The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 02, 1953, Page 24, Image 24

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    --2 (Sec 3) Statesman, Salem, Ore.. Friday, Oct 2, 1953
Weekend Fishing Prospects Listed by Commission
Gams Commission Thursday re
ported these Oregon fishing con
ditions: " r.
Northwest Fishing ia the
Clackamas river has slowed
down. Streams along the north
coast are high and murky,. Sal
mon and;. Jack, salmon fishing
should improve by -weekend if
weather moderates.. Sea-run cut
throat .angling-- has been slow.
Tillamook area - and Nestocca
tidewater salmon angling should
be improved following the fresh
et Use fresh cluster eggs for
Jack salmon, cast or trolled lures
for adult salmon. Trout angling
on worms may be good at head
of tide. Fishing continues poor
to fair on McKenzie but its tri
butaries are slow. A few good
catches are being taken on the
middle ' fork of the Willamette
river above Oakridge. South San
tiam river, fishing is slow. Meri
dian reservoir continues fair.
Dorena reservoir is slow. Fishing
is fair to good for sea-run cut
throat and silver jacks in the
tidewater area of Lincoln Coun
ty. A few silvers and cMnooks
are being caught. Trout fishing
is poor. . : '..'-'
Southwest A few fish are be
ing ' taken at Winchester Bay.
Silver salmon fishing is fair to
good in the Umpqua river in
the Gardiner area but poor up
tream. Siltcoos, Tahkenitch, and
Tenmile lakes spiny-ray fishing
is holding up good. Silver salmon
are not in coastal lakes yet Sal
mon fishing on the lower Rogue
is good. Steelhead fishing is good
in the main Rogue below Calico
and in the lower canyon on flies
and lures, and fair on the upper
Rogue. In the upper Umpqua
river area, silver salmon fishing
inthe vicinity of the Forks, Cleve
land rapids, and Umpqua is good
in the early morning. The best
success - has been - with spinner
trolL Fair angling success has
been e joyed for sea-run cutthroat
and jack salmon. Most of the
trout has been taken from the
lower North Umpqua and at the
forks. Steelhead fishing is slow.
Some fish have been caught at
Steamboat All Cascade lakes
closed on September 30. The
emergency closure of the North
Umpqua at Winchester is still in
1 Central All lakes, reservoirs,
and their tributaries within the
national forest boundaries in the
Cascade mountains closed on
September 30. The Deschutes
river and all its tributaries below
Wickiup reservoir are open, until
October 11 with the exception
of Crescent lake. Deschutes river
below Wickiup has been provid
ing good catches. Little Deschutes
river has been good. Metolius
river has been producing good
recently been taken at Unity
reservoir on trolL
With Buckeyes
Ukes, Ducks in Top
Conference Contest
Ten week for four Pacific Coast
Conference football teams and the
sverall picture is anything but rosy
for the Far West
The headline game, and the
toast on the national television
menu, comes at Berkeley Saturday
Bfternoon when California's Golden
Bears collide with Ohio State-
The Same afternoon, Sanford's
puzzling Indians march on Cham
paign to attack the University of
Illinois, and at Iowa City, Wash
ington state plays the Hawkeyes
Df Iowa. - : x
Neither of the coast coaches can
se feccused of facing the . experi
ences with overconfidence, certain
ly not Pappy Waldof of California
or young Chuck Taylor of Stanford.
The Washington State-Iowa af
fair has interesting possibilities.
You.' may remember that when
Forest Evashevski left Washington
State for Iowa, he mentioned for
publication that he had a Rose
Bowl team at Pullman, Wash.
The crack made quite an im
pression on the Cougars, who pro
ceded to lose four straight games
and wind up with a 4-6-0 record.
It must have made a deep: im
pression on , Evashevskfs suc
cessor, too, Mr. Al Kircher.
Coast fans should be able to re
lax in the other encounter. -with
the Big Ten,! however, this week.
Southern California is a big favor
ite over Indiana here Friday night
The main FCC game features the
top rated Bruins of UCLA against
uie inreaienwg weDioois oi we
gon, at Eugene. .
Washington, edged out by Colo
rado, humiliated by Michigan,
figures to hand Oregon State its
third setback of the fait. -
. Idaho 1 plays an ex-conference
foe, Montana, in a toss-up contest !
Independent College of the Pa-1
dfic, winner ? over Stanford and
close loser te Washington State,
entertains Tulsa at Stockton Sat
urday night r
California started off with a 25-0
loss to Baylor, recouped against
Oregon State, 28-0, and might just
rebound enoueh to give Ohio State
a rousing afternoon.
Stanford eked out a 7-0 score
over Oregon, but Illinois, while not
rated a top power in the Big Ten,
should be hard to whip at home.
Indiana felt the fury of Ohio
State last week, 36-12, and face
more of the same against South
ern Cal's Trojans' who pinned a
17-7 defeat on Minnesota.
Last season the Coast won five
out of -seven games with Big Ten
teams. This did not include the
USC RoseBowl triumph -over Wis
consin or Michigan' State's victory
over Oregon State, the former not
then being an official member of
the Big Ten family.
Thus far the score is 1-1, USC
defeating Minnesota, and Michigan
Whipping Washington.
TheyTl Do It Every Time
j By Jimmy Hatlo
SmI rtnA i , . . -. .
. I . mn i ii. ... iiii.ii i i. .ii .i iiiiii. i.. i I .
Final Auto Race Card
- - -
Set to Roll Saturday;
Salem's final auto racing program of the 1953 season the wind
up of a bard tog championship program that ran afoul of rain a
week ago is to Be run off at Hollywood Bowl Saturday night The
popular "toppers" are to complete the meet that started last week
by running off a 50-lap event Sat-
Linfield Ace
MONMOUTH (Specia 1)
Stopping : Ad Rutschmann, all-
Northwest Conference back for the
Linfield Wildcats, is the chief aim
of the OCE Wolves as they make
ready to - play the Wildcats Sat
urday night at McMinnville.
Even though linfield has lost to
Whitworth and College of Idaho
in the first two games this season,
Rutschmann has been an outstand
ing runner in each tilt When he is
capable of doing with quick sprints
off the Linfield T-formation has the
Wolfpack worried. ',
Coaches Bill McArthur and John
Chamberlain have made a few
changes in the OCE lineup follow
ing the 25-14 loss to Pacific last
week. The mentors weren't at all
pleased with the way in which some
of the older players performed in
that one. ,
Yawama Slates
Friday Battles
Three Yawama League football
Barnes are on the books for Fri
day, with Amity, Sherwood and
Dayton drawing the home field
Top clash of the three is due
at Amity where the Sheridan
Spartans and Amity Warriors,
both unbeaten in league play, get
together. The Banks Braves play
at Sherwood while the North Mar
ion Huskies go against the Day
ton Pirates. :
The Amity and Dayton games
start at 2 p.m., with the Sherwood
clash slated for an 8 o'clock kick-
off.!! i
Cjapitol Clubs
Play Friday
Capitol League football teams
play a full round of games Friday.
Sacred Heart facing Central Un
ion at Monmouth, Salem Academy
trying Cascade Union at Cascade
and Stayton going against Philo
math on the warriors field.
In openers last week Centra!
nipped Stayton and Cascade roll
ed, over Philomath. Sacred Heart
and Salem Academy were not oc
cupied in league play last week.
Friday's SHA-Central mix will
be played starting at eight o'clock
at Monmouth. The other two skir
mishes are set for 2 pan. kickoffs.
The Amur Adjutant General'
office keeps files on nearly 20
million army .and air force vet
urday, followed by . a 20-lapper
featuring the fastest cars in the
"SO" along with those which fin
ished in the top ten 'spots last
week. '. -
Winner of the final 20-lapper
will take down the 1953 hard top
j The windup of the hard top rac
ing isn't the only item on the Sat
urday card for the customers, how
ever: At 7:30 o'clock a flock of
jalopies will start time trials, and
after the final hard top event the
jalopies will engage in a destruc
tion derby, including two . heat
romps, their own main event and
an every-man-for-himself smash
banger as a grand finale.
Fans who purchased tickets for
last week s card will be admitted
to Saturday's show if they can
produce ticket stubs given them a
week ago. And in the event that
Saturday's card is rained out, it
may be re-scheduled, for a night
next wees.
Huskies Drill
On OSC Plays
SEATTLE W The University
of Washington football squad went
through a rough workout against
Oregon State plays Thursday as
Coach John Cherberg continued his
effortn to sharpen and speed up the
Husky attack.
Considerable attention also was
given to plays against Oregon State
defensive formations, with half
backs Jack Kyllingstad and Stewart
Crooks showing unproved, form.
Cherberg- said he probably will
start the same lineup Saturday
against the Beavers as opened the
ill-fated game with Michigan last
Saturday. 1
Dollarhide Tops
In Garden Rodeo
NEW YORK WV-Ross Dollar-
hide, Lakeview, Ore., led steer
wrestlers in the best performance
of the Madison Square Garden
rodeo Wednesday night
Dollarhide was clocked in 47
seconds. Jim , Lake of Canyon
City, Colo., was second in 9-2 and
Buck Sorrels, Tucson, Ariz., third
in 10.L ;
Yost Eliminated
In Golf Tourney
National Amateur champion Gene
Littler of San Diego breezed into
the third round of the California
Amateur Golf Championship Thursday.
He shot 3 under par golf to win 6
and 5 over Jim McCluskey. Los
Angeles, in a day marked by up
While littler and two former
champions advanced, many of the
favorites, including the defending
champion, were defeated.
Pacific Northwest champion Dick
Yost of Portland, Ore., and Camp
Roberts, was turned back by Fritz
Andrade, San Jose, 2 and 1.
Pitt Selected
To Top Okies
(It Sez Here)
NEW YORK (A If the football
Northeast Good steelhead pickings go sour' this week, blame
fishing in the lower John Day it on the distractions of the .World
river around Service Creek and Series. ... i i
Clarno. They are taking them on Last week's. score:. 35 out of 44
flatfish and wobble lures. Wal- correct for a percentage of .793.
Iowa lake is producing a few Season's record: 64 cosrect, 18
large rainbow with bait Large wrong for .780.
rainbow up to 7 pounds navel Here another fling: i
Pittsburgh over Oklahoma: Rug
ged Pitt has been pointing to this
one for a year; the Sooners let
down after Notre Dame, l
Notre Dame over Purdue: The
Fighting Irish also may be in
clined to relax. If so, look out for
an upset . 1
Ohio State over California: The
Buckeyes stack up with the best
in the Big Ten. The Golden. Bears
have, seen better days.
Georgia Tech over S. M. U.:
Leozf Hardeman and his mates
have too much speed for the Mus
tangs, who II get tougher. ;
Army over Northwestern? Ger
ald Lodge and Pete Vann give the
Cadets a sharp attack and the
Wildcats are weak on defense.
UCLA over Oregon: Red Sand
ers' solid coaching and Paul Cam
eron s all-round talent make this
one a breeze.
Tennessee over Duke: This is a
bitter rival usually decided by the
site of the game. This time it's
Knoxville. .'"'
Michigan. State over Minnesota:
A case of a stable of fine backs
against a one-man team, and the
Gopher's Giel can be stopped.
Pennsylvania over Pen State:
Penn found a new scoring weapon,
Ed Gramigna's arm, and new con
fidence in win over Vandy.
Rice over Cornell: , The j Owls,
with a veteran squad, shape up
as best of the Southwest and the
Big Red is no longer big.
Maryland over . Clemsont Jim
Tatum has come up with another
powerhouse which should have no
trouble nere.
The others: ' j
Friday night: ' S
Syracuse over Boston U, Detroit
over Fordham, Baylor over Miami
Fla., Southern California over In
diana, Temple over Bowling Green.
East Navy over Dartmouth,
Princeton over Columbia,' Yale
over Brown, Harvard over Ohio U.,
West Virginia over Waynesburg,
Colgate over Holy Cross, Virginia
Tech over Rutgers. ) .
Midwest Michigan over Tu-
Fr!,. fTh irrncmnti P.Wm lane, Illinois over Stanford, Wis
,;km kQM mnn h;. h; hi cousin over Marquette. Iowa over
might have won his big mat brawl Washington-State. Nebraska over
this week, but he hasn't much to as State, Kansas over Iowa
show for it He won it only be- State. CmcmnaU,over WUham
cause Referee Suri Hvamaki didn't aaary. mcuiia over crauiey, mi-
see Luther's leg twisted in the ""P f?1"0 over Xavier. j
wr um th otoctu Mnni an. ooum Aiaoama over -vanaer
" I Kilt 1 CTT lTM . UATAM rAllAMA
The incident created quite a stir. I i a-.ln
tr TL -ilTiu i i "" over North Carolina State, Villa
official protest with the local com- Lova over Wake Forest South Car-
rn i cci An I . . . .
MAMMwu I Alin4 mtah it Sin fa AMI avav
Matchmaker Elton Owen went Richmond. MississiDDi State over
into action also, refusing to give jj. Texas State.
Pederson his share of the purse Southwest Texas over Hous
until the mess is straightened out (ton, Texas Christian over Arkan-
ine straigniemng out wm oe taken sas, Georgia over Texas A & M,
care of next Tuesday night via a I Oklahoma A & M over Texas Tech,
- - - . i i ii ' i 1
remaicn, oraerea oy inose.j in i Arizona State at Temple over
charge. . J Texas Western. '
Hence tne tank-Lke Undseyl Far West Washinrton over
who had Pederson set up for. the Oregon State, Missouri over Colo
kill when victimized by the bad rado, Arizona over New Mexico A
break this week, gets his chance & m, Colorado A & M over Den
for revenge, with plenty in the way ver. Idaho over Montana, College
oi purse w ai siaxe. 0f Pacific over Tulsa.
Peperson at first refused the re- '
match, but when informed that he BIG RACE SET
would never wrestle here again if NEW YORK Wl The 2-year-old
he didn't accept it he conceded championship of 1953 will be at
about as quickly as he ran from stake Saturday at Belmont Park
the ting this week after his fluke when Mrs. George D. Widener s
win. And that was indeed fast. unbeaten filly. Evening Out, battles
Balance of Tuesday's card will a dozen colts in the $100,000 Futun
be announced later. ty.
With no real 'standout having
SIX-MAN GAMES SET shown yet in the title scramble un-
I less it can he Evenin? Out the six
Six-Man Football League games UnH nn half furl Hash rWn th
ior xnaay sena me uregon Widener straight course should give
School for the Deaf team to Val- the first accurate line on the horses
setz, Perrydale to Falls City and who will be battling in the Kentucky
Detroit to St FauL I Derby next spring.
Gun Regulations j Listed for Deer Hunting
With back deer hunting sea
son opening Saturday, there
have been many questions re
celved by the game commission
regarding the legality of certain
rifles. According to the Oregon
hunting regulations for 1953, It
is unlawful to use rifles with a
caliber designation ef less than
.23 inch for the taking ef deer."
Also, "It is unlawful to use any
military or full metal Jacketed
ballet. In original or altered
forms, te hunt or kill any deer,
elk, or antelope."
One of the regulations ia
effect last year was liberalized
to state, It is unlawf ol to use
any semiautomatic rifle with a
magazine capacity of more than
five cartridges, to hunt or kill
any deer, elk, or antelope.
These regulations make It
legal to use any rifle with a
caliber larger than 23 for the
taking ef deer; however, for elk
hunting, a larger rifle is needed.
The rales regarding elk states,
"It is unlawful to use rifles with
a caliber designation ef lets
than .25 Inch and developing
less than 122t foot pounds of
energy at 100 yards for the
taking of elk er antelope."
Shotguns loaded with back er
birdshot and pistols or revolvers
' are illegal for big game hunting
regardless of the caliber or
gauge. ,
Hunters are urged te consult
ballistics charts when in doubt
' as to the energy of various
She Opens Saturday
Muirters Begin heading
IFor Forest, Mountains
-The buck deer hunting season
opens in . Oregon Saturday, and
some hunters already are neaaing
for their favorite spots.
Hones are high for the season
this year since the deer popula
tion is reported to be up ana an
hunting areas are open to unre
stricted entry except for a tew in
orested regions.
Restrictions were ordered lifted
at midnight Thursday by Gov.
Patterson except for a few scat-
ered areas where the fire hazard
is still critical.
A year ago the fire hazard kept
hunters out of Western Oregon
orests and brought about a crowd
ing of Eastern Oregon hunting
The State Game Commission,
warning hunters to be careful,
pointed out that eight deer hunt
ers were shot to death. The com
mission said that 30 hunters have
been shot to death in the last
Eric, Luther
To Meet Again
Jockey Sande
Eyes Comeback
NE WYORK (ffl Earl Sande,
the nation's leading jockey during
the Golden Twenties, said Thurs
day night he is planning a come
back in the saddle at the age of 54.
"I want to pay off some debts
and this is the trade I know." said
the Handy Guy, who rode three
Kentucky Derby winners. "I have
made inquiries about a license. -"I
hope I can be riding before
the present Belmont meeting
closes. The meeting ends Oct 10.
Chuck's Steak Mouse
Ia addition to rtgular luncheon a buffet hnci will clso
be sorved. Open at 9:45 for the Series. - :
3190 Portland Boad
seven years and .49 others were
wounded. : ' , ; '
Besides, a few hunters died each
year of heart attacks brought on
by unaccustomed exertion.
A four-day either-sex- deer sea
son opens Oct 17. On the same
day at; noon the migratory water-
owl season opens. The upland
bird season opens at noon Oct 24,
the elk season opens Oct 30 and
the Lewis and Clark either-sex elk
season opens Nov. 28.
Sanders Names
Uke Starters
Sanders named his starting team,
including a pair of mild surprises,
and then put the UCLA football
team through an hour and a half
drill for the Brums Pacific Coast
Conference game with Oregon Sat
urday at Eugene.
Junior Bob Heydenfeldt, an ex
cellent nunter and rapidly improv
ine in all phases, again won tne
starting call at left end over sopho
more Rommie Loudd. The latter,
212 pounds, started the season as
a regular.
In the scrap for the quarterback
blocking spot, Don Foster, rated
the better blocker, won the. jod
from Terry Debay.
The starters, Sanders said, would
be: Ends, Heydenfeldt and Myron
Berliner; tackles, Jack Ellena and
Chuck Doud; guards, Rudy Feld
man and Jim Salsbury; center.
Ira Pauley; Foster, Halfbacks Paul
Cameron and Bill stits and full
back Peter Dailey.
Sanders decided on the extra
long drill "to polish pp a few de
Breakfast Club
Lists Paul Stagg
Dr. Paul Stagg, coach of the
Pacific University Badgers, who
are the October 10 football foes
for the Willamette Bearcats, will
be the principal speaker at the
Monday morning meeting of the
Salem Breakfast Club, it was an
nounced Thursday. Dr. Stagg, who
is classed as a topnotch speaker,
will no doubt talk on football.
The Monday meeting will get
under way at 7:30 ajn at the
Senator HoteL The general public
is welcome to attend.
Nitrogenous materials from de
caying plants is held in the soil
by fine particles called colloids.
NEW YOR KUB Frank Lei a
a 17-year-old first baseman who
has been tabbed "another Lou uen
rig" by scout Paul Krichell, Thurs
day signed a New York Yankee con
tract The Holyoke, Mass., high school
grad had asked $100,000 but there
was no announcement on the
amount of bonus money paid.
121 N. HIGH
Now at Towhe Equipment Co.
The New Hodel 33 Chain Saw
. By McCuUoch World's Largest Builder of Power Chain Saws
-jV 2.1 Actual Horsepower
it 20-lbs, Aciaal Weigh!
ic 2 Ilcdels Available .
12-Inch Blade
16-Inch Blade
The McCuUoch Model 33 gasoline-powered chain taw Is the lightest weight
oi cdT one-man chain saws. Yet it Is a professioncd-quality -tooL capable oi,
production legging In timber two and three feet In diameter and eren larger.
.Th ' McCuUoch Model 33 chain saw recommended for farm and resort
nse lor cutting pulp and cordwood. for tree maintenance, lor construction and
land, clearing.
See Ii Scon al . ,
903 , Edgewoter
West Salem
Phone 4-1541
155 No. liberty V-OyV ph-33191
W Wr 4sr fJSSjS
Western Field
Italian Beda
M99 300, 250-3000 Savage lever Act. 109.00
M723 .300 Remington Bolt Action .4J2.C0
M94 .30-30 Winchester Bolt Action -69.00
M70 .30-06 Winchester Bolt Action 120.95
.270, .30.06 Fabrique Mauser Bolt Act. 148.75
Western Field Deluxe Pump, 12, 16, 20 .-69.95
Western Field Pump, Select Choke, 1 2.-62.45
Western Field 3-shot Bolt Action 24.95
Ithaca Lightweight Pump, 12 and 16 91.16
AAodel 12 Winchester Pump, 12 and 16 -93.05
Remington Wing Master 12 and 16 4J8.35
Belgian Browning Full Auto. 12, 16 -110.25
Wards Long Range
Red Head Shells
Cost less, yet rigid tests
proved them second to '
none. High base.
20 gauge
16 gauge
12 gauge
Plastic Gun Cover, full zipper
1 Rubber Recoil Pads, 5 and 5Vi-in.
30-Caliber Gun Cleaning Kit
Duck Decoys, Mallard, Pintail, Canvas 6 for 0.93
yards Will Bo Open
iVlonSay & Friday 'Til 9 P. M.
erans, ' .