The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 09, 1953, Page 9, Image 9

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ITIth Jerry Stone
Rod Province, the former Salem High athlete, has been a mem
ber of the Seattle Ramblers semi-pro football team for the past two
seasons . . . Rod plays an end slot and now hits the scales at a
whopping 230 . . . The Ramblers
are perhaps the strongest inde
pendent team in the Northwest
and indulge in a schedule of
around 15 games each year ...
Province took a crack at pro base
ball for a couple of years after
building a hot hill reputation as
a Vik. But he has now turned his
back on the diamond sport . . .
Things may not be as gloomy
grid-wise at Willamette as was
first pictured. True, there are
many gaps, but Ted Ogdahl also
has some mighty good looking
freshmen among his crop. Includ
ed are several Poitlanders who
competed in the Shrine game . . .
No releases of names yet pot un
til the lads have been enrolled.
That's because some other and
bigger schools might get ideas
Portland's Beavers again show
a good "kick" in the stretch.
Good enough to put 'em within
It is the pitching that has done it for the Bevos. Give them a
couple of real long bailers next season and they might have them
selves a flag ...
Butler $ Gem Most Rare in Baseball World
The perfect game tossed by Lewiston's Rich Butler the
other night against Spokane is the first in organized baseball
this season and as far as we know, the only one in a number
of years, anywhere . . . The odds against a piece of classic per
'fection like this are tremendous . . . Bloop hits, slow rollers,
walks, hit batsmen all are threats to a "perfecto" . . . But But
ler ran the 27-man gauntlet untouched . . .
Add to the types inhabiting Lone Oak track these afternoons:
Those who greet the ending of every race with broad smiles, wait
eagerly for the payoffs to show on the tote board, then march down
to the pay windows . . . That happens in nine out of ten races and
others nearby wonder with awe how this particular type does it and
(Continued on next page)
More Thrills Tonight ...
Linderman Ups Chances
In Fair's Rodeo Action
BUI Linderman, last year's
world champion cowboy, enhanc-
ed his position in the State Fair
rodeo's bareback riding competi
ton Tuesday night by winning
the third go-around and taking
fourth in the second go-around.
Jim Madland of Portland won
the second bareback go-around.
In the first go-around of saddle
bronc riding, George Menken
maier of Burns was No. 1 man
and Jack Middleton of Redding
Calif, was winner in the first go
around of bull riding. Tops in
calf roping Tuesday night was
Lex Connelly of Clovis, Calif., in
a time of 13 flat Keith Adams of
Monmouth won the first go
around in bulldogging.
The rodeo, staged by Christen
ten Brothers resumes with anoth
er &-o'clock performance tonight
at the fairgrounds pavilion.
Tuesday night results:
Bareback riding (2nd go
around) 1st Jim Madland,
Portland; 2nd Jack Middletan;
Redding, Calif.; 3rd Sunny Tur
man, John Day; 4th Bill Linder
man, Red Lodge, Mont Bareback
riding (3rd go-around): 1st Bill
Linderman; 2nd Sunny Ture
man; 3rd Walt Sullins, Sacra
mento; 4th Jack Middleton, Red
ding, Calif. Saddle broncs ( 1st go
around): 1st George Menken
maier. Burns, Ore.; 2nd Sunny
Tureman; 3rd Tie between Bill
Linderman and Jack Hara, Clay
ton, Calif. Bull riding (1st go
around) 1st Jack Middleton,
Redding; 2nd Dave Mason, Los
-Catos, Calif.; 3rd Jerry Nor
wood, Miles City, Mont; 4th
Don Adams, Long Beach, Calif.
Calf roping: Lex Connelly, Clo
vis, Calif., 13.00; Eddie Boyd,
Portland, 13.7; Len Gauhner, San
to Rosa, Calif., 13.9; Paul Rallins,
Overnight Entries
3-yr-ld--ap Claiming Parse S409
1 Jig Smoke Heacock $114
2 Pang's Upset-G-Pollard lit
3 Silent Hopkins 114
4 Squaw Town P Simonis 114
5 Sidney DbU P Pulver 114
Glorified HcGahaa 111
7 Jimcaw Day .114
a Ruddy B. Walker m
First Race QU. nrs. Purse
Second Race Clmng. Parse S4M
J-yr.-Jk-ld-np S Furlong
1 Julie's run Atkinson Ill
2 Darlee L. D. Jones 114
3 Wikie Mont L. D. Jones .lll
4 Tawsey Hopkins 114
5 Pappa D. Walker , 114
f Ricochet Diaz 114
7 Dectortaay Hernandez . 108
Third Race Claiming Purse (469
3-year-elds-and-up 3 Furlongs
1 Doctor Cook Arterburn $113
S Sargeant Sis Hopkins 112
3 Siskiyou's Sun Atkinson 115
4 .'a vie Hoss ... McGahaa 115
5 Princ Young 115
C o how sum Pollard . ... US
7 Black Crescent Walker :. 112
High Fog Heacoc; ,...115
Fourth Race ClainMng Parse 1101
3-years-and-ap 3 Fnrlongs
1 Sleepy Manner Pulvc.- 115
a Bac'a FUng Pollard 110
3 Mio Sky Arterburn lis
4 Turn Up Tops Simonis 115
8 Blue Flower Diaz 11)
Pet-Sim . Duncan 108
t Honey Runn McGahaa 111
a Sky Boy L. D. Jones .115
Fifth Race Claim lag Parse SltM
3-year-old-and-ap - 1 16 miles
Nohta PoUard
Velle Van Walker ,
Speed Car Arterburn 109
Mis Jordan McGahan 113
Master HaMy Henandez 115
Aiming Circle Simonis . -115
Beautiful Sue Yeutter 113
t Why
Mat '- '.'JJCMCI -tJ. i
Injury a Blessing?
flirting position of third place . . .
Santa Rita, Calif., 14.5. Bulldog
ging: Keith Adams, Monmouth,
6.2; Sherman Sullins, San Diego,
6.5; Lex Connelly, Clovis, Calif.,
8.2. Bill Markley, Roseburg, 8.4.
Senator Swal:
(Final, unofficial battinf and pitch
ing marks:)
ab h 2b 3b hr rbi pet
Deyo 475 isg 19 1 1 88 .333
Witherspoon . 408 135 25 8 4 70 .331
Luby 318 100 14 3 1 44 .314
Perez 507 153 23 4 13 M .302
TanselU 562 167 31 7 11 72 .297
Ballard 311 88 13 0 11 52 .283
Nelson 265 71 1 1 30 .268
Masterson . 238 83 T 4 0 27 .267
Sabatini 365 90 7 3 1 42 .247
Essegian 174 42 3 0 2 13 .241
G Ip W L So Bb Er
Roenspie 31 195,'3 19 5 89 79 70
Nicholas 32 237, 23 7 125-124 73
Hemphill 39 224 15 12 85 105 103
Collin 32 1634 87 99 72
Borst .35 127V3 7 9 87 71 7
Dahle 21 1474 S 10 62 43 53
Petersen S 19j 0 1 13 18 22
Total double plays. 119. Won at
home. 45: on road, 35. tost at home.
24 on road. 34.
Stagg Returns
To COP Duties
STOCKTON, Calif. to -r Amos
Alonzo Stagg, the dean of Ameri
can football coaches, Js returning to
the grid wars. this time with the
Stagg, now 91 years old, said Mon
day he will help a couple of for
mer students, Earl Klapstein and
Don Hall, coach the Stockton Col
lege team.
It will be the 46th year of coach
ing for Stagg who makes his home
here, just Vt mile from the football
field. He didn't return to his Sus
quehanna University post this year
because of the illness of his wife.
lor Wednesday:
Sixth Race Claiming Parse 5M
3-year-old-dt-ap Farloags
1 Satin Ace Young- .116
2 Tagawey Prince P Pulver 113
3 Babaway Heacock 113
4 Baca Lad Hopkins 118
5 Sky O Man so Pollard 116
6 Country Gink McGahan 118
7 Who Dat Atkinson 118
8 Sugar Joe Diaz 116
Seventh Rare Claiming Parse $501
3-year-old-and-ap Furlongs
1 Manners Baby Simonis .111
2 Swirling Pulver 118
3 ihady joe Pollard 118
4 Two Colors Heaccck 113
5 Mom's Miss Hopkins 113
6 Hope Toy Diaz 117
7 Big Gamble Hernandez
8 Wecty Hill McGahan
EieBtn. Race Alws. Parse SCO
3-yr.-old-and-p 1 116 Mi.
1 Saintly Sinner Hopkins 120
2 Rob Roy Arterburn 114
3 Sea Memory Heacock 111
4 Newbbeat Hernandez 120
5 Vada Colleen. Pollard 117
6 Harmony V. Diaz i?
7 Sir Robin Simonis 117
S Yebrom McGahan 114
1 Gay Ensign L. D. Jones 113
2 Little Gamble Walker -J 16
3 Miss Hollister Hernandez ,Lll2
4 Gio Diaz
5 Silver Moon Young i
6 Cee-A-De G Woods 120
7 Coit Tower - McGahaa 116
8 Heel Stay Pulver 113
rent Race Claiming Parse S66
3 yr.-ld-aad-op 1 18 ML
1 Monfs Hal Atkinson' .lit
2 Warra Nymph Heacock 116
3 Willi ta Pollard 113
4 Aoia SUnonia '
5 Lovely Gift Arterburn 113
" Santa Tomas Hernandez 120
7 Oregon . Wood McGahan
8 Isa 'Appy Duncan
-115 4
Tribe Backs
In for Title
Salems Drop Finale;
Broncs Bow to Vies
It will be the Salem Senators
vs. the Spokane Indians in the
Western International League
playoffs, same starting at Spo
kane Thursday night.
The Indians last night won
the second half of the -pennant
race by backing in. They lost 3-2
in 11 innings to Tri-City. But
Bill Brenner's Broncs, needing
only to beat lowly Victoria, lost
by a 10-9 count as Brenner
tossed almost his entire, and be
dragged, pitching staff into the
fray. Brenner himself was the
Playoffs Open Thursday
The first three games of the
playoff will take place in Spo
kane Thursday, Friday and Sat
urday nights. The 4-of-7 series
will then shift to Salem for the
remaining games, first one start
ing at Waters Field next Sunday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
Business Manager Deke Walker
of the Senators announced last night
that no reserved seat tickets will
go on sale for the playoffs here.
"Regular admission prices will be
in effect, on a first-come-first-served
basis." Walker reported.
The Senators, first half champs,
lost 2-1 to Yakima last night in
their final game at Yakima and
wound up a fading sixth in the
second half chase. Team follow
ers are now wondering if the Sol
ons can get up enough steam to
make an argument of -the playoff
with Manager Don Osborn's Tribe.
Roenspie Loses Bid
Gene Roenspie, who took over
for Bob Collins in the sixth in
ning, tried for his 20th win of
the season, but got his fifth loss
instead. The winning run came off
Roenspie in the sixth after Salem
had tide it in the top half of the
same frame.
A walk to Bob Wellman and
Herman Lewis' double to center
wrecked Roenspie. Two walks by
Danny Rios, winning pitcher, and
an error on Don Masterson's
grounder netted the only Salem
run. Each team had six hits.
Collins twirled the first five
heats and was lifted for a pinch
hitter during the sixth.
Caps Win Pair
In other final games last night
Vancouver took a doubleheader
win from Wenatchee, 2-0 and 9-8,
to finish the season with nine
straight victories and in third
place, and Calgary spanked Ed
monton, 10-9, beating John Con
ant K. Chorlton had two homers
for Vancouver.
Victoria rattled 20 hits off four
Lewiston pitchers, with Dwaine Hel
big banging out four. Bill Prior, sec
ond Tyee flinger, was the winner,
relieving Zeb Walker.
The Lewiston pitching staff,
worked to a frazzle in recent weeks,
just couldn't hold up under the
Ernie Hockaday's error let in two
Spokane runs at Tri-City, but he
later singled home the tying tally
in the ninth and scored the winner
in the eleventh.
Spokane finished one full game
(seven percentage points) ahead of
Lewiston for the second half flag.
The End:
Salem (1)
ranselli, 5
Luby.2 5
Deyo.m 5
Perez.3 2
Ballard. 1 3
Whrspn.r 2
EssgianU 2
(I) Yakima
12 4
McNmrj 3
StnbrgJ 3
White.m 4
Wellmn.1 3
Lwis,l 3
Albini.c 4
Andrsn.2 4
Hrndzj 3
Rios.p 2
13 4
Total 32 6 24 10 Total 29 6 27 12
x Walked for Collins in 6th.
Salem 000 001 0001 6 1
Yakima 010 001 00 2 6 1
Pitching Summary:
Ip Ab H R
Collins 5 21 5 1
Roenspie 3 13 1 1
Rios 8 39 6 1
Er So Bb
14 0
12 2
0 0 6
W Collins. L Roenspie. LOB
Salem 11. Yakima 8. Ballard,
Steinberg. 2B Wellman. Anderson,
Lewis. RBI Anderson. Lewis. SH
Steinberg. MacNamara. DP Stein
berg to Anderson to Lewis; Stein
berg unassisted. U Moran and Ja
cobs. T 1:52. A 1.221 (Season total:
Wenatchee 000 000 O 0 4 0
Vancouver 011-000 2 0
Kline, Oubre (6) and Helmuth; Her
nandez and Duretto.
Wenatchee 002 500 001 8 t 3
Vancouver 120 031 02 9 10 2
Decarolis and Bartolomei: MarshaU.
Thomason S). Gunncnoa (9) and
Victoria 000 521 20010 20 3
Lewiston Oil 300 310 9 14 1
Walker. Prior 4t and Harford: Pe
rez. Brenner 4). Kine (S), Marshall
(8) and Cameron.
Edmonton 000 210 020 3 8 -8
Calgary 020 100 16' 10 13 1
McNulty. Conant 7. McNulty 8
and Morgan; Kapp, Stites (9) and
Spokane -. 002 000 000 002 9 1
Tri-City COO 000 110 01 3 12 1
Spring. Romero it). New 111).
Franks ill) and Sheets; Robertson
and Warren
football practice Tuesday was any
thing but pleasant for Terry De
bay, rugged linebacker and block
ing back.
Debay came out of a defensive
drill with a broken nose.
. Actually, the session was com
paratively light as coach Red
Sanders took notice of the scorch
ing heat
The Detroit Hobs have two
Banonis boys brothers Vince
and Vic. They have two Harts,
Leon and Gerald, who are not
related and two SDeneers. Oliver
and Larry, also not related. i
Ur.-Y.lL). .
AN i 's
- ' f i I
.-Li. -7 1
, - .
I . "I " :
- .
Ray Taylor, abve, whose all
around ability as a backfielder
for the Salem Vikings is ex
pected to help the Salems en
joy one of their best football
seasons, goes into opening ac
tion Friday night at Portland
when the Viks play Cleveland
High at Lincoln Bowl, eight
o'clock. (See story next page.)
Padres Nose
Portland 2-1
In 10 Innings
SAN DIEGO un Buddy Peter
son singled in the winning run
with two out in the lOthin inning
Tuesday night to give San Diego a
2-1 victory over Portland in a
Pacific Coast League game.
Bob Kerrigan, the winner, scat
tered six hits in pitching his 15th
win of the season against 16 losses.
Red Adams, who relieved Portland
starter Lyman Linde in the eighth,
was charged with the defeat.
San Diero got its first run in
the opening inning. Singles by Pet
erson, Tom Alston and Dick Faber
produced the score.
Two "teams went scorelss after
that until the fifth when Portland
tied the count on Jim Russell's
single and Frankie Austin's dou
ble. Oakland topped the champion
Hollywood Stars 5-2, Los Angeles
downed San Francisco 6-1 and
Walt Judnich's bat led Seattle
to a 5-2 win over Sacramento.
Portland (1) (I) San Diege
Austins 5 14 4 Fdroff J 5 0 2 1
RusslUf 8 1 0 0 3 2 2 6
EggerOb 4 12 1 4 2 10 0
Reich.rf S 0 2 0 Rapp.rf 4 13 0 5 1 14 3 Faber .cf 4 18 0
Bsnski.2b 2 13 3 Pocky .If 4 12 2
Marqs.ct 4 0 10 Mat his. c 3 14 0
Gladd.c 4 12 1 a-Dickey 0 0 0 0
Linde.p 2 0 0 2 Krrgn.p 3 0 0 3
Adams.p 10 10
Totals 33 6 29 14
Totals 34 0 30 12
X-Scored outSHRDLU 4s SHRDLU
a-Ran for Mathis in 10th.
Two out when winning' run scored.
(10 innings)
Portland 000 010 000 01
San Diego - 100 000 000 1--2
Pitcher: Ab R H Er Bb So
Linde. 7 ....23 17 111
Adams, 2 0 12 10 1
Kerrigan. 10 . 35 1 6 1 5 S
Winner Kerrigan. Loser Adams.
E Austin. Gladd. LOB Portland
10. San Diego 7. 2B Austin, Rapp,
KoUoway. SH Mathis. Linde, Peter
son. RBI Faber. Russell, Peterson.
DP Basinski. Austin and Kolloway.
T 2:15. U Somers. Bentz and Car
lucci. A 1,398.
Sacramento 000 000 2002 12 0
Seattle 300 000 02 5 8 0
Schanz and Ritchey; Davis and
San Francisco 000 000 001 1 8 0
Los Angeles 000 110 1038 15 1
Spicer and Peden; Shandor, Clough
8 and Tiesiera.
Oakland 020 020 1005 6 0
Hollywood 001 000 0102 10 1
Broglio, Bamberger 8 and Neal;
O'Donnell, Lynn 9 and Malone.
Grosjacques Picks "Lineup . . .
Cardinal Eleven Opens
At ML Angel on Friday
Sacred Heart's Cardinals, minus two key men because of in
juries, open their 1953 gridiron season Friday night at "Mt AngeL
Coach Leo . Grosjacques will have seven lettermen in his starting
lineup, but is plagued by lack of depth.
Gold Hill Man
Wins Fish Derby
Beginner's luck netted W. L.
Neece, Gold Hill, $1,100. That
was the prize for the biggest fish
caught in the 69-day Salmon
Harbor Derby here.
Neece built a skiff, then set out
to catch a fish. The one he landed
weighed 42 pounds, 14 ounces.
Joan Reider, 18-year-old Vancou
ver, Wash., girl, who had been
working here as a waitress, won
second prize of $700. She said the
money would help her pay student
expenses at Washington State Col
PORTLAND Of) Salt Lake City
defeated Vancouver. B. C, 2-1
and the defending champion Ari
zona Queens of Phoenix stopped
Tulsa, Okla.. 8-1 in Tuesday night's
games of the womens National
Softball Congress tournament here.
Tuesday Bet
Another wagering i mark fell
Tuesday at the State Fair's Lone
Oak track, even thoufh business
at the Paii-mutuel windows was
coasiderably less than the heavy
traffic of Labor Day. The day's
handle was $65,228 as compared
to $54,547 on the same day last
year - the previous bet record
for Tuesday.
Another jammed crowd is ex
pected today Salem Day with
the Governor's Handicap for a
Stcrtesittcm, Salem, Oregon, WtxL, Sept. 9, 1953 (Sec 2) t
Winner May Get
Johnson Snares Upset
Decision Over Charles
Harold Johnson of Philadelphia
won a ten-round upset decision ov
er former heavyweight champion
Ezzard Charles in a bruising,
slashing, action-packed brawl at
Connie Mack Stadium Tuesday
Johnson, a 2-1 underdog, weigh
ed 177 and Charles 183 hi.
The 23-year-old lightheavyweight
making his first big-time boxing
bid. was awarded a split-decision
with - Judge Lou Tress awarding
him the bout, seven rounds to
three, and Referee Buck McTier
nan scoring him a six-three-one
victor. Judge Joe Capristo saw
Charles the winner with a 5-4-1
verdict. The Associated Press
carded the battle 5-3-2 for John
son. The victory catapaulted young
Johnson into the forefront of chal
lengers for the heavyweight cham
pionship and may have sent the
32-year-old Charles into retire
ment. Promoter Herman Taylor said
Lindsey Wins
Battle Royal
Burly Luther Lindsey, the
ebony powerhouse and, growing
more popular with every Salem
appearance, last night emerged
winner of the "Ladies Night" bat
tle royal at the Armory. He was
given the nod over tough and
rugged old Red Vagnone in the
final mix, after Vagnone had
rammed Luther's head against a
ring turnbuckle and flattened
Not satisfied with having
scored quite an upset, the Calgary
carrot-top took another poke at
Lindsey after the falL Referee
Doug Donnan then reversed the
decision and gave the whole she
bang to Luther. Lindsey didn't
want it that way he wanted to
resume action. But that's the way
it stood, climaxing a rousing
In the semiwindup Johnny
Henning and Irish Jack OTtiley
squabbled to a lively draw, and
in th. nnonint? mix The Ram
downed Vittorio Ochoa.
The battle royal itself saw
Paul DeGalles eliminated first,
followed by Greg Jarque. Vag
none and O'Riley then teamed ud
on Henning and Lindsey, finally
knocking out the. former. Lindsey
had the two toughies to face
alone, but managed to knock
O'Riley into tripping over Vag
none, setting him up for a quick
pin. It was so quick in fact that
O'Riley bellered to the ref
about it
That left Lindsey and the bald
ing Vagnone as finalists. Neither
Eric Pederson or Tony Ross
I could appear last night
Jim Fischer, counted upon to
be the big man in the Cardinal
backfield, is out probably for the
season because of a leg fracture.
End Don Endres won't be in ac
tion Friday night because of a
pulled muscle in his leg. -
Grosjaques plans to start a
backfield combination consisting
of Vince Matt (155) at quarter
back, Clyde Fladwood (153) and
Don Lucero (145) at the halves
and Clell Ewing, formerly an end,
at full. Ewing weighs 165. Matt,
Fladwood and Ewing all are let
termen. The tentative line includes Ed
Dougherty (160) and Jim Molar
ity (185) at the flanks; Gil Lulay
(172) and Joe Tullius (160) at
tackles; Bob Stebner (150) and
Denny Alley (160) at guards and
Captain Jim Bors berry (170) at
Grosjaques plans to employ the
T and variations of the double
wing this season as the Cards seek
to make a successful defense of
their Capitol League crown. '
Mark Falls; Governor's
purse of $1,000 topping the ten
race program. "The feature is
slated as the No. 5 event of the
afternoon and will boast a field
of eight horses.
Nolito is the feature's top
weighted entry at 117 and
Master Halley and Aiming Cir
cle each will carry 115. Other
horses in the field are Miss Jor
dan (113), Beautiful Sue (113)
Smokey Babe (109), Speed Car
Crack at Title . .
prior to the fight that the Inter
national Boxing Club had prom
ised this winner the next shot at
the heavyweight crown. Johnson,
by winning also may have forced
a light-heavyweight title-go with
champion Archie Moore.
Walls Flattens
Layne in 6th
At Salt Lake
Walls of Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada, weathered Rex Layne's
savage rushing through early
rounds and knocked out the Salt
Lake City battler in the sixth
round Tuesday night at Fair
grounds Stadium.
The 190ya -pound Layne, look
ing faster and stronger than in
recent fights, was far ahead of
his 186Mt-pound opponent at the
end of the fifth round.
J3ut at the start of the sixth.
Rex went down for a brief count
before a sharp right to the jaw.
As Layne arose, plainly in trou
ble, blood trickled down his face.
Walls measured him for another
right and a left, and Rex went
down in a neutral corner. But he
got up, quickly.
The Canadian then floored him
again with a left to the jaw, and
Rex, befuddled, went down slow
ly, rolled to one side, and was
counted out at 1 minute, 43 sec
onds of the sixth.
Braddock Says
Rocky'll Lose
Former heavyweight champion
James J. Braddock watched the
current champion. Rocky Marci
ano, work out Tuesday for the sec
ond time, then repeated his pre
diction that Roland LaStarza will
take the title from Rocky Sept. 24.
"I watched Marciano about ten
days ago and predicted his defeat.
LaStarza will outbox him and win
. the title," Braddock said. "What
WjX Tike?e..SUrer than
Marciano boxed five rounds
Tuesday two each against heavy
weights Willie Wilson and Toxey
Hall and one against Bob Golden.
Bradley of Fairchild Air Force
Base at Spokane won the out of
state overall title at the Pendleton
Roundup skeet shoot here Monday
with a score of 392 x 400.
Lee Home, Pendleton, won the
Oregon title with 388.
Smoke Sniffer
Puzzled by
Moving Blaze
Navello, operator of an elevator in
a 12-story downtown building, de
tected some smoke when he stop
ped at one of the floors.
He tried another floor more
smoke. A couple of other floors
smoke there too.
Quickly, Navello telephoned fire
men. Investigation disclosed that Na
vello had been taking the fire up
and down with him. The grease
coated weights attached to the ele
vator cables were afire. Firemen
put out the flames with chemi
cals. 49 BADGERS OUT
lettermen and 40 others were on
hand Tuesday for the opening day
of football practice at Pacific
University here.
Paul Stagg, coach of the North
west Conference co-champion
team, said that lack of experienc
ed passers and punters was his
main concern.
group of hopefuls than expected
turned out Tuesday for football
practice at Lewis and Clark Col
lege. Coach Joe Huston said the
turnout of 48 men was a surprise.
But of the turnout, only 11 re
lettermen, and half the rest are
(109) and Velle Van (108).
The ' Governor's 'Cap will be
run over a mile and one-sixteenth
Three of the Tuesday races
were for purses of $500 the
third, ': eighth and ninth. Top
Charm; won the third, paying
$16.90, $9.70 and $4.10. The win
ner iii the eighth was Noloch,
ridden by Harold Walker, and
paying $10.50. $6.10 and $4.30.
Walker also rode Wild Circus to
aw k I I
hr? " v . '
Couldn't Find Ball . . .
(Final standings);
W L Pet. W LPct.
Spokane 48 32 .530 Salem 39 35 .527
Lewstn 42 30.583 Calgary 33 39.458
Vncver 44 35 .557 Tri-City 32 42 .432 '
Yakima 40 34 .541 Wentcha 30 44.405
Edmntn 38 34 .528 Victoria 28 47 J73
Tuesday night results: At Yakima 2,
Salem 1. At Vancouver 2-9. Wenat
chee 0-8. At Lewiston 9, Victoria 10.
At Tri-City 3. Spokane 2 (11 innings).
At Calgary 10, Edmonton 9.
W LPct. W LJct.
Hllywd 104 70 .598 . Fran. 87 86 .503
Seattle 94 79 .543 S. Diego 85 88 .401
L. Ang. 90 83 J20 Oaklnd 73 101 .420
Portland 88 85 .509 Scrmnt 72 101 .418
Tuesday results: At San Diego 2,
Portland 1; At Hollywood 2, Oak
land 5; At San Francisco 1, Los An
geles 8; At Seattle S, Sacramento 2.
W LPct. W LPct.
N. York 90 44 .872 Wshngtn 69 8 .504
Clevlnd 83 55 .601 Detroit 53 8S ..11
Chicago 80 58 .580 Phldph 52 88 J77
Boston 78 63 .547 St. Louis 48 91 Mi
No games scheduled Tuesday.
WLPct. W L Pet.
Brooklyn 96 42 .606 New Yrk 64 74 .464
Milwke 84 S3 .604 Cncinritl 59 79.428
St. Louis 75 61 .551 Chicago S3 82 .401
Phildlphi 75 S3 .543 Pi Us or gh 44 08 J14
Tuesday results: At Milwaukee 3,
Philadelphia 2. Only game scheduled.
Trojans Work
Hill ran his University of Southern
California football squad through
a scrimmage of more than an
hour Tuesday with the accent on
the running game.
Wingback Bob Buckley looked es
pecially impressive in the work
out. Hill also moved Fred Pierce,
a reserve tailback, to wingback
since three of his performers at
that position are out with "assorted
bruises. On the sidelines were Lin
don Crow, expected to be number
one at the position, Ron Calabria
and Frank Clayton.
Wicklund Scores
Ace at Vancouver
Howard Wicklund of Salem
scored the second hole in one of
his life Tuesday at the Royal
Oaks course in Vancouver,
Wash. Wicklund spanked the
133-yarder with a seven iron
while in a foursome consisting
of his wife and Mr. and Mrs.
Forsythe Bacon.
Wicklund's other ace was hit
on the No. 12 hole at Salem Golf
Club in 1950.
i jf " ' - '
i , , -
Cubs, A's Obtain 1st Negroes
CHICAGO (if) The Chicago
Cubs Tuesday purchased Ernest
Banks, star shortstop of the Kan
sas City Monarch in the Negro
American League, and he will re
port to the Cubs next Monday.
The sum was not disclose '.
Ban!:s, 22, probably will beat
shortstop Gene Baker of the Los
Angeles Angels in a plane race
to become the first Negro player
in a Cub uniform.
Baker, recently purhr-' b
the Cubs. ;iu fltoicago when
Los Angeles end K . a"
League: season Sunday. The Mon
archs also end season pk." Sun
day at Pittsburgh and Banks im
mediately will fly to Chicago.
Banks, a native of Dal'rr. "ex.,
currently is batting .388 and leads
the Negro league in homers with
Lee Trice, big Negro righthanded
! 121 N. High St.
Commercial Seat
! Cover Co.
. ! SEPT. 7 TO 11
Cap Toddy
victory in the ninth event The'
payoff was a good $21.60, $5.80
and $3.90.
Jockeys Walker, Ted Atkinson
and Don Pollard all rode two
winners Tuesday. Best quin!ela
return of the day was the $55J0
paid by I Wonder and . Vain
Flower in the tenth event.
The mutuel total for the first
three days of the Fair's
(Continued Next Page)
Braves Down
Costly Error Ruins
Iindell Hill Effort
MILWAUKEE ( Bill Bruton
struck out but got two bases when
catcher Stan Lopata missed the
ball in the ninth inning Tuesday
night, scoring moments later on
a fielder's choice to give' Milwau
kee 3-3 victory over Philadel
phia i the playoff of a July 31
tie game.
Lopata, who had replaced
Smoky -Burgess as the Philadel
phia in the playoff of a July 31
ejected. In the eighth for protest
ing a called third strike, failed
to chase the pitch by knuckle
bailer Johnny Lindell immediately
and the fleet Bruton scampered
to second. Johnny Logan sacri
ficed him to third, and after Eddie
Mathews was walked intentionally,
Andy Pafko bounced to Ted Kazan
ski but Bruton beat the throw to
the plate,
The two-base error broke up a
pitching duel between Lindell,
making his first, start for the
Phillies since his acquisition from
Pittsburgh, and lefty Johnny An
tonelli. Both pitchers allowed sev
en hits. I
Philadelphia 000 002 0002 T S
Milwaukee. . 2O0 000 0013 T 0
Lindell and Burgess, Lopata S;
AntoneUl and CrandaU.
Salem Boater
Sets Record
DELAKE (Special) Dick
Scandling of Salem set what is
believed to-be a world record in
the annual Labor Day regatta
here Monday: Scandling drove
his 13-foot E-U Runabout at 40.6
miles per hour to win in his
class. Scandling's craft has a 33
horsepower motor and was built
by Ray Redding of Salem. Dean
Mahaffey of Salem was fourth in
the same event
Paul Woodroffe of Salem was
fourth in the class for D stock
Bowl Meeting
Slated Today
sentatives of the Big Ten and Pa
cific Coast Conferences are due
to meet here Wednesday to form
ally confirm renewal of the Rose
Bowl contract which expires next
January 1. '
A three-year football pact re
newal already has been agreed
upon by majority' vote of mem
bers of the two. conferences.
Lipon to Browns
From Boston Sox
l . !'
BOSTON to Boston's Red Sox
Tuesday sold shortstop Johnny
Lipon to the St. Louis Browns in
a waiver deal.
Upon, who will be 31 Nov. 10,
came to the Sox from the Detroit
Tigers a year ago Jane 3 in one
of baseball's biggest deals.
The Sox acquired Lipon, George
Kell, Hoot Evers and Dizzy Trout
in exchange for Johnny Pesky,
Walt Dropo, Roy Hatfield, Don
Lenhardt and Hal White.'
Kell and Evers now are the only
players still with Boston and
Pesky, Hatfield and Dropo are
still with the Tigers.
Upon was in 60 games with the
Sox and batted .214.
pitcher for Ottawa of the Inter
national League, will join the Phil
adelphia Athletics here Friday and
pitch his first American League
game Sunday against the St. Louis
Browns, the A's announced Tues
day. "
Trice, with a 20-10 ' mound rec
ord with the A's farm team in
the Triple-A loop, is rated a top
choice to win three International
League honors most valuable
'S-SSLL fP" "
star team choice.
The 23-year-old one-time steel
worker from Weirton.'W. Va.f will
be the first Negro to play with
a Philadelphia major league club.
8 P.M. Nightly
EJou. a8.
Adm. $1 to $1.50 IncL Tax