2 (Sec 1) Statesman, Salora, Or. Tlroriw Sept 101953 World Ban! May Suspend Czechoslovaks WASHINGTON Uh A 19-nation committee of the World - Bank recommended Wednesday that the bank suspend Czechoslovakia, only Iron Curtain member of the 55 nation institution, unless she com pletes her dollar subscription to the bank by Dec. 31. At the same time, however, an official of the International Mone tary Fund reported that Czechoslo vakia has taken steps to clear up Its status with the IMF, twin insti tution to the bank. Czechoslovakia still owes the bank $625,000 of her 2 million subscription quota in dollars for the bank's capital. Nationalist China is the only oth er nation in arrears on its sub scription, but has been given an extension in which to complete pay met. The bank two years ago rejected a similar extension asked by Cezch oslovaJria. but took no action to force payment. Czechoslovakia's action to clear her accounts with the fund was taken as an indication she would probably try to meet the World Bank's deadline, and stay in both organizations. Membership is sep arate, but the same 55 nations be long to both the. bank and fund. RADIO CHANGE OKEHED WASHINGTON U The Com munications Commission Wednes day approved this corporate change: KRPL. Moscow. Idaho, assign ment of license to Latah County Broadcasters for $47,250. DALLAS DRIVE-IN THEATRE GATES OPEN 7:09 SHOW AT DUSK Phone 3841 ENDS TONIGHT "PLACE IN THE SUN" Also "HOTEL SAHARA" ACORNS FROM THE w ITU t 1 Therp was a gentleman who came to my office last evening and introduced himself- He and his wife drove up from Portland and here Is just what he said: "Mr. Milne, I wanted to meet you. I wanted to tell you that you are putting out the best Prime Ribs in the Oak Room that we have ever tasted any where and we do travel quite a lot We make special trips up to Salem, Just like this trip tonight, just to get these won derful Prime Ribs that we en joy so much. I do' not know what your chef's secret is but do not let him change a sin gle thing. When anything is perfect leave it that way. It was nice meeting you and we'll be up again in a couple of weeks." Sorry I can't tell you he man's name but we have ethics in our business, too. You too will enjoy our. charcoal broiled prime ribs in the Oak Room. Ladies the next fashion lun cheon is September 22 reser vations now. In Salem. It's the Hotel Marion Phone 3-4123 A Wt iUUUUUUUUUUk LEARN 5 Dances for ONLY $9.00 Combination Private sad Class Fox Trot Waltz Tango Rumba Sambo It's Easy - It's Fun CLASSES FOR ADULTS TEEN AGERS CHILDREN Special low September rates for Children's instruction in tap, ballet, acrobatics, toe, Studio Open It A. M. U 10 P. If. JON MAR Dance Studios 474 Ferry Phono 4-4962 Dancer Back, Opens Studio f l ' "5S r v, v .v 4 " ) '& " i - -4 1 t "i ( , ' y w New Giitdown On Influence ne ' vas Diie WASHINGTON A bouse sub committee Wednesday announced a new cutdown on influence peddling in the billion-dollar armed servic es spending program. Chairman Ress (R-Ohio) said bis armed services subcommittee on defense activities is "determined to stop this sort of thing." Hess' comment followed disclos ure of testimony that Republican leader Warren L. Stephenson sought a 4 per cent fee to use Ms Influence to help a California manufacturer get more orders from the Navy. Stephenson, who was chairman of President Eisenhower's Inaugu ral Committee, was said to have revealed secret information on rock et launchers during his negotia tions for,, a job with Century In dustries Inc. of Burbank, Calif. Trusty Flees Prison Annex Niles Navarre Niles Navarre, of Hollywood Lions Club Studio of the Dance, has just returned from a NADAA (Dancing Teachers) Convention in Los Angeles and will again open his studio on Tuesday through Saturdays. While in the south, Navarre said he received instruction from many of the better known teach ers. Following the convention, he took Spanish dancing from An tonia Morales, tap dancing with Bob Miller and attended ballets at the Greek Theater in Hollywood. Valuable Trash' Found In Receptacle by Boys HOLDENVILLE, Okla.(P)Boys, playing on a downtown street cor ner, upset a trash receptacle and an official-looking letter popped out containing a $2,134 check. District School Superintendent W. W. Graham, red faced, ex plained he gave the letter to his 13-year-old daughter to mail, and she apparently mistook the dark green receptacle for a dark green mail box. A trusty escaped from the prison annex of the Oregon State Prison early Wednesday mornin?, according to prison officials. He is John Emerson CooDer, 55, serv ing a life sentence for statutory rape. He was assigned to the dairy crew Wednesday and was called out at 4 a. m., a prison official said. He was last seen by a cor rectional officer shortly after 5 a. m. but was missing at the 6 o'clock roll call His description was given as 5 feet 11, 148 lbs., brown hair, grey eyes, ruddy complexion and slender build. He entered prison from Jack son County, June 12, 1951. For Fine tood Chinos & American Dishes Chinese Tea Garden The firm-did not employ him but Instead called the case to the at tention of the Navy. It was the first case of alleged influence peddling to come to light since the Eisenhower administra tion took iffice last January. The practice of helping firms get gov ernment business for a fee is not illegal but has been roundly criti cized for years by congressional investigating committees. In many past cases, a S per cent fee was charged. Congressional in vestigators coined the phrase "five percenter" as describing agents who claimed they could get govern ment business by exerting influ ence in the right places. CUCUMBERS UPICK '2Mt lb. 575 Choxnawa Road V Mile W. of Keizer School ount? n.'-'l Proves Fatal BEND 'UB Injuries suf fered Monday in a fall on Diamond Peak proved fatal Wednesday to William Hallin, 16, Eugene. He died in a hospital here with out regaining consciousness. His parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Hallin, were at his bedside. Young Hallin slipped on packed snow after climbing the peak with bis father. Hospital attendants at Klamath DANCING AT THE FAIR Dance to the music of the Wagon Wheelers every night except Sunday, Square dan cing Wed, Sept 9 and Satur day, Sept. 12. Admission 50e, Saturdays, 74c. 9 12 4-H Bldg. STATE FAIR TONIGHT, Thru Sat. Falls said Wednesday William Karilca, 17, Salem, who fell Sun day while descending a steep trail at Crater Lake, was showing; im provement. Ho suffered severe chest Injuries. - v , ROGER KTES ARRIVES FRANKFURT, Germany (fl Roger M. Kyes, deputy UJ&. sec retary of defense, arrived by air Wednesday night for a five day tour of American military bases in Germany. . I 1 C inj THE NEW S a a a - a 3555 S. Commercial Streot On 99-E-South of SUm NEW HOURS SUNDAYS 2 PJH. to 11 FM. SATURDAYS 4:30 KM. to J AM. ' WEEKDAYS 4:50 PJMU to 2 AJML OPEN SEVEN DAYS ' A.'.! WEEK! SPECIALIZING IN Chinese and American Foods LARGE PARKING AREA " Orders To Go Phono 2-21 17 v r J L 11 1 1 l'wf ;w . I I " B 1 1 I 1,'. uii. ur l tr.: c.u.t I i I I HVII Nf II K I I I I f - ' r . 1 y U M'il' ' ' ' ' I jlWaaBaaeeMMeaeaM JJ ' " - j 1 1 g j J ' W 1 J I I )) cAraoPEN. )) J U hwa jJLl V-V UVj J a ) "V I Cis u X SHOW AT 7:15 J.w' U I voamoo ao mm I 11 muvt - iriKU MU III " w -wiw ill aw y1! ""fl "a Wtmmmmm aia"iaak If (First Return Showing I f P 1 f f IT ( C )) ... Regular Prices!) )1 I C M I I I f I VX ji 9mm m Taiotinicolor (( ff I nn rr m rui a m b n tf it ir if w im in Uw.iij-UuwJ ))! Rory CalhouB 21 I tsl Corinne Calvet in - II Ph2u5s29 i'3 J I .... I t.JZZT DELUXE SIMMONS , j( . i un.t show . j( METAL BEDS o (, Rto Price. .Fto ft II irwen; Usually $16 95 I"1, """" ' mimmj'wi. If If "Bud Abbott & l .JiiHi n nfni irtwii'f iTi muM'ri'-'''--'- "-;--""---J---:"-'"----' Wll Loo cost.iio (( 1 1 1 n m 1 1 -t5s-Iw,u,u"u nr u oj Marie Windsor - in IV f w W J l( "The Tall Texan" (( you v b;0 PI N il Si ji I LI LJ LI U LI I n)) "A DAY IN THE L 11 It rnilMTDV" If enosnut Drown nnisn. VJL Wit y Enabling WOO DRY'S to Bring to Home-Owners of This Area tHe. There is no clergy among the Moslems. Air -Conditioned mmm Jfow Showing Open 6:45 "THE DESERT SONG" Technicolor Kathryn Grayson, Gordon MacRae Technicolor Co-Hit "THE VANQUISHED" John Payne, Jan Sterling pnoNiaoaoT 50c TIH 5:00 Donald O'Connor in "FRANCIS COVERS THE BIG TOWN" and Don Taylor "GIRLS OF PLEASURE ISLAND" Color by Technicolor H iihw.ir yn Regular Prices Plus 16c For Viewers 3 Dimension "CHARGE AT FEATHER RIVER" Also "WHITE GODDESS" OFFERED IN SALEM! '.a--,. Simmons HIDE-A-BED Values! Modern apartment size Hide A-Beds, upholstered In sew, smart decorator fabrics, U pet try, mohair friexet and nylons In an array of colors. Each one has a famous Deep sleep Simmons innerspring mattress . . . Save $30 to ISO. Pay as little as Lawson style Hide-A-Bed! A big selection U choose from. Apartment size or fall size. Chuck full of Simmons ex clusive comfort style features. Upholstered in rugged friezes, stylish tapestries or modern tweeds. Pay As Little New! Versatile! T Cushion Hide-A-Bed. Thjs sleek lined beauty is years ahead in style . . . This same model has sold nationally for much more! Choose from husky mo hair friezes and nylon! Pay As Little As ) 0' o o 50 Simmons All Steel Bunk Bed Sturdy double dock bunk bods. Complete with stool springs and innerspring mattresses. Tako them apart for twin beds. A roal value demonstration $L)00 YouH save $20.95. Usually $89.95 O LAST DAY "Band Wagon" and "Cage of Gold" STARTS TOMORROW! THE BEAUTY and the OUTLAW! 111 ill IS J With a . k ft J W : Willi Mill - AIITIIOHYQUIUIl KURT KASZNAR ALSO THAT WONDERFUL STAt OF "ROMAN HOitDAY" AUDREY HEPBURN in "SECRET PEOPLE Llltfrti.i'Ofclj',fiVf'""l'fl. Hollywood . Adjustable Bed Frames- rj; Usually $10.95. look at this low price nowl All stool frame on oasy rolling castors.. Will adjust to twin or full sizo. . SIMMONS BED CHAIR The most amazing dual purpose piece ever conceived. Beautifully styled lounge . chair miraculously converts to a wonderful six-foot lonf bed in a moment. Ideal for dens, llvlnf rooms or dormitories. Regularly $54.95 39 00 SIfilMONS ECONOMY SPRING & MATTRESS COMBINATION Usually $59.50. Look at the pricel Full or twin sizo in nerspring mattress and heavy coil springs. Every bit of Simmons usual quality. Both for $4450 o o o o o o Now! Famous Simmons Highland Plaid Sleep Set Sale Price . . . First Time Ever in Saleml Full Simmons quality. Full Simmons guarantee. Here's the famous Simmons "Know How" .built right in to this 220 coil mattress that's made Simmons the largest, most preferred bed ding company in the world. It's upholstered in beautiful Scotch plaid appropriate for the dollars you'll save . . . Bellows-like ventilators air your matress, keep it constantly fresh . . . life time cord handles make turning easy. Simmons crush-proof border. Yes, features by the dozens. You get every one in spite of this special low price. Matching Box Springs . . . Same Price. Save $20 Plust Regularly $59.50 Ea. YOU PAY ONLY Simmons Roll-Away Bed WITH INNERSPRING MATTRESS Look at the quality! All steel frame and springs with aa Innerspring fold-up mattress. Perfect for extra guests, apartment, hotels, motels, or summer homes. Folds compactly. Stores ia the closet. wv;p!g.w.!j;M )uiiii,L.;i'muiicn Usually $37.95 28 Sizo $2 90 AVI Co)B DUPLEX STUDIO BY SIMMONS - Twin beds ia tho-epace of 39" or . use It jtagly.'rrftls' versatile combination Is ideal ia pairs for a corner ia a small room. Aa extra bedroom In . 10 .seconds with pleaty of sleeping accomo datioa for fomv-7 " -v . SENSATIONAL SAVINGS ON SIMMONS LOUNGES Whea yea caa buy genuine steel constructed Sim mons Lounges at this price you've had a dream come true! Covered ia good looking geometries, plaids, or textured tweeds. Simmons Lounges snap opea at a touch to make a woaderful, slumberful full size bed. EASY TERMS Regularly $109.95 Savo $30.00 i Regularly $54.95 o o o o o o o Innerspring Mattress-Matching Box Springs Plus Set of 6 Hollywood Box Spring Legs 1 80 coil innerspring mattress for extra service and com- TWIN SIZE fort. Covered in handsome, long'woaring ticking. Twin r CAf) sizo. Box spring to match! JL rUlt Plv$ ... Set of 6 Hollywood Box Spring Legs 48 CO ioa 1 riiirrir r ' '"w' -...-Jvr..J . Tt( --i r,,M,-M ..t. iM r -r r-