The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 20, 1953, Page 16, Image 16

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    4-rCSc 2) S talesman, Sal em, Ore. Sunday. SepL 23. 1S53
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Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Clark Bartley (Margaret Mix)
who were marriedon Sept. 13 at the Cahtary Presbyter
Ian Church in Independence. The bride is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ira D. Mix of Independence and the
groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray C. Bartley of Can
yonville. The couple will live in Corvallis. (McEwan
Correct vision makes it easier!
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Free Parkin Space
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Shell collectors: here's a honey I
In glowing velvet to moke on event
of your whole wardrobe I Curved, in the foil
theme, to sit deeper on your heod
$5.00 Per Month
. Convenient . Close In
Marion Feed & Seed Co.
,228 Ferry St.
Seen and Heard . .
ARRIVING . . . In Salem this
week for a visit will be LL CoL
and Mrs. Howard Adams of Wash
ington. D. C who will be guests
it the homes of their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Hylen IL Corey and Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn Adams ... Mrs.
Adams flew to the west coast this
past week and is visiting in San
Carlos, Calif, with her brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Metz . . . Colonel Adams, who has
been in Texas the past week on
a special assignment, will join his
wife in California this weekend
. . . they are expected to arrive
in Salem by mid-week . . . Kate
and Howard, who formerly lived
here, have a host of friends in
the capital and a number of in
formal gatherings are being plan
ned to welcome the couple . . .
TEA TIME ... on Wednesday
when the Women's Association of
the First Presbyterian Church en
tertained with a beautifully ar
ranged tea at the Elmer O. Berg
home on North Summer Street . . .
Another lovely early autumn day
with guests strolling . about the
Berg garden, which overlooks the
creek ... the garden colorful
with attractive furniture and doz
ens of begonias in bloom . . .
Many taking their tea cups out on
to the upper terrace to enjoy the
view . . . here Mrs. A. P. Marcus
and Mrs. Jessie Singleton sitting
at a table with the guest book for
callers to sign . . . the bouquet
of lavender flowers on the table
just matching Mrs. Singleton's af
ternoon gown ... '
Exquisite bouquets ... in the
living and dining rooms and all
arranged by Mrs. Russel E. Pratt
. . . featuring the pink and bur
gundy tones to carry out the
decor in the rooms . . . On the
piano a striking bouquet of pink
roses and gladioluses ... our
favorite of pink and maroon
dahlias and another of large pink
dahlias . . . The tea table cen
tered with an arrangement of
yellow and pink dahlias and Irish
bell, repeating the colors in the
attractive wallpaper . . .
A large group ... of church
women and friends calling dur
ing the afternoon . . . the tea
given annually to launch the
year's activities for the women's
groups in the church . . . Mrs.
Leon Barrick most enthused
about her European trip and tell
ing friends a few interesting tid
bits . . .. Viewing the gardens . . .
Miss Dorothy Pearce and Mrs.'
Margaret Rosecrans . . . Pouring
one hour . . . Mrs. Charles A.
Sprague, who wore a becoming
brown feather trimmed hat with
her pecan brown silk print . . .
and Mrs. James T. Brand accent
ing her dark outfit with a royal
blue chapeau ... Mrs. Otto J.
Wilson and Mrs. Glenn Fravel a
duo . . Mrs. L. V. Benson, among
those assisting, and wearing a
most becoming tea gown of
changeable Venetian red taffeta
with wide navy blue velvet belt
. . . Mrs. Edward Majek in a
pretty blue gown . . . Dr. Paul N.
Poling calling during the latter
part of the tea and greeting the
guests ... his wife in the re
ceiving line during the tea
hours ...
BEAUTIFUL . . . floral ar
rangements noted at the 40th
wedding reception for which Dr.
and Mrs. Floyd L. Utter were
hosts a week ago today at their
Oak Street residence . . . Many
of the bouquets were gifts of
friends and featured the red
tones to carry out the ruby an
niversary . . . The Utters had
tried to keep the occasion a se
cret but a number of their close
friends knew their Wedding date.
Guests . . . wishing Dr. and
Mrs. Utter many more years of
wedlock and a happy anniversary
as they greeted them by the fire
place ... On the mantel a stun
ning bouquet of red gladioluses
sent by the Raphaterians, a club
to which Mrs. Utter has belonged
for many years . . . Dozens of
red roses arranged in bouquets
and nosegays about the rooms
. . . On a table in the living
room pictures of the couple for
ty years ago placed by a lovely
bouquet of red roses with a love
bird tucked in the center . . .
Punch . . . served in the den
and guests going into the dining
room for wedding cake ... nap
kins with the names of the couple
and the years, 1913-1953, to re
veal the anniversary news
Outstanding' ... the bouquet of
burnt orange anthurium sent by
Ann Munson, formerly of -ISalem,
who now resides in Hawaii ...
and the pink gladioluses in the
entrance hall, a gift from Mrs.
George Will ... . The dining
room table covered in ruby red
satin with white roses and rub
rum lilies for the centerpiece
. . . The tiered cake served
from the buffet ...
The party . . . outside as well
as inside . . . with- a steady
stream of guests calling all after
noon and during the early even
ing . . . Many stopping to chat
on leaving and arriving ... a
beautiful, warm day with summer
clothes predominating . . . and
towards evening guests donning
stoles with their outfits ...
From out-of-towm . . . came
the Utters son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ut
ter and their children of Port
land ... their other three chil
dren too far away to be here for
the occasion . . . . Mrs. George
Forge of Seattle, formerly of Sa
lem and a longtime friend of the
Utters, was down for the party
. . . she remained for the week
and returning with her. to Seattle
this weekend for a short visit
were Mrs. Utter and Mrs. Marie
Ling . . . From Portland came
Mr.' and Mrs. Merton DeLong,
Mrs. Charles B. Martin, Mrs. Lu
ella Fruit, Mrs. Helen Hamilton
. . . and from Eugene, Mrs. Da
vid Graham, another former Sa
lem resident ...
Among the guests . . ' . Attor
ney General and Mrs. Robert Y.
Thornton . . . Dr. and Mrs. Ro
bert F. Anderson . . . Justice
and Mrs. James T. Brand, the Ro
bert Baldocks, the Frank Burling
hams . . . Dr. John Griffith
coming in with Dr. and Mrs. Jer
aid S. Backstrand as Mrs. Grif
fith was among those assisting
. . . Bruce Williams and Otto
Skopil Jr. chatting with guests in
the sun room while their attrac
tive spouses presided at, the
punch bowl . . . The Charles
Heltzels and Linn C Smiths dis
cussing their eastern trips . . .
More of same . . . Mrs. Ed
win Keech smart in a black aft
ernoon dress . . . Mrs. Ralph
H. Cooley wearing handsome sa
ble furs with her pink ensemble
. . . Mrs. E. Burr Miller wearing
a good-looking off-white coat ac
cented with a cherry red hat . . .
Others noted ... Dr. and Mrs.
Harold O. Schneider . . . the
latter also choosing the ever pop
ular black ... Dr. and Mrs. Ro
bert Siddoway . . . the Russel
E. Pratts and the Donald C. Rob
erts . . . .Frederick Lamport
greeting guests outside while his
wife was pouring . . . Mr. and
Mrs. Harry V. Collins and Mrs.
William McGilchrist Jr. chatting
in the entrance way . . .
The PEO council reciprocity
luncheon will be Monday after
noon at the Golden Pheasant at
1:15 pan.
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Vacationing In Hawaii for the ensuing fortnight are
Mrs. Isabel Kenagy, center, her son, Steven, and mother,
Mrs. W. L Schule. They flew to the Islands Thursday
and will, return on the Lurline. (Kennell-EHis Studio).
Women Will Attend Retreat
Miss Elizabeth ManueL secre
tary for the western atea tor tne
Board of Christian Education of
the Presbyterian Church, will be
the speaker at the fall retreat of
the Willamette Presbyterial So
ciety. The one-day meeting will be
held in Redmond on Sept 23 with
a registration and coffee at 9:30.
President To
Report On
The Salem Woman's Club will
launch its fall activities on Fri
day afternoon with a meeting at
the Salem Woman's Clubhouse at
2 p.m. A board meeting will pre
cede at 1 p.m. and presiding will
be Mrs. Frank Marshall, presi
dent For the program Mrs. Mar
shall will give highlights of the
General Federation of Women's
Clubs convention she attended
as a delegate from the Salem
Club in Washington, D. C, in
June. Musical numbers have
been arranged b Mrs. Kirby
The tea directorate for the
afternoon is headed by Mrs.
Leon Gleason.
Bethel 35, Job's Daughters will
hold their first fall meeting Mon
day night at the Scottish Rite
Temple at 7:30 p.m. All girls are
asked to be present and plans for
the beach trip will be discussed.
Time to
Get Set
For Fall
Now that summer has
stopped baking and
drying your hair, let
our beauty experts re
store the lustrous sheen
and softness. Our spe
cial reconditioning
treatment and individ
ualized hair styling
give you an easy-to-manage,
lovely .coiffure
suited to you.
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The theme of the meeting is
"Power of Disciplined Action."
Mrs. Gerald Emerson, former
missionary to Colombia, South
America, will give the morning
worship service developing the
theme, "Obedience is the Test'
The departmental conferences,
program, world service and fel
lowship will be led by Miss Eliza
beth Manuel, Mrs. A. B. Cutler,
president of the Oregon Synodi
cal Society, and Mrs. Glen San
ders, chairman fellowship depart
ment Mrs. Walter Pugh and Mrs. Her
bert Schroeder will bring the re
port of the Leadership Training
School held at Lewis and Clark
College. "Money Talks in Many
Tongues" is the dramatization to
be riven by the women of the
Bend society.
From this area will go Mrs.
Robert Harper of Gervais; from
Mill City Mrs. Lester Hathaway
and Mrs. Herbert Schroeder; from
Salem Mrs. Robert Stutzman, Miss
Elizabeth Hogg, Mrs. Curtis Hale,
Mrs. Eugene Manack, Mrs. Walter
Pugh, Mrs. Glen Sanders and oth
ers from the local Presbyterian
groups. ,
The Alpha Ps! Chapter ef Beta
Sigma Phi will celebrate its birth
day anniversary with a salad sup
per Wednesday night at the borne
of Mrs. Charles R. Shaw, 515 Vis
ta Ave., at 7 p.m. Mrs. Marvin
McCIain will be in charge of the
program. This will be a model
meeting with an informal party
later for the rushees.
AArs. Barrick to Telf Travels
I Mrs. Leon Barrick win tell of
her European travels at the first
fall meeting of Chadwick Chapter,
OES social afternoon Club on
Tuesday at the Masonic Temple.
A 1:13 dessert luncheon will be
served with the program follow
ing. Mrs. Barrick who visited 17
different countries with Dr. Bar
rick, will give highlights of the
Holy Land, Egypt, the Mediter
ranean countries, Germany,
France, Holland, England and
Scotland. i i
Mrs. A. E. Utley is chairman of
the hostess' committee. Assisting
are Mrs. C L. Blodgett, Mrs. E. A.
Rhoten, Mrs. E. W Peterson, Mrs.
P. IL MicheaL Mrs. Paul IL
I la user, Mrs. L. M. Ramage, Mrs.
A. C Shaw, Mrs. Jason Frizz U
and Mrs. C R. Prichard. ,
r rVlr. JVI
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a sheath of undeviatjing
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