i Valley Ch nstmas Observances .- SUtcsmaa New Service - - SILVERTCN Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services will be observed in a number of Sil verton churches this year in ad dition to the Christmas services which , were held Sunday and which will be held next Sunday. Two churches which have an nounced Christmas Eve services are First Christian and Sil erton Methodist At the First Christian there will be a choral program and pageant under the direction of Mrs. John Bronson, choir di rector.' This program has been set for 11 a.m. Thursday. At the Silverton Methodist there will be a regular church service at 10:45 Thursday night with a brief sermon and special music. Churches holding Christmas Day services, in addition to SL Paul's Catholic Church, are the three Lutheran Churches, Trinity, Immanuel and Calvary, all at 10:30 a.m. Special choir music has been arranged for each of the three 'services. j HUBBARD "Come to Wor- ' : rt :ti . . 1 1 . 1 buip win ue iireseuieu uy mc Hubbard grade school at the Christmas . program in the gym Tuesday night The pageant of the NatHty, with choral readings and Christmas carols will be pre sented by the entire grade school under the direction of Mrs. C K. McNary and Mrs. George Wad dington. The grade school band, under the direction of Tom Brnmbauffh. ! will perform and the program will be followed by a visit from Santa Claus with treats for" the children. Slogan Picked For Centennial AMITY The Three Links Club of Industry Rebekah Lodge held its Christmas party Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. John Lahley. Mrs. H. J. Richter was co-hostess. ' All business was postponed un til the January meeting" when election of officers and drawing of names for secret pals will be on the agenda. Darlene Wood read the story of Christmas trees in other lands, and the story of the Wise Men. Johnnie and Chrissie Lahley helped distribute the gifts to se cret pals whose names were revealed. Statesman, Salem. Ore lues, Dec 22. 1953 Sec 2V3 I delicacies & We Will Close 6 P. II. Xmas Eve and All Day Xmas 11 3S HAZEL GREEN Christmas in many lands will be portrayed in the Christmas program at Hazel Green School Wednesday night Special instrumental music will 1 played by the Darling broth ers and Fichard Aker. There will be school Thursday morning after which the school will be dismissed for the vacation.- SILVERTON It took a Port land slogan writer to win the , prize otierea ior me Desi Miver ton Centennial slogan. The slogan was "Silvertori Centennial Calls Fun, Flowers and Waterfalls." The winner was Flora E. Breck. Runner-up in the slogan con test sponsored by the Silverton Centennial Association of which Lowell E. Brown is chairman, was written by Mrs. Stella Black erby of Salem: "A Great Past a Greater Future". Mrs. Blacker by's late husband, Pearl Blacker by, was a member of, one of Sil verton's pioneer families. FRUITLAND The wearing of ; original Christmas hats was the i feature of the meeting of the Fruitland Mother's Club recent ly. Mrs. Willie Fritz was judged j the prettiest and Mrs. P. L. cieary, the'most appropriate. I Christmas treats were packed j for the school program . The next Mother's Club meet ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Anthol Riney. with an ex change student of Willamette as guest speaker. TURNER The Music depart ment of the Cascade Union High School wilt present a program in the high school gymnasium at 8 p.m. Tuesday. The music will be presented by 50 select voices from the mixed glee and the girls glee forming a special mixed choir for the Christmas program. The band will also play several numbers ' and will accompany the audience in singing Christmas carols. A baritone horn solo by Camilla ; Stair is on the band program. Conservation Dinner Jan. 6 Statesman New Service SILVERTON The sixth an nual Silverton Soil Conservation District dinner meeting will be held Wednesday, Jan. 6. in the Waldo Hills Community Club house. A turkey dinner is to be served at 6 o'clock by the Home Economics Club of Waldo Hills Grange, followed by the annual business meeting and program. MONMOUTH A group of 57 people attended the annual pre Christmas dinner arranged for city officials and employes and their families, the night of Dec. 15, at the city h?Hs soc'sl rooms. Turkey and all Christmas fare was served, with a brief program following, in which the children starred. A gift exchange and the singing of Christmas carols con cluded the affair. O. A. Macy, councilman, was master of ceremonies. 1$ CENTRAL HOWELL Mrs. D. L. Wolfard and Mrs. Stewart Mc Clure, teachers, will present their pupils in the school Christmas program Wednesday night Valley Births Statesman News Service. SHERIDAN To Mr. and Mrs. Paul Soratt, a daughter, born Dec. 17 at the McMinnville hos pital. To Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Smith, a daughter. Nancy, born Dec. 14 at the McMinville hospital 8 FRUITLAND The Woman's -Circle held its Christmas party at the church annex recently. Mrs. M. J. Langen and Mrs. Russell Thomas decorated the room and tables. Mrs. William Anderson and Mrs. L. K. Bruce were in charge of arrangements. Mt. Angel Co-op Sets Annual Meet Statesman News Service MT. ANGEL The annual Pa tron's Day for the Mt. Angel Co operative creamery' will be held Tuesday, Dec. 29, starting at 10.30 a. m., in St. Mary's school audi torium. The traditional free sausage dinner will be served in the school dining hall at noon. The governor has been invited and there will be speakers from Oregon State College and the State Department of Agriculture to round out a full and interest ing program. SILVERTON A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ditchen, Salem, at the Silverton Hospital, Dec. 18. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Byers, Silverton, at the Silverton Hospital, Dec. 19. 8 8 PRESCRIPTIONS FREE DELIVERY CHAPMAN'S DRUG 140 Candalaria Blvd. Phone 4-6224 Is Your Fuel Bill $1 noo Over 1U A Month? Better Convert to Continental Radiant 1540 Fairgrounds Road Phone 4-C2S3 Gift with 1000 rewards. m - . .m- w n tv jot. n-fDits" ti n f THE 1 OeiCiMAL UOUfNEt-MlNDEI MODERN MEAL MAKER TUCKY the man who gives an Osterizer ... he will receive his rewards at every meal. And lucky the gal who receives it ... she can prepare new, taste-tempting dishes that make every meal exciting. Yes, and prepare festive, holiday dinners easier, faster and better! From soup to dessert, the modern meal maker speeds and eases the work . . . helps prepare complete meals in minutes. It purees soups, blends sauces, lkjuenes fruits, chops and grates vegetables, mixes salads . . . and takes over hundreds of other food preparation jobs! See this amazing appliance demonstrated today. quality rsoeucr KVtRTFAMUtT NCf OSI Open at both ends for easy retnoxal of ingredi ent and fast, thorough cleaning. Fits ttaodard canning jart w permit sealing and storing wiuv out transferring coateota. ' a St fhest great Osfcr. products tod ay t x3 Ost.r DOlTfLE-AaiOM KNIFE SHARPENEI A perfect gift for the mail -wbo does the earring. Sharpens both sides of the blade at once. Just lit the switch, draw the blade through the. . goide. Makes all your knives factory sharp. J495 Use Our : Layaway Plan tS N. COMMf ICtAl sr. sauv I1 i. 9S "-!yJ U! y&RSTSJ&iO SwUt Prmium Broad I kL SPM? 4fckJ&K' AhAizZ Breasted Pan Ready I f 1 1 1 L7 Fre8h Frozen -Grade I I n II SST ' , -fr "A" 11 to 13 -Lb. f i W I U i j AT.,a9. Lo & nn A r-. ,m Breasted New York I g n I I (Yft- Dressed -20 to 24- TL I I U i WE GRIND OUR OWN FOR YOUR TURKEY DRESSING Lbs. POM SAUSiM fresh Ground STANDARD SLICED BACON FRESH WILLAPA OYsras YOUNG STEER BEEF BLADE CUT Top CHUCK ROAST STANDING ICri Com! OC Grade lb. f Grade lb. RIB ROAST l::. 69c 49c Lb. Arerage YOUNG ROASTING mmmm LONG ISLAND PAN READY DUCKS MORRELL'S PRIDE CANNED Lb. (39 Cranberry Sauce 2 29? Ocean Spray 17-Oz. Can Freestone Peaches 190 Craterlake In Syrup Pineapple Juice 48-Oz. Can Dl Monte or Libby 23 Coffee 1 79 Maxwell House Drip or Reaular Stuffed Olives T, 290 Haase Red Circle Tom & Jerrv Bailer L 590 Corey's LIBBY'S FROZEN Orange Juice , Special Introductory Price 7 cane $1.00 See Libby Frozen Foodf simiim ems Morrell's Pride Roth's Black Hawk Swifts Premium Whole or Shank Half. 10 to 16 Lb. Areraa 1 mm, W wish that you and your family may be blessed with the Yuletide gifts of love and joy in abundant measure. ERICKSON .V SUPER MARKETS In Last . Week's Ad Sgfl Jwflr mBT HILLSDALE BL sliced 'ml Mf PI1IEAPPLE fm, Wi& (Half SUcecD pJolF 3 fcxrge 2Vi r 11 FRESH FRUIT & VEGETABLES lb. 50 Celery Hearts 190 Cello Crisp and juicy Sweet Potaioes No. 2 quality Apples Deiici0U8 box 1.49 Local Large size - (plus deposit) 8 -Lb. A CJ bag Grapefruit Arizona Seedless Snnkist 0rangesbox2.49 110 Oranges 220 size Lb. W) Fancy Pecansv- Brazils Almonds - Filberts Peanuts Walnuts - Chocolate Props Se Thompson or Cisco Chocolate Drop Big Variety Societe and Sunshine Cemdies fr, Cream NaUey's Quart Jar 2gs Cottage No. 303 Can Guaranteed Quality Xmas Tree Stands, each 79c Adjustable cans IIUC0A 240 Lb. limit 2 Lbs. CHRISTMAS CAIIDY CAIIES These Specials Also Available ai Ericksoa's Hiway Ilarkel - Woodbnrn Bl9 59 Size 25c Size 190' 2825 S. Cocunercial 33C3 Portland Road 32C3 East State St. I M