850 Automotive B50 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 - Automotive 850 Automotive H50 Automotive Statgwmaa, Sdtan. Ortxjoou Saturday. SpL 12. 1853 11 S52 Uawd Cats For Sod 1. Every safety-tested used car is checked in five ways en gine, steering, brakes, tires, -electrical system. 2. Completely reconditioned, inside and out, by Oldsmo bile mechanics. 3. The very best of trade-ins on new Oldsmobiles a wide selections of low mile age, top quality cars. LODER 456 Center St., Salem - i . f " HM8Y- you'll. RU YOUR syS REA&NCr ALL 7HOS USED CAP .APS: WHYmT&UYATA DPENDABIE DSAIER lrf 1 PLYMOUTH CAMBRIDGE 4 door Sedan. Two-ton paint $1295 99 DODGE CORONET 4 - door Stlin, Heater, defroster. two-tone - 41 145 47 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE Radio, heater, overdrive, mo tor reconditioned . 945 M CHEVROLET SPECIAL Fleet line Tudor SPECIAL . $ 889 All Our Cars Are "H lTfJiWVJtl ) Thrifty People Shop at the Sign of the OK 1952 CHEVROLET POWER GLIDE 4-Dr. Deluxe Sedan. Radio, heater, seat covers, turn signals, wind shield washer. Immaculate inside & out. Wonderful value at $1693.. 1948 PLYMOUTH 2DOOR Heater & defroster, clean car with food rubber. This car needs a good hornet Yours as is for only $399. 1952 CHEVROLET 2-D00R rieeUine Deluxe. Heater, defroster & radio. Excellent tires 4t clean. Guaranteed to please St only 91999. 1950 CADILLAC COUPE 81 Series. Full Une of .Cadillac accessories plus rear seat speaker & seat covers. Sold new by ua. One owner. Here are beauty and performance to match your budget I $2399. 1948 PONTIAC "8" STATION WAGON Radio, heater, defroster, good rubber. Below wholesale price at $899. 1945 FORD PICKUP i-TJn. Heater. Good tires, sound body St rune like a top. As is for $490. We Need '40 thru '49 Chevrolets SEE US FOR THE FINEST BUYS IN TOWN. COMPLETE STOCK Or PASSENGER, COMMERCIAL & TRUCK UNITS. THOUGHT FULLY RECONDITIONED AND PRICED FOR THE THRITY BUYER. , PRICES FROM $129, OURS IS A GUARANTEE THAT COUNTS ASK ABOUT OUR BUDGET PLAN warn 33 WORTH COMMERCIAL 8S2 Used Can For Sal ' t 5 REASONS ! WHY A SAFETY TESTED USED CAR Is Your Best Buy! 4. Backed by your Oldsmobile dealer's written warranty and his long-standing repu tation for fair dealing. 5. Clearly marked by the seal of usecl car dependability Oldsmobile' s famous Safety-tested Seal! BROS. Phone 2-7973 50 STUDEBAXER CHAMPION Two-Door Sedan. Heater 41009 '49 HUDSON SUPER "8- 4 -door Sedan. Drlvetnaater trans mission 4105 '49 PLYMOUTH 4 -door Sedan.. early series. SPECIAL 4 999 '50 DODGE CORONET 4-door Sedan. Gyromatlc, heater $1349 Well Equipped mw t. PHONE 4-2179 tS2 Vm& Can Far CaU it $ $ FOR $ $ You Can't You Can't Boat Our Cars FOR VALUE! PONTIAC 11 SEDAN. Hydra R&H 'M SEDAN. Hydra, R&H '44 SEDAN. Hydra, RtH . '4 SEDAN. Hydra, R&H 47 SEDAN. R&H. 11(93 ia 1199 998 795 CADILLAC '44 SEDAN (Loaded) .$199 CHEVROLET 91 SEDAN. R&H '49 CLUB CPE. RJcH. '44 SEDAN. RJtH 1599 . 1099 . 999 FORD '47 SEDAN. R&H '44 SEDAN R&H .4 899 493 Best for Less 41 BUICK CPE. 39 DODGE CPE. 399 199 93 799 39S M PLYMOUTH SEDAN 4S PLYMOUTH 3 FORD CPE. (One owner) Sharp I - . ,., .. Always the Best for Less AT KELLY OWENS Co. 90 N. LIBERTY PH. 3-4113 0C3LTJ OP COT C3tS '93 OLDS M SEDAN $1999 Radio, heater, visor, whltewalls, covers, 19.129 miles. "50 BUICK SUPER SEDAN $1999 Dynaflow. radio, heater, fine Urea. '49 BUICX SUPER SEDAN 91199 Dynaflow, radio, heater, whlte - walla, fine care. 47 BUICK SUPER CONVT $ 799 New top. whltewalls, radio, beater, electric windows, good. ALSO OTHER PREMIUM QUALITY LATE MODELS and these cheaptes '41 DeSoto Sedan -$195 .1190 .$379 '41 Olds Sedanet '4 Bu-ck Super Sedan itZfft 4) Pw3t eXkaZaJ Otto J. WILSON Company OREGON'S NUMBER ONE DEALER QagnT t Center Phone 9-3823 , '52 Willys Pickup 4 Wheel drive, UAM mils. Heater, turn signals, rear bumper. Xa ex cellent over an condition. Only $1695 ORVAL'S fThe Lnt with the Tu ratable) ter at Churcn - rib SS2 Usexl Can For Sol Like "New" Used Cars ; AT LEE'S 1952 MERCURY MONTEREY HARD TOP 1952 FORD RANCH WAGON 1951 OLDS 88 DELUXE 2 DOOR 1951 MERCURY SPORT SEDAN 4 DOOR 1950 OLDS 88 CLUB SEDANET 1950 PACKARD 4 DOOR DELUXE 1950 OLDS 98 CONVERTIBLE 1950 CHEVROLET STYLINE DLX. 4 DR. 1949 BUICK SUPER CONVERTIBLE m 1948 PONTIAC STREAMLINER SEDANET 1948 CHRYSLER ROYAL 4 DOOR 1948 BUICK SUPER 4 DOOR 1947 CHEVROLET AREO SEDANET 1947 BUICK SUPER CONVERTIBLE 1947 CHRYSLER N. Y. CLUB CPE. Highlander 1947 BUICK L DOOR ROADMASTER See These Outstanding Cars Today LEE'S FINE CARS 1565 Fairgrounds Rd. ' . 240 N. Church MAJOR MOTOfcS LIBERTY and CENTER '50 Chovrolot Convortiblo . . $995 Excellent condition throughout. Radio, heater, white wall tires and other accessories. '51 Olds "98" Sodan .... $1895 The most outstanding bur in town la a luxury car. Beautiful palm Keen finish with white wall tires, electronic radio, hydramatic, ter and all other accessories. '50 Olds "88" Straight Shift . . $1395 A oerfect ear with low miles fe and eoulooed with custom radio. heater and white wall tires. ' saving economy. '51 Buick Spocial Sodan $1695 A spotlessly clean one owner car finished In glistening black, com plimented by new premium white wall tires, full equipment Includes Radio, heater and dynaflow. Only 11.900 miles. '49 Chovrolot Deluxe Sodan $895 Deluxe radio, heater and other accessories. Exceptionally fine con dition. One of our very best buys. MAJOR MOTORS Phone 44931 READY FOR SCHOOL? ? HERE YOU ARE! 1 A good running 5 pass. Pontiac 6 cyl. Cpe. $ 75 2 A good running and clean looking Pontiac 6 cyl. 4 Dr. Sdn ..$145 3 SEE THIS, One of the cleanest 1948 Ford 5 pass. Cpe. Sedans in town. Qnly $795 4 A dandy 1948 Chev. Deluxe 4 Dr. Sdn. Only $895 Lots of Accessories, good tires BONESTEELE'S USED CARS .310 North Church St W. L. ANDERSON, INC. QUALITY USED CARS This WeekEnd Special 1991 PLYMOUTH CRANBROOK CLUB COUPE. Heater, seat covers, a one-owner car 41399 1949 DODGE CONVERTIBLE COUPE. Loaded with extras, new top - 798 1947 CHEVROLET PLEETLXNE 4-DOOR SEDAN. Radio, heater. very low mileage Sz very clean "9 1990 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE 4-DOOR SEDAN. This is a beauty I - 1178 1949 DeSOTO CUSTOM 4-DOOR SEDAN. Auto, transmission, fluid drive m OPEN FRIDAY NITES UNTIL 9 MANY. MANY MORE TO CHOOSE TROM DeSOTO - PLYMOUTH 594 N. LIBERTY CHEAPIES 1939 Olds Sedan. Runs good 1937 Chev. Tudor 1939 Olds Sedan - 1939 Chev .Tudor -4 75 -4 45 -4 "9 -.4 99 -4145 .41M 15 1931 Hudson Cpe. Clean U40 Pontiac Sedan 1941 Packard Sedan SHROCK MOTOR CO. Chemeketa at Church Phone 3-7923 SPECIAL 1949 FORD SEDAN Lota of mites left . 1 owner Original paint Good tires $595 Aynbee Motors 949 Unfam .Ph. 3-9703 . . Night Pa. 3-3233. 4-3023 852 Usexl Cars Tor Solo Amazing power and speed' with gas Phone 1-1903 PHONE 4-3493 PAUL'S CAR LOT Corner Macleay Road & Silverton Rd. 93 Chev. , ton pick-up $1,390 49 Olds Sedan 91.197 49 Chev. 9 Pass. Coupe 9700 43 Chev. 2 Dr. Sedan 9269 43 Nash 4 Dr. Sedan 9229 39 Plymouth 4 Dr. Sdn. very clean 9309 40 Plymouth. 4 Dr. 999 41 Dodge. Business Coupe $210 ALSO Expert Mechanic. We guarantee our work. ERICKSON S GARAGE SAM SAYS: We're back to Church (street) where we may be "UNDERCOVER BUT NOT UNDKRSOLD." Drop tm today and see thee teniae values we"r offering to celebrate ''our homecoming. 887 tin. Church Ph. 4-TtTt BIS DISCOUNT . 1953 Bel Aire Chev- I relet, sedan. Immaculate. mL 1939 WILLY'S 4 door. sedan. tires Ac battery. Only 30400 miles. exrel- Rd. lent condition. 3Z30 Garden MUST SELL good '41 Ford. Make 3-OM4. offer. -S?9 after 9 P m 49 HUDSON 4d perfect teVCall ttoau See to apprecla 852 UaiI Cora For Sol WESTERN MOTORS 1233 BROADWAY PHONE 50 Olds 88 4 dr. Deluxe Low mileage," fully equipped. Weir driven the ear over 4000 miles and know its perfect $19M 50 Plymouth Spl. Dir. Clb. Cpe. One owner. Radio, heater, new tires, sharp, only ., 1099 50 Chev. 2 Dr. Deluxe Styline Puny eoulpped phis ghde. special at only 1009 51 Nash Statesman 4 Dr. Custom One) owner, overdrive, low mile age, makes into bed. You eaa get up to as miles per gaL Does n't use any oiL An expensive automobile In toe tow price bracket - - 1399 49 Plym. Convertible Late series, one owner, original paint, new wrote urea, sow mileage. Immaculate inside and out, radio and heater. 1069 MANY OTHIRS ONLY AT MANY PRICES We finance at hank terms and make liberal allow ance on trades. '47 CHEV. fleet Master club coupe. R &H. good paint, very good con- dmon. Reasonably priced, rn vate nartr. Phone 3-4980. SEKMTLV wrecked 1940 Olds. '. 4-dr, hrdramatic trans. Recently overhauled motor, R&H, 979.00. can be seen at 1709 8. Church Salem Automobile CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Quality Used Cars '52 Chryslor Windsor Modal. Has Radio. Heater, Low mileage. Really nice. Club Coupe Only $2195 '51 Dodgo 2 Door Sedan Wayfarer Model Fresh-air heater, Custdm seat covers. Less than 30.000 miles. A Smart Only $1495 51 Dodgo N 3 Pass. Coupe Has Radio, Heater, Custom scat cov ers, new tires. Only 23.000 miles. LOOK ONLY $1395 '49 DoSoto 4 Dr. Sedan Deluxe Model with Radio. Heater. Low mileage. Good tires. Xxtra Clean Inside with original paint. YOU SAVE MANY DOLLARS . At $1295 '48 Plymouth 2 DR. SEDAN. SPECIAL Deluxe Model Has Radio. Heater. Seat covers, put on when car was new. OUR BUY OF THE WEEK .$B45 Chrysler 4 Door Sedan Windsor Model With Radio, Beater. Automatic drive. Original finish. Almost new tires. Seat covers. You would expect to pay more than ... $395 NOTICE OPEN FRIDAY EVTNTNG1 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Come in and shop around: see our smany unusual buys Salem Automobile r Co. Used Cars and Service ax . a KlS aftOvsMs V"411T H. Coral at Marios) N.Coal at Center 850 Antomotivc 853 U d Cars For SaU SEX JZM - SEX GIL pWn- 2-4143 253 UNION STRICT ACO0S& .fUM tMtlOM SQtMftg 49 CHEVROLET l-dr. Sedan with radio and heater. A one -owner ear with luxurious to tone finish. low mileage $995 $330 Sows. ii 949 00 monthly '41 Ford FREE! '41 WITH THE PURCHASE OT ' EITHER STUDEBAXER BELOW '48 STARLIGHT This popular Champion is equipped with RAH. new tan finish, seat cov en, and very clean. ' $895 300 down 940.00 monthly 4 GOOD WORK CARS LEFT MAXX AN OFFER CAPPS 393 UNION ST. HEAVE HO! OUT THEY GO. Load Yourself Into A Better j USED CAR j 1951 Ford Deluxe Sdn. R&H, A buy ...;...L..$1245 1952 Ford 101 H.P. Valve-in-head 6 ..........$1495 1950 Ford Custom Sdn., A steal .. $ 995 1950 Ford Custom Sdn. R&H .......$ 945 WE. Tires, full price , , , ; yef 1950 Ford Economy 6 Sdn. O.D. What a buy $1045 1950 Packard Clb. Cpe. R.H. A Dandy ..!....$ 945 1950 Willys Sta. Wag. R.H., Q.D j $ 900 ' MANY MORE MAXES et MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Make Your Own Deal t THE BOSS MIGHT TAKE IT . All Our Cars Are Guaranteed 6 Mo., 6000 Miles In Writing VALLEY MOTOR A-l Usod Car Mart ! Phone 3-314T TODAY ONLY 90 91 '93 '93 to '91 'II 91 49 '49 '49 CAD. "r 4 DR. YOUR CHOICE OF OLDS "SS" HOLIDAY CHEV. CLUB COUPE CHEV. t DOOR BUICX ROAD MASTER KAISER t DOOR FRAZER. LOW MILEAGE. OVERDRIVE CHEVROLET . : FORD 3 TO CHOOSE FROM MERC. CLUB COUPE. O.D. . PONTIAC ... , 49 BUICK SUPER 49 PLYMOUTH, VERY CLEAN 47 PONTIAC '49 BUICK '. 49 CHEVROLET 47 STUDE. OVERDRIVE TRADE KYMES USED CARS 301 ORCHARD AVE. DALLAS. OREGON PHONE 3001 DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS DOWN 1. Juice efpUats 0, River bottoms .Kinder jacket for boys l&Ejrrtsg 11. Call forth lirroUc 1. Conic! tents ll.HaBftrl9Ji city lT.Ltad- moMurt It. Draining; YStS 20. Invalid's food 22.IUuc (U.S.) 22. Run swsy sjidmsrry SCNotcTtr 20. Lofty mountain 22. Ostrich. llxtUrd 22.Touar stars (movies) 22.HfJfaa rsddcer ' 40. Sharp reply 42. Crude tartar rtr.) 44. Clamorous 45. Goddess of victory (Gr. RtlltT.) 42. Passable 4T. Vehldo witb roaaers 4XPara4iM LMor than two 2. On top x Prodded 4. Scoff 9. God Of pleasure CCott 7. runersj sons; 8. Outdo 11. Barracks 12. Bttter vetch 15. American Indian 19. dectrlfled particle t -111 - I I rr-Wr 850 Automotive ZZ2 Ussxl Cars Far Sola SEE 3VU SEE CO. '51 FORD A gleaming black 4-dr. Sdn., feceattf a ted with white waU tires. Economy phis Is yours with this g as-saving a. cylinder. ' $1095 $399 down $90.00 monthly Ford '49 2-DR. SEDAN This dark blue Champion Is set off with new full cap white wall tires and la economically yours at $995 $49.00 monthly $330 down PHONE 9-9143 Center at High Salem -934B9 .$1409 --$1399 -$1499 .41199 . $1099 $U9f , .41009 .4 799 4 MS' $ 999 . 9 799 .4 999 -$ 999 .4 499 .4 4BS US AND TERMS 2L Italian 24. To take ID apan 23. Old measure of lentth 27.Kortt sod 22. Amerle i tii is ai i s i i i r. I Tssierisy'e Aaswey &Pottefr day 22. Taut caa poetSAd writer 29. Stunted SLTRrouxa 32. Chines , silk 34. Mou&taia Isxes 27 Endured 41. River f FT.) 4J.Cuided 4 X777 i L-eaL P I 3- rrn