-Stern. Charcoal shades,' . i .... . - Splash patterns, Bengal Gabardines art all here In this group. ' Val. lo 69.50 ress Sliiris J Whites and colors,' plains and fan- cies in fine broadcloth. The three lending brands of fine shirts! Some are slightly soiled, some are discon tinued patterns. Values to $5.00," Jraiv M One group of long and short sleerc styles. Rayons, washable cottons, f prints, patterns, gabardines. Values $2.93 to $10.95. Vz Price One. group from our regular stock. Men Here is a golden op rtunity to wear the acme Values $5.00 to $10.00. of fine clothing at a huge saying to you. .HART SCHAFFNER 4 MARX and HOLLYWOOD. Favored by tha best dressed men throughout America because ot their tina appearance and superior comfort . . . Sa Qualities that come only from custom-like design, J M tine fabrics and tailoring by expert craftsmen. Vz Price Reg. 79.50 10 93.-50 Plains and fancies by Weldon, Co lumbi. nd Wilton Bret. Val.' to S7.50.. 550 for BIG GROUP FREEMAN,. SHOES Summer Weight Nylon Mesh . Reg. Price 12.95 i'5 : -.n - chnkA ti tw v v iiti . n 1 TRUNKS P Nationally famous brands. i BIG GROUP FLORSHEIM SHOES i Nylon Mesh Reg. Price 18.95 95 FLORSHEIM SHOES .f . t . , Discontinued Styles and Pattern WALLETS Black and Brown Calf Nearly AU Sizes Values to 20.95 ah new i nil year s tistn. 1 Fancy styles and plains. - I Sf'-'-"-e' u All genuine leather. Values to 7.50 Price If Vz trice DOWNSTAIRS DEPT. SPECIALS ft JAE Good Selection of Styles and Fabrics MOSTLY SMALL SIZES Cl H ' YT n Bea.lo.10.C3 ; vCj0J mm mm ;s Brown or navy. Just right for back to school. Keg. 12.95 . v5 e TWO SPECIAL GROUPS CI WaAlent frm th Nerthwett't finest mill, tailored I I Just received 240 mora . pairs of those wonderfu hv ma.fr raftsmen. Cash mere finish tweeds ondi 1 Slacks we featured last week. "The Buy of the Year." tropieal.weaves. Almost all sizes. Hurry! f I 100 Wools. H Reg. lo nn95 5, -15.C3 l 22.50 iicS . Resrly 39.50 snd 45.03 A O r ah I u fcr i-j fcr t-jcJ Reg. 9.95 6 95 Reg. 8.50 3S0. i I i All Sales Final , l!o Exchang3S or Refunds ) nn SHOP FRIDAYS 'TIL 9 PM. J