( f I I i r wltlLIL fhat'sy right! The best way for you to test any gasoline is IN YOUR OWN CAR-ON THE ROAD WITH YOU AT THE WHEEL Performance on the road is the final test of a gas oline, and on that basis you cannot buy a finer gasoline than New RICHFIELD ETHYL. Nearly a million drivers like yourself test New RICHFIELD ETHYL every day. The verdict is overwhelming: In grueling stop-and-go traffic and at steady highway speeds: No other gasoline excels the road performance of New RICHFIELD ETHYL. Laboratory engine tests, an important step in the proper blending of top-quality gasolines, must be balanced by equally high performance on the road. In the vitally impor tant field of road-rating and road-testing of gasolines, Richfield has been the West's pioneer. Performance on tho road has been refined into every drop of Richfield gasolino you buy. That's why we can say: For quick starts on cold mornings for sharp acceleration when you need it for long mileago and smooth anti-knock performance, plus protection against rust and corrosion for all-around road performance you just can't buy a finer gasoline than New RICHFIELD ETHYL If you want the best that money can buy, you want New RICHFIELD ETHYL. 1(W I I HI - i . ' 1