The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 02, 1953, Page 33, Image 33

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Gomes From Fair Hawaii :
Clcissaea, Cc!sx, Or. FrL, Oct. 2. lSJ Cc Cl
if. raiuv
111 "
Pineapple Gives Lift
To Fall Dinner MeriCi
Statesman Woman's Editor
From fair Hawaii comes one of the most favored of all
tropical fruits versatile pineapple. Though we occasionally in
dulge on a fresh pineapple, practically all that we use comes in -
cans and we una many, many uses for this
popular form of preserved sunshine. . ..
Pineapple is good from the first sip of chill-.
ed juice at breakfast to fruity cookies the last
minute before bedtime. As salad it is lunch-,
eon food, as cake or rich pudding it becomes
party refreshmentsTand as pie it's dinner des
sert Broiled with meat, pineapple can be
the main course, in chunks it is a cocktail and
crushed it becomes an ingredient for dessert
Pineapple slices make fine accompaniment
to lamb or pork chops when browned in drip
pines. . Pineapple rings atop your next ham
will be colorful garnish. v-' ' V ;t t
. The subject of pineapple pies has been somewhat neglected'
in most households, for we seem to take out Hawaiian fruit .in
other forms far dessert But consider these pies: ; f v' ;'-!
1 teaspoon grated lemon peel
2 tablespoons lemon juice -.
V4 teaspoon salt i
9 -inch baked pie shell or
crumb crust ;
1 tablespoon unflavored
cup cold water
4 eggs, separated
cup sugar '
IVi cups crushed pineapple,
undrained . . -
Soften gelatine in cold water and set aside. Beat egg yolks
until light and gradually beat in V cup of the sugar. Add un
drained crushed pineapple,, lemon peel and juice. Cook over
moderate heat, stirring constantly until thickened. Add gelatine
and stir until dissolved. Chill until partially set Beat egg whites
with salt until stiff and gradually beat in remaining V4 cup of
sugar. Fold into pineapple mixture and pour into a cool, baked
pie shelL Chill thoroughly. Serves 6.
1 can (2) crushed pineapple 2 tablespoons butter
cup brown sugar 6 tart shells
2 tablespoons cornstarch Vi pint heavy cream, whipped
teaspoon salt
Mix sugar, cornstarch and salt Drain pineapple thoroughly
and to the syrup add sugar and cornstarch mixture. Cook over
low heat until thickened and clear, about 5 to 8 minutes. Add
butter and stir until blended. C00L Spoon into tart, shells and
serve with whipped cream. Serves & i
- And as for rich and interesting desserts using this fruit
look at this recipe for:
A baked cake, warm or cold 2 tablespoons flour
8 Pineapple slices, drained 3 tablespoons soft butter
cup brown sugar, firmly - or margarine
packed Red current jelly
Arrange the drained pineapple slices on the baked cake.
Make a crumbly mixture of the brown sugar, flour and butter
and sprinkle evenly over pineapple -slices. Fill the center of
each pineapple slices with a spoonful of jelly and broil care
fully for several minutes until topping is bubbly and warm.
Fancy, Dish has Chef's Dressiness
No reason why your friends
should , laugh when you too try
chef style cooking. Here's a
masked salmon dish to try your
hand on next time you feel in a
snood to do a bit of fancy cooking.
quarts water
cup vinegar , ; . v'i
tablespoon salt
small carrot, peeled and
sliced - '- r - - -
small onion j
cloves .. ' -
bay leaf
sprigs parsley
peppercorns :
piece (3 lbs.) salmon
teaspoon mayonnaise . ' .
tablespoon unflavored !
gelatine . r
cup cold water k ;
Combine 2 quarts water, vine-
far, salt carrot slices, onion in
r 1
which the cloves have been stuck,
bay leaf, parsley and peppercorns
in a large kettle. Bring to a boil,
lower heat and simmer 20 min
utes. Wrap salmon in cheese
cloth and tie ends, leaving
enough to lift fish out of kettle
when done.' Place fish ii bouillon.
Simmer, allowing 10 to 20 min
utes per pound. Remove from
kettle. While still warm, remove
skin, ChilL .-. i tij ft
Soften gelatine in the cup
cold water. Set over hot water
until thoroughly dissolved. Stir
into mayonnaise. Allow to stand
20 to 30 minutes, or until thick
enough to spread, but not runny.
Spread evenly over fish with a
spatula covering entire piece. Set
in -refrigerator until firm.; Gar
nish with watercress or parsley
and serve with lemon and chilled
cucumber slices. Serves 8.
At Food Markets
These open-faced tarts take crushed pineapple far their chief incedient. Individual serving, though very little
extra trouble, gives a feeling of elegance to even a simple affair.
Pineapple Gives
Rolls Glamor ;
Beginning with your, favorite
hot roll recipe, or a package of
prepared mix, one can make some
mighty nice variations like this
Make yeast roll dough, using
packaged hot roll mix. or your
favorite recipe. Let rise. Prepare
muffin pans as follows; Put 1 to
2 teaspoons melted butter and 1
to 2 tablespoons brown sugar in
each muffin cup.. Then arrange
drained chunks or tidbits or
crushed pineapple, and half a
maraschino cherry in each. When
dough is light and ready for the
pans, drop a ball of dough in
each cup. Let rise and bake as
usual Serve hot, pretty-side up.
Instead of using muffin pahs, you
can fix these rolls in a round or
square pan. Or do them in a ring
mold, as illustrated, making: a
One easy way to. fill-in those
annoying small nail or screw holes
in a plastered wall is with ordi
nary chalk. Just sharpen the piece
of chalk to a point Press the
chalk's point into the hole and cut
it off. Sandpaper the chalk flush
with the walL coat it with fresh
shellac and then match the wall's
color with a little paint
Fruity Taste For Doughnut Made at Home
I October and Hallowe'en and
D ugbnuts. . These three words
have a close association in the
minds of young and old alike.
They all represent fun. .
Doughnuts are fun . to make
and what t delightful surprise
to eat when each plump dough
nut hides a .golden , clunk of
pineapple.; These spicy, . fruity
doughnuts are the - perfect an
swer ' for late evening refresh
ments after television or bridge,
for after-school snacks, and. of
course, "Trick-or-Treat" time.
; Many of you will want to use
your own favorite doughnut
recipe or a packaged doughnut
mix. The tangy savouriness of
pineapple makes the difference.
The recipe I'm giving here is a
good standard one.
"4 cops flour "' ..
i ' 4 teaspoons bakinj powder, ;j
f; V teaspoon salt . ? - J '- r :
4 'teaspoon nutmeg . .
y teaspoon cinnamon ,
2 tablespoons shortening ;v
1 cup sugar ,. O
; 2 eggs ;"
1 cup milk
1 No. 2 can pineapple
chunks, drained
Sift the flour and measure.
Add the baking powder, salt,
nutmeg and cinnamon. Sift -again.
Cream the shortening and
PRICE . . . . S "
the-(I Connoisseur's Coffee
sugar until light and fluffy. Add
the eggs, one at a time, beating
after each addition. - . .
Add milk and flour mixture al
ternately, stirring until blended.
Roll out on lightly floured
board, about -inch thick.. Let
stand uncovered 20 .minutes. To
shape the dough, use 4 .regular
biscuit cutter. - Then place a
drained pineapple chunk, in the
center of each circle, wrap the
dough around it and press the
edges together firmly--Fry in
deep, hot fat (365 to 375 de
grees), turning as they rise to
the surface.' - -,.."..
. Lift the well-browned dough
nuts from the frying kettle with
tongs. Drain on absorbent paper
briefly. Drop each ball into a
small paper bag containing cin
namon spiced granulated sugar
and shake quickly to coat on all
sides. Makes about 2 dozen.
wash rr
Heed one warning on the new
permanent starches - now on the
market: You can't wash them out
like ordinary starch if you overdo
it. However, used properly, the
permanent starch will keep fab
rics crisp through eight to 15 wash
ings and make them wear twice as
long. - It s specially recommended
for slip covers, curtains and other
household Items.
' A festival is in full swing this
month at food stores. It's the an-
Inual Cheese Festival, recognizing
one of America's favorite foods.
There's cheese for everyone, for
an array for a snack or dessert
tray, a flavor teaser for salads or
casseroles, or a nutritious fining
for the family's lunch sandwich.
For cheese trays, sandwiches or
casseroles, there are some news
worthy packaged cheese items at!
; your . dealers. In the natural
cheese category, wedges of Ched
dar cheese come pre-packaged in
three ) sizes, 8-ounce, 13
ounce and 16-ounce, so you can
buy . to suit your special needs.
Family taste preferences win de
cide' whether you want mild, me
dium or sharp flavored Cheddar.
Or buy several packages for
.Ready sliced cheese is a popu
lar development in the processed
cheese field. It's the perfect
answer to quick and easy sand
wich or cheese tray preparation.
Buy the cheese sliced directly
from the loaf for full flavor, and
look for parchment paper inter
leaving - between ' each slice ' for
easy separation. , Just pull the
paper strip and you have eight
perfect slices all ready for a
cheese tray or sandwiches. .
Pasteurized process cheese
food in the 2-pound loaves is a
standby item in most homes. Se
lect either the American or pim
ento varieties. The quick melting
and easy slicing qualities of this
cheese food make it a natural for
sandwiches, casseroles and rare
bits. ;
WhUe storing youll want to
wrap cheese tightly in e aluminum
foil, waxed paper or pliofilm and
keep refrigerated. Follow the ex
perts' advice and remove cheese
from the refrigerator at least
half an hour before serving for
fun flavor. '
Here is a cheese recipe which
Is a specially good way to cele
brate the October Cheese Festi
val. As in all cheese cookery, low
temperatures are the key to
tempting cheese dishes. .:
Yield: 6 servings.
6 slices processed American
Cheese " -
19 cits 44
6 slices tomato . ,
cup onion, finely choppeu
3 eggs, slightly beaten
2 cups milk -.
teaspoon dry mustard v
: 1 teaspoon salt
y teaspoon celery salt
teaspoon basil, crushed
teaspoon allspice
Trim crusts from toast Place
6 slices in a buttered baking dish
(7x11x1 inches). Lay slices of
cheese and tomato on top of each
piece of toast Sprinkle onion
over tomatoes. Cover each sand
wich with another slice of toast
Combine eggs, milk, mustard, salt,
celery salt, basil and allspice.
Pour mixture over sandwiches.
Bake in a slow oven (325") 50 to
60 minutes. .
America's Foremost Authority on Good Eating,
announces his
1 v
simply refused to believe that they wer
taating cSEMouda with cak mix!
"On woman wrote, 'Not in twenty years,
siace I was a little gixl, have I anjoyad
caka so mncb.""
GOOD NEWS ! Caswell's is now oo your grocer's shdf... , , ,
i . the same famous premium quality coffee' which for three
generations has been home-delivered at premium prices. "
And now this superb blend costs no more than other popular
brands. In fact, richer Caswell's Coffee actually costs you less
because it ghres you more good cups to every pound. '
If you appreciate good coffeev make your next can the con ;
noisseur's coffee . ; . CASWELL'S. :
Htar Ctnrad, tb Otfftt CenuHatnr with "Smetbiz T Think About
CU7.CAN millS Is known fo miSiont of Americans
ox fte aufhor of "Advtnfvns in Good Eating." Afore
people havB fumed to him for advice on betftr cook
ing and good eating than to anyone eJst in history.
Youll Bake Perfect Cakes
A 'frchipunccn lllncs
"Have you hesitated to try a cake mix
becaosa yon are doubtful about the flavor
and freahiMM of caka mix cakes? Or har ;
you used cake mixes with diaappointmg r-
I know how you feel. I lone sensed the
need for a caka mix that would fire you the
: aorretteUepod,neae of homemade "recipV
cakes. So I decided to develop a caka mix'"
planned just KM a prized recipe... to cits
you true homemade goodness and still aaT
you time and work.- -
t You Add Fresh IT55S ,
Too Cat Finer Cnkea'A-'..
' "RepeaUd tests convinced torn that no caka
- made with dried ecsa could hope to rival
those made with fresh erjs in taste, fat
flavor, or in texture. So fresh axz becama
a must for my new mixes.
"When new Duncan Enes Caka Zlizet
were first home-taated, truly aatomiah
InaT reports bagaa to pour in. Woman
Or Your Money Back I
The makers of Duncan Hines Caka Mixes
make yon this challenging offer whether or
not you've aver baked a caka in your life:
You'll bake cakes that will equal in
vary respect the moat delicious home
made "recipe caka you've) aver tasted
f' tima yon use Duncan Hines
Cake Mixes, or wall pay you back every
cent you paid.
You be the judra yon, your fannly; your
friends. Youll find Duncan Hines Caka
Mixes at the trocar's now. Get them and set "
out on an exciting' adventure in good eating!