round Town By JERYME ENGLISH TRAVEL TALK ... Miss Z. Fran ces Walket of Valley, Forge, Pa. has arrived in the capital to spend a -month at the home of her brother-in-law and sister. Dr. and Mrs. Howard W. Ruckel . on her return trip East in August she will travel . by way of Victoria, B. C and the Pacific Northwest .National Parks ... i Ei pec ted keme . . . Uday from a trip South and East are Mr. and Mrs. Francis. E. Clark . . . they , vent ' by train to BiloxL Mist.: to visit their ton-in -law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Derald Knittel (Jos . ann Clark) . . . Mr. Knittel is sta tioned there with the U. S. Air Force , V. The Oarks also visited Ja . New Orleans . . . From Biloxl they flew to Edgerton. Wisconsoa to visit with Mrs. Clark's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Palmer , . whQe there they attended a fam ily reunion, members ef her family 'gathering from all parts of the United States . the Claras are driving west . . - A trip south ... . for Mrs. Leona . Johnson, her daughter. Miss Julia Johnson 61 Portland, Mrs. Frank G. Myers and Dr. Mary B. Pur vine, who returned this weekend. I they sojourned in Carmel and San. Francisco . . . Dr. Purvine flew down to Santa Barbara to visit her daughter and son-in-law. the Andrew H. Burnetts . ... Dr. Pur vine and Miss Johnson spent sev- ' ral davs in Berkeley with Misr Margaret Purvine. . - Returning f v . Monday from a ten day trips to Yellowstone Na tional Park, Salt Lake City and -Reno were -UlXi and Mrs. P. D. QuisenDerry ana Mr. ana ;:- mts. Daniel J. -Fry T . . The men en 'joyed fishing while in the Yellow--stone area. . t v':"..'" Visiting . . . In be eapital the past .week we're Captain and Mrs. Wallace Harding and tlx months Id son, Wallace, of Sherman, Tex as, who have been guests of the air. force officer's annt, Mr. WU Ham McGDchrist Jr. . THE PARTY WHIRL . t . Mrs. ; waiter t apaiuuuijj a cuiumuu4 -with an informal tea this after noon at her Court Street home lor the pleasure of a few of the wives of the New York Giants, who ac companied their husbands West during the fall training at WB - lamette University . . . Over a -dozen are here and two of the wo 'men are residing at Mrs. Spauld ing's home . .. The affair is also a get-acquainted party ' f or ; the wives with guests bidden to -call at 4 o'clock , , . Assisting the host 'ess will be Mrs. John Lewis and Mrs Carl Chambers.. - A roond of parties . . . are be ing arranged In honor of Miss Ana Geiiinger, popular Aagvst bride elect of Ronald Lyman of Fresno, Calif. . . Today Mrs. J. A. Iaglii and, her sister. Mrs. Lawrence Smith of Dallas, will eatertala at fnnrhMiB and shower at the Un iversity Clnh in Portland , . Mrs. J. C Tracy and Mrs, Cecil Dona will be hostesses for a coffee and hewer rraay morning at me former's home In Dallas . . Jon day Miss Gerlinger will be feted at a personal shower for which Mrs. Thomas Moss and Miss Jo sephine Hayes will be hostesses at the former's Portland home . . aad Monday Mrs. Walter Craven nd Mrs. Herschel Greenwade will entertain at a kitchen shower at the Brenaman House in Dallas for 'the bride-to-be. . . :.";" i ? ' .Entertaining J. , her bridge club at a dessert supper tonight will be Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wan us are at borne in Sheridan fol lowing their marriage at the Lu theran i parsonage kt Vancouver, Wash, jtlrs. Wahus is the former Kathleen I vie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ivie of Sheridan. At. and Mrs. Arne J. Wahus of Sheri dan are the bridegroom's parents. . ' Co-Ree Club is planning a picnic Friday evening at Woodburn with sports and swimming, weather per 'mitting. Cars will leave from the YWCA about 6:15 p.m. Single per sons between the ages of IS and 35 are invited. The CooUette Club 1M will meet at the home of Mrs. Robert Hol weger, 3540 Karen St, Friday night at t p.m. Members are-asked to wear , sports clothes as a wiener mast will fnllnw th mtin? Health Spot Shoes Now Known As Foot-So-Port Shoes Complete Stock . McDevitt's - Bootery 105 N. High St. DON'T MISS HIM HI NEVER EATS I'M 1w H . HE NEVER .. SLEEPS HE'S . COMING SOON YEATER AFFLIAf.CE Ai;D TELEVISION CO. 375 Chemeketa Ph. 34311 Mrs. Stuart McElhinny, who has bidden the group to her South Lib erty Street home ... A guest will be Mrs. Elmer Harrold of Sacra mento, formerly of Salem, who has come north with her two children, Stevie and Ann, for, a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hamil ton . . . Mr. Harrold will join his family here later and accompany them home. - First birthday ... party for Dor Inda Lee Baker, daughter of th Douglas R. Bakers, Saturday aft- ernooa wnen she Is honored at a garden party at the heme of her grandmother, Mrs. Cass A. Nich ols ... Wishing Durinda a happy birthday win be Mrs. Fred Rawl ins. , Buddy and Laurie, Mrs, George Schroe, George and Jan ke, Mrs. John W. Stortz, and Mi chael, Mrs. Robert Syracuse and Linda, Mrs. Robert Anderson and Bobby, Mrs. William Reder and Billy. . Mrs. Donald Wilsoa and Kathleen,: Mrs. Forrest Marvin. Billy and Jimmy, Mrs. Howard Gi rod, Mrs. Douglas Baker aad Mrs. Cass Nichols .... . . A family reunion . . . on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Harold Ellis on Rose Street . . . the occasion honoring Mr. . and Mrs. 0. P. Driggs, whose four children and , their families were all home for the first time since 1940 , . , A picnic dinner as serv ed in the garden ... Honoring the DHggs were Don Driggs of Port land, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W, Lange (Mary Lois Driggs), Susan and Bob of Millbrae, Calif. . . . Major and Mrs. Clifford W. Luehrs (Jean Driggs), Jack and Bruce of St Paul, Minn. . . . Mr. and Mrs.' Harold Ellis, Dick and Margaret The Luehrs family is enroute to Anchorage, Alaska, where he will be stationed at Fort Richard son . . . they will sail from Seat tle on August 3 . . . It's a boy ... for Mr. and Mrs. Erwia Bahlburg of Newport, form erly of Salem . . . the lad arrived Saturday, July 17 and has been named Bruce Bentley . . '. he has a brother, William, and two sisters, Deborah and Cherie ... The grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bentley- of Tulelake, Califs and Mr; and Mrs. Carl Bahlburg of Sa lem . . . . . ' ' News came ... to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Henry Wednesday morning announcing that they are great grandparents . . . as a little girl, Pamela, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Paulin (Corinne Henry) of Portland at Wilcox Memorial Hos pital ... The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Henry of Portland and the other great grandmother is Mrs. Bella Sim kins of Hopewell . s . , - Grabers Are Honored at Reception' Mr. and Mrs. John Graher cele brated their golden wedding anni versary at an informal at home Tuesday at then South Pacific Highway home. Over a hundred relatives and friends called during me wtenxxm and . evening. ...Mrs.' Rollin Graber of San Ber nardino, Calif., a daughter-in-law. was hostess for the celebration. assisted by Mrs. A. B. Browning, a sister of Mrs. Graber; Mrs. A. A. Graber, a sister-in-law. Mrs. "E. M. Perman and Mrs. George Da vis. - -, : . Here Jor the occasion were the Grabers' two son and daughters-in-law, Lt. Col. and Mrs. Rollin Graber, and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Graber of Portland, and the tes ter's daughter, Nancy and Cathy. The Rollin Grabers daughter, Glo ria, who was unable to attend as she is in nurses training in San Bernardino, presented her grand parents with the guest book, Guests at the Graber wedding held in Salem in 1904, who attend ed the Tuesday; celebration were Mrs. Charles Hill, Mrs. -Guy Eades, Mrs. Wayne Price, Mrs. AA B. - Browning, Charles Stephens, Joseph Graber and A. "A. Graber. The wedding of Ila Lynch and John Graber took place at : the home of her parents on 13th and State Streets with the Baptist min ister, the Rev. F. W. diffe, offi ciating. Mrs. Arthur Lenon (Fran ces Liston) was the bridesmaid and Charles Roth was best man. . Pouring at the anniversary re ception were Mrs. Gordon Bowden, Mrs. Gordon Graber, Mrs. Robert Friess and Mrs. A. A. Graber, Cut ting the cake were Mrs. Roland Seegar, Mrs. Gordon Bo-den and Mrs. Harry Knenper. ? Mrs. Del bert Graber was in charge of the gifts and . Mrs. Roland Seegar passed the guest book. ' The occasion also marked the birthday of Mrs. Rollin Graber. The Rollin Grabers are leavtag to day to return - to San Bernardino, where Colonel Graber is stationed. Club Calendar SUNDAY v ' White Shrino of Jerusalem picnic. Bush's Pasture, South High and Le feile, t p m. , , . . USED PLAYER PIANO ROLLS RENT A PIANO PIANO COMPANY .... ,(.,. - . Imported cotton... important for mid-seasons! L'A igloo has a wonderful series of eotipn for thee, -y warm days after Labor Day. This one, a paisley coat-drest of imported cotton, is typical of the smartness nd . . . good looks of the entire group. Red, green, blue. , , ' . Sue 10 to 2a it7.SS. J . f " . St. t r - . -n. 4: t o o 133 North liberty Statesman, Salem. Or. Thurn, July 22, 1354 (St. 1 7 v- Freih SHverjii Banner Sliced U. t Good Grid 1 6 lb. a6. 1) Special lov. Vo Pn -J i w .asBBsa 15 OFF liutanf Kirwell Houn CCFFEE . Lb. Going Back To IGA Fresh Creimerf C&H CAKE 25-lb. Bag mm Assorted flavors Pkg. T AT SALEM IGA SICKS SPEED QUEEN AUTOMATIC WASHER Plus 40 Lbs. ALL Deteracnt REGISTER ling To Buy . . . l!o Obligsiion . See The Speed Queen Aulcmsfic Washer In Action At HEIDER'S Appliances end TV i '. ', o CEXTEX 1123 CEXT3 PRICES EFFICTTYE TKITL, FIL, 4 SAT, m 12. 21 24 IGA EXTaWX3iE9 Salad Drcssin'a V Family Sfyit 1 Olives I Pin! n7 For. Canning Q))Q)(B 28-Lb. lug r i IGA STCKS IHXil THE TO UM!I CUiXTITS ISA FAXCT Ko. 323 6.1 IGA KCSKESt T DILL PICKLES I 22 Cr. JAR I m n CRACKERS Lb. Fkg. isi mew ana-it. in PEACHES ISA RIPE AMD SAGGED APRICOT! Tin $ ret n ISA SCUD HAX3 PACKS ISA K3 flTf-Hii. Fkg. Warshmnllous 29 l&A STUFFD Olives S IGA CSAXCE Quest Quality Marmalado IGA WSl ' 1 II iOz. Class JqiIv a' 43 45 51 Ml PUKE jEyaperaied I Silk h 6e!den llned Sanitary tins Tsll Tins cJ Ci:i 43 Tins $5.89 Shop and Save a! These Independent IGA Stores Emery's ISA Fecund WaHaci Ki al , 7Bw W. Sa!am Visla ISA . MANET ' 3045 1 Sfafe SI. ISA MARKET AU33S;a?aSL Orcull's , isa . ; MAtXET 42C3 N. Rivar ; Ssad ' c mm ) s a i ja M Best 3 fo 1