S Statesman, Salsa. Orsgon, Tuesday, September &V1333 The Nation's Top Comics DAILY AND SUNDAY ; r ' in Your Home Newspaper BLONDE By CHIC YOUNG 3A8VaJOTHEs5 7v - w I f C GOOOByE. DEAR I'M TAKING M ft ( C1MME BACK C HAVP A CVZAG X (THESE GIFTS TO MPS MNLFFS V THAT GCAR CHOT'&Gon&J lgh Babv shovver , gp - (and Shot up jvv ' DICK TRACT By CHESTER GOULD LET ME OUT SOX CAN GET TUEJHONEVT tNffrwrTMTWB MFSMALTMEr0OMBTIOONG MKW.TMERE ISMT A MOMENT EASY, WMCAO. V LET. MS TWEVt CNLV GIVE A " HESt 5-D MACEEf . I ncuve cor H OUT? ru &THfci name or an JL not let mm Jf .NEAPLVe I GET THE ADDRESS NUM8ER-WE fZ GOTO MIS BANK IgV,, LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY By DARRELL McCLtTRE I "' HONEST I JUST LOVE 1 f ir A04T U SWEEPtNT I ACT HQtO THAT STtWf 1 iTHtSMEWBSOOM-rr ) I ALL-IT FEELS LIKE At I L-' -vf T!GR A BROOM iS H 1 l"! OfAU AM' EASY A I DCHM'SOME KWO OF J I UK HOW IT I OUST rii v 3 V7 - is-T-TfZ II k HAPPY UTTLE BROOM l I MAKES THE NNOT GOUy-fM AWT U.S0B8Y- CT Wa3 ALL MY FAULT-AN PLEA'S DOMT BLAME TUC UTTLE BOOOM AMUSE OUT OP THE ROOM -I THE BQOOM HAD TO GO WHERE TEACH IT HOW I IT WAS PUSHED-AN X WAS - PUSHIM IT 1 m '-Sib BUZZ SAWYER By ROY CRANE rrS HEV, ill FUASE, AMGIL, Tgf T0N 1 1 X IBSlOiS, 1 HAVE IF YOU OOMT MUft I CKrUTT 1 I ! STOP TXS BTO001NS. SOWCTHl4aTOTiLLfOU. WRUNG, IT) RATHE? viKERE jh i WHY DOMT WE OUST f THE POLICE ARE HUNTING UV-M I NOJ KNOW WHO I V&ytK 10CK THE NUKSERY TWO SUSPECTS NOW. 1 THEY THINK T00 f 1 lllPjMlliWI MICXTY MOUSE By WALT DISNEY HOOAKTV IS THft KCAL (jONg OP THE LITTLE PKOPLE? ave...ano rr's fseowiw weaky OP WORMS I AM! NO FAVOe YOU'RE EITHER! 1 V1 '-EE? 1 k. m r - I I xt A w-rTr "i ft Lf -yi...eiLHCOLEV 1- -523 J WVL V 7 N. f STOLE THE MAGIC SHOE... V.. . rtT" T7 J I OU GINTLEMAN TO PUTW J ' flSC J. YOJ U QES f -yOUK EX-MAJESTV...THIC KjNO LAC HA gvnini nvur u PUT VIX SACK. OW THE THRONE! Vk) Meantime... are V r?Tv PUTTiN' ME IN THE X Wfil ArPLE OR . v rip m$r By ALEX RAYMOND ; r OSOESI MS TORE ORDER THE MXB HONOR, PLEASE- T YOU CAArT SENTENCE WIMTO PIKI HE DIDN'T OO rrMS TERRIBLE 3 TWIMS YOU laARECLAREOARLfNS.- YOU'LL j I ROYCEl OH f OUSSSJMfr GHtJ ; "1 OOUSTW W OONT BREAK WLR HWfc jv n V-... w. rs--i -wwiy 1.1 GASOLE ALLEY By KING Rark in tv K-c tove leaoue aoainl I thought ia oraduatdL I wVsh tties headstrong cook who want to get married wouu ptcxa n i " Judy, who was T Wer name was Elsje. w i ; j ' a l l 1 i - l up and settle oown as a steaay mamea maa1 PI BARNEY GOOGLE fly FRED LASSWELL " X doc says I I SVVOWH ro give A A HOSS ? r know TTTTTN WE AJNT GOT ennVTUInQ IM THCS UMOC ( WHAT ON AIRTM ( A PLUMS GOOD ) fv JL W SLIGHTEST wOPLO IF SNUFFV WUZ MAKES YE V HOSS DOCTOR J C'M j) Escapee Gauglit by Portland Pobce PORTLAND UP) Tbe second of two brothers who escaped from the Glasgow. Moot, jail last Feb ruary while awaitinx trial for burglary of a ranch was captured here. Monday by Portland detec tives. Clarence Dionne, 29. who had been described by the FBI as armed and dangerous, surrendered without a struggle when found at a dairy where he had been work ing. His brother, Morris, was ar rested last week at Roseburg. Tbe FBI had sought the pair for unlawful flight to avoid prosecution. FOnSHEtt YOUR TASTE! Investigation Into Airliner ' Crash Starts MCCHORD AIR FORCE BASE, Wash, cn The Civil Aeronautics Board1 Monday, started an investi gation into the cause of a plane crash here Sunday that left a North west Airlines Constellatioh a char red hulk. The huge 4-engined aircraft crash landed and burned after a takeoff from Seatile-Tacofha Inter national Airport with 28 passengers and six crew members en route non-stop to Chicago.; None of the 32 were killed. The CAB probe started with a meeting at Seattle Monday morn ing and shifted here Monday after noon. Accompanying the CAB in vestigators were officials of NWA; Pratt and Whitney, aircraft engine manufactures; Lockheed Aircraft Co., builders of tbe plane ; and Ham ilton Standard, Inc., propeller firm. Nine of the 29 persons receiving injuries and burns, none serious, in the crash, remained in McChord and Tacoma hospitals. Physicians said four soon were to be released to the care of private doctors. East Salem Lions Pick Committees i .. Committee chainien for the year were announced Monday for East Salem Lions Club by the president, O, N. Enger. j They are John Riches, member ship; Lloyd Uecker, hospitality; Donald Barrick, sight conserva tion; Robert Dyer and Ben Gil ford, community betterment; Robert Byers, attendance; Charles Morris, program; Stearns Cub ing Jr., conventions; Alfred Doro ogalla, citizenship and patriotic; Joseph Tompkins, bulletin: Ly man Stevens, publicity; Tony Vittone, Lions information; Rob ert Rawlilns, boys and girls; Don Patton, health and welfare; Dr. John Rademaker, education. 4 Winter's Cbmina . . . Better SEE RADIANT GLASSHEAT 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 4-6263 FRESCRIPTIOIIS FREE DELIVERY, CHAPMAN'S DRUG 119 Candalaria Blvd. Phone 4-6224 ' Sweeten breaib, too c?st! 60 Uttle- a tasteseo good Enjoy iu lively, delicious flavor, f E2ZZEZJZ Coc4s mouth-rreshens taste. ' Swell to drew- ImMul I ikii Fly HUi72!Qod l?o IHIIlASO L: and "AM fffio OaoQ" UHJiTHD AIR LiiUHS u JM, , . r-if.. y , ,y. - i :::.'::' A a : ' :-' ' -: V I - x-: : :- .-t-' y - ' The West's 6,000,000th telephone was installed last week in the home of Master Sergeant (USMC) and Mrs. Lionel P. Williams. WEST'S 6,000,000th TELEPHONE GOES TO WORK Interstate Telegraph Company installs milestone instrument in Barstoy, California A veteran of Korea and his wife are making calls this week over the West's 6,000,000th telephone. It was installed Sep tember 2nd, by the Interstate Telegraph Company (an af filiate of the California Electric Power Company) which provides telephone service in Bars tow and the surrounding territory. The Williams' telephone brings the total serving the West to almost double what it was at the end of World War II a remarkable growth record made possible by the combined efforts of more than 200 telephone companies. r-rT1-; L - 1 ..i s ' ' tf - j lit- IV'.' I.'iY AV: 2. It may surprise you to know that the West is served by more than 200 different telephone companies and the U. S. by over 5,200 companies. Their teamwork permits any telephone in the West to be connected quickly with any of the 49,000,000 telephones in America. Surely one im 'portant reason for .the West's sound growth is the co operation among the telephone companies which serve it. 1. Booming Bars tow has grown 25 just since 1950... and population estimates forecast its present 9,100 may triple in the next five years. As in other parts of the West, this growth meant a record-breaking demand for telephone service and a record-setting rate of telephone installations. Pacific Telephone Telephone business is a community business The telephone business is essentially a local business. Ninety percent of all telephone calls are local calls.' In the hundreds of commimities served by the West's telephone companies, local people your friends and nA;kVwu nnwirto vnair tplpnhollf! SprvicC WOT kill f mvmuwi 9 r j - - m . - ; ? x i . a , i constantly to lurnisn ooa Bervica at iow cww YOUR TELEPHONE IS ONE OF TODAY'S BEST BARGAINS