,,imf'lluianapwn,, ' t - V 11 (Sec 2) Statesman. Salem, Ore- Friday. March 19. 1854 At Oregon State Students For Home This Weekend By AN?"E FORRISTEL - Statesman Correspondent CORVALLIS Only one more day of finals and then a well dej served eight day vacation will be enjoyed by Oregon State students . . . Seen comparing notes after the freshman English final were Janet MacDonald, Virginia live ly, Joan Bale, and Betty Sahara. Winter term has been a busy one forvSalem students, not only In studies,- but in activities, such as Fathers Weekend,, the Blood Drive, and the many house and all school dances . . , Salem stu dents have also been active in their church groups, speech con tests, and acting has hosts to the many conferences held on the campus. . Spring Term Rated Best . Spring term, as usual, promises (o be an exciting one with many activities scheduled, and we hope Jots; of warm weather for outdoor sports, trips to the beach and last; v but ont least, studying. A few of -the activities for spring term will include, Mothers Week end, Senior Weekend, the Junior Senior ,Prom, and many house dances ... Enjoying themselves at the Sigma Chi, Pi Phi exchange des sert last week were many Salem students. Viewing the Sigma Chis new television set were Gary Jones, Jack ' Beakey, -Jody Ricketts, and Marcia Maple . . . Talking over old times at Salem Hi were Clarice and Claudia Waters, Dennis Feike, and Whit ney Benson MARQUAM Oscar Kilborn of Scotts Mills and Mrs. Clara Ni cholson were married at a quiet service held in Eureka, Calif., on , March 9. They are now at home on a ranch near Marquam. A large group of friends and neigh bors gave them a surprise party Thursday evening. - 1 : i V, i , - : fit .. : ,i.V-.: . : : .IV 1 't mm- vl 90fh Birthday for Mrs. Carmacjc . " MONMOXTTtt The 90th' birth day of Mrs. Mary Caraack was observed at her home here' Wed nesday afternoon. Neighbors and friends brought in a birtnaay cake and gifts. Jlary Sansevere was born March 10, 1864 at Ed monton, Canada, the daughter of French Canadian parents in a family of 11 children.' They mov ed a few years later to Montana where her early life, was -spent ; In 1889 she was Lurried to Sam uel Carmack, and in 1907 they moved to a farm in this area. Since 1921 the family home has been in Monmouth. Mr. Carmack died about 20 years ago." - . Mrs. Carmack has enjoyed an active-life until very recent years, her chief interest being in home making and the growing of flow ers. Her general health is good, and she has good vision. She now spends most of her time piecing quilts. She has two daughters. Mrs. Veil Frederickson of Hepp ner, and Mrs. Elmer Chapin, Mon mouth, 6 grandchildren and .12 great-grandchildren. Brothers and SILVERTON 4- Mrs. Rob . ert J J Thomas;! the former Betty Lou Lang,! whose mar-' riage was an event of late February at the Efrvine Redeemer-Church j in Colorado Springs. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lcrw , rence J. Thomas of Silverton. The couple will live in Col orado Springs; where they are with the bar defense commana. I FRUTTLAND The Fruitand Mother's Club met at the home of Mrs. Arnold Aaserude with 22 members attending. The presi dent, Mrs. Larry Wagner, appoint ed Mrs. H. Hilke, Mrs. Paul Heath and Mrs. Aaserude on the nomi nating committee. The sum of $19 was realized from the play spon sored by the group this month. Miss Pauline Schaplowsky showed slides of her trip to Europe. Mrs. Keeney Honored I ; The Ford Street Birthday Club was entertained at the home of Mrs. John Minifie on Thursday.' The honor guest was Mrs. Henry Keeney,' who was celebrating her birthday. Others attending -were Mrs. James Johnson, Mrs.-iRoy Loynes Sr., Mrs.- Bob ' Trussell, Mrs. George Minifie, Mrs. Wilbur Clark, Mrs. Melvin Lyons, Mrs. John JusuV Mrs. Grace Mating, Mrs. Nora Taylor, Mrs. Ira Ral ston, Mrs.' Hobart Dixon. The St Patrick motif was used in the decorations. - - ? " s SILVERTON The Wlllard Woman's Club will meet -Thurs day at the home of Mrs. Melvin Kaser,. with Mrs. Emmanuel Kel lerhals Jr assisting during the no-host noon luncheon, Mrs. Dan Hillman will preside during the business session. ' :. - sisters include Mrs. Margaret An derson, Hysham, Montana: Mrs. Flora Anderson, Calispell,- Mon tana; Mrs. Eva Winkler, Boyd, Montana; Alex Sansevere, Sand oint, Idaho, and Jack Sansevere, Everett, wash. ;; Miss 'Gores to Bo fAarricd MT. ANGEI Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Gves are announcing the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Kath erine Eileen, to Captain Charles G. Swan Jr, USAF, Carswell Air Force Base, Fort Worth, Texas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Swan Sr., of Oklahoma City, Okla homa; - ' : : The wed dine is nlanned for Sun day,1 May 2, in ML Mary's Cath olic Church, ML AngeL . , The bride-elect enlisted in the nursing division "of the USAF as a first lieutenant in the fall of 1952. paret j LADIES ! Get a $125 Apron Absolutely FREE! Here's what you do: Clip This Ad and Bring It to Lyn-Lee Dress Shop, 1 49 N. High, Select Any Skirt From Our Stock and Get An Attractive Apron FREE1 In our selection of skirts you will find: Plaids, 100 Wool, Solid Colors, Tweeds, Orion-Wool and many more. All Top Quality Skirts of the Latest Spring Shades and Materials. Hurry!. Offer Good Fri. and Sat. Only! Be sure and see our Complete Stock of Spring . Coats, Dresses and Blouses. oCun-oCee 149 N. High St She took her indoctrination course at : Gunther Air Forte Base at Montgomery, Alabama, later be ing transferred to Carswell Air Force Base at Fort Worth. She is a graduate of the local school and ML Angel Academy.; After her graduation in August 1946 from the University " of Washington, Harborview Division School of Nursingtbe .pent two years at Seaside City Hospital, Seaside, Oregon as a nurse, and five years as a nurse and cart of the time ae a supervisor at the CowlitxJ General Hospital,' Longview, j Washington. j x . fHERE THEYAli , - i ; I Pedrsall-Kaye Rites Redc( .'5 Exchanging their vows at a quiet ceremony- on March 11 at the First Methodist Church were Miss Dorothy E. Kaye of Salem, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hilton of Scotts Mills, and Edwin M. PearsaU. son of Mrs. Gerald Pearsall bf Wenatchee, . Wash. The' Rev. Brooks Moore officiat ed at the 3 o'clock nuptials. , ,; For her wedding the bride chose a navy blue dress with matching' hat and red accessories and a corsage of roses. ? Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Chapin at tended the; couple. ? -.- , l After a' wedding trip along the Oregon coast the-couple will be at home in -Wenatcfiee, WssIl, where Mr. Pearsall is a pilot for B and B Flying Service., . -: . Ladies 100 Wool Plaid Sport Jackets! This type of Jacket sells for $14.95 in most stores. We are offering them to you now, while supply lasts, $A9Si at our low mill price of..l Hurryl Our Supply Is Limited to 1 Color Only! k ' ': j We also have a good selection of Ladies Sport Jackets in Splash Weaves-BUxk Plaids and Flattering Solid Colors. Every Jacket is 100 Wool and all the newest $775 spring shades.. Out thy Go for ... j M Shop Early While Selection Is Complete! 1 KAY WOOLEN MILL STORE OPEN AU DAY SATURDAY 260 S. 12th. St. Th Street the Trains Run On" M r a Pillbox wHh velvet cuff 93 $3 IT'S A FEATHER IN YOUR HAT For a level headed, light hearted spring right th minute flatteryr this new pillbox in sparkling Vishein atraw all me newest colors touched with a velvet bow, a wispy veil for added prettiness. 383 COURT STREET al e in Mil sic Lov er 0 0 0 0 ANNOUNCES I :r.. The .""5 PR MOWING m AMPLIFIER ku four (4) tabes pins soleiiinia rectifier. Pall power mini tw (2) SOLS typ tubes la Ptth-Pull mmplincm- tlon. Baa me (1) SC4 Pre-anpll- ler an4 on (1) UAXT phase ifertr tabe. ModnUUoa au tortjom is minim lied thronf b m of aaegaava feedback la the aaM coeott. Mil V X I raw GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS AMPLIFIER I Plays ALL SPEEDS... ALL SIZES-Automatically 1 PICKUP PICKUP Is cpeciaJly matched to tne arapuner and tpeakers for fun M to lJ.eo CPS tone re production. Has special weath erproof ceramic (flip-under) cartridge with two of the latest ! type saDDhire needles ana fn pUylnf 13 and 45 KPM mad the ether for 71 RPM records. If) 3 SPEAKERS notU SPEAKEKSv sjpc blended to coTer the cnUro froqueacy raaee. A uniform response of M to 15,M cycles (Itcs corerafe over, the entire audio range. WtH fUl the entire room wtth aouad wlthont distortiom. Vsed two (2) largo extended range Speakers and one . (1) matt -tweeter" Speaker for tho higher Botes. Onct in a great while fen outstanding value. In record equipment reaches the market. I sincerely feel that TKAV4ER Stereotene Hi Fi fs the best value on the market ' ! j x EarfHeider i MODEL (?) ridden 423 Court St. Salem Q Please Send Jiodel Ko. 9051 or 8060 Enclosed Find Dovni Payment . - to be Paid at $ ..per month. Please Demonstrate Model . In Mr Home n Please Send Free Folder V MODEL 9060 : Co) O ADDRESS