The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 02, 1954, Page 6, Image 6

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    8 (Sec I Stofetsaem, Solid, OrM Friday. July 2, 1SS4
Thornton Tea to Honor
'Mrs. District Attorney7
r ' Wives of Oregon's district attorneys will be honored at a tea
July 8 at the Candalaria Heights home of Attorney General and Mrs.
Robert Y. Thornton. ; i
The tea, and a picnic for families of the law-enforcement offi
cials to be held j July 9 at Paradise Island, are among the social
activities planned, during the attorney general's Conference of Dis
trict AttorneyaUn Salem, July 8 to 10. - -
Guests 'are Invited to tall at the Thornton home between three
and fiye in. the afternoon of July 8. . -
x Pouring will be Mrs. Robert L. Welch, Lakeview, wife of the
president of the Oregon District Attorneys Association, and Mrs.
Theodore W. de Looze, Salem, whose husband is President of the
Department of Justice Bar Association. Assisting about the rooms
will be Mrs. E. G. Foxley, Mrs. Walter A. Barsch, Miss Catherine
Zorn, Mrs. Lloyd G. Hammel and Mrs. Wolf D. von Otterstedt
Rites Performed
Mrs. Lue A. Lucas, president
of Capital Unit of the American
Legion Auxiliary has announced
chairmen of standing committees
for the coming year: Program,
Mrs. Earl Andresen; publicity
and public relations, Mrs. C W.
Jorgensen; serapbook, Mrs. -For
rest Eckles;-telephone, Mrs. Ella
Sonhelly; color bearers, Mrs. R.
C. Blaxall and Mrs. Albert . C
Fabry; civil, defense, Mrs. T. J.
Brabec: membership, Mrs. Glenn
Holman; historian, Mrs. Malcolm
Cameron,- poppy, Mrs. Howard
Hunsaken sergeant-at-arm, Mrs.
Don Apperson; radio, Mrs. Flor
ence Ames; chaplain, Mrs. Neil
Witting; juniors, Mrs. R. C. Blax
all; Pan-America, (Mn. George
Towe; past-presidents, Mrs. Don
Apperson; - rehablitation, Mrs.
James A. Garson: legislative;
Mrs. Frank P. Marshall; hospi
tality, Mrs.- Clara Poland; com
munity service, Mrs. Mem Pearce;
Girls State, Mrs. Walter Spauld-
ing; custodian, Mrs. Ray Bassett;
constitution and . by-laws, Mrs.
James Tumbull; memorial, Mrs.
""Austin Wilson; . Americanism,
Mrs. Daryl Donaldson; music,
- Mrs. Dean DuvalL good cheer.
Jars, rrea uanisaorx; parliamen
tarian, Mrs. Don Madison;'poppy
poster, Mrs. Lucas Vogt; ways
and means, Mrs. Carl Chambers;
sewing; Mrs. Rose Habernacht;
national security, Mrs. ; John
Wood. '
Capital Unit will resume reg
ular meetings in September, in
- the meantime delegates will at
tend the state convention at Coos
Bay, July 19 to 24 and plans will
be made to continue the veter
an's assistance and child welfare
program of the auxiliary. r-
On July 4, so announced Mrs.
Neil Witting, chaplain, as the re
alization of the first part of her
project, Mrs. Harold S. Burdett,
New York, national president of
the auxiliary, will be present at
the dedication of the first of a
number of wooden churches to
.be constructed in Western Ger
many. Tbe'Auziliary has contrib
uted $50,000 for two of the wood-'
en churches and. has almost com
pleted collection of funds for a
WILLAMINA Miss Bonnie Rae
McGee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ray McGee of Willamina, became
the bride of Floyd Merle! Rosen-
balm, son of Mr. and Mrs. j William
Rosenbalm of Sheridan, June 4, at
the Sheridan Christian Church. The
Rev. Frank Zook officiated.
Candlelighters. were Eileen and
Floyd. Smith. Preceding the cere
mony, Frank McCIure-and Miss
JerruaJSook sang solos, and Mrs.
Frank Abderhalden, who played
the wedding music,, accompanied
The bride was given in marriage
by iter father, and wore a white
satin gown with a net overskirt,
fashioned with a high neckline and
peter pan collar, and a full train.
Her fingertip veil was held in place
by a tiara of seed pearls, and she
carried a pink rosebud . bouquet.
centered with a white orchid.
Mrs. Willard Emerson of Sheri
dan, cousin of the bridegroom, was
matron of honor. Bridesmaids Were
Mrs. Thelma Marshall, Tillamook,
cousin of the bride, Mrs. Mildred
Gilson of McMinnvDle, and Mrs.
Rhonda Williams of Sheridan. Col
leen McGee. Willamina, sister of
the bride, was flower girl; train
bearer was Mollie McGee; sister
of the bride; and ring bearer was
Dennis Shipley, Wflliamina. Lloyd
Rosenbalm was best man for his
brother, and ushers were Willard
Emerson, Sheridan; Frank Abder
halden, Aurora; Lee Enneberg,
Mist; and Ted Williams, Sheridan,
A reception was . held at the
American Legion hall after the
ceremony. Mrs. Helen Supprenant
of Seattle, and Mrs. Alan Thomp
son cut and served the four-tiered
wedding cake. Mrs. Jim Shipley
served the punch, Mrs. Ethel Read
poured the coffee, Mrs. Winona
Bergstrom was in charge of the
gifts and Donna Stillwell passed
the guest book.
For their wedding trip to the
coast, the bride wore a brown knit
suit with pink accessories, and a
white orchid corsage. ,They are
now at home on a farm near Sheri
The bride is a 1934 graduate o
the Willamina high school, and the
bridegroom is a graduate of the
Sheridan high school.
- Mrs. C W. Crawford and chil
dren Steven, Cory Ann and Paul
have been visiting at the home of
her parents, Mr. and- Mrs. Paul
Gemmen, the past week and have
returned to their home in Eugene,
Doll Exhibit' r
'Held Over' at
Bush House '
Four of the famous "Beatrice
ashion dolls being exhibited bv
their designer. Mrs. James C.
Drury, may be seen this week-
end at the Bush House (Salem
Art Museum), Mrs. Walter Kirk
of the Salem Art asociation an
There have been so many in
quiries regarding the dolls, which
were displayed at a tea Monday
afternoon, that ' Mrs.- Drury con
sented to leave a few of the unusually-costumed
dolls at the mu
seum so that those who weren't
able to attend the tea still may
see them. The remainder of the
20 dolls have been shipped back!
to New York, where Mrs. Drury,
formerly of. Salem, now resides.
Among the dolls remaining in
Salem for the -weekend is one
member of the 'eddihg party
which was -exhibited on the front
stairs of the Bush House the
bridesmaid dressed in yellow
which will be given away July 5
to the holder of a ticket drawn
from among those deposited by
persons attending the tea. Mrs.
Drury and . members of toe art
association will, be present, at the
drawing and the winner will be
notified Immediately. "
The Bush House will be open
between two and five o'clock Sat
urday and Sunday afternoons and
there will be the usual nominal
admission fee.
Iff i
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Company best! Set an elegant
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Crochet Pattern 832: tablecloth.
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Send Xwtnty-riT cents In coins
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Oregon Statesman. Needlecraft
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an Miwmtr-' t 'JuUri hm'i-i i ift Wi n l -f -f -' i- -" - - "'-" - Tn iiias aaim.iLt sMMxiaau.
Mr. and Mrs. Earle Ahrens (Eileen Rogers) who were,
married June 18 at the Woodburn Church of God, are
shown here looking at their wedding gifts. Thebride is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Rogers, Woodburn,
and the groom is the son of Mr.fand Mrs. Clarence
Ahrens, Woodburn. (McEwan Photot . "
Uncle of Bride Officiates
At Loewen-Starkey Rites
Betrothal Told
. j , - j .-. -. .
Mrs. Clarice ' Stewart has an
nounced the engagement of her
daughter. Miss Donna Jean Ste
wart, to Wally Hall son of Mr. and
Mrs. Irwin Hall of Newport The
wedding is planned fhr late fall.
The bride-elect it a graduate of
Salem High SchocV
Miss Lavina Rosanne Loewen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
P. Loewen, became the bride of Merle EvanStarkey at an evening
ceremony June 23 at the First Christian Church. The Rev. Clarence
Loewen, uncle of the bride, officiated. .
Parents of the groom are Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Starkey.
The bride, whose father gave her away, wore white satin with a
lace bodice, long pointed sleeves
and lace around the full train.
Her veil was finger-tip length
and was held in place by a coro
net of pearls. She carried a white
Bible with orchid and streamers.
Mrs. Charles Shank, in a full-
skirted gown of green taffeta,
was the matron of honor and her
nosegay contained salmon gladi
oluses, echoing those used to de
corate the church, and white
sweet peas. The bridesmaids, Miss
Janic Goertzen and Mrs. Joan
Rickert, wore yellow 5 taffeta
gowns with head garlands of
gladioluses and bouquets of glad
ioluses and sweet peas.
Miss Barbara Loewen, wearing
white net over green taffeta, was
the flower girl, and the ring bear
er, Michael Loewen, wore a blue
coat with grey trousers and a
maroon tie. Miss Donna Starkey
and Miss Joyce Harms, in rose
taffeta, were the candlelighters
before the ceremony. - ''
The best man was Wendell Pet
erson, groomsmen were Dave
Doerksen and Marvin Dalke, and
ushers' were Lester Wall, Bruce
Loewen, Don Guenther and 'Bob
Mrs. Loewen chose a navy gown
. '.Mrs. Thomas O'Halloran (Barbara Hug) who wast
married June 9 at St Mary's Catholic Church at Mt
Angel. The bride is the daughter of Mr. cmxtMrs. Fred
Hug of ML Angel, and Ensign O'Halloran is the son of"
the Thomas O'Hallorans of Menlo. Park, Calif. (McEwan
PhOlo). . . V ,
with pink accessories for her
daughter's wedding and wore a
corsage of white carnations and
red roses. A corsage of the same
flowers , was pinned to the "blue
and rose print gown of the moth
er of the groom, and her acces
sories were navy..,
. At the reception in the church
parlors,, Mrs. John Guenther cut
the 'four-tiered wedding cake,
Mrs.-Gail Lehman poured coffee
and Miss Evelyn Fischer served
punch. " '
For their wedding trip to the
Coast, Mrs. Starkey changed to
a printed cotton dress with rose
accessories. The couple will make
their home near Oakland, Calif,
while Mr. Starkey serves in the
U. S. Navy. '
To Install t j
Mrs. Billings
' SILVERTON At the Monday
night 'meeting of Delbert Reeves
unit of the American Legion Aux
iliary, Mrs. L. P. Oehler, presi
dent, announced installation of
Mrs. Bruce Billings and her corps
of officials for Monday night,
July 12.
Mill City guests will be enter
tained at that time also. Mrs.
Clarence B. Grcnd, Dallas, pres
ident of district 2, is to be install
ing officer, assisted by the Silver
ton unifs past presidents' parley
ritual team, with Mrs. T.; P.
Heidenstrom as director..
The young "women attending
Girls State from Silverton are to
be special guests of the unit at
the second regular meeting in
July. Monday. July .6. Mrs.
George Hubbs is Girls' State unit
chairman. . .i ,
Reports from members attend
ing sessions of the Girls State at
Willamette university campus
were given Monday sight by
Mrs. C. E. Higinbotham and Mrs.
Dewev Allen. The guests of the
Silverton organizations included
the Misses Sibyl Barr. Sibyl Wells,
Twila Gillis and Sharon Beals.
Delegates ' and their alternates
to the Coos Bay state convention
July 21-24 are Mrs. Bruce Billings,
Mrs." Ralph Francis, Mrs. J. H.
McCullough and Mrs. E. L. Starr
as delegates and - Mrs. Higin
burnham, Mrs. jRogert Allen, Mrs.
Gladwyn Hamre and Mrs. L. P.
Oehler as alternates.
Introduced ai a special guest
Monday night was a sister of Mrs.
Oahler, Mrs. jAnn Gibbons of
Palo Alto, Calif;, who is active in
the work of the American Legion
auxiliary there.)
Miss Christensen
Bride of Mr. Lewis
SHERIDAN Miss Lorene Chris
tensen. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur G. Christensen. and Mer
rill E. Lewis, son of Mrs. Ida F.
Lewis of McMinnvQle. were mai-
ried June 14, at the home of the
bride s parents near Sheridan, be
fore . a setting of white daisies,
roses and candelabra. - .
The Rev. S. JameA Osborne vet
iormea me ceremwiy, Detore a
group of friends and relatives.
The bride, who was . given in
marriage by her father, wore a
gown of white lace over taffeta.
and carried , a bouquet of Esther
Reed daisies. Miss Rum Christen
sen, sister of the bride, was maid
of honor, and wore a light blue
silk dress, and carried a bouquet
of red roses.
Robert Lewis, brother of the
bridegroom, was best man. Miss
Priscilla Tennis lighted the can
dles, and Miss Marilyn Cederberg
played the wedding music.
At the reception, Mrs. Marlin
ASHLAND With the excite
ment of auditioning for roles past,
the largest company in Oregon
Shakespeare festival history has
settled down to a steady rehears
al routine, looking forward to the
opening of the four-play reper
toire on August 1.
Rehearsals are held twice daily,
except Sunday, until the festival
opens with a production of "Ham
let on August 1. and for the com
pany of more than 50 actors, act
resses, and technicians, the rou
tine means steady work. . .
Almost eyery member of the"
company has at least one role in
each of the four plays, and most
have additional technical duties.
The large company this year,
however, and what Angus Bowner
producing director, 'calls "the'
highest level of talent throughout
of any' company in history, have'
lessened the strain on the acting
group to some extent. Only a few
of the more experienced actors
carry more than one leading role
in the group of plays. The size of
the group has also lessened the
necessity of "'doubling" in the
plays. 'Henry VI, part 2," with a
cast ot 6o cuaraoters, is ine oniy
play in which the practice of hav
ing one actor play two or more
roles is still necessary to . any
great extent.
The season opens in Ashland
with "Hamlet," followed by "The
Winter's Tale, "The Merry Wivei
of Windsor," and "Henry VI, part ,
2' in that order throughout Au- ,
gust. . -
Son Welcomed
A nine pound, 12 ounce, boy;
Bruce Allen, was born Thursday,
July 1, to air. and Mrs. D. K. .
Walker (Marilyn Hill) at the Sa
lem Memorial Hospital. The
grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
Elmore Hill and Mr. and Mrs.
William Walker, Warrenton.'
Marriage Revealed, .
The marriage of Miss' Beverley
Glassbum, daughter -of Mr. , and
Mrs. Everett "Glassburn, to Earl
D. Macomber, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Macomber, has been
ennounced.. The couple will make
their home in' Salem.
. ' J . .
Christensen cut the wedding cake,
Mrs. Rupert Christensen poured
the coffee. Miss Gail CHristensen
passed me guest dook, ana Mrs.
Mills, and Mrs. Lyle Christensen
: a x
assisieu. . .-
' The couple is now at home in
Eugene. -
Get Set for the 4th
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Beautiful prints and styling
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Can Can Sun Suits with cute
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CATAL1NA SWIMWEAR for Boys and Girls Sizes 3 to; 14
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