The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 02, 1953, Page 35, Image 35

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    Corned Beef
Still Called
Fine Meat
Statesman, Salanv Ow FrL Oct. 2 1953 (Sac 4-3
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This elegant looking coffee cake is actually simply made and filling enough for -breakfast
yet prettyenough for a fancier occasion. Here, it's served "with whipped
ci earn and an iced beverage as evening refreshment. ;
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' First step in the crunchy coffee cake, tops for break
fast and satisfying to the afternoon sweet tooth, is spread- .
lng a. rich , mixture of molasses, butter, nuts and rice
cereal in the bottom of a pan. Then add the batter and
bake together for a ready-topped weet bread. , ,;:
Good Old Stew
Remains Popular
Stew isn't simply' economical
and easy to fix it's good eating.
Try this version of the stew
veryone makes a different way:
2 pounds cubed beef
Va cup flour - - r
V cup butter or margarine
3 beef bouillon cubes ;
2 cup boiling water . .
Va cup wine vinegar
H teaspoon sugar : '
V teaspoon thyme
1 bay leaf
4 medium potatoes, peeled
10 small onions T
1 turnip, diced
2 cups peas
Dredge beef cubes in flour,
brown in butter or margarine.
Dissolve bouillon . cubes, in " boil
ing water, acid to meat with
vinegar, sugar, thyme and bay
leaf. Simmer, gently . about 2
hours: Add peeled potatoes, tur
nips and onions; cook, covered,
for 1 hour longer, or until vege
tables are tender. Add peas dur
ing last 10 minutes of cooking
time. Pour stew into 'casserole
and place biscuit "dough on top.
Bake in a hot oven (450) about
15 minutes, or until biscuits are
brown. Serves 6.
That Hot Bread
Real Corn Muffins
Corn meal makes many a hot
bread, and this will take no back
seat to any other.
; 4 cup sifted flour
1V teaspoons baking powder
Vi teaspoon salt
cup corn meal -'
cup apples r .
1 egg, well beaten :
a cup milk
. V cup honey '
3 tablespoons shortening,
melted i "
Sift flour once, measure,' add
baking powder and salt; sift
again.1 Add cornmeal.
Wash, pare and cut pples into
eighths. Remove core and cut
crosswise into- very thin lices.
Combine egg, sulk, honey and
shortening. Add all at once to
ilour-cornmeal mixture, stirring
only enough to dampen all flour.
Fold in apple.
Bake in well-greased muffin
pans in hot oven (400) for 20
minutes, or until done. Makes,
8 to 12 muffins.
Goulash has Style
For Company Meal
Youll find beef has a good
bit of style in this old-world
. dish:
2 pounds beef chuck, neck
or flank meat
. '2 onions . . :.!;
teaspoon caraway seed
(if desired) i
teaspoon powdered ' ' ,
1 clove garlic -
2 tablespoons butter
IVt teaspoons salt
1 cup boiling water
Paprika ..
Cut meat into 1-inch cubes.
Let onions brown in butter, then
add meat and let it brown light
ly. Add caraway seed, chopped
garlic, marjoram and enough
paprika toeffecta noticeable
'. : .1 '
v. Vi f j i j
To a can or jar of pickled
beets, add some coarseley chop
ped onion and celery. Serve
chilled as a relish, or hot with
a float of butter on . top as a
snappy vegetable.
'Tween Meal
Food Welcomed
. Hot, fragrant rolls and , muf
fins,, spicy : with - cinnamon, , rich
with, applesauce, nuts .and other
fillings, are always just Tight for
breakfast, brunch, or ' between
meal snacks.
1 package roll mix
2 tablespoons sugar
1 cups canned applesauce ,
cup brown sugar
Vx cup chopped pecans
Prepare roll mix according to
directions on package, adding 2
tablespoons sugar. Cover; let rise
until double in bulk.
Add 2 tablespoons butter to
applesauce; cook 10 minutes to
evaporate some of the liquid; stir
occasionally. Melt remaining 4
tablespoons butter in 9x9x2-inch
pan; add brown sugar; beat until
Roll out dough to 17x9 -inch
rectangle; spread with cooled
applesauce, sprinkle with pecans
and cinnamon; roll up jellyroll
fashion. Slice in 1-inch slices.
Arrange cut-side up in pan on
sugar mixture. Cover, let rise
until double in bulk .Bake in hot
oven (400) for 20 to 23 min
utes. Serve hot or cold. Makes
16 rolls.
If you store meat or fish left
overs that are to be-reheated "as
is," you'll save dish-washing if
yoj put them into refrigerator
dishes such as stainless steel or
heat-resistant glass that may be
put into the oven.
red color. Add water, cover and
simmer for 2Vz hours. Add more
water if necessary. Some goulash
recipes call for the addition of
tomatoes, and strained tomatoes
may be subsituted for water in
this recipe. Serve with noodles.
Serves 6. " '
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Look for the Mermaid on the label (
A Vm
. Me Office hhej. Olrfonii
Crunchy Top
Feature of
Coffee Cake
I Weather or not, you can de
pend on your family manting
good tasting, appetite whetting
food. There's no need to settle for
cold breakfasts, especially when
mouthwotenng hot breads can be
prepared almost, as fast as the
morning cereaL
Here's a coffee cake that com
bines a breakfast cereal with a
quick biscuit mix, blending them
together with Southern-sweet mo
lasses and crunchy chopped nuts.
i Make the coffee cake for break
fast, or for an afternoon or eve
ning snack. Served as a dessert
topped with whipped cream ac
companied by iced coffee, its a
perfect too.
2 tablespoons melted butter
or margarine
: cup light molasses
i cup chopped nuts
i 1 cup popped rice cereal
1 2 cups biscuit mix
cup sugar
1 egg
cup milk
! Mix together butter, molasses,
nuts, and cereaL Spread around
bottom of a greased 8-inch round
or square pan, or quart mold.
Add to biscuit mix and stir until
mixed. Spread pan over molasses
cereal topping. Bake at 400 de
grees (hot oven) 30 minutes or
until toothpick inserted in center
comes out clean. Turn out of pan
while hot Makes 6 servings.
Flank Steak has
Frehchy Twist
Here's the perfect dish to give
new life to meals flank steak
savoy. The steak is first scored
to shorten connective tissue, and
thus take less cooking time to
make it tender. It is then cooked
slowly with an interesting combi
nation of vegetables. With this
dish your meal is complete with
only the addition of a molded
gelatine salad, hard rolls and a
dessert of fresh fruit and cookies.
1 beef flank steak
Yt cup flour
2 tablespoons lard or
2 teaspoons salt
Y teaspoon pepper
Y cup catchup
1 cup thinly sliced
sweet pickles
1 cup thinly sliced onions
Hi cups water
6 medium carrots .
6 medium potatoes
1 cups celery, cut in
1-inch pieces '
Score steak, pounding flour
into both sides with knife. Brown
in lard or drippings. Season with
salt and pepper, pour catchup
over top and cover with pickles
and onions. Pour. cup of water
around steak. Cover and cook in
slow oven (300) for 1 hour. Add
carrots, potatoes, celery and re
maining water. Continue cooking
1 hour longer or until tender.
Serve with gravy in pan, thick
ened if desired. 6 servings.
A new item in the Salem mar
ket, but one with a familiar name
is the line of Duncan Hines Cake
Mixes. The magic name of Dun
can Hines, plus the popularity of
ready-mixed cakes should make
this a very popular item, and give
it a head start in the popularity
As much a part of the Ameri
can scene as Emily Post and Fan
nie Farmer, gourmet Duncan
Hines and food are synonymous.
He is an expert in everything
good to eat and has probably trav
eled farther and sampled more
wires of restaurants than any
othev living person. - -
One of the secrets of the su
periority of the Duncan" Hines
cakes is said to be that he insisted
on a fresh-egg cake mix. The re
cipe is simplicity itself: Just add
two eggs and water, mix and
out rr goes
. A fresh ice cream stain on wash
able material can easily be re
moved by sponging , the garment
with cold or lukewarm water and
then washing it in warm soap
suds. EASY DOES rr
If you have an electric mixer
you'll find it of help when you
are frosting a cake. Place ' the
cake, on plate on the mixer
stand; then revolve he plate as
you apply frosting to sides and
Fasten waxed paper with a
rubber band around the top of
a box of rice or cereal and youll
have no spills.
fho margarino with
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, A familiar name,-' Dun-'
can Hines, appears on a
cake ' mix ' coming into
Salem shops. The new
product comes-in several '
" flavors. .,- '
Tomatoes Hold
Egg Salad Center
Here's a good salad to makS
the most of diminishing tomato
supplies: . ' .
. 4' medium tomatoes, peeled ' J
, Rait f
: 3 hard-cooked eggs, chopped
Vx medium cucumber, peeled
. and chopped j
Vt cup chopped green pepper
, 2 tablespoons chopped
green onion . ' -Vi
cup salad dressing
Cut tomatoes . in sixths, not
quite through the base." Spread
apart and sprinkle sections with
salt Mix remaining ingredients
and heap the center of tomatoes.
Garnish with watercress or
parsley. Serves 4.
Corned beef and cabbage need
no introduction -because they've
long been a winning combination.
But for a different serving do
this: Slice the corned beef and
arrange it on a platter around a
head of cooked cabbage. Or for
a leisurely supper serving, ar
range slices of chilled . cooked
corned beef on the platter,
serve , with cabbage slaw, with a
horseradish sauce and plenty of
rye or pumpernickel bread.'
: Corned beef is actually j beef
brisket cured. Whether you want
to serve it hot or cold ifs pre
pared by cooking in liquid in a
deep, heavy utensiL The . meat
should be completely covered
with water. Make Sure that the
cover fits closely so that the
moisture cannot escape.
The liquid In the kettle should
be kept at a simmering tempera
ture, never allowed to boiL When
boiled, the meat becomes stringy
and loses much of its good
flavor. Also, food value is lost
to the liquid. For a piece weigh
ing 4 to 6 pounds allow from 3
to 4 hours cooking time.
A glare may be given the
corned beef much the same as
a ham. To do this, remove the
cooked corned beef from the
liquid and place it on a rack in
an open roasting pan. Top with
a honey and brown sugar mix
ture, c then stick- with whole
cloves. Place the meat in a mod
erate oven for about 30 minutes
to set the glaze. ' ; t
For another interesting glaze,
spread beaten egg over the meat
then sprinkle with, dry .bread
crumbs. Return the meat to the
oven for about 30 minutes. Serve
the corned beef with an onion or
horseradish sauce.
. I A familiar pair, corned beef and cabbage, have a
modern feeling when the meat is given a glaze for de
corativeness. Here the meat and vegetable are arranged
on a platter and garnished with parsley.
3 pounds corned beef brisket
Water to cover
1 medium head cabbage
Cover .corned beef with water,
cover a&d bring to a boiL Reduce
heat and cook slowly 3 hours,
or until tender. When tender,
remove to a hot platter. Pull
back outer leaves of cabbage and
cut center into 4 sections, leav
ing the sections joined at the
base of the cabbage. Add enough
water j to cooking liquid to com
pletely cover cabbage and cook
in boiling water 15 to 20 minutes.
Serve sliced corned beef around
cabbage. 6 to 8 servings.
i ..
i Wash the soot and dirt off
the leaves of. your house plants
occasionally- so that the leaves
can "breathe." Let the leaves
dry away from the sun.
i SASCsBrvakfaf Ovb
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Fruity Dessert
Chocolate too
An attractive dessert begins
with cubes of fruit cake and
pound sweet or semi-sweet '
' ' 2 dozen fruit cake cubes,
1 inch
3 tablespoon finely chopped
pecans or walnuts
Melt chocolate in top part of
double boiler. Using a sharp
tined fork, dip each cube . into
melted chocolate. Place on a
reased cookie sheet and sprinkle
mmediately with about tea
;poon chopped pecans. When
finished, place Fruities in re
frigerator until chocolate hard
ens. Makes 24 Chocolate Fruties.