The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 26, 1954, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 (Sec 1) Statesman. Salem, Ore., Tues- Jan. 26. 1954
1 Reports; Given
Town .
PARTY NOTES . . . Event of the
coming weekend will j be the in
formal at home for which Mr.
and Mrs. Sydney H. Krbmer will
be hosts at their Fairniount Hill
residence Sunday night in com
pliment to Mrs. Kroner's brother-in-law
and sister, Mr and Mrs.
-John H. Von Harten (Jane O'
Reilly), who were marr edjin No
vember in Portland . . Salem,
Portland and out-of-ton friends
of the hosts and honor guests
have been bidden to call between
6 and 8 o'clock . . . Other mem
bers of- Mrs. Kromei'a. family
planning to be here for the party
; tnd a family reunion it Portland
the same weekend j are two
brothers-in-law and sisters, Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Barsfcw (Eliza
beth O'Reilly) of tl iCayon,
Calif., and Mr. and Mrk Richard
B. Wright (Harriet OtReilly) of
Oswego, and Mrs. Kromer s tatn
er. H. H. O'Reilly of Portland..
Presiding ... at the buffet
table will be Mrs. Otto B. Prtel
and Mrs. Allen M. Ellsworth of
Portland and Mrs. Maylon Scott
. . . Assisting about Xhe rooms
will be Miss Adding Kendall,
Mrs. Alexander Scharbach, Mrs.
James G. Harding, all of Port
land, Mrs. Donald McCargar, Mrs.
Oren W. Hays Jr. and Miss An
toinette Kuzmanich . . ;
Entertaining ... a few friends
next weekend at a Sunday night
supper at their K n g w o o d
Heights home win be Mr. ana
Mrs. Gus Moore . . .
Club hosts . . . Mrs. Charles K.
McColloch . presided at a dessert
bridge Monday night at - her
South High Street home for mem
bers of her club . .J Additional
guests were Mre. C. Ronald Hud
kins and Mrs. Donald Burke...
Mrs. Don E. Phillips will be host
ess tonight to members of her
club at her - Chemeketa Street
- home . . . Guests will i be Mrs.
James R, Phillips and Mrs. Rich
ard Scandling ... j I
A luncheon . . , hostess Mon
day afternoon was Mrs. Robert
M. Fitzmaurice, who entertained
at her Morningside home on
. Oak Hill Avenue foe the pleas
ure of members of the Gaiety
Hill Garden Club . . j During the
afternoon Miss Elizabeth Lord
and Miss Edith Schrjver showed
interesting pictures of their trips
east . Mrs, Charles A. Barclay
will entertain her club at bridge
and a dessert supper Wednesday
night ... new members of the
group are Mrs. Peefy T. Buren
and Mrs. George V. Squire
Hostesses ... for a shower
Friday night were Mrs, Norman
Johnson and Mrs. George Sim
ons, who entertained i at the
former's home onjjNoirth Lan
caster Drive for the! pleasure of
Mrs. Arthur Jincksf and infant
son, Larry ... A shower feted
the guest of honor and bidden
were wives of state police of
ficers' ... In the grorip were Mrs.
Jincks, Mesdames; Charles
Weems, Ernest Clark,! Malcolm
Clarkson, Verlin Combs, Leonard
Crisler, Robert Dunn, A. N. Es
pey, Robert Haynes, fJames Ham
er, Henry Hepler, Donald Klein
smith, John Mekkers, Curtis
Ruecker, Kenneth Scripter, Floyd
West L. T. Riegel,
nahan and Andrew
and the hostesses . .
Being welcomed
from a sojourn in Las Vegas are
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Skoml Jr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank" Ward, who
returned to the capital Sunday . .
A second son . . Jwaa born to
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Pence (Donna
Lawrence) on Sunday at the Sa
lem Memorial Hospital . . . the
lad, who tipped the scales at
Club Calendar? V
Salem BPW Club dinner meeting,
Golden Pheasant. 6:30 cm.
Rainbow Girls formal public- in
stallation. Masonic Tempi. p.m.
Cherry Court. Order f Amaranth
social evening. Scottish Bite Temple,
S p.m. s ;
Republican Council of Oregon
Women meet in Cherry ;Boom, Hotel
Senator. 2 p.m. s
Nebraska Club meet at Mayflower
Hill. 7:30 p.m. I
PLE and F Club xiith Mrs. A. A.
Niederberger, 4140 N. River Road,
pjn. It
ThurtdiT I
Spiritual Sunf lower-Club with Mrs.
Irving M. t Zeller. 2195 S. Summer
St.. 1 to 4 p.m. I i i
Town and Gown.-' Carrier Room. !
First Methodist Church,: 2 p.m.
Salem Woman's Club husbands and
guest night, clubhouse. p.m.
At; Meeting U
Executive committee of - the
Salem District, Woman's Society
of Christian Service of the Meth
odist Church met Saturday at the
First Methodist Church. Salem.
Seventeen district and conference
officer represented the 38 WSCS
of the district I ; . ;'
Mrs. Carl Oldham, McMinnville,
president of the district, was
elected a delegate to the Assemb
ly of the Woman's Society of
Christian Service to be held in
Milwaukee, Wis. May. 25-28.
Mrs. J. Edgar Purdy was elect
ed chairman of the district nomi
nating committee and other mem
bers are presidents of the four
An interesting report was pre
sented by Mrs. Roy Grettie reveal
ing that the WSCS of the Ore
gon Conference had made it
possible for 35 Oregon college
students to attend the fifth quad
rennial Methodist student move
ment conference ' at the Univer
sity of Kansas Dec. 28-Jan. 4. Stu
dents from the 48 states and 34
foreign countries participated in
the conference.
Plans were made by the execu
tive; committee for the annua
meeting of the WSCS, Salem
District to be held March 31 at
the I First Methodist Church,
New Officers
seven pounds, has been named
Curtis Lee ... he has a brother,
Bradley . . . The grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Lawrence
and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pence . . .
and the great-grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hoevet, Mrs.
Enger Carr and Mrs. Ora Pence,
all of Salem . .
INTERESTING . . . speaker
heard by Rotanan V omen at the
luncheon meeting Monday after
noon at the Golden Pheasant . . .
Albert Ziegler, exchange teacher
from New Zealand, was the guest
speaker ... he gave highlights
of Queen Elizabeth's visit to
New Zealand and pointed out on
a map the various stops she will
be making on her five weeks'
tour . . . describing the various
parts of the country, the -climate
and size of the cities . . . Mr.
Ziegler also read parts of a let
ter received from his wife in
Nelson . . . she also went to
Christchurch- for the queen's
visit and saw her five times in
one day . . . Accompanying Mrs.
zaegier was Miss
- 1 v
- ' "a- f !
1m0imJt4Kai i rai
Sun 'Valley . Honeymoon for' Mr. and Mrs! Evan Boise, who -were married in Oregon f
Cityin January, 16"cmd -will make thei future home at. 1045 Bellevue Street, Salem, ire j
' shoTfnliri the Ram, popular after-ski spot at trie Union Pacific mountain, town. -Krs.
Boise is the former Janet Bozorth. (Sun Vallef News Bureau Pholo). j ;
.icgicr was miss Aiaxine Her- i i
ringer, an exchange teacher from j I ncfn 1 1 CaH
Parrish Junior High School on i 1 lcu
the Fulbright plan, who is teach
ing in Nelson this year . . . Miss
Herringer had just returned from
a vacation to Australia ... as it
is mid-summer in New Zealand
the schools are recessed
nearly two months
Chemeketa Toastmistress Club
installed new officers at the
group's dinner meeting at the
Gblden Pheasant Mrs. B. L. Trel-
lor ! stad installed the officers includ
ing Mrs. l.. lennis, presiaeni;
Guests . . . attending the Ro-1 Mrs- Emma Brown, vice-president;
airs, wayne Murpny, recoraing
secretary; Mrs. G. A. Sherman,
treasurer, and Mrs. C. EL Jaqua,
corresponding secretary.
Committee chairmen include
Mrs. Emma Broun, membership;
Mrs. E. W. Hillstrom, program;
Miss Nancy Stuart, parliamenta
rian; Mrs. James Ervin, press;
Mrs. Lee Haskins, big sister; Mrs.
Eric Nelte, public relations; Mrs.
Aubrey Tussing, education; Mrs.
Harriet Birch and Mrs. Paul Gil
mer, hospitality.
I Speakers chosen to compete in
the club contest to be held, in
February include Mrs. E. W. Hill
strom, Miss Nancy Stuart, Mrs. L.
C. Tenuis, Mrs. Lee Haskins, Mrs.
B. L. Trelstad and Mrs. J. A.
Johnston, alternate.
Guests attending the meeting
were Mrs. Oscar Liudahl and Mrs.
Olive Bradshaw. Speakers for the
evening were Mrs. Lee Haskins,
Mrs. Harriett Birch and Mrs. L.
C. Tennis, who was awarded the
A z ww .
unan women s luncheon were
Mrs. James T. Brand. Mrs. Al
bert C. Gragg, Mrs. Joseph Breck
el. Mrs. R. C. Clark. Mrs. Nor
man Todd and Mrs. Wheeler R.
English . . . Mrs. Paul Heath ar
ranged the pretty spring bou
quets on the tables of pussy
willows, heather, acacia, narcis
sus and carnations . . . Mrs. Ivan
Stewart reported on the district
Rotary conference to be held
here in March and Mrs. William
L. Phillips read the revisions of
the constitution . . .
Gerald Car-
Polio Marchers
Are Named
Mrs. Walter Sieber. one of the
captains in the North Salem dis
trict for the Mothers' March on
Polio porch light parade Thurs
day night, is announcing her lieu
tenants and marchers. Marchers
will call at homes where the porch
light is on between 7 and 8 p.m.
The lieutenants include Mes
dames Warren Pahl, Maurice Eb
ner, Warren Cooley, Enoch Mer-
rell, George F. Brown and J. L.
Wakefield. Their marchers in
clude L.- W. Winger, Chris R.
Renschler, Lloyd Thomas, Lloyd
Maas, Gilbert Maas, Virgil Mahaf
fey, O. Walker, Donald Griswold,
E. G. Schacker, Homer Conklin,
Eugene Oliver, Ian MacDonald,
Floyd L. DeLapp, Robert Burdet
te, Walter Crane, James Calvert,
Howard Mills, Kenneth Lee, Jam
es Miller, K. JS. Muller, Rogers
Webb, George W. Dewey Jr., and
Clark Brown.
Mrs. Al Niederberger will en
tertain members of the PLE and
F Club Wednesday night at her
home, 4140 North River Road, at
8 p.m. Mrs. Nora Pearce will be
the co-hostess.
Joanne Holt Will
Wed in February
Plans are being announced for
the forthcoming marriage of Miss
Joanne Holt; daughter of ;Mr. and
Mrs. B. W. Holt of Scio, and Mel-
vin A. Hartmann, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ferdinand Hartmann of Sub
limity, which will be an event of
Saturday, Feb. 6.
The ceremony will take place
at Our Lady of Lourdes Church at
Jordan with the Rev. "Bernard
Neuman officiating at the 10
o'clock rites. A reception will fol
low at the Sublimity Parish HalL
The bride-elect is employed in
Salem at the Oregon State Police
and her fiance is with the Rich
field OU Co.
a scfibelt
Flags Presented
To New School
i i j
The teaching of Americanism in
the public schools has been one
of the main projects for American
Legion! Auxiliary members and it
was the furthering of this project
which ton Thursday took Mrs. T.
J. Brabec, president of Capital
Unit of the auxiliary, and Mrs.
Mem Parce, secretary to the new
Cummings Grade School in the
KeizerJdistricL The purpose of the
meeting was presenting an Amer
ican flag and its holder toeach
of the! ten ; rooms in th
MrsJ Carmalite Weddle,
canism chairman of the unit and
principal of the Keizer school, had
planned. an; appropriate program
for the occasion. In each room a
monitor pupil led the flag and
gave a proper acceptance speech.
Pupils gave readings and sang pa
triotic: songs.
er Holds
The home of Mrs. Bernard
Mainwaring, 2540 Skopil Ave., was
the scene of the first BIL initia
tion ceremony of Chapter CQ,
PEO Sisterhood. A covered dish
dinner preceded the initiation.
Justice William C. Perry and
John Muir directed the initiation
ceremony with I. T. Kvali as mas
ter of ceremonies. Assisting in the
initiation were C. M. Martin, G.
W. Bruce and Wayne Gill.
Initiated during the ceremony
were : Bernard Mainwaring, Ken
neth Cole, Mike Forbes, Homer
Heaton and Bill Bender.
Legion Groups
Entertained by
Women's Post
Bridge Tourney
Teams Lead
Shower Fetes
Recent (Bride
Announcement is being made
of the marriage of . Mrs. Arlene
LaFountaine and Robert A. Tan
ner, which was quietly solemnized
on Dec. 30 in Portland. The bride
is the' daughter of Ival Utterback
and the groom is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. William R. Tanner. 1
The newlyweds are now ! at
home in Salem at 640 S. Capitol
st. -
The new Mrs. Tanner was hon
ored at a post-nuptial shower Fri
day night at the First Christian
Church with 30 guests attending
the all-church affair. Hostesses
for the party were Mrs. Glenn
Utterback and Mrs. John Brown.
Raspberry Ribbon
138 s. Liberty K
Modern Etiquette
O. Who should lead the pro
cession into the dining room when
a dinner is being given in honor
of a man and wife?
A. The ; host or hostess with
the wife or the husband of the
honored couple; the other two
next. ! ;
O. What should a person do
when he has completed introduc
ine two persons?
A. It would be nice, if possible,
to draw the new acquaintances
into conversation by introducing
some subject of mutual interest
Q. Is it correct to use a fork
to place jelly on bread?
A. No: the knife should be
used for this purpose.
American Legion Post 149 was
host to representatives of other
Legion Posts Friday night during
its monthly business meeting held
at the Legion Club. Posts and
Auxiliaries represented were the
Gold Star Post, Aumsville, King
wood Post, Salem Post 136, Capi
tol Post 9 of Salem, Albert Reeves
Post, Silvertori, and Stayton
American Legion; Stayton.
Miss Alberta Snoemake report
ed on child welfare, telling of
the toy library feroject for the
ri l m a i ml i
ocnixu lor ine xnjna.
Mrs. Velma Davis, community
service chairman, advised the
Post is registered with Red Cross
for disaster relief work, and with
the public health service for
hours of work to be donated by
volunteer members. A tree plant
ing project, in memory to I. N.
Bacon was announced.
Speakers for the evening were
District 2 Commander H. B. Lich
tenthaler, who presented a report
ou the sale of rehabilitation
stamps, proceeds; from such sales
remaining within the state of
District 2 Vice-Commander John
Muir was the other speaker, giv
ing a brief outline on child wel
fare. Entertainment was furnished
by the Salem Civic Players under
the direction of Miss Beulah Gra
Refreshments were served by a
committee consisting of Florence
Cameron, chairman, assisted by
Miss Marjorie Howard,; Mrs. Har
riott Belcher, Mrs. Charles Klopp,
and Mrs. Velma; Davis;
The next meeting will be a
social at the home of Mrs. Sylvia
Kraps, 550 N..j! Summer St on
Friday, February 5 at 8 p.m.
Mrs. Charles L. Newsom fell
to second place in the Monday
series of the Elks Duplicate
Bridge club this week but added
another top to her credit! when
she teamed with Mrs. Walter A.
Barsch to finish in the lead ; of
12 couples east-west in the Friday
evening -tournament. Onli the
other side of the, boards! Mrs.
Walter M. Cline and Mrs; Paul
F. Burris was high.
Nobody Ever
Answers Door
At This House
A salesman walked up tol the
door of a pleasant looking house.
He noticed the fresh, green lawn
and the brightly colored window
shutters. He rang the- doorbelL
Nobody answered.
At this house nobody even an
swers. Inside the freshly painted stuc
co walls is a water well which
the city operates. There are Sev
eral "houses" in the city which
conceal wells. They conform to
residential standards. j
Water department officials get
an extra chuckle when handbills
are dropped on the porch or when
1978 North Capitol :
Barbecued i
1170; Center
salesmen leave free samples
woman even stopped by to
the "house."
Other teams finishing among iBank Bandits Active
the leaders Friday evening wereiT . A . . -io!?
Dale Hutchinson and Jack; Shep-j In Arkansas in 1VO0
ard, both of Corvallis, Mrs. Roy
Tokerud and Col. Philip Allison,
Mrs. Leona Taylor and Mrs. : W.
F. Lieske, Mrs. F. C. Lutz and
W. M. Cline, Oliver Huston and
C. L. Newsom, and Mrs-f W R.
Newmyer and Mrs. Lloyd! Jones.
Mrs. Donald Huff took over
first place in the Monday series
by winning with Mrs. Leonard J.
Ahsenmacher as a partner. Other
players among the leaders in
cluded Ray Ward, Mrs Sam
Ramp, M. A. Beyer of MtJ Angel,
Mrs. R. L. Park, Mrs. Bert Os-
burn, Mrs. Frank Mohlman, Mrs.,
John Pugh of Shedd, Mrs. L. W.
Frasier, Ray Kemp, Mrs. Dorothy
Remmey of Brownsville,! Sidney
Schechtman, Mrs. C. B. Bentson,
Mrs. John S: Bone, Maurice Shep
ard and W. E. Kimsey. j !
In the junior sections Wally
Wilson and Carl Charnholm, and
Lloyd Jones and Hazel Johnson
were winners, while in I second
place were William Albright and
Roy Tokerud, and Mrs. Albright
and Mrs. Wally Wilson. J
In the mid-week tournament at
the women's club Mrs. Alma L.
Jones, director, announced 'win
ning combinations as "follows:
Mrs. Cecil Rhoades and W M.
Cline, Mrs. R. L. Park and Mrs.
Milton D. Parker, Mrs. j Dewey
Howell and Mrs. L. W.j Frasier,
and Mrs. W. M. Cline and jMrs.
Arthur W. Binegar. .
YUMA, Ariz. (JP) Grocer
Spurling Saunders is thinking
seriously of closing his store on
Sundays to save money. Twice
a masked bandit has robbed
Saunders. Each time he I took
$6,000. . !
The holdup man warned the
robberies would continue "as long
as you stay- open on Sundays:
Expertly fitted A,t The
Junior Bootery
234 N. High Sen. Hotel Bldg.
? -IT-
The holdups came on week
1 f
The Sodality dance committee
of Mt. Angel will sponsor a dance
Thursday night; at the Mt. An
gel Auditorium between 9 and 12
o'clock. Buddy Kyle's sextette or
chestra has been engaged to play
for the semi-formal affair. Every
one is welcome to attend. 1
Earthquakes rocked the island of
Sao Miguel several times Saturday
night, ringing church bells and
causing damage to buildings and
highways. No casualties were re
ported. I
A (mall adjustment may put
roar pen in pnjfeet condition.
Bring it in far expert ervke.
Oar men are factory-trained ia
repairing Parker. Sheaffer Ever
harp and all other make.
j i
465 State Street
Do it Yourself It's Cheaper
Salem's Oldest Tool Rental
Howser Bros. 1
1180 South 12th SL 1
If It's Not the Best - -We
Didn't Do It!
Jim's , Shoe: Service
Salem's Shoe Repair Center
115 N. High ! i i Salem
Custom-Mdde Drapes
260 S. 21st St j Phone 41858
Permanent Waves
. it- 1 -,
Moderately Priced
. - i! I . -
i i i .
of New York
251 N.Urty Dial 34921
Every Day a Holiday
Free Estimates
No Down Pymt. 36 Mos. to Poy
All Work Guaranteed
370 Salem Heights Ave. Ph. 2-6282
Special map of jour town. Telephone lines above and below the streets of your com
munity are charted, on special maps. When delicate instruments detect trouble, these maps
help locate buried cables, conduits, manholes and the like and repair crews can get on
the job fast. Large cities need thousands of these maps; And they're an important part of the
planning that has helped uk bring you good service, reliable service,;at the lowest possible
cost Pacific Telephone works to make your telephone a bigger value every day.
I ( i " .v j Wabs double power-rmses-and
ff -t dries with orc hot air! Complety
yf automatic! See Kitchen Aid today,
Vv1.4ij ordy 1x5 dishwasher wkh fea-
iSI 'j I tures pioneered in the big Hobart
; ij I ;if commercial dishwashers. Gft the
I 1' f most for your dishwasher dollar
ijj: if'" 'f revolting power-waah arm, separate
jf r racks, separate blower fan! They're
pV -, all KhcbenAid exchisrves. 1
' ' !'-i...t:i
. ' 1 - i
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;' " "
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- ' ! 1 w-'ve .I
mud P-ia, tm tal lay mim mm laaaaan f
KHchenaid Is built by .Hobertworjd'g
largest manufacturer of restaurant
dishwashers. Get the r same rugged
construction and superior washing ac
1 ' tion In Kitchtnaid for your home. ; "
Kitchei Center ; .
One of the prettiest cottons you con
find, a pastel plaid, with Crease
resistant finish, front buttoning,
with a scoop neckline, and capped
" shoulder. Plus soft imported
white wool wearer with short -sleeves
and binding that matches the
dress. A wonderful buy! at $ 1 7.95.
U . - ?
35 North Liberty