Defendant in Trial Blames 'Peace Fight' Hornet Pacesetter or 1954 Hudson Line Stfrtstaca, Sclta, Org Friday, Od. 2. lS$$-Sec 3-S E)(oK7G SEATTLE tfl Paul Bowen, one of six defendants in the Communist conspiracy trial, told a Federal Cpurt jury Thursday the govern ment Is attempting to send him to jail "because of my fight for peace, democracy, and the democratic principles o! government" Bowen, an admitted Communist, Is acting as his own attorney and was the second defense spokesman to give closing arguments in the lengthy case. . . - 5 The prosecution," he said, 'has looked into a crystal ball and de termined I will commit , a crime some time in the future. "There has been no conspiracy. A state of mind is being subjected to examination. What is on trial is the program of the Communist Par ty. "On such flimsy evidence, such a flimsy case, it is inconceivable to me how you could send me to pris on. How they could bring this dis graceful, completely ridiculous case to trial ni never know." s , The Negro Communist read ex tensively from statistics he had to show that persons of his race had a lower living standard in America than white people. He was interrupted by Judge Wil liam JJndberg, who told the jury to ignore any matter mentioned in Bowen's arguments which had not been introduced in evidence. John F. Walthew, attorney for Karly Larsen, former CIO labor leader who was ousted from his union position after it was revealed he once had been a Communist, will be the next defense speaker. Attorneys predicted Thursday that the case would go to the jury late next week which would be just short of six months after the trial opened. Business Men Teach School KANSAS CITY; Mo., (INS) Experts from leading business concerns are serving as lecturers and consultants at the new and unusual school of business ad ministration of the University of Kansas City. The school was launched this fall with the support of nearly 100 Kansas City business firms which sponsored an advertising program to inform the public of the school's objectives. I It features a down-to-earth ap proach to preparing a young per son for a career in business, KCU officials said. . In addition to a four-year pro gram leading to a bachelor's de gree in business administration, a two-year course leading to a certi ficate in busines is offered. The I curriculum for the certificate course has been especially plan ned in consultation with Kansas City businessmen. A student who needs or prefers to work is helped in obtaining a part-time job in the type of busi ness he's learning. Thus the stu dent can apply the effective ''learn it and do it" technique on a . daily basis. j Newly appointed president of the University of Kansas City is Dr. Earl J. McGrath, former U.S. Commissioner of Education. , GUESTS AT LINCOLN LINCOLN Recent visitors here from Eureka, Calif., were Mr. and, Mrs. Walter Bamford, who were house guests of their old friends, Mr. and Airs. Lloyd Al len of Lincoln. The Bamfords are leaving shortly for England, their former home, to spend the win ter. ' - . i Besieging Austrians staged the first aerial raid in history when they sent bombs slung to hot air balloons over Venice in 1849. ?jL:. i, t:. " i .New Bible Leads All 1st Year Sales DETROIT Heading the 1954 Hudson line announced Friday is the Hudson Hornet, national stock car champion. The '54 Hornet has a lower and longer appearance, and Salon Lounge interior. . Its "In stant Action" engine with Super Induction develops 160 horsepower. With Twin H-Power, Hudson's ' multiple fueling system, the Hornet engine delivers 170 horsepower, officials said. New Models Announced by Manufacturer DETROIT Hudson Motor Car Company Friday announces its line of 1954 cars the Hudson Hornet, Hudson Wasp and Su per Wasp, Hudson Jet, Super Jet and Jet-Liner. '. All series have new power and performance, due to Hudson's newly developed "Instant Ae tion" engines which Super In duction described as an improv ed induction system ' which in creases combustion efficiency and provides quicker response at every point in the driving range. Company-officials said "all '54 Hudsons have the sleek, sweep ing beauty of Flight-Line Styl ing, a fresh simplicity of classic lines which make the new mod els appear lower and longer view ed from any angle. Interiors are more luxurious, more richly ap pointed than1 in any models in company history." ' Hudson Power Steering, and power brakes are available as optional equipment for the '54 Hudson Hornets, Wasps and Su per Wasps. All '54 Hudsons have "step down" design and low center of gravity. By CHARLES MERCER I NEW; YORK W) The latest re vision of the world's greatest book has ; sold more copies in its first year than any book ever published. This was disclosed when the Na tional Council of the Churches of Christ in the U. S. A. announced that 2V4 million copies of the new revised standard version of the Bible have been sold since the first printing Sept 30, 1952. As far as can be learned, the book which comes nearest to first year sales of the new Bible is "Gone! With the Wind." The late Margaret Mitchell's romance of the South, published in 1936, sold 1,373,000 copies in its first year. Although many persons insist that sex and violence are topics which create best-sellers, the all time hard cover ' best-seller aside from the Bible published in this country was Charles Shel don's "In His Steps," a book with an inspirational religious theme, i- In a half-century, "In His Steps" is estimated to have sold at least 8 million copies. Ironically, Shel don, a clergyman, never copy righted his book and never real ized any great financial return from it y - The phenomenal sales of the new standard revised version of the Bible have been accompanied by paeans: of praise and bitter criticism. ! Ministers of fundamentalist churches in Rocky Mount, N. C, Akron, Ohio, and Shelbyville, Tenn,, have burned parts of; the new Bible. When an evangelist in Crest view, Fla., threatened to follow" suit, the city council hastily out lawed Bible burning. " ) In Michigan a state senator tried unsuccessfully to pass a legislative resolution condemning sale of the new version. The biggest complaint by funda mentalists is that the new version uses the words "young woman" in stead of "virgin" in the Isaiah 7:14 prophesy of the birth of the Mes siah. j. This, say the translators, is be cause the original Hebrew manu script - uses the word "alma,? meaning "young woman," instead of "bethula," meaning "virgin. It does not impair the basis of the virgin birth doctrine, which is borne out in other passages, they say. , . .-. I A comparison of a few lines from the beautiful 42nd Psalm shows the general difference be tween the two standard versions;: King James: "As the hart pant eth after " the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God. . . j Revised: "As the hart longs for flowing streams, so longs my soul for thee, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. . ." There ;has been much more praise than condemnation of the 15 years of work by 32 scholars authorized by 40 Protestant denom inations. I Today , the revision has been approved by most major church bodies," including many which did not participate in the project, i Hundreds of letters have poured in to the 30-denomination national council, which holds the copyright on the new version, and to Thomas Nelson k Sons, the publishers. Spokesmen say the vast majority praise the work. The letters are from persons in virtually every walk of life. A five-year program for greater use and more intelligent under standing of the Bible was launched Thursday by the National Council's Division ; of Christian Education. Directors will be appointed to carry out the work in all regions of the country. In publishing circles one of the astonishing aspects of sales of the new version is that there has been a great and unexpected demand for the $10 leather-bound edition, compared to the $6 cloth-bound edition. Next year cheaper editions ranging from S3 to $3.50 will be available. Quite apart from the religious significance of the phenomenal sales,; the new Bible looms large materially, even in this age of as tronomical figures. Copies of the new Bible stand ing side by side would fill a book shelf 60 miles long. Into their production went 138 freight cars of paper, 5,000 gallons of ink. 10 tons of type metal, 350 tons of binders board. 178 miles of cloth, 46,875,000 yards of thread. 12,500 pounds of glue. They contain enough 23-karat golf leaf to pave a street 24 feet wide and 2Vi miles long. Beaver Pesters Army By Dam Plu g. Attempt POPLAR BLUFF, Mo. JF)A beaver looked on the huge dam at Lake Wappapello with admir ing eyes, but was disturbed by a sizable gap near the center of the dam. Army engineers had to call in conservation agents to thwart the beaver's plans. The animal, a per fectionist, was felling trees and floating them into position to plug up the dam's spillway. CJbe lie ADDRESS UNKNOWN PAGELAND, S. C. (JP) The weekly Pageland Journal carries this warning for . safe driving. "Subscribers to the paper are geting harder and harder to find, so we have to try like everything to keep the ones we have. Please, don't go get yourself banged into an eternal address we can't send your paper there. Schaefer's Nerve Tonic For functional disturbances, nervous" headaches, nervous irritability, excitability, sleep lessness. $1.00-$1.75 Schaefer's Drug Store Opes Dally. 7:30 AJML-8P3L , Sundays, t AJkL-4 FJL 135 N. Commercial Lb 1927 Stat SL OPEN NIGHTLY TILL 11 P. M. Phono 2-9415 CIGARETTES $65 CARTON HUNTER'S SPECIAL COLORED-4SWIFTS TENDER GROWN PAN-READY For Your Locker lb. ? PLANTERS P-IIUT BUTTER 20-ox.' fer - Eadx Fancy Solid Pack Jima Can HiJDifflBS ' l : Look Before ou Shoot! AND XEEP OREGON GREEN' Colored Ellens Fill Your Locker S)c Lb. Ho Limit While They Last HEDSHEY scamps LUNCHEON ARMOURS bads Pork & Beans nEAT Banquet Drand 303 Six. ltoi. Cm I (rft Large Size , Can: i - EACH DOUBLE WRAPPED " FREE PARKING AT UNION STATION ACROSS FROM STORE Trade-in Trade-in ffl TIB TIRE, GET TIRES, GET s i - TIRES GET VTj Trade-in TIRES, GET Trad in dangerous old tiros for extra saf dependable Allstato tiros! 24-month tripUguaranteo, bonded, rayon body, X-41 cold rubber construction, sure-stop 1 Jrade-in There's An Allstate for Any Car TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE - YOURPRICE e ' ii i Wltk Trade-ins 5IB- Set of 4 1 2 3 4 PI" Tx and Old " EecappabU Tin 6.00x16 3.00 7.00 13.00 20.00 59.80 6.50x16 3.00 7.00 13.00 20.00 78.60 6.70x15 3.00 ; 700 13.00 20.00 69.60 ! 7.10x15 3.00 j 7.00 13.00 20.00 79.60 " 7.60x15 3.00 . 700 13.00 20.00 87.60 8.00x15 3.00 . 7.00 13.00 20.00 99.60 ! I IF YOUR TIRES ARE WORTH MORE WE WILL GIVE MORE! Get Up To $14 and More For Your Old Tires! SAFEST -TKEADIIBES YOU GET TRADE IN 1 TIRE arQ0 TRADE IH, 2JIRES COO YOU GET - h.' TRADE IN 3 TIRES A00 TRADE IN 4 TIRES 1 l 00 YOU GET YOU GET CHECK THESE TRADE-IN SAVINGS j i TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE " YOUR PRICE SIZE ' WWi Rccaypfel ' ! Trade-ta i - - 1 u 3 3 - 4 SttoM 6.00x16' 2.00! 5.00 9.00 14.00 45.80 6.50x16 2.00 1 5.00 . 9.00 14.00 61.80 60x15 2.00 5.00 9.00 14.00 53.00 7.10x15 ' - 2 JO j ; , 5.00 - 9.00 14.00 61.00 7.60x15 . 2.00 i 3.00 9.00 14.00 67.80 ALLSTATE BUTYL TUBES 2 G5 6.00x16 Plus Tax Resist toaring - "Bonus" safety Longer wearing butyl rub; ber-retains air longer. Sizes for all new Allstate tiresi Buy now! - . . V.-; V.- ........r ' SEARS ONLY 10 DOWN, ON ALL TIRES ii SEARS SAFTI-CAP TIRES 6.00x16 I C ) o (o) v y ca. and Old Racappable Tire Triple guaranteed for 6 months! Meet same high quality specifications -of new Allstate tires. Fully retreaded sidewall to sidewall. 550 florth Ccpito!, Salem (I 9 I :