The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 05, 1953, Page 12, Image 12

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4 (Sec 2 Statesman. Salem
Radio and TV
Channel 27
9:15 What's Cooking?
9:45-12:45 World Series
1:00 Matinee .Theater
2:30 On Your Account
3:00 Hawkins Falls
3:15 The Bennetts
4:00 Welcome Travelers
4:30 Toy Maker
5:00 Howdy Doody
5:30 Wild Bill Hickok
6:30 Telenews Weekly
7:00 Fights From Chicago
7:30 Sportsman's Club '
7:45 New Caravan .
8:00 Name That Tune -8:30
Voice of Firestone
' 9:00 Dennis Day
9:30 Robert Montgomery
. 10:30 Arthur Murray Dance
11:00 Chuck Foster
11:15 Nite Owl Theater
11:45 appr.)-Sign Off
What's Cooking? 9:15 Cooking
show starring Barbara Angell
Beth Bailey, guest, to prepare
"Meal-in-one tuna sandwich."
World . Series Baseball, 1:45
' Matinee Theatre, 1:00 De
sirable Lady" with Jane Wiley
and Phil Warren.
. The Toymaker, 4:30 A visit
Better Picture! : NOW AT
Better Styling! j mfo
Better Value! ,,UT
1870 Lana Ave. Open Monday and Friday Evenings
Pacific Standard Time
KSLM 1IM. KOCO MM, KGAB 143S, BOP S7$. KOW 828, MX 11W
B-PTV-UHP Channel Zll FMt Megacycles KOIN 18L1; KKX J
(Kilter's note: "- lUtemaa yssnihes la toed faith the yrofnau
ul tiaii as previa by tht radio stations, hut .scant attunes tat
imnn ar chaa.ed withemt notification, this newspaper tmt
mpeastaie ser -ee uhikj
HQUa 00:00 00:15 OlSO Mi
6 KSLM News Timekeeper I News i Cliff Mt Cutty
OCO West. Meled. West. Melod. Firm New News :
BOAS Brk. Nook Brk. Nook Brk. Nook Brk. Nook
KOW RJPJ). Oregon Koin Klock Kom Klock Koin Oock
KOW Davt Wert Davt Wert Davt West Davt Wert
KKX Farm Hour Farm, Hour rarm Hour , farm Hour
7 KILN Hemmgwav Break. Gang I Break. Gang News
KOCO Koco Oock Koco Klock Koco Klock IKoco Klock
KOAI -Brk, Nook iBrk. Nook Brk, Nook lBrk. Nook
KOM Koin Klock (Macleod News GomHiwi 'Vocal Varieties
,KOW Johnny U Win Country BSttor Nawa Knox Manning
KSX 1st Edition IM. Aaronsky Bob Oarrod Bob 8m
KSLM Cecil Bxowm iFamily Altar
CI KOCO News jKoco Klock
II KOAI Jim Dandy I Jim Sandy
W KOIN Consum. News I Van Nw
. Old Sonft (Old Songs
KKX Break. Club I Break. Club
KSLM Dr Sword I Capitol Comnt.l Pastor's Can Bargain Counti
KOCO Ray's Records IRay's Records Ray's Records (Ray's Records
KGAB Backfence Mat.l Backience Mat.: Backience Mat I Backfence Mat
KOI Wendy Warren Aunt Jenny I Helen Trent Gal Sunday
KOW News IBrdway review IHollywd Story Hollywd Story
KKX News - (Stars of Today iD'ble or Noth ID'ble or Noth'
1KSL.M News ITelloest Music IMurle .
KOCO Ray' Records IRay's Records Ray's Records Ray's Records
KGAI -Backfence Mat.l Backfence Mat ! Backfence Mat.l Backfence Mat.
OKOIN Road of Life Ma Perkins J Dr. Malone iGuiding Light
SOW - Hostess House Hostess House (Strike It Rich Strike It Rich
, KSX Chet Huntley I Music I True Story 'True Story
KSLM Ladies Fair I Ladle Fair I Queen Day Queen a da
KOCO Ray's Records IRay's Records IRay's Records IRay's Records
KOAB Backfence Mat I Backfence Mat.l Backfence Mat.) Backfence Mat.
KOIN Mrs. Burton IPerry Mason INorah Drake -IBrighter Day
KOW Bob Hope IP. Fredricks I Phrase Pays (Second Chance
KKX Whispering Sts.l Girl Marries IKeep's Korner IKeep's Korner
KSLM Top Trades
KOCO World News
KOAB Spider
KOIN Macievd News
KOW News
KKX Paul Harvev
KSLM Better Shopper I Behind Story I Lucky V Ranchl Lucky U Ranch
KOCO Magic Melody IMagic Melody (Magic Melody (Magic Melody
KOAB Spider I Spider I Spider I Spider
KOIN Hilltou Boure Arthur GodfreylArthur Godfrey! Arthur Godfrey
KGW Backdate Wlfe'Stslla Dallas llWldder Brown Woman in Hse
KIX Kay West KayWes:t lKav West tKay West
KSLM News I Music News Music
KOCO Magic Melody Magic Melody IMagic Melody IMagic Melody
KGAB Record Room I Record Room (Record Room I Record Room
fcoiN Arthur GodfreylArthur GodfreylArthur GodrreylCurt Massey
KGW Just Plain Biu F. P FarreU I Lorenzo Jones I Pays to Marry
KKX Betty Crocker ( Jack's Place I Wax Works Wax Works
KSLM Hughes Reel iTello Test I Kirk wood IKlrkwood
KOCO Aitern'n News ITune Time (Piano Pattern I Research
KGAB I Dandy Show! J Dandy Show I J Dandy ShowiJ. Dandy Show
koin Wizard of OddslRutb Ashton Istory's BkyardlTunefully yours
KOW -s travelers Merdith WUsn D. Garroway
KKX For Girls (For Girls I For Girls (For Girls
KSLM -aton lia i mraiv iCurt Massey lmHiw
KOCO Music U Want IMusIc U Want iMusicUWant iMusicUWant
KOAB Kids' Corner I Music Mart (Music Man I Music Mart
RUIN Kirkham News I Sparkle Music lArt Kirkham (Art Kirkham
KiW Life Beautiful IBroadw'y Rev'l Music Box - 'Art Baker 4:59
KIX Aft. Edition .Ms:rtcl Cage Squirrel cage Haoo Time
KaLM Babby Benson IRaboy Benson WW bll Hic'ok IWld Bill Hickok
KOCO Show Time IShow Time , Second Look (P. S. A.
KGAB Traffic Jamb, j Traffic Jamb. I Supper Club I Supper Club
MH! E. R. Murrow (News IWorWTocsv " C ssNews
KGW BIU Stern (News Hour IT. L, McCaQ (Reporta on Am.
KEX Happy Time IFleetw'd Lawt'niHuntlev tvews Bo;-Garred
tktiLM Gab. Heater Perry Como IVirgil Pinkley Sam Harea
lioro Candle Light ICandle Light News r m Keys
KOAI Supper Club Supper Club (Supper Club (Supper Club
KOIN Radio Theater IRadio Theater (Radio Theater I Radio Theater
gnw Relax Music (Relax Music I Bob & Ray (Bob te Ray
KEX Weatherman iHome Edition I Good Listen's I BUI Stern
.LM The Falcon IThe Falcon
(OCO Rosary I Stars Sins
KOAI Music Music (Sign Off
tOIN Camel Caravan Camel Caravanl Talent Scouts
fcr.W M'Gee 8c Molly Nation's Bus. I Rise Stevens
KEX Lone Ranger I Lone Ranger I Henry Taylor
nSLN Memory Room (Memory Room IMusic IMusic
KOCO Track 1490 (Track 1490 . ITrack 1490 ITrack 1490
KOIN Movie Theater IMovie Theater ! Lowell Thomas Family Skelton
KGW .' s raimiy i ' iK. RallrOHd flotii rUiir.iC Hiwti
KEX Symphonette Symphonette I J. Vandercook (Favorite Music
KSLM Hard Nws Mut. Newsreel (Music . (Harry Wismer
KOCO Track 1490 ITrack 1490 ITrack 1490 INight News ,
KOIN Beulah - Uunior Miss (Suspense . Suspense
now Hour iionv Htujt London Music London Musiev
KEX Yesterday Hits (Yesterday Hits I Powerland 'Power land
KSLM Fulton Lewis
KOCO Nocturne
RUIN S Slai rinal
I Nocturne
KGW Richfield Re or i - - - ts Final
tx Final Edition 'Dance Time
KSLM Counter Spy
KOCO Nocturne
KOIN Record Show
KGW News
KIX Dance time
1 Music
I Nocturne
(Record Show
IT L Mccall
I Dance Time
KOAC Ua ka. Monday 10m
a m The News and Weather: 10:1S
Especially for Women: 110 Oregon
School of the Air; 11:30 Concert Hall;
12:00 The Newt snd Weather: 12:U
p.m..Noon Farm Hour; 1:00 Hide 'Em
Cowboy; Oregon School of the
Air-, 1:30 Let's Explore Art; 1:45 Phil
Kaiar Sings; 2:04 Especially for Wom
en: 130 Memory Book of Music: 1:45
Oregon -School of the Air Great
Moments in Oregon History; 3.-00
Oregon Reporter: 3:15 Music of the
Masters; 4:00 Adventures la Re
Ortw Monday, OcL 5 1S53
to the Toymaker'i shop with Fred
Giennann as the lovable "Toy
maker" . 'r
Northwest News Digest, 1:45
Features Norman Wallace with
cross-country news and-weather.
Sports on View, C:50 Bill
Stout reports. .
Newspaper ef the Air, 6:55
Local news and photographs with
Bill Clayton. 5
fights, 7:00 Waldo Fusarp of
Rome,' Italy, vs. Sammy Rogers
of Benton Harbor, Mick, in a
8-round lightweight bout
Name That Tune, :00 Comedy-musical
show with Red Ben
son as quis-master and Vicki Mills
as the vocalist
Voice of Firesttfne, 8:30 Rise
Stevens, mezzo soprano, is guest
Dennis Day Show, 9:00 Dennis
becomes involved with an ardent
admirer an elderly lady named
Robert Montgomery Presents,
9:30 "September Time" stars
Ruth Warrick with Scott Forbes
and J. Scott Smart Story con
cerns a (concert singer taking an
enforced rest at Cape Cod in
hopes that her failing voice will
be restored. No one but her vocal
coach knows her painful secret
Arthur Murray Dance Time,
10:30 Feature! Kathryn Mur
ray as emcee on dancing show.
Produced in New York.
NKe Owl Theater, 11:15 The
"The Night Hawk" stars Robert
Bible Institute Bible Institute
IKoco Klock World Newt
(Jim Dandy I Jim Dandy
I MakeupUrMlndl Rosemary
Old Songs Old Songs
I Brkfst Club IBrkfst Club '
Newt 'Gar AO's Music
IMidday Music IMidday Music iRitchle
I Spider - I Spider I Spider
'Come Get It House Party IHous Party ,
(Road of Life Pepper loung Ha-'oinesi
Noun Edition Sam Hayes Mod. Romances
(Cud This Be UjCud This Be U
jsports Reports
(Talent Scouts
(Rise Stevens
iBacK Drop
' J News ICounter Spy
(Nocturne IP'octurne.
Dwight Cooke, I Chmbr Forum Chmbr Forum
Barrie Craig Barrie Craig
(Dance Time 1 Dance 'Una
I Nocturne
Record Show
City Council
i Dance Time
Record Show 1
I City Council
I Dance Time
search: 4:13 On the Upbeat: 4:45
News Commentary; 5:00 Children's
Theater: SJSO Jerry of the Circus;
5:45 Frontier Fighters; S:00 The News
and Weather, f :1J Oregon College of
Education: :30 Flying Time; t:43
Let There' Be Light; 70 General
Extension Journal; 7:19 Evening
Extensios Journal; 7:13 Evening Farm
Hour: SKW University of Oregon: S:00
Music That - Endures: 1:45 Evening
Meditations Rev. Everett Jensen,
Grace Lutheran Church; 10:00 Sign
Livingston, June Travis and Rob
ert Armstrong.
9:15 What's Cooking? '
9:45 World Series
1:00 Matinee Theatre
2:30 On Your Account
3:00 Hawkins Falls
3:15 The Bennetts
4:00 Welcome Travelers
4:30 Toymaker
5:00 Howdy Doody
6:00 Football Game of Week
6:30 Strange Adventure
6:45 Northwest Digest
6:55 Newspaper of the Air
7:00 Liberace
7:30 Dinah Shor.e .
7:45 News Caravan
8:00 Milton Berle
9:00 Fireside Theatre
9:30 Circle Theatre
10:00 Judge for Yourself
10:30 I Led Three Lives .
11:00 Chuck Foster News
11:15 Nite Owl Theatre
11:45 (Approx.) Sign Off
i What's Cooking? 9:15 Cook
ing show with Barbara Angell
fresh vegetable salad date bars.
World Series Baseball, 9:45
Matinee Theatre. 1:00 "Mr.
Mugg Steps Out" featuring the
East Side Kids.
The' Toymaker, 4:30 A visit to
the Toymaker's shop with Fred
Giennann as the loveable old
Western Football, 6:00 Ore
gon State vs. Washington game
highlights. 4
Northwest News Digest, 6:45
Fa tuxes , Norman Wallace with
cross-country news and weather.
Sports on View, 6:50 Features
BiU Clayton.
; Liberace, 7:00 Selections in
clude: "Doll Dance," "Allegretto,
"Song From Moulin Rouge,'
"Begin the Beguine," "Concerto
A Minor," and "Side by Side."
, Dinah Shore Show, 7:30 A
quarter hour of music featuring
Dinah Shore.
'; Milton Berle Show 8:00 Full
hour variety show starring Milton
Fireside Theatre, 9:00 "Ref
uge" stars George Nader, Aman
da Blake, and Gabor Curtiz.
Story tells of Golan, a beautiful
tropical island known ' as the
island of refuge because the laws
of extradition cannot touch if To
its shores come fugitives from all
types of crimes.
Judge for Yourself, 10:00
Stars Fred Allen in show which
combines panels, talent and audi
ence participation.
I Led Three lives, 10:30 Stars
Richard Carlson as Herbert Phil
brick. Nite Owl Theatre, 11:15
''Snow Dog."
Third Major
Blaze Flares
In Walla Walla
WALLA WALLT W This city's
third major fire in two weeks and
its second warehouse blaze in less
than two days destroyed the
Mojonnier and Sons, Inc., produce
warehouse here early Sunday
morning. .
The fire was discovered in the
50-foot long building shortly after
midnight! Saturday and had en
gulfed the former Northern Pa
cific Railway freight house before
firemen could get their equipment
into play.
Firemen estimated total damage
at more than $150,000, with canned
goods, produce and sewing ma
chine parts being stored there de
stroyed in the fire. Several NP
freight cars on ' a nearby siding
also went up in flames. Five fire
men received minor injuries.
The fire followed by 46 hours
the destruction of Gradwohl's Auc
tioa House here, in which an un
determined amount of furniture
an3 other auctionware was burned.
Two weeks ago a residence fire
claimedj the life of 9-year-old Jay
Silva. i
Service - Installation
Opes S A. H. to I ML
t Weekdays
Ph. M611 2140 S. ComT.
Salem's First Television Store
Cat! Anytime - 4-3781
AM. to 9P-M. Deny '
Phon 4-5512
1410 S. 12th SL
National Tieicspaper Week OcL 1-5"
Zenger Trial Led to Free
Before U.S. Won Independence
material in the New York Weekly Journal, John Peter Zenger
was confined In 1734 for nine months in jail before trial. Yet,
daring the entire time he was imprisoned, his paper never missed
an issue and continued to attack
civil liberties. Fhoto shows figures representing Zenger and his
, wife, Anna, who visited him regularly in jail, in a diorama at the
- Zenger Memorial in the Sub-Treasury Building, New York City.
German Immigrant
Of New York for Right to Print Truth
John Peter Zenger fought for
United states won its independence.
An immigrant from Germany, Zenger landed in the British
Colony of New York in 1710 at the age of 13. He became an ap
prentice to a printer and grew up
Stolen Car
A car, reported stolen early
Sunday morning, was recovered
apparently unharmed about six
hours later by city police who
found it in the 2000 block on
Fairgrounds Road. The engine
was still warm.
Owner Richard F. Smith, 240
D St, reported the 1941 sedan
as missing from the 3000 block
on Portland Road. Reported miss
ing from the car was a leather
case containing three leather
covered flasks.
Elmer K. Harris. In this city, Sept.
SO at the age of 68 years. Late resi
dent of 2241 Claude St. Survived by
widow, Mrs. Ella Harris; daughters,
Mrs. Elva Guyer, Portland, Mrs. Doris
Wilson. Salem, Mrs. Ethel Huntley
and Mrs. Itus BartelL both of Cali
fornia; son. Walter A. Harris. Salem;
brothers. Vester T. Harris and Lee A.
Harris, both of CsldweU, Idaho; sis
ters. Miss Lillie Harris. Fruitland.
Idaho, Mrs. Eva Ellison. Caldwell.
Idaho, Mrs. Rose Beck. Salem, and
Mrs. Ella Draper, Portland; and 10
grandchildren. Services Monday, Oct.
5, at 3 p.m. in Howell-Edwards Chap
el with the Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson
officiating. Concluding services at
Belcrest Memorial Park,
Harold G. Stevens Sr.. at the fam
ily residence. Salem Route 3. Box
894. Oct. 1. at the age of 58 years.
Survived by his widow, Mrs. Cyn
thia Stevens, Salem; sons. Harold
G. Stevens Jr., Salem, and Rob
ert I. Stevens, Chicago; daughters,
Mrs. Dorothy Lucille Hahn and Mrs.
Cynthia Frances KeUer. both of
Glenview. 111., Mrs. Ruth' Norma
Randall. Lake Zurich. 111., and Miss
Lois Lorraine Stevens, Salem; sis
ter. Ruth Windfeldt, Cranford. NJ.
Member of the First EvangeUcal
United Bretnren Church, Salem, and
of the Farmers Union. Services wiU
be held Monday, Oct. S, at 1 p.m. in
the Howell-Edwards Chapel with the
Rev. A. G. Jamieson officiating and
interment at Belcrest Memorial Park,
Mrs. Edna Whitfield, late resident
of Turner, at a Salem convalescent
home Oct. 4. Survived by 'daughter,
Mrs. Lillian Slawson. McAllister,
Okla.: sons, Harvey Whitfield. Salem.
Orval Whitfield and Jimmy Whit
field, both of Turner, and Cecil Whit
field. Corning. Calif.: also 25 grand
children and 14 great grandchildren.
Announcement of services will be
mad later by the Clough-Barrick Co.
Joseph Scott Spalding at a local
hospital Sunday, Oct. 4. Late resident
of Chemawa. Ore. Survived by wife
Mrs. Joseph S. Spaulding. Announce
ment' of services later by Virgil T.
Golden Co.
To Place Ad
Call 2-2441
Kidney Slow-Down
Hay Bring
Restless Nights
Wh Mmi ftmetlm dm iU. u mtmx9
folks complain of Bass-ins backache, head.
eats, diasiness and loss of pep and enerrr.
Don't suffer restless nishU with these daw
comforts if reduced kidney function is get. t
tins yon down doe to snea common eanaea
trw an 4 strafaL OTgr-xertiom or eipo.
mam to eoM. Minor bladder irritation, do.
to eoid or wrong diet may cause getting up
isuia or ireqoent pasaaiea.
Don't aeaiect your kidneys H these toniU
Oomt botWyon. Try Dona's Fill- mild di.
.Itaamasin kow many times Dona I
flash oat wast. Ask for new, atrge. eeonomi
sue and save money. Uet Doaa s Pills today'
$5.00 Per Month
Convenient Close In
Marion Feed Seed Co.
on a charge of publishing libelous
British restriction of American
Fought in Colony
a free press even before the
a respected citizen of his com
munity and his church.
During Zenger's career as a
newspaper publisher, however,
New York had the misfortune to
be governed by one of the worst
of the king s reresentatives, Wil
liam Cosby. Greedy and auto
cratic, Cosby hoped to wring from
the colonists enough money to
recoup the fortune he had dis
sipated in Europe.
With full knowledge of the
consequences, Zenger joined the
opposition against the governor.
In one direction lay safety. lathe
other, Zenger's principles and
sense of public duty.
Zenger made his decision. The
first issue of his New York
Weekly Journal told of a fraudu
lent election perpetrated by Gov.
Cosby . in Westchester county.
Subsequent issues revealed in
trigue and corruption in the Cos
by regime.
Papers Burned
The governor ordered several
issues of the Journal burned, and
his attack on Zenger culminated
in the printer's arrest for sedi
tious writing. Cosby -thought he
could insure conviction by plac
ing his chief justice, 30-year-old
James De Lancey, in charge of
the proceedings.
Zenger's friends brought in
Andrew Hamilton, a distin
guished lawyer from Pennsyl
vania, to defend him in one of
the most historic and signifi
cant trials in American jurispru
dence. Hamilton rested Zenger's de
fense not on legal technicalities,
but on a new philosophy of gov
ernment the same philosophy
so forcefully expressed in the
Weekly Journal. Hamilton said
the issues went far beyond Zen
ger and the colony of New York.
It was, he said, a matter of lib
erty liberty of exposing and op
posing arbitrary power by speak
ing and writing the truth.
Articles True
Hamilton admitted Zenger had
printed the articles criticizing
the governor but argued they
were true. A man could not be
accused of libel, he said, for tell
ing the truth. However logical
this may seem today, it was di
rectly contradictory to British
law in Zenger's day.
Despite one-sided instructions
by De Lancey, the jury, im
pressed by Zenger's stand against
a tyrannical government, brought
in a verdict of not guilty."
The trial was a land-mark in
the ceaseless fight for freedom.
The text of the courtroom de
bate was given wide circulation,
helping to form the philosophy
of a whole generation of colonial
Americans. -Free
Press .
Hamilton had set down in un
mistakable terms the principle
of a public press free to print
truth might be to despotic lead
truth tmight be to despotic lead
ers. But Zenger offered something
more an average citizen's cour
age and persistence in the face
of tyranny, and a determination
to defend those individual rights
without which freedom cannot
VIENNA (fNSl-c-American
AMnnstiAn tpnAiw A iifm
II I "51 i," ; " I1 " ,4
paying their own way since 1947,
contributed 30.5 million dollars
in vital 7 hard currency to the
country's economy, thus curbing
unemployment by 15 percent, an
in Vienna. ' -
Death iCIaims
WrecU Victim
VANCOUVER, Wash, (fl Jo
seph Sitton. 19? of Vancouver, died
in . a hospital f-here Sunday from
injuries suffered inf a traffic acci
dent the day before.
He was . hrnitalized Satnrdav
morning when;;his par plunged off
the- highway i ;nd overturned. A
passenger, Kenneth; R. Bonge, also
of Vancouver was taken to a
Portland hospital where his condi
tion was described; as critical.
j :
SEATTLE (R John Carter. 30.
a Seattle painter, was injured fa
tally Sunday when he fell 65 feet
to the ground -from the roof of a
building: at; Efeeing Airplane Co.
300 Perabn!
312 Lost and Found
PARAKEET 'Green. Answers to
Sweetie. Phone 3-6278.
LOST Sunday at Kruegars Store,
woman 'e Tissot wrist watch. Ke-
ward. Phone evenings. 3-1331
LOST from car. Siamese male cat
. round Salem on Highway 99 about
3 weeks ago. Very liberal reward.
Box 7402 Portland 20, Oregon.
316 Personal
ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No.
L 2088 N. Commercial. Phone 2-9419
or 3-4537. P. O. Box 724.
Advice on Love, Marriage, Business.
Bring your problems. Will help
solve them. This ad with one dollar
for a S3 reading. Limited time only.
9 a.m. to 10 p.m. LA BIS H GAR
DENS. Hiway ra, Next to Salem
V Drive-in. i j
400 Acri culture
402 Livestock
FOR SALE.' 200 choice 1 and 3 year
old ewes, (mostly IRomney. bred to
Southdown rams for January lamb-
mg. f none 4-zasa.
UCEKSDj sad bonded livestock
buyer. EJL Snethen. 16S Kenwood
Ave Phone 2-1343.
jl BRED ewes. $1S each. Ph. 4-2617.
DUROC WEANERS! Subject to regis
ter. Phone 2-1128.
McCandllsh. 1127 S 25th. Ph. 8-8147.
LOCKER BEEP. Hereford 20c. Noth-
ing down, 6 months to pay. Custom
' killing. Trailer loaned free. Salem
Meat Co. 1325 S. 25th. Ph. 3-4858.
BONDED Livestock Buyer. A. F,
sommer.i uea Harmony Dr.. Pn
, 4-2617. j 1
BONDED Livestock buyer. Claude
Edwarda. Rt. 3. Box 899. Ph. 4-1113,
404 Poultry and Rabbits
CUSTOM killing. Fowl of any kind.
Ph. 4-3428. Newel's Poultry. Plant
Kill days a week. Rt 5. Bos 109.
Salem, j
WA.4TED LeghonV and colored bens.
. Any quantity -immediately. Will
pay ovee top Portland Mkt. Lot's
Hatcheryf Phone 2-2861.
WE ait hatching i New I Hampahires,
Golden Broads. and Arbor acres
' White Rocks .very week. Special
prices to ; year round fryer growers.
Fox Hatchery. 3830 Stat. St. Phone
-49t. j
408 Pt
THIS IS tti. season to fall In love
with a beautiful Siamese kitten.
2-0638. 1 f
SIAMESE kiten. Well bred. 5 months
old, female. Reasonably priced.
Phone 2-8125.
CUTE kittens to ; give away. Home
after 1 pjn. Saturday. 4215 Monroe
CHAMPION bred boxer puppies. Ev-ery-
pup a potential champion.
Moore's i Tropical fish, equipment.
Goldfish, Parakeets. 2 miles from
Lancaster on Macleay Road. Phone
a-3773. closed on Wednesdays
Hollywood aquarium, issa Mc
Coy, 1 block east of N. Capitol. IM
blocks north of MadUon. Ph. 2-6897.
410 Soods end Plants
play planting of 500 varieties in
full bloom now. Sawdust paths.
100's of j newer varieties. Big. low
growing, bushyj early and undam
aged by! fall storms. Dozens Kraus
mums. Contests and prizes now I
Black's Gardens 2270 Chemawa Rd.
l'a East of Ketzer. "
NORTHWEST strawberry plants.
: grown on new land. Irrigated, weU
.: rooted. Order now for spring plant
ing. Have cold i storage. 2 mi. S.E.
of Monitor. Walter Berg. Wood burn.
Ore. Phone Monitor 2359. Rt. 2, Box
412 Fruit and! Farm Product)
TOMATOES. U-plck. $1.00 bushel. On
Richard's place.' 295 West Chemawa
Rd. 1 mile straight west of Xeizer
School. Ted Whitehead.
YOUNG Guernsey cow. Due to fresh
en now. White's Ranch. 1 mUe East
from Turner.
FSESH ranch eggs, below store
prices. 2498 Hollywood Dr. Phone
2-2188. 1 I ;
GRAPES 6c picked. 4c U-pick. 3
miles Wallace Rd. 4 River Bend
Rd. A. E. Pelker.
NO. 1 BARTLETT pears from Hood
River. Phillips : Bros. Market. 5590
Portland Rd. Phone 2-4512.
U-PICK strawberries. 10c lb. Go out
Cherry Ave. to Alder St. to Brooks
Ave. turn left to field. Will be open
from Sunday on. Phone 4-2989. X.
Hartman 4190 Brooks Ave.
RIPE TOMATOES. U-pick for can
ning. $1.00 bu. For Juice 75c bu.
Ton or bushel don't delay. Hoi
man's. 13 miles south of Salem or
S miles North of Jefferson on
ITALIAN Prunes. Delivery to your
door. 5c lb. Pesrs. Phone 2-2108.
CANNING tomatoes for sale. 11.50
per busheL Bring containers. Geo.
Asher's on Grand Island.
U-PICK strawberries and Evergreen
blackberries on Keizer Rd. Just
west of Oregon Electric crossing.
John A. seawnght.
CUCUMBERS. U-pick. 7 acres. $1
box. Bring your own containers.
CaU 4-1323. Salem.
CORN for canning or freezing. Or
ganically grown sweet tomatoes.
Any quantity. Picketing cukesj
neia run or sortea. Apples ec iiaj
lan prunes. Phillips Bros. Farm
Mkt. 5590 Portland Rd, Salem.
Phone 2-4512. -
BLACKBERRIES. U-pick, 75c a crate.
Phone 4-405S. Lass Nil ut O ,'nn MO
(JpirUirs. 241 North Lfhertv
' !
Oftte epea) Sat a Say eaiy. IS a-S.
tm t fa, t la I pjbl C smtalt .
Bled seeeaare sad artne seats an
free of chart. Practiced since
1)17 Write tee attractive gift, Ne
50 "Merchandise
458 Wanted. HsehoM Goods
GEES' e&ECsaiul
i 131.
CAaU 1UUAX Good useo furniture
or will sell oa consignment Ph.
. 8-6098 Sudten's Auction. -
Valley Fura. Co. 2-7472
457 Radio and TV
TELEVISION. Guaranteed service oa
all makes. Antenna repairs St ad
justments for the new stations.
Jim's Radio & Television, 873 Mar
ket. Phone 4-588L -
458 Building Materials
Roofing 3 Ac 1 Pabco asphalt shingles.
Come in and pick your color and
place your order now. Pickup
when car is in. Car due approx.
Oct. 8th. S7.70 per sq. F.O.B. car.
Keith Brown LbrrYard
Front & Court St. Phone I-B11I
We Give S&H Green Stamps
C&K stock carloads of finest moun
tain fir at reduced prices.
Buy Now and Save
"Everything for Building"
Lancaster & Center Phone 2-1500
Sash 8c Frames, made (cheaper) to
order. Let us quote on your Job.
You'll be pleased for sure. !" 4x8
Kgh. piywd. 10c ft. 516" 4x8 2J9.
4" Ribbon Hahog. 4x8 35c ft. (Some
at 20c). Fig. plvwd. 13Vc ft. Oak
Fig. in heated room priced right.
Doors 10 off on all Birch. Fir
riusn 9.95 up. u you need piywd.
see us (trunk we nave some!)
Nothing down 36 months to pay.
Come in visit.
Portland Rd. Lbr. Yd.
3545 Portland Rd. Phone 4-433 .
Remodel, Repair, Now.
Save your cash for a rainy day. No
oown payment, as months to pay.
Epping Lumber Co.
5740 SUverton Rd. Phone 4-S12J
Open an day Saturdays
Largs supply at reduced prices while
It lasts, some as low as lis.oo pr,
m. Free delivery on 1,000 ft. . or
more: pn. 3-2042.
- i" 18. 4x8 S3.76
Carload supply at new low prices on
all thickness. Pick your choice.
Mahogany and "Jap Birch" plywood,
grade A two sides has hardwood
core. Perfect for cabinets & panel'
ing. CHEAP. -
New toilets with seat 825.50
20" x 18" wash basins complete $15.50
New bathtubs complete 569.30
Water heater, kitchen sinks, shower
cabinets, laundry trays, pipe SPE
CIAL - -
Colored bath set. Bargain
500 gaL steel septic tanks 167.50
4" cast Iron soil pipe .80
4" solid Orangeburg pipe JSi
Elec. garbage dispasol units. Bargain.
Waterproof wallbd. 4x8 11.75
Unpainted cedar shakes $6.00
1 painted shakes, undercourse $10.7$
1 cedar shingles $9.25
2 cedar shingles $5.00
3 tab com p. roof $7.55 1
Nails, carload supply $9173
Boat Plywood. CHEAP.
8x7 metal garage doors $45.
New picture windows $8.-up
New weather stripped windows $14.20
New 1 panel doors $5.50
Fir door Jambs $2.50
Overhead garage hdware $13.85
New shakes mold, per ft.. .10
Asbestos siding per sq. $9.50
36" Entrance doors $12.50
New sash doors $7.50
Loose Insulation, per bag $1.00
Exterior white paint per gaL $2.95
Cedar fence posts. CHEAP.
' C. G. Long & Sons
Ph. 4-5051 1 ml. N. of KeiMf
Complete set, bath tub, toilet and
basin - 4109.50
43 gallon electric water heater $ 71 JO
Double kitchen sink complete $ 41.65
Shower cabinets, complete $ 41.50
Tremendous savings in colored
bathroom sets. Complete line
of pipes Sc fittings. All items
guaranteed or money back.
Capito Bargain House
145 Center St
Red Cedar Shingles
Best grade, coast or mountain, tim-
ber. delivered prices. No. 1. TI9.2S.
No. 3 $5: No 3. $4;. No. 4. $2 50.
Complete mill stock. Ship lap 2x4"
anri wider. Delivered prices $23 per
thousand and up. Ted. Muller, Ph.
Salem 2-1196 evenings.
460 Musical Instrumnti
RENT a band intrument and play
in the band. Wills Music Store,
432 State St.. Salem, Ore.
FRENCH Horn. Bueschia. $125.00.
Phone 3-5755.
PIANO and Bench, mahogany fin
ish, cheap. Ph. 2-8725.
NEW and used pianos. For a better
buy. WUtsey Muslo House, 1860
2S0 Nsv CtoKth St
Classlfled Advertising
Per word. 1 time 4
Per word. S times , 10c
Per word. 7 times , 18e
Per word. 1 moaUi
Afinlmum ten words.
Extra charge for
-Blind- ads
Readers to city briefs:
Per word
Minimum tea words.
No Refunds. 1
The Deadline tor Classified Ads
containing large display types la 12
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One Column ads set in this size type
only accepted up to : P-M s
The lutesman reserves tne runt
u relict questionable advertising It
further reserves the right to place
all advertising under . tba proper
The Statesman assumes -ao finan
cial responsibility for errors which
may apoesr in advertisements pub
lished d ttr columns and in 'cases
where 'Ma naper is at fault will re
print that part of an advertisement
in writes the typographical mistake
A Tond" Ad an ad containing a
Statesmen box number for an ad
ores la for the protection of the
advertiser and must therefore be
answered by tetter The SUtesmaa
is not at liberty to divulge Informa
tion as to the identity of an ad
user using a -turna aa. .
450 Mercharidisd
4S2 Sports BQulj"Tjt;
HOSSBERG 22. Savage 30-jq, both
wim acopes. a-eeoj or s7iq.
GOOD used outboard motors "for
troumg ai xne coast, s M-so up. Sa
lem Boat House 100 Chemtketa.
Phone 3-8303. ; V
4S3 For Rent Mlsctllanwotxs
FOR LEASE: Rock quarry ejoee to
saiem on au weatner road. Phone
4.295S Klem -
ADULT WALKERS, wheal chairs.
crutches. 745 Court St. Max Bursa,
TRAILER SPACE $15 a month. Waah
ing facilities. 2605 Maple. Phone
RENT or buy All types electrical ar
Lard teols, garden tractors, spray
ers. Howser Bros 1183 S. 12th.
Ph. 3-3646.
. North Commercial and Columbia
BUnkets ftrra. 1201 State. Ph. 2-9062.
FOR RLNT or lease, Lge. warehouse
space cement floors, brick bids,
down town. Inquire H. U SUif
Fura. S-sitS. -
470 For Sal. MisctJlansoui
SQUIRREL lock fur coat. For size
14. Also red fox collar. Good buys.
Phone M.M1
20 FT. seasoned cedar hop poles. T
ience posrs. Boi w. Tucker, iaanha.
WANTED, used propane stove for
uTintr noun, rnone a-su3.
t'AINT. $1.98 GAL, dlenn WoodryT
k , BT vlr in(n . J
condition.' Reasonable. 4733 Clark
Ave. Ketrer district. Phone 3-4915.
EASY' SPIN-dry washer. Good con-
onion, rnone e-aiss.
ROOFING. $1.89.Glenn Woodrr.
COMPLETE darkroom equipment, en-
- larger, washer, printer, electric dry
er, and miscellaneous. Camping
equipment. Umbrella tent, stove.
icebox. Rt.' 1. Box 19. Jefferson.
OIL HEATER, like new. B.T.UrOOST
ynone z-5.ii3.
S OIL STOVES. Cheap. 147$ Center
Phone 3-5222.
PAINT. $1.99 tfAt. Glenn Woodry.
FOR SALE. fUl dirt and top sod.
rnone -iBJ8. .
' FOR " -
SAVE $40.00 on New Automatic elec
trie drver Nnw nnlv C17aa am nt
-"rf V-.WW. ,4,W
down. Easy terms.
467 Court St. Phone 3-9611
USED electric ranges $12.95 and up.
Tester Appliance, 379 Chemeketa.
rnone 3-4311.
PAINT. $1.99 GAL. Glenn WoodryT
CHARIS foundation girdles, bra. Ap
pointment phone 3-9518, no answer
3-5Q7Z. Miry E. Bales.
S2 RADIO-phonograph combination.
Reasonable. Phone 4-5514.
BLACK Persian paw finger-tip coat.
Sacrifice. Shown at Miller's fur de-partment.-ROOFING.
$1.89. Glenn Woodry
BTORS fixtures, inc. Super cold veg.
ease, firenroof safe. Allen eomb
cash, register. Adding machine,
magazine rack. Metal sef-trrvlce
greeting card case. Phone 2-2131.
EASY Washing machine. Good me
chanical condition. $23. Ph. 4510.
DIAMOND RING 102 point in men's
setting. New cut. Cost $950. Traded
in on late model car. Contact Lee's
Used Cars for appt, and Save $400.
PAINT. $1.99 GAL. Glenn Woodry.
830 ALLOWED tor your old water
beater tegardlen of condition or
make, on a new Westinghouse
automatic electric water neater,
with a tea year rusrsntea Yeater
Appliance Co. 370 Cheneketa.
Phone S-4311.
RooriNG. $1.89. Glenn Woodry.
GOOD used refrigerators $48.50 and
up. Used washers S1JS and up.
Yeater Appliance 375 Chemeketa.
Phone 3-4311.
STANLEY home products. Lee MlndX
1680 Madison. Phone 3-4056.
ROOFING. $1.89.Glenn Woodry.
PLASTl-KOTE requires no waxing
for your floors or linoleum. Yeater
Appliance Co 379 Chemeketa. Ph.
PAINT. $1.99 GAL. Glenn Woodry.
DEEPFREEZE home freezers, Yeat
er Apliance 379 Chemeketa. Ph.
CLOTHESLINE posts, iron legs for
tables, furniture, railings. 1145 N.
30 30 CARBINE rifle In good con-
dition. also 3Vi h.p. outboard motor.
; 2 studio couches and 2 vanity
dressers. Ph. 3-4540.
ROOFING. $1J9. Glenn Woodry.
I Diamonds & Jewelry -
at cost plus 10 Call or write W. C
Mitchell. 1179 Hillyard, Eugene.
Ore, t-6557 '
Crushed Rock
FOR roads & driveway Cement,
, Ready-mix Concrete. Garden Send.
. Bulldozing drainage and ditching.
4 yd. shovel St drag line. Phone
A24S. .
Walling Sand & Gravel
- Co. ;
PAINT. $1.99 GAL. Glenn Woodry,
c:i . .
eu a. aa wmk aaMVB wetsi
"h me 1-174S
ROOFING. HM. Glenn Woodry.
472 Wanted, Mlscollcmgous
LAMBERT pays cash or trade for
furniture or what-not. Ph. 2-78S2.
Logs Wanted
Good 2nd growth logs. Prem. psid
. for No. 3 logs 28' and longer. Also
8' stud logs or multipes of f plus
trim 8" to 1" diam.
Ph. Turner 1125 Eves. 2502 Turner
or 2-7826, Salem.
WANTED to buy large quantities
of oak. fir or slab wood. Oregon
Fuel Co. Phone 3-5533, Salem.
DOUGLAS Fir cants wanted. Phone
Salem 2-8817 for specifications U
price. J. L. & H. Lbr. Co. .
Phone t-2441
BBOsenpuoa naics
By carrier tn eltieat .
Daily and Sunday . t 1.4S per mo.
Dally only L29 permo.
Sundsy only JO week
By mall. Sunday oniyt " '
(tn advance S. SO per mo.
Anywhere in U. S. 2.75 stx mo
-09 year.
By mail. Daily and landayt
(Ur sdyjncei
la six counties . 8 IM ear mo.
(Benton. Claeka
, mas. Linn. Mar- tt six no.
Ion. Polk. Yam
hill) ' IB SO Ma
Elsewhere a
Oregon L20 pet ma
In U S outside
Oregon . 149 porno
; Member . .
: Aadit Baresa of Ctre-lations
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