10 (Sc 3) Statesman, Saln, Or. Friday. Nor. 201853 TV Raid i 6 Log KPTV Highlights today: "Square Dance Katy " Matinee Thea- 4e - 1 n m "lPiv Pnnnri Note ' etarrirrir Pprtnr - Marmnnt. T9vif Home and James Kennedy, Fairbanks show, 8:30 pjn.; Portland wrestling, 10 p.m.; "Hoosier Schoolmaster," starring IJonnan Fos ter and Charlotte Henry, Note Owl Theater, 11:15 p.m. -'' KOIN-TV HighlighU today: "Fresh Start," starring Wanda Hendrix and William Campbell, Playhouse of Stars, 9 p,m.; "Kelly the Second," starring Patsy Kelly and-Maxie Rosenbloom, Show time on Six, 11 p.m. . r ; , . '. FRIDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Standard Time . (Editor's note: The SUtenua publishes In good filth the programs ana time as provided by radio and TV stations, bat because oftimes the programs are chanted withoat notification, this newspaper cannot fe- responsible for the accuracy herein.) TELEVISION KPTV, UHF Channel 27 KOIN TV VHF Channel 6 HOUR 00:00 i 00:15 9 KPTV 10 KPTV I D-D School I D-D School 11 KPTV iHwkns. Falls IThe Bennetts KOIN The Big Payoff IThe Big Payoff IBob Crosby" IBob Crosby ' 1 KPTV !Mat- Theatre Mat Theatre iMat. Theatre Mat Theatre KOIN Love of Life Search 'morrow (Guiding Light Valiant Lady " 2 KPTV lMt. Theatre Mat Theatre KOIN louble-Nuthin IDuble-Nuthin S KPTVIKate Smith IKate Smith KOIN carry Moore ArmchrThtr 4 KPTV Welcome Trav.lWelcome Trav.Toy Maker Toy Maker KOIN Armchr Thtr lArmchr Thtr tArmchrThtr Mr.Moon 5 KPTV jHowdy Doody IHowdy Doody I Peanut Circus I KOINISaddle Pals ISaddle Pals (Saddle Pals ISaddle Pals 6 KPTV Sky Ring KOINItV News I Sky Ring IPhotoQuiz KPTVlSports Cav. I Sports Cav. KOIN iMcCune Show IMcCune Show KPTV iCarroway - IGarroway KOIN Umos'n Andy !Amos'n Andy 9 KPTViBi Story IBig Story lYou Asked You Asked KOIN istar PlayhouselStar PlayhouselMiss Brooks IMiss Brooks 10 KPTV KOIN Wrestling IWrestling Friend Irma IFriend Irma 11 KPTV News Owl Theatre KU1N 'Showtime on 6, Show time RADIO KSLM 1390, KOCO 1496. KGAE 1430. KOIN 910, KGW 620, KEX 1196 FM: Megacycles KOIN 101.1: KEX 92-3 HOUR 00:00 00:15 6 KSLM News ITimekeener KOCO West. Melodies I West. Melodies t Farm News KGAE Brk. Nook BrK. nook KOI RTD. Oregon KOIN Klock KGW Dave West I Dave West KEX Or Tarm Hr. I Ore Firm Hr. 7 KSLM Hemingway KOCO KOCOKlock KGAE News KOIN KOIN Kloek KGW Johnny Wills First Edition 8 KSLM Cecil Brown KOCO News EGAS News OIN Cons. Itcw KOW Old Songs KIX Break. Club KSLM Dr. Sword iCap. Comment I "astors Call I Bargain Counter KOCO Ray's Records (Ray's Records (Ray's Records I Ray's Records KGAK News I Spider . Spider Spider KOIN Wendy Warren t Aunt Jenny Helen Trent Gal Sunday KGW Music Box Join Navy I Rocky Fortune Rocky Fortune KEX 9 a.m. Edition (Stars of Today DbL or Nothingl DbL or Nothing 9 1K.SLM Glen Hardy , ITelloTest (Music Music KOCO Rays Records ! IRays Records IRays Records IRays Records KGAE News ' iMr.Smythe I Mr. Smythe I Mr. Smythe OKOIN Road of Life Ma Perkins Dr. Malone (Guiding Light KGW H. House Pity. H. House Prty. (Strike it Rich Istr' n Rlcn KEX Chet Huntley ITony Martin I True Story ITrue Story KSLM Ladies Fair (Ladies Fair KOCO Kays tiecoi ds IKaws Accords KR4C News I Snider 1 1 KOIN 2nd Mrs. Burtonl Perry Mason poran uraxe KGW Bob Hope I Pauline Frdrcksl Phrase Pays KEX Whispering Sts.lGirl Marries Keep's Korner KSLM Top Trades Sews 3ayWr I Music KOt'O News I Midday Music (Midday Music (Ritchie KGAE News I Spider I Spider I Spider xtMN Macleod News 'Come Get It , House Party (House Party fiW Noon News (Road of Life IPeppei Voung Happiness KEX Paul Harvey 1 Noon Edition I Sam Hayes Mod. Rmnees 1 1 LM Better Shoppers! Behind Story Music (Music KOCO Magic Melody (Magic Melody IMagic Melody I Magic Melody KGAE News Jack Horner I Jack Horner I Jack Horner .mn Hilltop hse. I A. Godfrey A. Godfrey I A. Godfrey KGW Backstage Wife Stella Dallas HWidder Brown Woman in Hse KEX Kay West (Kay West iKay West (Kay West 2 KSLM News IMusic INews (Music KOCO Magic Melody IMagic Melody IMagic Melody (Magic Melody KGAE News (Spider (Spider Spider KOIN A. Godfrey I Art Godfrey I Art Godfrey I Curt Massey KGW Plain Hill iFr. Pa. Farrell I Lorenzo Jones 'PaystoMarry KEX Betty Crocker Jack's Place I Dick Powell Peggy Lee 3 KSLM Hughes Reel ITello Test KOCO World News Tune Time KGAE News I Spider KOIN Wizard of Odds IRuthAshton :W Travelers i Travelers KEX For Girls I For Girls 4 5 ,SLM Fulton I wis .Hemingway .Curt Masse I Sam Hayes KOCO Music U Want Music U Want Music U WanttlMusic U Want! KGAE News I Disk &r Needle (Disk & Needle I Sign Off Kl Art Kirkham I Sparkbn' Music I Art Kirkham Art Klrkham BW Join Navy I Music Box I Music Box Art Baker 4:53 KEX Af tnoon Edit. Is i. . -el C Squirrel Cage Hannv Time SLM B' Bar B Songs' B Bar B OCO Show Time KOIN K. R. Murrow KOW Sports Daily KEX Take it Easy Show Time News News Hour Take it Easy 6 KSLM Gab Heater IPerry Como I Virgil Pinkley News KOCO Candlelight CaivnetigM New 8S Keys KOIN Sports Spot lite "Meditafn Time Tom Harmon News KOW Relax. Musir I Relax. Music I House of Glass I House of Glass KEX Weatherman IHome Edition Leahy Show I BUI Stern 7 .SLM Take a Number J Take a Number 1 Cisco Kid Cisco Kid oco Rosary I Stars -m FB Forecast 150 Yd. Line aOIN Staee Struck Stage Struck : SUge Struck (Stage Struck KGW McGeeAc Molly Alxe Dreier Phil Harris ( Phil Harris KEX Fights iFights 1 INews . I Encores 8 KSLM Jimmy Fidler IMusic KOCO Jeff-G.Pass Ueff-G.Pass KOIN Lost Persons I Lost Persons KGW lv.v..,i KEX Symphonette (Symphonette KSLM Hard News Newsreel CO Jefi-G.Pass Ueff-G.Pass KOIN Beulah I Junior Miss 9 KGW Bob Hope (Bob Hope KEX Ozzie 6c HarnetlOzzie Sc 1 KSLM Fulton Lewis IMusic J News IMusic ' KOCO Jeff-G.Pass (Jeff-G.Pass (Night News Nocturne KOIN 9 Star F nal Cooke's G. Bookl City Club (Clt-r Club 0GW- Richflrt Rntr ISoort Pee Last Man Out Last Man Out KEX Final Edition (Dance Tim, I Dance Time I Da nee Tim Is. SLM Monte-Cristo OTO Nocturne ;oin Record Show - tr.w News I KEX . Dance Time Lawvtn Dance Tim KOAC 550 kc Pacific Standard Time. 1:00 a.m The News and Weather, 10:15 Especially for Women: 110 Oregon SchoSl of the Air Tell a Story. -Jerry'st Thanksgiving: 11:15 Concert Hah: 12:00 News & Wea th tr; 12:15 pjn Noon Farm Hour: 1:00 Ride 'Era Cowboy; 1:15 Oregon Schol of Air. "Let's Visit Th. Waterfront: 130 London Forum: Espedany for Women: 3:30 Memory Book of Music: 3:45 Oregon School of the Air Adventures in Statesman Classified Ads Pay 00:45 I I What Cookinf What Cooking Family" Friend I Family Friend I I lYour Account lYour Account (Strike it Rich Strike it Rich r IKate Smith . IKate Smith KrmchrThtr 'Armchr Thtr J Dean Collins Edwards News Edwards News (Fred Meyer Op'g ISports Cav. INews Caravan iOzzie-Harriet lOzzie-Harriet . ID. Fairbanks ID. Fairbanks A ITopper ITopper IWrestling, IWrestling I Jeffrey Jones tfeffrey Jones lOwl Theatre OwI Theatre on 61 I 00:30 00:45 iNcws Cliff & Curly (World Mewa Brk. Nook i KOIN Kiock Dave West I Ore farm Hr. IBrk. Nook I KOIN KJock I Dave West Ore Farm Hr. 00:30 Break. Gang I Break Cane News KOCO Klock I KOCO Klock I KOCO Klock IBrk. Nook IBrk. Nook IBrk. Nook i Macleod. News Goss News Morn. Varieties ICountry Editor News J Knox Manning Aaronsky IBob Garred Bob Hazen Family AlUr Bible Inst. I Bible Init I KOCO Klock I KOCO Klock I World Ntwi (Spider I Spider Spider (Vaile News (Make Up Mind IRosemary lOldSbnia I Old Songs (Old Songs I Break, auk I Break. Club I Break. Club (Queen for Day Queen for Day iKavs rts IKavs Records I Spider Spider Brighter Day Second Chanc Keep's Korner Jack Kirkwood Uack Kirkwood I Piano Patterns Forw'rd March 1 Spider Spider (Story's Bk'yrd Tunefully IMered' Willson! Life Beautiful IFor Girls (For Girls Songs! Bill Hickok Bill Hickok (Second Look I Fish Caster IWorld Today I ,' Goti (Lawsop McCaU IE. Peterson lHuntlev News IBob Garred f larmonaires I Dinner Concrt IJeff-G. Pass Wef f.-C. Pass I Lowell Thomas I Family Skeleton I Ulna n Shore I Frank Sinatra John Vanderkl Favorite Mux. Music IHarry Wismer (Jeff-G.Pass !Jeff.-G. Pass IJohny on Spot Dance Orch. Hit Parade (Hit Parade HarnetiCorliss Archer Corliss Archer IMonte-Cristo i Music I Music (Nocturne - I Nocturne I Nocturne Record Show I Record Show 111:55 News 1 Mrt an City Ccuncil iCity Council Dane Tunc IDanc Tun Research: 3:00 Oregon Reporter: 3:13 Music of the Masters: 4 AO Snorts Forecast; 4:15 On The Upbeat; 4:45 News Commentary: 50 The Chil dren's Theater: 5:30 Voices of Eu rope; t$0 The News Sc Weather; :15 Ways of Mankind: 65 Radio Workshop Plays: 7:00 Tom Roberts, organist: 7:15 Evening Farm Hour: 1:00 Popular Arts in America; Music that Endures: t:4S Evening Meditations Rev. Harold Marchel, Bethel Baptist Church. 10:00 Sign o. Phones Show Big Increase Last 8 Years Installation I of America's 50,000,000th telephone in r the- White House at Washington this week prompted the P. T. T. in Salem to disclose a few statistics which showed this area was shar ing fully in the national increase. For instance, Elmer A. Berg- lund, Salem 'phone company man ager, said that in the last eight years in Marion County tele phones in service had increased from 9,797 to 24,427; telephone investment from $291,667 to $9,144,788; telephone employes from 116 to 438, and average number of local and toll calls daily, 61,142 to 136,457. Current P. T. & T. payroll in Marion' County is $1,583,000 an nually. -- .y The Salem -exchange was estab lished in 1884 six years after Portland's and by 1905 there were 1000 telephones in service in this city. There are now 491,000 tele phones in Oregon well over twice the number at the end of World War II and an average of one telephone to every three residents of the state. (Outside the U.S- the average is 1 to 65). More than half the world's tele phones are in the U.S. Of the 50,000,000, 41.000,000 are in the Bell system and 9,000,000 in the 5,200 independent companies. Gould-National Will Build Plant SAINT PAUL, Minn. The contract for the constuction of a S500.00Q an automotive storage battery plant in Houston has been awarded by Gould-National Bat teries, Inc., Albert H. Daggett, president, announced." The com pany has a plant in Salem, Ore. PW Benefits, 2 Still Missing Three of the five missing Ore gon claimants of World War II prisoner of war benefits have been located through newspaper and radio publicity, the state vet erans department said Thursday. The two living veterans who turned up are Albert Leo Willis, of Bandon, whose address was Umatilla; and Charles Murray Roberts, Portland, who used to live in Coos Bav. The third missing claimant was Wallace Glenn Taylor, Portland, who moved to Los Angeles, and then died. His widow, now Mrs. Beverly Slaten of Los Angeles, was visiting in Portland when she saw her late husband's name list ed. So she filed a claim for it. The two claimants who still are missing, and their last known ad dresses, are Robert Grimes Carl ton, 104 S. E. Grand Ave., Port land; and Walter Amundson, 1412 Pe,arl SL, Eugene. Veterans who were held pris oner in World War II get $1 for each day they didn't get adequate food, and $1.50 for each day of inhumane treatment The payments have amounted to as much as $2,000. About 13 million autos built be fore World War II are still in use in the United States. MARR RADIO & TELEVISION Sales - Service Installation TV Open 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Weekdays Ph. M611 2140 S. CornX Salem's First Television Store All Channel UHF VHF Low Down Payment, Trades Complete Repair and Installation by m Bonded Elect, enic Technicians Northwest Television 3S80 State Phone 4-5932 BUCK-DAWTE TELEVISION 0 Sales 0 Service O Installations OTQ1ILI RADIO & TV 1880 STATE ST. PH. 3-7577 R73 SERVICE CO. Friendly Competent k Courteous 9 AM. to 9 P-M. Daily Phone 4-5512 1410 S. 12rii SL Three Receive Baj&osd Business Outlook Five More Homes Begun in Salem; X6 Permits Aire Issued Five new homes -. one a' $25,000 dwelling were started in Salem this past week at a total cost of . $73,500, building permits at the city engineer's of fice showed. Sixteen permits were issued by the office for the period Nov. 12 18 and tallied $85,260. . - Sidney Lv Llambias took put Names Filed For Marion Businesses The following filings were re corded recently in the Marion County clerk's office: Assumed business name of Church Street Laundromat, a self service laundry and dry clean ing pick-up station, to be located in Salem, -filed by Floyd A. and Ruth M. Baker, both of 3955 Liberty Rd. - Assumed business name of Aluma Kraft Awning Co., a busi ness at Salem for the sale and installation of aluminum awnings, filed by Myron H. Nicholson, 3163 Lancaster Dr. Assumed business name of Credit Index, a business at Salem for investigation, compilation and dissemination of credit informa tion, filed by Charles Dean, Sa lem, P.O. Box 306. Assumed business name of Sunset Painting and Decorating Co., at Aurora, filed by William Crawley and G. P. Lowry, hoth of Aurora. Purpose of the business was listed as conducting business of interior and -exterior painting and decorating. Assumed business name of Maidanette Beauty Shop, at Sa lem, filed by Maida Hewitt, 1020 Market St - Local Labor Agents Form Organization A first step, toward formation of a Salem labor-management committee has 'been taken with the announcement this week of the organization of the new La bor Representatives Association. This group is composed of bus iness agents of all local unions in the Salem area. It meets week ly and will meet today at noon at the Brite Spot Cafe for a business session. Purpose of the group, accord ing to Chairman William David son, is to "promote the best in terests of our members, to as sist labor unions in an honor able way in their just demands, to use all means to promote har monious relations with employ ers . . ." "In the near future," said Dav idson, "our association plans to promote a workable labor-management committee and to do all we can to promote more indus try in the Salem area. All labor groups have been invited to par ticipate." M. E. (Andy) Anderson is sec retary of the organization. Commissioner's Court Th following is the official publi cation of the record of clamis before the Marion County Commissioners' Court for the October Term for 1933, with the amount allowed, bills con tinued, etc., according to the records in the office of the County Cleric. State Industrial Accident, ins., $585.42; Public Employes Retirement, social security, 1,734.02; Public Em ployes Retirement retirement, 3,810. 49; Ladd it Bush Salem Branch, withholding. S.2&5.10; State Tax Com mission, state tax, 1,800.20; Mrs. . A. Beugli. county fair. 100.00. County Assessor: C. A. Lewis, deputy. 263.19: H. r. DomocaUa, do, 286 Jl; Leo Que- snel. do, 290.80; Henry jungwirtn, ao, 237.85; J. L. Siegmund. do, 232.74; J. P. Schimberg, do, 223.62; Richard Nicholson, do. 231.40; Grace N. Bab- cock, do, 204.77; iaa m. mime, oo, 195.83: Anafcel Moon, clerk. 200.99: Dixie G. Meyer, do, 201.84: Joan Wat terson. do 183.M; frank T. Stone, draftsman. 299.75. Circuit Court: A. A. Kichards. sec. for circuit court. 33Z51: R, B. Hughes, do, 334.85 ; B. o. Peyton, do. 37339. livii Defense; Wallace S. Wharton, director. 362.20; Dorothy H. French, secretary. 217.20. County Clerk: M. Reznicsek. deputy, 174.48; R. Howard, do, 219.84; H. L Mulkey. do. 208.74; V. Windsor, do, 23048; T. Niblcr. do, 212.33; N. Wat son, do. 206.14: R. J. Stanton, do. 79.- 23; W. M. Gifford. do. 202.94; B. Bi shop. 195.29; V. E. Gibson, do. 234. County Court & Commissioners: M. Reznicsek. clerk, 60; Joy PoyaL sten ographer. 189.84. Court House: Ed Bootn, Janitor-night watchman. 117.- lt; M. j. Morrison, switcnnoara opr, 162.84: Ruth Hutchins. asst. switch board opr., 92.35. District Attorney: Robert H. Anderson, deputy dist. atty 65; Jason Lee, do, 235.50; Doris DeValL secretary, 182.29. District Court: Lena Beal. deputy, 187.10; Dan Poling, do. 149JI9. District Court Con stable: Arthur M. Roethlin, deputy consUble. 248.74. Cdunty Health De partment: W. J. Stone. P. H. P. n, 622.57: W. P Green, sanitarian II. 318.50; T. JL Coleman, sanitarian I. 293.87; L G. Lermon, saniUrian II. 292.84; W. G. Heltie, saniUrian I, 255.68; Bernice Yeary, P. H. N. V, 294.28: Mary Lots Mondloch. P H. N. U. 238.99; Mary Teste rm an. P. H. N. I. 247.1S; Effie Cole, P. H. N. n. 250.- 30: Viola Eisenbach. r a. M. U. 24. 20; Ruth Ingram, P. H. N. I, 236.10; Edith Haulman P. H. N. X. 237.74: Ett Mae Detering. P. H. N. U. 274.. 04; In Berstecner, u. n. u. zszi Mary Schecher. P. H. N. L tUM: Muriel Sweringen. G. N. I. 117 JU; Vernon oisen. health eoucuor. 40: Vera Wood, elerk-steno 1H. 225. 10: Phvllia FtnnKrum. elerk-steno L 176.47; Greta Ann Hill, clerk-steno I, 15i5: Pauline Fug ate, clerk-steno I, 130.02; Ethel Lermon, clerk-steno n, 196J0; Joan Smull. clerk-typist I. itlMi Wad Patterson, health edu- eaotr. ioi.ee: nan wooa, cierx, s.vu Jailer: Louis A. Andrus. jailer. 238. 07. Jefferson Justice Court: Martha T. Butchings. secretary. 38.75; Geo. P. Armstrong. constable. - 24.37. Mt. Angel constable: joeepn l ratuna ber. constable. 19 JO. Silverton Justice Court: r. N, Burch. clerk. 5J0; Har ley DcPeel. constable, 11112. Wood burn : Justice Court: Harold SchieL constable, 58.50; Mary V. Gorman, clerk, 39. Microfuming: Helen juei hege, clerk, 1S0.74V County Recorder: a permit for the $25,000 bouse and garage at 1255 Icel St. Other permits for house con struction went to F. M. North, $12,000, 1175 N. 23rd St; L. H. Mittendorf, $15,000, 682 King wood Dr Arthur Peterson, S9.500, 3199 Knox Ave.; and El- wood Townsend, $12,000, 350 Rosemont Ave. . v - Vera Wells took out a permit for construction of a $5,000 one story addition to cold storage lockers at 1835 N. Commercial St Six permits . were issued for house alterations. They included Mrs. Sylva Brixey, 815 N..17th St, $4,500: Leonard Gouge, 460 N. 13th St, $600; John Feldshau, 1695 N. Summer St, $500; Emma B. Jones, . 967 Leslie St, $300; Dan Coffey, 905 Academy St, $550; and C. A. Johnson, 2880 Silverton Rd.. $100. H. H. Harris took out a permit to. alter a store for $60 at 2553 State St James W. Callaway received a permit for wrecking a store at 975 N. 18th St, and house wreck ing permits went to Lewis L. Davis and Madson wrecking Co. for work at 1255 Broadway St and 1020 Tile Rd. respectively. Revenues, Sales Show Gains for First 9 Months PORTLAND Consolidated Freightways, Inc. and wholly-own ed subsidiaries report gross trans portation revenues and manu facturing sales of $34,826,773 for the first nine months of 1953, a gain of 2 per cent over the $29,009,249 recorded in the same period of 1952. Net earnings for the first nine months, after deducting estimat ed income taxes were $727,348 as compared to $808,363 in the 1952 period. The latter figure, how ever, included delayed income of $321,635 collected in that period. Virginia Gritton, deputy. 213.68; Irene Johnson, do, 206.10; Irma Arends, do, 205.80; Jean Kumm. clerk. 184.40; Nell Peterson, do. 29.25: Joan Lanke. do. 130.45. Registration & Election: Gladys White, reg. & elec.. 225.04. Court House; W. A. Gritton. mainten ance. 74.88. School Superintendent; J. F. Remington, deputy, 210.35; Bet ty p. Sanders, supervisor. Z59.il: irei- ta F. Downing, do, 253.07; Christine V. Morley, secretary. 184.49: Betty J. Spetz, clerk, 162.75. Sheriff -Legal: A. I. Malstrom, deputy, 257.74; Wayne Stevenson, do, 288.50; a. K. smitn, do. 254.11: Jack Beal. do. 258.52; E. J. Boust, c'o, 239J0; Lewis Walker, do, 265.80; Harvey frankum, do. 243.01; Richard Reimann, do. 212.60; Jack Millard, do, 268.12; Cecil Johnson, do. 220.40; Herman Doney, do. 227.80; Roy Lamb, extra, 64.00. Sheriff-Tax: H. T. Evans, deputy, 293.43; Leonard Combs, cashier, 233.60; Darrcl Law rence, asst. cashier, 215.87; Violette West. bkkp. super- 225.10; Marian Ma as, bkkp. mach. oper.. 110.77; Pa tricia May, deputy, 173.85; James Hiiggins, deputy, 212.60. Juvenile De partment: James H. Ashbaugh. pro bation officer. 324.52: Jo-Allen Brad ley, ass't. probation officer, 248.74; Gerard C. Brown, do, 255.66; Kirk Mulder, do, 110.23; L. M. Johnston, secretary. 136 JO. County Surveyor: Fern Cummings, secretary. 181.27. Cojnty Treasurer: Audrey H. Ewing, deputy, 205.23; Charlotte Walker, do. 197.56. Veterans Office: Ridgley C. Miller, service officer. 327.44; Hazel H. West, secretary. 184.54. Weed Con trol: J. K. Neufeldt. inspector. 250.- 51. Dog License Fund: trvin ward. enforcement officer. 247.69; R. J. Stanton, clerk, 120. County Property Agent: H. Wm. Thieisen. land agent. 139.32: L. M. Johnston, stenograpner. 50: Robert H. Anderson, do uty dist. atty, 190.14. Multilith: W A. Hansen, labor, L5.60. County Engineer; Theo. Kuenzi. ass't. engineer. 335.21: A. M. PresnalL secretary, 226.07; B. E. floe- thUn. clerk. 31.64. County Clerk: Gla dys Barry, clerk, 152.58; Esther Kim bail, clerk, 129.81; Robert W. Hind man, labor, 359.91; Delbert J. Bair, do. 303.43; J. A. Burns, do, 189.94; Robert Hari, do. 308.73: Elmer T. Id ee n. do, 195.45; Irving H. Johnson, do, 309.68; Harold L. Martin, do. 249.45; Frank Woelke. do, 303.33: O. D. Bin egar, do. 258.11; Odie Connelly, do, 233.02; Joe D bacon, labor, 252.56; J. T. De bacon, do, 267.75; Lawrence Fahey. do. 224.78; Willmar Fossholm. do, 237.57; Harvey M. Girod, do, 242. 62; Clair Harvey, do, 233.67; Roy Hat field, do. 238.02; Dick Hoover, do, 222 JO: Barney J. Kropp. do. 198.82: Laurell Lamb, do, 234.19; Virgil Long, do, 257.72; H. A. Martin, do. 249J2; W. R. Massey, do.' 257.71; John McAl lister, do. 245.52: R. E. McAllister, do. 219.59: Ray McCallister. do. 236.45; H. J. Peterson, do, 265.01; Jas. Riggi, do. 285.64: Glenn Robertson, do. 2j7. 22: D. P. Scharf, do. 278.69; W. M. Shaw, do, 17433; Delbert c. Sheuito, do. 2IJ.53: Robert Smith, do. 252.01; Earl Standley, do, 216.84; Floyd Tay lor, do. 251.73: Lloyd E. Taylor, do. 289.57; A. M. Theis. do. 247.17: Sam Weese, do. 203.78; Hugh Webb, do, 259.33; Lee A. Wells, do. 223J3; Tony Woelke, do, 250.84; Robert O. Bye, do. 287.03: Jos. A. Robl, do. 282.04; Jesse R. Carter, do, 251.23; Jos. A. uiarx. 00. 14.13: jonn uaise. ao. ss. 92: Menno Dalke. do. 219.96: Lloyd Jarman, do, 224.26; Leo McCallister, do. 261.94: Henry Rasmussen. 00. 242.89; Tom Ritchey, do, 233.29; Earl E Shade, do. 263.80; W. Shelley, do. 227.60: Erwin viergutz. do. ZZ2.15; J. C Curnut. Labor, 2962; John An derson. do. 252.47: Albert L. Canoy. do, 236.84; Chas. P. Coooy. do. 195.11; L. R. Cooper, do, 224X3: E. J. Coop er, do. 200.02; Wilmer Dahlberg. do. 235.76; Robert L. Martin, do. 221.04: C. G. Ross, do, 233.78; A. B. Rostad. do. 221.07; W. J. Starzl. do. 252.47; Ted H. StoHe. do. 261.63. Ralph Wick ham. do. 213.76; Wm. Naftzger. do. 2864; Leo A. Andres, do. 223.28: David DuBois. do. 7639: Virgil R. Fahey. do. 215.47: S. M. Martin, do. 197. sz: Meivin Monnier. ao. zobji Albert X. Wengenroth. do. 187J7; S. K. Ely. do. 285.14: Wm. Duchateau. do. 13233: Arthur Thayer, do. 253.14: Keneth Watts, do. 236.52; Lile Wilt, do. 223.50: Tom Bowden, do, 29U7: Frank L. Hershay. do, 302.47: Helen L. Mulkey, Clerk. 13.36; Florence Young. Bailiff. 12.40: H. T. Evans. Sheriff-Tax. 97.64: Leonard Combs. do. 59.58; Violett west, do, 4.92; Mar ian Mass,, do. 31.14; James Huggins, do. 5333: Darreu Lawrence, do. 66.58: Patricia May. do. 42.73: Sidney Ann Nelson, do, 129.92; Ida C Oldenburg. ao, uz.37; winurea f. coigan. do, 34.10; Anna B. Messick. do, 32.66; Clara C Deyo. do. 24 JO; Elsie L. Sim ila. do. 31: BernetU L. Smith, do 24 J: Josephine Frtzpatrtck. do. 24.80: Kathryn R. Tachmier. do. 15.60: Marjorie J. McAllister. Sherrif-Tax Labor, 23.40; Mary L. Edwards, do. 23.40; neu petenoa, do, 11.70-, De veen Behm. do. 23.40; Dennis R. West, do, 19 JO: Mary R JIutcbins. do. 9 JO. County Engineer: B. E. Roeth lin. Clerk, 13.66: Billy M. Brown. Spraying. 39.63; Warren Gray. Fair Fund. 630; Opha B. Gray, Fair Fund. 66J7; Cora P. Geer. Fair Fund. 3125; August Fischer. Fair Fund. 36.60; A. A. Geer. Fair Fund. 36.51. County surveyor: k. rau. insx. Man. 143.83: John W. Hanna. Dftro, 10JO: Flor ence Young. Labor. 14J9. Stayton Justice:, Gal Christensen. Constable, 1 JO, A. r. Among. Steso. 2 J3. Bail GMC Trucks To Be Shown Portland The 1954 line of GMC Trucks will be viewed by Truck' Sales ft Service Company sales organization at a special GJJ.C truck dealers regional meetiing on Nov. 23 at Portland. Weyerhaeuser Dividend for Year Declared TACOMA The board of dir ectors of Weyerhaeuser Timber Company has declared a year-end dividend of $1.00 a share payable o'n Dec. 7 to shareholders of rec ord November 30. The board also authorized the distribution of iths shareholders of 621,000 shares of stock of Fiber Products, Inc., a wholly owned - subsidiary. This represents the entire outstand ing stock of Fiber Products, Inc. The Fiber stock will be distrib uted to Weyerhaeuser sharehold ers of record November -30 on a basis of one share of Fiber for each 10 shares of Weyerhaeuser Timber Company. iff: Floy Mudd. Bailiff. 52.40; Esther Ward, do, 12.40; Burroughs Adding Machine. O , 117.80; Friden Calcu lating Machine Co., O E, 90.00; Henry Jungwirth. T E. 21.84; Richard Nich olson. T E. 23.73; Leo Quesnel T E, 17.29; J. P. Schimberg T E. 23.10; Hat tie J. Bratzel. Atty. Hire, 60.00; Clines Food Shop, Meals, 49.60; Helen Cod ington, Reporter Hire, 110.00; A. C. Gragg. Postage. 15.00; Wallace S. Wharton, T E. 1685; Dr. D. F. Giesey. Exam.. 5 00; Leston W. Howell, T E, 66.48; Hotel Senator. Misc.. 5.45; Rob ert H. Anderson, T E, 2.52; A. C. Gragg, Postage, 3424; Earl Adams, Civil & Criminal Exp.. 166.98: Dr. G. R. wlursell. Exam-. 7.50; Paramount Pest Control, Garbage Disposal. 25.00; John Schmid. do. 100.00; Silverton Sanitary Service, do, 50.00; American Medical Ass'n. Med. Sups., 15.00; Dr. W. G. Burrows, Psy. Service. 100.00; Capital Drug Store. Med. Sups., 2.82; Dr. H. A. Dowd, Med. Serv 3.00; Dr. Margaret Dowell, Med. Serv., 15.00; Richard P. Embrick, Med. Serv., 5.00; Dr. A. A. Fisher, do, 10.00; Ray Fisher. Psy. Serv., 20.00; Dr. Lucille Fortner, Med. Serv.. 60.00; A. C. Gragg. Postage, 57.00; Hendrie Medical Lab., Lab., 216.75; Johnson & Siewert, Printing. 23.35: Mill City Enterprise, Sups.. 2.50; National Par ent Teacher, Sups.. 1.25: Nursing Out look. Sups., 4.00: Physicians & Hos pital Sups., Med.. Sups. 43.63; Dr. Ralph E. Purvine, Med.erv, 5.00; G. P. Putnam s Be sons. hups.. 3.13; Salem Masonic Temple Assn., Rent, 285.00: Salem Medical Lab.. " Med. Serv., 67.63; Salem Memorial Hosp., X-Ray. 298.00; School Dist. 4. Sups, 1.15: Shaw Surgical Co.. sups, b.uu; The Stayton MaiL O. Equip- 3.00: W. J. Stone, M. D.. T E. 20.40: W. J. Stone. Sups- 13.23; Dr. E. A. Thistle- walte. Med. Serv, 35.00; Tide Water Associated. Trans.. 88.80; Dr. J. H. Treleven, Psy. Serv. 100.00: GiLWard Suns- 1.31: Wiles Drug Store. Med Sups., 14.03; Willamette Valley Trans.. Sups., 1.75; wyexn Laooraiones, meo Sups- 16.23: Bernice Yeary. Trans 25.00; Dr. Norris Boe. Herd Ins., 261.00: Austin W. Elvers, do, 208.00; John Hanrahan, do. 82.50; Dr. E. L. Henkel, do, 408.25: Merrill D. Ohling Ins.. Bond. 5.00; F. G. Rankin, Herd InsD- 105.50: Glen E. schwenke. Herd InsD.. 197.50: John R. Hinderliter & Son. indemnity, b.uu; jonn in. jacoo son, do, 8.00; William J. Meier, do, 8.00; Dr. Arthur Fisher, exam, 37.50; Dr. E. v. Jonmmer, cxim, v.u; Dr. A. T. King. Exam. 7.50: Dr. W. H. Needham. do. 7.50: Dr. J. Ray Pem- berton, do. 7.50; Dr. Ralph Purvine, do. 7.S0; Dr. Gordon Stainfeld, do, 7.50: Dr. Paul WedeL do. 7.50: Albany Pay-Less Drug. Medical. 26.68: Dr. R. L. Arthur, do. b.oo; m. js. uenton. do. 31.00; Miller Products Co., Sups., 11.50: George K. Miller. Board. 435.60; Emil A. Schaefer. Medical, Marvin A. nutcnings, misc.. 34.88: Geo. F. Armstrong. T E. 36; J. H. Becker. Rent. 35.00: Alf CJ. Nelson. Rent. 40.00; Harley R. DePeeL T E. 4.79: W. H. Bell. Rent. 30.00; Mrs. Jo-Allen Bradley. T E. 12.50: G. C. Brown. Trans.. 2.00; Dr. John W. Evans, Psy. Service, Sa.OO; Mrs. LeRoy Kuper. Hosp.. 30.0b; jonn J, O'DonnelL Hosp- 58.00; A. C. Gragg Postage. 12.00; The Psychological Corp.. O. Equip.. 37.15: Mrs. Martha Roberg. Detention. 23.37; uiyae saus bury. Trans., 2.50; Shell Oil Company, Trans., 14.54: H. L. Stiff Furniture C Equip.. 28 45: Wales Drug Store Med.. 2J5; Youth Leaders Digest. O. Eaulo.. 3.00: Albertina K.err nurs ery. Court Committed. 4.68: Catholic Services for Children, ao. zu.uu; Christie. School, do. 10.00; St. Rose Industrial School, do. 5.00; The unit ed States Bank. Planning & Zoning. 1.249.17: K. B. Wood 6c Assoc.. Sups.. 34.65: Recordak Corporation, o Equip. 40.27; Addressograph Multigraph, Sups., 26.09; Portland Road Lumber Yard. Rent. 28.00: School District No. 24 CJ. Rent. 3.229.50: Assoc. for Child hood Education, misc.. 4.au; Agnes t;. Booth. T E. 33.32: Iretta F. Downing. T E. 14.21; The Mount Angel News, O E, 97.25: Rex Putman. O Equip.; 30.00: Betty Sanders. T E. 25.13: W. L. Anderson Inc.. Trans. 57.45: Jack C. Beal. Trans.. 21.27: McEwan s Pho to Shop. Misc.. 17.19; Master Ser vice Station. Trans., 2.65: Jack W. Millard. Trans.. 7.07; Oregon Textile Mills. Uniforms. 273.50: Richardson Photo Lab. Misc.. .66: Silverton Ap Deal Tribune. O E. 317.47: sam J, Harmes. Sups... 28.25; Ridgley C. Mil ler. T E. 60.75: J. K. Neufeldt. Weed Control. 2035; J. K. Neufeldt, T E. 132.65: Ervin A. ward, t e. 65.52; C. C. Cannon. T E. 10.78; R. C. Hun Backer. T E, 2.80; Moore Business Forms, Sups- 53.84: Salem Naviga tion Co.. Frt- 3.02: G. R. Boatwiignt. Lamb killed. 15.00; Lawrence Mein lnger. do. a.oo: Mr. c. r. weuoert. do. 30.00; Desmond Raines, do. 30.00; Mrs. Thomas W. Bump. County Fair, 100.00; A. A. Geer. County Fair. 15.87; Warren Gray. County Fair. 2.24: Aus tin Kiser, do. 8.80; McEwans Photo Shop, do. 25.00; Mayflower Milk Pro duct, do, 22.75: Oregon Fairs Assoc., Dues, 50.00; Gladys Wheeler. County Fair. 672.29: Willamette grocery co.( do. 32.32; The American Law Book Co- Law Library, 12.50; Bender Moss Co.. do. 16.50: The Lawyers Cooper ative Ao. 12.50: Legal Directors Pub. Co. do. 4.00: Secretary of State, do, 4.50: West Publishing Co- do. 30.00; Ladd & Bush-Salem Brancn. court' house Con't 32.33; Adalphson's Sups- 19.99: Ceoree E. Allen Hdwe- Misc., 4.84: American Bitumuls Asphalt, Oil. 8.517.41: Anderson Motors, Rep- 2.48; Leo A. Andreas. Misc- 1730; Stan Baker Motors. Rep- 2634: Baldwin Mount. Rep.. 20.55; Viestko tt Post. Const- 134.766.35: Ballou Sc Wright. Mosc, 20.55: A. T Earnhardt. Misc- 43J3; Robert Barton, acaip Bounty, 2.50: Bert's Repair Shop, Rep- 13.50; Blake Moffit Sc Towne. Misc. 43.19 Bradfiekl Lumber Co- Misc- 150.09 Broadway Tire Service. Misc- 96.44 E. H. BurreU. Rep- 448.93; Capital Auto Parts. Misc- 112.90; Capital Journal. Ady- 433; Capital Tractor & Equip. Co- Rep- 143.27; Cascade Mercantile Co- Misc- 13.24: Carter Rice Sc Co- of Oregon. Sups- 24.77 Central Paving Co- Misc. 242.00: City Water Department. Water. 4.79: T. Walnuts - Filberis - ITnl Heals Highest Prict Cash on Delirtwy for Orchard Run ; S U Before You SI1 norris Kloriein Packing Co. 4S0 North Front Strt SALD4 Tckphon 3-7633 W THE -CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON . .. , rOH THE COUNTY OF ' . MULTNOMAH Department of Probate NOTICE OF SALE Or REAL PROPERTY No. 90-137 In the Matte of the Estate ) of . BELLE LIVELY. ) . Deceased ) . Notice Is hereby given that the tin- dersigned administrator of the es tate of Belle Lively, pursuant to an Order of Sale Issued out of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Multnomah, duly made and entered on the 17th day of Nov. 1953. authorizing and directing th said administrator to sell the real property hereinafter described and belonging to said estate, win offer for sale and sell from and after the 21st day of Dee- 1953. at private tale for cash, or upon such terms as may be approved by the court at 1121 Equitable Building in the Cit? . of Portland. County of Multnomah, State of Oregon, all the following des cribed real property situated in Mar ion County. State of Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at point In the center . of the County - Road extending along the northerly boundary the Louis Vandall D.L.C. in Town ship 5, South Range 2 West Wil lamette Meridian. County of Mar ion. State of Oregon, which bears South 66 degrees 45 minutes east of 66.38 chains from a point which bears north 23 degrees 25 minutes east 80 links from a point 172 chains east of the northwest cor ner of Section 2. Township 5. South Range 2 West Willamette Meridian, same being the north east corner of the Kennedy tract within said. D.L.C. thence south 13 degrees 15 minutes west 723.5 feet to the Intersection with the west boundary of the Oregon Elec tric right-of-wav: thence in a south-westerly direction and fol lowing said rieht-nf-way 314.2 feet; thence north 66 degrees 45 minutes west 622.1 feet: 'thence north 23 degrees IS minutes east 1033.6 feet; thence south 66 decrees 45 minutes east alon the o-t-erly boundary line of said D.L.C. 844.14 feet to nlace rf beirinnin containing 19.83 acres more or less. Also, that certain triangular tract of land located in the Louis Van dall D.L.C. In sections 1 and 2. Townshio 5. South Rnpe 2 West Willamette Meridian. State of Ore gon, described as follows: Begin ning at a point in the south line of the County Road where the same intersects the West line of the right-of-way of the Oregon Electric Railway - Company at Crosby's crossing, runninc thence north 66 degrees 35 minutes west to a point which Is the north west corner of Tract Number 11 Doortioned to erantor herein as her part of the Esther Lemerv es tate, which point is also the north west corner of the lands formerly eomoriin said estate: . thence south 23 decrees. 57 minutes west to a point in the west line of the right-of-way of said Oregon El ectric Railway: thence northeast erly along the west line of Mid rieht-of-wav to the point of be ginning, containing 1 acre more or less. This tale will be made subject to the confirmation of the above en titled court. Date of first publication: Nov. 20. 1953. Date of last publication: Dec. 11, 1953. ' D WIGHT LIVELY Administrator of the Estate of Belle Lively DONALD WALKER Attorney. N. 20. 27. D. 4, 11. V. Clark. Misc.. 100.00 Columbia Eaum.. Reps, 8.81; Colyear Motor Sales, Misc- 90.19; The Commercial Book Store. Sups.. 163.45; E. J. coov er. Misc- 430: J. F. Dougherty. Misc. 2.25: G. A. Downs Glass Shop. Rep 56.93; Feenaughty Machinery Co., Ren.. 171.94: uas Heat 01 aaiem. Misc- 46.62: Dewey Lee tinner, rte fund. 250.00: A. C. Haag 6c Co.. Misc.. 4.20: J. D. HartweU. Misc.. 4 JO; J. E. Haseletine Co- Misc.. 200.45: Bay. den's Capital City Bindery. O Equip, 13.85: Howard cooper corp. ep 82732; Herrold Phillipl Motor Co., Rep.. 82.18; interstate Tractor & EauiD.. Ren- 546.12: Judson's Plumb ing & Heatinf, Misc., 15.35; Keizer San Sc Gravel CO- misc- zi.wi; i. l, Kuhns co.. . Ken- 11.33; Legara ac Son Union-Servtce. Rep.. 935; C. J, Lewis. Gas. 6632: Claude Lewis. Misc., 25.00: Virgil Long. Trans., 4.00; 11. C. Mattson. Peety cash. 15.45; doue las McKay. Misc 1.501.55: a. a. mc Lauchlan. Rep.. 12.00; Dick Meyer Lumber Co.. Misc.. 11.50; Mill Sup nlv Co.. Misc.. 186.66: B. J. Minden Lbr. Co., Misc- 14.63; Montgomery Ward Co.. Misc.. 20.00; J. C. Mount, Bountv. 3.00; Mountain States Power Co.. Lights, 1.00; Needham Book Store. Misc.. 213.49: Nelson Equip. Co.. Misc.. 33.00; Nohlgren's, Meals. 706.50: Norrts-waiker paint co- Misc. 99.08: Oregon Electric Railway Co., Oil. 792.96; Oregon Gravel Co., Misc.. 2.254.53: Oregon Physicians Service. OPS., ezz.74; xne acmc Tele. GraDh Co- hPooe. 528.70: Pad fie Building. Bent, 810.00; Phjlippl Tire Service JRcp..: 3.00; Portland General Eelectric Co- 14127; Public Employes Retirement-.. .7 Soc Sec. 115.20: Red Cross Pharmacy. Med. Sups- 189.40; Richfield Oil Corp- Lub., 16.43; saffron supply co- Rep., 12.82: Salem Concrete Co.. Misc 253.82; Salem Iron Wosks. Misc. 17.00 Salem Laundry Co- Sups.. 10.62: sa lem Steel &Supply Co- Misc- 9137 Sale mWelding Supply, Misc- 7 JO Santiam Oil Co.. Gas Sc Diesel. 45.20 Shell Oil Co.. Oil. 246.83: Shell Oil Co., Gas. 49.82; Silver Wheel Motor Frt- Frt.. 1.75: Smiling Jack's Inc Misc- 942.00: Kilian W. Smith, Car 1.898.71: Standard Oil Co.. Misc- 50.29 W. J. Starzl. Misc.. 6.00: State Tire Service. Misc. 1,780.33; Statesman Publishing Co.. Adv- 10631; Steinke's, Rep.. 14.40; Stevenson Ac Mefford, Battery. 150.54; Streeter-Amet. Co. Misc- 1739: The . Texas Co- Lub 9.04: Tide Water Assoc. Oil Co- Misc 1372.57; Union Oil Co- of Calif- Lub- 117.62: Unruh Knapp Ac ce- Misc 144.50; Valley Motor Co- Misc, 1.690.09; valley Motor Co, Hep, 2.03731: Valley Welding Supply Co Misc- 28.72: Viesko Sand Sc Gravel. Misc.. 2.245.63: Walling Sand Sc Grav el. Gravel. 2.153.10; Walton Brown Electric, Lights, 1.726.80; Warren Northwest. Misc.. 216.00: Lee A, Wells. Trans- 21.00: Willamette Val ley Transfer. Frt.. 3.50: Wood Trator Co., ausc- vb.4b; wooaoury t,o- itep. 190.68; Denver Young, Misc- 28.93: Walter H. Zosel Co.. Misc., 597J3; County Court of Polk County. Ferry, 919.55. PROCEEDINGS 1 October 1. 1933 Indemnity claims of Elmer W. Gooding. John R. Cars kadon. final hearings 103133; Order for refund of bail monies to Dewey Lee Greiner. Oct. 2. Rids on cars and trucks. Douglas McKay Chev rolet Co.. Valley Motor Co- Truck Sales and Service Co.. Capitol Trac tor Sc Equipment CO- Kilian W, Smith: Permit to haul logs. Titus Larson. Oct. S. Quit Claim Deed to Henry Torvend et ux. Oct. 6, Indem nity claim of William J. Meier, final hearing 103133. Oct. 7, indemnity claim of Ludwig J. Hitz. final hear ing 103153: Permit to haul logs. Fern Ridge Logging Co.; Affidavit of Publication by Oregon statesman and Capitol Journal of Call for Bids on 2 Dump trucks. Sedan. Carryall ana Pickup. Oct. a, permit to lay tile, G. A. Robison. Oct. 9. Pole line permit. Portland General Electric Co.; County Surveyor to determine adequacy of signatures on Petitions for' Improvement of Reedy Drive and NOTT OP SALE OP REAL ' . PROPERTY IN THE CrtCUTT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE ' COUNTY OF MARION PROBATE DEPARTMENT .. No. 13.334 JS THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE) OF 1 CHARLES WILLIAM VOLKMAN. ) ucceasea. I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Administrator of the estate of Charles William -VcOcman. deceased, will, on and after Decern- oer eat. 1953. at tne office of De- Armond and Sherman. Attorneys at Lew. en Court Street. Salem. Marion County. Oregon, sell at private sale tor cash, the following described real premises, to-wit: Beginning at a point which la South 19 East 162 J3 feet from the Northeast corner of the Jos eph LaForte Donation Lnd Claim in Township 3 South. Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian in Marion County. State of Ore- -gon; running thence South 19 East 685.63 feet: thence North 89 47 West 1390.43 feet: thence North 84 ST West 178.94 feet to an iron bar: thence South 33 31 West 95J2 feet to an iron bar. In the " middle of a creek, thence down the middle of the channel of said creek to the intersection of said " creek with the middle line of the Main Street of the Town of Butte yille; thence North 13 West 62.14 feet to the Southeast corner of the Farmers' Warehouse land; thence North 30 7' East 572.08 feet to the Northeast corner of said Farm ers' Warehouse land: thence North 87 45- 'East 1231.35 feet to the place of beginning, containing: 21 28 acres of land, more or less, all in the Joseph LaForte Dona tion Ond Claim in Marion Coun ty, State of Oregon, . $ Also, beginning at a point which is South 19 East 2148.18 feet from the Northeast corner of the Jos eph LaForte Donation Land Claim in Marion County. State of Ore gon, and in Township 3 South. Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian; running thence South 19 East 744.28 feet: thence North . 89' 45" West 1543.31 feet; thence North 34 47 East 522.81 feet; thence North 54 52 West 474.05 feet; thence South 89 47 East 1390.42 feet to the place of be inn ing, all in the Joseph LaForte Do nation Land Claim in Marion County. State of Oregon. EXCEPT that portion in publie roads, and subiect to water agree- " ment and right of way (Volume 112 Page 402. Deed Records. Mar lon County, Oregon). Said sale will be made in pur suance of an order of the Honorable Rex Kimmeu. one of the ludees of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Marion County, which rder was made and entered on November 4th. 1953. in proceedings penoing in said court entitled "In he Matter of the Estate of Charles - William Volkman. deceased," Clerk's register number 13.334. and said sale will be subject to confirmation by uie saia Loun, 1 OSCAR A. GOECKS. Administra tor of the Estate of Charles ' Willi am Volkman. deceased. DeArmond and Sherman 687 Court Street Salem. Oregon Attorneys for Administrator N. 6. 13. 20. 27. CITATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MARION COUNTY 15658 In the Matter of the Adoption) of ) GERALD PHILLIP KNUTJSON) Sc VIVIAN CORINNK KNUD-) SON. a Minor ) TO HAROLD C. KNUDSON. Greet ings: In the name of the State of Ore gon you are hereby cited and re quired to appear in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion at the court room thereof within ten dayi from the date of service of this Citation upon you. if served within the Coun ty of Marion. State of Oregon, where this proceedings is pending, and with in 20 days if served within any other County of this State if personally served or if served by publication: or if personally served outside of tne State of Oregon and within the United States of America, within 28 days from the date of the serv ice of said Citation upon you. or witnin 28 days from the llrst pub lication of this Citation, then and there to show cause. If any exists, why an order should not be made, rendered and entered In the above .entitled Court and cause authoriz ing the adoption of Gerald Phillip Knudson and Vivian Corinne Knud- son. a minor, by Harry R. Sturgis, as his own children to all intents and purposes and changing the name of said children from Gerald Phil- hp Knudson and Vivian Corinne Knudson to Gerald Phillip Sturgis and Vivian Corinne Sturgis. WITNESS the Hon. Rex KimmeL Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion this Z4tn day or. October. 1953. with the seal of said Court af fixed this 24th day of October, 1953. (SEAL) By Vernon Windsor Deputy ATTEST: - H. C. Mattson, Clerk O-30.N. Tess Avenue. Oct.. 12. Orders certify-in gassessments for Street Improve ment on Morningside Street and Peck Avenue to County Assessor. Oct. 13, Indemnity claim of Don Buckley, final hearing 103153. Oct. 14. In demnity claim of Elbert DeGuire. final hearing 103153; Tax Roll. Oct. 19. Temporary Dance license to Aumsville Volunteer Fire Depart ment; Pipe line permit. Orrin A. Chase; Permit to haul logs. Dean W. Morris, Wagner and Sim; County Treasurer ordered to pay tax office out of trust fund for Cherry Fly Spraying on Carl Nutter et ux prop erty; County Treasurer ordered to pay County Clerk and Tax collector money due them for charges against Chemawa Indian School for testing of cattle. Oct. 20. Permit to haul logs. Rak Lumber Co.; Permit to move combine. Julius Prantle. Oct. 21. Pipe line permit. Salem Water District. Oct. 22, Permit to lay tile, Marlin Schaad; Petition for Improvement of Bartlett Drive; Petition for Im provement of Lantz Avenue. Oct. 23, Bond covering movement of con struction equipment by Consolidated Builders Inc. Oct. 26. Indemnity claim of Lloyd G. Marlatt, final hearing 11653. Oct. 27. Order authorizing Dr. Schwenke as substitute inspector on Neal W. MiUer herd; Permit to haul logs. K. C. Parker; Agreement with State Highway Commission re garding Willamette River Gervais Unit of Portland-Salem Expressway. Oct. 28. PUt of Tele Vue Subdivision: Plat of Ellis Subdivision: Permit to move 2 caterpillers and shovel, J. Wesley Webb; Beer license. Dean B. McFarland. Oct. 30. Permit to haul logs. John Zellner, Ralph Boring. Henry Query: Order regarding re fund to Dewey Lee Greiner of Bail money deposited; Quit Claim Deed to Maurice Dorgan Jr. et ux: Beer license. Mildred La wine and Adaline McAdams: Transfer Order. Oct. 31. Final hearing on Indemnity claims of John R. Cart ka don. Elmer W. Gooding. Wm. J. Meier, Ludwig J. Hits. Don Buckley, and Elbert De Guire. i. I f UM Nil Or G Chan. hO DR3. CHAN . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Upstairs. 241 North Liberty Office pra Satires? 'vary, is to 1 ijl, 8 to 1 pjn. Consults tie, blood press ere and Mine tests ate tree ef . charts. Practiced sinee WIT write fee attractive gift. Ne -kBgati. '