The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 05, 1954, Page 6, Image 6

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    & (Sc I) Statesman, Salem, Or. Mon-. April 5. 1954
DATE IS SET . . . Wedding bells
wi'' ring on Saturday, May 15
for Miss Lois Ann Artz and Louis
Turin, whose engagement was
announced last summer ... the
couple will exchange their vows
at St Vincent dePaul Catholic
Church with Father John Reedy
officiating at the 9:30 o'clock
rites ... a reception will fol
low in the afternoon at the
Knights of Columbus Hall at 2
o'clock . . . The bride-to-be is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.
A Artz and her fiance is the son
of Mr. and .Mrs. Sam Turin of
Mt. Angel ... the couple will
live in Woodburn following
their marriage . . .
From Portland . . . comes
word of the marriage of a for
mer Salem resident, Mrs. Nancy
Emmons, and Edward Reed An
drews which was an event of
March 13 at the First Congrega
tional Chapel in Portland . . .
The bride is the daughter of
Mrs. James Renwick McAfee of
Salem ... Dr. Raymond B.
Walker performed the ceremony
. . . After a honeymoon m Mex
ico the couple returned to Port
land to make their home .
they are residing at 2076 N.W.
Johnson St . . .
A large group ... of guests
attended the last Tillicum dance
of the season Saturday night at
the Marion Hotel . . . The Carl
Smiths of St. Paul had as their
guests two sons and their wives,
Mr. and Mrs. Gene smitn ana
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith, and
their son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ernst, all
of St. Paul ... the latter cele
brating her birthday . . . even a
special cake for the occasion and
the orchestra playing "Happy
Birthday" . . . The Hubert Ash
bys were over from Stayton as
guests of ber brother-in-law and
sister, the Carroll Fords . . . The
Fred Vieskos of Gervais bad as
their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Gor
don Hull, and Mr. and Mrs. Ron
ald Jones of Portland . . . The
Ted Medfors of Portland, for
mer Salem residents, were down
for the dance as guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Rich . .
Other guests . . . included Mr.
and Mrs. Alex Johnson, Mr. and
Mrs. M. F. Webb, Mr. and Mrs.
R. G. McFarland, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Stinnett, Mr. and Mrs. Bur
dette Owen, Dr. and Mrs. George
R. Hoffman, Dr. and Mrs. James
Connor, Dr. and Mrs. William
Lidbeck, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. H.
Dodd, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ta
bacchi, Mr. and Mrs. James Van
Keulen, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Sweitris, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gus-
tafson. Mr. and Mrs. John S.
Lochead, Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Taggart, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Everett, Mr. and Mrs. Harold P.
Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Me-
daris, newcomers in the capital
from Indianapolis, and Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Speerstra . . .
Felicitations ... go to Dr. and
Mrs. A. Terrence King, who are
welcoming the birth of a little
girl on Saturday, April 3 at the
Salem General Hospital . . . she
tipped the scales at six pounds,
nine ounces and has been named
Jane Helen . . . also greeting
the baby are two brothers, Al
bert and Jimmy, and two sis
ters, Carolyn and Delia . . . The
Club Calendar
Hoover PTA meet at the ichool
T:30 djtu
Swegle Community Builders with
Mn. Everett Morris, 5190 Sunnyview
Ave.. 7:30 o.m.
Capital Unit S. American Legion
Auxiliary. Salem Woman's Club, 8
Past Oracles. Oregon Crap Camp,
1 p.m. luncheon with Minnie wii
liams. 265 Patterson.
Chadwicfc Chapter, OES. Masonic
Temple. 8 p.m.
jnr. Club. Mavflower Hall. S p.m.
Salem Writer's Club with Mr. and
Mrs. Lynn F. Cronemiller, 1760 s.
Winter St.. 7:45 P.m.
Salem General Hospital Auxiliary
meet at new hospital wine, 10 a.m.
American War Mothers meet at
Legion Club. 2 p.m.
Missouri Club with Mrs. Allen
Clark. 1365 N. 4th St.. 12 JO no-host
Keizer Lions Auxiliary with Mrs.
Gordon Bressler. 4235 Rivercrest
Drive. p.m.
Swegle Woman's Club with Mrs.
John Olthoff. 2985 Larson Ave.. 1
Swegle Hbad Garden Club with
Mrs. rloyd Blackmore. 7:30 p.m.
Women's Fellowship. Knight Me
morial Church, tea. 2 p.m., at
WSCS ot West Salem Methodist
Church meet at church. 1:30 p.m.
Pythian Sisters. Beaver Hall,
p.m.. past chiefs night.
A ins worth Chapter. OES, Scottish
Rite Temple, 8 p.m.
Auburn Woman's Club meet at
Community Hall. 8 p.m.
Sojourners. Salem Woman's Club
house. 1 p.m.
DeMolay Mothers, noon luncheon,
Masonic Temple.
Salem Woman's Club at clubhouse,
p.m.. board meeting, 1 p.m.
Salem Chapter, OES 8th anniver
sary party. Masonic Temple, :30 no
host dinner.
SAVE , u $1000.00
New Unused 1953
"Adversity Model"
With Dynaflow
Also a few choice company
executive ears at
Special Reduced Price
465 Center &t
Town . . .
grandparents are Dr. and Mrs.
Albert King of Portland, who is
currently visiting in Salem at
the King home . . . and the
baby's great-grandmother is Mrs.
Delia Beckley of Salem . . .
Committees named . . . Mrs.
Dennis O. Trexler, Portland,
general chairman. of the Oregon
Federation of Women's Clubs
convention to be held April 20
23 at the Multnomah Hotel, has
included several Salem club
women on her committees . . .
Mrs. George Ailing will serve as
the convention treasurer . . .
Mrs. Carl Chambers will be the
timekeeper during the three-day
session . . . both are past presi
dents of the Salem Woman's
Club . . . The Salem Woman's
Club will be responsible for the
banquet on April 21 at the Mult
nomah Hotel and the Salem Jun
ior Woman's Club will be co
chairmen with the Corvallis
Juniors for the Junior's lunch
eon the following day . . .
To welcome . . . new members
of the YWCA the membership
and hospitality committees are
planning a -Series of informal
coffees each week during the
current membership drive . . .
the, first will be held Thursday,
April 8 and will be followed by
similar affairs each Thursday
during the month . . . New mem
bers are being asked to drop by
for a' cup of coffee after 10
o'clock . . . Hostesses this Thurs
day will be Mrs. Arthur Ather
ton and Mrs. Sigfrid B. Unan
der ...
Event of Tuesday . . . will be
the monthly fashion luncheon at
the Marion Hotel beginning at
12:30 o'clock . . . "Easter Bunny
Masquerade" will be the theme
of the show . . . guest models
Tuesday will be Mrs. James T.
Brand, Mrs. Sam R, Haley, Mrs.
Sidney Stenerodden, and Mrs.;
Carl Jordan . . . reservations for
the event may be made by call
ing the hotel . . .
Arriving ... in the capital this
weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Cor
nelius Bateson and son, Michael,
who will make their home at
Pratum . . . Mr. Bateson was re
cently released from the UJS.
Marines after a tour of duty in
the Far Fast . . . they visited in
Salinas, Calif., with her parents
before coming north . . .
Expected home . . . during the
mid-week for the spring vaca
tion will be Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Rankin of Pullman, Wash. . .
they will visit at the homes of
her mother, Mrs. Charles S.
McElhinny, and with his parents,
Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Rankin . . .
Flying home . . . Thursday
from Palo Alto, Calif., to speira
the spring vacation will be Jody
Bush, daughter of the Roderick
Livesleys . . . she is a senior at
Castilleja School and will be
here for ten days . . .
Juniors Will
Confer Here
Salem unit of American Le
gion Auxiliary will be hostess
to the District Junior Conference
on Saturday, April 10 at May
flower halL Registration has been
set for 11 a.m., luncheon at 12
o'clock and first business at 1
p.m. Mrs. George Dickie of Port
land, chairman of junior activi
ties of the department will pre
side. Principal speakers will be Mrs.
Forrest Erickson, Estacada, de
partment president; Mrs. Clar
ence Grand, Monmouth, district
president; Mrs. Harry Humph
ries, Stayton, department com
munity service chairman; Mrs.
Lizzie Nelson, Portland, depart
ment Americanism vice-chairman.
Plans for the conference are
being made by Mrs. Jack Sim
kins, department junior activi
ties vice-chairman, Salem.
Trade in that small
water heater on a big L?j
. vs-b rm
new runin. inu
be amazed at ear gen
erous trade-in allowance.
President of the Salem Junior
Woman's Club
The major project of the Sa
lem Junior Woman's' club this
year has been the decorating of
the Y-teen room in the new
YWCA building.
For several months a commit
tee of members from the club,
who include Mrs. Donald Has
mussen, Mrs. Sam Campbell. Mrs.
Bill Clabaugb, Mrs. T. N. Morris
and Mrs. Ted Jenny, spent many
long hours in planning the type
of fuurniture best suitable to the
room. This room is the meeting
place of all the Y-Teen clubs
and Tri-Y clubs, so furnishings
had to be simple and functional
which would stand up under the
exuberance all teen-agers seem
to have.
Furniture of the latest design
sign was chosen. -The materials
for the 2 sectional sofas are made
out of Saran in a toast colored
tone. This new material is a
plastic weave and will resist pen
cil marks, stains, scuff marks,
mildew and rays of the sun. The
occasional chairs are in red Sa
ran and the "3 passenger" sofa
is done in a glen-tween colored
Bolta-flex, another of the new
wonder fabrics.
The president's table, coffee
table and sectional table are out
of Blackstone plastic tops in a
natural walnut , colored finish.
This finish is practically mar
proof and wil hold the .weight of
many a gavel. All the furniture
is constructed of black tubular
steel legs trimmed with brass.
The legs have a ball-bearing glid
er which molds the furniture to
the floor.
To Complete Decor of Room
In addition to the furniture,
the Juniors also undertook the
cost of linoleum tile which 4s done
in a beige tone, the painting of
the room, which carries out a
color scheme of blue, yellow and
red. Suitable window covering
is also being chosen. It is hoped
that additional accessories may
be purchased in the near future.
Besides the decorating of this
room, many members of the club
are active in the YWCA. Four
members are Tri-Y advisers, a
number of women are working
on the current membership drive,
and several Juniors are repre
sented on YWCA committees.
Guifd Meeting
On Monday
Jason Lee Wesleyan Service
Guild meeting will be held Mon
day, April 5 in the. fireplace
room of Jason Lee church.
Mrs. James Tindall, Mrs. T. E.
Borkman and Mrs. Joe Brooks
are hostesses for the evening. Ar
rangements have been made to
have Miss Edyth Condon, medi
cal librarian at the Oregon State
Hospital, spea kon "Public Insti
tution Work."
The annual April plant auction
will be held in conjunction with
the meeting and Mrs. Sam Mil
ler, auctioneer, has requested all
members to bring plants with
identifying label markings.
395 S. 12th, Salem
Wishes to Announce Her
Services as Salem's Beauty
PHONE 3-9755
ill J y
Miss McCall,
Mr. Novick
Wed Sunday
Miss .Dorothy M. McCall and
Aaron M. Novick exchanged
their marriage vows at a pretty,
spring wedding on Sunday after
noon at the First Christian
Church. The bride is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Mc
Call of Salem and the bridegroom
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hairy
Novick of Stroudsburg, Pa. The
Novicks were unable to come
west for their son's wedding.
The Rev. Wayne Greene per
formed the 4 o'clock rites before
a setting of pink snapdragons,
stock and carnations. The
wrought iron candelabras were
entwined with ivy and pink car
nations. Peter Larson was the so
loist and Mrs. J. M. Cracroft was
the organist
For her wedding the bride
chose a heather costume suit
fashioned with short jacket and
cut-away Peter Pan collar. Her
lavender satin hat was adorned
with fresh flowers of violets
pink Elf roses and stephanotis.
She carried a semi-cross arrange
ment of violets, stephanotis and
pink Elf roses.
Miss Charlene Churchill was
the bride's only attendant She
wore a beige suit with pink hat
and carried a nosegay -of roses,
violets and stephanotis.
Attend the Groom
Robert J. Johnston stood with
the groom as best man. Ushers
were Howard McCall and Donald
E. McCall, brothers of the bride.
Mrs. McCall selected a beige
suit with moss green accessories
and natural straw hat for her
daughter's nuptials. She pinned
a green orchid corsage to her en
semble. The newlyweds greeted their
guests at a reception in the fire
place room. Mrs. James V. Shantz
and Mrs. M. Dean Bunnell
poured and Mrs. Robert F. King
cut the cake. Assisting were Miss
Shirley Karsten, Miss Beverly
Beakey, Miss Diane Perry and
Miss Marjorie Becke.
The bride's table was covered
with a white lace cloth over lav
ender and centered with a tiered
cake topped with violets and
pink Elf roses.
When the couple left on their
wedding trip along the Oregon
coast the new Mrs. Novick
donned a black fur stole and
lavender straw hat with her wed
ding suit After April 15 the cou
ple will be at home on Route 2,
Box 184A, Salem. In the fall Mr.
Novick will enter Willamette
The DeMolay Mothers will
meet for a 12 o'clock luncheon
at the Masonic Temple on Thurs
day. up a
v v I
IfnlM' iff H 4feV
ft K -.H-vVJ
"It's A Marianna!"
araiuen 5
Student Recital
Event of Ton!
The Salem Branch of the Ore
gon Musk, Teachers' Association
will give their Tegular monthly
recital at the Stone Piano Com
pany at 7:45 p.m. Pupils play
ing are Susan Ramsdell, Gerry
Ewing, Joyce Weekly, Marabee
Groom, Carolyn Howell, Joanne
Cooley, Valerie Jessop. Sandra
Wiscarson, Marilyn Luther. Da
vid Merchant, Nancy Otto, Nancy
one, Karlene Quistad, vicki
Ward, Sue Zwkker, Joyce Mount,
Mary Linda Doerfler.
Teachers represented are Mrs.
Franklin Ward, Mrs. Jack Mor
rison, Mrs. P. F. Thomas, Ray
mond Carl,' Mrs. William Bush.
Lois P. Schmidt, Mrs. Haryey
Gibbens, Mrs. David Eason, Mrs.
Donald Jessop, Ruth Bedford,
Mrs. Violet Burungham, Mrs
Jean Rich, Mrs. Ronald Craven,
Melvin C. Geist, Margaret Hogg,
Extension Units
Talk Shades, Floor
Marion County extension unit
meetings for the week of April
5-10 are listed below. Anyone
who is interested is invited to at
tend. Additional information may
be obtained by calling the Mar
ion County home extension of
fice, courthouse, Salem. The
datcof meetings are as flolows:
April 6 Central Howell,
10:00, care walls, woodwork,
floors; Sidney-Talbot, 10:00, Tal
bot Community church, making
fabric lampshades; Keizer, 10:00,
with Mrs. A. Goldsby, care of
walls, woodwork and floors.
April 7 Stayton, 10:30, Wom
an's Club House, and North How
ell, 10:30, N. HoweU Grange Hall,
care walls, woodwork, floors;
Prospect, lampshades.
April 8 Pringle, 10:00, Prin
gle Woman's Club, lampshades;
Middle Grove, 10:30, Mrs. Har
old Beach, and Lansing Neigh
bors, 1:00, Grace Lutheran
Church, both care walls, etc.
April 9 Swegle, 10:30, Grace
Lutheran Church, and Jefferson,
1:30, City Hall, both Care Walls,
Members of Capital Unit 9,
American Legion Auxiliary will
meet tonight at the Salem Wom
an's Clubhouse at 8 o'clock. Plans
will be completed for the unit's
spaghetti dinner to be held the
end of ApriL
Marion County Council, Amer
ican Legion Auxiliary has slated
a meeting for Friday night, Ap
ril 9 at the city hall at St
Paul at 8 p.m.
The Women's Fellowship of
the Knight Memorial Church will
hold a tea meeting Wednesday
afternoon at the church at 2 p.m.
wen J.
The styling and fabric found in
these coats is HIGH-QUALITY
THROUGHOUT. Once you wear a
BAMBURY, you'll never be satisfied
with another coat.
TODAY . . . 3
on approved credit
6 3nc.
DAR Chapter
Nomination of officers for the
ensuing year highlighted the
business meeting of ChemekeU
Chapter, Daughters of the Amer
ican Revolution held Saturriav at
the. home of Mrs. C L. Crider in
New officers proposed by the
nominating -committee include!
Mrs. Millard A. Pekar, regent;
Mrs. Alfred Vick, vice-regent:
Mrs. Phillip T. Bouffleur, chap
lain; Mrs. B. E. Braueht, record
ing secretary- Miss Laura Linton,
corresponding secretary; Mrs. J,
W. Nash, treasurer; Mrs. J. W,
Shipley, registrar; Miss Mildred
Christenson, historian; Mrs. H.
William Thielsen, librarian; Mrs.
Herbert J. Ostlind, musician;:
Mrs. H. M. Broadbent. custodian;
and director, --Mrs. W. E. Han
son. Election of officer, will be
held at the May meeting. Mrs. H.
G. Henderson has served as reg
ent the past year.
The program at Saturday's
meeting was a talk by Mrs. E. B.
Bossatti, who told of her Euro
pean trip, illustrating with pic
tures. Weavers to Meet
The Salem. Weavers guild will
meet on Wednesday at 2 o'clock
at the homer of the president,
Mrs. Clyde Mi Martin, Orchard
Heights Road- Assisting Mrs.
Martin will be Mrs. Dick Sorick
and Mrs. W. Frank Crawford.
Mrs. W. Ravis of Portland will
be the speaker, and will talk
on ways of using hand woven
Miss Weinman to Speak
Miss Constance Weinman, su
pervisor of audio-visual aid for
the Salem Public Schools, will be
the guest speaker at the meeing
of the McKinley Mother's Club
Monday night at the school at 8
p.m. Miss Weinman's topic will
be "Educational TV". The fifth
grade mothers will be hostesses
for the refreshment hour with Mrs.
George Henken and Mrs. Karl Ol
son as chairmen.
Delta Delta Delta Alliance will
be entertained Monday night at
the home of Mrs. Kenneth Carl
son, 2280 Wallace Road, at 7:30
p.m. A dessert supper win re
served with Mrs. Robert Nichols,
Mrs. J. M. Morris and Miss Ber
tha Kohlhagen assisting hostesses.
Miss Josephine Baumgartner will
talk to the group on her recent
trip to Europe.
featuring . . .
O Beautiful Bambury Coats ($11.98 up)
(The famous "2" year coat which has sufficient fabric in the hem and
to provide more than a full extra size lengthening!)
O Charming Marianna Coats ($12.98 up)
. (The coat with the free purse to match.)
440 N. Capitol Capitol Shopping Center
Ritual of 60s-70s
Shown at Meeting
The 'ritualistic work of the
Eastern Star as it was in the
18608 and 1870s was given at
the meeting of Trinity Chapter
by members of Past Matrons' and
Patrons' .Club of Adah Chapter
of Independence. Some of the
dresses worn by the participants
were even older than the rituaL
Honored guests were Mrs. Paul
Robinson, past grand matron;
Miss Hazel Hughes, worthy ma
tron of Adah Chapter, Inde
pendence; Mr. and Mrs. Amos
Roberts, worthy matron and pa
tron of Knowles Chapter, Me
Minnville; Mrs. Earl Ward, wor
thy matron of Zenith Chapter,
Brownsville; and other visitors
from Sheridan, Independence
and Brownsville.
The chapter room was decora
ter with spring flowers. Refresh
ment committee included Mr.
and William Ensinger, Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Vedder, Mrs. A. L.
Cummins and Mrs. Mary Pugh.
Announcement was made of a
rummage sale in Beaver Hall
Friday and Saturday, April 9
and 10.
St Agnes GuUd of 'St. Paul's
Episcopal Church will meet for a
6:30 no-host supper Tuesday night
at the church. The committee in
eludes Miss Mildred Christenson,
Mrs. Ray Bassett. Mrs. Edith Mae
Martin and Mrs Clyde. S. Ever
ett. Miss Ruth Ingram will talk
on her missionary work in India
The Yomarcos will be enter
tained Tuesday afternoon at a
1:15 dessert lunchean at the
home of Mrs. George Penson,
1340 Park Avenue. Assisting
hostesses will be Mrs. C. D.
Morse, Mrs. E. B. Millard and
Mrs. Margaret Fessenden.
The Theatre Arts Group will
meet for a 12:30 dessert lunch
eon at the Marion Hotel Tuesday
with Mrs. William E. Kirk as
hostess. Mrs. Edwin W. Butler
will review "The Devil's Disci
ple" by George Bernard Shaw.
Simulated Engraved
5per 1,000
Masonic Bldg. Dial 3-8853
455 Court Street
' 4-5502V
Bt aQ
Meeting Dafs Changed
The Capital f O Square Dance
Club has changed Its meeting days
to the first and third Mondays of
each month. The next dance will
be Monday, April S at the Catholic
Center. Dancing win start at 8:30
p.m. Refreshments win be served
and members are asked to bring
their town table service. Guests
are invited to attend.
I i
Trinity Chapter. OES win en
tertain members of Kingwood
Lodge and their wives at a so
cial meeting Monday night at the
West Salem City Hall at 8 o'clock.
i ' !
Mrs. Clyde Martin will be host.
ess to members of Chapter CQ,
PEO Tuesday afternoon at her
Orchard Heights Road home at
1:15 p.m. Mi's ohn Conway will
be in charge of the programs;
The FL Club win be eatertaJaed
Thursday night at the home of
Mrs. Lawrence Scheeler, Jr., 2320
Shelton St. at 8 p.m. The co
hostess will be Mrs. Lawrence Mc
Qure. Members of St Paul's Guild of
St. Paul's Episcopal Church will
meet in the Guild Room for a
12:30 no-host luncheon on Wednes
day. Mrs. E. G. Sanders will talk
on "English Hymnody."
The regular meeting of the
Royal Neighbors Sewing Club has
been postponed until May 12 at
the home of Mrs. J. A. Gamble,
1705 N. Cottage St.
Past. Chiefs sight will be ob
served at the meeting of Centra
lia Temple, Pythian Sisters, Wed
nesday night at the Beaver Hall
at 8 o'clock.
The Salem Writer's Club will
meet at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Lynn F. Cronemiller, 1760
a winter xuesaay mgnt at
7:45 p.m.
You Can't Miss!
We're selling out
our entire stock
of quality gifts
and articles for
the home. Many
Hems are at near
cost prices. You
will never have
another chance
like this! Open
7-day s a week.
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