The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 09, 1953, Page 12, Image 12

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    4 (Sac 2) Statesman, Satan. Oragon, Wed. Sept 9. 1S53
Faculty, Student Newcomers
r ,t
1 f -mi
Ul newcomers to the Willamette University campus this year, these people are shown touring the uni
versity at preparations for the opening of classes Sept 15 got underway. Shown (left to right) are
Arthur Gravatt, instructor in sociology from Cornell; Carolyn Haydahl, entering freshman from Sa
ltan Robert M. Putnam, assistant professor of speech and drama from Stanford; Dr.' Reginald Park
er professor of law from Boston, Mass.; Celia Koch, instructor in music from Rochester, N. and
Jan Cummings (kneeling), entering freshman from Salem. (Statesman photo.)
8 New Members Join
Faculty at Willamette
Appointment of eight new faculty members and the return to
the campus of three former members was announced Tuesday by
Willamette University President G. Herbert Smith.
New faculty members are:
Dr. Reginald Parker, professor of law, from Boston, Mass., au
thor of "Administrative Law"; holds doctor juris from the Univer
Woodburn to
Start School
Year Friday
Statesman Newt Strvic
WOODBURN Woodburn Pub
lic Schools will open for regular
-classes Monday, Sept 14, at 9
a. m., according to Frank Doer
fler, superintendent There will
be a short session of school for
registration Friday at 9 a. m.
Buses will run usual routes at
this time, returning students to
their homes prior to noon.
Parents registering children
for first grade are requested to
bring birth certificates showing
the youngsters to be six years of
age on or before Nov. 15, 1953.
One elementary and three new
high school teachers have been
added to the teaching staff. They
are Henry Ercoline, graduate of
Willamette University, formerly
of Canby High School, who will
teach boys' physical education
and coach football and baseball;
Myrna Peet, graduate of Univer
sity of Iowa, who will teach
homemaking and mathematics:
Georganne Thien. graduate of
Lewis and Clark College and Uni
versity of Oregon, formerly teach
er at Warrenton, who will teach
girls' physical education, and Ar
leen Olson, Woodburn, who will
teach grade five. Mrs. Olson is a
graduate of Oregon College of
Education and formerly taught in
the McKinley School in Salem.
Only' extensive summer work
done on school buildings here
was painting of the inferior of
the Lincoln Primary School.
The Panama Canal is some
times considered to mark the di
vision between North and South
mad Mir rvctal d'umitn,
eiuiuiniiici ukoti
lima (braii)
TrwM WDm( InpW
0m ! J Mndr MhmsIi FrMsr.
CM retl Mtytfctem ... In Mr 43rtf ymm.
A11S Pftld IS,
Ot.I.ff.LaaiNO Or. O. Ckaa. ND
Upstairs. 141 North Liberty
Offle mvn SatarAay maty. It a-m.
t l to t Va. C wttart .
loa prraaor arbM twts am
tr I cfcari. praeocM bbm
HIT. Writ far attracttT gift. N
Why Suffer Any Longer
Wka can tan, mws CUm
rOM4lM. Anitwr svecess (or
SSOt ytars m Caiaa. Ne matter
wlta wfeA allmeata ym ar mf
fMctoH aifrawm, alaiiataa. hemrt.
lours. Bvr, kidneys, raa, const
y Horn, oiccrs, diakcts, rhenma
tism. tall ul h ladder, (tver. skim.
femuU csaplainta.
m N. Cowl
Offie Hmrs:
to C rs aa
Sax. Only
v j Li1
v. .
sity of Vienna; former faculty
member at Northeastern Univer
sity and University of Arkansas.
Robert M. Putnam, assistant
professor of speech and drama;
has been working on a doctorate
at Stanford University; an in
structor in speech at Knox Col
lege prior to his graduate assign
ment at Stanford.
Frank J. Bauer, assistant pro
fessor of psychology; just com
pleted work for doctorate at
Stanford University; recently at
Bar Harbor, Maine, where he
held a research appointment at
Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial
From Kansas
Don M. Gleckler, assistant pro
fessor of music education; for
mer director of public school
music at Topeka, Kan.
Celia Koch, instructor in cello,
theory and piano; recevied her
master of music degree from
Eastman School of Music, Ro
chester, N. Y. last June; formerly
attended Lawrence Conservatory
of Music in Wisconsin.
Arthur E. Gravatt, instructor
in sociology; has been working
for his doctorate at Cornell Uni
versity; received his bachelor of
arts degree from Linfield in 1949
and masters degree from Univer
sity of Oregon in 1951.
James Nickel, instructor in
mathematics; recently studying
for doctorate at University of
Indiana; received masters degree
from Oregon State College in
1951 and bachelor of arts from
Willamette in 1949.
James F. Franseca, instructor
in German and Spanish; candi
date for doctorate in Romance
languages and literature at Uni
versity of California at Los
Returning Members.
Returning to the campus are:
Mrs. Ollie Williams, who takes
up her former post as instructor
in women's physical education.
W. W. Herman Clark, who re
tired in June 1952 as a professor
of physical science, will instruct
in chemistry taking part of the
duties of Dr. James Nichol who
is at Yale University on a year's
research fellowship.
Floyd W. Bird, assistant pro
fessor of chemistry, who has
been on a two-year leave at Ore
gon State College studying for
his doctorate in chemistry.
Police Officer
Aids in Delivery
Of 63rd Baby
WEST LINN. Ore. UP) Patrol
man Ed Knopf of the West Linn
police helped deliver another baby
over the weekend. It was the 63rd
time for the policeman. On the
Labor Day weekend, too.
Called to the home of Mrs. Rob
ert Moser in the nearby commun
ity of Willamette, he took charge,
and a girl was born and every
thing under control by the time an
ambulance arrived.
Knopf and his wife have two
children of their own, both deliver
ed by Knopf.
t m
We are now registering help both men
and women for our prune pack. Please
apply in person.
wsm FOODS-inc.
Church, and MXU Stsw
Tour Campus
New Students
Welcomed to
Willamette U.
Some 375 new students were
welcomed to Willamette Univer
sity campus Tuesday by Presi
dent G. Herbert Smith on the
opening day of freshman orienta
tion week.
The campus newcomers are en
rolled in the colleges of liberal
arts and music and their numbers
are expected to increase with the
Saturday registration of first year
law students.
President Smith welcomed the
students during a general assem
bly at Waller HalL Greetings
were also extended by James
Hitchman, Balboa Island, Calif.,
president of the student body.
The assembly, which included
introduction of the administra
tive staff, was followed by meet
ings of the Inter-Fraternity Coun
cil, and Pan-Hellenic Association
and the Independent Association.
Open houses and social mixers
rounded out late afternoon and
evening programs.
Wednesday, Thursday and Fri
day are turned over chiefly to
mental and physical examina
tions, conferences and fraternity
and sorority open houses and
New students register Saturday
morning and returning students
Classes begin next Tuesday.
Gen. Ridgivay
Takes Orders
From Captain
thew B. Ridgway, Army Chief of
staff, stood at attention and took
orders Tuesday from a captian.
The general was one of 12 hon
orary pallbearers, for the Arling
ton National Cemetery funeral of
Gen. Jonathan M. Wainwright, hero
of Bataan.
Along with six retired generals.
Ridgway received final instructions
on procedure from Capt. Joseph
B. Love of Phoenix, Ariz., the cere
nonial officer.
Capt. Love was a company com
mander with the Fifth Regimental
Combat Team in Korea when Ridg
way was commanding general.
Salens Otscjob
1:15 Dcdly
Ihvi Sai.
Adm. SOc to $1, IncL tax
Gives Prizes
At Drawing
Donna Rubel of Stayton, won
the grand prize at the Capitol
Shopping Center drawing held
Tuesday evening. The prize was a
24-inch automatic washing ma
chine. Other winners and prizes were
Malcolm Brand, 103 E. Miller St,
electric percolator; R. J. Stose,
1090 Cascade Dr., electric mixer;
Alma Olmstead, Lyons, football
and helmet; F. R. Smalley Jr.,
2585 Fisher Rd., jacket; Ramona
Saliminen, 1035 N. 22nd St, bicy
cle set; Clyde Cropps, Albany,
roller skates, and Lora Holman,
1660 Nebraska St, English shoes.
Two more drawings will be held
at the shopping center. Main prize
for the Sept 14 drawing will be
a TV set. A Hillman Minx car
will be the grand prize at the
drawing Sept 19.
House Trailers
Present Wide
Price Variance
House trailers for everv nur.
Dose and Docketbook aDDarentlv
is the aim of the Oregon Trailer
Coach Association which is spon
soring the trailer exhibit at the
state fair this week.
E. P. Phillips, state chairman
of the Oregon T.C.A., said at a
dinner meeting at the Marion
Hotel Monday night that prices of
trailers in the exhibit run from
$750 to $25,000. The first is a 12
foot vacation snecial and the 25.-
000 job is a factory buildup for
advertising purposes, he added.
One attraction of the exhibit is
called the Black Mystery and has
been shown to one million per
sons at 23 fairs and shows since
ApriL Phillips said.
Dinner speaker for the evening
meeting was Harold Hauflaire. na-
tional chairman of the Trailer
Coach Association. Also present
were Warner Hamblen, national
secretary, and Ely Neal, secretary
ot the Oregon chapter.
Fall Leaves
Peak Climber
BEND on William Hallin, 16.
still was unconscious in a hospital
here Tuesday after a punishing
fall down a rocky slope on Dia
mond Peak in the Cascade Range
He slipped on packed snow on
the return trip after climbing the
8,750-foot peak with his father,
Ralph L. Hallin of Eugene. He
plunged down a quarter-mile of the
rocky slope, and was unconscious
when his father found him. Forest
service men carried him to a road.
Attendants at SL Charles Mem
orial Hospital here said he had suf
fered severe head injuries and was
in critical condition.
,,! If tar-r
""Sr l " .
TILT-AWAT .u-"-" s fg0NT AND KAI,
388 North Commercial
Puts Beauty Before Brains
its 90 years, Bryant College has
received many explanations from
freshmen of wTiv they couldn't ar
rive on time for the opening of
But they never had one such as
le)vitl,e M T
" 11 e 11 11 111 1 11,111
gPay Less Drug Store f
J484 State St., Salem, Ore.
: Sirs: Please send me ( ) Paper-Mate Pens
i at $1.69 each for which I enclose ( ) Check
( ) Money Order. :
'.inuMwuMSlwtMMiiummitl MMSMemsMtMsaeasMSttsI
a I5K3CJ uuuUuacJUauii
mm .i tfwtarmtt
they got Tuesday from Dorothy
Lei Lani Elis, 18, of Lihue, Kal
lai. Hawaii.
"I will be delayed in entering.
she vProte. "because I will be in
Atlantic City particpating in the
Miss America contest."
- . i
Arcdlable in 5 Color
Refill 49 1
The Oricjinal Pen
That Writes at All
TO you who have yet to drive 1953
Buick ROADMASTBR, we have
this to say:
There is waiting for you at the wheel of
this car a tremendously satisfying experi
ence the most magnificent Buick motor
tnf experience of the past half century
We say this as a matter of straight and
simple fact.
Fr in this automobiltth tmoothext
riding, the most tnaneuverabU, and th
most instantly responsive ROADMASTER in
history is an engine unlike any other hi the
world, plus an automatic transmission of
similar uniqueness.
'Here, you command the first Fireball V8
Engine the world's first V8 with vertical
valves the modern and advanced V8
with the highest horsepower ever placed
in a Buick. and the highest compression
on the American scene today.
Politboro Discusses
West German Election
BERLIN un The Politboro
of East Germany's Red Party dis
cussed the Adenauer election vic
tory at an 'extraordinary meeting
attended by Soviet High Commis
sioner Vladimir SemyOnov, a West
German radio report said Wednesday.
extra cost.
Venetian Blinds
560 S. 21st Ph. 2-3C39
r ,
Here, you command distance through the
liquid grace of Twin -Turbine Dynaflow
where getaway response is instant and
quiet, and power build-up is infinitely
utterly smooth. : .
Here too, you take a new step forward
in fine-car motoring in the luxury of
your ride, the luxury of your surround
ings, the luxury of your control, with
Power Steering standard equipment at no
We can give you the details, the Trea
sons, the facts.
But wouldn't you rather learn the mm ,
total of such things in a road sampling of
the greatest Ro ADM ASTER yet built?
We'll be happy to arrange matters. Why
not visit us soon?
AtiahU mt ddititl eta tm Utiwuuttr W &fr
wiIt 0fy. Optwmmt mi tr ait M Smr mmJ
UJmmittT SeJmn mint Rrvurm mJth. i
Prion 2-3621