Valley News Statesman News Service A. E. LaBranche Named Officer of Rural Fire Group Brooks PTA Board Named, Met Thursday Statesman News Service BROOKS The executive board of the Brooks Parent-Teacher association met at the home of the new president, Mrs. Jack Scorgie, Thursday evening. The new board consists of Orlo Palm er, vice president; Mrs. Raymond Potts, secretary; Mrs. T. Yada, treasurer; Mrs. Robert Pirtle, ways and means; Mrs. Philip Beil- Vp nnhliritv Mrs Erml Stureis. Directon association at the recent ment won top honors in the use ! hospitality; Mrs Fite, magazine; j Mrs. Orville Wymore, program chairman; Mrs. E. Edmond, scrap book; Mrs. William R. Pfau, health and membership; Philip Beilke, boys' recreation; Douglas Parks, music leader; Mrs. Cleo '.Hicks, chairman of the room Mrs. Charles Warren was re-; ej tne plaque to Capt. Waldo Gil-! mothers. jess varoei nas as ms nouse guests Mr. and Mrs. James Varbel and infant son, Jimmy. Varbel is here on two weeks leave from the Statesman News Service FOUR CORNERS A. E. La Branche was elected second vice president of the State Rural Fire Valley Team Rated Tops at Guard Camp CAMP MURRAY. Wash. June 16 (Special) A Silverton regi Kenneth Shetterly Gets Legion Post conference in Baker. Fire Chief of the 30alibre rifle and car and Ms. Ted Miller and Mrs. La-1 bine Tuesday. Branche also attended. , The Pershing Trophy, awarded Miss Barbara Ruhl is leaving by the National Guard Associa June 18 for Chicago where she tion, went to Headquarters corn will be employed by Armour and pany ist batallion, 162 regiment company. Ma, Gen. Thos. E. Rilea present elected secretary-treasurer of the j bertt commander of the Silverton roiui liens ana Auxiliary ai un; the organization s convention in Corvallis. Rigors of Past Related at Homecoming SLitesmaa News Service LINCOLN Fifty-four persons attended the annual Lincoln-Zena homecoming picnic in Lincoln school house. It was held indoors because of the rain. All incumbent officers, includ ing Mrs. Nelbe Hammer as prcs- The award was presented dur- u S Vw i t n a iV nny prior to sailing overseas, headedby Col James DAUgoodMyvParbl lang to8 make h of Dallas. The trophy will remain , h Br00& m her husband in permanent possession of the ! Silverton team. Business Men Urged to Help Ball Park Cleanup Statesman News Service Federal civil service has an nounced an examination for sub stitute postoffice clerk to fill va cancies in the postoffice service. Applicants must reside within the delivery of the Brooks postoffice or be patrons of that office. Lyons People Have Visitors Statesman News Service LYONS Mr. and Mrs. W. E. MT. ANGEL Mt. Angel busi ness men, at their meeting Mon day, were urged to turn out at 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 23, to ident, Mrs. Eva Purvine as vice j c 1 e a n up Ebner Ball Park in president and Mrs. Lois Crawford preparation for the Shrine Hds- as secretary-treasurer, were re- pital Benefit game Saturday.,n anrf on! of St 1Sted- , , .1 Junc 26 : Johns, Wash., were week-end Carle Abrams, formerly resi- Harold Bourbonnais of the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Car dent of Lincoln, recalled that a I sports committee reported the son. trip to Salem once took all day j Silverton Red Sox and the Oregon Mrs. W. C. Brown and daugh V, v De'wk t0 Je buggy " , City Elks were playing free of ters, Bonnie and Lois, of Napol Ralph Shepard, formerly of i charge and all other rnnnpctrH ! n k n ar visiting Mr and Zena, pointed out that "when I with game were likewise donating ' Mrs. Art Baltzer. Mrs. Brown is was a boy it took three days to ; their time. reach NeUrts Bay by horse and i Al Dieker. softball chairman, wagon, a distance of 75 miles, but said that after the Shrine game only yesterday I was 290 miles all softball games would be play from Salem and came home in ed at Ebner Park. about hall a day by motor. Frank Boehringer told about 600 steamboats which at various times plied the Willamette river. Prizes Awarded" At Flower Show In Willamiiia C. K. McNary is -"Tie. t10ns. Mrs. WILLAMINA The Willamina irhr Garden Club held a flower show at the June meeting at the home Hubbard Forest Loop was re of Mrs. Arthur Soules. Mrs. Callie j cently elected commander of Hub Heider and Mrs. Rhoda Smith of bard post 166, American Legion. Sheridan judged. In the coffee : Other officers are Lester Barrett, a sister of Baltzer. Mrs. Emma Forest was taken Saturday to the Memorial hospital in Salem. David Schewiek, Oregonian carrier in Lyons, won an all expense trip to Canada. He left Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stevens and her mother, Mrs. Viola Zander of Salem, spent the week-end in Se attle where they attended the WpHriina nf Miec Usrorcl 7-in Hubbard-Two $10 CARE food der, Issaquah, Wash., and Thomas package were sent to Korea by , chitwood, Seattle. Miss Zander is the children of the Hubbard 1 a niece of Mrs. Stevens and a seventh grade. Money was raised i granddaughter of Mrs. Zander, through candy sales and contribu- i . Valley Briefs Statesman News Service DALLAS Kenneth Shetterly, Dallas attorney, has been named commander of Carl B. Fenton post No. 20, American Legion. Other officers chosen are Joe Card, first vice commander; RoberC J. Woods, second vice commander; Hank Kliever, third vice commander; J. N. Urness, chaplain; Herbert Rooper, ad jutant; Kenneth Woods, treasur er; R. S. Kreason. historian; Mrs. Clack and Earle Richardson, j executive committeemen, and E. I B. Hamilton, service officer. The late Alvie R. Morton of ! Portland was unanimously elect- j ed honorary past commander. Morton was given this posthum ous honor for his Mvork on be half of the Dallas post Grange to Hold Tea for Members UNION HILL A reception and tea for the members of the i Union Hill Grange who have be longed to the grange for 25 years will be held at the grange hall Sunday from 3 to 5 p.m. Friends are invited to attend. The 25-year pins will be pre sented at the Grange meeting Fri day night. Rainbow Girls Off for Baker Statesman News Service WOODBURN Rainbow Girls, who will attend the Grand Rain bow's assembly at Baker June 24 26, include Marilyn Roberts, Ca role Ann Livesay, Suzanne De Armond, Harriet Hooper, Karol Kay Rhode, Joanne Gaviola, Lin da Peterson, Rochelle Plank, Ka thryn Thompson, Janice Stack, Sally DeArmond, Shirley Moore, Dorothy Baxter and Jane Mc Grath, past grand musician. Mo ther advisor is Mrs. Tom DeArmond. Statesman, Salem, Ore.. Thurs., June 17, 1954 (Sec. 2) 3 Willamina Men In Army, Navy Statesman News Service WILLAMINA Army Pvt. George C. Norris, son f Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Norris of Willamina, is serving in Korea with the 2nd infantry division. Norris, a rifle man, entered the army last No- FREE ESTIMATES On Floor Coverings NORRIS-WALKER PAINT COMPANY 1710 Front Phone 4-2279 vember and completed basic training at Fort Ord, Calif. Ross Bailey, who graduated from the Willamina high school with the class of 1954, has enter ed the navy, and is taking train ing at San Diego. SEE THE ALL NEW SILVER JUBILEE DUO-THERM Oil Console Heater at CAPITOL FUEL CO. 198 S. Commercial Ph. 3-7721 table arrangements, Mrs. Leona Zetterberg won first. Mrs. Sam Smith second and Mrs. Ida Nelson third. In the Tom Thumb arrange ments, Mri. Smith won first. Mrs. Edythe Richardson second and Mrs. Zetterberg third. In boudoir arrangements, Mrs. Mary Hendrickson won first, Mrs. Ray Morrison second and Mrs. Nel son third. For horticultural speci mens. Mrs. Elizabeth Bickford won 'our first places. Mrs. Soules three first places, and Mrs. Vivian Barr and Mrs. Sam Barber each won a first place. Mrs. Bickford also won a second and third place. Mrs. Hendrickson won the fweepstakes award for arrange ments and Mrs. Soules for horticulture. vice commander; Duane Hatcher, adjutant and finance officer; John Stauffer, sergeant at arms; Levi Miller, chaplain; Fred Strubhar, service officer, and A. O. Seder holm, executive committeeman. Wencel Doubrava is outgoing com mander. WILLAMINA Donald E. Col burn, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Colburn, received the Bachelor of Divinity degree recently at Drew University. Madison, N. J. He has been assigned to the Metzger Methodist Church near Portland. UNION HILL The Union Hill Grange will hold its June meeting Friday night. Robert Humphreys, master, will preside. Mrs. Robert Darrah, lecturer has prepared a special program. WILLAMINA Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Clause have purchased the South Side market from Mr. and Mrs. Ted Whiteside.' HUBBARD Election of a dir- i ector for a 3-year term for Hub bard grade school, will be held Monday, June 21, from 8 to 9 p.m. at the school. No candidates have Tree Foils TV Viewers Statesman News Service OAKDALE Saturday morning TV set owners in Oakdale were watching the Portland Rose par ade when the electricity went off. When the juice came on, TV pro grams were showing the last float A tree had fallen across the line just north of the school. Six members of Oakdale's 4-H clubs are in Corvallis to attend 4-H summer school. They are George Ann Fairchild, Buddy Laudahl, Robert Fleecher, Gene Cook, and Kenneth Schmid and Vera Richter. The Lloyd Cook family drove to Astoria Sunday with their daughter, Delpha, who will work as a nurse's aid at SL Mary's hos pital there for the summer. Fathers. Masons To Be Honored Bv Eastern Star Statesman News Service WOODBURN Fathers and Ma sons, who are also Eastern Star members, will be honored by Ev- j been nominated for the director -ergreen Chapter, Order of East-1 ship now held by Manton Carl, ern Star, Monday, June 28, The I Tom DeArmond, Harold Abbott occasion will also be marked by j and Mrs. W. T. Lord have been open house for all members of discussed as write-in candidates, other chapters living in the Wood burn area. Mrs. Leslie Paulson, Grand Island Lt. and Mrs. Don Mr. and Mrs. Archie Murphy, Mrs. ! Wiley are visiting at the home of Russell Hurlburt and Mrs. Nel-ihe former's parents. Mr. and lie Fleischman will be members 1 Mrs. Worth Wiley, arriving Thurs of the commitee on arrange-'day from Glendale, Ariz., where ments. I he has been stationed with the Air Welcomed at Monday's meeting Force as a jet pilot. He will be sta were Mrs. Benny Scott Berther-1 tioned at the Shaw Air Base in son, Spokane chapter, grand chap- iSumptcr, S. C. lain of the grand chapter of. . .., r.n-l Washington, and daughter of Bn,sh CV Bruh Mrs. Maude Scott of Evergreen j Grange and the Grange Home Eco- Chapter. and Mrs. Vera Wolfe. nomJc Club , L ? v-T xlvA Seward Chapter of Alaska, for-1 mecti"g l 1 mer .Woodbum resident. : "? Ultl StTe ,n Salem Members of the social club an-Fnday even,ng' June 25 nounced a picnic for members of j clear Lake The annual school iasiern Jslar and families at Set- mptin? will be held at the school- house June 21 at 8 p m. Balloting ! will continue until 9 o'clock. One I director for the local school board will be elected and the district SUtesm.. News Serrtee budget will be voted On. To Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Tomlin- Hubbard American Legion son. Valsetz. a son. Tuesday. June Auxiiiary Unit 166 reelected Mrs. 13 at Dallas hospital. Duane Hatcher as president Oth- To Mr and Mrs. Elmer Williams. er 0ff jcers are Mrs. Hannah Hunt, Independence, a son. Sunday, June , president; Mrs. George 13 at BarteU hospital. Crimps, secretary-treasurer; Miss To Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence , l e n o r e Scholl. chaplain; Mrs. Lamb. Monmouth, a son. Sunday, ! tnhn stauff- urpoant-at-arms. and Mrs. A. 6. Soderholm, his torian. A report on the poppy sale showed $20.75. O.S.C Graduate To Take Position With B oeinc Firm Statesman News Service I NORTH HOWELL Student. graduating from Oregon State college this month include David Marx, son o Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Marx, who completed the course in mechanical engineering and has accepted a position with Boe ing Aircraft near Seattle, and Ronald Kraus, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Kraus, who finished the business and science course and will enter the real estate field in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Stevens, who recently sold their farm to Mr. and Mrs. A. Zellner of Mt Angel, have moved to Marquam and the Zellner family moved in Saturday. Vallev Obituaries tlemler Park Sunday, Aug. 1. Vallev Births June 13. at Bart ell hospital. To Mr. and Mrs. Elmer A. Rci mer. Grand Ronde. a son. Satur day, June 12. at Dallas hospital. To Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. Seaton. Woodbum The Belle Passi ValseU. a daughter. Saturday, Chapter, Daughters of the Ameri June 12. at Dallas hospital. ' can Revolution will install offi- To Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kinsey. j cers Thurjday. Mrs. Drexel Dallas, Route 2, a son, Friday, j White, chaplain, will act as in June 11. at Dallas hospital. ; stalling officer for the new offi- To Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Bran- j cers who are Mrs. Ray Baker, nan. Dallas. Route 2. a son, Thurs- j regent; Mrs. W. J. Wilson, vice day, June 10. at Dallas hospital. i regent: Mrs. White, chaplain; To Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dono- Mrs. Karl Engleman, secretary; van, Salem, a son. June 6 at Mrs. Mark Thompson, treasurer; BarteU hospital. Mrs. Howard Butterfield, regist- rar; Mrs. Claude Brown, histo- Sheridaa To Mr. and Mrs. rian, and Mrs. Dora E. Scherich, James Lewis of Sheridan, a historian. Mrs. Dora W. Turner daughter, born June 10, at the j will be received into the chapter McMinnville hospital. ' by transfer from Oklahoma City. Statesman News Service HUBBARD Mrs. Martha Ade line Yaschuk, 54, died at an Ore gon City hospital, Monday, June 14. Funeral services will be held at the Ringo-Cornwell Funeral Chapel in Woodbum Saturday at 2 p.m., with interment in Champoeg cemetery. Mrs. Yaschuk was born at Per ham. Minn.. Dec. 28. 1899. She has lived in the Broadacres area since 1929. She is survived by the widower, Nick Yaschuk, Aurora, Route 1: three sons. Clarence Powers of Gary. Ind., Frederick and Johnny Yaschuk at home; six brothers. Al vin Wallace of Molalla. Herman and Walter Wallace of Ephrata, Wash.. Andrew Wallace of Marys ville. Wash., Martin Wallace of Scotts Mills, and 'Joe Wallace of Frazee, Minn.; two sisters, Mrs. Minnie Hunking of Boring and Mrs. Elizabeth Valuer of Hub bard, and three grandchildren. NO LONGER TRUSTEE BUTTE, Mont (JP) A trusty at the silver Bow County Jail slipped away for a few drinks before police arrested him for being under the influence. Hunt er's trustyship ended as the judge sentenced him to 60 days plus 22 days of his original sentence. Meet the Now there's a bottle six-pack, fv'S too. It's the convenient way to take L Tjff 'Jv "-?rvN a f V-'-'v home "stubbies." Easy to pick up, V& ' fMs 3V ? easy to carry (no more loose bottles X i ' $J , fjjT to struggle with). Dealers every- J f'N y J '' ' . ' tr V " H where are featuring the new f g s ' S l""S5Sr a i Rainier bottIei weekr ' ' ' take-home P. T f . ' The familiar six-pack of bright 4milsSi 4s H Jubilee cans. Ideal for parties. And for j I , .. ' J&tr picnics or camping, beer in cans has got it. ' J IS'o breakage they cool fast, too! SicV$ SeattU Bcawing &Melttng Co Seattle, U.S.A.