2 (ScT 2 Statesman, Salem, Ore Friar, Oct 2, 1SS3 Rail Unions to Open Drive for Higher Wages CLEVELAND Ul The four big Independent rail unions, represent ing nearly one-third of a million men who operate the nation's rail road trains, opened a drive Thurs day for higher wages. ? The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers announced Wednesday night it is seeking a flat 30 per cent increase. General chairmen of the union pn- each road will pre sent the demands to the individual railroad offices Thursday. "' The Brotherhood of - Locomotive Fireme n and Enginemen, the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen and the Order of ; Railway Con ductors are seeking a wage in crease of Z7hi cents an hour. Their demands had been announced ear- . liar and notices of their desire for a change are going out in the mail The engineers' announcement 5,000,000 Food Parcels Given to East. Germans l;- BERLXN tffl West Berlin's dis tribution of food parcels to hungry East Germans hit the five million mark , Wednesday ; night. -, . ,4 City officials disclosed that many packages of lard, flour and milk all scarce in the Russian. Zone have been given out -since' the program,' conceived by the late Lord Mayor Ernst Reuter and fi nanced by the United States, got underway July 27. - ' Distribution will stop as planned Saturday, just about the hour of funeral services for Reuter, who died of a heart attack : Tuesday night. I The five million packages far given out represented 13,000 tons of food staples worth $3,930,000. Distribution of winter clothing to East Germans is in the planning stage. ., hinted the . demands woul '- be backed up by strike action if neces sary, j Strauss Says Russia Began ' H-Project First J NEW YORK liT Chairman Lewij L. Strauss, of the Atomic Energy Commission said Wednes day night he believes Russia start ed development of the H-bomb some time before we did with the help of "espionage and treason. ; '.-Strauss, in a speech at dinner jof the National Security Industrial Assn., said it was a "fortunate de cision", that led the United States to begin active development of the hydrogen bomb in 1950. "It proved to be a wise decision. be added, when "the Soviets vita their smaller industrial establish nent were able to test a thermo nuclear device within nine months of our own. , "If one concedes our industrial and technical superiority," Strauss said, "I can only deduce and here I speak solely as an individual that the Soviets had begun their development of the weapon some considerable time before we did benefitting .through the espion age and treason -of -which we have been the victims." i. - z o a I 2 I o v w p; i O r- 2 , ..t Ox il Si tj 2 o S 2 o-o 5- tl S o o S - v E -a o 0 n o ox 1 c u J3 3 o m O 2. V 2 5 Ee 'c oSc.E TJ zs o LU O co g ( II 'v- 'v' v' X - 1 1 4 if l I ' v V fc - 'fvP ' ; f v) : ; , J' ; 1 " 7' l( sw .v.- i w W U l felirt GET READY FOR FALL FOOTBALL! : Giait ir Screen UULJ BEAUTIFUL NEW 1954 MODEL f7 SMILING JACK GIVES YOU THESE EXTRAS! Free Antenna! Free Installation! " 90 Day Service Policy! 1 Year Tube Guarantee! 1 Year Parts Warranty on All Parts! MOTOROLA COVERS ALL CHANNELS , PRESENT AND FUTURE! DELIVERED AND INSTALLED IN YOUR HOME FOR ONLY ; 1 lMA'j7K,l Balance Payable at Only 24.10 Per Month ; Average Horn Installation ' Emy Fridar Smiling Jack's 'Football , Forecasts On xoca 7:30 P. M. COMIEB CSIITEII AIID CinmCII STREETS ,1 PLENTY OF FETE PJVEXHIG ON OUR LOT ' . 1 i v - ; -