The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 14, 1953, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 (Sec. 1) Statesman, Salem, Or, Mon Dec 14, 1953
Leaders of Balky PWs
May Hold GIs by Fear
TOKYO (.A There is a possi
bility that T or 8 of the American
prisoners who have refused inter
rogation are forcing the remainder
of the 22 to stay - within their
barbed wire enclosure.
This is the belief of some, officers
who have studied the case histor
ies of those who have refused in
terrogation. The American non-repatriates
-(the Army calls then non-repats)
announced Sunday they would not
come out for their last chance to
forsake Communism unless the
PWs Letter
To Mother
Derides U.S.
(Story also on Page One.)
South Korean non repats also
agreed to the interrogations.
It is believed that 7 or 8 of the 22
Americans are so imbued with
Communist ideology that they are
doing the thinking for all the rest.
One of their strongest argu
ments could be fear of what might
happen to any one who did return
to his homeland.
In Fear of Lives
It is assumed that the non-
repats are being told that their
lives would never be safe if any
of the already repatriated soldiers
caught up with them.
A few returning POWs made
threatening statements at Free
dom Village last summer.
Both Died
One returning prisoner said he
knew the identity of a repat who
was responsible for the death of
two of his buddies. He said the
American "squealed" on them
and they were forced to stand in
an icy river for 10 hours.
One of them died m the water
Young Democrats
To Organize, .
Hear Thornton
Attorney General Robert Y.
Thornton will speak on the sub
ject "The Democratic Party in
Oregon" at an organizational
meeting of the Marion County
Young Democrats Tuesday at 7
p.m. at the Sigma Alpha Epsilon
fraternity at Willamette Univer
sity. Election of officers will follow
Thornton's talk. Fenton Hughes,
temporary chairman of the
group, said Willamette students
will apparently form the nucleus
of the new organization.
Halts Wrecked
Car; 2 Hurt
Brownell S
All Reds Off
U.S. Payroll
TOKYO JP) Mrs. Portia Howe ! camp
FORT WORTH. Tex. OP) Attor
ney General Herbert Brownell Jr.,
and the second dropped dead when ! said Sunday night he believes all
hewas walking back to the prison i persons suspected of Communistic
of Alden, Minn., received conclu
sive word Monday in the form of
a letter from her son that her
trip to the Far East was in vain.
Her son, Pfc. Richard Tenne-
son, one of the 22 American j to sell Communism to and very
soldiers wno nave reiusea 10 re- anxious to please their new Chi
xurn nomc, ioiu ius uiuiuu c , nese masters.
tendencies have bean taken off the
Any man with such a tragedy j federal payroll.
on his conscience would un- j We think that they are all out
doubtedly be afraid to face Amer- j 0f government now," he said on
ican soldiers again. j the Texas State Republican Execu-
Such men would be very easy ; the Committee's weekly trans-
prefers to remain in the hands of
the Communists.
The letter, received through the
Indian Command and a radio cor
respondent (NBC),, began:
"Dear mother: .
"Received your wire today and
was very glad to get it. You say
you would like to talk with me
well that would not be loo hard
to do. I know you believe me
when f say that I would like to
talk to you. However, there really
Isn't too much you could ac
complish by it.
"1 kndw that you want to take
me home with you but I have
made up my mind and I am not
Seen Peace, War
"During my life I have wit
nessed both peace and war in the
United States. I love peace, I love
mankind, I love them enough to
fight for them . that is what I
am doing right now that is
why I am not going home.
"Don't misunderstand me. I
still love my family, my people
and my country, and whether you1
are able to understand it now or
not, believe me when I say that
it is for them that I am fighting
and it is impossible for me to
live in the United States because
I want to live as I wish.
Says U. S. Afraid
"Actually though I don't believe
the United States authorities will
allow you to speak to me, they
are afraid. They "have probably
told you that I was forced, doped,
brain washed or some other horse
manure that they use to slander
and defile people like myself who
will stand up for his own rights
and the rights of man.
"What would they have to say
if they did allow you to talk to
me and you were to see me that
I was still your son if ever I left
you with the exception perhaps
that now I have a goal and a
reason in life, (correct)
Calls FBI Gestapo
"Also as soon as you read this
you had better go over to GHQ
and take a loyalty oath or you
are liable to be arraigned before
the House of Unamerican Activi
ies (correct). It would be very
nice for Eb (Mrs. Howe's hus
band. E. K. Howe) if he was
tailed by gestapo FBI every time
he went out to deliver chickens."
Mrs Howe put down the letter
for a moment and. sighing, said,
"My husband and I have a poul
try raising and dressing business
and we deliver chickens."
The letter went on to describe
what a pleasant place the camp
of the "democratic people's re
public -of Korea is where Ten
asked Mrs. Howe to contact the
Japanese wife of another prison
Could Force Group
cribed radio program," "Report
to Texas."
"But the President has promised
few of them could force the , ,m u, t0t vZ ori
whole group to stay behind the i securit program so that the peo
barbed wire which is shielding pe & sure that none of them
them from the past. I are left in government, and those
Should any of the 22 want to lhat outside- we are going to
leave it is believed he might be after them separately."
airdia 10 mane uie move. i Rrn,ii iniorvi.uorf Vw M
A Salem couple was hospital
ized and their car heavily dam.
aged Sunday in a collision in
which a passenger ended up
bringing the car to halt
Released after treatment at Sa
lem General Hospital were Carl
Soos, 1510 N. 15th St, who suf
fered a laceration on his head,
and his wife, Clara Soos, 42, in
jury to the hip.
The accident occurred about
12:10 p.m. on Portland Road near
the intersection of Hayesville
Drive as the Soos couple and
their passengers, Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Post, 2710 Linden Ln.,
were returning from Portland.
Police said a 1953 Mercury
operated by Mrs. Emma G. Theo
dore, 5025 Portland Road, col
lided with the Soos auto as Mrs.
Theodore attempted a left hand
turn into her driveway. The im
pact knocked Soos, the driver,
from car to the paement and
hurled Post, who was riding in
the front seat, under the steer
ing wheel where he was able to
apply the brakes and put the car
out of gear as it continued to roll.
The Theodore car had no ap
parent damage but the entire
left side of the Soos machine
was caved in.
Scientists Back j
Eisenhower Plan
For Atomic Pool
eration of American Scientists
Sunday endorsed President Eisen
hower's world pooling atomic pro
posals 'as "timely steps toward
greater international cooperation,
which is sorely needed to reduce
the atomic threat."
"Technical developments of de
structive power, as the President
has clearly stated, have been so
rapid that mankind faces almost
certain disaster unless political at
titudes and institutions catch up,"
the federation's statement said.
"Despite their very different
ideologies and aims, both sides
stand to gain by recognizing this
Farm Bureau
Meet Awaits
Kline Decision
CHICAGO UP One question
topped conversation as several
thousand members of the Ameri
can Farm Bureau Federation gath
ered here Sunday for the big farm
organization's 33th annual conven
tion, and it was this:
"Will Allan B. Kline seek re-!
election of bureau president?" j
Kline one of the most contro-;
versial characters in agriculture i
told friends he would make up his !
mind Monday or Tuesday. The
convention will elect officers
The Farm Bureau chief has be
come the leading spirit among
farm groups seeking a shift in gov
ernment farm policies away from
current high rigid price . supports
to a system of flexible or variable
Under his plan, crop floors would
be high in times of shortages to
encourage production and low in
times of surpluses to discourage
In making an uncompromising
fight for his ideas. Kline has made
many warm supporters and many
AIL he would have to do would
be to walk to the gate and ask
the guard to let him out. but none
of them have even approached a
guard since Cpl. Charles Dicken
son of Crackers Neck, Va. made
the break via the hospital.
Officers at Gen. John Hull's
headquarters are very much
aware of the possibility that one
or more of the 22 may be wait
ing his chance to make the break.
But there is no way they can
help unless the prisoners come
out for an interrogation.
J. (Jack) Porter of Houston, Texas
national GOP committeeman, dur
ing the attorney general's visit to
Texas last week. The transcribed
interview made up the weekly Re
publican program Sunday night.
McCarthy Hits
Back at Adlai
Holiday Rail
Strike Called
In England
LONDON ttf Britons who have i
been looking forward to their gay
est Christmas since before the war
suddenly face the threat of a rail
way strike paralyzing the nation
on the eve of holiday week. A
labor paper called union leaders
who ordered the strike "scrooges."
The National Union of Railway
men has sent out a call to its
400,000 members fixing the strike
for midnight Dec. 20 to press de
mands for wage increases.
The threat of industrial strife
cast gloom over this country,
which had counted on celebrating
with virtually everything plentiful
food and drink and shops
packed with goods for the first
time since declaration of World
War II in September 1939.
Clark Gable
Back in U.S.
NEW YORK tf Clark Gable
returning Sunday to this country
after a 19-month absence, said he
enjoyed makiig motion pictures
"It was like Hollywood before
Hollywood got too big," the film
star said. "We worked as a unit
and I had the same crew for all
three .pictures."
Gable has been making films in
Africa. England and Holland. He
arrived at IdI?w:Id Airport on a
Pan American plane from Lon
don. After a week's stopover here
he will go to California for Christ
mas. He has no plans for matrimony
or any further picture making im
mediately, the actor said.
Reds Advance
In Indochina
HANOI, Indochina ( Troops
of the Communist-led Vietminh's
crack 316th Division advanced
Sunday to within shelling distance
of the heavily fortified plain of
Dien Bien Phu, where French Un
ion forces are staking their de
fense of the pro-French Thai coun
try in northwestern Indochina.
Spearheads of some of the best
fighting men under command of
Vietminh Gen. Vo. Nguyen Giap
were reported by a French army
spokesman to be 12 miles north
east of Dies Bien Phu.
These troops have stabbed ahead
slowly along a dirt road through
jungle-covered mountains, making
forced marches at night to escape
intensive aenal attack.
Cause Elusive
In Alderman
Farms Blaze
Statesman Newt Service '
DAYTON Cause of the S100,
000 fire at the Alderman Farms
six miles south oLTJayton Satur
day night has not been deter
mined, Lloyd Zenter, assistant
Dayton fire chief, said Sunday
Destroyed in the blaze were
two trucks, three pickup trucks,
two tractors, four irrigation
pumps and all automotive and
tractor repair tools in the ma
chine shops. A car owned by
John Hackworth was also de
stroyed, Zenter said.
The 80 by 60 frame building
which burned to the ground
house the parts room as well as
the machine and repair shops.
tial nominee has long shown an - "",
"especial fondness Toward the ! re"vered by insurance. Zen'
McCarthy replied, on the "Meet
the Press" television program
(NBC), to Stevenson's broadcast
Saturday night in which the Demo
cratic leader called for a nation
wide crusade which would not use
the tactics of the Communists to
fight Communism.
The Wisconsin senator said Ste
venson has been repeating "like a
broken record" the idea that
Americans should fight Commun
ism without getting rough with
"If he has some way of doing
it gently. I'd like to hear about it,"
McCarthy said.
Declaring Stevenson for a long
time has shown "an especial fond
ness toward the Communists phil
osophy," McCarthy snorted:
"I must say he doesn't seem to
recognize a Communist when he
sees one."
Escapees Back
At MacLaren
Boys School
Two MacLaren School for
Boys escapees, whose flight from
three state police cars ended Sat
urday night when their stolen
panel truck crashed into a field
two miles north of Aurora, were
back at MacLaren School Sunday
"a little banced up but not too I bitter enemies.
serious," a schodi official said Hence, his decision on the presi
Sunday. dency could have significant in-
The pair, identified as Jesse i fluence on future decisions on farm
Duncan and Richard Gregor, programs. As long as he heads the
Carthy (R-Wis) fired back at Adlai
E. Stevenson Sunday night, assert
ing the 1952 Democratic presiden-
were returned Dy ambulance
from an Oregon City hospital
where they were treated follow
ing the accident
They were spotted at Gervais
junction by state police and in
the ensuing chase, at speeds up
to 85 miles an hour, their panel
truck sideswiped one sedan and
two trucks as well as one patrol
car before patrolmen stopped
them by shooting one of their
When questioned Sunday the
boys told state police they had
also taken a 1953 sedan from Mt.
Angel and a flat bed truck from
the Lincoln community before
picking up the panel truck from
West Salem.
Farm Bureau, the largest of the
farm organizations, it will make a
determined fight for a shift away
from present price support pro
Knapp Speaks at
Education Meet
PORTLAND urvGardner Knapp.
a Salem school board member,
was one of the speakers this week
end at a conference sponsored by
the Oregon Education Associa
tion's department of classroom
He advised the 200 who attended
to go out .into the community to
explain functions of the school.
The public should know, he said,
that the school is not "just a pro
fessional baby sitter.
Nixon Talks With
King of Libya
13 Vice President Richard Nixon
paid a call Sunday on Libya's King
Idriss to try to speed delayed ne
gotiations on granting the United
States air base rights' in this
strategic land.
Nixon, who arrived here with
his wife after a Middle East' tour
which began in October, said later
be was "encouraged by the pros
pects of an early settlement"
MEXICO CITY un One per
son perished and about 700 others
were trampled Saturday as half
a million Catholic f a i t h f u
swarmed here to worship at the
Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
COSHOCTON, Ohio un Mrs
Jenny Mobley Green, widow of
William Green, long-time president
of, the AFL, died at her home
here Sunday night She was 83.
WASHINGTON un Chairman
Stephen A. Mitchell of the Demo
cratic National Committee pre
dicted strong Democratic support
Sunday for President EisenhoW'
er's proposal of an international
pool of atomic materials for peace
ful uses.
British Guiana
Police Jail 10
GEORGETOWN, British Guiana
Wv Police arrested Mrs. Janet
Rosenberg Jagan, American-born
wife of - British Guiana' ousted
Prime Minister, and nine other
leaders of the leftist Progressive
Peoples Party Sunday. They were
charged with holding an illegal
meeting. ,
All 10 were released on bail of
$75 $44.25 U. S.) each. Hearings
on the charges were set for Tues
day. Police said Mrs. Jagan. who is
secretary of the PPP, and her as
sociates were using a loudspeaker
to address a crowd of 300 at a
sugar estate village about 15 miles
from Georgetown.
Guiana's British colonial gover
nor, Sir Alfred Savage, early in
October banned public meetings
unless they had police permission
at the same time he ousted Mrs.
Jagan's husband, Cheddi, and five
other PPP government ministers
and suspended the constitution.
Cool Temperatures,
Showers Forecast
Cool temperatures with a few
light showers is the weather story
for the Salem area today and to
morrow, according to weathermen ;
at McNary Field. !
The Willamette River was re-
ported at 13.5 feet at Salem late j
Sunday night and is expected to j
fall slowly for the next three days
Blaze Spreads
In California
POMONA. Calif, w - A forest
fire, roaring out of control Sunday
in precipitous Barrett Canyon, has
consumed more than 420 acres of
timber and brush. '
Nearly 500 men were attempting
to stem the flames, fanned by
strong north winds. Ranger Wiley
Messer said the steepness of the
ridges in the San Gabriel Moun
tains made fire fighting extremely
difficult. There were no cabins
near the fire.
Flames were eating through pine
and spruce at the eastern edge of
Angeles' National Forest on 8,752
foot Ontario Peak. The east side
of the peak is in San Bernardino
National Forest.
The fire started Saturday. Ex
plaining that is is unusually late
in the season for forest fires, offi
cials said the fire danger is great
due to lack of rainfall and low
tornado roared across suburban
Southside Estates Sunday night,
damaging four houses, a filling
station and cocktail lounge but no
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