Wide Yanety of Activities oiiScfa GuyE. Irwin Statesman Salem, Orw Sunday Sept 20, 1SS3 (Sec IV 3 Succumbs to 2-Year Illness Blast Causes $8,250 Award BOISE W A Federal Court Jury awarded an Oregon woman $8,250 Friday night in' a . damage suit arising from an explosion in - a Boise motor court last Oct 27. The jury deliberated i e v e r a 1 hours on the award to Nora Cal hamer of Medford, Ore., who had asked $53,793. Mrs. Calhaxner con tended the blast, which occurred when an electric oven was switched on, was caused by negligence in the laying of a propane gas line for heating purposes. She sued Linn Garner, operator of the court, and. .the Liquefied' Gas Corp. of Boise. Guy E. Irwin, resident ' of Sa lem since 1926, died at a local DOUpLE . S&H Green Stamps On All Pick Up, Delivery Or Moving Orders by Calling Salem Pick-up & Delivery y Ph. 3-4711 hospital Saturday at the age of 72 years. He had been ill for the past two years. Irwin, former owner of what is now known as the O. W. Green Meat -Packing Co., was ttorn in Illinois in 1881. A butcher or meat packer all his life, he came to Salem in 1926 and purchased the packing plant He was mar ried July 14, 1943 in Salem. Irwin was a member of the Elks Lodge and Masons. He re tired from active business sev eral years ago. He is survived by the widow, Ilda Irwin, of 743 S. Commercial St Announcement of services will be made later by the Virgil T. Golden Company. -J. j : . r ( - ' ' . - ) I .1 ,4-'- i . ' . -T- ' Salem YMCA, always a busy place, will be even busier f season. Scenes above show typical action and programs this week when it opens fall and winter activity ( available at the T for all members of the family. These include boys' lobby, game room, basketball, craft shop, gym work, swimming and social activities. Add Muscle, Take Off Weight; YMCA Equipped to Do Both By CONRAD PRANGE Staff Writer, The Statesman A stranger could walk by the Salem YMCA building any day (and night) and truthfully remark to anybody who would listen, "Boy, the joint's really jumping!" Usually associated with thoughts of peace and dignity the Y" building in Salem is bulging at the seams, furiously active and occupies a unique nitch in the town's social and business affairs. If you dropped in most any morning around 6 o'clock, say, you'd like as not find a group of young and not-so-young business and professional men puffing and sweating in the handball court A little later in the morning you could see a class of slim, not-so-slim and downright plump housewives chasing each other around the gym. And you would find their pre-school youngsters in another part of the building being cared for in a nursery. Rowing Machine Afternoons you might find some of the city's lawyers, doc tors and oil dealers dropping in for a swim, a rub-down or a go at the rowing machine. In the evenings almost every corner of available space is oc cupied by a square dance group, a garden club meeting, a Hi-Y session, a basketball game or a naturalization class. Because it is centrally located (on downtown Court Street) the three-storied stucco YMCA build ing is the center of many social activities. Because it has what is practi cally the city's" only semi-public gymnasium, game-room and club facilities and because it has the only indoor swimming pool be tween Oregon City and CorvaUis and between the coast and Boise, Idaho, the "Y" must move at a fast pace to keep up with its top heavy list of activities. The local YMCA which plunges into its fall season this week, now has a total membership of 2,540 boys and girls, men and women. The 1,100 boys participate in about 40 individual clubs in ad dition to the general gym-swim-game room program. From the days of its founding in London, England, as an or ganization to "improve the spir itual condition of young men in the drapery and other trades," the YMCA has come a long, long way. The local "Y" for instance has more than 800 women and girls as members. Figure-conscious business girls and housewives find health and fun in condition ing classes, volleyball, badmin ton, swimming and "fellowship." Family Nights Another popular feature is "family night," when entire fam ilies (only one member of which need be a member) enjoy a night of activity at the "Y." Men Snembers drop in almost Only at Brown's can you get such exclusive DIAMOND VALUES anytime. Councilman David O'Hara stops by for an evening swim.- Mayor Alfred Loucks, Mu nicipal Judge Douglas Hay, At torney General Robert Thornton are 'members. One of Salem's most prominent attorneys stops in each afternoon for a swim and a steam bath. Members and their families come from nearly every Willam ette Valley town. To meet the dangerously increasing number of summer drownings the "Y" has introduced a new learn-to- swim class for out-of-Salem youngsters into its crowded schedule. A contemplated new wing to the present building, for which a fund drive will soon get under way, will alleviate some of the space problems at the "Y", which was built in 1926 with a city pop ulation of 20,000 in mind. On an average day close to a thousand persons use the "Y" fa cilities in one form or another. This includes Salem schools and Willamette University swim classes and the adult night meet ings and the literally hundreds of other activities which have gravitated to YMCA sponsorship. Boy Kills Sister In Gun Accident CLEVELAND ( Six-year-old Nelson Schmidt, playing cowboys and Indians. Saturday accidentally shot and killed his three-year-old sister. Patsy, police said. Police Capt. David Kerr said the boy told him he did not know the .32 -caliber pistol was loaded. The bullet struck the girl in the chest. They were the children of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson W. Schmidt. LOW BIDDER ON ROADS PORTLAND OH E. F. Jarnagin of Port Angeles was apparent low bidder of 14 for a contract to clear right-of way and build access roads in the Halford-Goldbar sec tion of the Chief Joseph-Snohomish transmission line, the Bonneville Power Administration announced Friday. Lower California is experienc ing a development boom says the National Geographic Society. Prevent Eye Injury! In the shop. In sports, or white driving, wear the new Unbreakable Glasses thot won't shot ter . . won't break. Ready in T day at Semler Optical. Zsiboral Credit NO EXTRA Charge tf if I Amvntt v can Mora', wklf me tmomtMf. Wnt paur Glm Wkila tmpmnt (50) ri V 3-3311 mBaaC - f i Otiltccd nrrirr OfCN DAI IV I N AM 1)0 IAT.S.MAM.I OFFICES Watm-Aaala M, STATE t COMMERCIAL fair. Or. DISPENSING OPTICIANS ;H:WORU)i!::::::i mt .ir V a A a a a n:::::::V!:::::u:rm:::l:::::::::::n:::::::::::::: a if y, af Wm w ""' tifttm JtTaaajr Jraaa flr v Jv Jr .oji.MJrAM.0..Ma......ta aa itjf ataBaaa Baa a a m a BMW a BBawa a nBH BHfe a a akaFa a iaaaaaaaaataaiaaaiaaaM a 7p a ajkp a a (alt( Jrl a jJ- a CavF -jBiaBCajff ita a mmo DIAMOND: RINGS I mm a. mm m mm -r a. ww am. mlm v am m-m a a a a aaaaa ttMaiaMMtMtM(ftMMiiatMaMlMa a a aaaaaaaa timnmi a a a 9mB9f9om90mma aa a aaa a a a a aaaaa Ba Af K aaaaaaeaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa a aaaaaaaaa aaaaa ae aaa W W . I . ... j-m a, w Aw m aaaaaaa SilpHOhv I (fL 1 CREDIT ft WEERva. 4 J;:::; aaaaaa afc.. 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J.YU T T I::::;:2:::::r mmmmfmmtmmmmmmm'mmmfmammmmmimimmmmmmmmmmm. "' J .X' K- WP",iB"a"WBpaaaap"apPWIBWP"aanl""""MP""""aBB tiinii. JUST SAT "charge nr :::::: M e m-p TI9 aaaa aaaa :i:tt:::t fTTaaaaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa O tasa. pmM-UTC Us Our Christmas lay-Away Plan MTMtaa (4jutasa ra im mtam. It Takes a Few Minutes to Open An Account Of -Vomit fefi Ds ffloirais0 Coiine """"la " " ' 1 1 1 (7 3 k3 V ai -. a.'- - Beauvais broadloom by Bigelow has "4f 4 Jtowers than a hothouse! Immediate Delivery r Carpet beauties that bring the fresh bloom of flowers to your home all year long! No other carpet gives you such deep1 woven, alk wool luxury at a price so reasonable. Beauvais florals are true "family" carpets because they minimize soil or scuff marks and they wear beautifully. Choose your favorite pattern from our Vide i selection of Beauvais, the name that has meant carpet quality for generations 1 Whether you carpot wall-to-wall or buy room six rugs ... YouH enjoy all of the wormth that thick luxurious BoauTois Carpot will qivm your floors during the long winter -months. . . . No need to wait! Woodry's special budget terms let you lira with your carpet right now ' You owe it to yourself to s remarkable Beaurais tomorrow! 9 At T. IT, cJ : Sg. Yd. Long Easy Terms 1