The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 15, 1954, Page 6, Image 6

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I (Soc. 1 Statesman. Salem, Oro Friday Jon. IS, 1954
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Around Town
' t - ; '
AN OUTSTANDING . . . sucfceu
the Salem General Hospital Auxi
liary jbenefit tea Thursday after
noon '; The newly built wing
the locale for the affair . .1 . a
steady t stream of guests calling
all afternoon; and evening . .
some even arriving before j the
doors opened at 2:30 . . . A spe
cial treat in store for the guests,
who had the first opportunity of
viewing the i new, modern jnng
with the latest in furnishings! and
equipment . i . Nearly five hund
red attended during the afternoon
hours and we: are sure by the clos
ing hours the number neared a
thousand . . 4 noticeable the many
men guests . . . and all proceeds
to be used to purchase additional
needed equipment for the .wing . .
Auxiliary members did a Splen
did job of showing guests about
the various i rooms the three
floors'. . . assisted by dune who
explained the technical and jnedi-
. cal equipment ... A treat to see
the beautiful rooms ... a lovely
pastel color scheme used through
out with pinks and green pre
dominating ... all the furniture
in the rooms attractive, yet stur
dy and durable ... handsome
tiles knd flooring ... The! wall
papers most attractive, especial
Iv in the doctors' lounge and
fathers' room just off the main
lobby ; . . 1 - i -
Many oh and ahs . . . for the
modern equipment, just about
- every device one ever heird of
... the curVed and spacious hall
ways? a delight ... the jsound
proof walls and floors Will be
ideal for patients . . . the friurses
chart rooms in the center kf the
halls to minimize the hundreds
of steps nurses take in a day . . .
A joy for the young pediatric pa
tients will : be the play room at
the far end of the third floor
looking south ... gay and cheer
ful wallpaper, floor covering, and
furnishings ... the $10,000 room
given in memory of Helen Vockey
by the Salem Zonta Club of which
. she yns a long and active mem
ber I. . . during the tea! hours.
Zonta Club members assisting in
the room , . . . j
The decor . . . Beautiful bou
quets j and baskets of Oregon
Grape Jaurel and ivy combined
with acacia and daffodils ar
ranged in the main lobby and in
the tea room, which will be used
-as a lecture room by the medical
staff of the hospital . . . The long,
tea i table in the center and cov
ered with an exquisite Italian
cutwork cloth bordered in lace
and over turquoise satin . . . A
stunning centerpiece of white and
yellow snapdragons and red an
thurium flanked by large, hand
some silver candelabras I holding
yellow tapers . . . The fresh flow
ers for the bouquets compliments
of all the Salem florists I . . the
white napkins adorned with tiny
gold seals of baby f ootptrints . . .
And bouquets . . . to Mrs. Earl
C. Latourette and Mrs. William
C. Perry, who headed the direc
torate for the successful affair
t J. Mrs. Latourette wearing an
oxford grey wool costifme suit
embellished with moleskin and
Mrs. Perry donning a good-looking
red crepe gown . . i The re
ceiving line in the foyefr against
a setting of planters On black
wrought iron standards and floral
bouquetts . . . Mrs. Connell
Dyer, Mrs. Rex Kimell and Mrs.
George S. Hoffman receiving with
Miss Lillian McDonald, the hos
pital superintendent, to whom
much of the credit goes for the
beautiful new wing ; . I she has
burned the midnight oil many a
night working over the: plans for
the hospital ... as well as being
Install DUV Officers
I Daughters of Union j Veterans,
Barbara Frietchie Tent, will in
stall new officers at the VFW
Hall this afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Mrs. Walter Persons is the new
president and with her officers
will be installed by the depart
ment president, Mrs. Irene Law-
head of Portland, and her corps
Of officers.
l S
I The Golden Age Club will meet
at the YWCA this afternoon, at 2
o'clock. Following the business
session there will be entertain
ment and refreshments.
Club Calendar
i Salem Branch. A A UW luncheon
meeting. Marion Hotel, 1 p jn. ; '
present at every meeting of the
architect and contractor . . . and
consulting about the finishing
touches . . . the color schemes
and furnishings . . . Miss McDon
ald wearing a becoming blue and
white print dress for the occa
sion ...
Compliments . . . also to Mrs.
Edgar Pierce and her committee
who worked for days soliciting
delicious sandwiches and cookies
for the tea ... and all donated
by auxiliary . members ... to
Mrs. G. F. Chambers and her hos
pitality committee, who were in
charge of obtaining the dozens of
hostesses, who capably assisted on
all: the floors . . . and to the
decorating committee headed by
Mrs. Wolcott E, Buren ...
men chosen for the reception to
follow the dedication ceremony of
St Paul's Episcopal Church on
Jan. SI . . . the affair to be held
in the parish hall . . . Mrs. A. D
Woodmansee to head the gen
eral directorate . . Mrs. Frank
II. Spears the hospitality chair
man, Mrs. William H. Lyttle, re
freshments, and Mrs. Lester D.
Green, decorations . . . The chair
men were announced at a meet
ing of the council of women of
the church, representing all the
guilds, Thursday morning ...
Entertaining . . . informally for
a group of friends Saturday night
preceding the Scottish Rite dance
and card party will be Mr. and
Mrs. Harold C. Walling . . . they
have invited guests to till at
their Candalaria Heights home on
Linden Lane ...
Assisting ... at the Salem Art
Museum (Bush Home) on Sunday
afternoon will be Mrs. Wallace
Cowen, Mrs. Joseph Franko, Mrs.
Margaret White and Miss Betty
Jean Bergner, all Salem Junior
Woman's Club members ... the
club to assist the third Sunday of
each month during the year . . .
the public is invited to view the
home between 2 and 4:30 o'clock
Hostess ... at luncheon to
members of her study club Mon
day afternoon was Mrs. William
McGilchrist Jr. . . . Mrs. Freder
ick Lamport showed slides and
gave an informal travelogue of
her South American trip for the
pleasure of the group ...
Acacia Chapter to
install Monday
JEFFERSON New officers
of Euclid Chapter, OES presided
at the Jrst regular meeting Tues
day night in the Masonic Hall.
Heading the chapter are Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin SwarU, worthy pa
tron and worthy matron; and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Borst, as
sociate worthy patron and worthy
matron. Introduced Tuesday
night were the past worthy ma
tron and patron, Mrs. Mildred
Thurston and Irvine Wright
Plans were announced for the
school of instruction here Thurs
day with Mrs. Louise Irving of
Madras, associate grand matron,
presiding. A 6:30 o'clock dinner
prepared by women of the Past
Martons Club, preceded the
It also was announced that
new officers of Acacia Chapter
No. 40 of Stayton will be in
stalled at ceremonies here Mon
day night January 18. Installing
will be the DeMolay Boys. Karen
Kelly of Jefferson will head the .
Rainbow group, the first Jeffer
son girl to hold that office.
Pre-Ski Party at
Coffel's Barn
Co-Rec Club will swing into its
winter activities tonight at 8 p.m.
with a pre-ski party at Coffel's
barn. 635 Glen Creek Drive. All
single people from 18 to 35 years
of age are invited whether or not
they ski. The -dress will be gen
eral sports wear or ski clothes.
Games and dancing will comprise
the evening's entertainment
The ski trip planned for Janu
ary 23 and 24 to Mt Hood -will
be discussed, as. will the dance,
on Jan. 22 at the Mayflower Hall,
featuring a largo dance band.
Those who wish to eat a home
cooked dinner should be at the
Y. W. C. A. at 6:30 p. m. Trans
portation to the barn will be fur
nished. . "
Hospital Staff
Presents Gifts
To Home
The Methodist! Home was the
scene of an informal tea Thurs
day afternoon when gifts, given
to the home by the medical staff
and employees jof the Oregon
State Hospital, were formally
presented and dedicated in mem
ory of the late! Stella G. Bates
(Mrs. Charles B.). Mrs. Bates
was a member ; of the Methodist
Home board fori several years..
Dr. Dean K. Brooks gave an in
formal talk in? presenting the
gifts in behalf j of the hospital
staff. and employees. The gifts,
which "have been engraved in
memory of Mrs.! Bates, include a
five piece silver tea and coffee
f ervice with tray, Westminster
door chimes, a brass planter and
candlesticks and a floor lamp.
Mrs. Charles jH. Sawyer pre
sented a group of violin selec
tions, accompanied by Mrs. Er
nest Goulder. Presiding at the
tea urns were Mrs. Willard Cole,
superintendent of the Methodist
Home, and Mr. J. H. Klinger.
president of the board.
Attending the presentation
ceremony and tea were residents
of the home, board members and
members and friends of the Bates
Father and Son .
Banquet Planned
The DeMolay Mothers E Club
met at the Masonic Temple
Thursday for a . noon luncheon
and business session. Mrs. ' E. H.
Anderson was chairman of the
committee, assisted by Mrs. Paul
Baker , and .Mrs.. Ross vHarris.
Thirty mothers were present for
iuc iuuvucuu meeting. ;
Plans were discussed for a fa
ther and son banquet the date
to be announced later. Mrs.
Morse Stewart will serve as gen
eral chairman of the banquet
Her committees i include ' Mrs.
Emery Wood, publicity; Mrs. R.
N. Payne, Mrs. Herman ;Feitel
son, dining' room; Mrs.; Wood
aqd Mrs. B. A. Martin, tables;
Mrs. Francis Colgan, and i Mrs.'
Ross Harris, menu; Mrs. Warren
Baker, - serving; Mrs. Harvey
Gibbens, , program; Mrs. Dale
Jeffries and Mrs. Cecil Hunsaker,
decorations. j
Mrs. Vroom Leader
The first meeting of the year of
the Grace Guild was held at the
Grace Lutheran Church on Janu
ary 12 with Mrs. Carl Fisketjor
as hostess. New officers, for the
...... ... iUH rii.i t
Vroom; vice president, Mrs. Mar
lin Voiding; secretary, Mrs. Rol
and Dahl, and treasurer, Mrs. Eth
el Marsh. ,
Oregon Crown
' Ho. 1
Freshly Dug 2nd
From u Each
Fruit trees, berries, shode trees, flowering trees end
- shrubs, azaleas, rhododendrons and camellias.
n -v.
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jOpen Friday Ililes
I Till 9: Pi IL
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