" (Sec Z) Statesman. Salem. Orew Friday, Sept II, 1953; Jewish Faith By GEORGE CORNELL NEW YORK to On these days, the Jew looks into the mirror of his conscience, measuring the wrongs of yesterday' and seeking a better tomorrow. These are the most sacred days of his year. It's a unique time. At sunset Wednesday, it began. Ten days from then, it ends. And all. these days, for him, are both an end and a beginning. While those outside his faith know these to be his highest holy days, few know the special mean ings of the season, for the timeless message that's "renewed and told again for him and for all men. Sits la Syaagcfme On that first evening Wednesday, he sat in the Synagogue, listening to majestic swells of music, join ing in the songs of prayer: "Help up, God. to understand that Injustice and ha te will not forever afflict the sons of men; that righteousness and mercy will tri umph in the end." So he observed the start of Rosh Hashana Hebrew for "beginning of the year" the first phase of the '10 days of penitence" which last until Yom Kippur "the day of atonement" on Sep. 19. Hears Teraa He watched the flickering candles on the altar, symbolizing the light of faith in God, heard the Torah (Scriptures) and sermon. The mel odic prayers bespoke his anxieties and his hope: "Our God and God of our fathers, may thy kingdom come speedily, that worship of thy name and obedience to thy laws unite all men In brotherhood and peace." Like all Jewish holy days, it be gan at evening, ia accord with the scriptural account of creation "there was evening, and morning, one day." Spiritual New Year Thus Thursday was the morn ing of Rosh Hashana, his spiritual new year a time for personal stock taking, for resolutions to do right In the coming year, for more pray er and psalms in the temple: "I lift mine eyes unto the hills . . ." He intones with the congre gation. And then his pulse quickened as the clear, piercing trumpeting of the ram's horn sounded the "call to conscience" with the urgency of a bulge. Day of RededicatioB He looked around him, many fel low Jews who seldom came to wor- Obseryin g Birth of The ir New Year ship, filled the Synagogue. For this was their great day of rededt cation. "Heavenly Father," they prayed, "in the twilight of the vanishing year, we lilt up our Hearts to Thee, to thank Thee for all Thy mercies in the past, and to im plore Thy guidance and Thy bless ing, for Uie future. His prayers on these days are not for himself alone, nor his par-l ucular faith. Have Universality "The aspirations voiced," said Rabbi Samuel Silver, of the Union of American Hebrew Congrega tions, "have a universality that goes beyond any group." Even the use of the ram's horn the "shofar" which in ancient times called men to battle symbo lized the hope that instruments of war will be converted to imple ments of peace. To the Jew, the days commem orate no person, nor event, but sum-; mon him to. do his best to live rightly, to quit old faults and pledge new devotion to the laws of his maker. Ancient Lunar Calendar Ifs a technical matter, to him J that the time the "new Year" of 5714 is calculated by the ancient lunar calendar, instead of the mod ern solar calendar he uses every day. The occasion is strictly spir itual. At home, too, he observes the I days, mostly with contempla Uon and prayer. At mealtime per fhaps there will be honey served. ( symbolizing the hope for sweetness ; of life during the coming year. And he will light candles at the table, speaking the -blessing:, "Praise be Thou, oh Lord our God, King of the universe, who hast sanctified us by the command ments and commended us to kindle the festive candle.' -Hears Hesea Plea ' Friday and Saturday, he attends special "shabbat Shuvah" services the "Sabbath of Return (repent ence)T and be hears the old plea of the prophet Hosea: "Return, return, oh Israel . ; . unto the Lord thy God, for Thou has stumbled in thine iniquity . . . return unto the Lord, and say unto Him, forgive all iniquity and ac cept that which is good." A week hence on Yom Kippur the "Day of Atonement" and hol iest day of the Jewish calendar he fasts all day, taking only water from sunset Friday until sunset Sat urday. AH Oc VMn1 Evening services open with the most celebrated song in Jewish mu sic, the Kol Nidre meaning "All Our Vows." As the compelling, haunting strains fill the people, he watch es deeply moved, as attendants lift the decorative, parchment scrolls of the law from the ark. -Teach us to undo the wrongs we have committed," the choir sings. Inscribed Scrolls During the song, the brilliantly inscribed scrolls, containing the SCHAEFEJfS Rectal Ointment 75c TUBE (With Applicator) Why surfer the discomfort of irritating and itching ' of piles? Sold Only at SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Daily 7:39 A. M.-S P. M. Sunday 9 A. M. - P. M. 135 N. Commercial 4 W WOW I A cJ See Oar Booth at the Oregon Stale Fair in the Machinery Row Featuring the Latest In Garden Tractors and Power Mowere HOWSER BROS. 1185 Sonlh 12lh Phone 3-3646 first five books of the Bible, are held in view. The ceremony means much to him, recalling periods of persecution when worship had to be in secret, and the ark kept hidden. Afterward comes a central part of the service, the public confes sional. Its collective nature indi cates the idea of mutual responsi bility, that though one may be in nocent of a particular sin, he shares the guilt if he stood by while others committed it. 'Tor the sins that we have sin ned against Thee under stress or through choice in stubbornness or in error ... in the evil medita- of mouth by abuse of power ... by disrespect of parents and teach ers ... by dealing treacherously with our neighbor ... for all these sins, oh God of forgiveness, bear with us, pardon us, forgive us." Services Continue The choir echoes the words, and he stands, his head bowed. All day Saturday, the services continue. With prayers, special scriptures, , sermons and . psalms. Uon of; the heart . by the word He hears the clear-cut injunction from Deuteronomy: "I call Heaven and earth to wit ness unto you this day, that I have set before thee, life or death, the blessing or - the curse; therefore choose Aife, that thou mayest live." And finally, just before the sun sets, come the closing trumpeting of the ram' born, sounding a last reminder and challenge te the year ahead 4 i ' . t .. . causes va .j j -. Improved Elfccrias Bring Containers and Save Open Evenings 1 J Miles From West Salem Bridge Out Wallace Road Young Orchard U-Hck or We Pick H. L Stoutenberg 1S27 State St. OPEN NIGHTLY TIL pi P. M. Phone 2-9415 Sugar C&H .25-lb. Beef Hash Libby's .Can I Tomato Soup TtfT)0 Campbell'. Can dijJ PHEASANT 303 Size Peas Cans Caisup) 0 L-Z3 for L3 U T. P. PAN-READY ,11 111 -LB. 4c BONED AND ROLLED USES' B0&ST UHB O WOW IMPROVED EBl MOTES - $209 NO. 2 SPUDS 504b. Sack ORANGES Do. DANISH SQUASH 7 Lb. Beef Roast Shoulder .Lb. Ground Beef Pure Lb, Steaks Lb. Lunch Heals Assorted T.W. coy" jmssbbs Reg. 39c Lb. 280 i FREE PARSING AT UNION ST ATION. ACROSS FROM STORE c Dog) Zrasy you can literally . when you go by taking your m ml I ft (QDcpcij? tme wwfo mm wm ram i ! .... 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