12 (Sec 1) Statesman, Satan. Ore Friday, SepL II, 1953 THE VALLEY NEWS COLUMNS . . , - i From The Oregon Statesman's Valley Correspondents Mt. Angel Swimming Program Success: Woodburn Credited i lUteBua News ferric MT. ANGEL A good share of credit and appreciation for the success of the Mt Angel "Learn-to-Swim" program was attributed to Woodburn! cooperation' in providing pool facilities, when the final report of Instructor Norene Wells of Woodburn was read to the Mt. Angel City Council by Carl Mucken. This was the first year Mt. Angel children received the ben efit of the swim instructions, sponsored by the American Red Cross in conjunction with the Youth Recreation Committee. ' Two classes were held each week for over two months.' The highest number at one instruc tion period was 69 with an aver age of 54 children attending each time and a total attendance of 8D6 children dver the entire swim program. The following 24 children passed the beginner's test: Don Wavra, Arlene Fessler, Charles Wavra, James Schaecher, Arlene ScZimitz, Harriet Pur (ley, An thony Dummer, Jeanette Wach ter, Tim Butsch, Louis Jonsoro, Clifford Schmidt, Bub Mucken, Bob Blem, Joe Schmitt, Jim Uoger, Steve Rider, Joe Schall berger, John Schallberger, Billie Worley, Alice Terhaar, Joan Wisher, Mary Bockelman, Mike Penner, and Lois Schmitt ;Eight passed the Intermediate test: They include Ralph Schmitt, Jim Penner, Mary Jean Schmitt, Karen Simon Ronald Wachter, Penny Schmidt, Patricia Schmitz and Dennis Bean. ;'The program was financed by a; recreation fund established by the citizens of Mt Angel and transportation was furnished by the parents of the youngsters. IUitheran Meet Draws Valley Girl Statesman News Strric. AUMSVILLE Helena Littau, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdi nand Littau, Aumsville route 1, attended the 1953 Lutheran Stu dent Association Conference near Interlochen, Mich-, which ended Saturday. Miss Littau will be at the Uni versity of California this year as graduate assistant with the divi sion of student service, National Lutheran Council Three Join -Bethel Farm i Organization , j lUtMww Hew Senrte. BETHEL Voted, into the mem bership of Bethel Local of the Farmers Union at the Monday night meeting were Tom R. Bur ton, James K Gwynn, Glen A) Hoven, all of Salem route 5. Linda Chapman, who was sent by this local to the Junior State camp at Camp Adams, told of her experiences there. I W. L. Creech reported a 10 per cent increase in business during the past year at the Farmers Un ion cooperative store. This was considered favorable in view of some stores reporting less busin ess. A movement was started to pe tition the Marion County Court to widen and improve the East State Street Road. Carl Raetz showed colored slides as the entertainment fea ture. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lauder back served during the social hour. i Sunnyside School To Open Monday j I talesman News ferric SUNNYSIDE School will start Monday, Sept 14, at Sunnyside.' Work on the addition to the schoolhouse is well underway. It is expected to be finished by Dec. L The kitchen and adjoining room have been repainted and made ready for temporary use as classrooms for first and second grades. The first meeting of the Com munity Club has been postponed until October. Prune harvest will start next week in this vicinity. Cascade High School Slates ration Resist SUUsoub News Service AUMSVILLE Cascade Union High School will be open for reg istration next week .on Wednes day, Thursday and Friday; also from 7-9 p. m. Wednesday and Thursday. All students are asked to pay fees and check registration on these dates. Classes will start at 9 a. m. Mon day, Sept 21, with an enrollment similar to last year's 367 ex pected. Cascade will have three new faculty members: They are Miss Monte Middle busher, graduate of Oregon State College who will teach girls' physical education and one freshman class in English; Lyle King, who coached all sports at Harrisburg High School last year, will be head coach of basketball and will teach social ecnomics Land boys' physical education: David Evans of Portland will teach junior and senior English and one class in journalism. Many Returning Remaining from last year's fac ulty are Louis J. Uhrhammer, principal; Milton E. Gralap who will tech science; Roy E. Hough who will teach freshman math, algebra and geometry; Harold Dutton, teacher of agriculture; Robert Stewart, head of the guid ance department, football and baseball coach, win teach fresh man subjects; John Seim will teach all biology classes and will be assistant coach; Mary Seim will teach freshman and sopho more English classes and be head of dramatics: Martha Angus will be head of the commercial de partment and will teach typing and office practice; Ruth Riches will be librarian and teach a class in bookkeeping; Lora E. Bates will teach American history and world history; Eleanor DeCamp will teach home economics and art; Richard Bassien will teach driver training and general wood shop; William Bissell will teach all music classes including band; Garth Rouse will handle all Vet eran Agriculture classes; Mar garet Riches will be clerk and sec retary to the principal. E. F. Ruby will again be head custodian and Melvin Nichol will be his assistant; Mrs. Irene Hough will be head cook for the cafe teria, assisted by Mrs. Mary Ben- ner and Mrs. Jane Nicholson. Holdover members of the school board are Louis Scofield, chairman, Delmer Barber and Jefferson People To Attend College . Staicsaaaa New Service JEFFERSON Several more members of last spring's gradu ating class have reported Inten tions of attending college . this falL Jimmy Adams will start at Willamette University next week, taking a pre-engineering course planning on an electrical engin eering degree. John Perry will attend Oregon State; John CaughelL the Univer sity of Oregon; Lee Cameron, Jimmy Blackwell and Dale Wit tenberg, Oregon College of Edu cation at Monmouth; Deloris Mey ers, Cascade, at Portland. Army Calls Dozen Polk County Men Statesman News Service DALLAS Twelve Polk Coun ty men will leave here Sept. 16 for Army induction in Portland the next day, the Polk County Se lective Service office reported Wednesday. Seven of the 12 are volunteers this month. They are Delbert Al len Course, Laurence John Smith Jr., Richard Leroy Lang and Ed gar Gottfried Brandli, all of Dal las; Frank Arthur Rosenstock Jr., Monmouth; Bruce , Randall Sparks Jr., Independence; Alson Bryan Coles, Dorris, Calif. Also drafted are James Judson Hall Jr., Salem; Raymond Clif ford Harden Jr. and James Nor man Scott, both of Independence; Glea Clifton Humphreys and Hayes Eldridge Terry, both of Monmouth. The draft office said no call for physical examinations had been received in Polk County this month. Howard Gilbert New members are Dixon Vose, Marion; and Jack Speer, Aumsville. The new mem bers replace Fred Comstock who moved to Albany and Karl Wip per whp moved into the Turner district from the Cloverdale district FALSE TEETH That Loosen Need Not Embarrass Many wearers of false teeth have suffered real embarrassment because their plate dropped, slipped or wob bled at last the wrong time. Do not live in fear of this happening' to you. Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH, the alkaline (non-acid) powder, on your plates. Holds false teeth more firmly so they feel more comfortable. Does not sour. Checks "plate odor" den ture breath). Get FASTEETH at any drug store. vaMey f - fX s. Mews HBpneffs Sweet Home Construction of the Fir Lawn Lutheran parsonage is underway here. The congrega tion'beld its first service on Aug. 30 with 96 present The Rev. Oliver Everette is pastor. The church is affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Amity Gene Newman, sen Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Newman, left Sunday for Los Angeles Bible Institute. Young people of Mc Minnville Conservative Baptist Church honored him at a beach party at Delake. Unionvale A no-host luncheon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Holt honored Mr. and Mrs. Ted Cotner. They are leaving to spend the winter in Arizona. Forty relatives and friends at tended. Jefferson Euclid Chapter, Eastern Star, opened it fall sea son Tuesday night. An honorary Hawaiian degree was conferred on all past matrons and past patrons present Sweet Heme Qly police re port 66 arrests a record number far one month during August Parking meter revenue totaled $691. Police Chief Roy Clover re ports that Albert Mong has been appointed dog catcher. Jefferson Pvt William Da vies visited at the Edwin Swartz home during the past week. He is the English boy who worked for them for four years before enlisting in the U. S. Army. He is now en route to Europe for a 16-month tour of duty and will visit his parents in England. POISOII OAK! Why xperiment? Other remedies may possibly cur you, but ihe additional suf fering Is not only unneces sary but also Tory palnfuL For quick relief, try HOOD'S Poison Oak Lotion SCHAEFEH'S DRUG STORE Open Dally, 7:30 AJL-S PJL Sunday. 9 AJH.- 4 PJtt. 135 N. Commercial Brooks Next meeting of the Sewing Club will be Oct 1 at the home of Mrs. J. J. Lesher. Mrs. A. P. Sidebottom entertained the group last week. f Jefferson Everett and Glenn Struckmeier wil start a house-to-house milk delivery service Mon day in Jefferson and Marion. It will be the first time Jefferson has had this type of service for many years. REWARD FOR COURTESY RALEIGH, N. C. VP) Courtesy is the watchword for motorists here. The reason: The police de partment awards free theater tickets to motorists observed rendering courteous acts. Eisenhower Gives Medals 4 WASHINGTON U? Vice Presi dent Nixon presented Congressional Medals of Honor Wednesday to rel atives, of five Marines who earned them j by heroic deaths in Korea. "They gave up their lives that freedom might continue to live on in a perilous world.'" Nixon said during the spine-tingling ceremony on the. tree-shaded parade ground of the. Marine barracks. ( Posthumously awarded the na tion's highestmilitary decoration were:i (- Second Lt Sberrod Emerson Skinner Jr.. .East Lansing, Mich.; Staff ;Sgt William E. Shuck Jr., Waukeean. Ill Staff Set. TmH G. Watkins. Seneca, S. C; Pfc. John D. Kelly, Homestead, Pa., and Pvt. Jack William Kelso, Fresno, Calif. "Because they served we are more j secure, Nixon said. "Be cause; ot their sacrifices the lamn of liberty burns more brightly la the world. Because they died others will live." - SOMEBODY'S ENGAGED- and ',her ' beautiful diamond ring is a KEEPSAKE from BROWN'S, JEWELRY. For this important lifetime choice, a KEEPSAKE, Diamond Ring assures the finest quality and greatest value. Only diamonds of superior tcolor, cut and clar ity are selected by KEEP SAKE . .. ; and these are guaranteed perfect in writing by the famous Keepsake Cer tificate. Look for the words "guaranteed registerd perfect gem" on the tag and choose with confidence at BROWN'S JEWELRY. 184 N. Liberty. fcOMBION Buy 10 (gallons Pride of Oregon Snper . Ethyl . . . and a 2 iallon Can j ! Of Pride of Oregon 100 Paraffin Base Holor Oil 2H.9B Value for Only mum JMir ON OFFER! m LM I Listen to Smiling Jack's Football Forecast Every Friday Night at 7:30 P. M. on KOCO - Starting Sept. 18 mm Everybody Else Does, TO 3 ' i 12' Coiion Broadloom 3 Colors Beige, Cinnamon, Green Rg. $5.95 q. yd. 95 Sale CNwaF ta. yd. 9'xl2 ONLY $47.40 1 -4 75 smaller carpel rem nants lo be sold ai or be low onr cost. Ideal for din elles, siairs and hallways. 1 T REGULAR SALE PRICE 1-I2'xl0'4" Brown Frieze ....... 134.50 104.50 1-I2'xl2'2" Beige self lone axninsler . . .166.50 119.50 1 12'xl5'6" Cinnamon self lone axminsler . .186.50 149 50 1 12'xl0'6" Beige leaf self lone axminsler . . 210.00 149.50 1-12'14'6" Green Freize 275.00 169.50 1 12'xl4' Grey lexlured Willon 325.00 189.50 1-12x12' Grey iexlnred ronnd wire Willon 22150 189.50 1 12'xl2' Cinnamon Iexlnred Willon ... 344.50 249.50 1 12'xl9' Green Texiured round wire . . . 349.50 279.50 4.-5lA rf ' .... ,-;,f jtyJ -. rt REGULAR SALE PRICE I roll 9' Bose and grey leaf axninsler . 6.95 sq. yd. 4.95 sq. yd. i 1 roll 9' Grey and rose floral . . j . . 7.95 sq. yd. 5.95 sq. yd. 1 roll 9 Green self lone 12.95 sq. yd. 6.95 sq. yd. 1 roll 9' Green leaf self lone . . . ; . ' . 9.95 sq. yd. 7.95 sq. yd. 1 roll 9' Beige freize ..... . . 13.95 sq. yd. 9.95 sq. yd. 1 roll 9' Grey freize . . . . ;. 15.95 sq. yd. 9.95 sq. yd. 1 roll 9' Grey Iexlnred Willon . . -j. . 17.50 sq.' yd. 9.95 sq. yd. uuuiixm min's imir: ipfiuice i soke miiismi 5ALEM ORECOM CITY OPEII FRIDAY HIGLTTS TIL 9 P. IL COniJEB STATE MID COIHIEnCIAL 27"x54 DROP CARPET SMIPLES GROUP 1 Values to $10.95 NOW GROUP 2 Value. o $15.35 NOW Your Choice GROUP 3 Values to $2i0 NOW Your Choice J ' ' . ' ST . mmm i EASIEST 1EMS OKl'-fil 7