i-Sac. Scflexn. Of Smw Fob. 11, 1854 C3 LT7. 5 i JrlERlRlIEYiS You SALEM, OREGON The fashion-styled! percale with the top thread counts lb A I 1 SPRING FRESH PRINTS SOLIDS STAPLES IN MACHINE WASHABLE COLORSI FOR DRESSES, SKIRTS, BLOUSES, PAJAMAS, ROUES EVEN DECORATINGI ' JWW picture in; Penney's SPRING FASHION Q a o r M,...i... i. .i w-'i C Batiks . moderns geometries . . florals . oxotics . . stripes . ncats . . juveniles vcstorns sccnics quilts ? kitchens! Heres the selection, the styling, the saving that brings people from far and wide to sew with Penney's Rondo! Such a variety of pat terns, and every one designed for Penney's by the top men in the field! Be sure yon see oar aew spring line before yon plan yonr tewing for spring end summer and yon11 tew and save. 35-3 6". MEZZANINE FABRICS! 12r Penney's Famous Needle 'n' Thread PRINTS The accent's on prints . . . in "Sanfor ized mercerized, high count broad cloth with the look, the feel of fabric at much highee prices! Try this for gay Spring drapes, skirts, blouses! Penney's has patterns and colors to suit every taste, every need! 35". Maximum shrinkage 1 I - MEZZANINE I1"1 Jf '..-8 Notions! t f. (Mercerised Thread, p AUtln,;100yd... DC Six Cord Thread Larfe spools K Bias Tape, H Single, double 8c i i Rick-Rack ii Mercerized 1 IVarWf i a-in Q 11 V tv W MM ? a tf Dressmaker Pios O. FJ120, brass, rustproof H i Ruffling ??. asst., colors p Pearl Buttons 1 O- Asst colors y 60" Tape Measure in. I! Cloth, reversible uu ! -1 1 mrr"" 1 X7 &jmm MIX i'lJ', MATCH conoH DENIMS NEW LOW PftlCEl YD. Perfect for play togs, news in home decoration! - It's Sanforized cotton denim in solids, stripes and plaids, de signed to "go together.", Now it's sia- 51e for you to coordinate your room eeorations, or your Spring wardrobe give them a "fashion new" professional touch! 35-36" wide. f , Maximum shrinkage 1 1 MEZZANINI Roberts huge fabric department is bulging' with new spring yardagel Crisp cot tons, denims, rayons, synthetics, wools, orlons and many, many morel Botany, Quadriga, Cone, Logantex are just a few of the famous names shownl Cone Solid Color CQ- Botany All-Wool 6.95 DENIMS. Yd.33C GUN CHECK Yd. PO.OVJ Cone Fancy CQr ?SSrWahlbl I n $3.95 DENIMS - Yd. D3C FLANNEL Yd. Wwu KSclS-.- Yd.98c SFSHm : Yd. 59c VSSSSttri. $1.39 SSSiVs 1iti. $1.19 PERCALES Yd. RAYONS ?-.-Yd. if. Milliken A Qtl SfSJSK. va 98C "LORETTE' Yd. idwU GINGHAMS Yd., www Amana tf? Q1 MiU xa $1.79 WOOL PLAIDS Yd. O-wO SUITINGS ; Yd. RoUny Baronette A Qtl !5y0H 69C ALL-WOOL CREPE -'-Yd. ORGANDY Yd. Www Liberty Street - Court Street f We Give and Redeem Green Stamps IS WHAT YOU Be the envy of oil, with fashions mode from the new, eosily laundered, fast drying permanently wrinkle resistant wonder fobrics you con buy qt Wards the best selections in town. I i Nationally known "Milliken" 1 93 Acrilans in plaids, checks and 1 ' plain colors. Versatile Docron "County Cork" 29 Wrinkla resistant, fast drying. I ! yd. 45" wide. Orion and Nylon sheer puckers. $1 69 Lightweight, perfect for blouses yd. and dresses; plains and stripes. Nylon Unen by "Rankin". Has $1 29 nubby linen-like tweed texture. : yd. Pastels. ! ': . I : f if - 1 ' I ;: Sculptured Nylon, Rich quilted- 49 effect, yet lightweight. Plains) yd. and prints. i 1 Cohamis "Black Rain." Newest 59 trend in nylon puckers. Crisp yd. semi-sheer. ". i 155 N.Uberty r' f J J -VvV &jgJ&' wo'vo everything Ginghams by Dan River, Galcy QQfJ and Ameritex. "Evtrgloxe" 7O chambray. 79c Y. Sculptured "Evergloie" Cotton tT 9 with a real fashion flair. Needs yd. little ironing. Permanently embossed cotton "TQ prints. Cool, crisp and lustrous yd. as cracked ice. 69 c to Ruff-tuff Embossed Cottons. fQ Brilliant vat-dyed colors. Just y' suds and rinse. Preshrunk. Sheer-cottons. Permanently finished. Lawns, Dimities. Crisp and Cool. I Seersucker. Washfost, sunfost. f"Q Ideal far play clothes, dresses, .. yd. suits and sportswear, f Phone 3-3191 SHOP AT WARDS FRI DAY TILL 9 P.M.