The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 08, 1954, Page 6, Image 6

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    Tho Statesman, Salem
PARTY TIME ... Valentine
Invitations have come from Mrs.
Lawrence Siegmund, Mrs. H. C
Saalfeld and Mrs. Lloyd Dema
rest to a coffee for which they
will be hostesses on Saturday,
Feb. 13- at the Siegmund home
on Market Street . , . Calling
hours are from' 11 to 3 o'clock
. . . Presiding at the coffee urns
will be Mrs. Bernard O. Scfhuck
ing, Mrs. Lee Ohmart, Mrs. Os
car Christensen and Mrs. Clyde
W. Cutsforth . . Assisting about
the rooms wUl be Mrs. Francis
P. Colgan, Mrs. Charles, Low,
Mrs. J. H. Ryan, Mrs. I. N. Bacon,
Mrs. Farley Mogan, Mrs. Robert
Elgin and Mrs. George IJuncao
of Stayton ...
Invitations . . will be In to
day's mail to a tea for which
Mrs. Homer Smith Jr. and Mrs.
Wheeler R. English will be
hostesses' on Tuesday, Feb. 16
in the Gold Room of the Marioa
Hotel . . . The affair is being ar
ranged in compliment oi mrs.
Robert T. Boals, a newcomer in
the capital . ... Dr. and Mrs.
Boals and their children, Jimmy
review .
What the Young Women's
Christian Association (YWCA)
means to our community is a dif
ficult topic for me. For to me
it means to each one of us a some
what different thing. Its opportu
nity for service is outstanding,
for even - he lowly of us are given
the privilegf f sharing our irr-
est, cnarms ana xncnasnip wun
others: -
There are four City YWCA's in
the state, Portland being the first,
Salem the second, followed by
Eugene and Astoria. Forty years
ago when the YWCA was devel
oped and organized by the Salem's Club, classes were
formed to gi. opportunities of
study for busy women. The
classes were not only practical,
but for entertainment and cultur
al purposes as welL Our beloved
Mrs. Alice H. Dodd gave a history
of art class, which I will long re
member. Today the YWCA offers lan
guages, English, art, bridge and
. many other classes. The social
clubs for all age groups and in
terest have always been active
and willing to coopei te in gain
ing what each group was striving
Our Girl Reserve groups (now
Tri-Y and Y-Teen) of 25 years
activity are far reaching today.
England feels their, criminal
problems have increased due to
lack of activities for their young
since and during the war. Never
once in the 40 years since the Sa
lem YWCA was organized has its
doors been closed to either old,
intermediate or young women
and girls.
' The American woman is intelli
gent and active. She needs, as
does her men, an opportunity to
serve and give to the world.
Here in the YWCA is a place to
both give and take. My hope and
prayer is that the future holds
,inis i or every woman ana gin
in Salem, and our new building
. gives! you that opportunity.
Qul Calendar
University of Oregon Mothers an4
Dads covered dish dinner, McKinley
School. 1:30 pjn.
Salem Unit. Oregon federation of
' Republican Women, Senator Hotel.
2 p.m. . ' :
: Marion Auxiliary, VTW meet at
t vrw Hail. pjn.
Salem Memorial Hoepital Auxil
iary meet in chapel. 10 a.m.
Salem BPW Club Valentine party,
Salem Woman's Club. 7:3 p.m.
W mi-rmr I inn. 11 ll i. rV with Mrs
Gordon Bresaler, 4236 Mvcrcrtat
Drive. S p.m.
Christian Women's Club luncheon
meeting. Golden Pheasant, 1 p.m.
PLT and F Club covered dish din-
ner with Mrs. O. C. Harris. 2581 State
St.. S:30 p.m.
Leslie Methodist Church WSCS
meet In church parlors. 1:30 pjn,
Cherry Court. Order of Amaranth.
advance night. Scottish Rite Temple,
Jason Lee Methodist WSCS. Klrby
Hollywood Lions Auxiliary with
Mrs. r. Alfred Williams, WIS Tarn
arack St.. S pjn. '
DeMolay Mothers noon luncheon.
Masonic .Temnle.
Sojourners. 1 pm. dessert - bridge.
Saiem Woman livid.
Salem Toastmistress ClubJ Golden
Pheasant. S p.m.
rriendship Club with Mrs. H.
Melchert. 1153 N. 17th SU
Salem Woman's Club meet at club-
Mouse. 2 pjn,. board meeting, 1 pjn.
own n
Nev Clinic Opening in
Capitol Shopping Center
Watch This Fopcr for Further Details
Oregon, Monday,! Tmb. f. It 54
and Clare, moved here from
The Dalles . . . Guests have been
invited to call between 3 and 5
o'clock to greet j the newcomer
i i
Entertaining . j. . her study
club at luncheon! this 'afternoon
wiU be Mrs. Frederick : Hill
Thompson, who has invited the
group to her suburban home on
Crestview Drive . .
A surprise . . j, beusewarming
honored Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Gahlsdorf Saturday night, when
a group of their j friends gather
ed for. a no-host (dinner at: their
newly built home on Winding
Way ... A gift was presented
to the duo for their new home
. . . Surprising I the Gahlsdorf s
were Mrv and Mrs. Reed ; Voll
stedt of Eugene; former Salem
residents, who remained for the
week-end at the Gahlsdorf home
. . . Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Haag,
Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson, Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Barnick, Mr.
and Mrs. Lester Pearmine Jr.,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gorm
sen, Mr. and Mrs. Roger M.
SchneU, Mr. and Mrs. William
R. Shinn, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
J. Fry Jr., Mr. land Mrs. James
R. Phillips, Mri and Mrs, Wil
liam M. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ro
bert Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
R. Schick Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ro
bert Sullivan and' Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas A. Roberts Jr. . . .
Add to the list . . . of spring
fashion shows, which seemingly
are more popular than ever this
year, the Salem! Junior Woman's
Club annual (Easter Bonnet
bridge . . . the affair to be held
Saturday, March 20 in the new
YWCA building . . . proceeds
from the benefit to augment the
building fund j . . Mrs. Robert
H. Carey will Serve as chairman
of the affair . .
Dinner guests ... of Justice
and Mrs. William C. Perry Fri
day night were their longtime
friends, Mr. and Mrs. Butler N.
Woods of Corvallis . . . The
Woods are leaving next week for
a Hawaiian vacation . . .;
Out-of-town .! . . guests at the
Tillicum Club dinner dance Sat
urday night at the Marion Hotel
were Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Peets
of Portland, who were weekend
guests of Mr.! and Mrs. James
Mount . . . Other guests includ
ed Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. John
son, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr,
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lamb and
Mr. and Mrs. John Ficklin. . .
Entraining i . . Sunday for
Wisconsin were Mrs. George R.
4Ioffman and! daughter,' Patty,
who will visit with members 'of
her family foe several weeks . . .
They will make their headquar
ters at LaCrosse with Mrs. Hoff
man's father, Robert Linder . . .
Heading south ... this week
wiU be Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Carl,
who will spend the ensuing, two
months vacationing in Las Ve
gas, Death Valley, Arizona, Palm
Springs and Long Beach . . .
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice . Heater
have just returned from a fort
night's stay at Us Vegas ana
other desert resorts . . . Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Wenderoth are cur
rently vacationing in Palm
Springs . . ,.
A second son ... is being wel
comed by Mr. and Mrs. James
Frederick r Sproule (sniriey
Clark) of Portland . . . The lad
was born Friday at the Salem
Memorial Hospital and tipped
the scales at seven pounds, six
ounces . . , he has been named
Clark Allen ... he has a broth
er, Michael, and the grandpar
ents are Mr. and Mrs. Francis
E. Clark .!. . Mrs. Sproule and
the children expect to remain in
Salem for a fortnight at the
Clark home
Mrs. Smithson
Is Speaker
speaker for the Woman's Club on
Thursday evening in the Commu
nity Hall was Mrs. Lena TL Smith
son, superintei-dent of! Hillcrest
School. Twenty members ana
nine guests listened to her topic,
"Ju-enile i Delinquency ." Guests
introduced were Mrs. Ralph King,
Mrs. William Simon, Mrs. William
Brown. Mrs. Melvin Scott, Mrs.
Mabel Marqulss, Mrs. Peter
Wright. Mrs. T. R. Eaton, Mrs. W
P. Catron, and Mrs. Kenneth
Ahrendt i
Hostesses were Mrs. Lawrence
Lee, Mrs. A. E. LaBrahche, Mrs.
O. D. Binegar wit! the decor in
the Valentine motil Mrs. A. E.
LaBranche was appointed chair
man for the- semi-annual dinner
to e held in AptiL
45$ Court Street -
Hi WK '4 1 -l
H t
- V
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Martsfield (June Arlene
Boyer), who were married irv Mid-January at the Home
stead Road of Mr. and Mrs." James W. Martsfield. The
bride is the daughter of MrsJ Margaret Boyer of Turner
andithe groom is the son of the Chris Martsfields. The
couple will live ( at Four Corfiers. (McEwan Studio.)
Annual Guest
Night Slated
JEFFERSON Members of
the Jefferson Woman's club will
entertain at their annual guest
night -Wednesday, February 10
in the city halL A covered dish
dinner: will be served at 6:30
o'clock. Jack Wells, Oregon
State college exchange student
to Bolivia, will speak. Hostesses
will be Mrs. Gilbert Looney,
Mrs. Kenneth Zemlicka, Mrs. Hal
Reeves, Marjorie Fontaine and
Mrs. Henry Thiessen. Guests are
requested to bring their own
table service.
The Sidney-Talbot Extension
unit met Tuesday at the home of
Mrs. Jake Gilmour with Mrs.
Jack Craig, hostess. Miss Pau
line Schaplowsky, Marion county
agent, spoke on "Keeping Up To
Date on Textiles." Twenty-nine
women were present to enjoy
the Hawaiian luncheon served
by Mrs. Craig, Mrs. William
Wiederkehr and Donna Wieder
kehr.1 During the luncheon
hour, Miss Wiederkehr spoke1 05
her trip to Hawaii Guests were
Mrs. ; Leo Behrends. Mrs. Mar
jorie i Neverve, Mrs. Claude Pik
cher.iand Miss Mary McConneU
of Corvallis. j;
The Jefferson Home Exten
sion unit will meet Friday. Feb
ruary 12 in the city hall at 2
o'clock. A county agent will
speak on "Keeping Up with Tex4
tiles." All are welcome to at
tendJ . I
Mothers Plan f!
Many Events
ver Rickman presided at the Feb
ruary meeting of the Four Cbf-
ners School Mother's Club on Fri
day f afternoon. Several guests
w. -e introduced. Miss Erickson,
the school music instructor, will
present a program with the or
chestra on April 2 before the
Mother's Club. Miss Ruth fin
gram will be at the Four Corners
School Feb. 17 to give shots.
Room pulies are scheduled for
February 14.
For the March meeting the
Mother's Club will hold a fam
ily no-hosJ. dinner at the school
at 6:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. James
Hartman wil be in charge' of the
program to follow the dinner. It
is hoped all the parents of chil
dren in the school will attend. I
Principal D. Virgil Lamb gave
an interesting report on the Par
ents council. Mrs. Toycen's !2nd
grade made Valentine baskets lor
the shadow box display. Two large
split leaved Philodendron plants
were purchased for the hall en
Mrs. Everett W. Hunter! left
Wednesday for New York from
where she will sail for Germany
to be with Warrant Officer
Hunter. He is stationed with the
12th Air Force at Landstuhl Air
Base as an armament officer,
IZbti doUt need on
When it rains
It pours
Miss Becker
Married in
: Mr. and Mrs Robert E. Becker
of Salem are announcing the mar
riage of their daughter, Miss
Beverly Rose Becker, to Caryle
A. Dickson on Feb. 6 in Terre
Haute, Indiana.
The bride is a graduate of Sa
lem High School and Oregon
State Collefe, after which she
was a dietetic intern at Charity
Hospital, New Orleans. This sum
mer she accepted a position as
chief dietician at Union Hospital,
Terre H ute.
Mr. Dickson is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Forrest Dickson of
Hensboro, III He is associated
with Allis Chalmers Manufactur
ing Co. of Terre Haute.
Mrs. Humphreys
Is Appointed
STAYTON A surprise an
nouncement of the appointment
of the junior past matron of Aca-
cL chapter, Eastern Star, Mrs.
Lillian Humphreys, to the office
of Grand Representative of Nova
Scotia in Oregon was the high
light of the school of instruction
conducted for the chapter on
Tuesday. The appointment was
announced by the instructress,
Louise Irving, associate grand
matron, on an order from the
worthy grand matron, Irene Mc
Kinley. The district meeting of three
chapters will be held here on Feb
ruary 24.
New star-point chairs for the
chapter were received just in
time for use at this meeting. The
committee chose wroughtiron
framework chairs to match the
pedestal bases and with neutral
gray seat and back cushions.
Woman's Club;
At Clark Home
LIBERTY Mrs. Charlotte
Clark entertained the Liberty
Woman's Club on Thursday at a
dessert luncheon at ler home on
Boone Road; Mrs. Wayne Sipe
was the assisting hostess.
Mrs. William Hall conducted
the business meeting and the
group decided to have two "trav
eling baskets' and Mrs. Roland
Seeger was name. as chairman
and she will send the second one
on its way. The group presented
Mrs. Lloyd Koster, (Ella Harri
son) with a gift from the club of
which she is a member. ,
On the program Mrs. Harold
Rosebraugh gave a book review
on "Splendid Poseur" by Mar
berry. Guests were Mrs. Joe Vanek,
Mrs. Fred Kneilmg, Mrs. Ralph
Dent and Mrs. Walter SchendeL
Iodized or plain
Miss Hubbard'
at ,
Church Rites
r - -. - .-.' .,
Hiss Shirley, Hubbard, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ros
enbalm, Stayton, and Willard A.
Babbe, son " of. Mr. i and Mrs.
Chester Babbe of Salem, were
married February 3 at a 9 o'clock
ceremony at the United Brethren
church. The Rev. Lloyd White
officiated at. - the . double ring
ceremony. Members of the fami
lies were present I
! The bride wore a navy "blue
dress with navy and white acces
sories. Her corsage was of white
orchids and carnations. -I
After a brief wedding trip the
couple win live in Southern Ore-
gon, where the groom is em
ployed with the U. S. Department
of Commerce Bureau .of Public
Roads. ; j
OES has Party '
Friday Night
i f
Trinity chapter, Order of the
Eastern Star; featured Valentine
decorations in its meeting Friday
night at West Salem City build
ing. Mrs. Charles Unruh and
Mrs. Fred Gibson were in charge
of the' decorations. I Announce
ment was made for the Martha
Washington - tea to be held at
the home of -Mrs. Gleason Young
on Kingwood Drive February
26. Mr. and Mrs. Unruh, Mrs.
Robert Pattison and ! Guy New
gent were in charge J of refresh
ments. 1
Darrel " Corbett, accordionist
and Karen Corbert, pianist fur
nished the grogram. i
Hostesses Fete
Recent Bride
Mrs. Richard Bladofn and Miss
Sandra Shaw were hostesses for
a post-nuptial party Thursday
night in honor of Mrs. Leland
Elmo Prather, who was married
in December.
Honoring the recent bride were
Mrs. Floyd Trussel, Mrs. Robert
Trussel, Mrs. O. E. Rinehart, Mrs.
L. S. Prather, Mrs. M. O'Harra,
Miss Marjorie Kronser, Miss Jean
Davis, Miss Dorthea Terney, Miss
Mary Holcomb, Mrs. Alfred
Smith, M.s. Dennis Howarth, Miss
Bobi Thurman, Miss Edith Doss,
Miss Betty Barnwell, Mrs. Cecil
Embree and the hostesses.
Star Mothers at
Business Meeting
American Gold Star Mothers
held a business meeting Thursday
at the VFW hall. Hospital Chair
man Mrs. George Pro reported
on her committee's work at Vet
erans Hospitals and of a meeting
of Patriotic Orders recently. Mrs.
Harriet Birch reported on bazaar
and rummage' sale plans. Also on
the program were Mrs. Jessie
Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Van-
Cleve who will be hosts at their
home on February 18, and will
be assisted by Mrs. Winnifred
Butler, Mrs. Addie White and
Mrs. Pro. The sewing group will
meet February 10, with Mrs. Lucy
Lichty, 550 Rosemont
Gardeners Meet
At Gardner Home
liam Gardner was hostess to the
Friendly Neighbors Garden Club
on Thursday evening at her
home on Fairview Ave.
Mrs. E. L. Gray conducted the
business meeting and Mrs. R.
1L Parks gave a report on the
Garden Council. Mrs. Forrest
G. Fulton was welcomed as a
new member.
Mrs. Hubert Dunn was the
program chairman and she pre
sented Marvin Black who spoke
on perennials. Mrs. Elizabeth
Merrill of Yakima was a guest.
A Valentine party followed the
Kingwood auxiliary and Post
of the American Legion had a
no host dinner Thursday night
The program was put on by Ex
plorer Post 19 and 15 troops.
Announcement was made of a
cake walk and Dutch auction to
be .held February 18 and a
March 10 rummage sale.
from CITY'
Jett Skene et4
wf tew meek"
$25 to $1500
Complete your loan die first time
ye stop in. All details arranged
quickly, conveniently, privately in
a friendly, pleasant way.
ear ee fsrnlNifv.
Kseea 200, 317 Ceart SL
SffVs a 10M Him tsr wrow
(Of UltS,
i "Open Evenings
By Appeintmsmf"
. .k .41 i
-fi mi1
... aV r . tM S,'iSii diST ?
Mrs. Chester A. Smith who
were married at St Paul's
Catholic Church here Satur
day, Jan. 30. Before her
marriage Mrs. Smith was
Alta Marie Brown. (McEwan
Music Program
At College Hall
Salem Federatet clubs will give
a recital at Willamette Univer
sity's Music hall on Tuesday night
at 7:30 o'clock. Those participat
ing are Marilyn Block, Leslie
Clayton, violinists, Pamela Brown-
ell, Lynn Losi, Sally Jochimsen,
Nancy and Mina McDaniel, David
Chambers, Nancy Nordyke, Ro
berta deWeese, Stuart Goldblatt,
Catnryn Kock, Rosemary and
Joyce Weekly, Janice Bishop,
Rollin Beaver, Barbara EtzeL Pat
sy Anan, Connie Chambers, Car
ma Jean Eldridge, Barbara Da
vis, Judy Deacon, Barbara Jean
Smith and Davis Steiner.
Counsellors are Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Palmason, Mrs. William
Bush, Mrs. Franklin Ward, Jean
Hobson Rich, Mrs. Frederick Wil
son, Mrs. Harvey Gibbens, Mrs.
Adeline Brandtl, Mrs. Betty
Stavenan, Mrs. P. F. Thomas, Gen
evieve Cameron Parcher, Miss
Alice Arnold, Rosella Traviss,
Miss Muriel Fitts, Miss Jean Turn
bull, Mrs. Clyde Gilbert, Miss
Ruth Bedford, Mrs. Davis Eason,
Mrs. Ronald Craven, Crescendo
Club and Sacred Heart Academy.
Chapter to Meet
Chadwick Chapter No. 37,
O.E.S. will meet at the. Masonic
Temple Tuesday at 1:15 for des
sert luncheon and card party.
The committee members in
charge of arrangements are Mrs.
Jack Federsen, chairman, Mrs. L.
M. Purvine, Mrs. J. D. Berwick,
Mrs. Claren e L. Webber, Mrs. E.
Godfrey, Mrs. Floyd Kibbe, Mrs.
Dean Schomaker, Mrs. Ogden R.
Hare and Mrs. M. Knight.
A Bit Of
" j i A j.
QUESTION: Who is Lloyd's
It was In the late 1700's that a group of London business
men began going te Edward Lloyd's Coffee Shoppe for
their mid-morning coffee break, (Ed was selling coffee,
for a 'farthing with no additional charge for refills!) It
was decided that the perils of the sea were toe hazardous
for the iron men who manned the wooden ships and that
something should be done to compensate those who lost
their cargoes. So, contracts of insurance were devised and
those men who were Interested in assuming a percentage
vi vim ris nor a ice i were asKea now ret inis to
"write' i their names "under" the Contract form. Thus
evalved the term "underwriter" which is now taken to
mean anyone who considers himself an expert on evaluat
ing a risk. . ; :
In the U. S. the only insurance that may be written by
Lloyd's is that which the American insurance market can
not or does not wish te handle. In other words, Lloyd's
writes only these risks that are "surplus" and this is
usually referred te as "surplus line'' business.
Llyod's is represented in the U. S. by brokers who in
turn use the facilities of local agents who place their sur
plus line business with the brokers. Usually, the cost of
this Insurance is In exeess of that which would be paid
should the same coverage he available en the American
market. In short, Lloyd's names its own rate for a given
risk. ; ,
173, N. Church . ' Plionn ': 39119 .' Salem
"Tho Capital Stock Ccmpemy oi Preierxed Elsks"
- '"
Four Corners Members of the
Jolly Eight Club gathered for a
no-host dinner on Saturday eve
ning at the C. R. Osborn home
with the husbands as guests of
honor. Covers were placed for
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jackson, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Kasson, Mr. and
Mrs. George Rowden, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Knight, Mr. and Mrs.
Arlo McLain, Mrs. Margaret Wil
lis, Mrs.vLes Marry and the hosts
Mr. and Mrs. Osborn.
Roberts Hillbillies Satire
Dance club will meet Tuesday
night. The committee includes
Mr. and Mrs. John Harger, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Halvarsen and
Mr. and Mrs. Doc Guyer.
Dr. t Lam NU Of O Chao. NO
Upstairs. 241 North Liberty
Office open Saturday only, IS ajs.
to 1 pa, te J pjn. Comulution.
blood pTMMiro aa a tin tests art
free of chare. Practices sinet
(917 Write for attractive gift Na
bUcatlos, 1
Goodwill Industries is a
sheltered workshop for
handicapped people . . .
Tour discarded clothing
and household items will
keep them independent
Phone 4-2248
for Tuesday pickups in
West Salem and South of
Center St, Fridays North
of Center St '
of London?
Camp Flro Girls ;
TotGivo Tea i
ta" -!!!!? Fire group ! of th
seventh grade of the Leslie Ju
nior High School are entertain
ins: at an international 7t nn
Wednesday, Feb. 10, at lie home
01 tneir leader, Mrs. Robert Fe
nix, 2000 S. High St, from: 4 to
5:30 p.m. . r f
. The group is presenting a
world fashion show, and each
will wear costumes symbolizing
various countries. They ! will
serve refreshments typical of the
country they represent f Coun
tries to be represented wfll be
Scotland, Norway, AmericaJ Mex
ico,. Hungary and China; 1 f
Nancy Baker is the president
of the group. Sue Brasher! vice
president, Janet Davenport, sec
retary, Sally- Osko, treasurer; so
cial chairman, Patty Fenlic and
Claudia Weaver, Ann Farrar and
Bonnie Jean Kurth, refreshment
chairman. ; ? :
Bidden are Mrs. Rqllin Baker,
Mrs. Louis Kurth, Mrs. Vernon
Weaver, Mrs. James 2 Brasher,
Mrs. V. J. Osko, Mrs. Lloyd Da
venport, Mrs. Andrew Halverson,
Mrs., Louise Deeney, Miss Anna
Miles, Mir Esther Fuenning,
Mrs. Iva Anderson, Mrs. Lucille
Kieft, Miss Helen Fletcher, Mrs.
Helen Deikman, Mrs.; William
Gardner and Mrs. Madeline Han
nah, and Miss Andrea Diekman.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sproule are
the parents of second boy,
Clark Allen, born Feb. 5 at Salem
Memorial. The older I child is
Mike. Grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Clark. . j I
iiAnn nADio
1 ' i ,
! 2140 S. Commercial
. Open Evenings Til S
Sales Service
Open Friday Night TU t
355 Center Phi 14139
Your Skin u Telling
About YourlAge
. rent ere wrinkles aronnd yerw
eyes are often eansed by skin ill j nil
Skin dryneu is caused by your skin's
inability to make enough lubricating
cholesterol and esters, f Penetrating
Lanolin Plus Liquid used nightly as a
cleanser a few extra 4rops gently
SMaaaged into your skin before retir
ing a few snore drops used daily as a
powder base constantly give your skin
an abaadaaee ef cholesterol sad
asters. Sesalt: dry skin is overoosae
prematura dry-tkia wriakle
quickly fade, giving you surprisingly
younger look. Get your Lanolin Plus
Liquid today. Use k tonight. Actually
SEE a difference tomorrow Burning.
All this for but one dollar, plus tax.
Stop Those
BorrU MeS
- -
fm ,b mm siae
rWHB4 Lmom . sias
H(lftMiCnM ll-W
PW iarlkBav SIM
Km BWr 1mm (IJtO