The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 18, 1954, Page 13, Image 13

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    'Don't Cook flow. . .
: )
but . . . first question that's going to be ask
ed at that odd looking information booth
they 'reconstructing at the Stafe Fairgrounds
is "What is it?"
Random thought . what's become of the
colored snood we used to see so much of?
Oh yeah . . . Who said the lady always has
the last word? Now take the case of the one -stopped
by the. pleasant young policeman
who tells her . she's going through the" , red
lights all over town. He may not say the last
word but he sure has it . . :
Incidentally . . . one might very well break
the law on occasion, but it seems never never
to be the time the cop happens to catch- one.
Poor risk . If all the health and accident
insurance pamphlets found in the post-box of
the poor householder -were laid side by side,
, it would make a sizeable contribution to the
- Boy Scout paper drive: Good way to get even
might be to take out some insurance and then
collect a large sum. for damage done .to the
arm while pulling . them out of . the mailbox
and throwing them away. ' . .
- Coming back . . Today we saw a rather
nice looking elderly , man wearing q derby
We assume that he is from Silvert on," where
, they are. doing .queer things,; but you can't
. always tell. Derbies, they say, are 'coming
; back into fashion'.in. some 'places, this com
bined.with the new craze for walking-shorts
for the men should be; quite fetching. . . . .
'Maxine Buren. ' ' ' v
0c3. :
JUrisiY for Today :
Francescatti, TKomas Bjorling
Among Artists on Radio Programs
, . statesman Music Lditor . . i
The Bergen International Festival music will be broadcast as
ene of the series on CBS this morning and feature Jussi Bjorling,
tenor, Ivar Johnsen, pianist, and the Bergen Symphony Orchestra
ander Oiven Fjeldstad. v ! r-
David Broekman conducts the NBC Concert Orchestra this af
ternoon in March of the Siamese Children from Tk King and V
ind Don Gillis', amusing Symphony No. 5V4.
Firestone Monday night will fea
ture Thomas L. Thomas, baritone.
The programs are as follows for
today: .- V" ,
10 a.m. on CBS "World Music
Festivals" James Fassett, music
commentator. From Bergen Inter
national Festival in Norway. -
Toccata in C major, Bach
" (Oslo Philharmonic Orch.,
Odd Gruner-Hegge, conductor)
Ombra Mai Fu, from "Xerxes"
Pieta Signore Stradella
Ingemisco, from "Manzoni
- Requiem".- ..Verdi
The Forest Asleep Alfven
Murmering Reeds Sibelius
A Swan Grieg
I Love Thee - Grieg
(Jussi Bjorling, tenor,
with Bergen Symphony Orch.)
Piano Concerto in A major .
i-- --.Grieg
(Ivar Johnsen, piano soloist, .
with Bergen Symphony Orchestra,
Oiven Fjeldstad,xonductor) -
2:30 on NBC The NBC Con
cert orchestra conducted by David
. Cake Vfali and Rag from .
1 "Suite of Old American
' Dances" , Bennett
Wisconsin Suite. ; -Luening
March of the Siamese Children
from "The King and I" Rodgers
Frame Night and Celebration'
Dance, from "Billy the Kid"
ol Co
- .... --....l.Coplan
Symphony No." 54 ...Gillis
Suite, "Gershwin in Hollywood" .
-. .Bennett
Monday programs include:
8:30 on- ABC--The Voice of
Firestone, with Thomas L. Thom
as, Firestone orchestra and chorus
under Howard Barlow.
Belle of the Ball Anderson
; . Orchestra
Hills of Home.------:.Fox
What a Difference a Day Makes
. .-.....-....Grever
Mr. Thomas
Overture from "Merry Wives
of Windsor" 1 ..Nicolai
Falling in LoveWith Love, from
"Boys From- Syracuse"-Rogers
Granada Lara
Mr. Thomas :
El Rancho Grande. .. Uranga
Choir and Orchestra
9:00 on NBC The Telephone
Hour presenting Zino Fxancescat
ti, violinist, with Donald Voorhees
conducting - the Bell Symphonic
orchestra and chorus.
Minute Waltx Chopin
Liebesfreud ... . .f ... Kreisler
Caprice Viennois . ...Kreisler
Hungarian Rhapso dyNo. 6. -Liszt
;' , Orchestra
Symphonie Espagnole First
Movement .-i'..-.Lalo
Francescatti and-Orehestra
Since I have been going fishing
so much tahis past week the Mrs.
decided this would be a fine time
to give a happy rebuttal to my
last week's article.- Quote "Has
anyone ever -known an apathetic
fisherman? A man either loves to
fish or he simply doesn't bother.
Some men think it a waste of
time; with others fishing is an ob
session.. Men who are otherwise
sane, sensible and successful go
off tbe deep end when they join
the brotherhood of piscatorial
gladiators. - ,
"Pickling fruit may be a waste of
time, but a fisherman will stand
in the -same place for hours and
cast a line endlessly without one
hint of reward. A snarled reel is
patiently untangled time and
again, and many a weary mile of
underbrush is trampled to get to
a place where snags or trees can
ensnare his lure. This is sport?
"The primary purpose of fishing,
I've been told, is to catch fish.
But any woman can go to the
market and get fish, (big ones,
too) without one tenth the effort
and expense. So of course it isn't
tocatch fish that men fish,it is
simply to "fish. Which means
exactly nothing., in itself. There
may be a challenge in trying to
match brains with a trout, and a
sense of accomplishment in show
ing off a prize if and when he
gets it . but there must be another
deeper reason that the fisherman
will not admit to, if indeed he
recognizes it, himselL
Real Reason
"There is a compulsion, some
times so buried under our crust
of civilization as to be unnoticed,
to get close to the elemental
earth, to steep ourselves in sights,
sounds . and sensations that can
remain in the deepest core of our
beings even -.when the press of
I - -
x. - I
WCTU Picnic
Salem Central WCTU will hold
their mid-summer picnic on the
Eugene Frescott lawn, 1064 Oak
street, July 20, at noon.- All
friends are invited to come. Bring
picnic basket and table service.
Coffee will be provided by the
Garden Tour
To Be July 29
An all-West Side garden tour
is being planned by the Salem
Garden Club for this summer.
The affair is planned for July 29,
and hours are to be 1 to 9 o clock.
Gardens at the following bomes
will be opened to the public:
"Worthhaveir," home of the El
mer Worths, 1065 Glen Creek
Road; Mr. and Mrs. .Jay Briscoe,
1765 Montrose Avenue: Dr. and
Mrs. F. G. Voigt, 814 Kingwood
Drive; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McCaf
ferty, 700 Kingwood Drive; Mr.
and Mrs. F. C. Ritter, 732;Engel
Avenue; Mr. and Mrs. Adam En-
gel, 735 Engel Avenue; and Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford Taylor, 614 Cas
cade Drive, where tea will be
served. -. i
The committee for the annual
Garden Club tour includes Mrs.
Roy Smith, chairman, Mrs. Gor
don Black, co-chairman, ; Mrs.
Jack Henningson and Mrs. Ed
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lloyd Witham (Betty Breakey) who
were married in an afternoon ceremony at the, First Congre
gational Church July JO. Mr. and .Mrs.. . Forrest W. Breakey
are parents of the bride, and the groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. William G. Withaija of Honolulu. After a Hawaiian honey
moon the couple will make their home in Portland. (McEwan
Photo) .U. : ' :.; - - - ' .
hectic daily; life drives all else
from our minds and hearts.
"People go camping or liave cotr
tages at streams, lakes, ocean or
mountains; 'tourists' travel 'miles
and miles to satisfy this compul
sion, whether they realize it ; or
not ;! . '
."A gardener can find God in the
ground, a fisherman finds Him. inl
the water, and a woman can feel
the same closeness in a berry
patch.- If some can find that em
pathy with the source of being in
one certain way or placej it must
be there Joe all to find. And if
there are so many ways of find
ing! that source perhaps every
thing we look at or experience
should be given more close atten
tion and appreciation. A man may
'find be enjoys picking fruit, and
a woman can enjoy fishing. The
awareness of all our living can be
intensified until it is no longer a
woman's world, or a man's world,
but our. world. Unquote.
Zonians to Meet
Salem Zonta Club members will
hear Mrs. James C. Drury.'creator
of the Beatrice Doll, talk about
her neW doll at a meeting in the
Golden Pheasant on Thursday.
The talk will follow the noon
Some of the group plans to at
tend a smorgasbord given by the
Albany Zonta Club at the home
of Mrs. Arlene Van Dahl, 520
East 1st Street, Albany, at 6:45
July 22.
Statesman. Salem, Oregon. Sunday. July 18, 1954 4 See. 2) 3
Wedding Bids
Are Received
Invitations to the wedding of
Miss Phyllis Jean Scott, daughter
of Mrs. Don E. Firth, and Charles
S. Staab, son of Mr. and "Mrs.
H. C. Staab, have been received.
- The ceremony will be per
formed July 25 at four o'clock at
the First Presbyterian Church
with the Rev. B. J. Holland of
ficiating. Victor B. Palmason
will sing and Mrs. Ralph Dobbs
is to be the organist
Mrs. E. T. Porter of Longview,
Wash., sister of the groom, will
be matron of honor. Miss Colleen
Martinsen of Hubbard, Miss Jul
iette Sather of Aurora, and Miss
Margaret Babbs of Eugene will
be bridesmaids. The flower girl
will be Miss Cheryl Dittman of
Sherwood, young cousin of the
Best man will be the bride's
brother, Robert C. Scott Ushers
hinclude Kenneth ' Hamilton Jr
David Roake, . Theodore Roake
Jr., and Paul Sundin.
A reception "will follow in the
church social room. ; " -
Club (ialt Hilar
Friendship club, p m. at horn of
Jof Zaiir. 2135 Lansing Ave.
Salem WCTU picnic; on Eugen
Prescott lawn. 1064 Oak Street, noon.
Modern Etiquette
Q. Should a woman, whose hus
band is the honored speaker at a
dinner, applaud with the others
when he has finished his speech?
A. Yes; but she should applaud
briefly. ,
"the lady" who spoke first. But
today, if they are good friends,
there is nothing wrong with the
man's speaking first
Q. Should watermelon be eaten
with a spoon or fork?
A. Either way is acceptable.
Q. Should the fingers or a fork
be used when eating olives?
A The fingers.
Children's Shoes
Expertly Fitted at the
234 N. High Sen. Hotel Bids.
liiinnn hmmn
1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 it 2?
. ft msuicuA
XHkit cptratt as ctti f .
Prescription Phormac
Open Until 11P.M. .
Sundays and Holidays
12 A. M. to 2 P. M.
6A3I. to9P3t.
130 S. Liberty
Duplicate Prescriptions
On File in AH Stores
24 hr.
SALEM 3-9123
Downtown Stort
310 Court
12:30 and 4:30 P.M.
Medical Center Store
. 2440GrearSt. '
" I Summer
w mi
Big July
: 'J I
m i f a e . . . aw mm-. mrm m
' - 7 -Tlu
'All Sales Will Be Final
. No Returns
No Refunds
-No Exchanges
Summer's just getting under way, but her we com with en of our mid-year sales. As usual w ar going all out to give you terrific bargains . ." . They're Fin Clothes never on sal
before' . . They're th. Suits, Dresses, Hats, Shoes and Accessories that you wanted but thought you shouldn't or couldn't afford, but look at them now .'. .
SUITS . . .
A whole' big group of Lovely Dresses. Mostly cottons. Com- -plete
selection in all sizes. Values originally to $26.95.
. ' NOW $12.00
A huge group of Dresses to take you anywhere Sizes 9-15
Sizes 10-20. Mostly cottons but every one en outstanding
brand name. Values originally to $32.95.
Do you want a. good Fall All-Wool Suit . . . ?! Practically
any. color and what a buy. Good size ranges - J . Famous
.makers of Suits. Values to $89.95 . ij . For this July Clear
ance event. . ' ! , '
ONLY: $43.00: j '
Others at $63.00 and $03.00 I f
Values to $110.95 .
. - i' '
Only . 15 Dusters left to clear at
NOW 17.00
A special group of Dresses. Just received most of these but
letting go regardless. Values originally to $34.95. '
NOW 23.00
- , .; ...
All good, good Dresses by best known dress makers. These
are best buys. Values originally to $59.95. '
NOW 29.00 and 34.00
Fair selection tremendous bargains. You can't miss on these.
JUST 5.00
All spring and summer straws, laces, piques. - Grouped ir
two price ranges. Values to $24.95. i tV 1 .'
3.00 and 5.00 1 .
By Aris-i-AII nylons Pink -white -navy All sizes.
,; ; CLEARANCE 1.47 J -
corroN gowns . : . ;
By Sans Souci-Shortie style. Reg. length style. Nile - .Yel
low - Blue - Pink. 32 to 38. Sizes in all 4 colors.
Apparel of Distinction For Smart Women :
445 State Street ;
Complete Summer Dress Stock-' j
. Tn Budget Dept. "
Values to $18.95 v Values to, $19.95 -
4.47 and 7.47 9.47 and 11.47
Sportswear Super Clearance ...
Pedal Pushers. .....clearance 2.97-
SllOrtS .;.....'...... l.cicarance 2-37
' J acketS j........J....ciearance 2.97
Bras to Match aerce 1.67
. .i . L t - - . ' 1 i - 44 : .
, :
j Cottons 'Linens Nylons'
- Short Sleeve Cap Sleeve. Sleeveless '
' Dozens and Dozens of Them Sizes 3238
Mostly cottons but all for 'summer wearing All styles
Three bargain prices. Values to $14.95. '
SUITS ......
Rayon Linens in one big' clearance price group
Special Juiy Clearance Event. Group of Shoes-Whites'-
black - pewter - copper - red - green
and brown combinations. Patents - leathers -shantung
straw combinations. For casual and
dress! At one clearance price.
BAGS . . .
r . t
Several groups of wonderful Bag values.
1.47, 2.47,4.47, 9.47, il.47
Budget Department '
437 State Street , !
Even Through This Big
July ClearanceYou
May Charge It or
Use The Budget Plan