The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 08, 1954, Page 2, Image 2

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    1 -The Statesman, Satan, Oregon Monday! Feb. t, liS4
mlin Chances
By JAMES F. KING - I One diplomatic source here
uiNUtjrv un ine Annum vwwea .oovin rreiiuci umu
shook up the Communist Party in Malenkor as securing his position
two nvre Soviet Republics Sunday by putting trusted lieutenants in
Moldavia and Kazakh. There also key spots. He has made many
was a shift in the governing hier- moves in that direction since the
arrhv in Lithuania. I DUT21M 01 ine aovieis ex-secret
I nclice hoar Lavrentv P. Beria.
rimutrt in Snvict radio broadcasts ADDeiatmeU Aiaae
heard here, appeared at first The first broadcast announced
glance to herald the launching of that Zlnovi Hmofeevich Sefdyuk,
i miinr Veshuffle tit nartv bosses 1cm a party leader in the Ukraine
on the home front. This would be and decorated with the order of
in line with recent widespread Lenin on his 50th birthday three
chances in Russian diplomatic as- months ago, hade been made top
signments abroad.
French Battle
Reds Outside
Encircled Base
HANOI. Indochina l French
Union forces poured out of the
fortress of Dien Bien Phu Sunday
and. although outnumbered, inflict
ed heavy losses on encircling rebel
party man in the neighboring Mol
davian S. S. R. The Kishinev Ra
dio said Serdyuk succeeded Dimitri
Spindonovich Gladkiy. who be
came Serdyuk's deputy,
That republic Is part of former
Bessarabia, which i Russia took
from Romania in World War II
and occupied until the Romanian
peace treaty in 1947 confirmed the
Soviet title. I
The Moldavian Communists were
having trouble in; June just before
Bena was fired. A leader in the
party bureau was dropped, and a
member of the party secretariat
was transferred to other undis
closed work.
Other Changes
Two major changes were an
nounced in the strategic central
SARASOTA, Fla. Sad faced
oto II dozed on a special cot in
circus headauarters Sunday and
apparently . is doing pretty good
after an hour and 40-minute brain
operation. 1
'Dr. J. Y. Henderson, vetennar
ian at Ringline Brothers and Bar-
sum fc Bailey circus, sua me
underweight gorilla she weighs 63
pounds is '"resting comfortably
and eating welL"
A brain surgeon. Dr. Mason
Trupp of Tampa, entered the gorftV
a's brain Saturday to seek the
cause of paralysis which has been
sapping the - animal's life slowly
away. i 1
Before 20 newspapermen and
photographers and several doctors.
Dr. Trupp snipped small bits of
brain from Toto. This brain tissue
will be examined to determine
whether the cause of Toto's trou
ble is a' tumor or a parasitical
growth which can be arrested by
medicine. -
The next step in Toto's treat
ment will not be known until path
ologists have examined the brain
tissue. Results of those studies will
not be known for a day or so.
The French have been waiting Asian Kazakh S. S. R. The Kazakh
Inside the fortress for 79 days for Radio said one Comrade Ponomar-
.an all-out ' attack by some w,w
Communist-led Vietminh troops
camped around the post.
Sunday, France's aggressive
commander, Gen. Rene Cogny,
enko had taken over as first sec
retary of the party's central com
mittee and that Comrade Brezhnev
was his deputy, I
The two new bosses were other
sent "several bataliona" - 4.000 to wise unidentified.
5.000 men out of the Dien Bien
Phu into a hand-to-hand battle
against grenade-hurling rebels tur
rounding the fortified plain. A
French spokesman said many
Reds were killed or wounded and
conceded , there had been some
French losses. (
Aril II it Battle i
The encounter took place 'about
two miles northeast of the center
of the Dien Bien Phu "dust bowl
where French and Vietminh artil
lery have been probing out each
other i positions
The attacking Union forces were
Another shift in1 the Kazakh Re
public, announced by the Ala Ata
Radio, said Communist Party first
secretary Shayakhmetov and his
deputy, Afonov, f had been i "re
lieved of their duties." No explana
tion was given, i
The radio at Wilno, Lithuanian
capital, announced that Eduardas
Ozarskis, an old party wheelhorse
who has been serving as under
secretary of the; Communist Par
ty's central committee there, had
been made a deputy premier in
that republic. The broadcast did
not say whom he might have re-
supported by French warplanes placed, and the significance of the
that roared over tne jungie-coverea move was obscure.
hills strafing and firebombing reb
el points.
There were indications Sunday's
action might herald the start of
the long-awaited battle for Dien
Bien Phu. It was believed the
French initiated it because the
Vietminh'a crack 308th Division has
ouit the area to spearhead the
thrust towards Luang Prabang
Defense Asc Set
The French have set up a de
fense arc 50 miles from Luang
Prabang to give their troops time
to set up strong defenses on the
outskirts of the capital. The Viet-
Bidault Stand
Firm Against
Soviet (Attacks
Siclt Gorilla
BERLIN If) 4 Georges Bidaul
once an uncertain quantity in the
French cabinet, has become i
minh are reported nearing the de- nower-housa in Berlin. u
,fense arc. but observers speculated The dark haired French foreign
they might bypass the capital and
push on to the Mekong River bor
dering Thailand.
It was apparent that Dien Bien
Phu had lost its value as a defense
post and had become an offensive
bastion. Cogny had wanted to use
the. post as a springboard for an
attack when the French withdrew
from the Tahi country's capital of
minister, who stands barely should
er high to Secretary of State John
Foster Dulles, has surprised Bri
tish and American delegates by
his stout battles with V. M. Molo-
tov. i
His outspokenness has bee'n par
ticularly pleasing to the Ameri
cans although they know that every
Judge Rules
Rail Union
Shop Illegal
AMARILLO. Tex. I - District
Judge E. C. Nelson ruled Saturday
it would be unconstitutional for the
Santa Fe Railway and 16 non-op
erating unions to enter into a union
shop agreement
He ruled in favor of 13 Amamio
employes of the Santa Fe who had
sought a permanent injunction bar
ring the railroad and 16 unions
from making such an agreement
Judge Nelson said his formal or
der will be entered next week.
Attorneys for both sides said the
order will be effective throughout
the Santa Fe system.
In a nine-page opinion. Judge
Nelson declared:
1. A union shop agreement would
deny to the 13 plaintiffs rights
guaranteed them under the First
Fifth, Ninth, 10th and 13th amend
ments to the U. S. Constitution.
. 2. "The making and enforcing
of a union shop agreement such as
that proposed by the defendants
would violate an essential and in
herent right of man regardless of
any constitutional provision."
3. ". i .Congress has no. right to
enact legislation making union
membership a test of the right to
work for a carrier engaged in In
terstate commerce."
I A union shop agreement requires
that an employe join the union
within a certain specified time aft
er employment "
Portland Boy
Dies in Wreck
,000 Mexico
Homes Lost
In Earthquake
i -
gan flying out the injured -ana
homeless Sunday from four Mexi
can towns in a 50-mile wide coffee
producing area - hit hard by a
catastrophic earthquake Friday.
The area isXm Chiapas . State W
miles from the Guatemalan bord
ers - .
Some 5.000 families were report
ed, homeless. The town of Ya jalon,
population 5,000, suffered great
property damage.
The Eovernor of the state. Efrain
Aranda Osorio, said he had talked
by telephone to mayors in Yaja
log and three other towns hard hit
by the c,uake and none reported
any fatalities.
There was one report, uncon
firmed officially, that four farm
era had been buried in landslide.
Officials said light construction of
homes in the area accounted for
the lack of heavy casualties.
Rescue, . teams . were pushing
through Jungle roads to take
medicines and .food to the vic
State officials estimated the
damage at 200 million pesos (17
million dollars). They said all the
bouses in Petaldngo and 75 per
cent of those la Yajalon were re
ported destroyed.
Gregorio utniia, a conee piant-
r uU his t-ancr hmiu was swal
lowed up before his eyes. He stat
ed: .
"When the swaying stopped.
looked toward my house and
was gone, swalloed up in a deep
crack in the earth. After that the
crack closed up and there wasn'
a sign, of the house.
time he defends the European
He may convert to that Army Treaty he risks hotter poli-
now. tical fire for himself at home.
Cogny has never doubted he He came to the conference reo-
could whip the rebels if they drew resenting the weak sister among
their forces against Dien Bien Phu, the Big Three. Moreover, in Paris,
which boasts the high fire power o many Americans and a good many
American-supplied weapons. With Frenchmen never felt sure just
this firepower he believed he could where Bidault stood on the EDC.
onset tne reoeis numerical super- Here they are not in doubt
iority more than four to one.
Sit in Lincoln
Church Peiv
"dent and Mrs. Eisenhower sat in
Abraham Lincoln's pew during
special Lincoln services at the
New York Avenue Presbyterian
Church Sunday.
After the sermon by Dr. George
M. Docherty, minister of the
downtown church which Lincoln
attended, the Eisenhowers rode
back to the White House for a
brief presentation ceremony on
the .north portico, overlooking his
toric Pennsylvania Ave.
Mrs. Barney Balaban, wife of
the president of Paramount Pic
tures, Inc. presented - to Mrs.
Eisenhower the original letter
written by Mary Todd Lincoln to
Queen Victoria in acknowledge
ment of the Queen's condolences
following Lincoln's assassination.
The letter was dated May 21. 1865.
a little more than a month after
the assassination April 14.
The Balabans, old friends of the
Eisenhowers, sat with them in
the church and later rode to the
White House with them.
"He acts like a man who has
burned his bridges behind him,"
said one high American source.
He has verbally slugged it out
with Russian Foreign Minister Mo-
lotov day after day, defending the
EDC as the only device for curb
ing German militarism because it
means harnessing Germany with
"democratic peace-loving nations"
in the Western sense.
If any impression at all has been
made on Molotov during the pres
ent Big Four conference, it has
been made. American sources sus
pect, by that argument ;
PORTLAND (i - A 17-year-old
youth was injured fatally Saturday
night when an automobile failed to
make a turn and crashed down
30-foot bank.
He was Weldon Satterberg, 17,
son of Mr. ana Mrs. Arvia m,
Satterberg, Portland. j
Police identified the driver of
the car as Jack Williams, 18, of
nearby Lake Grove. Williams and
another passenger, Gale Kings
bury, 18, also of Lake Grove, were
held In jail overnight and later
released. S
The accident occurred in a sub
urban : district southwest of Port
land, i I
Satterberg was thrown from the
car. Tne other two youths were
not hurt.
Over 100 Missing
As Boat Capsizes
On River in India
BOMBAY j India I I A boat
carrying pilgrims to a Hindu re
ligious festival capsized i in the
Ouraa River near Surat, Western
India, Saturday night and police
said Sunday only 23 survivors of
about 125 persons aboard had been
found. ;
It was the second disaster in
volving religious pilgrims in India
in less than a week. About 500
stampeding Hindus were crushed
to death at the Kumbh Mela bath
ing festival at Allahabad. 800 miles
northeast of Surat last Wednesday,
Malenkov Agrees
To Campaign on
One-Party Ticket
MOSCOW ( Premier Georgi
Malenkov announced Monday he
has agreed to stand as the sole
candidate for- the Leningrad elec
toral district for a seat in the
Council of the Union, one of two
houses making up the Soviet Par
liament The elections take place
March 14.
It will be the first general elec
tion since Malenkov succeeded Jo
seph Stalin as premier. Stalin used
to allow his name to go on the
official list of candidates in the
Moscow area.
. The Communist newspaper Prav
da said Malenkov decided to run
in Leningrad, a district he already
represents, after receiving offers
of nominations from more than 70
Britisli Police Kill
Mail Mail Chief
NAIROBI,! Kenya (J) British
security" forces Sunday killed the
Mau Mau leader "Brigadier Batu
Batu" and 17 of his henchmen in a
running gun battle in terrorist-in
fested woods around Karatina.
The "brigadier" was one of the
three colorfully-named leaders
a gang that terrorized tribesmen
in the district !
Yearly Crime
Cost at $495
Per Family
WASHINGTON If) Crime costs
each family in the United States
Reds. Tighten Security
In i Eastern Germany
I BERLIN M East Germany,
a political bomb with a sputter
ing fuse, was wrapped up by Com
munist secret police Sunday in the
strongest security measures since
the 1853 revolt I ,
Anti-Red ( underground sources
estimated 300 to 500 Russian Zone
workers have been hustled to jail
Solon Refutes
Postal Bureau
D. Johnston (D-SC) said Sunday
Postmaster General Summerfield
erred in claiming large savings in
the Postoffice Department under
the Republican administration.
Johnston quoted Summerfield as
saying that the anticipated deficit
for the current fiscal year ending
June .30 had been cut from 7S2
million dollars to "something in
excess" of 400 million, or a saving
to the taxpayers "of more than a
million dollars every working
day." : f
But, the senator declared in
statement,; the postmaster general
has not made any such saving.
Actually, Johnston said, the Post-
office Department has gained S199,
400.000 from higher rates in the
past year. This included 159 mil
lion from increased parcel post
charges, 24 million on international
postage and $16,400,000 on "such
things as box rents and miscel
laneous fees. : '
Also, the senator said, various
bookkeeping shifts 1 have trans
ferred US million dollars of charg
es from the Postoffice Department
books to other agencies. He said
the biggest of these was $80,665,
000 in airline subsidies shifted to
the Civil Aeronautics Board.
These shifts and i higher rates
make "a grand total of 316. mil
lion, Johnston said.
So it appears, I be went on
"that instead of spending less of
of the taxpayer s money, he (Sum
merfield) is actually spending
more. Mavbe there are some
an average of $495 annually, chief overall savings, but I would like
u-man J. Edgar noover nas in- to see them spelled out
A" -.. t "
lormea a congressional commiuee.
For every dollar spent on ed
ucation. Hoover estimated. $1.82 is
Spent indirectly paying for crimin
al activities, and for every dollar
donated to churches, $10 goes to
Hoover supplied the statistics to I
the House Appropriations Commits
tee while testifying in support of
the FBI's new budget !
Preliminary data, he said, indi
cates that 1953 will set a new high
for major crimes, with a major
offense being committed every
14.S seconds.
In the past week for heckling Com
munist rallies, or otherwise speak
ing out against the Molotov plan
for Germany at the Big Four con
ference, j. i
Police Chief Ernst Wouweber's
army of secret agents stayed on
full alert Sunday in five East Ger
man provinces. But a Sunday calm
temporarily settled down. With
most factories idle, no new inci
dents between Communist Party
agitators and unconverted work
ers were reported,'.
Men on whom the security of
Western Europe! depends icon-
firmed that the 300,000-man Soviet
occupation army.! which crushed
the June 17 uprising with armored
force, has not been- diverted o
riot squad positions at present
It is known authoritatively that
Soviet divisions are going about
their routine winter activities.
Some regiments I from Potsdam
are now in the Magdeburg area
for firing practice. But Magdeburg
itself is quiet though last summer
it was a flaming center of anti-
It was evident, however, that vi
olence could erupt in brooding
workers' cities if the tension was
renewed this week. But WoUweb-
er's army of agents was under
orders to "arrest ten if you sus
pect one. I
Red ear of public feeling ex
tended Saturday to the East Ber
lin school system. A search was
made of pupils for Western news
papers and periodicals. Even some
Western comics were seized.
Planes Supply
Area in Italy
ROME UP Italian rescue planes
dropped 2,500 pounds of food and
medical supplies Sunday to 10 iso
lated Appenine Mountain hamlets
where 32,000 persons have been
snowbound for a week.
A crack fire department ski
team was sent by train to Abruzzi
Province to aid in bringing relief
to the villages worst menaced of
more than 75 hamlets in Italy s
mountainous spine southeast
Brownell Tells
'Security Risk'
! "
WASHINGTON tfl House com
mittee hearings disclosed that as
nf last Deoemher thera had been
Statistics for the first six months eight "security risk"' dismissals
of 1953, he said, showed that every from the Justice Department under
j.3 minutes a murder, manslaught-j the Eisenhower federal employe
er, rape or assault wiin intern io security check.
kill was committed. i The department which emoloves
I do not believe the average about 2t.800 persons ' has consis-
dtizen senses the proper role that tently refused to make the dismis-
enrne piays as a nauonai proo- gai total public and Atty. Gen.
lem, be salO. "It exists on a scale RrowneU told a recent news con-
SO enormous that it is difficult to Iference he did not intend to do
grasp it. it can reasonably be esti so :
mated that 20 billion dollars annu- u. has also nnnoipd anv hreak.
ally is the cost of crime in this down of dismissal reasons in the
country." j overall aovernment total, which
HOOVer voiced concern Over an President Eisenhower has Blared
f , At t - 1 . . I '
increase in me crime rate among at 2200.
youths. He said 7.8 per cent of the Brownell said his interest was in
persons arrested in 1952 were und- protecting the future employment
er years, ij.j per cem were prospects Of those let out
Under 21, and 23.1 per cent were However, members of the House
Unuer Z5. j I Annmnriatinn Suhrnmmif tw rnru
The group under 18, he said, ac- -.irf-rw nnwatin fund it th
Counted for 19.4 per Cent Of all Jnstim TVnartmpnt surrPAded in
robberies in which arrests were getting the dismissal figure for
made, 36.9 per cent Of all Ur- that department I when thev
cenies, 47.8 per cent of all burg
laries, and 52.6 per cent of all auto
Armistice Day!
Change Asked
O i
WASHINGTON in Asserting
that Armistice Day has lost its
original significance, Rep. Rees
(R-Kan) proposed SundayftO
change Nov. 11 to Veterans Day.
Rees said he will introduce
bill lor the name change so i"
grateful nation may pay proper
homage to all its veterans' of; all
its wars, and not to commemorate
World War I alone.
William F. Engesser. chairman
of the industrial engineering de
partment at Oregon State College,
Corvallis, will speak at a meeting
of the Industrial Supervisors
Club at 6:30 p. m. today in the
YMCA. . - - : 1
50c tm S:M sun. "
T Spencer Tracy
Olivia DeHavtnaad
James Craig lita Mores
A 4lor Ce-Blt .
New Showing Opea fc5
-sTAiAo ir
William fieldea Dea Tayler
vests S-STM .
Burt Lancaster
j JohaHodUk
Man Killed As
TV Tower Falls
man lashed to a television antenna
tower with a safety belt crashed
questioned Brownell and Dep. Atty
ben. wuiiam v. Rogers in a
closed session last S Dec. 7. The
testimony was made public Sun
day. j
LINCOLN, Neb. LrV-They make
no exceptions at the highway
'weighing stations set up around
Nebraska to see that trucks abide
I by weight regulations. One of the
to his death Sunday when the long trucks ticketed was a state
pole snapped off. j weights-and-measures truck, sent
The victim was Identified r by out to test the accuracy of the
State Police as Thomas W. Thomp- scales.
son, 29-year-old employe off the
Chesapeake and Potomac Tele
phone Co.
Trooper Edward Crowther
Thompson was working on top of
the 50-foot tower at the home of
his father-in-law. Two supporting
wires snapped, causing the tower
to break off.
Roads in
by 15 to
the area are
20-foot snow-
The public works ministry said
all available road clearing equip
ment had been rushed to the most
heavily blanketed areas of Abruzzi
and Molise Provinces. Several
thousand volunteer workers also
turned out to help clear a path up
the mountains to the isolated villages.
In north Portugal the heaviest
snow since 1932 fell over the week
end. Eight people perished.
Crash Involves
Patrol Car
A collision involving a city pa
trol car at the intersection of
Center and High Streets Sunday
evening resulted in damage to
two cars but no injuries, city po
lice reported.
Drivers were Officer Thomas
Robson and Kenneth Alberts, 450
S. Winter St Both stated they
thought the traffic signal was
green, police said.
The police car sustained con
siderable front end damage while
the Alberts vehicle received a
smashed rear fender.
In the Capitol Shopping
Hot Rolls and Butter '
Cole Slaw
Fast Service Delicious Food
Try Salem's Best Place to Eat
said IV f ',nl rv '. --v.- A -Jt t ' ' 1 - ? II
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: t :