1) St Salem, Orw Friday. Sept. II, 1953; Toddy and Saturday 9:50 to 5:30 . . V Fri. 'til 9:00 JV JV ! : Special; Purchase! YDS. TO i i . 1 v) TO 1 PI on Reg. $6 All Sizes $J89 These Nationally advertised islips sell for $6.00 regularly every where. Made of high quality Dupont nylon . . . fully fashioned for comfort as well as foundation, they come with beautifully lace trimmed bust and hemline, straight-cut styles. Be sure to select at least two at this price $3.8-you'll save $4.02. In white only. All sizes. Lingerie section 2nd floor. Miller Pays Special! Women's Non-Run Rayon . . . JF mm 0)0) 3 FOR All Sizes Jr. I I V ' t i I 'mini i iMMMMMMiliiiiiiitiiniiriirmiii)iii n niiimn It's another Miller Days panfje brief special at a way low price on this superb quality! Finest rayon tricot. White only. Sizes small, medium and large. 2nd floor. Women's Bed Jackets An assortment of styles", colors and materials in this group of bed jackets. Rayon crepes . j . quilted crepes, etc QQ Lace and embroidery trimmed. 2nd floor w 0 A Fabulous Figure Builder Special Purchase 300 New ISiLIES Illustrated at right Is the famous figure builder girdle you've seen advertised in i your magazines. With the exception of its extremely low price, it is the same high quality founda tion garment. In nylon and rayon satin with satin elastic back. Concealed Bar-X elastic bands flatten your tummy in a twinkling. It also has the "STAY-UP" top that cinches your waist All sizes. Expertly fitted. It's Millers 1 Li Miller Days Special! 0 at LLER'S SALEM, ORE. Our Entire Stock of mm 2 Use Our Budget Plan-Layaway! Air Conditioned 2nd Floor SPECIAL GROUP! Scarfs Capes Stoles Jackets Camper with w Anywhere 'Plus 4 Country of Origin on All Furs W SPECIAL 0R MILLER AYS! Reg. to 8.95 W 9 yd. AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE IN MOST INSTANCES! This direct woolen mill special purchase comes to you via Miller Days once each year. It is a collec tion of rich quality suitings, skirtings, dress weights, etc. Gabardines and novelty suitings of finest wool ... some fabrics in this group are wool and Orion, a very popular lightweight fabric In plaids, stripes and Checks. 600 yds. Rayon Acetates Reg. $2.00 CT7 Acetate crepes, striped taffetas, moires, failles, metal- V-' C lies, brocades . . . there's a choice for everyone! 600 "-j yards ... so shop early for these! Your opportunity j for a whole wardrobe of afternoon and formal dresses. I VQ SALE! Fianncl Suitings! vd. A regular $1.69 llannel suit ing xor cirri .and boys' . school blouses, shirts. areiiettna skirts. Heather mixed col on. Teal- ' blue. pepper red; pur- pie, goia mut, leaf.' green, htithw - brown & V cruiser "V . blue. .1 ! -v, . II I . H ' " j" : h IT'S A BIG SPECIAL PURCHASE OF FAMOUS BRAND d!lLW Reg. to 3.98 pr. It's our annual glove fiesta! The factojy compliments Miller Days with this extra fine assortment of ! their best gloves that we, in turn, may offer them to you at a 'very low price! All new fall shades and fabrics . . j SHORT AND LONG STYLES WITH LOTS OF MEDIUM LENGTHS. Costume matching shades will be feature of this sale! All sizes from 6 to 7Vi. Main floor. i pair SPECIAL PURCHASE OF 1 WW Cifflfoii1to SPECIAL PURCHASE! r O . :,41 V k t t v 9 Reg. 14.95 For Self and Gifts Now for those fluffy warm satin quilted comforters perk up your bedroom decor and contribute very greatly to one's comfort in sleeping. Light as feather . . . warm as toastl In Truponto quilting designs. Assorted colors and color combinations. Downstairs. Now! "Calloway" Efodi Traels 1 Reg. $1.69 Calloway spells quality In bath towels! Calloways are heavier, more absorbent than most bath towels. Buy them now and savel Select some for gifts such as Anniversaries, Christmas, etc. Downstairs. Special Purchase of SklOS SETS Where else can you buy an 81x108 sheet of this quality at $1.98? Only on Miller Days! Sec onds of Pequot but the tiny flaw that .makes them a bargain can scarcely be seen. Also 72x108 sizes in this sale. Downstairs. 100 latex; Foam Rubber -2 for? $T1ff with convenient each- "n covers Downstairs. " many Paste' hades. 1 . .i Bath Mats siM 19x34 t i Extra heavy qualities with rubberized back to guard against slipping. A very wide choice of decorative olors from which to choose. Downstairs. Quilted Sofa Reg. $2.98 satin and chromespun ouilted sofa pillows in all the pretty living and bedroom shades you could ask for . . . and for such a little price 1 Downstairs. Specia I Factory Purch representative an' to' tke SEW- ; ne depretlt i machine KTArr .'J.r TO?eble ana GUARANTEED TWENTY YEARS! The most modern sew ing machine on the market . . '. and it does the' finest job of sewing, too. You'll be delighted with its ease of operation, its modern HOUND BOBBIN," its built-in darner ... automatic bobbin wind and other features noted on the sketch at jright For two days only ... SEW-EZY portables will! he priced at $39.93" with the usual $5.00 down and the balance in easy installments lower than your rental charge. COME AND SEE THE SEW-EZY DEMONSTRATED. DOWNSTAIRS. Only $5.00 Down Easy Terms ase ot t- a ylZ TT. n n rr n - i rcrji.VArvv i i . i m t - - I -