f ; ! - i i nnn i I VVloU xefi ummen czLittlG rsr SOCI ETY CLUBS MUSIC Oregon Statesman, Salem; Ore., Sunday, July 18, 1954 1 , . . - i ! , -r "J . T: . . : ; .-: rr-- ' '" " t i a .... ; ' ' - ;. - ' :A : i-. ' ' ' - .- t .i t . v : . , - j. .--r43 -i ! -; NC-lf ' " ' il , -' -.-K ' -o. .. - I"' -' . ..- . .. A... y-, ! k .- d ' -jO ' . I ..i HUPING mother coot i on of the first things little girls lite to do as soon as .(hey! are . old enouah to mix the batter for simple cookies, cakes and pies. In the upper, picture - Katrinka Johnson, daughter of the Stewart Johnsons,, always makes cookies when her mother i Is baJdng, cmd- here is just imisning a Jxncn oi arop cooces. Little girls enjoy setting the table for dinner and lunch. Directly above in the circle, Eliza beth McCargar, daughter of the-Donald McCargars, is shown setting the table, which isne cf her daily duties during the summer months. ' j .!:; Li ' v - rT? OA r'V v "1 1 1 -5 - ' in ... , , , , ... . , U . r;'N j 1 1 ! ' . .ax - ;L f, f . r f N- r ft- i - : , a 2 i - 1 . L L ; OAN and Mary Griffith, daughters of Dr. and Mrs. John Griffith, take turns vacationing and dusting x during the summer vacation, whicH are part of their chores each week. They, also enjoy ironing and cooking for their mother. ' ! i T ' EVEN though Stuart VanWyngarden, son of Mr. and I Mrs. Bruce VanWyngbrden, ha3 two older brothers to help mother and daddy with the lawn chores, he can hardly wait until he is big enough to push the power mower. At the rate he is growing it wont' be long. ; '7 I- 'i ' '"' - ' -7' i- 1 t il' ", X If -' I - I i - (All Photos by Kennell-Ellis Studio) r : i . ; ; ? - m l rv: SHARYN, the eldest child of Mr. and "Mrs. Otto J. Wilson, Is a great help to her mother during the summer. Besides as sisting with the ironing and other household chores, she often takes care of her three younger brothers and sisters. i . :1 1