8 (Ssc D-CtotttmoBf Calm, On. WL. Ian. 13. S4 Godfrey Dae For Quizzing. On Air Antics POKES EFFECTIVE JAlIUABY 13 TQHU . 17 -T7ED.- THUDS. - FBI - SAT.- SOIL A ! ' A VM wrw vfYRir fAPl Arthur Godfrey is due to be questioned on whether he j intentionally swooped his plane i near tne con trol tower at Teterboro, N. J Airport j ) - ; Or W. Young, regional direc tor for the Civil Aeronautics Ad ministration, said Monday he didn't think "Mr. Goturey wouia do a thing like that," but that the television star is due for ques tioning about it 1 J The CAA check Iwas ordered as vMiiit f the wav Godfrey's pri vate plane i veered toward the tontrol tower, frightening the crew in the tower, after a take off at Teterboro Airport last Thursday. ; f ' i . A , Godfrey himself, on his tele hmadcast Friday, referred to the incident and said a cross wind had forced the plane toward the tower, -i : j ' i . - Young said theiCAA had made no termination on this point and that Godfrey would be questioned when he returns to New York from Miami, Fla with; findings being made "a matter of rec ord." ! ' in VflMn?toni a CAA spokes man said inquiry to far showed that Godfrey had wanted to use a runway at Teterboro which has long been closed because of its shortness and a congested area at its end. ; The entertainer'! plane, a twin engined DC3, consequently was acsitmed to another runway, the spokesman said.! He related: j The Diane took off in "auite a bit of crosswind," banked sharp ly to the left narrowly missing taxiing aircraft and then headed at the control tower at near right ancles to its normal course. All the men in the tower but one dashed to a lower level, the cne flattening I himself on the control -room floor, while the! tilir, rmtrfA hv. missing the tower by what appeared to be a narrow mar sin. ! The spokesman said the inves tigation, including questioning of witnesses at Teterboro, won't be completed for about 10 days. Stricken Boy Better After Serum Flight TNNRTVRITCirJ Austria UB An t-year-old Austrian boy critically HI with hemophilia was reponea better Monday night after injec tion with a special serum rushed to him by plane and car from the United States. Doctors treating little Gottfried Eder at Innsbruck's Children Clin ic said they hoped" the child will live. They- said the serum had stopped the bleeding which threat ened to take his life. The doctors: said Gottfried be an to Imnrove within hours after a supply of anti-hemophil globulin reached him from Lansing, Mich., Monday morning. Gottfried had been bleeding al most continuously for nine days cine hi had an infected tooth ex tracted. Doctors had despaired for his life,: despite repeated transfu sions of nlasma and whole blood. I The serum was flown across the i Atlantic to Frankfurt Germany, J3n a U. S. Army plane. It was " rushed arms Germany to Fuer sten-Felbruck! near Munich, in a C47. From there, after, a blizzard prevented a j helicopter from tak ing off, it was raced across the Bavarian AIds bv car. . Doctors said the serum will not cure the disease, but the hospital now has sufficient supplies on " hand should Gottfried start ,to bleed again. rrrrrrTTitlT Li- TSL It' Lfr mmmwmmrssm inn mm Tour Quaes at 1-3MGM-1 II - - mm. sr - : c m m a i Km ,.m mm an HUH S Quart ) ill 5(jfir n TxN3iV 1111 mmmm 111 1 W 111 1 .an. mm, l:lM;HaIiKI Filling Your Doctor's Prescrip tion is-an important and exact ing Job. Bring your next Prescription to j Pay Less for Savings , Safely tr nrerarr -nr T(-1HT rft TTMTT QUANTITIES REG. Vs Ot. lOOOt $100 4'lfiUill A ICabU iSWAiJiJUAIM Inch, S?; IRON BOARD COVER 39 If; PLAYING CARDS J 39 5 JIG-SAW PUZZLES ! 2 to 39 PIE TINS UL 3 39 30'x30" DISH TOWELS 2 39 H.D. I 1 -) a 1 iP-V REG. 12 for AT PAY LESS I 50 100s 5 Gt. 1000s Ou&css I Quart lis' i Beg. 59c l 1 M A A n IV Beg. 19c DIAL i BATH SOAP L Bars Paper Towels iD1 r Electric Cable Use Aims to " 1 i i Stop Ship Rust PORTLAND Of) An electronic method of j preventing rust o f moored ships is about to be tried at the reserve fleet at Tongue Point i It will take about; 35 miles of electric cable, on which Armv Engineers will open bids Jan. 29. The cable k being purchased for use by the j Maritime : commission, which supervises the reserve fleet The cables, placed in the water under; and beside the ships, carry direct current to carbon anodes. iTha action iof current between the anodes and the ship though too low to affect fish hampers forma tion of rust This system has been used for years to protect steel -water tanks, but is relatively new for protec tion of ships. Portland CIO Can iWorkers :. . i 1 . ;; I - Back on Jobs . l 1 i - r TrTOT.AHrt m About 350 CIO fitMtarnrkprx "went back tO WOrk Tuesday after settlement in New York of ia countrywide srae against the American Can Co. Thv wpnt out on strike Dec 1. Tho ninnt hpre makes milk cartons. forcing some dairies to use glass bottles during the strike. Milk resumed Tues D, D D D D 0 AND m PETER PAN CHLOROPHYLL PLEASE WM wj iw PG; DOG YUI1HIES J 39i ptbrush3ZT39 DOGISHL DOG LEASH J 39 1 nil ImsmssiI Dl Dl 1WM SOAP Reg. 12 : DOG COLLARS pczirnrH REG. i $1.00 REG. ! $1.00 LIPSTICKS Assorted LADIES PLAS. PURSE 39 g&io HARD CREAM 39 MAKE-UP GLOVES 239c REG. 39t REG. 15b REG. ! REG.i 596 PAPER IIAPKINS w439! BALL POIIIT PEHS 239 TOE NAIL CLIP Redi-Clip REG.! 9d REG. 3-PIECE SAW SET Ray-O-Vac Baiteries 439 SAUCE PAHS Enameled 390 ! I Shampoo DuPONT FOREST GREEN GLASS MIS! Two Trays In Set lttH-4'l 4Va 2 Soto BRIAR PIPES Values to $1.00 POCKET KNIVES Values to $1.00 - FLASH BULBS ! I . : ; ! L I Number 5 -A lot 200 COUNT REG. 506 K3v PLASTIC PAIITS SNAP-ON TYPE I V Rso. X V' 59c rrrm V . NYLON A REG. KNITTED IIJkBY BOOTIES REG. HAIR BRUSH V UitU 8 rZr3 foe day, Production of coffee cans will follow later. j