8 Cae. 2) Statesman, Sedan Ore. Thurso July 22. 1354 1 Me Still Plans ' .. Y-Priva te Power YFor TVA Area By DOUGLAS B. CORNELL WASHINGTON President Eisenhower today stood by his plan to bring private power into the TVA area but said anyone who thought he wasn't supporting TVA was to put it ia mildest terms in trror. . Better Traffic Law Enforcing Said Needed Oregon needs better traffic law enforcement and an' expanded publicity tampaign to promote safe driving, Paul Hill, western repre sentative of the National Safety Council, told the Oregon Traffic Safety Division Wednesday. Hill spent two days in Salem. He said Oregon needs stronger laws dealing with accident in vestigations, and more prosecu tions of drivers to blame for accidents. Hill also recommended stricter pedestrian laws, and expanded use of chemical tests for intoxica tion. The center stripe on highways should be reflectorized. Oregon " now has some of this type of stripe. Newspapers and radio and tele vision stations should be given more material to promote safety, -Hill recommended. He also sug gested better us of posters, and more speeches on safety. Dr. Foster President of Quartet Group Dr. Donald Foster, Salem den tist, was elected president of The Society for the Preservation "and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc "Salem Chapter at a meeting Wed nesday sight Other officers elected included Walter Snyder, .vice president; Clifford Ingham, secretary-treasurer; Morris Adams, musical di rector, and George Dow, librar ian. ; V-:. ' ' Thai group, which reports paid-tip membership of 23, will this week send in to the organi zation's national headquarters for a eharter. . The Salem chapter plans to matt each Wednesday sight, with the next meeting slated again for the Marion Hotel Wednesday at 8 p.m. Officers said, however, they were looking around for suitable meeting quarters where we can harmonize to our hearts' eontent" Chinese Reds Promise to Free 6 Yanks GENEVA' UN Red China has promised to free six detained Americans, ' including four Roman Catholic priests, the U. 5. delega tion to the Geneva conference an nounced Wednesday. "The Chinese communist repre sentatives have stated further that tint cases of other detained Ameri cans are still under review, the U. S. announcement said. In Washington, the State Depart ment said release of the six would leave about 44 American civilians and at least 15 U. S. military per sonnel still detained by Red China. Of the civilians, 30 are in Chi nese jails, three are under house arrest, and 11 have not received exit permits. The Chinese admit they are holding the 15 officers and enlisted men, but they also may have others. " American officials on their side have notified Peiping that 15 Chi nese students who have been de tained in the United States now may " leave. The cases of other Chinese students in America still are being considered. India Police Eisenhower indicated he has . no intention of changing his plan for private power in the face of attacks on it by numerous Senate Demo crats and one Republican, Sen. Cooper of Kentucky. He said he is working for the entire United States, not one area. The President took his position at a news conference at which he also said the Indochinese truce isn't entirely satisfactory and the United States now is trying for the rapid creation of a collective de- ense system in Southeast Asia to prevent further Communist aggres sion there. - Denies Appeasement t Eisenhower, shied away from saying the cease fire agreement contained elements of appease' ment. He indicated he expects the Reds to continue to use deceit, sub version and conspiracy to advance 41 . - ? i j meir auns. bui ne said ne never ry t!T; Stevenson For the most part the conference dealt with Indochina and the Eis enhower legislative program, with tew points of special emphasis, in tone or manner, on any one sub ject. Eisenhower has directed the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) to contract with a private firm to build a plant at West Memphis. Ark., to replace TVA. power to be used by AEC. The chief executive said, as he has before, that he always is willing to go along if he can be shown a better way of doing things. The implication was that in this instance no one has shown him a better way. Refuse te Baa Plaa The Senate voted later to refuse to ban Eisenhower's plan for the private power plant The proposal was the center of controversy surg ing around a bill to revise the atomic energy law, Avoids Query On Candidacy FAIRBANKS, Alaska Wl Adlai Stevenson good - naturedly brushed aside a query Wednesday whether he will seek the presidency again in 1956. ) A reporter asked him at a press conference for comment on a state ment by a local shoe shine parlor operator that Stevenson was "hop ing" to become the country's next president, i The. 1952 Democratic standard - bearer replied: "I'm afraid Jimmy s enthusiasm as a former Chicagoan and a mem ber of the Democratic Club got the best of him." He referred to Jimmy Johnson, BH8inMob . . NEW DELHI, India Up Police fired Wednesday on ai mob that put the torch to a court building at Indore. 420 miles south of here. Eight persons were killed and AO wounded in the clash.! . Six fire engines fought the blaze. but a brisk "breeze fanned the flames. - ' Reports -received here said the trouble started Tuesday; when 3,000 students demonstrated (against the transfer of an Indore College prin cipal. j A curfew, which 'kept' Indore quiet dunng the nightJ was reim posed Wednesday nightj. Officer Files $26,599 Suit For Injuries EUGENE Ifi Suit for $26,599 for " injuries , suffered I in a 1952 accident has been filetji in Circuit Court here by Warren C. Wiley, Eugene motorcycle policeman, against Mary K. Brown. . ine suit , alleges the woman motorist turned her car into the path of - Wiley's motorcycle , while he was en route to the scene of an accident.; The action contends the officer was sounding his siren and the motorist failed to stop. in 1956. Turning to the subject of Alaska, Stevenson told newsmen mat don't see anything but hope for your territory. . . your problem is to , create year - around employ ment for the increasing' population." who said after shining Stevenson's Gloomy predictions that much of ! shoes Tuesday that the Democratic his legislative program would; fail leader had high hopes of winning iv . gck utruugu suiigress auw are in error, Eisenhower said. He said he wasn't -disappointed m the progress of the program, even though some features' won't be enacted. There have been great accomplishments in recent weeks. he said, and these frequently have been lost sight of because of what he called the publicity value of fights and failures. Answers Queries On specific points, the President had this to say in response to Questions: McCarthy He. has taken no I ItI f a. position, and is taking none now, I ITIUII tUIlcl T UlC on the resolution- by Sen. Flanders (R-Vt), to censure Sen. McCarthy (K-Wis) for the way McCarthy has run the Communist-hunting Senate investigations subcommittee. Flan ders plans to seek a Senate vote on the resolution July 30. Special Session The President can't foresee any domestic or in ternational problems that will re quire one. But he plans to discuss with congressional leaders. Democrats See Victory in One-Time GI Thinks He'd . Be Executed ; - OLYMPIA, Wash! (UP) A prisoner of war who cast his lot with the Communists and refused repatriation in Korea believes he will be "hung like they did the other fellows who went home" should he return to his native land. Mrs. Jewell Bellr wife of 23 year-old Otho Bell, said here she has received - numerous letters from her. husband and that he thinks two men who did come back Cpl. Edward Dickenson and CpL Claude Batchelor have been executed by U.S. authorities. She said Bell's letters from Peiping, China, have asked her and her young daughter, Paula, to go to China and be with him. "t toia mm i would have no part of that because I don't be lieve in their way' of life," -she said. a "I don't think Othd's real thoughts are 1 in those . letters," she said. "He is scared of some thing." OUT OF GAS ; auauka, lit w The gas company cant use gas to heat its new building. Gas heat is per mitted only for single family homes and the company still has more than 100,000 applicants., on its list Pilot! Killed, 19 GIs Hurt as Jet Fails Jo Pull Out of Dive - I" - ! OKINAWA OP A Marine Pantherjet on a mock strafing run plowed into a hill Thursday, killed the pilot) and injured (ati least , 19 American soldiers in a shower of flaming fuel and debris, j The Afmy'saM the jet i failed to pull out (of a dive while making a simulate1 strafing run over troops of the (Army's 29th Regimental Combat fleam. j . Helicopters were : ordered to evacuatq.the injured to the Rhuk yus Army Hospital. - j The accident occurred near Eas ley Range, where the 3rd Marine Regiment is conducting a practice amphibious invasion of Okinawa, In the-Middle Ages, the use of certain furs for garments was almost a badge of office for in stance, the use of ermine by judges.. Fish in the Columbia River are tested periodically for1 possible radioactivity which might be de rived from the Hanford Atomic operation. defended! Team. Names by the 29th Combat of the casualties were The roads built by ancient Rome still form the skeleton for the highways, of Europe. Don't Neglect Slipping FALSE TEETH - Do false teeth drop, slip or wobbie when you talk, est. laugh or sneeze? Dont be annoyed . and embarrassed by sucht handicaps. FASTEETH. an alkaline (noD-actd) powder to sprin kle on your plates, keeps false teeth -mora firmly set. Gives confident feel ing of security and added! comfort. Mo gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feel ing. Get FASTEETH today at an, drug counter. - 7 The new tubeless 3-trcnsistor "R0YAL-M" WEIGHS ABOUT THE SAME AS A POCKET LIGHTER, AND IS HARDLY LARGER... ..... f . : Powerful as Some Hearing Aids Twice its Size. .. Smaller than t Many SelHnf itTwice Its Price! Set for yoortalf ...try the wonderful new Zenith "Roy ot-M" on our 1 0-doy money-bet Gvorentee. IAST TIMI. PAYMENT IAN Another Zenith triumph the tiny bul mighty "Royal-M" rs so convenient you forjej you're wearing it. Instantly adjustable ' fingertip tone and volume con trols. No tubes-rto"B'' battery. Such clarity! Such convenience! And you'll love its economy: average battery operating 'com just 10 week. The price? Only ; S100! Bone conduction accev- ory at moderate extra cost. HEARING AIDS ly hSe Meier f WorW fomow Zeotfn TV end todie Sets ivivlvlviu wr I Ivnu w. 444 STATE STREET PHONE 35528 " " II i - Sinn WW 1 v.- , New Licenses Due for Some Meat Dealers Some Oregon meat dealers wSl need a different class of license than they now hoid m the result at a recent opinion of Attorney General Robert Y. Thornton. State Agricultural Department officials said Wednesday. - Meat dealers -who sel meat in quantity at a price discount based on quantity must now have a wholesale license. This applies whether the sate is to restaurants, hotels or other meat dealers. Un der toes conditions the license must be a Class A one, unless the wholesale business is restricted en tirely to poultry and rabbits. Dealers having any question as to the type of license their oper ation requires were advised to con fer with State Agricultural Depart ment officials. - haps of both parties, bow to han dle various situations if they arise. He didn't say what situations. Housing while the House has gone along only partially with his public housing program, he will have some new recommendations on the subject when Congress meets again next year. "Washington m Sen. Mans field (D Mont) said Wednesday the Montana primary election augurs well for Democratic vic tories in the Rocky Mountain and Pacific Northwest areas this fall." Noting i that 'more Democrats than ' Republicans turned out in Montana Tuesday, Mansfield said: It is gratifying , that once again V' 1 Montana has demonstrated that it 3 Springfield Youths Held For Gar Theft Three 18-year-old boys, all claiming residence in Springfield, were turned over to Marion Coun ty juvenile authorities by Salem city police Wednesday on charges ot car theft. Police said the trio took two cars from the parking lot of Wil lamette Cherry. Growers Associa- tion Tuesday night One was found abandoned near the plant ana tne other was recovered in Canby where the boys had appar ently abandoned it Harness Races To Return at Oregon Fair Thoroughbreds and trotters wil share the limelight at the Oregon State Fair as harness racing re turns to Lone Oak track for the first time sine 1950, Charles Evans, ftata lair ratia roperin. tendent, laid Wednesday. Presence of the fastest trotting horses is the northwest has been assured by tht Northwest Horn Association, according to Evans. Also appearing will be leading campaigners from Cal i f o r n i a tracks, , - Ten races will be staged daily except Sunday during the eight- day fair Sept 4-1L The trotters i will be featured in the first and third events. First post will be at 1:23 pan. 1 Zemo. a doctor's formula, promptly Yelievee hduBg of surface ski rashes, eczema, : prkkly heat, athlete' foot Zemo stops scratching sad so aids faiter healing and cleariac. Boy Extr ttrmttk Zeros U stabben is basically a Democratic state. 'The Republicans broken cam paign promises and pledges have not been forgotten by tne Ameri can people and tne Kepubucans will have to answer on this basis in November," Mansfield added. ; Mansfield, not up for re-election this year, said heavy' voting for Democratic nominess in Montana was in marked contrast with the primary in 1952, when "the Re publican ticket ran neck and neck with the Democratic ticket and in some races received more votes.' Noisy Teen-Agcrs Are Welcomed SACRAMENTO (AP) There's one place where a bunch of noisy adolescents is a welcome sight, That is in the special unit for mentally ill adolescents at Napa State Hospital. The new unit was set up to give about 80 mentally ill teen agers specialized treatment It is much to early for any judgment;" said the Mental Hy giene Department, in a report, "but at least they are now show- The auto recovered in . Canby ine the halthv si?n of twins' noisv belonged to Bangs Leslie Taps-1 on their own wards where they cow oi uervais ana tne other to used to Just sit and stars on the fljrvu Aiooim, jeiierson i aauus waras. St MKM Woman Tortured On T.lain Street recovered Tuesday the auto belonging to Ben F. Lamber, 361 Leslie St, and re ported stolen from his home Mon day night Another auto stolen ia Port land was recovered in Salem, po lice reported Wednesday. TtMT're killlne at aha cried. "My borainc calloused iet! But whr Bioaa about It whea aaawy madicatad lea-Mint its aoothiiie lanoim does suca a crand eomfortinf Job. Starts with amazinf apaed te eoften atincine eons and callouses. Se eootlat. reetfuilr refreihinf for tired. snraiss cat Ica-Miai teaar. , OWN AMD OHtif tee. I Of UGUT, AA4LP "e6PRT4MNT IN TUB ECONOMICAL ft "I? .,-.Tif mm I i 1 3-r .H;tjH: 'n il. it' .lot A5- wmmmm o o . . proudly of o o OPIU BBDHJ. HI ' p" M'1 sensational JVJU o o o o o 4 r Yes! Get X. .ob,?e'T!1 Moke, into . j Mony l"' ehOICe " i.e, t VOUT .nw.--. - i ; room T twin bed.. Hoor -...r - f furB1Ih yo U on exeeiienc yrz T .iec... Ju.t look ot ih. Li vinQ .Isc.l living "77 TERKAS! EASY KVROVE0C0,T Furnishes Your r Entire living-Room . 6-Woy f,M' Ump i i. i ii It ft" fn " f IT f T i'V m m "f i. ir. ii. -4 1 Hi 1 I k Jt i Mi IMi in inn... - . i i 'j i . ': I ' : r A ii