The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 09, 1953, Page 14, Image 14

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    J (Sec 3V-Statesman, Salem, Or Wd Dc 9, 1853
Mrs. Greider
Names YWCA
Mrs. Carlton Greider, new pres
ident of the YWCA board, an
nounced her standing committees
at the resular board meeting
Tuesday morning.
Announcement was made of
the appointment of Mrs. Jay Mc
Murren to toe YW staff as young
adult leaded She replaces Mrs.
James Armson, who is leaving
for Medford to make her home.
where her husband has been
transferred, j
- Mrs. - Maynard Shifter was
fleeted a member of the board
and Mrs. Frank H. Spears as a
member of the board of trustees.
Standing committee chairmen
and members are as follows: adult
program, Mrs. George Gregor,
chairman, Mrs. Robert Anderson,
Mrs. Glenn! Ftavel: College Y,
Mrs. Robert Anderson; Budget
shop, Mrs. Chester Loe and Mrs.
George LaBorde, co-chairmen,
Mrs. A. C. Haag; finance, Mrs.
Robert Anderson, chairman, Mrs.
Vernon Gilmore.
Food service, Mrs. Theron
Hoover, chairman, Mrs. George
Maison, chairman, Mrs. Robert
W. Gormsenv and Mrs. G. F.
Chambers; hostesses, Mrs. Wil
lard N. Thompson, chairman, Mrs.
Arthur Atherton and Mrs. Rich
ard Upjohn: house, Mrs. G. F.
Chambers, chairmen, Mrs. Theron
Hoover. ;
Committee Members
Membership, Mrs. Harold 0.
Schneider, chairman. Mrs. Rus
kin Blatchford and Mrs. Vernon
-1 , i t: n :
Wlimore; personnel, .wirs. imam
Crothers, chairman, Mrs. Robert
D. Gregg; public affairs, Mrs. Wil
liam Van Meter: public relations,
Mrs. Bruce F. Pickett, chairman,
Mrs. Phillip Brandt Jr.: publicity,
Mrs. Brandt: telephone, Mrs.
Glenn Fravel, chairman. Mrs.
Chester Cox: Y-Teen program,
Mrs. Herman jocmmsen, cnair
raan. Mrs. Robert Sprague: Y
Wives advisor, Mrs. Glenn FraveL
; Members of the executive com
mittee include Mrs. Greider, pres
ident: Mrs. James C. Afmpriest,
vice-president; Mrs. G. F. Cham
bers, second vice-president; Mrs.
Ruskin Blatchford, treasurer;
Mrs. Vernon Gilmore. recording
secretary; Mrs. Robert D. Gregg,
corresponding secretary; Mrs.
Robert Anderson, finance chair
man; Mrs. Harold Schneider and
Mrs. William Crothers, members-at-large.
Fonr Comers The Woman's
club Christmas dinner and pro
gram was on December 3 in the
Community hall. The candlelit
table was in the Christmas decor
with covers placed for 24 mem-:
bers and a guest. Mrs; Larene
Snider. Mrs. Harvey Meyer con
ducted the business meeting. A
committee was appointed to
bring Christmas to an under pri
vileged family. Hostesses in
charge were Mrs. Harvey Meyer,
Mrs. Dale Jeffries. Mrs. Jess Mc
Ilnay, Mrs. Cecil Hunsaker, Mrs.
LeRoy Stewart. Mrs. Harold
Snook, Mrs. Waldo Miller. Mrs.
Andrew Messman, Mrs. Gerald
Foster, Mrs. Allen Gordon, Mrs.
0. T. Binegar, Mrs. Clyde Wood
ruff, Mrs. Frank Lahr.
Foar Comers Mary Lou
Shrake celebrated her first birth
day anniversary on Sunday after
noon. Attending the party were
Mrs. Mabel Marquiss and Donald
MarquiM, Janice, Dick and Gregg
Shrake and her parents, Mr. and
Airs. Warren Shrake, and Miss
Gertrude Chamberlain.
lor Our CKtomrs Only
Iflefllmorth -J
Piwi Ms cswrtnitflt ptsninf tavt
Mack tk mnhr f f tit tut in tfi 4wr
prun44 4 Ait chert far rafwaaca,
smi ) tin title 'y"n T
Brt...MMd- X O V J Y
mm ym Ml ! m! UIl'' fJt 'C--V JL
rtU STTMC Ca- - TIL' C rf- -"T
Holiday Party for
Post, Auxiliary
Marion Auxiliary, Veterans of
Foreign Wars will bold its an
nual Christmas party with the
Post Sunday afternoon, Decem
ber 13 at the Veterans of Foreign
Wars HalL A no-host dinner will
be served at 1:30 and members
are asked to bring their own
table service.
A program is being arranged
by Mrs. W. R. Barnett and will
consist of numbers given by the
children of the members. Gifts
are to be brought for children
and food for Christmas baskets
for the needy families.
The regular business meeting
of the auxiliary will be held Mon
day evening at the Veterani of
Foreign Wars hall at 8 p.m.
Mothers-to Hear'
Two Speakers
The December meeting of the
Highland Mothers Club is ached
uled for Thursday, December 10
in the school auditorium. The
program win begin at 1 p.m. with
Albert T. Ziegler, an exchange
teacher at Parrish Junior High
School, who will speak of Christ
mas in New Zealand. David Wood,
student at Willamette University,
will tell of the Christmas cele
bration in Scotland.
Following the program a busi
ness meeting will be held with
Mrs. G. Carroll Meeks presiding.
Refreshments will be served in
the cafeteria with Mrs. Wallace
Beckett. Mrs. Milo Van Houten
and Mrs. R. L. Etheridge as act
ing hostesses. A nursery will be
provided for pre-school children. !
Eight Receive
Master Points
Only one out-of-town team, Mrs
Percy Miner
It "orvims. w "t J !
fight winners of mas-;
among the eight
ter points in the Salem Elks Du
plicate Bridge Club tournaments
last month. Local players finish
ing high included Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Ramp, Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Kimsey, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer O.
Berg, Mrs. Walter M. Cline, Mrs.
E. E. Boring. Charles Tambling,
Mrs. C. C. Gabriel, Mrs. R. F.
Baxter, Mrs. Ward Graham and
Ellis H. Jones.
Senior players who turned in
top scores during recent weekly
competition included Sidney
Schechtman, Mrs. Donald Dun
can, Lin Miles, Mr. and Mrs. L.
W. Frasicr, Jack Shcpard and
Dale Hutchinson, both of Corval
li?, W. F. Leary, Mrs. Ward Gra
ham, Mrs. Elsie Day, Mrs. R. L.
Park, and Mr.-and Mrs. Charles
Junior winners included Mrs.
William Albright and Mrs. Wally
Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. C. Charn
holm arid Mrs. L. W. Ahsenmach
er and Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Others who placed in senior
master points or weekly tourna
ments included Mrs. Wesley Rich
ie, Mrs. Robert McKesson, Mrs.
John S. Bone, Mr. and Mrs. John
Pugh of Shedd, Walter M. Cline,
M t-- A .11.,,. T T ......
iUl. Aim 11113. XVI 111U1 Li.
Mrs. Lloyd Jones, Donald Dun
can, Mrs. Leona Taylor, Mrs. Dor
othy Remmey of Brownsville, Mrs.
Arthur" W. Binegar, Mrs. W. R.
Newmyer, Mrs. F. C. Lutz, Mrs.
Jose Moritz of Corvallis, Mrs. Paul
F. Bums, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll
Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Groff,
Mr. and Mrs. Max Moore of Scio,
Mrs. Bert Osbura, Mrs. Myrtle
Mount of Oregon City, Mrs. M. A.
Beyer of Mt Angel, Mrs. George
Rein, Arden Harrah and Glenn
Hall, both of Corvallis.
Next main events on the dupli
cate bridge calendar will be the
master point competition at the
Elks Club December 20 and the
annual Christmas party, also for
master points, on the following
evening at the Marion hotel. Many
out-of-town players are expected
at both affairs.
Auburn The Auburn Wom
an's Club will hold its December
meeting on Thursday in the Com
munity HalL A covered dish
luncheon will be served at noon.
Members are asked to bring the
articles for the bazaar to be held
December 12 at 147 N. High St.
in Stiffs Furniture store.
Bible Class of the First Metho
dist Church will hold a social
meeting' Friday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. James Taylor, 862
N. 16th St., at 2 p.m. Mrs. Frank
James will lead the devotions.
VALLEY BREAD . .thcajuwirto
"diet btiMCN Lew in calorie (lea
aa to the slice) y kith k
mack buUdkig protein. And flavor!
jutt try H toasted it's a w taata
ML Al yew fcvtrito fee star
"Made y ik Bakes mt
Master Bread"
I 1
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gooding (Bernadette Mejstrik)
who were married on Nov, 14 ert St Joseph's Catholic
Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. J.
Mejstrik and the groom is the son of James Gooding of
St. Paul. The couple will reside in Salem. (Steimonts
Quartet on
I High School
S ta a e To n i q h t
The Paginina Quartet, playing
in concert at Salem High School
tonight, will be heard in a pro
gram which includes many of the
best works for four strings. Mo
zart, Haydn, Schumann and Tchai
kowski are represented in one
group, Mendelssohn, Beethoven,
Dvorak and Schubert in pnother.
The following program will be
Sonata a Quattro Scarlatti
Quartet Beethoven
Comments bv Mr. Temianka
Minuet K 421 Mozart
Serenade Opus 3,
No. 5 Haydn
Scherzo, Opus 40
No. 1 - Schumann
Andante Cantabile
Opus 11 . Tchaikowskl
f IV
Variations Opus 18
No. 5 Beethoven
Opus 12 Mendelssohn
Andante Opus B6 Dvorak
Finale, Opus
125 No. 1 Schubert
I . r i I
PlCTUrGS Ot Holy
Land are Shown
Dr. Leon E. Barrick presented
colored pictures of his trip to
the Holy Land at the Saturday
afternoon meeting of Chemeketa
Chapter Daughters of the Amer
ican Revolution at the Salem
Woman's Clubhouse. Miss Patri
cia Collins was the soloist and
sang a group of Christmas songs,
accompanied by Mrs. Frank Par
cher. Mrs. H. G. Henderson presided
at the business meeting. An
nouncement was made of the con
version of former President Her
bert Hoover's early home in New-
berg into a museum in the near
A tea hour followed the meet
ing. Guests attending were Mrs.
i Winifred Pettyjohn. Mrs. W. C,
Rea, and Mrs. Margaret Wood
I ings.
Mrs. Dollie Ramp entertained
the Brooks Sewing Club at her
home at a ham luncheon. Thelma
Darland was in charge of the
Christmas program of scripture
reading and singing of Christmas
Do Vbu Like Chicken?
There's Much More Chicken
fcy WUEt
k&c t -f rvJi
Bethel to Hold
Holiday Party
Bethel 35, Job's Daughters met
at the Scottish Rite Temple Mon
day evening with the junior Beth
el officers presiding.
The next meeting will be on
Saturday, December 26 for instal
lation of officers. There will be
no meeting on Monday, Decem
ber 21.
The Bethel will hold a Christ
mas party with a Christmas tree
and gifts next Sunday afternoon,
December 13 for children of the
Blind School at the school
The girls decided to enter a
drill team in comnetition at
j Grand Session next spring.
Charity Work Planned
Mrs. Roy Lively was hostess1
for the dessert luncheon and aft
ernoon meeting of the Lansing
Neighbors Garden Club at her
N. 21st Street home. Funds were
voted to assist in the decorations
for Christmas of a ward at the
Slate Hospital. The club will en
ter an exhibit at the Salem Gar
den Club Green show this month.
On the committee are Mrs. Milton
Blackman. Mrs. H. Willard Cole
and Mrs. Ballard. Members spent
the afternoon making ! bright
Christmas trees for the bedside
tables of patients at Lansing
Nursing home. Mrs. J. J. Oeder
was a guest
Sheridan Miss Frances Gut
brod was given a bridal shower by
Mrs. Doris Bundy and Mrs. Doris
Jean Suhs at the Suhs home.
The hostesses served refresh
ments to Lois Gould. Sharon
Brandt, Betty Kooy, Mildred Gil
son, Mrs. John Gutbrod Sr., Mrs.
John Gutbrod Jr., Mrs. Bill
Brandt, Miss Jeanne Aaron, Mrs.
Earl Suhs, and Mrs. Frank Wis
Auburn Mrs. Melvin Shaw
was hostess on Wednesday to the
Monroe Sewing Club.
We Mall
In The
Visitors Are :
Scott returned to her Portland
home Sunday night following a
few days as the guest of Mrs. C
W. Keene. Dr. and Mrs. P. A.
Loar entertained at a small din
ner for Mrs. Scott and Mrs.
Keene Saturday night
' Mrs. Keene will leave this week
for Spokane to spend the Christ
mas holiday! with her daughter,
Margaret, returning to Silverton
in January. Mrs. Scott, who form
erly made Silverton her home,
plans to spend the Christmas
weekend here as a guest of Mr.
and Mrs. E. J. Adams.
Mrs. Will Mann, who has been
visiting in the east and mid-west
since Oct 10, plans to be home
before the end of this week. She
is now at Meadow Grove, Neb.
Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Mason at their S. Church
street home at Silverton were
Miss Marjory Johnson, Salem,
and Mrs. John VanDeleur of
Portland. Miss Johnson, recently
from Illinois is now the Girl
Scout executive director for the
Santiam area and Mrs. VanDe
leur is Mrs. Mason's mother.
The engagement of Miss Donna
Jean Beasley, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Dillow of Silver
ton, to Paul Anderson; son of Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Anderson of Evans
Valley, has been announced, al
though no date has been set for
the wedding.
McClauqhrys to
Head Chapter
GERVAIS Gervais Chapter.
Order of the Eastern Star held
I its last meeting of the year De
cember 4, with Mrs. Florence
Burr, worthy matron, and J. P.
Aspinwall, worthy patron, presid
ing. Visitors were present from
chapters at Portland, Salem, Red
mond, Springfield and North Car
olina. Mrs. Lillian Quigley, wor
thy matron of Venus Chapter of
Donald, was present.
Degrees of the order were con
ferred on Mr. and Mrs. Waldo
Lowery, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stur
gis and daughter, Vivian.
The chapter accepted the invi
tation of Fidelity Lodge No. 54,
AF&AM to a 6:30 dinner pre
ceding joint installation Thursday
evening, December 17.
Election of officers was held
with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mc-
Claughry elected worthy matron
and worthv patron; Mr. and Mrs.
Allen Dean, associate matron and
associate patron: Mrs. Lucille
Booster, re-elected secretary; Mrs.
Pearl Stevens, re-elected treasur
er; Mrs. Anne Elder, conductress
and Mrs. .Tuanita Andresen, as
sociate conductress.
Sheridan Mr. and Mr. Jack
Woodall were hosts at a baptis
mal dinner in honor of their son,
Thomas Stanley. Guests were Mr.
and Mrs. William Schultx of Wil
lamina. Miss Ann Schultz of Mc
Minnville. Mrs. Lillian Noll and
baby of Portland, Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Eisele and family. Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence Woodall and
family and Father Babyak.
The Brooks Garden Club will
hold its regular meeting and
Christmas party at the home of
Mrs. Dollie Ramp on Thursday,
December 10. Each member is
asked to make and wear a Christ
mas corsage. A covered dish tur
key luncheon will be served at 1
o'clock, followed by a Christmas
program and gift exchange.
Call For Information and Color Folder
(2-7036 or 3-3582, Day or Evening)
Always rich in chicken
flavor because it's made
wifh plenty off chicken
Officers Visit
Capital Unit
Mrs. Forrest Erickson, Esta
cada, Mrs Mae Whitcomb, Fort
land, and Mrs. Josephine Kane,
Dundee, Department of Oregon
American Legion Auxiliary presi
dent secretary and treasurer re
spectively, were honor guests at
the regular meeting of Capital
Unit Auxiliary Monday evening.
Joining in the special entertain
ment for the guests were Mrs.
William Kinney, president of
Kingwood Unit with a group of
her members and Mrs. Carroll
Robinson, president of Unit 136,
whose members presented a short
humorous skit and special music
which consisted of a group of
songs by Mrs. Lester Hagen sing
ing to her own piano accompani
ment Mrs. James A. Garson, rehabili
tation chairman, and her commit
tee in addition to decorating the
meeting hall and serving refresh
ments, had on display a number
of gifts for the veteran's Christ
mas Gift Shop and told of the
plans for wrapping individual
gift baskets for the 158 veterans,
who are patients at the Oregon
State Hospital.
Coming Events
Mrs. Jennie Bartlett announced
that the Past President's parley j
ot which she is president, will
hold its annual Christmas party
at the home of Mrs. Clara Poland,
529 N. 23rd, on Thursday, Decem
ber 17 and gifts of food for the
veteran's Christmas baskets will
be brought instead of the usual I
gift exchange.
Mrs. Rose Habernacht, sewing
chairman, announced that the
sewing committee will make baby
clothes in addition to its regular
projects when it meets on Mon
day, December 14 at the home
of Mrs. Stuart Johns, 3790 Monroe J
Avenue, a no-nost luncneon will
be served.
Capital Unit will not hold its
regular meeting on the third Mon
day in December due to the
Christmas party which it sponsors
jointly with Capital Post on Sun
day afternoon, December 20 at
the Legion HalL Special enter
tainment, including Santa Claus,
will be provided for the children
and donations for Christmas gift
baskets will be received.
Mrs. T. J. Brabec, president,
announced that the next meeting
of Capital Unit will be the first
Monday in January at the Salem
Woman's Clubhouse.
At the social hour Mrs. E. W.
Richey and Mrs. Lue Lucas
The Ladies Guild and the three
circles of St. Mark's Lutheran
Church will meet Friday night
in the social room at 8 p.m.
Mrs. B. L. Trelstad will present
the program. Mrs. E. Hillstrom i
will preside at the business ses- i
sion at which time election of of
ficers will be held. All women
of the church and friends are
welcome to attend.
r 'irnir i im
Just Arrived!
A Neic Shipment of
Hand Made Lamp Shades
TBeautifu! and distinctive to add personality
Jo your lamps your room. '
Remember too, our "custom service" to provide you
with lamp shades of your choic.
Gardeners Moot
At Larsen Home
Larsen entertained the Friendly
Neighbors Garden Club Thursday
evening at her home on Hulsey
Mrs. E. L. Gray conducted the
business meeting. The group
made plans for their annual
Christmas party on December 17
when they will entertam their
husbands. There will be a gift
exchange for the members.
Mrs. Harold Patterson intro
duced the speaker, Mrs. J. W.
Garrett who gave a book re
view. A guest was Mrs. Browning
Auburn Mr. and Mrs. Stuart
Johns were hosts fox a pinochle
party Saturday evening. Bidden
were Mr, and Mrs. William Reid,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank George, and
Mr. and Mrs. Otto MehlhofL
0ab rnfitj
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If' y ?it& Av.r; l
foTA toruinstmas
mA Ml Qivehera
K V I ! m i -.hi mi miM CT t
k vflvv . it. - T x' -v.'-s
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Engagement ;
Is Revealed
Mr. and Mrs, C F. Klassen are
announcing the engagement of
their daughter, Velma, to Irvin
Braun of Dallas, son of Mr.. A.
Braun of Vancouver, B.C. No
date has been set for the wedding.
The bride-elect is a graduate
of Salem High School and her
fiance attended Dallas schools.
Stately Lamps
Magnificent Values!
Specially, Priced!
Make someone's Christmas brighter with a
lovely lamp from Miller's Furniture. Here,
you'll find tall lamps and small lamps
lamps to light up every nook and corner
with a bright and cheery glow! And it
isn't just their elegant proportions and deli
cate detail that make them such brilliant
va'ues it's their thrifty price tags too!
Some pairs and others one of a kind in
this special group.