Statesman. Salm. Orsxjon. Sat. Jun 12. 1954 (Sc. 2) 3 Multi-Phase Career Keeps Jessel Busy TV-Radio Log KPTV Saturday Hlfhuchti: 9:00 a.m. Rose Festival Parade, telecast from stadium. 3:15 p.m. "hot Rod." stars Jimmy Lydon, Art Baker II :M p.m. Boris Karloff In Jutternaut," Premiere Thtr. KOIN-TV Saturday Hlzhllshts: 9:09 a.m. Rose Festival Parade 12:3 p.m. Horse racing from Belmont Park. N. Y. By EVE STARR HOLLYWOOD EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW : George Jessel is hopping a boat for Paris this month, taking along 31 million 2:00 p.m. "Half-Past Midnighl." stars Kent Taylor. Petty Knudson. Joe dollars. Quite enough tor general expenses, you a say, DUl iniS Sawyer: also "Sailors on Leave' Armchair Theater haDDens to be a gift tor Israel. Where George n.w p.m. uisiam irumpei. starnnt Uerek Bond. Jean Petterson, Derek ElphmstoDe and Grace Gavin. Showtime On Six. will eventuaily land via Athens. BLOND IE By CHIC YOUnC He's just about the most able money raiser for charitable purposes this country ever saw, r YOU SEEMED TO BE IN A DAZE WHEN r FOUND TWr5 RIFLE IN THE BANANA LOOK. SAM DO ME A FAVOR. WOt-D THIS FLOWER VERV CAREPULLV ON VOUR LAP TRACV. OLD PAL.VOU CAN TELL ME EVERVTT-ilNG. IS TVIIS A NOSEGAV FOR TE5S -OH WW AT? HUH OLD SATURDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Standard Time and it's seen plenty of George on such missions ; got tU au in the past year. Talking it over with him in 1 Las Vegas recently, he staggered us with some of the facts. "It took 200 luncheon and dinner speeches SET.' WHILE WE DRIVE BACK. y EATING PAL WHflir NOU? r An i ' ' r 1 1 (I ri .1- Cr uitK ilifiarminil aciiaL (Editor's note: The Statesman publishes In rood faith the pr(rasi and times as provided hy radio and TV stations, but heravso ftimea the programs are chanted without notification, this newspaper cannot be responsible for the accuracy herein ) ness. He's not the kind to brag of his accom plishments. "At one time I was hitting 70 cities in 70 days." Inside TV f 1 j J U ill 'J J DONT KNOW 1 1 1 PfAO TODAV T THAT MEANS WMEN VOJ Y f? llf NOW TELA. ME. WHAT --L ( WHAT BECOMES THAT THE y-S jGIVE ME A DOLLAR. 1 V AREVOUDOING DACWOOoX NOFMVMONEV- POLL AC? IS iVOURESAVING r , (-f WITH ALL THAT r" I'M GONCTO . IM BROKE ONLY ORTwOr5 I VOUPSELF CVSv MONEY? OnJp- St--- FirTV-THQEE t-' ftf .FORTY-?EVEn). T 1 40 "CIX " ft I i Jj ' t I A DICK TRACY CHESTER GOULD YCXRfc CERTAlNLV WOT G04KJG TO T20 ON THIS TJANGECOLrS R AiLP OADjr p HAL HA 1 I'VE 'RlODEN THVS "1 ROAD FOR. WEAR'S . AMD MOTH IMG HA, EVfR HAPPEKlED tesr TO ME! h-r" DANGEROUS.' WHAT A LAUGH! 1 JVA&- r T1MEE HAVE "N CHANGED, 8USTR IT'S ( DAN6ER0US awsi SPUR LINE By BUD SAGENDORF I OI6LTT DftDFE SSOC 'isf 1 . . . I Srn A OTY BUY (I MYSEIR AN' A V FfiOM HOW OH I . . TM STAYIN6 WOME ASAlW, W06y, AFTER A LONG. TIRESOME AMD ILlCE WARDED TRiP I WE WOULD MAvE PARED BETTER WAD vvE REMAINED WITHIN TME CITY 5 GAJiS- TBUE,NOSGY,aND TUE Bi6 OTY OFFERS A WIDER FIELD POR OUR TALE MTS -AFTER ALL, THERE IS MO EASJEB. MARK TUAM TME KNOW-IT-ALL WISE GUY-AND THE CITY ABOUNDS IN WISE GUYS . H j VEAH WEY, MELLO WHY AIN'T YOU IN THE DINING ROOM Pi AY l YOUR GUITAR' m WHEN A MAN 6 FlXlN' 10 GET MARRIED HES GOT A LOT OF FIGGERING TO DO -BUT T POKT SEEM TO WAVE A PLACE TO START FIGGERlNS .V. FfiOM- F RiNSTANCE, THEV SAY TWO CAN LIVE AS CHEAP AS ONE MAYBE YES. MAYBE NO TROUBLE 15, UP UNT:l JOW I'VE NEVES RiCHTlV STuDiED HOW MUCH IT TOOiC FOR ONLY ONE TO LIVE - LITTLE ANNIE ROONE1 DARRELL McCLURE I I'M SANDS' Ft It, OFf Kf CF NAVY nrrtUIWCT. VO YOU KCCOSMIZI TWS LT I IVtN REMIMtER WHAT 0UGHT PAINT, ITUSHSS, TUEWOTO LENS AN9 A AONIAUK? CAAASRA. MlNIXTDfit CAMERA? MM Yl$, VSKY aiYllY CONCEALEP N A S'MIt IWCILST UKi TK!S, I fEUEYE Sid W$W0 to taxi fncrum or rRtups VfrTHOrr TMtlR U5PECTW IT. f CM. . a ba; i "Yon don't happen to be twins, do you?" we gasped, " sonicone looking a lot like you was also mak ing regular TV appearances, some theatrical rounds, and writing a couple of books. And here you are now, head lining the FA Rancho's show." From our choice front table the room was packed to capacity. "It was a pretty fast pace," he admitted, "hut in cidentally, this is my farewell appearance in night clubs. Juft too many Otlier things to do." We croirrieri him right into that. "What's coming up"1 W fiai's new?'' "Well '' he smiled, enjoying our questions, "in the fall I start a new TV show, 'Inside Show Business.' I do a 15 minutes chat, for one thing." That's bound to be good, because as a speaker and story-teller George was dubbed the "U. S. Toastmaster" by the late Franklin T. "There'll also be variety ranging from en tertainment to politics." The latter is one of George's pet sub jects. "What's this we hear about a deal with Howard Hughes?" "He owns the script for 'Bachelor Mother.' I'd like to pro duce the film, if time allows and we can pin Mr. Hughes down. I'll be producing a filmea series for TV with that fine young Hoosier, Herb Shriner, at the top. And I'm winding up arrange ments now for a pretty big "Evening With Jessel type of show which we'll stage in the larger theaters across the country." That's a large bunch or orders for a fellow who never got past the fourth grade. Drop his writing ac tivities on top of the pile and you have the mountain he's accustomed to moving all the time. Through it all Jessel has remained human, an easy touch for charity, giving freely of his precious time when the underdog icill benefit. And the years have made him wise. Dedi cated to his 1 3-year-old daughter Jerilyn, his latest book, "This Way Miss," promises to be a valuable guide to her and other growing young ladies. His "So Help Me" hit the best seller lists, so in authoring, as in en tertaining, George excels. We'd been saving the weightiest question. Now we let it drop. "Do you think there's a chance for the TV and movie industries ever to merge?" That straightened him up. "First," he returned, "you shouldn't consider either one of them an industry. Motion pictures are amusement. TV is just glamorous advertising." And he went on to point out noted TV personalities who'd never make the grade on a basis of acting talent, but who are top-flight salesmen on TV. Fellows like Godfrey and Garroway. He concluded, "And while the future of movies' needn't be dark, motion picture studios' outputs are going to drop to a fourth of their past proportions, while telefilms increase." He should know. He's in the thick of all fields of entertain ment. And to extents that would stagger the rocking chair artists who are more or less content to plug along and lt the rest of the world go by. By contrast. Jessel has to wait for the rest of the world to catch up to him. (Copyright 1954, General Teaturcs worp.) TELEVISION KPTV, UHF 27; KOIN-TV, VHF S: KVAL-TV, VHF 12 00:00 00:15 00:30 HOUR 9 KPTV1 Rose Festival I Rose Festival (Rose Festival KOIN i Rose Festival I Rose Festival ! Rose Festival 00:45 Rose Festival I Rose Festival 10 KPTV Rose Festival i Rose Festival I Rose Festival tRose Festival KOIN Rose Festival I Rose Festival RoseFesti'vaI I Rose Festival Kr I V Rose Festival 'Rose Festival IRose Festival KOIN Rose Festival ' Rose Festival I Rose Festival Db" bl Playhse ! Rose Festival It KPTV I Playhouse KOIN iBelmont Races I Playhouse Belmont Races I Playhouse IRFD 6 1 KPTV Playhouse Playhouse Playhouse KOIN 3-G un Playhse 2-Gun Playhse I Space Patrol I Playhouse IRFD S Playhouse I Space Patrol t KPTV Country Camp East. Exposit. Eait. Exposit. 1 Sports Clinic KOIN lArmchair Thtr Armchair Thtr I Armchair Thtr I Armchair Th'tr 3 KPTV Icoke Time i Sat. Matinee Sat. Matinee I Sat. Matinee KOIN lArmchair Th'tr Armchair Th'tr lArmchair Th'tr lArmchair Th'tr 4 KPTV Sat. Matinee Sat. Matinee Lone Ranger I Lone Ranter KOIN lArmchair Th'tr .Armchair Th'tr lArmchair Th'tr lArmchair Th'tr $ KPTV Abbott. Costellol Abbott, Costello. Superman (Superman KOIN Ijjmmy WakelylJimmy WafcelylJimmy WakelylJimmy Wahely C KPTV I Col. Flack ICol.Flack i Ethel Sc AlbertHthel it Albert KOIN I That's My BoylThat s My Boy Beat the ClocklBeat thn Clock 7 KPTV lLlf of Riley ILLfe of Riley lAmateur Hour Amateur Hour KOIN-ljackie Gleasonl Jackie Gleasonl Jackie G lea son i Jackie Cleason 8 KPTV I Show of Shows: Show of Shows! Show of ShowslShow of Shows KOIN Two for Money Two for Money Fav. Husband IFav. Husband 9 KPTV I Show of Shows! Show of Shows! Hit Parade t KOIN I U Asked for It U Asked for It IMeet Millie I H(t Parade IMeet Millie 10 KPTV I Texas Rasslin' ITexaa Rasslin' ITexas Rasslin' ITexas Haaslln' KOIN IPepsl Playhse. IPepsi Playhse. I TV Theater TV Theater 11 KPTV KOIN Premiere ThealPremlere Thea. I Premier Thca. Premiere, The. Showtime on I I EUGENE: KVAL-TV, Channel 1J (Satnrday): 4:30 Saturday Matinee (feature length film ("High School Hero"); 5:3 Stars of the Western Range I ieature length film) :30 Joe Palooka (feature length film) ("Big Fight 'k 7:30 Original Amateur Hour: S:0 Request Playhouse (feature length filmi; :3 Your Hit Parade: Charlie Chan Mystery Theater (feature length filml ("Shanghai Cobra"). RADIO KILM 11M, KOCO 190, KOAK 11. KOIN tTS, KOW 029, KMX 1199 TM: Megacycles KOIN 11.1; KXX llj; KG W IMS BUZZ SAWYER By ROY CRANE VOJ CAN HAVE THE TOP BunC, LffAVTNVVOeTH ! 1T AAOKE FUN; AND... NAWl I LIKE TWlS ONE BHTTEK1 HOW ASOUT GcTTlN' VOU JLNK OF FA HEkE I IB WETl "YOU HAVE"NT grajSWEP MDUK TEETH oe WASHED OUK to w V I . r -crJKn V 1 1 fcl&l WHA...VYHAT & IT ? 'Wglg& sleeps wrm mz Jy- K")hSwmw . MICKEY MOUSE By WALT DISNEY ' amts urr. rr f LL If A OeOf TO mt nece and I i PASAN. TtPU'P 40. I IT'S AS BAP AS BETTER WAVE J V,TmAT? j Ulons vjTi-i a,eos Ti-E tPLAN TO WAVE FAN CAPTAIN. "Y 8l,T THERE'S A LIMIT. MS. I ) Kie?Y. 8EMBW8i?, MiSS LEs J COULD HAVE BEEM AT J, I THAT BEACH COTTASE J A ryCU ir cue lAZCWT 1 I Flood Control On Tualatin Recommended WASHINGTON OP The Board of Engineers for Rivers and Har bors recomended Friday that a controversial flood control pro posal for the Tualatin River, Ore., be transmitted to Congress as a "desirable plan." The project called for: 1. An $11,125,000 dam and reser voir at the Gaston site in the river. This was regarded by the board as a local, rather than fed eral responsibility, since it would be chiefly for irrigation and water supply. 2. Channel improvements along the river and in principal tribu taries at a cost of $17,819,000. This part had strong local opposition. The board's action leit it up to any other federal or state agency or private interest to avail itself of the plan if it so desired. RIP KTRBY And there sn't a soul around ' We drove outT I here to urpriseV itaezix t v f Lcck,Skeezix.' W5? Some guys have MjiSTij ralusn over our and Co vk don't know you. picnickers allowed on mis ceacn rty ( Nubbtn.' fooled 1 1 . mW . . - I t 1 SSk j-X - iy r. v- x Lfp. y titia rr-f v y ALEX RAYMOND Move on Wo "1 Timherline Lodge Protests Bar Ban PORTLAND Un The Oregon Liquor Control Commission is de fendant in a suit filed in circuit court here by Timberline Lodge, Inc. The lodge is asking the court to set aside an OLCC order suspend ing its liquor licenses for seven days effective next Monday. It contend that the order, based on a charge that the lodge allowed a minor to drink and loiter on the premises, is unusual, unwarranted and not based on evidence. GASOLINE ALLEY By KING WHO DO' VE SJf CULPRIT, JUDGE MISS HOGftN ? X I BELIEVE X SUT TATTERSALL lL TUP I L POTTER S 1 WWAT rAAKES YE THINK SUT DONE TH DEED, HONEY P0T 1 OH "JUST INTUITIOM DON'T BE SILLY, "HORSEV:- THAT WONT STAND UP IN COURT 7 I'LL BE TH' f THANK YOU. ) I ( JEDSE OF J I Judgie ' IS &J Keep teelh bright Chew Wrigley's Spearmint Cum. Chewing helps keep teeth bright HOUR 0:09 0:15 0:3 0:i5 6sU AILM New I Timekeeper siot'u Early Worm UCarly Worm GAB i stOIN Wld. New IKOIM Cteelt IOW Yawniveraity I YawnlTersjtjr KBX Ore. farm Hr. I Ore. firm Ho, March Time Dearly Worm i&aJute to Kat. IKOIR Kieea. Six Scheduled For Hearings PORTLAND on Six of the House Un-American Activities Committee's nine members will be on hand for hearings in the federal courthouse here next Friday and Saturday, Earl Fuoss, a commit tee investigator, said Friday. The six are Harold Velde (R- 111), chairman; Donald Jackson (R-Calif), Clyde Doyle (D-Calif). Kit C lardy (R-Mich), Gordon Scherer (R-Ohio) and James Frazier (D-Tenn). The committee has subpoenaed 14 witnesses for the Portland hear ings. Only three have been identi fied Robert W. Canon, who re cently resigned as dean of students at Reed College; Frank V. Patter son, a bookkeeper, and John M. Dyhr, an automobile salesman. Fuoss said about 85 persons will be admitted to the hearings. All must be seated, he said, and "no demonstrations or applause will be allowed." T"he committee will come here from Seattle where H will hold hearings Monday through Thurs day. Fuoss said the Portland hearings will begin at 10:30 a.m. Friday and 10 a.m. Saturday and will last until about 4:30 or 5 p.m. each day. RarJ io stations will broadcast por tions of both day's proceedings and the two Portland television statidns will pool equipment and staffs to carry portions of the Saturday session. 7 KSLM Iimlafww KOCO News KOAK News 4c Salute KOIN KOOI SUee KGW YawnlvcrsUy KBX nrst Edition Break. Can IB-reek. Otm larfcr Worm pCarly Worm Salute te Ut. ISeiut to Sal. Headline News lOoaa New Yawniverslty I Newsroom IKeepTim (Keep Time (News lEaxly Worm ISIgn On. SaL. aoeesi II lYawntTerslty I Yawmrve ratty I Ore, rarm Hr. (Ore. ran r. IN iXztaam. Serriee ISahite e Bat. paaanin. Me I Keep Time 8i KSL.M Bible Hour Ikduale men Proudlv Hall I Proudly Hall KCAK News & Salute i Salute te SaL KOIN Shadel, News Romance Gf Moon Mullina I Moon Muinns KBX Resrch Eventa HmiDmAft IHsvrn of Rest iHaven ef Bowl I Les Brown (World News Salute to Sat. ,Salut to Sat IHlywood S tarsi Hlywood 3Un I Moon Mullina I Moon Mullina IPlaytlm IPlaytlm 9-; KILM N.W. New OCO MUSIC KGAB News te Salute OIN City Hospital KOW Moon Mullina KBX No School I Tarm St Home Pastor Can 4-HClub (AuntHallie ISalute to Sat. I Salute to Sat. I City Hospital ILet's Pretend I Moon MuUins I Moon MulJins I No School I Rose Festi val IBartaln Countr (Aunt HaUi ISalute to Sat. I Roc Festival I l Moon Mullins Rose Parade 1IILM News KOCO Princess Mel. KG AI News OKOIN Galen Drake KGW Moon Mulltns KEX Rose Parade IMusic I Bozo. Clown I Bozo, Clown !Sat. Serenade I Sat. Serenade I Sat. Serenade ISalute to Sat. ISalute to Sat. ISalute to Sat. Galen Drake Galen Drake IGalen Drake I Moon Mullins iHllywd Brkfst Hllywd Brkfst I Rose Parade I Rose Festival Rose Parade KSL.M Bozo. Clown Bozo. Clown Music Music KOCO Major League Major Lea sue IMajor Leatue Major League KGAE News & Salute ISalute to Sat. ISalute to Sat. ISalute to Sat. KOIN Robt. Q Lewis IRobt. Q Lewis IRobt. Q. Lewis IRobt. Q. Lewis KGW MaryL.Tavlor I MaryL.TavIor iFarm&Home IFarmetHome KBX Space Patrol Space Patrol (Festival IFesMval 1KSLM Top Trades KOCO Major Leatue KG AC News &- Salute 2 KOIN Dune MacLeod KGW Noon News KEX Festival INews I Major League 'Sslut. to Sat. Farm Tacts Road Show Festival 14-H Club I Man on Farm Major Leatue Major Leatue la 'Salute to Sat The Belmont Road Show Festival lute to Sat. I The Belmont 1 Road Show Festival 1! KILM Polka Time OCO News EGAS Harmon-Spt. OIN News of Air KGW Road Show KEX Mus. Jamb'ree IPoIka Tim ISat. Matinee ! Harmon-Spts. News of Air Road Show IMus. Jamb'ree I Strictly Dixie I Sat. Matinee ISat. at Chase I Symphonette I Road Show IMus. Jamb'ree I Strictly Dixi I Sat. Matinee ISat. at Chase I Symphonette I Road Show IMus. Jamb'ree 2 KSLM Attn Melodies Attn Melodies ODO Sat. Matinee ISat. Matinee KG AK News & Salute I Salute to Sat. KOIN Griff. Bancroft U.N. Record KfiW NBC News Dutch Music KEX Mus. Jamb'ree Mus. Jamb'ree Aftn Melodies ISat. Matinee ISalute to Sat. Sports R'dup tnowcae I Aftn Melodies ISat Matinee I Salute to Sat I Daniel Schorr I showcase IMus. Jamboree Mus. Jamboree 3 4 KSLM Music U Want IMusic U Want IMusic U Want I Music U Want KOCO Sat. Matinee ISat. Matinee Sat. Matinee Sat. Matinee KGAs News & Salute Salute to Sat. Salute to Sat. ISalut to Sat. KOIN Wash. U.S.A. IWash. U.S.A. I Opertn. Music lOpertn. Music KGW Paris Spotlite Paris Spotlite I Record Room I Record Room KEX Mus. Jamboree IMus. Jamboree IMus. Jamboree IMus. Jamboree KSLM Music KOCO Sat. Matinee KGAB News 6c Salute ,,oN Art Kirkham KGW Record Room IHemmtrway Mus. Moments Mus. Momenta I ISat. Matinee 'Sat. Matinee World News I Salute to Sat. I Salu te to Sat. I Salute to Sat. Dancer Ahead 1 Syncopation I Syncopation I Record Room I Record Room i Record Room KBX Mus. Jamboree IMus. Jamboree IMus Jamboree I Take It Easy CHANGE OF VENUE rAvrrrvvii i r i a m. miM-i a , t xk r . ui i drunk staggered into the county jail and demanded to be arrested and thrown into jail. The sheriff was willing to oblige but asked the man why he wanted to be clapped behind bars. "I'm going to keep them damned city po lice from getting me," he replied. SLM Music KOCO Cactus Jack GAE News &.- Salute N Tom'y Dorsey KGW Record Room KEX Take It Easy 5KSL KO( KGA KOI 6kkc K Kl 7 KSLM Mf KOCO To KOIN Co KGW D I Pest Serenade i Music IMusic Cactus Jack (Navy Band I Music Salute to Sat. I Salute to Sat. ISifn Off 6:00 ITn. Sc Cntry. I Tom Harmon IGoss News I Record Rf-om !ProudlyHail (Proudly Hail (Take It Easy I Blue Serenade IU. N. Story Mswati Calls "Din. Music I Went Serenade World News West Serenade SHS Players KSLM Hawaii Calls OCO Din. Music GAE f I KOIN Two for Mone Two for Money Jlmmv Wakely.Jimmv Wakelv KGW Tex Williams 'Tex Williams Pee Wee Kins I Pee Wee Kint KEX Home Edition ISports Ed. .'Frontier Town I Frontier Town KSLM Mel. Roundup IWest Serenade' west Serenade' Music Torch bearers I Bandstand I Bandstand IDurout Dnn Country Style I Country Style IB-Shop Qrt. B-Shop Qrt. Ranch Jamb. ID Ranch Jamb 'Ws Hit ParadelWsn Hit farad KEX Lone Ranter I Lone Ranter lLawr'nce Welk I Lawrence Welk Service Customers Recommend to their friends TV Service Company 1410 S. 12th Phone 4-5512 a sparkling saile is important rtwo.tiT7 T u.. Refreshing! v.cW' 8 KSLV Hith Advnture IHigh Advnture Lombardo ILombarde KOCO Baseball I Baseball 'Baseball Baseball KOIW Jimmy Wakely' Jimmy WakelylJimmy WskelylJimmv Wakely KGW Grand Ole OorVGrand Ole Oorv'Twn Hall PartylTwn Hall Party KEX Voice AmericatVotoe America 'Danelnt Party IDanclnr Partj 9 KSLM News tWash Report News (Dance Time KOCO BasebaH IBaseball I Base ban iNithtNews KOIN Gatigbusters IGantbuters IGunsmoke Gunsmoke KGW Twn Hall Party Twn Hal) Parte'The Corral IThe Corral K FX Dancine Party Dancint Party Old World DnclOld Wrld Dnres a KSLM Parr Dance I KOCO Dance Party KOIN Sat Nlte Final OKGW News KEX News 'Barn Dance 'Bam Dance 'Barn Dance IDance Party minfe Prt- Dance Part 'Rnd & Round 'H. T. Jamb. H. T. Jamb. I Vets News (Blue Serenade Join Navy (Dane Time (Dane Tim (Dane Tim - KSLM Dane Party I Dane Party IDance Party IDance Party KOCO Dance Party Dance Party IDance Party IDance Party KOIN Midnite Music iMidnite Music 'Midnlte Music IMidnite Music KGW News N'ghtc'p Eternal Litht lEtemal Llfht ISignOff KRX Kinal Edition 'nnr T1m I nance Time IDance Tine KOAC 550 KC 10.00 a. m The News and Weather. 10 15 EspecUllv for Women: 10:45 Once Upon A Time 11 0 The Concert Hall; 12:00 The Newa and Weather: 1215 Noon Farm Hjv: 10 Great French Composers; 20 Muxic of the Masters: 4:00 Ex cursions in Science: 4:1S On the Up beat: 4:45 Here's to Veterans: 5:00 Children's Theater; 5 JO Senate Re port: 5:45 Letters from Italy: 6:00 News and Weather; 6:15 Great French Poets: 7:00 Grand Opera Tonight; :O0 The News and Weath er: :1S Dance Parade: 180 Sln Off. By FRED LASSWELL BARNEY GOOGLE 3