li lt . 1 If ! I ; f (See. S) Statesman, Satan, Oregon, iWextaatdcry, Feb. 10, 1954 I NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that, by an order of the Circuit Court of the SUtc of Oregon for the County t Marion. In Probata, duly given and made on the eighth day of January. 1954. I have been duly appointed aa executor ot the last will and testa ment and estate of LENORX J. WEL LER. deceased, and that I have duly qualified as auch executor. AU per oni having claims against said estate hereby are required to present them, with proper vouchers, to me at 945 Shipping Street, in Salem. Marion County. Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication f this notice. Dated and first published the third day of February. 1954. GEO. C. WELLER. As executor aforesaid. Wallace P. Carson. Allan G. Carson and Peter M. Gunnar, Attorneys for Executor. ' EJ.iO.17J4-MJ.1954 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Oregon 02921 MA f Oregon 02928. Bureau of Land Management. Land Office. Portland 18. Oregon. Notice IsHere by Given that pursuant to Chapter of Title 32. Revised sututes oi United States, i the Santiam Copper Mines, an Oregon corporation, whose post office address is 1003 Equitable Building. Portland. Oregon, is mak ing application to the United States for patents to the mining claims. Eureka No. 1, Eureka No. 2. Eureka No. 3. Eureka No. 4. Eureka No. 5. Eureka No. 6. Eureka No. 7. Eureka No. 8. Eureka No. 9, Eureka No. 10. Eur eka No. 11, Eureka No. 12, Eureka No. 13, Eureka No. M.Eureka No. 15, Eur eka No IS. Eureka No. 17. Eureka No. 18. Eureka No. 19. Eureka No. 20. and Eureka No. 21. in Gold Creek (unorganized) Mining District. Mar lon County. Oregon, which are par ticularly described as to metes and bounds bv the official plat herewith posted, and by the field notes ot Survey No. 905. filed with the Man ager of the Bureau of Land Manage ment. United States Department of the Interior. Oregon District, Port land. Oregon, which field notes of said survey and plat describe the boundaries and extent of said claims upon the surface with magnetic var iation or declination of 20 30' East. Said claims are located in the SW Quarter of Sections 7. 18 and the North Half of Section 19, Township South. Range 5 East of the Wil lamette Meridian. Marion County. Oregon. The exterior boundary , of the group and of said claims is more particularly described as follows: Starting at Corner Jfl of Eureka n,im -ti7 from which the Quarter Section corner of Sections 1 and 18. Township 8. South Range 5. East of tne Willamette jaenaian, is norm f 25- 39" East 1276.47 feet distant: thence North 68 28' East 83.45 feet to Corner if 1 of Eureka Claim it 12: thence North 25 30" West 313.02 feet to Corner 2T4 of Eureka Claim 13 thence North 68 31 East 514.64 feet to Corner 1 of Eureka Claim il:- thence South 25" 30" East 1494.12 feet to Corner X2 of Eureka Claim If 13, which is also Corner 1 of Eureka Claim 14: thence South 22' 26' East 1399.95 feet to Corner l ot Eureka Claim S4, which is also Corner 2 of Eureka Claim 3t4; thence South 11 52' East 1500 feet to Corner 4 cf Eureka Claim ; thence South 68 31' West 564.64 feet to Corner 1 of Eureka Claim 4: thence North 21 52 West 1151.04 feet to a point m Line 1-2 of Eureka Claim 4. which is Corner S of Eureka Claim 8: thence South 66 28" West;. 54.32 feet to point of intersection on Line 3-4 of Eureka Claim 3: thence South 21 19' East 1475.03 feet to Corner 4 of Eureka Claim 3: thence South 64 05' West 600 feet to Corner irl of Eureka Claim Ji3: thence South 6 28 West 120 feet to Corner arl of Eureka Claim 1S: thence South 29 32" East 1500 feet to Cor ner 2 f Eureka Claim 18; thence South 66 28' West 600 feet to Corner 2 of Eureka Claim rl8; thence North 29 32' West 1500 feet to Cor ner i of Eureka Claim 18; thence South 6 28' West 240 feet to Corner 1 of Eureka Claim U thence South 26 33' East 58.96 feet te Cor ner 1 of Eureka Claim 15: thence South 66 28' West 500 feet to Corner 2 of Eureka Claim 15; thence- South 26 33" East 270 feet to Corner 1 of Eureka Claim JE16: thence South 66 28' West 480 feet to Corner 2 of Eureka Claim 16: thence South 26 33' East 195 feet to Cor ner 1 of Eureka Claim 19: thence South 66 28' West 305 feet to Corner 2 of Eureka Claim 19; thence South 65 45' West 600 feet to Cor ner 2 of Eureka Claim 20; thence South 12 35' East 360 feet to Corner 2 of Eureka Claim 21; thence South 65 45' West 540 feet to Cor ner 3 of Eureka Claim 21; thence North 10 00' West 1500 feet to Cor ner 4 of Eureka Claim 21: thence North 65 45' East 470.87 feet to Cor ner 1 ot Eureka Claim 21: thence North 12 3.V West 362.80 feet to Cor ner 3 of Eureka Claim 20; thence North 65 45' East 420.72 feet to Cor ner 4 of Eureka Claim 20. . which is also Corner 3 of Eureka Claim Jr 19: thence North 66 28' East 125 feet to Corner of Eureka Claim S19; thence North 26 33' West 125 feet to Corner 3 of Eureka Claim 3rl6; thence North 66 28' East 480 feet to Corner of Eureka Claim 16: thence North 26 33' West 380 feet to Corner 3 of Eureka Claim 15: thence North 66 28' East 500 feet to Corner i of Eureka Claim Jtii: thence North 26 33' West 60.36 feet to Corner 3 of Eureka Claim 1: thence North 66 28' East .63 feet: thence North 25 57' West 1428.38 feet to Corner 2 of Eureka Claim 5: thence Sbuth 66 28 West 189 63 feet to Corner 3 of Eureka Claim 9: thence North 24 35' West 1500 feet to Corner 2r4 of Eureka Claim 9: thence North 66 28' East 540 feet to Corner 1 of Eureka Claim 9. which is also Corner t of Eureka Claim 10: thence North 66 28'- East 574.75 feet to Corner 1 of Eureka Claim 10 which is also Cor ner 2:4 of Eureka Claim 11:. thence North 66 28' East 275 feet to Corner 2 of Eureka Claim 17; thence North 23 38' West 14838 feet to Corner 3 of Eureka Claim 17 thence North 66 28' East 600 feet to Corner 4 of Eureka Claim 17 thence South 23 38' East 148S.S8 feet to Corner 1 of Eureka Claim 17 the place of beginning. That the area of the claims for which application for patent is made i and excluding overlapping and con flicting area between the claims is 355.833 acres: that there are no con flicting claims. The Eureka 22 ad joins Eureka 16. the Santiam 9 - adjoins Eureka 21. and the Santinm group of claims are in proximity with the within named claims. The location notices of said claims are recored in Mine Records of the Recorder of Marion County. Oregon, and are as follows: Eureka 1. Book 8. page 102: Eureka 2. Book 6, page 104: Eureka 3. -Book C. pare 76: Eureka 4. Book 6. page 88, Eureka 5. Book 6. page 100: Eureka . Book C. page 78. Amended Notice. Book 6 page 156: Eureka 7. Book 6. page 84. Amended Notice, Book 6. page 158: Eureka S8. Book , Page 82. Amended Notice. Book 6. page 160: Eureka 2r9. Book 6, page 94: Eureka 10. Book 6. page 128. Amended Notice Book 6. page 164; Eureka 11. Book 6. page 96: Eure ka 17. Book 6. page 98: Eureka 13. Book 6. page 90: Eureka 14: , Book , page SO: Amended Notice. Bock 6. page 162: Eureka 15. Book 8. page 117; Eureka 16. Book 6. page 121: Eureka 17. Book 8. page 86; Eureka 18. Book 6. page 92: Eureka 19. Book 6. pace 125: Eureka 20. Book . page 123; and Eureka 21. Book . page 119. Any and all persona claiming ad versely the mining ground so here in described tor which application for patent has been made, are here by notified that unless their adverse claims are duly filed according to law. with the Manager of the Land Office at Portland, Oregon, they will be barred by the provisions of said law. Frances A. Patton, Manager. D.16J330. JJ.13J0.27. TJ.10 In 1953. the U. S. death rate was 9.6 per 1,000 population. about the same as in 1952, but . because of the aging population. Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. statisticians suggest that figure represents a new low. NOTICB O rOCAI. ACCOUNT NOTICI IS HEREBY GIVEN that a a v n.ii. - - ' - - - - uk rtlailn T R.LH. rtmlnifrtiH-r with the will annexed of the estate of utuituii a fHUMA, ueceasea. nas filed -her first; and final account of the administralUoO of said estate: and that Monday, he 8th day of March. 1954. at 9:15 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the court room of judge Hex Kiromeu. in the court house at Salerno Oregon, has been I appointed by Mid court as the time I and place fori the hearing of all ob jections to said final account and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published February I 2. 1954. ! GLADYS I. BALD A. Administratrix with the will annexed of the estate of George H. Balda. Deceased. HATTIE J. BRATZEL. Attorney for i administratrix. 317 Oregon Building, Salem. Oregon. , 1937 PLYMOUTH sedan with almost new 1941 motor. 550 Glen Creek Dr. Ph. 4-3622. 2 RM. FURN. apt. Inquire Max Food Mkt.. 815 S. 12th. Ph. 2-9090. 1 BR. HOUSE. Clean, close in. Auto matic heat. $37. Water Ic garbage paid. Ph. MjOS. BR. HOUSE. Newly decorated. Strictly modern. Close in. 75. Ph. 3-6408. p ; IT COULDNT; be in a nicer place. This clean, modern 2 U.K. House at 1527 Chemeketa. Just redeco rated, fireplace, oil furnace, wired for electric fange. $75. Ph. 4-1335. FURN. aptsi North Salem Motel. 2673 Portland fid... Ph. z-6688. 3 RM. FURN. ipt., close in.priv. en trance and bath. $40 includes utili ties. 4043 S. fligh. Ph. 3-4046. CLEAN unfurn. 1 bedroom court. Adults, no pets. Ph. 4-5995. SPRING painting inside. Woodwork. cabinets, chairs, cupboaras. rnone 3-7004. 1 PERMANENT part time position as cook in small ind. cafeteria. day Employment; Office. 710 Ferry. 21 CU. FTJ Carrier deep freeze used one vear.l276 N. Liberty. Phone 3-9592. e COW fertilizer. $9 a load, $5 yd. Ph. 3-6021. I B1LTWELU swing rocker and otto man. Phji 3r80i6. FOR SALE 6f trade. SZVt' "Deep freeze." Summer street urocery. 1305 N. Summer. HIDE-A-BED.j reasonable. May be seen at jto tarn aiier a pjn. rn. DOBERMAN-FINSCHER. 6 yrs. old. female. 4-3124. LOST: Orange and white Persian kit ten; 720 Waldo. Ph. 3-9797. 300 Personal 310 Meeting Notice 4 SALEM LODGE No. 4, A.F. it A.M. Wed. February 10, poiiuck uinner lor roasuns anu T j dies. 8:36: E. A. decree. 7:30. i ? I 3li L011 and Found LOST from 3 car. small female eat. dark striped. Feb. 5, soutn 01 Market I oi Park. Reward. Child's pet. Phi 2-5546. REWARD for man's gold ring. Blue stone. Ph.g 2-0018. 316 Personal Play popular Piano Call $al'm Music Co.. 2-8708, or Sarchet's in Albany. 352. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No. 1. 2088 f.Com-l. 3-4537. 4-3544. SAFE. Dermanent removal of un- sighUy facial hairs, erica 01 rt.z. 400 jrVgriculture 402 LWeskck For Sale SUFFOLK 'Orphan yew lamb. Eligi- able tnj register. 41915. FAMILY! rrfllk cow. Jersey: 100-gal. ruDDer sipcK ianx; a gai. mint can; 2 milki nails: 1 calf pail: churn: separator on table: calf quard: halter :and chain. Miller, Rt. 5. Box 75. saierTK fn. ALFALFA HAY and clover, barley pstaw. Ph. 2-7833. Also FOR SALF or trade, horses and saddles, fh. 2-0291. 3376 Silverton na. f! j LOCKER BEEF Eastern Oregon, or whole. 23c, iront quarter 20c. Custom shilling. Trailer loaned free. Salemi Meat Co.. 1325 S. 25th. Phone 3-4858.; t 403 livestock Wanted LTVESTOCSK buyer. 1 buy cattle. horses, hoes, sheen, goats, boars. veal. Emery Alderman. Phone 2- 7869 or 1-0066. CATTLE BUYERS. E L and H. Sne- then.i42?7 State. 2-1345 or 2-4380. CATTLE. Worses, at your farm. E. C McCandilsh. 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 3-8147. LIVESTOCK buyer. 1265 Harmony Dr. A. F. Sommer. Ph. 4-2617. 404 Poultry and Rabbits. FOR SALE Rabbits, hutches 8c hay. Call !4-iC5 evenings. BABY CHICKS- Hached year round with ilhfse specials. N.H. pullets isc. Par. Red roasters 5c. Order now for choice of breeds. Special New Ham p. fpulleU. 19c. Valley Farm Store. Salem. 4-4624. NEW liA'MP chicks $18.50 hundred at Wards Farm Store. WE ARE now pick-up station for BRENT WOOD Egg Company. Shipmejit twice weekly. Eggs ac cepted any time. Questions gladly answered. Dayton Warehouse Co Phone iRed 67. P. O. 163. Dayton. Ore.j. I WING heeds rabbits. 3983 State Phone a 4-3918. BABY' CHICKS Hatched year round.4 Order now for choice 01 breeds Special New Hunp puHata. 19tiyaUey Farm Store. Salem. 408 Pets HONYjiiol. male Peke. 1 yr. 3 mos. Out.- 01 snow stocx. innocuiaiea. $35.00.SCaU after 4:30 p.m. 2-4301. SHEPH.4RD Collie puppy for sale. PJU2-J047. REGISTERED pure-bred dachshund poppies. Red males. 835. rn. 4-4282. PARAKEETS. Cages, supplies. Bird Paifedise. 3180 Livingston 2-1S42. 222 i&HSS ?& Coy I block east of N Cjpit It, blocks north of Mftdivnn Ph 8-8897 PARAKEETS Babies raised in our horned $7.50. all colors. Mrs. Pow er. 735 Bellevue. Ph. 4-1587. BOXER female. Moore's tropical fish equipment. Parakeets, pets. Mac leay Ed. 4-3773. Closed Wed. ; CANARIES Orange & apricot strain. Phone 3-4385 1348 Chemek ' eta. I jj S r ' . m if: About 76.7 per cent of. rural North fCaroiina homes had electric i 1 ADS IN! THIS COLUMN RECEIVED To'o Late To Classify. if ugnu cm ivou. lAfifk Abpj.m1hm jW ATIVAIXUMTC I aWBaBaaaaBBalBBaaBBaaaawaaBMBMBBWBaaSBBBai 410 Seedl Plants il NORTHWESTERN strawberry certi fied heavy yieider. strong rooted, mountain grown plants, we are. shipping daily. Write Harry Tee,j Gen. Del., Tails City, Oregon. ROTTED MANURE by yard or sack, - Ph. 3-5072. i; ! 3 YEAS OLD currant bushes. rea4 sonable. Rt. 5. Box 29. Ph. 4-5780, BLUEBERRY plants, S years old. 850, reasonable. Ph. 4-3073. 41TT ana Equipment JOHN . DEERE D. on rubber. JD 3-16 plow; 10 ft. disc: .10 ft. flex harrow; 2 row corn planter: mow er, rake; manure spreader: 75 grain sacks. Miller. R. 5, Box 75. Salem. Ph. 4-2675. j . jj 1 425 Auction Sales rf i FURNITURE AUCTION tonite at 7 o'clock at LANE SUDTELL-'S AUCTION SALES YARD, lo cated 1 miles east of Salem on Silverton road. Ph. 3-6098. ! ' LIVESTOCK ; SALE I THURS.. FEB. FOURTH i 10 A. M. Misc. furniture, produce. farm machinery, trailers, 7-ft, ced ar posts. if 1 P. M. Livestock, chickens, rab bits, baby calves, veal, feeder stock, weaner. feeder pigs, beef ic milk cows, heifers, bulls, steers, sheep St goats. Livestock sold; by the head or pound. Our current livestock sales have been bringing prevailing market prices. Come to buy or sell. if. LANE SUDTELUS AUCTION" SALES YD. II ' .& Phone 3-6098 3915 Silverton I Rd. 1 450 Merchandise 455 Hsehold Goods For Solo' SOLD my home. Many household items including 8 cubic ft. Frig idaire at give-away prices. h43J,S Macleay Rd. -. !! s 14 CU. FT. Deepfreeze, Coolerator. 2430 Lansing Ave. Ph. 3-9441. jj 455 Wanted, Hsehold Goods! used rurnlture. appliances, etc Irti- mediate service. Used Merchandise Mart. 270 s. Liberty. Ph. 4-6371. g CASH for good used furniture. Phqh. 3'3V41- ; :' , Used Furniture i( Valley Furniture Co. 2-7472 CASH for furniture, one piee or nuUKfiuL. jm Deris. 4-f 001 CA6H TODAY ; Good used furniture or will sell on consignment. Ph- 3-6098 sudtens Auction. ;! ; 15a BullrHna Moiarinli P ALL NEW lumber, ahiplap. $30.00 Jr M and up. 2x4 and larger $25.00 per ill.1!?:0? i"15;?0 ?' M delivered. Phono 2-2042. LOTSA PLYWOOD INT. or Ext. Any Sizel Some ply. wood-make us an offer! Hundreds of doors your choice! 6.95 up. Sdgs 59.50 up. Hardboard 1.75 4xMClg tile. Roofing, Spred Satin paint.;lx6 T&G Cedar; 59.50M. Plywood pes low as 3c on ,,. 'i 4x8 RghilOb ft Oak Fig in heated room. Good 1x4 Fig. 98.50. I 36 mas. to pav no down payment. See us on remodeling needsfait friendly Service! jj Open all day Sat. Portland Road Lumber Yard 3545 Portland Rd. Phil 44433 METAL FENCES Permanent. No upkeep. Free festi mates. 36 mos. to pay. Borkman Lbr U Hdwr. Phone 3-370L?246O State St. REMODEL NOM Free Home Planning Service,1 Let us : help you plan your new i kitchen with Wards beautiful wood icabi nets i '- We also Install plastic tile. !j mfcarta drainboards, roofing. eavestrOughs ; and siding. For your free -estimate cau 3-3191. Montgomery ward Co.. 155 North Liberty, (j ? BUILDING! New fir door jambs uaK noormg New bath tubs complete Used bath tubs complete Used cast washbasins Hdwd. plywd.. ideal for paneling or cabinets Loose insulation per bag Fiberglass roll blanket insuLj heap 14-2 eiec. wiring ..33'ic 12-2 elec. wiring i.ii....S...5,jC NaiU $8.75 felSSSS keg Asbestos siding wr sa. .$9.00 rainiea snakes with unders 410.50 New doors, all sizes ; n sa Used windows 35" x 43" 4,l, $2.50 100 used doors with frames! New toilets with seats 4 j. 824.50 Double kitchen sinks, complete $41.50 42 gal. elec. water heaters;! $68.50 Laundry trays, pipe, basins LBargain 500 gaL steel septic tanks 4X$62.50 4" cast iron soil pipe 4 4 -75c 4' solid orangeburg pipe 38c Roll roofing, large supply S tab corns roofing . Cedar shingles. 4 grades 4j t Cheap New Galv iron roof. 4 Cheap Plywood, new carload Bargains New picture windows .. $8.00 New weather stripped windows $14.20 Cedar fence posts . LlCheao New plaster board xs ., ,; $1.40 1 Steel garage doors, complete 1 $44.00 J Over-head garage hardware. $13.93 n n iaAiia I Ph. 4-5051 1 ml Nef, KeiTer ALDER PANELING COAST RANGE TIMBER PRODUCTS CO. f WEST SALEM PH. 3-4893 462 SpOTtS Equipment Outboard Motor Repalr ntn n Lf Aner NOW! WINTER RATES UNTIL MARCH 1. SAVE $. ij SAVE NOW WITH OUR j WINTER RATES; ' SALEM i f' BOAT HOUSE CHEMEKETA AT THE RIVER WANTED Good used row boats around 14 ft. Cascade Airways. 193 W. Vine, Lebanon. Phone; 2261. cas? fil?' r,!u,SLrK&S and antique. Merc 1230 1 S&smfm i.iJ2.50 low, price ,j " M -4 $25.00 'j ..j $7 JO if - Cheap j g si on Broadway. 450 Merchandise ISO Musical Instruments Learn Piano ADULTS-CHILDREN '. Beginners On yi AGES ADULTS 18 TO 11S CHILDREN 8 TO IS I children's class and 1 adult class starting soon. Limited to 8 students per class. j i j REGISTER NOW We will furnish a piano for jyour home practice for a very normal rental fee which may be applied to purchase. i : s - . . J M baiem Mus Company 153 S. High St. , Dial: 2-870i Across from Elsinore Theatre FREE accordion furnished whti ybu learn. Call 2-5371. The Music Cen ter. 470 N. Capitol. j ; SAVE $300 to $500 on a new or used piano. 10 days only. The Music Center, 470 N. Capitol. Ph. 245371 RENT band or orch. inst.. $2 uf. The Music Center. 470 N. Capitol.; 468 For Rent MisceUcmeoui U-FIX-IT-GARAGEi Repair you own car. Phone 4-5261. 2095 li. Com'I. McCULLOCH cham saws and post noie augers ny oay. Town a4uip- mem to. rn. i " FOR RLNT or lease. Ira. warehouse apace, cement floors, brick; blag, down town. Inquire H. LJ Stiff rur.v 3-9185. i i 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous SINKS $2.50. Glen Woodry. METAL wheelbarrow, rubber tire. 83.50. woodry. 1605 w. summer. LADIES, LOOK i Slightly used 14 cu. ft. freezer. Com pletely guaranteed. A-l condition. Holds 480 lbs. meat. 2 baskets plus dividers. Was $369.95. Sale $293.88, REPOSSESSED 21" G. E. TV ? set. table model. Mahogany-like ifin ish. Reg. guarantee, was j$339.95. Sale $239.77. 1 FLOOR SAMPLE 3-speed I record player plus radio in green) plastic case. Complete guarantee. 'Reg. $36.95. Sale $29.77. 1 only, j I CU. FT. auto, refrig. FulJ width freezing compt. 4 shelves In door, butter compt.. twin vegetable crispers. Reg. $329.95. Sale $279.88. ar TV TABLE MODEL SETi All channel tuner. Full guarantee.: Was $279.95. Sale $219.88. j ' MONTGOMERY WARD & C0. APPLIANCE DEPT. PH. 3-3191 2 GOOD homes for sale. North. '$5900 and $7900. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. j 600x16 RECAP or Grp. 1 I battery. $6.95 ex. Dizzy Dean's, 1898 S.; 12th. BABY BUGGY. $9.50. Glen Woodry. CHARIS foundation girdles, bra. Ph. 3-5918 or 3-5072 Mary E. Bales. USED MATTRESSES, $5. Glen Wood ry. ! I USED FURNITURE FOR LESS Valley Furn. Co.,-219 NJ ComT. TAYLOR TOTS, Jumpers, car seats. Glen Woodry's, 1605 N. Summer. 5-PC. DINETTE set, $19.50. jGlenn Woodry, 1605 N. Summer i CLUB CHAIRS. $4.50 up. Woodry. NEW Wool rugs. 9x12. ape. Woodry. 1605 N. SummerJ 27.95. TAPE RECORDERS. $85 pp., The Music Center, 470 N. Capatol. CLOCK radios. $22.50, Clenl Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. 5 mm Appliance Bargains Used Washing Machines 59.95 & Up Used Refrigerators $49.95 & Up Used Elec. Ranges $12.97 & Up NEW Westinghouse Automatic electric clothes dryer,' 220 volt. Only "T .4-.fl69.95 DEEPFREEZE HOME FREEZERS $30.00 allowed for your ol4 water neater on a new Westinghouse wa ter heater. Guaranteed 10 years. i 1 Plastic -Kote requires no "waxing fur your floors or linoleum YEATER APPLIANCE ICO. 375 CHEMEKETA ST Open Friday Night Til 9 Ph. 3-4311 E-Z Terms, Glenn Woodry. ff WOOD circulating heater: $25. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. EXCELLENT barn yard; fertilizer. Ph. 4-3907 or 4-2470. Eldon Rouse. TERRIFIC rocker buys. G. Woodry. 4,000 WATT thcrmador elec heater. U4. men wooory. j ; SPINET Piano. Sacrifice S for Quick sale. Cash or terms. Can; be seen in Salem. Write R. L. Taw 913 s. w 9th Ave Portland. j $ DAVENO sale. Glenn Woodry's. NEW bedroom suites. sensational sale at Glenn Woodry's.; 1603 N Summer. Terms, tradey. jfree del NEW 8-way lamps, complete. $9.95. Woodry. 1S05 Summer, UNIVERSAL MANGLE, elefct. Quilt ing frame stand. Chicken; brooder. Ph. 44321. J 9x12 LINO rugs. $5.95. Glean Wood ry . 1605 N. Summer, j f STOREWIDE specials 10 days. The Music Center. 470 N. Capitol. S-PC. Used Twin Bed i tit, iVMi. Woodry. 1605 N. Summer; PIANO. $69. Glenn Wooary. HOSPITAL BED for sale or rent. H L. Stiff Furn. Co. Ph ! S-918S. PLATE mirrors sale!!! ; $135. Glen Woodry, 1605 . Summer. 1 FERTILIZER i rotted cow manure, corn post, rot ted mulch, and chicken manure for lawn dressing. By sack or cubic yd Pick ud it farm or we can de river. Phillios Bros. Rt. 5. Box 492. Ph. 43081. 9 mi. i.i 4-Corners on State St . ' RESTAURANT counter J S. Steel. stool, t sink fountains. Ph. 4-2485. 8Weeks$10 Limited enrollment. I H J 450 Merchandise 470 For Sale, Miscellaneaus PIANO-Spinet atyle. Mahogany. In storage anon time. .Bargain xor cash. Terms to reliable party. Write 312 Statesman-Journal. SINGER Portable sewing machine. Latest model with button Holer. Flyweight. Perfect cond. Vacuum Cleaner Clinic & Sewing Center, 455 Court. 4-5502. CONCRETE mixer, 1 wheelbarrow size. In good condition. $30. Ph. S-14S3. . Organic . Fertilizer Sack or bulk , Odorless v . Orders delivered -Phone 2-8127 ZENITH console model radio. $37. HOGG Bros, used Store, in s. Corn! MAHOGANY library table, $10. Hogg Bros, used Store, 137. s. com l. COTTON felt mattresses, twin size. $9.95. Hogg Bros. Used Store. 137 S.-Coml. . - LINK Bedsorings. full size. Only $2, Hogg Bros. Used Store, 137 5. ComX MRS. Iverson's Swedish rye bread. asteries, rolls, cookies, cakes, pies, i censed. Ph. 3-4918. 8250 Portland i : . ; Special Sale Closing out stock on ornamental stones, including lava and flag stones. Also on rustic cedar fencing; and cedar posts and poles. Our sup-i ply is limited so check now foe good buys. Phillips Bros. Rt. 5. Box 493. Ph. 4-308L 2 mi. E. 4 -corners on State St. IRON BED, complete. $13. 2 pillows. $1 ea. Kitchen wood stove, $3. Lawn mower, $15. 2030 Hazel Ave. OWNERS MOVING Selling Out Everything Wed., Feb. 10, 1 to 4 p. m. 1470 N. Capital Extra nice davenport set $55. Wing back club chair $20. 9x12 rug and ad $25. 1 pair Duncan Phyfe imps $15. floor lamp $5. 2 large chests o drawers. 812 ea. 1951 Zen lth Deluxe refrig. (freezer across top) .immaculate, $155, Hotpoint elec. range $35. 5-pc. walnut bed' rottm set. $90. twin bed ind. box sps-ing and mattress $35. walnut dihing set $43, old desk $10, bird cage and stand $6.50. Also Roll- away bed. utensils, hair dryer. mimeograph, fan. clock, printing set. pressure cooker, brass fire place set $20, and immaculate Easy Spinner washer $85. Many more good items, too numerous to list. LOOK! Maple bunk bed. Inc. coil springs and inner spring mattresses. $45. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. NEW HARDWOOD desks, 29.75. Glen woodry. 1B05 N. Summer. 200 PANES of greenhouse glass. Rea sonable. Set of golf clubs with bag. $10. PhJ 4-C333. ANTIQUE clocks. Glen Woodry's. DINING ROOM furniture. 3 p.m. 3-6866. 973 E St. Call after TALL bookshelves, $7.50. C. Woodry. POWER MOWER. Briggs Stratton $55 G. woodry. 1605 N. Summer. CONLON WASHER with pump, ex cellent condition. $35. Single laun dry tray and stand. 812. Ph. 3-7572 YR. CRIB, maple. $10. Bathinette $3.50. Glen Woodry. 1805 N. Sum mer. TRAILER refrig. Like new, price $99.50 (Frigidaire). Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. CHESTS galore. Glen Woodry's. COW fertilizer for sale Phone 2-2238 OLD frames, dishes, Lincoln rocker organ, : chandelier, steins, brouse at Glf n Woodry's, 1605 N. Summer, 40 VICTOR, penny, vending machine, well established route. 1130 N. Cot tage. UNF. desks, $19.75. G. Woodry. j 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous" WANTED good stulio couch. Pit 4-1504.; 474 Miscellaneous DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph -. BldfU SUte c Com'I. Sts SALKM PH. 3-3311 f 476 Fuel OAK WOOD for sale, green. $15.00 cord. Ph. 4-2508. CAPITAL FUEL i j Pickup Your J Presto-loes ! Briquets and wood at 198 9. Com'I St Phone 3-7721. Highway Fuel CoJ Clean sawdut wood, green or j dry. Stove-Diesel oils. Ph. 3-6444 ANDERSON'S green slab, 2 cdJ $14 Ph. 2-7751 or 4-4253. West Salem Fuel Co.! Tube or Push Out Sawdust Ash, Maple and Oak Wood i Green, dry slab. Planer Ends 1525 Edgewater Phone 3-4031 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loan PftrVATE winner to loan Ph S-07S4 REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO ' ROBERT W GORMSEK. PRCS ! 6S7 Court sr iac 4-2283 SHOPPING FOR A LOANf Personal Personal ! ' Offers These Benefits: ; f "Yes" promptly to employed peo ple married, single! , ; Nationwide credit. ' Single visit loan phone first. Select best payment date! : j LOANS UP TO $1,500 On Auto. Furniture or Salary Personal i FINANCE COMPANY Phone 2-2464 105 S. High St.. Salem SUte License 5-122, M-16S i Loans over $300 made by Personal Finance Co. of Marion County under the Industrial Loan Companies Act of Oregoa. i AUTO LOANS , WILLAMETTE CREDIT COJ ilia soutn cnurcn Parkin a-Plentv 1 Ph. 2-2457 Lie. f'o. M-50. S-154 515 Investments ' ALL-IN-ONE J LOAN j UP TO $2,000 OR MORE 1 LOAN MAY DO ALL 4 L GROUP INSTALLMENT PAY- MENrS ... i X. CUT PRESENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS. ( 3. CLEAN UP CURRENT BIL S. 4. PROVIDE EXTRA CASH, Just ONE MONTHLY. PAYMENT PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS hi S. 'LIBERTY -PHONX 1-2203 515 Inrettments 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted HIGH TYPE, neat appearing man or i woman to assist music instructor enrolling students for; school of music. Some knowledge of musical Instruments, instruction .etc., nec essary. Salary and bonus. Perman ent position for reliable and qual ified person. For interview give qualifications, address, and phone Write 213 statesman-Journal. LEARN STENOGRAPHY tc AC COUNTING. NIGHT SCHOOL. 115 A MO. Always a demand for well trained office neip. start anr Mon. or Thurs. night Classes 6 p. m. to 9 p. m. Merritt Davis School ' of Commerce. 420 SUte St. Ph. 2-1415. Over 'The Man's Shop. TEACHER for 'S4-'5S in Polk Co. rural school adjoining small town. Box 208, Statesman-Journal. 606 Help Wanted. Femal WANTED: Lady to share apt Ph 3-3324. 945 Union. WOULD like lady to care for school age children ana live in. 2-eooi i after 630. EXPERIENCED alteration woman , to take full charge of alteration de partment. Ladies Specialty Shop. Give age. experience and refer encei. Strictly confidentaiL Box 210. Statesman-Journal. GIRL for 1 housework and care of children. CaU 3-3737. AVON COSMETICS AVON has openings for pleasant na ture women to be Avon Kepresen tatives in Salem and Woodburn. For interview, write, Irene Stew art. P. O. Box 3761. Portland 8 Oregon. 610 Sales Persons Wanted HOUESWrVIS Sarah Coventry Inc nationally known as one of Amer ica's largest sales organizations has openings in this area. Display our highly styled Costume Jewelry, which received the coveted Fash ion Academy Award, on party plan during your free time and enjoy excellent income. No collecting or delivering. Phone 3-9739 for per sonal interview. WANTED: Experienced . real estate salesman. Good opportunity for a worker. Write Box 214 Statesman Journal. 2 MEN wanted. $75-$125 . per week starting. Need automobile. Exp. helpful but not necessary. Apply Tues. or Wed. morn., 10:30-12:30. 515 Hood. Rm. 201. ROOFING TILE dealer applicator- Exclusive dealership open for Mar ion, Linn, Benton and part of Yam hill counties. Some carpenter ex perience helpful. If you are inter ested in making $800.00 to a. $1,000 per month, write ts at once for an apointment. Can be sold nothing down. 36 mo. We handle contracts. Baessler Tile Co.. 9200 N.E. Halsey. Portland. Oregon. 612 Work Wonted; Male PROFESSIONAL upholstering done In my home. Reasonable. Pickup and deliver. Call 2-4290. CARPENTER 8c repair work. Dry rot houses our specialty. Ph. 2-1459 or 2-1842. DITCH digging and tile laying. Would contract. Ph. 2-7285. FEDERAL & State tax returns pre pared. Pick-up service. Reasonable. Ph. 4-5008 after 1 p.m. BOY. 18, desires part-time work. eve. and Sat. Ph. 2-5742. TAX RETURNS prepared in your home at reasonable rates.; Phone 4-2033. : HEDGES and shrubs trimmed, yard cleaned up and trash hauled. 2-7464. CEMENT work, all kinds. ; Ernest Drake. Phone 4-5M9. 1165 S 14th. TAX FORM completed. SUte. Fed eral. Prompt accurate service Ph. 3-6957. WANTED Bulldozing, land clearing, etc. R V. Stoops. Ph. 2-3326. 614 Work Wanted, Female RELIABLE baby Ph. 2-3136. sitting. Anytime. HOUSEWORK, city or farm by young woman, no drink-smoke. Ruth Clark, 445 Terrace. Falls City. Ph. 269. 1 LOVING care for 4 children. $1.50 per day with trans. Ph. 2-2104. HOUSE work by day or hour. $75 hr. Ph. 4-5077. HOUR WORK, cleaning & f ironing. Ph. 3-4368. I HOUSE cleaning or washing and ir oning. Your home. Ph. 2-3020. INTELLIGENT, responsible! woman needs work. Experience in general office, typing. Ph. 4-5943. ! WILL keep elderly woman; or chiL dren in home. 2-2817. 1164 S. 12th. WASHING and ironing done in my home. Ph. 3-3095. i. CURTAINS, hand laundered, stretched, delivered. Ph. 2-3167. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing, rea;on able.Mrs. Poe. 665 N. 16th. 3-3643. HOUSEWORK or rooking I company meals Phone 3-5810. 615 Situations Wanted WIEMAL'S Day Nursery.! licensed and state inspected. 2-5015. WILL care for children, my home, Phone 2-3543. s WOMAN housekeeper, home. Ph. 4-3243. Motherless CEMENT work, all kinds. Eeldschau & Son. 2-8628. 4-5329 aft. 3 p.m. 1 OR 2 SMALL children, care for my home, weeks, month. 192; S. Broad at., Monmouth. s LICENSED practical nurse.fWill take home cases. 2-323. - f TAX RETURNS prepared. Ph. 4-6228. Call day or eve. i CARPENTER work, new or remodel ing, free estimates. Ph. 4-2521. TAX preparation by former Internal Revenue Agent. Evenings & Sun days. 2-8612. : FURNITURE refinuhins at reason able rates. Leo Wallace. 1635 N. CapiUL 4-1868. . t PAINTING. PAPERHANGING. Con tract, small jobs welcome. Phone 2-7692. . ! .- i ROWSE day nursery, and Infants ac cepted. Ph. 24022. t CUSTOM dormant - spray and all types tree work. In, operator. Ph. - 2-7522. - PAINTING. Paperhanging. Free es timates. Don Lucero. Ph. 3-5522. CARPENTER New. remodel or re pair, time or contract. Ph. 2-5025. MICKXNHAM'S DAY NURSERY SUte licensed - and inspected. Ph. 2-7898. i i PAINTING. W1U gUdly estimate any size ob. Ph. 2-4307. 3-8243. INCOME TAX blanks prepared rea sonably. Phone 3-6641. j - LAN SCAPING, com. lawn, garden service. Service Center, 4-3373. 600 Employment 615 Situations Wanted TREES topped, trimmed and remov ed. Fruit trees pruned and shaped. Free estimates. Ph. 2-1464. DRESSMAKING and alteration. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Judy Pols ton. Ph. 3-567J PAPER HANGING tt Painting. Jerry wonnson. enone RELIABLE' baby sitter. Win go days or nignts. rnoae z-wc or a-axza. LIGHT crawler dozer, dirt leveling. grading. Phone 3-7042. CARPENTER WORK. Any kind. Rea sons Die. 4340 JOa&eay no. rnone 4596L fe20 Day end CxmtracT Land Clearing 15 yrs. Exp. Call for estimate on hour work or ty contract for tne com plete Job. L. C. MitchelL Phone 700 Rentals LARGE warehouse apace for rent or lease. Cement Xloors. brick build lng. Down town. Inquire H. L, Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-1185. 702 Sleeping Rooms, Board SLEEPING ROOMS. Phone 3-4335. 790 N. Church. GIRLS, kitchen privileges, home con vemences, TV, close in. Fh. 3-4372 or 3-9460. PLEASANT ROOM for - gentleman 1050 Norway. Ph. 2-4547. PLEASANT ROOM with bath. Close in. Gentleman. Ph. 3-4791. DOWNTOWN. 1st fir. clean, warm room. Batn adjoining. 658 Center. NICE light sleeping room. 1040 N. Cottage. NICE 'sleeping rooms. 1st' and 2nd . floor. Hot tt cold water. 461 N. High. LARGE beautiful furn. rm. Gentle man only. 539 N. Winter CLEAN, quiet, near state buildings. Hopping a 1st. Breakfast .privilege SLEEPING ROOM, kitchen faciliti. For 1 or 2. 754 Ferry St 705 Apartments For Rent 3-ROOM furn. apt. utilities paid. Rea sonable. Ph. 4-6551. CAPITAL apU. 348 North 12th St. Immediate possession. 1 three and four-room furnished apts. with pri vate bath. Near Capitol Bldg. and school. Very reasonable rates. Ph 4-6Z87. CUTE knotty pine trim. 1 bdrm. Exc privacy, $65 mo. Ph. 2-0971. CLEAN well furn. 2 rms. with util ities. South. Ph. 4-4307. CLEAN 3-rm. neatly furn. duplex. Pvt. bath. $35. Ph. 4-2566. BDRM. apt. Completely furn. close in. 444 N. Cottage. - 2 BR. furn. flat, ground floor, gar age, near shop. cent. 2-6833. 2 RM. FURN. apt. Private entH bath. refrig. 570 Union. VERY CLEAN, furnished. 3 rm. sec ond floor. Garage, available. 10s5 Edgewater, W. Salem. 3 ROOMS and bath. Clean, nicely furn., elect, heat, washing facilities. Ph. 2-4816. NEAR University. : nicely turn, 3 room apt. Reasonable. Ph. 4-5991. SMALL FURN. apt. Private bath, all electric. 194 S. Cottage. 3 ROOM furn. apt. -Newly decorated. 1 blk to bus. 960 N. 19th. Ph. 2-1071. ATTRACTIVE unfurn. 4-rm. apt. with range 8c refrig .1140 S. 13th. VERY NICE apartments Court. Ph. 4-5648. at 1183 CLOSE IN, comfortable, first floor. small apt. Ladies. 845 Ferry. 1 BEDROOM apt. Stove, refrigerator, water, automatic steam heat, in cluded. Modern.- $50 per. month. May be seen at 2153 S. Commer cial or Ph. 4-1452 after 4 pjn. CAPITOL PLAZA 1-bdrm, furn.. unfurn. 1163, Che meketa. 3-8630. : MODERN 3-rm. furn. apt., close in. 549 N. CotUge St. 1ST FLR. furn. 3-rm. apt. Private en trance, bath. heat. 359 N. Liberty. 3-7124. DESIRABLE 3 lge. rooms and bath, unfurn. 2nd floor, newly decorated, separate entrance. 2 blocks from capitol and downtown. 295 S. Win-, ter. Ph. 3-6553. : ATTRACTIVE close in. clean, furn. apt. Plenty beat, private entrance, elec. stove, refrig. tc bath. 245 Union. 4-1468. . , VERY NICE 2-bedrm. apts. Furn. and unfurn. Water, range, refrig. furn. Inquire 820 N. 14th. CLEAN 3 rm unfurn. court apt .with electric range. Close to bus. Ideal for working couple. Rent reason able. Ph. 2-8009. 3-ROOM furn. apt. Private 'batlK 3235 Portland Rd. FURNISHED 3 rooms, $30. Private bath 1968 North Com'I. PRIVATE 3 room cour. apts. dean. furn.. $45. Adults. 3560 Portland Rd. 1-BDRM. modern furn. court apt. $55. Ph. 4-1761. 3 RMS. furn. Utilities paid, preferred. 1553 State. Women CLEAN 3 room furnished apartment. Private entrance, bath. Utilities furnished. 419 S. 19th. FURNISHED apartments. Close-in Ph. 2-8740. 325 S. Winter. 2-RM. furn. apt. Close in. Heat, lights and water furn. $35. 340 union St. 3 ROOMS furnished, tance. 450 S. Capitol. walking , dis- Ambassador Furnished apts. 550 N Summer FURNISHED modern 2 room apt. Within S blocks of down town, $65 per month. Ph. 2-1887. 444 N. .Cot tage. 3-ROOM Furnished Court Apt with garage, $55. Close in on No. Com! Ph. 2-8648 or 3-6644. - COMFY, clean, close-in, furn., reas onable. 3 roorri. 492 S. High. MODERN furnished 2-room court apt. 1065 Madison. Ph. 4-4754. CLOSE IN. clean, turn.. 1 rm.. du plex with kitchenette. $30 765 Mar ion. IMMEDIATE possession. 3 rms.. and bath, newly decorated, court apt. Furn. or unfurn. TV, laundry, park ing. Inquire 1348 S. 12th. 1 ' CLEAN 2-room downstairs furn. apt. frivaie oam, garage, unnties Turn. $40. available Febv 10. Ph. 2-9084. 2561 Hazel Ave. ! 3-ROOM furn. apt. Priv. bath. 705 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-6947. 3 ROOMS, bath. Pri. entr, furn.. wa ter, heat. PK 3-3849. VERY NICE 1-bdrm.. furn. arid un furn. Inquire 1656 S. 13th St. NICELY FURN. Cottage. 3-room apt. 549 N. 3-ROOM furnished apt- full bath. Jieat and water furn. $35. Phone 2-8568. :. 707 Houses For Rent 1 BR. In court, stove.' refrig. furn. Inquire corner Lee tc Mission. . I BR. 8c 2 BR. houses. Gar. to both. Ph. 3-9411 562 Mill. - i 2 BR. furn. 3174 Teas Ave. Ph. 4-2330. FOR LEASE or lease with- option, to buy new 3-bdrm. house tn friendly . suburban neighborhood. Ph. 4-4232. MOD. 2-bedroom house. 4 miles South of Salem. $39 per mo. Adults. Ph. g-7529. i 7 ' I 700 Rentals 707 Houses For Renl WEST Side. dean, nicely furn, 1 BR. noma ana garage. 845. I2U Edge water. 3-5109. eve. 3-9039, NEW : 2-bdrm. unfurnished house. Close In. reasonable. Ph. $-7006. FAIRMOUNT Hill. 3-bedroom home. aauits, references. Fh. 3-4697 or 3-5509. v y . SMALL house, clean, nicely furn. Close to state Mdg. $3$. Ph. 2-4818.. 3-ROOM unfurnished duplex. Private pem. AQum. pnone 3-0217. 1 BR. cottage with elec. stove, refrig. oenoix wasner, ww 5 carpet, $55 Available Feb. 17 (32 5 Catterline. Call 2-2707. 1 FURN. LOTS knotty pine built-lns. granq, worxang couple. $45. 3-5085. I BEDROOM furn., house, rirare. basement, oU heat, fireplace, cou pie only. $30. Call $-9694.- "URNISHED S room Gerth. Ph. 3-7057. cotUge. 171 BDRM. duplex, garage and water furnished. $37. 3860 Center: UNFURN. HOUSE. With w .. decorated. $55. 3940 iZ, . SUte St. 2-OB69. i COUNTRY home, redecorated, mod- cm. a norm, Dasernent, unfurn $55. Ph. 2-2031. i NICE UNFURN. I-bdrnw court cot- tage. range, walking dist Ph. 3-5211 ATTRACTIVE 1-bdrm.! house. Stove, ft-irig. n sarage. rm HOUSE partly furn. Walk home for lunch. 578 Knapp. . Ph. 3-4332. CLEAN, modern 5-rmJ furn. duplex. Garage. $60. Ph. 4-256. TWO bedrooms. Inside -utility. Ga. rage. $50. Ramsey. Realtor. 4-6211. UNFURN. 1-bedroom home. $25. Rt. 6. Box 809. Ph. 4-1060.M 1-BDRM, modern, range 8c - furn. $45. Ph. 4-1761. refrig. CLEAN, furnished 1-bedroom house, garage. $50. 4133 Portltnd Rd. 1 ROOM furnished cabin. Gentle man. Phone 3-7018. i I 450 S. WINTER, $42.50 range and oil heater. 1 bedroom,! 2-car garage. . Call Ed LukinbeaU Realtor. 2-6680. NICE 2-bdrm. home on Cascade Dr. $75. Call 2-5585 after 5: p.m. DESIRABLE 3 lge. room! and bath, unfurn.. 2nd floor, newly decorated. separate entrance. 2 blocks from - capitol and downtown.:293 S. Win ter. Ph. 3-6553. - i f ALMOST NEW 2-bdrm. house. Elee. . range, auto, heat, hdwd. floors, in sulated. 2234 Maple Ave. 1-BDRM. alLelectric.j range, refrig, garage. 1460 N. Summer. ONE bedroom house', bath, utility, elec. heat, range end j refrig. Gar den space., Ph. 4-2819. J. IN HOLLYWOOD dist. 3-rm. house. unfurn. except oil circulator. 2-room furn. house.tNice for work ing lady. Ph. 2-1438. :. NEWLY decorated i bdrm. furn. home. Walking distance, south. Ph. 3-3101 or 2-6758. f i 1-BDRM. furn house. Couple only. No pets. Ph. 2-186$ or 2-2392. MODERN 1 bdrm. eourt near Gen. Hospital. Stove & refrigerator fur nished. Adults preferred. Ph. 3-9440 1 BEDRM. duplex with store room. No children. North Dist. $45 per month. Ph. 4-1761. i t RM. UNFURN. cottage. Elec. heat. elec. range. 744 N. Capitol. 2-8682. MODERN 2 bedroomj home, fireplace; unfurnished-460 a rmonth. MODERN 1 bedrdbnt court, gas heat. iirepiace. unr. except lor range and refrig. 1220 Court St. $50 a month. Contract, j : OHMART & CALABA, Realtors 477 Court St. Phone 2-4115 2-4118 2 BEDRM. house. Healer, range re- frig. 2265 Claude St. Ing. 945 s. 12th 2-BEDROOM unfurn.s house. $40 month. 1480 Park Ave. Ph. 4-5718. 3 BEDROOMS, double plumbing. Adults. Ph. 3-6250: after S p.m. 1-BDRM., clean, f prnished cotUge. $40. C. E. Andresen, 4990 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 4-1247. - i S 709 Wanted to Rent WANTED Bearing filbert orchard. 15 to 25 acres, prefer East of Sa lem. Must be, .id good condition. Call 3-1363. j S WANTED Outstanding Auto Club from Salem would like to rent double garage or: good barn to use as club bouse anJ work shop. Rent must be reasonaplei Phone 2-1065. ask for Gary. 710 Wanted to i Rent. Houses WANTED, clean furni. 3 or 4 room house. Vicinity State Hospital. Rea sonable rent. 2222 Si W. 17th Ave., Portland. Oregon, f NICE 3-bdrm home with option to buy. Call after 5j pn. 4-2822. 714 Business Rentals IDEAL space for real esUte broker. 367 N. High. j j LEASE BUILDING 4.000 sq. ft. on corner lot 70x100. 2195 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph 3-7124. If 800 Real Estate 801 Business OpbrtunlQes WELL established T V. sales and service. Doing good business. Will sell or lease, co Bqx 211 Statesman-Journal. ; i I SPARE TIME bus. inventory alone repays investment- Gd. returns. Under $500. Box j 209 Statesman Journal. ! '; CHEVRON gas station for lease. Lo cated in Salemj. Inventory appro. $1,000. For further information. Ph. 3-9295. j ij-. TAVERN and lurjchj 2-bedroom. liv ing quarters attached. Hi way 99, 4 miles South of Salem. Ph. 2-2122. SERVICE; STATION . Richfield offers modern sta. for lease . Monmouth. Ore. i Inventory only. . some, financial -assistance to quali fied party. Phone Mr. Holdea 3-9533 days or 2-0761 evenings. 804 Suburban GO SUBURBAN SPRING is . just Ground the cor ner.. Move into this lovely subur ban home nowf in time to arrange your flower and -vegetable garden to your own j lifting. Transferred owner has kept this 3 yr. old home and yard inj perfect condition. . Beautiful shrubs, i patio, full base ment, 2 bedrooms, hemlock pan eled living rooni with fireplace. Lovely bath. iAsk for THELMA MANKERTZ, Salesman. Eve. phone 3-995S, if no answer dial 3-8288 or 2-3828. . j- $. -.. - u V . . -PHOm'4-3394 1980 Fairgrounds Road HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT BY OWNER. 2 bedrm. insulated home on one acre, double garage, bain. Ph. 3-133X: 806 H ousee For Sale $500 DN. to right party. baL easy monthly payments on 2-br. home on large lot. Near Hollywood shop ping center. JOE NOONCHESTER REAL ESTATE 1593 N. Cottage; 4-3A61 day or eve. OWNER transferred. 4 bdrms., X baths, 2 fireplaces, knotty pine play room, double gar view. $19,- 500. 1-4448. Y PHoyg-2394 ,yr 1 i -l i J