The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 11, 1953, Page 18, Image 18

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    2 (Sac.' 3) Statesman. Satan. Ore. Friday. Sept 11. 1953
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(Thirty Days Hath September ;
But Once It Had Thirty-One
; If th Roman Emperor Aufiutiu hadnl been io Tain,' th rhyma
about September would have read thirty-one lnitead of thirty. But
Augustus wanted a month named after him, so he snipped a day off
September, added It to the previous month, and christened it Aug
ust The patched month has lasted to this very day. '
So that leaves us modern cooks with only thirty menu days to
elan In September insteaa ox
Rainy days can be doubly long
formother and children alike.
Let the youngsters help prepare
lunch or supper. Even a three-year-old,
with holiday cookie rat
ten, can produce fascinating ani
mals from bread slices. The
brown j rabbit I and the white
chlckie become French Toast at
supper-time. Slightly stale bread
will cut easily and make an eco
nomical dish.
Chocolate waffles make an
easy dessert Stir two or three
tablespoons of chopped walnuts
into the batter before baking. '
They add a wonderful rich flavor
and crunchiness. ;, - .'
ut ' hard-boiled eggsin ' cold
water as soon as they are done
to make shelling easier.- ,
Am'ona the manv foods Droduced by manufacturers to simplify cooking for the modem housewife are refrigerated
biscuits. These delicate breads come in a cardboard cylinder ready for baking. Cooked as is they are excellent, but
if the cook would like fancy hot breads she may try one of the many variations like the butterscotch rolls pictured here.
Rolls in
Refrigerated rolls found in the
dairy case at the grocery store
have a variety of uses other than
just as mighty good plain baking
powder biscuits. Pictured on this
page, they become luscious but
terscotch nut affairs like this:
1 package oven ready biscuits
3 tablespoons butter or mar
garine, melted
V cup firmly packed brown
3 tablespoons pecans, chopped
2 tablespoons water
Heat oven to 425 F. Combine
butter, brown sugar, pecans and
water. Divide into 10 lightly
greased medium muffin cups.
Place a biscuit in each muffin
Bake at 423 about 10 minutes.
Immediately, invert pan on wax
ed paper. Cool for 5 minutes be
fore removing pan. Makes 10.
The answer to a good salad is
a good dressing, usually. Serve
tart or nippy dressings on green
salads, sweet ones on fruit, bland
ones on chicken, and so on.
1 cup mayonnaise
2 teaspoons vingera
1 teaspoon chopped chives
1 hard-cooked egg, finely
Blend the mayonnaise and
vinegar together. Mix in the
chives and chopped egg. Serve
with vegetable salad.
1 small clove garlic, sliced
1 teaspoon minced onion
r cup alive oil
cup vinegar or lemon juice
2 oz. blue cheese
1 teaspoon paprika
. 1 teaspoon sugar
14 teaspoon salt
Few grains cayenne
Add onion and garlic to oil
and allow to stand for one-half
hour to an hour. Remove from oil
and discard. Cream blue cheese
to a smooth past and add oil
fradually, stirring constantly to
eep the mixture as smooth as
possible. Add the remaining in
gredients and beat, or shake, in
a tightly covered jar, until well
blended. Serve on salad greens
or vegetable salads. Makes 1 cup.
rruivrn nvvcctvn
3 tablespoon corn starch
1 tablespoon sugar
8 teaspoon dry mustard
2 teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
Few grains cayenne
teaspoon paprika j
1 cups milk
2 egg yolks
4 cup cinegar
Vi cup salad oil
Mix first seven ingredients in
a small amount of the milk until
smooth. Add remaining milk.
Cook over low heat, stirring con
stantly, until mixture thickens
andboils. Boil 2 minutes, stirring
constantly. Remove from heat and
gradually add egg yolks. Return
to heat for 2 minutes, stirring
constantly. Remove from heat
and gradually beat in vinegar
with rotary beater. Add salad oil;
beat until smooth. CooL Use with
potato or fruit salads. Makes 2
Better Toy Storage Good Accident Insurance
Any parent who has tripped
over a child's roller coaster or
barked his shins on a toy truck;
will welcome suggestions from
the Arizona Agricultural Experi
ment Station, Tucson, on storage
for play equipment
The study on toy storage, su
pervised by Dr. B. Eleanor John
son, is part of the regional re
search on farmhouse improve
ment conducted by the Western
State Experiment Stations. Draw
ings and measurements for build
ing toy storage units have been
worked out by the Arizona Sta
tion, i
Recommendations for safe, con
venient, and efficient storage in
clude low, open shelves, easy to
build and inexpensive, located
where children use their toys
most Such shelves make it easy
for small children to see and
reach their playthings and keep
them in good condition, and thus
encourage habits of order and
care of possessions. Also, such
storage space adds to the safety
of grown-ups by preventing a fre
quent accident falling over scat
tered toys.
In the Arizona study, farm
homemakers reported that their
young children usually, played
where their mothers were work
ing; consequently, these mothers
wanted storage places for toys
in kitchen, living room, and bed
room. As a result of the study, the
Station suggests that shelves for
trucks, wagons, and other toys
used in active play be built in
the child's bedroom, where the
noise will be least disturbing to
the rest of the family, and that
toys for quiet play, such as books
and small blocks, be kept on
shelves in the living room. Toys
for creative or imaginative play
may be kept in the kitchen.
Many parents invest consider
able money in toys. Tumbling
them together where they may
get 'broken may lead children
into careless, extravagant ways
with their possessions, comments
Dr. Johnson.
thirty-one. we can guarantee a
dessert for any day In September
with Banana Chocolate Crumb
Pi chocolate cookie crumbs
S make light work of th crust, and
an uncooked filling- of whipped
i cream and sliced mellow fully
1 ripe bananas simplifies this part
ox tne pie u pneucatv uv win.
This is the kind of impressive
dessert you need for dinner
bratc a family occasion. It can be
assembled so quickly and easily,
and yet it is festive and satisfying.
You can vary its appearance by
using different toppings such as
toasted coconut, grated semi
sweet chocolate, finely chopped
candied fruit peeL or finely
i chopped nuts. For banana flavor
t nak of sweetness and ripeness.
tJllt is helpful to know that you
' T mA fcnan whtrh have velloSV
peel well-flecked with brown.
. Dash of salt
1 cup heavy cream
2 tablespoons sugar
Few drops vanilla or
almond flavoring
3 to 4 ripe bananas
Chocolate Crumb Crust
Toasted coconut
Add salt to cream and beat
with rotary egg beater or electric
mixer until stiff enough to hold
its shape. Fold in sugar and va
nilla or almond flavoring. Cover
bottom of crumb crust with small
amount of whipped cream. Peel
bananas and slice into crumb
crust Coyer immediately with re
maining whipped cream. Garnish
with toasted coconut, if desired.
Makes 1 pie.
Finely chopped nuts, grated
semi-sweet chocolate or finely
chopped, candied fruit peel may
be used in place of the toasted
6 tablespoons butter or
margarine, melted
IVt cups chocolate wafer crumbs
2 tablespoons sugar
Combine melted butter or mar
garine with crumbs and sugar.
Mix well, press firmly into a
9-inch pan and chill.
2 .Kids .z,
n n
4 Bicycles .. ..
One Given Away
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Bny Your IGA Producis at These IGA Stores
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Green Tomatoes
Bofor6 Freeze
Now before frost time, it's
wise to get together good recipes
for using green tomatoes, the U
S. Department of Agriculture
suggests to home gardeners;
Gather green tomatoes before
frost ruins them because they
can be used for pickles, relishes,
pies and even cookies. Green to
mato mincemeat is an item worth
considering because it can be
used in cookies, fruit cake or pie.
Here's the Department of Agrii
culture recipe to make about 4
Ingredients: 4 quarts (about
24 to 28 medium-sized) finely
chopped green tomatoes; 2 quarts
(about 8 to 10 medium-sized)
pared, finely chopped tart apples;
1 pound raisins; 4 tablespoons
minced citron, lemon or orange
peel; 1 tablespoon ground cinna
mon; 2 teaspoons salt; V tea
spoon ground allspice; tea
spoon ground cloves; 2 cups
firmly packed brown sugar; 3
cups granulated sugar; cup
vinegar; i to Y cup lemon juice;
2 cups water.
To make: Combine all ingredi
ents and cook mixture slowly un
til tender and slightly thickened.
Stir frequently to prevent stick
ing. Pour into hot clean jars. FUJ
jars to top and seal. Store in a,
cool, dry, dark place. ;
Other recipes for green and
also ripe tomatoes are included
in "Tomatoes On Your Table''
(Leaflet 278). Single copies are
free from the Office of Informa
tion, U. S. Department of Agri
culture, Washington 25, D. C.
Choiv F.loin
OOCKB If utAnns
You are invited to join Martha Meade's
It - . ' " r- -
I r 111 - J ,rlf -4-f H-
Do you have an Interesting recipe? One
that you are proud of? Then you are invited to
join Martha Meade's Recipe Exchange Club.
i : t'
- - - .
1 Illlffllll. .!) II If WW Ul Mill II Mill " " ' H"1 pMMMMaMMiiMMOTMHMMMMMMMaMWHMHMMHMMMMaM
2. Here's how the
Club works. Each homemaker
who sends in a cherished recipe becomes a member.
The initiation fee for joining is the rtrd "Sperry" cut
This is a club devoted to good homemaking from the front of any size sack of Sperry Drifted Snow
and good food. It aims to give recognition to
women who are contributing to the enjoyment
and traditions of friendly western living. It
offers a wonderful opportunity for you to make
new friends all over the West.
Flour. In exchange, you get interesting recipes sent in
by other members. News about food, homemaking
ideas and Club projects will be mailed to you regularly.
Also when you join, you get a beautiful copy of your
Club's Homemaker's Creed suitable for framing.
Different Club recipes to be exchanged in different months
You may tend in any interesting
recipe at any time. But since there
are so many different kinds of bak
ings, the club recipe committee
thought it wise to feature one type
of recipe at a time. In other words,
cake recipes will be exchanged one
month, pie and cooky recipes an
other month, etc We call it our bi
monthly Club project. ' :
Here la the schedule. Your recipe
will come up for review and exchange
during the months shown at right.
SEPT-OCTt Cakes of all kinds.
Layer, loaf, dark or-light.
NOV-DEC: Pies and cookies.
New fillings! Clever toppings. New
tricks with old favorites.
JAN-FEB: Casseroles, Breads.
Crusts, dumplings, toppings for cas
seroles. Fruit and nut breads, muf
fins, rolls, yeast breads.
serts. Interesting fruit cobblers,
shortcakes, puddings and tortes.
Join today. Use application blank!
3m First Club project Is Cakt Recipes. All
cake recipes sent in during September and
October will-be reviewed by the club "recipe
committee immediately. Those cake recipes of
outstanding interest will be published and sent'
to all Club members. Each published recipe
will give credit to the member who sent it in.
It will tell who she is, where she lives and give
other news about her and her family.
I; M tm' I' . ' t
a a r mir ii h m iiii -
"join How! Use this application blank
For 101 years Sperry Drifted Snow Flour has
helped make favorite Western recipes better
Us Sprry Drift! Snow "HobmPi
fected" Enriched Flour in soy rseip yoa
Uk. Folks st Sperry art so sureyouH ct
better reeolta with this superb floor, that
they sell erery sck on a doubUyour money
bad guanntte. With 8perry Drifted 8now
yoa can't lose. Queen Bess pattern silTsr
ware coupon in every sack.
Write recipe plainly on sheet of paper,! ,
and encloe with application blank J
Mail to: Martha Meade's Recipe Exchange Clab
Oakland , California
! I would like to Join Martha Meade's Recipe Exchanft Clab.
'Enclosed ie my moat cherished recipe foe
(kind of recipe)
I hare also enclosed the word "Sperry cut firom'a sack of
Driftad Snow Flour. You have my permission to reproduce
my recipe, send it to all Club members, and use my name.