The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 09, 1954, Page 5, Image 5

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    City News UBirSelfs
Dtvid Davidson, MO Garnet SL,
reported to city police Saturday
morning that vandals had
smashed flowers in his yard the
previous. night. Similar incidents
have occurred in the past, al
ways on Friday night, he re
ported. Dr James Connor, Dentist an
nounces the opening of his f ce
May 10, Pacific Building, SIS State
St. Ph. 4-7313.
Report of a stray cow was re
ceded by city police Saturday
morning. Mrs. James Hackett,
1837 Lana Ave., told police the
cow had been grazing on a near
bv vacant lot for some time. The
animal was chained on the lot
and polkce are seeking the owner.
Johns-Manville asphalt shingles
applied riRht over your old roof.
No down payment. 36 mo. to pay.
CfU Mathis Bros. 3-4642.
Two cars were damaged in a
collision at North 5th and Madi
son streets Saturday afternoon,
police reported. Drivers of the
vehicles were identified as Ger
ald R Shelton, Lyons, and Mar
garet C. Doan, 1835 N. 20th St.
No injuries were reported.
Flower and Vegetable plants, a
fine selection of the choicest
varieties. Jay Morris, 135 E. Ew
ald at Liberty Rd. Greenhouse
open evenings during May.
Several windows in the Kelley
Farquhar Cannery. 1450 Tile Rd ,
have been broken recently, ac
cording to a report to city police
Bv the month. Wheel chairs 10c
to 35c a dav Walkers 20c to 30c
a dav. Max O. Buren, 745 Court
St Ph. 3-7775.
Police reported Saturday that
Center street between Lancaster
drive and ark street will be
closed from 7 a.m. until noon
Monday for repair work.
Choice hanging Fucrlsias. Gerani
ums. Martha Washington. eso
nias. B'.ili petvnias,- potted plants.
SAc ami up. Mr and Mrs. Archie
Clrscett. 2173 Chcrruwa Rd.
The West Salem orange win
hold a business meeting and me
morial program directed by
Grange Chaplain and Mrs O. K.
Scillcke at 8 p.m. Tuesday at the
Westside Hall.
Marshalls Open for lunch daily
11:30 am. Special Sunday din
C entral Townsend Club 6 will
hold its regular social and busi
ness session Monday at 1:30 p.m.
The meeting will be held at 259
Court St.
Broadwav Nursing L Home car
ing for the age and ill. Ph. 2-480L
The Manon-Polk County Rab
bit Breeders Association will
meet at 8 p m. Monday at May
flower Hall. Dale Stuart will talk
on 'Nutrition for Profits." Any
one interested is welcome. ,
Write Want Ad Carefully, for
better results! An experienced
ad-writer gladly helps you. Call
2-2441. '
Robert Carl Ruhle. 3910 Stanley
Lane, charged with reckless driv
ing, released on $100 bail
Church St.. charged with driving
Benny A Seal. 1125 S. 14th St..
charged with reckless driving and
no operators license; posted $105
Marriage License Application!
Alvin L. Schmitt, forester. Med
ford. and Mary Magdalen Brand,
nurse. Stayton
William D. McGlone. 31. ware
houseman, Portland, and Marjju
M Bauer. 22, telephone operator.
02 Pine St.. Salem.
Robert Franklin Cakes, 25. log
ger. Turner Route 1. and Eliza
beth Louise Kobinson. 19. clerk
typist, 1582 Court St., Salem.
Artorny General Robert Y. Thornton
"The Lincoln Co. Fiasco"
1390 Kc's 1390 Ke'
The JEWEL BOX Is How Celebrating lis
27th Anniversary Sale
We are offering Diamonds,' Watches, Costume Jewelry and
Silverware at tremendous savings! . For example:
21 Jewel
New ...
Op Fridry
Nights Till
ill &7e,
Legislative candidates will be
guestj and furnish the program
for the Tuesday luncheon meet
ing of Salem Kiwanis Club at the
Senator Hotel. AH candidates for
the House and Senate will be
Mothers day flowering plants and
cut flowers, Morris Florist, 135 E.
Ewald at Liberty Rd.
Permits for repairs and altera
tions to three Salem homes were
issued Saturday by the city en
gineer's office to Joe W. Thomas,
repair house, 1770 N. Summer St.,
$4o0; G. Hensel, alter house, 2275
Trade St.. $400; and Leslie Davis,
reroof house, 1304 Mission St.,
SI 50.
Dr. C. W. Utter, Dentist, returns
May 17th. For apopintments, ph.
Maj. Gen H. G. Maison, com
mander of the 41st Infantry Divi
sion of the National Guards, will
leave May 15 for a one week re
fresher ourse at Comnsand and
General Staff School, Ft. Leaven
worth, Kans.
Clean clothing. Reasonable. Men's
rebuilt shoes, children's shoes.
Open Mon , thru Fri. "Better
Used Clothing Store." 248 N.
Com 1.
Dr. Will J. Thompson, Optome
trist. Examinations by appoint
ment. Phone 4-4057.
Armed Forces Day was official
ly proclaimed for Thursday in Sa
lem Saturday by Mayor Alfred
Loucks In the proclamation May
or Loucks noted that many of the
young men and women from Sa
lem are members of the Armed
Forces and the military is so
much an integral part of our way
of We.
Need dental plates? Get them on
credit at Painless Perker, 125 N.
Liberty, Salem.
Robert Morrow
Low Bidder on
Warehouse Job
Robert Morrow. Salem contrac
tor, was apparent low bidder Sat
urday for construction of a ware
house for McGilchrist and Sons at
the corner of Trade and Church
Morrow's bid was $38,831, near
ly two thousand dollars below the
lowest offer by Smith and Nelson,
also Salem, at $40,399. Eight other
bids ranged to $59,000 for the 101
by 148-foot reinforced concrete
structure which will span the
power canal at the site.
Bids were opened - Saturday by
Clark and Groff. Salem engineer
ing firm, which designed the
building for McGilchrist, a paint
and roofing firm.
Welding Torch,
Equipnieut Stolen
Theft of a welding torch and
equipment from Acme Auto
Wrecking Co . 3555 Portland Rd.,
Friday night was being invesigat
ed Saturday by the Marion County
sheriffs office.
The torch, hose, and gauges, val
ued 'at about $100 by proprietor
Sam Reika, were taken from the
company's rear yard. Thieves ap
parently climbed a high fence to
get into the yard, investigating
deputies said.
DORAN To Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Doran, Aumsville, a daughter,
Saturday. May 8, at Salem Me
morial Hospital.
KREBS To M-. and Mrs. Law
rence Krebs, Woodburn Route 1,
a son, Saturday, May 8, at Salem
Memorial Hospital.
HOLSING To Mr and Mrs.
Cera Id Holsing, 1280 Nebraska
Et , a daughter, Saturday. May 8,
at Salem Memorial Hospital.
BENSON To Mr. and Mn.
Raymond Benson Jr., 4195 Gary
St., a daughter, Saturday, May 8,
at Salem Memorial Hospital.
' t AavMiMBLf raAii
"QX Term if ft
Portland Dental School
; ' if.
Legal, Thornton Rules
The State Dental School is not a separate public institution but
is a department of the State Board of Higher 'Education the same
as are the three colleges of education, the University of Oregon
and Oregon State College, and can be located in Portland, Attorney
General Robert Y. Thornton held in an opinion here Saturday. This,
Thornton wrote, was made crystal clear in a recent opinion of the
sUwe supreme court in which ju
risdiction over the dental school
was taken from the University
of Oregoa and placed in the
Board of Higher Education.
The opinion was asked at a
conference here Friday attended
by -Thornton and Board of High
er Education members.
"It is important to note,"
Thornton wrote, "that section
three of the article of the stste
constitution prohibiting estab
lishment of a public institution
outside of Marion County with
out specific approval of the vot
ers, is expressly made applicable
to public institutions of the stale.
To Public Institutions
'"This express wording limits
the operating force of the con
stitutional provision to "public
institutions and to that exent
only is controlling upon the leg
islative assembly."
Thornton, declared the states
entire system of higher educa
tion was reorganized in the re
cent opinion of the supreme
"L'nder such reorganization,"
Thornton said, "the University
of Oregon, Medical School, Ore
gon State College. University of
Oregon, General Extension Serv
ice, and Colleges of Education
at Ashland, Monmouth and La
Grande, were made "separate
and distinct departments of edu
cation and all administered di
rectly under supervision of the
Board of Higher Education.
Not Unconstitutional
"In view of the holdings of the
supreme court that the above
enumerated educational bodies
are departments of the board,
we can not say that Chapter 160,
Oregon Laws 1945 (establishing
the State Dental School) violates
the constitution.
"To do so, would require us
to substitute the word "depart
ment' for the word 'institution' in
the constitution "
Thornton continued:
"In our opinion the act is con
stitutional." Thornton said the direct effect
of the opinion, coupled with the
recent ruling of the supreme
court, will be to give the Legis
lature authority to establish any
department of the Board of High
er Education in anv part of the
Inmate Breaks
Fist on Wall
Of Jail Cell
A city jail rfcmate was treated
at Salem Memorial Hospital Sat
urday for a fractured right hand,
police reported.
William Meacham. who listed no
home address, told officers his
hand was injured when he hit the
cell wall with his fist. City first
aidmen treated the injury and he
later was taken to the hospital.
Meacham was arrested by city
officers Friday night on a drunk
enness charge. He was alone in
his cell when the incident occur
red, police said.
Theft of women's clothing val
ued at about S12 from a clothes
line was reported to city police
Saturday night by Mrs. L. W.
Robins, 2009 Center St. She told
police the theft occurred between
Wednesday evening and Friday
Gift wrapped for Mothers Day.
All colors and sizes. A gift
that .grows .more .beautiful
every year.
1025 Oakhill Avenue
Turn west from S. 12th St Just
South of Mornlngside School
We Can't Put
Out a Fire . .
We'll Never Start One!
Glassheat Is
1540 Fairgrounds Rood
fSen. Stooge'
On Candidate
Night Agenda
Special music by the Hungry
Five quartet and a talk by "Sena
tor Stooge", will highlight the en
tertainment planned at Candidates
Nigh of Marion county chapter,
Oregon Republican clubs, Wednes
day night. May 12. :
The program will be at 8 o'clock
in the Senator Hotel. All Republi
can candidates on the May 21 pri
mary ballot, county, state and na
tional, have been given invitation
to attend.' Each candidate is to be
introduced. No "addresses" are
the order of the evening, only the
one by "Senator ; Stooge," says
Claude A. Miller, program chair
man. Wintor Hunt, chairman of
the Marion County Republican Cen
tral Committee, is to be master
of ceremonies. Leonard Rowan,
vice president of the Oregon Re
publican clubs here, is to assist
Miller with the program.
Refreshments will be served
following the program, members
of Salem unit. Oregon Federation
of Republica Women, to serve. All
volunteer Republican groups as
well as the interested public are in
vited to the rreetihg.
f -y t f V' llV
m O -..v . - -v
Sam" Samuel
2610 Croatviow Dr.
Phone 28406
New. ...for
A beautiful frame custom-styled
for all your fashion needs
These new frames are truly unique . . . made to harpioniie with every
fashion color. Whatever you wear this delightful and enchanting new
frame fashion will enhance your ensemble.
Set of interchangeable color plaques for M' lady's costume. . . .
, . one reasonably priced frame will accomplish this magic and every
womdfn can afford one.
You are invited . , . without any obligation ... to see this frame of
irv ;vt-fv
r J - ' .
N - 1 J --v". '
!; pi
Dr, Vojtech Andic, who baa been
named associate professor and
chairman of the economic de
partment at Willamette Univer
sity. TB Group to
Elect Bpaf d
Officers will be elected when the
board of directors of Marion Coun
ty Tuberculosis and Health Associ
ation meets Monday at 7:30 p.m.
at First National Bank in Salem.
Also on the program will be a
panel composed of a public health
nurse, social welfare workers, re
habilitation counsellor and psychi
atric social worker who will dis
cuss mental factors involving a
tuberculous patient and his family-
It Pays to Know Yoor
ctme a . .
. . . available now in these smart colors:
Indigo, Gray Haze, Tango Red, Emerald
Green, Brown Tweed, Waltz Blue, Onyx,
Mission Rose, Burma Brown and Garnet.
Ex-Editor of
Slovak Daily
Joins WU Staff
Dr. Vojtech E. Andic, former
editor of the Slovak Daily and as
sociate editor of the Czechoslovak
Press Bureau in New York, has
been appointed associate profes
sor and chairman of the econo
mics department at Willamette
Currently on the business ad
ministration staff at Milton Col
lege in Wisconsin, the educator
will assume his, hew position at
Willamette June 14 when summer
session begins. He resigned a
Lisle Fellowship for summer
study in Washington, D. C. to ac
cept the Willamette post.
Dr. Andic, who became a natur
alized citizen in 1942, took asylum
in this county at the time of the
Communist coup in Czechoslo
vakia. He served as Czechoslovak
consulate member for cultural
and press relations and as a
scriptwriter and announcer for
Czechoslovak Shortwave Broad
cast from 1941143.
From 1949iintil 1954, the educa
tor was on the U. S. information
agency staff of International
Broadcasting program, working
as a foreign information special
ist, scriptwriter and announcer.
Dr. Andic was graduated with
honors from Teachers College,
Czechoslovakia, in 1930 and re
ceived his teacher's certimicate
for commercial colleges from the
University of Pargue School of
Business Administration in 1932.
The following two years he at-
rho aluminum adjustable
office chair No. 3129
Too work in comfort when you sit in
I Comfort Matter th office chair
lht' built peciaUr for boaincaa ex
Kutivea. Modem in appearance, it'a
made o f modern ma terialt welded
aluminum, cushioned ih foam rub
ber, covered with amart ptaitic -coaled
Aluminum light in weight, and per
manently atrong. It ner roughcoa,
' eracka or aplintera. The aparklmg,
iewcl-amooth anodic naith Barer dima.
Available Jar dalitary nam.
141 N. Commercial
i a
- c
v ..V
StatMmcnx, Salom, Or Stnu Mar t, 1954 (Sod 1) 5
Creditmen to Attend Class
Salem area creditmen will
mark National Credit Education
week appropriately, by going to
Executives and personnel of
business and professional firms in
Salem and the Willamette Valley
tended the graduate school at the
University of Prague.
Columbia Degree
He was awarded an MA degree
in economics from Columbia Uni
versity in 1950 and held the Lisle
Fellowship in seminars for three
years at Freedom House. New
York. He was granted a PhD de
gree from New York University
in January.
Author of numerous articles
and the Slavonic Encyclopedia
published in 1947, Dr. Andic has
conducted lecture tours through
out New England, and the Middle
West and Candad. He has traveled
extensively in Europe, Ksia Minor
and North Africa.
The educator was president of
the National Union of Czecho
slovak Students in the United
States from 1942-45 and an execu
tive council member of the Inter
national Student Assembly in 1943
45. He is married and has two chil
dren, 15-year-old Barbara and 13-year-old
Dr. Andic replaces Dr. Robert
M. Haley, who will retire from the
universitv in June.
Attention All 1954 Graduates
From JHigh School & Jr. Hicjh
'top a
Bring in Your Picture
or Just Your Name and
Register for
: r;l n-l- CAnTCA. Will receive Ladies Hamilton
: Uirl UOCK dlOpper Watch valued at S60.00 or
Same Amount in other Merchandise.
DM.. nMU C.--o. will receive Man's Hamilton
D0y UOCK OlOpper Watch valued at S60.OO or
I Same Amount in other Merchandise.
; Winners will also receive a Cash or Merchandise Bonus for
: all Purchases Credited to the Name Registered of the
i Purchaser's Choice. So, Hurry in and jet Your Name
: Registered Soon!
I g, - - ' S
.X "t . r- ''4 -m.Jtr:.: . i . r
v , it' -V '
m racM c.
' - Corner of 12th & Center Sts. 1
Dial 3-6506 '
Use your credit on our asy poyment plan.
will attend a credit school in cred
it management at the Salem Sen
kr High School library, Monday
through Thursday from 7:30 p.m.
to 10 p.m. !
An examination will -be held
Thursday for those who wish to
qualify for a certificate of ac
complishment in credit manage
ment. bearing the seal t the Na
tional Retail Credit Association.
The week, proclaimed, by Mayor
Alfred Loucks. will conclude with
a banquet Saturday night at the
Marion Hotel.
Summer Dahlias 1
blooming. UC
Steele's Pansies 7t .
banded . ' 3C
Newest and
Best in
Beding Plants
6 Miles North of Keizer
On Sr. Paul Highway
to Buy
143 N. HIGH ' ;
- 1 O &f ;
i (
y 'A
- -- - -
Extri Cut
Thone 4-S26J