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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1953)
I -t-r Statesman. Salem, Ore- I iSOCIETY CLUBS MUSIC Around Town . BY JERYME ENGLISH A PICNIC DINNER .... on Monday night at the Ronald E. Jones' country home at Brooks lor members of the Subscription Club committee, their husbands and wives .... a no host dinner was served on the terrace by the po Officers of the dancing club for the ensuing year are Linn C Smith, president; Charles Hug gins, vice-president; and Mrs. Donald McCargar, secretary-treasurer .... Dinner dances will be held at the Marion Hotel on the following dates .... November 14, January 2, February 13 and May 1 .... Celebrating .... his seventh birthday today will be Rikki Sko pil, sob of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Skopil Jr the young host has Invited a few of his neighborhood friends to a wiener roast at the home of his parents on Crestview Drive . . . Entertaining .... her bridge club at a dessert supper tonight will be Mrs. John P. Maulding . the group has been bidden to her Jefferson Street home and additional guests will be Mrs. Ronald E. Jones Jr. and Mrs. George C. Alexander . . . A hostess On Thursday af ternoon will be Mrs. Rollin Haag. who has invited members of her garden club to her Croisan Creek home for dessert luncheon . . . Flying east .... on Thursday will be Miss Elizabeth Lord she will go directly to Washing ton, D. C. to visit her nephew and his wife, Mr. and. Mrs. Mel vin Lord, and their two children, Mary Elizabeth and John Monta gue . . . The Lords vsited in Salem this spring and their many friends will be interested to learn that they are leaving in mid-October for Madrid, Spain to make their home . . . Mr. Lord has accepted a position with the Penn Salt Co his wife's home is in Barcelona, where the couple's marriage took place . . . The family will sail from New York n October 14 and Miss Lord will remain in the east to see them depart for Europe .. . . After a fortnight's stay in the nation's capital Miss Lord will visit in Virginia, Baltimore, Pennsylvania, Vermont and New York . . . . she plans to be away for six weeks . . . An revoirs .... are being said to Mr. and Mrs. James E. Keys, who are leaving Wednesday for Washington. D. C. to make their home .... Mrs. Keys has recently accepted the position as execu tive director for the National So ciety of Public Accountants . . . He has already closed his Salem offices and the family will drive east via Los Angeles . . . The Keys' youngest daughter, Mrs. Glenn Patton (Jahala Keys) of Portland, was down on Sunday to say good-bye to her parents . . . Their other daughter, Mrs. Robert Clark, resides in Salem . . . Return home .... Mr. and Mrs. Bruce F. Pickett have been vaca tioning in Victoria and Van couver, B. C. and other northern points the past week . . . Week end visitors in Salem and taking in the closing of the state fair were Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bal kovic of Portland, former Salem residents. . . In Eugene . . . this week par ticipating in the annual Oregon Women's Golf Association cham pionship tournament at the Eu gene .Country .Club .are .Mrs. Kenneth Potts, captain of the Sa lem Women's Golf Association, Mrs. Glenn Wilbur, Mrs. Frank CLUB CALENDAR WEDNESDAY Salem Chapter, OES, no-host lunch eon. Masonic Temple, noon. Women's Fellowship. Knight Me morial Church. 12:30 luncheon, busi ness meeting following. Catholic Daughters of America, Catholic Center. 8 p. m. Hollywood Lions Auxiliary with Mrs. Marvin Clatterbuck, 8 p.m. WSCS Circles. First Methodist Church. 1:5 dessert luncheons. Ainsworth Chapter. OES. Scottish Rite Temple. 8 pjn. THURSDAY Spiritual Sunflower Club with Mrs. Sam Harms. 1740 State St.. 1 to 4 p.m. Hal Hibbard Auxiliary no-host din ner with comrades. . Salem Woman's Club. 1 p.m. American Gold Star Mothers with Mrs. Walter Bechtol. 4125 Auburn Boad. 7:30 p.m. Salem Lions Auxiliary with Mrs. Walter Dry. 700 S. Church St., 8 p.m. FRIDAY Past Matrons. OES. Golden Pheas ant. :30 pjrv TUESDAY Salem Centra WCTU with Mrs. Mary Multeey. 3013 Mill SU 2 P m. Permanent Waves of Distinction Moderately Priced Erich of New York 251 N. Liberty Dial 3-3921 .For Proper Fitting CHILDREN'S SHOES : Mi;P... BUY Widths From AA to THE JUNIOR BOOTERY 234 N. High -H pea Friday TO F. M. Seaalar Hotel Bid. Tuesday. September 15. 1953 Fisk, Mrs. Morris Crothers. Mrs. Ivan Marble and Mrs. John R. Wood . . . play started Monday and will continue through Fri day ... Attend installation .... Mr. and Mrs. David H. Cameron, Mrs. Earl Andresen and Mrs. Came ron's mother, Mrs. Minnie Jane Bell of Independence, were in Portland Monday night to attend f the installation ceremonies of Rose City Post, American Legion Mrs. Cameron's brother, Yin- nie J. Bell, former Salem resident, was installed as commander of the post . . . Mrs. Cameron sang dur ing the ceremony with Mrs. An dresen the accompanist . . The Vinnie J. Bells and their daugh ter, Jane are members of the post and unit ... at one time Mrs. Cameron was a member . . . and her mother still retains her mem' bership in the Rose City unit . . : A serenade .... for Mrs. Jason Ashford (Louise Anderson) on Monday morning when the Shrine band of Islam Temple, San Fran cisco stopped in Salem a few minutes enroute by train to Port land and Minneapolis for the mid western Shrine convention . . . Mrs. Ashford's father, L. Harold "Pete" Anderson of Palo Alto, is potentate of Islam Temple when he and his wife stepped off the train to see the Ashfords and their children, Harold and Bon nie, the band assembled in front of the station and serenaded Mrs. Ashford with the song "Louise" and also played the song they have composed and written in honor of her father, '"Potentate Pete" .... Engagements Revealed By Four Couples Several engagements were made known this weekend with young couples adding their names to the roster of engaged duos. r Samson-Gundran Mr. and Mrs. John Gundran are revealing the betrothal of their daughter, Marjorie, to Santiago Samson, son of John Samson of Portland. No date has been set for the wedding. Miss Gundran is a graduate of Salem High School and is employ ed at the Public Utilities Com mission. Her fiance, who is better known to his friends as Sonny, recently returned from duty with the army in Korea. He is now at tending the University of Oregon Medical School. Booze-Coffel Mr. and Mrs. Omar Coffel are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Rosa Lee, to Con rad Booze, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Booze. No plans have been made for the wedding. Miss Coffel is a graduate of Sacred Heart Academy and isem ployed in the department of the Secretary of State. Mr. Booze is a graduate of Salem schools and is now with the Oregon Pulp and Paper Co. Wells-Jorgensen Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jorgensen are telling friends of the engage ment of their daughter, Jean, to Freddie Wells, son of Mrs. Norris . Wells of Marion and the late Mr. Wells. The wedding date has not been set Miss Jorgensen is a Salem High graduate and is employed at the Oregon State Highway Commis sion. Her fiance is a graduate of Cascade High School and is em ployed at the Albany Plywood mill. Pyeatt-Smith Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Smith of Dallas are revealing the betro thal of their daughter, Joyce Yvonne, to James . Pyeatt, son of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Pyeatt of Cottage Grove. The wedding is planned for October. New Assembly Instituted Rainbow members who attend ed the institution of Marilyn As sembly at Mill City were Arda Lien, grcnd representative for the State of Pennsylvania, John Neat worthy advisor, Wayne Henry, member of the state ex ecutive board, Mrs. Arnold John son, mother advisor, who were escorted and introduced. Other members attending were Lo Anne Mundinger, Carol War ren, Nancy Bone, Susan Grier, Ha Warren, Janice Gillespie, Shirley Tabor, Joyce Stettler, Sally Merrill, Carol West, Ada Hartman, Beverly M oca bee, Ei leen Osko, Marilyn Shields, Jan ice Roseler. Accompanying the girls were Mrs. Emery Wood, Mrs. Ercel Mundinger, Mrs. Arnold John son, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Quistad. In the United States there are 20 per cent more women users of eyeglasses than men users. EE I t 41 f v St. Mary's Is Setting For Wedding MT. ANGEL An 11 o'clock doable ring ceremony at St Mary's Catholic Church Saturday morning, September 12, united in marriage Miss Ellen Marie Sika, daughter of Mrs. Oswald Sika of Mt Angel, and Robert Lawson Comptojf, son of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Compton, Salem. The Rev. Hildebrand Melchior read the vows. Miss Helen Keber was organ ist and Miss Rosalie Harpole and Miss Louise Schindler sang. The bride, who entered on the arm of Mr. Compton, wore white nylon tulle oyer taffeta, styled with fitted bodice and hoop skirt with tiers of tulle ruffles and matching tulle stole and lace mitts. Her double fingertip veil, edged with deep scallops of lace, fell from a Dutsch cap of satin and lace. She carried a cascade bouquet of white rosebuds. The bride was attended by her two sisters. Miss Ingrid Sika as maid of honor, and Miss Marilyn Sika as bridesmaid. They wore gowns identical to that of the bride but of blue and pink re spectively. They wore head dresses of pink and white daisies and carried nosegays of the same flowers. Ken Hardy of Salem was best man and ushers were Ray Ja blonn of Medford and Jack Farel, McMinnville. Mrs. Sika chose a brown two piece, dress with pale yellow ac cessories and a corsage of yellow roses for her daughter's wedding. The groom's mother wore a navy dress, white accessories and a pink rosebud corsage. The groom's grandmother, Mrs. Ed Smith of Corvallis, wore a black and white print black and whUe accessories and a corsage of pink roses. Reception in Garden A reception followed immedi ately in the garden at the home of the bride's parents. Cutting the cake was Mrs. Owen Quillim of Junction City and Mrs. Arthur Einarsin of Corvallis poured. Miss Betty Looney, Salem, passed the guest book and at the gift table were Miss Vivien Keith. Estacada. and Miss Carolina Einarsin, Cor vallis. Serving were Donna Volz, Mary Ilg, Patty Duman and Jean ette Wolf. The bride graduated from Mt Angel Academy and attended Oregon State .The groom gradu ated from Oregon State last June and was a member of Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity. The newlyweds left the same day for Ventura. California, where the groom will be em ployed as junior mechanical en gineer for the Shell Oil Co. For going away the bride wore a knit suit of watermelon pink with matching hat, black coat and corsage of white rosebuds. Fall Classes To Begin at YWCA ; New fall classes sponsored by the YWCA will begin Sept 21, except for golf and English, which will begin October 8 and will run for six weeks. There is a small fee for the classes and member ship in the YWCA is required. Men are welcome to attend the bridge and art classes. Those in terested in attending the classes are asked to call the YWCA to register. Tuesday evening oil painting, taught by Carl Hall from Willam ette University, will be a "family night" with men and children, as well as women, urged to attend. A millinery class will be direct ed by Miss Marie Baker from Miller's millinery department Re gistration for the class is limited. ' Two classes in English, begin ning and advanced will begin Oct 8. Two beginners bridge classes will be taught on Thursday, one in the morning and one in the evening. Bunny Mason, professional gol fer, will give lessons on Thursday and Saturday morning beginning Oct 8. Creative courses in copper and textile painting will begin Sept 21. i Children's crafts will be offer ed on Saturday mornings. A spe cial United Nations study group will start meeting in October. Hollywood Lions Auxiliary will hold its first fall meeting Wed nesday night at the home of the president Mr. Marvin Clatter buck, at 8 p.m. Assisting hostes ses will be Mrs. Carl lands trom and Mrs. James TindalL During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Tindall will show films and give high lights of the National Lions con vention held in Chicago this sum mer. ; Cloverdale Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harris of Fortuna, California vis ited old friends and one-time neighbors in this area on Sun day. no rsri n big Now t is IASY TO USC1 No cooksac : r very nam THtJFTT, TOOl Om generous bottle does the work dl2M worth of ardiawy bqtud tarefc. Push to Pans flUsfchl Tea's mm :-v. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Harris who were married at the Immanuel Lutheran Church in Woodburn on Aug. 30. They are living in Portland. The bride is the formerArlyss Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Nelson 'of Wood bum, while the groom's mother, Mrs. Vera Harris, lives in Turlock, Calif, and his father, Arthur J. Harris, is in Alaska. Large Group At Republican Meeting Over a hundred Republican women and friends attended the tea meeting of the Salem unit Republican Women's Federation on Monday afternoon at the Sa lem Woman's Clubhouse. Mrs. Clark McCall, president presided and announced the membership goal of the unit is 200. Mrs. Paul L. Patterson, Oregon's first lady, became the unit's 161st member at the Monday meeting. Theme of the afternoon meet ing was a better understanding between nationalities with women from other nations, now living in Salem, as guests of honor. Mayor i A. W. Loucks gave the address of welcome and responding were Miss Mary Nollett of Belgium and Mrs. Joseph DeLoretta of Naples. The guest speaker was Gover nor Paul Patterson, who com mended the progress of the Eisen hower administration in spite of tremendous obstacles. He empha sized the challenge in 1954 to the women of Oregon to increase the party's congressional majority, which is a most important factor. Mrs. E. Donald Jessop gave a group of Polish and Hungarian dances in native costume for the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mad ison displayed their South Amer ican exhibit Mrs. Winifred Petty john, who was in charge of the program, showed a collection of items she brought home from her Mediterranean cruise, Mrs. Geor ge Schroeder exhibited articles from Japan and Korea, and Mrs. Joseph DeLoretta. displayed lin ens from her native home, Na ples. Mrs. Elmira Sappenfield was' chairman of the tea committee, assisted by Mrs. E. F. Kirkwood and Mrs. Luke Johnston. The red, white and blue decor was used for the tea table. At the October 12 meeting re ports will be given on the West ern Regional Republican Wom en's meeting held last week at Yellowstone. Friendship n I g h t will be ob served by Chadwick Chapter, OES tonight at the Masonic Temple at 8 p.m. .Bidden as guests are mem bers of Meridian, Evangeline and Blue River Chapters of Eugene, Evergreen of Woodburn, Marilyn of Mill City and Gervais Chapter of Gervais. Chi Omega alumnae will hold their first fall meeting tonight at the home of Mrs. Dale Pence, 893 Hansen Avenue, at 8 o'clock. All alumnae in the area are invited to attend and fall projects will be discussed. a - " ' S v 'v A . A V ft,'. Reports Given At OES Meeting Salem Chapter, OES convened for the fall term on Saturday night, with Mrs. O. R. Eckersley, worthy matron, and Carl Snyder, worthy patron, presiding. Reports on summer activities were given by Mrs. F. North, rummage sale, John Graybill, pic nic, and Mrs. Norman Fletcher, Job's Daughters activities. Announcement was made that "Luncheon Is Served" will be put on by the Salem Chapter Lunch eon Club October 21 at noon. Mrs. Joe Griffin is general chair man. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Early wine were chairmen of the refresh ment committee for the evening, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Leasure, George Edwards, Ken neth Morris, F. E. Graham and Melvin Gallaspy. Birthday Party Fetes Youngster Mrs. Walter Erickson enter tained at a party at her home on the Wallace Road in compli ment to her granddaughter, Nancy Ann Deacon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Deacon of Monmouth, on her first birthday. Movies were shown the young sters during the afternoon. Honoring Nancy were her great-grandmother, Mrs. Winnie Hammond, her grandmother, Mrs. Harold Deacon, Judy Dea con, Mrs. Richard Allen and Gayle, Mrs. James Hollis and Kathy, Mrs. Jerry Jaden, Mrs. George Lindahl, Margaret and Timmie of Independence, Mrs. Wilbur Noteboom and Billy, Mrs. Gordon Gregory and David, Miss Sally Erickson, Mrs. Kenneth Deacon and Mrs. Walter Erick son. The Kappa Delta alumnae will be entertained Wednesday night at the home of Mrs Hope Ed wards, 2000 Market St, at 8 o'clock. All Kappa Delta's in Sa lem and vicinity are invited to attend. Fall activities will be dis cussed during the evening. Hal Hibbard Auxiliary, USWV, and comrades will meet for a no host dinner on Thursday at the Salem Woman's Club at 1 p.m. This will bethe first gathering of the fall for the group and a business session will follow the dinner. Women's Fellowship of the Knight Memorial Church will hold a business meeting following the 12:30 luncheon in the ychurch par lors on Wednesday. 1 w Save by Sewing Their Back-To-School Clothes VMM 100 virgin wool in plains, fancies, plaids A checks. 604nches wide. Gabardine, Flannel, Tweeds, Fleeces, Poodle Cloth, etc Largest se lection in Willamette Valley! 1.95 OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY KAY WOOLEN MILL STORE 260 S. 12th St. The Street the Trains Run Oti - Priestess Will MakeiOfficial Visit Here . ' An important date for mem bers of Willamette Shrine, White Shrine of Jerusalem will be Fri day, Sept 18, when the supreme worthy high jpriestess makes her official visit . v Mrs. LaVeme M. Myers of Coal Valley, . UL, the supreme worthy high priestess, will - be here for the day and will be the guest of Jionor ' at the Shrine meeting at the Scottish Rite Temple at 8 o'clock; Mrs. Myers , will be honored at a ceremonial ' when the degree of the "'order will be conferred on seven candidates. Mrs. Stan ley Brown and her officers of Willamette Shrine have planned a no-host dinner honoring Mrs. Myers at the Marion Hotel Mir ror Room preceding the meeting at 6:30 o'clock. Mrs. Pearl J. Speer is accept ing reservations ; for the dinner through Thursday. Shrine mem bers from Vancouver and Vio toria, B. C, Portland, Eugene, The Dalles and Klamath Falls will also he here for the occa sion. The White Shrine conducts many philanthropic projects through funds contributed by members each year. This fund is used to purchase seeing eye dogs for the blind, educate and care" for those in need, and aid the afflicted, regardless of race, creed or color. Salem Catholic Daughters of America will meet Wednesday night at the Catholic Center at 8 p.m. The meeting, originally sche duled for Sept 9, was postponed due to fair week. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Dix of Detroit, Mich., stopped in Salem Sunday fof a visit with, their un cle and aurd, Mr. and Mrs, T. W. Davies. First fall meeting of the In surance Women's Association of Salem will be held Thursday. Dinner will be served at the Mar ion Hotel at 6:15 p.m. and a movie on education will be shown. Pattern One yard of 35-inch for the small size! Little more for the other! As shown in diagram this apron. is one piece plus ties and pockets. So thrifty and so easy, make more for yourself, give more gifts! .Good for bazaars. Saves money, time and frabricl Pattern 4718: Misses' Sizes small 14-16; medium 18-20. Small size takes one yard 35-inch fabric This pattern easy to use, sim ple to sew, is tested for fit Has complete illustrated instructions. This pattern easy to um, sim ple to sow. is tested for fit. Has complete Illustrated instructions. Send Thirty-five cents in coins for this pattern add cents for eachpattern for 1st -class jnailinc. Send to Anne Adams, care of The Oregon Statesman, Pattern Dept.. P.O. Box 710, Chicago 80. IH. Print your NAME. ADDBKSS with ZONE; 'SIZE, STYLE numb EE- 5.95 Y- I I IMI III II I III p P, IIIIIIJI MWIinp MIMIII i im I Tr r."""V J--- 4718l m s-mZSi f I JL m-i 1-20 If m7 fnv? Chapter Begins Fall Rushing Members of Epsilon Sigma Al pha are busy with plans for fall rushing. An informal rush party will be held Sept 16 at the home of Mrs. William Howser. A mod el meeting is slated for Sept 30 at the John Howser residence and a preferential tea on Oct 4 at the Lyman McDonald home on Argyle Drive. Mrs. Howard Elwood is general chairman of rushing. Assisting are Mrs. Elvin Hakanson, invita tions; Mrs. Clifford Boehmer, decorations; Mrs. Wallace Tur nidge, refreshments; and Mrs. Virgil Ekstrand. program. ' '.' ' '' Mary Polales Announces Betrotha There . was excitement at the Delta Gamma house on the Willa mette University campus Monday night when the house president Miss Mary Polales, told her "sis ters" of her betrothal to Larry W. Standifer of Bend. No date has been set for the wedding. The bride-elect who is a senior at Willamette University, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gus G. Polales of Salem. She is majoring in physical education and is a member of Cap and Gown, senior women s honorary. Mr. Standifer is the son of Mr, and Mrs. L. T. Standifer of Bend. He is a pre-medical student at Willamette University and a member of Beta Theta Pi. Tho news was revealed when surprise packages arrived for several of the coeds and the last one opened, containing the en gagement ring, was for the bride- to-be. i 1 The Salem Chapter, OES no- host luncheon is slated for Wed nesday aoon at the Masonic Tem ple. Miss Helen Fletcher is chair man, assisted by Mrs. Sadie Grant Mrs. Marjorie Woods, Mrs. A. L. Wallace and Mrs. Earl Burch. " Needlecraft Made of diamonds! Crocheted separately of 4 strands of string or eafldlewick! So quick you'll have enough in no time. Small sections are ever so easy to han dle! I Three-color rug, so practical, so pretty in any room! Pattern 715: crochet directions, three sizes. , Send 'Twanty-flra seats in coins (or this pattern add 9 cents lor eacn pattern for first-class mailing. Send to Statesman, Needlecraft Dept., P.O. Box 5740. Chicago 80. TIL Print plainly j TOUBt NAME, ADDRESS with ZONE, PATTERN NUMBER. ' EXCITING V ALU II Tea. yes TEN popular, new designs to crochet, sew, embroider, knit printed right in the Laura Wheeler Needlecraft Book. Plus many more patterns to end fpr ideas for gifts, bazaar money-makers, fashions I Send 30 carita for youi copy! "TOO TIRED" TOO r 7 p O MONIY-BACK GUARANTEE I You must feel stronger, peppier In 7 days, or return JOO-aiz for ? fyli muh refund. In aury event, keep $1.98 aixe a a gift Offer limited. Act Rainbow Installation . i - - t j.-.-' CLOVERDALE Miss Irene Thomas, daughter "of "Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thomas, will be in stalled as worthy advisor of Acacia Assembly, Order ol Rain bow for Girls at an 8 o'clock meeting, which is open . to the public, on Wednesday 'evening, September 16 In the .Masonic Hall in Stayton. Mrs. Henry Tate is mother advisor of the Acacia Assembly. : ;-.'',- ' - ' , . ROOFING - - Lifetime Aluminum . Is Your Best Buy! See Your LOCAL DEALER FREE ESTIMATES 7 Willamette Aluminum Caw Phone 2-S05S Particular Haircuts for . Particular .PeoepU . i By GORDON at Ha leys Beauty Center 1114 Union St Ph. 24392 FREE ESTIMATES On Kitchen Remodeling 1 CAPITAL store! 111 N. High Pb, 4-5431 tW" "-v sj ji m. mi JJSlUU 2715 & ComercUl Ph. 4-6313 8 Exposure Film Developed & Printed Jumbo or Regular Size Just 40c Arti Photographs 325 Court St PRESCRIPTIONS FREE DELIVERY CHAPilAN'SlDRUG 149 Candalaria Blvd. ! Phone 4-6224 SEE THE FABULOUS PFAFF Sewing Machine at . MYR0NS - 153 S. Liberty - Ph. 3-5771 Q4H mm mm mm Repairing Remodeling.. Re-Styling , 4 LACIIELIE'S 1341 Ferry -Ph. $-681 OFTEN DUI TO LACK Of THIAMIN AND aiSO'LAVINT f feel stronger, peppier 1 in iust7daysl nam ,1 I, lsorcMS 7 FURS i t J I . IT I mt ; i