CAR HITS MACHINEKJr An auto driven by Mrs. Jean Cox, 959 S. 12th St, struck some machinery Tuesday evening owned by the Roy L. Houck and Sons Company located on the Turner Road. Mrs. Cox and her passenger. Mrs. William Robbins, 264 W. Miller St, both nurses at the State Tuberculosis Hospital, were en route home. Neither was Injured. For all toot disorders consult a foot specialist the chiropodist TWO CARS HIT The front end of a parked car owned by 'Chester G. Amundson, Burthold, N. D., was badly dam aged Tuesday when struck in the 1600 block of S. 13th St by an auto driven by Dorothy Frances Woolery, 1970 Lee St She told police that she was backing out of a driveway and didn't see the ear parked. No one was injured. Turn finder through a Lost ad. Used through Classified ads los ers become finders fast. Call 2-2441. YOUTH SENT TO HOSPITAL The 16-year-old Salem boy ar rested on a rape charge Sept 4 by city police has been sent to Oregon State Hospital by the Marion County Juvenile Court for observation. The boy was charged with attacking a 14-year-old Salem girl at a spot where Mill Creek joins the Willamette River. Sundays and Wednesdays Shat tuc's serves their Famous Prime Ribs of Beef au Jus. FISHING GEAR TAKEN Albert W. Krebs, 625 Idlewood Dr., reported to city police Tues day that someone had stolen $100 worth of fishing tackle from the rear of his unlocked truck some time last week. He told police he thought this happened while the vehicle was parked at the state fairgrounds. Landscaping and designing. No job too large or too small. F. A. Dpfrffler and Sons Nursery, 250 Lancaster Dr. at 4 Corners. Ph 2-2549. POST OFFICE ASKS BIDS Bids on furnishing a vehicle to carry city mail on Route 30, a motor route from Hollywood Sta tion, will be accepted by Salem Post Office until 4 p.m. Sept 25, Postmaster Albert Gragg said Tuesday. Gragg has forms for bidders. UNIT ADVISOR LEAVES Maj. W. H. Schaplow, unit ad visor for the Salem U. S. Army Reserve, will start a 30-day leave next week. He plans to drive to his home in Oliva, Minn., and from there will go to Lac Seul, Ontario, on a fishing trip. CATTLE CLUB SUNDAY The regular meeting of" the Marion County Jersey Cattle Club will be held Sunday at 12:30 p. m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. C Brock, 4345 Center St A covered dish dinner, will be served. It's always cool at Shattuc's. AUTO PARTS STOLEN Theft of $35 worth of auto parts two hubcaps and two fen der skirts sometime this week was reported to city police Tues dday by operators of the Douglas McKay Used Car Lot, 635 N. Commercial St. Rummage Sale. Christian Serv ice Guild. Englewood church. Thursday, 8 a.m. Over Green baums. WELDER HURTS EYES Vernon Monroe, 1019 Seventh St, was brought to the downtown fire station Tuesday evening where first aidmen checked his eyes for slag thrown into them while he was welding. He was re leased after treatment TO LIST GAME LAWS A discussion of Oregon game laws will be given at the noon meeting today of the South Salem Lions Club at China City Cafe. Speaker will be State Police Capt Burt Walker, captain of the game law division of the state police. Robert Rawson teacher of piano. 1310 S. Liberty. Phone 3-3058. ATTENDS INDIANA COLLEGE Ronald C. Burton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Burton, 1890 N. Capitol, St., has enrolled in the Indiana Technical College, Fort Wayne, Ind. He is taking a course in civil engineering. Fresh killed young turkeys. 39 cents a pound. Orwig's Market 3975 Silverton Rd. Phone 4-5742 GROUP CLIMBS MOUNTAIN A group of seven Salem Chem- eketans and their guests, led by George P. LaBorde, hiked up the South Sister mountain 'near Bend Sunday. LEGION POST 138 MEETS American Legion's Salem Post 136 will hold its first fall meet ing Tuesday, Sept 22, at 6:30 p. m. in the Izaak Walton clubhouse. Only 3 Disease Cases Recorded Only three new diseases two cases of mumps and one of syphilis- were reported in Salem for the period Sept 5-12 to Dr. Wil larrf J. Stone, health officer. , "Thf rest of the county listed one case of virus pneumonia and one of typhoid fever. Institutions in the county re ported eight new cases of tuber culosis and two of erysipelas. Report Favors More Irrigation On State Farms Expansion of irrigation at state institution farms near Salem was; recommended Tuesday to the State oBard of Control. Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield, Corvallis consulting -engineers, made the study for the board of control. Some lands at the institution now are irrigated by wells, which are inadequate. The firm recom mended that additional water be brought from the Willamette val ley water "company. The farms are those of the.Pen itentiary, State Hospital and Fair view Home for Feeble-minded Persons. j See Me for Remarkably Low Rates On Auto Insurance With State Farm Mutual J. Earl Cook 626 N. High Ph. 4-2215 Pi Plans Being Set for U.N. Week Activity Plans for the observance of United Nations Week in Salem Oct. 18-24 are being completed, according to Dr. Thomas Bennett, chairman of the philosophy de partment at WUlamette Univer sity, f He is chairman of the UN Week Observance Committee which met at the Senator Hotel Monday to discuss the week's ac tivities. The Salem committee will work with state agencies to provide window displays, literature, a film and lecture service for civic groups and a downtown informa tion booth, Dr. Bennett said. In addition a public meeting will be held in the Labor Temple one evening during the week, probably Oct. 22, to observe Unit ed Nations progress. Although the porcupine usually is silent it is capable of making a number of sounds. PRINCE MATCH ABELLI SPECIAL! Beloved P(4um of no extra charge with our own matching coogne... limited time only f 11 Sis 7 tjt- STV' v . -it 'Is Perfume Purse Crown with regular $20 Beloved Cologne, usually $4- jQolA $2.50 2 Perfume Purse Crown with regular 4 Beloved Cologne. usually 6- JSoIA 4 You'll fall in love with this incredibly long-lasting fragrance for Beloved has a beauty all its own. YowH want to -use the cologne at home, lavishly . . and carry the perfume with you te renew your fragrance throughout the day. . ' ' price pUn tax CAPITAL 'DftliG STOKE 405 State St. (Corner of liberty) We Give S&H Green Stamps Births New Teachers Welcomed at Luncheon n1 r. hi."; U: h - I'V 5 i;-- i ?: 7 II" : ID r;-- 'r . 4' ' V K I Stotesxaaxw Salem, Orsw Wed. Sept. 16, 1933 (Sec. 1 S n I J r- Jj 0' Iff' a! mi New Salem public school teachers were welcomed Tuesday at a Marion Hotel get-acquainted luncheon. Here School Board Chairman L. J. (Roy) Stewart (left) and Superintendent Walter E. Snyder (right) chat in the lobby with the three newcomers here ts exchange teachers for this year. They are (ieit to right) Albert T. Ziegler, Nelson, New Zealand; Mrs. Marguerite Leahy, Santa Ft, N. M., and Don S. Mallernee, Los Angeles. (Statesman photo.) (Additional photos on Page 1.) , KELLEY To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelley, 1853 N. Commer cial St, a son, Monday, Sept 14, at Salem Memorial Hospital ARNEY To Mr. and Mrs. Roy Arney, Woodburn Route 1, a daughter. Monday, Sept. 14, at Salem Memorial Hospital. BROWN To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown, 505 Riggs St., a son, Tuesday, Sept 15, at Salem Memorial Hospital. THOMAS To Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas, 727 S. 12th St., a daughter, Tuesday, Sept 15. at Salem Memorial Hospital. HENRY To Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Henry, 1111 S. 17th St., a daughter, Tuesday, Sept 15, at Salem Memorial Hospital MORENO To Mr. and Mrs. Rodolfo Moreno, Salem Route 2, Box 217, a son, Tuesday, Sept 15, at Salem Memorial Hospital ABNEY To Mr. and Mrs. Dean Abney, 1290 Parkway Dr., a son, Tuesday, Sept 15, at Salem Memorial Hospital. LOFTING To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lofting, Independence, a son, Monday, Sept 14, at Salem General Hospital. WHITAKER To Mr. and Mrs. Richard Whitaker. Albanv. a daughter, Tuesday, Sept 15. at Salem General Hospital PLUMMER To Mr. and Mrs. Donald Plummer, 1126 Oxford St., a son, Tuesday, Sept 15, at Salem General Hospital. MORRIS To Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morris, 1509 N. 5th St., a son, Tuesday, Sept 15, at Salem General Hospital BORTHWICK To Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bdhhwick, Indepen dence, a son, Tuesday, Sept 15, at Salem General Hospital. CLAYTON To Mr. and Mrs. William J. Clayton, 417 N. Cot tage St, a son, Tuesday, Sept 15, at Salem General HospitaL 66 Teachers Greeted at Special Fete Salem public school officials and spokesmen for the city at large staged a big welcome Tues day for 66 new teachers who ar rived on the school scene as the Sept 21 openinz date neared. Qther teachers will arrive grantea Public Records vs. S. CIRCUIT COURT Rachel Luchs Robbins E. Robbins: Divorce granted; plaintiff's name of Rachel Luchs restored. Richard Ervin Spencer vs. Del ma Wilma Spencer: Divorce Thursday. Principals, already on duty at their schools, took the newcomers in tow Tuesday after they had met with Superintendent Walter Snyder in the morning and been entertained at a school board luncheon at the Marion Hotel at noon. The new teachers ranged from a few "hometown girls" to a vet eran teacher from New Zealand. They heard the city's welcome extended after luncheon by Mayor Alfred W. Loucks, Chamber of Commerce President Russel E. Pratt, County Schools Superin tendent Agnes Booth and L. J. Stewart, president of the school board who was master of cere monies. Among those introduced were the other school board members, Mrs. David Wright, Gus Moore, Harry Scott and Gardner Knapp. Victor Palmason, instrumental music director, played violin solo on the program. Gerald T. Macomber vs. War den Clarence T. Gladden: Court denies motion by plaintiff that personal property, including type writer, law books and dictionary be returned. Gertrude A. Burns vs. Francis Back Wages Await Workers State Labor Commissioner W. E. Kimsey is trying to find the addresses of 30 persons who have delinquent pay coming to them. The amount totals $500. He collected the money at the request of wage earners who couldn't collect from their em ployers. Now he can't find their addresses. The checks range from $1.58 to $81.70. The money will go to the state soon unless the claimants show up. Inmate Leaves Prison Farm An Oregon State Prison inmate walked away from the prison farm annex Tuesday afternoon, Warden Clarence T. Gladden said. Apparently still on the missing list earjy today was Jess Archer Wane, 56, who was serving a two year term for check forgery. He came to the prison last April 11. He was reported absent from the plumbing job he was doing at about 1:30 p.m. and failed to show up for the 3 p.m. count, Gladden said. He was dressed in regular prison garb of shirt and blue jeans. Red Cross Volunteers' Chairman Appointed Mrs. William C. Perry, 2875 Bolton Blvd., has been appointed chairman of the volunteer serv ices groups of the Marion County Red' Cross, it was announced Tuesday by Elton Thompson, chairman of the Marion County chapter. . . . Service groups mciuae nurses aides, grey ladies, motor service production and service aides. mm. ojssski times The Wiltsey Music House, has a wonderful. NEW up-to-the-minute program to offer Music Students, Musical Parents, and Music Lovers in . . . O Accordion O Marimba O Guitar O Piano . O Concert Groups O Religious Bands RESERVE YOUR PERIOD NOW! We Rent You an Instrument Until You Are Sure of Your Interest and Ability. 21 years ago, PR1SC1LLA MEISINGER WILTSEY, opened her first Salem Studio and since then has had the happy privi lege of starting, training, and leading hundreds of Salem students artistically and professionally. How MANY times have you said to yourself: I wish I had learned to pjay a muskal instrument? Ifs a remark: you hear all the time. But did you realize ifs NEVE too late to learn? - mm Studios 1630 N. 20th Phone 3-7186 Store 1860 State Street T. Burns: Divorce granted; prop erty settlement approved. Eleanor Grace Whitlaw vs. Al vin Nathaniel Whitlaw: Suit for divorce, alleges cruel and inhu man treatment; seeks custody of minor child and contribution to child's support. Pay Less Drug Store of Salem vs. Eugene Wayne Martsfield, Vernon D. Tracy, and Sam Blischke: Complaint seeks punitive damages of $25,000 and asks for restraining order seeking to halt defendants from using the name of Pay-Less in con nection with market at 1940 Mis sion St. . Mrs. Roberta Renner vs. LeRoy and Zeda Rynearson: Jury finds for defendants in civil action charging assault and battery. DISTRICT COURT George D. Knight, Seattle. Wash., charged with obtaining money under false pretenses; preliminary hearing set Sept. 17; held in lieu of $2,500 bail; initial charge of obtaining money under false pretenses dismissed. PROBATE COURT i Eva A. Spencer estate: Order settles estate. Carl M. Johnson guardianship estate: Clara Marie Johnson, guardian, authorized to execute mortage on real property held jointly by herself and ward. P. A. Stevens estate: Order settles estate. N. E. Abbott estate: Order set tles estate. Mrs. Mof fitt Succumbs to Long Illness Itttmui Kws Service WOODBURN Mrs. Lillie Eliza beth Mof fit, 47, died at a Portland hospital Monday following a long illness. She had been a resident of Colton 16 years and as a teacher had taught there and at Elliott Prairie and Monitor. Mrs. Moffit was a native of Nebraska who came to Oregon 21 years ago. She became a member of the Church of God at Esta- cada. Surviving are her- widower, Melvill Moffit, Colton; son, Mel- vill Jr., Oregon City; daughters. Miss Verdena Gail Moffit at home; Mrs. Dorothy Trigg, Oregon City, Mrs. laura Pearl Smith and Mrs. Opal Dryer, both of Portland; three brothers, Warren Watt, Oak Grove; Melvin Watt, Jen nings Lodge, and Alden Watt, Nampa, Idaho; sister, Mrs. Ruth Gardner, Canby; 10 grandchil dren. The funeral will be at 10:30 a. m. Thursday in Ringo Chapel, with burial at Belle Passi Cemetery. 7 Salem Youths Get Swimming Awards Seven Salem youngsters, ages 12 to -18, received awards Tues day noon at the Junior Chamber of Commerce meeting for taking top honors in their age groups in the Jaycee and YMCA-sponsored Mid-Willamette Valley Swim ming Meet Aug. 15 at Leslie Jun ior High School pooL - They were Clay Newell, Sharon Truax, Carol Stolk, David Kro mer, Shirlee Wilcox, Jack Schra der and Roberta Eyre. What will it cost to fence your borne M r lva to to m Md ay, "PImm Ml hn Mm bMfcwt ttwt mm Imw I m tarn mt Immm. Stct Sm Myw l (ww yw Hk bmt to! m ywr dwtn. m4M f puriwunjT tow mh tart at twwa yaal mi W( HN an you u momM wtHwut bUaMMa. Th MM UN Unwlbn rtH Vm WalNy iMlurM f CydMW Ftnet, PHwi today. NO DOWN PAYMENT SO MONTMS TO PAY Lffil'lMJ j H '111 EAst S105 400 N.W. 11th Ave., Portland 14, Oregon . Court Settles 12-Year-0ld Alimony Case ! The Oregon Supreme Court! settling a 12-year-old case for the , third time, ordered David Hodesv Portland, to pay $3,000 in support money to his ex-wile. His failure to comply with the : Multnomah County circuit court's decree has gone the rounds of all 11 departments of the county's ' circuit court ' The high court decision was by Justice Hall S. Lusk, and it af- ; . firmed Circuit Judge James W. I Crawford. j t Southern Oregon Here's the easy, safe way to Ashland, Mcdford. Granta Pass. 8Iep aa you ride in Pull" man or in chair car with deep cushioned reclining seats. Enjoy lounge car with snack refreshment service. Leave in the evening; arrive next morn ing. Overnight service return ing, too.. imXtt EST UAS3 C A. Larson, Agent Phone 3-9244 LOOK!! OUR FAIR ISN'T OVER! 'HOMECRAFT HOUSE" provides CONTINUAL displays and sales! DON'T WAIT! Enter your exhibits NOW, TODAY. "Homecraft House" NATION WIDE. 2007 Fairgrounds Rd., Salem 1 1 i' cuts heating costs... A A J V . Aw 4 ... with the quality fuel that keeps oil burner systems clean! X;1 f-'l r.i Pure, dependable Standard Furnace O0 gives you fast, clean heat yet saves you dollars on your fuel bilL It contains THERM I SOL to eliminate sludge, keep filter screens and atomizer nozzles clean and trouble-free, and guard against rust. Say "goodbye" to heating prob lems by switching over now to Standard Furnace 03 with THERMISOL. YouTl find the friendly Housewarmer in your neighborhood by calling the Standard Heating Oil Distributor or local Standard Oil Office. , For pot-type circulating heater i, ask for. Standard Stove Oil Fuel-savins Tip From Your Housewarmer An open fireplace damper i$ as bad a an open window. So keep your, damper closed whenever it'$ not in use. ' STANDARD FURNACE OIL 1.A . r ,1 : v.-