a! the foot o! the Bridge West Salem Vi Iffle North oi the Underpass Salem Open Every Day. ..8 a.m. to 10 p.n. PRICES GOOD: TUESv WED-THURS. VANILLA QUART IEiS Satisfaction Guaranteed! I I EUROPA BRAND BEEF LOAF ""SS CS)Z That Ever Popular Lunch Meat! 3 I ALASKA NO. 1 TIN GRADE "A" CREAMERY Bl -LB. I SWOTS PREMIUM PEAIIUT BUTTER Lara 20 -Ounce Jar! MEDFORD RADISHES and Q JfU GBEEII ONIONS a Hunches mc LOCALNO. 1 CANNING PEMKS 95 Heaping Full Apple Boxes! HOOD RIVER APPLE CIDER GAL. ip -In Your Jug CALIFORNIA EACH Large Heads! I U. S. INSPECTED COMMERCIAL GRADE lee! Steaks 3)C i T-Bone Round Sirloin COOKED 7 mm LB. IP For Sandwiches and Lunches I GOLD CBST BRAND 2 -LB. LOAVES A Product oi Swift & Co. VALLEY PACKING CO. Picnic Hams Short Shank The Best! Gal Gardener Wiris Prize 'i f -I ? t "- , ... K 4,-" - ' t k. . 1 i- Betty Ann Cline, 17. Independence, winner of the 4-H garden croup uupuy at auiie r jut, pinnea ner nopes on sugar pumpkin, cab bage, acorn squash, corn and a cucumber to win in a field of 64 contestants. It was her first State Fair purple ribbon in six years of 4-H work and two years garden projects. Flies to South America Mrs. Arthur Matheriy left by plane Monday morning for Vene zuela, South America, to join her husband who has been there for the past year and a half qn a job on famed Iron Mountain. Housing facilities have been given the Matherlys and she will remain for the duration of his contract. Mrs. Matheriy will make a stop of sev eral days in New Orleans before going on to South America. She has been employed for the past year in the military department of the state department. The Matherlys have been Salem resi dents for a number of years. Wipers Are Hosts Mr. and Mrs. Earle E. Wiper were hosts for a dinner party Saturday night at the China City Restaurant in compliment to their son and his bride, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wiper (Patricia Moll), whose marriage was an event of Sunday. The party followed the wedding rehearsal and bidden were members of the bridal party. OATH TO REPUBLIC PARIS (INS) Reports reach ing Polish emigre circles in Paris noted Catholic priests in Poland must take "oaths of faith to the Popular Polish Republic" The sources said the oaths are re quired under a decree abolishing the autonomy of the Catholic Church in Poland. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. How much time .is the bride expected to spend with her guests at the wedding reception? A. She doesn't have to remain more than two hours. She may then retire to her room with her maid-of-honor to change into her traveling costume. Q. If a man finds it necessary to introduce himself, does he in clude the "Mr." before his name? A. No; he usually says, "I am Harry Williams,' or "My name is Williams," unless he has the ti tle of "Doctor," which is then prefixed to his name. Q. Should a dinner guest who nas limsned eating immediately place his napkin on the table? A. Not until his hostess has placed her napkin on the table, Western Style DANCING Dance to the music of the Wagon Wheelers every night except Sunday, Square dan cing Wed., Sept. 9 and Satur day, Sept. 12. Admission 50c, Saturdays, 74c 9-12 4-H Bldg. STATE FAIR Now Thru Sat. BLUE RIBBON Salem, Oregon mm MLwm C0BD0VAII COLOR Ixira Eleavy Sole Imooih oe Words Specially crafted for com fort and long wearing Tahae! Fine quality side leather sheU, Goodyear welt construction. Durable double rubber composi tion. Sanltixed. Sizes S-12. B-CO. .Statesman. Salem Oregon. Tuesday, September 8. 1SS3 7 160 N. Liberty St. Soli A em, Oreaon "s II 0PE1I AT f 9 A. II. I FOB ( :-; FAIR ' I WEEK :frV - - 4' r ' , " -' ' X. Iraporiani Ilolice! IIcw Siore Hours For Fair Week During JFcdr Week Penney's wul be open at 9 AUL for your shopping convenience. . ' , Shop Early! Then Allend - Oregon's Great State Fair Stale Fairgrounds - Salem, Ore. -. - - N. rt : y, - v1 - 1 1. 17 ,, , 1 r 1 51 L y , f i l 1 FA q) T T;V'",'-?'y. TV: COLORFUL PRINTS AND PLAIN sT) Fo) CO O Prints and Plain Cotton Plisses O Rayon Prints O Terry Polos O String Knit Polos O Snmmer Dress Shirts You'll find most any type short sleeve summer Sport Shirt In this out standing group I Youll want several at this outstanding Fair Week feature price . . . S-M-L. , $ Ea.- r v. H mm t '.-M y i m m h'"-hm-!k MAIN fLOOR I 1 W .S VI -JW' ; V. II Em" - 111 i II . Vrl V iXJ ,r ' 1 I f l f ... ' i.rX- WW.- ,-5 .... I 'llb 'V K II X 1 - ! ) .;-,: Ti - j.J ' ill... ..1 i, - I- s Stom fin UUUbuU O Long and Short Sleeve Styles O Acetate -and Nylon Plisses O Butcher Weaves O Orion and Nylons Final clearance of all bet ter quality summer Sport Shirts. Youll find long tmd ' short sleeve styles In this group. Buy several now and have them for next summer. S-M-L. MAIN FLOOR- Ihny Oiher Styles Too! DOWNSTAIRS STORE