450 MercKaiuK.se 500 Bos. & finance) 600 Employment 1700 Rentals 1800 Real Estate 1800 Real Estate Statesman, Salem Orsgan Monday, Seplesxber 7 13539 470 For Sola, lV!K!le-teous XLNA Sewing machine demonstrator. Kef. 189. Only 3129.33. Wills Music store. ' ' - --- CANVAS c6ts USED. GOOD CONDITION i VALLEY PTJRN. CO. 119 N. COMMERCIAL TO BUY. sell or trade used furni- Item's see SNOOK'S BARGAIN CENTER. A thousand liems iu under priced. 1235 Broadway. Ph. 5-17 JO. ' ' - ; Crashed Rock FOB roads St driveway Cement. Reaay-mix concrete, oaruen ona- n..114rt 4r4nm and dltchlAC yd. sborel St drag line. Phone -H24S. Walling Sand & Gravel Co. STANDARD Encyclopedia excellen f-'OH SALE Used stoves. little ones Se big ones. 1073 7th St W. Salem. Ph. 3-4450. Top Soil River silt, fin dirt, prompt delivery PLASTl-KOTE requires no waxing for your floors or linoleum. Yeater Appliance Co 375 Chemeketa. Ph. 4-4311. ELEC. clothes dryer1 only 359.85. .3 only. Yeatet Appliance Co, 373 Chemekta St. 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous Logs Wanted Good 2nd growth logs. Prem. paid . t i I-- Bn4 In rv Alan 8" stud logs or multiples of 3 plus trim. 6" to 16" dlsm. BURKLAND LBR. CO. Ph. Turner 1125 Eves. 2503 Turner or 2-7828 Salem. WANT clean full size spring mat tress. Will take best offer. Ph. 3-5401. LOGS WANTED Top price on today's market lor long or snorc second jrowvn iix nrices phone 3-9593 days. 4-1784 eves. West Salem Lmbr. Co. 1160 Wallace Rd. 174 Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or mail vour Plates for Repair. DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg State & Com. Ph. 3-3311 HOSPITAL beds for sale or rent Stiff Furniture Co. Ph. 3-9186. 476 Fuel WOOD for sale. About ten cords. Good fir. Phone 4-3697 afternoons. Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust, wood, green or dry. Stove-Diesel oils. Ph. 3-6444. Capitol Lbr. Fuel Co. ORDER your wood now. Plywood cores, old growth fir. oak planer ends. 198 S. Com'l St Phone 3-7721. ANDERSON'S hand picked slabwood. I cord 14. Phone 2-7751 or 4-4253. ' ORDER NOW I Sawdust; blower and P. O. SASH St DOOR PIANER ENDS. WEST SALEM FUEL CO. 1523 Edgewater Phone 24031 500 Bus. & Finance AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 133 S. Church St Ph. 2-2457 Parking Aplenty Lie. M159-S154 Consolidate All Bills Twenty-five years ago General Fi nance Corps was organized by Sa lem business and professional men to give you a loan service.. We have lent millions. TRY OUR SERVICE You can repay anytime to reduce costs. No endorsers or help from friends, longer time to repay. Ph. first for a one trip loan. Loans $23.00 to $309-00 on signature, furniture and equipment Loans to $500.00 on cars, trucks, and trailer houses. . free customer parking at "Marlon Car Park"; across from office. 136 S. Commercial St. Lie. No. S133 and M33S colonial Investment COMPANY 187 Court Street Phone 4-2283 Buy Sell Loan Heal Estate Mortgages Contrscts CUT CUT CUT Cut your present payments aa much- as 50. Let us show how it may be done. $50 - $2,500 AMOUNTS PAYMENTS $166.32 $ 9 00 258.73 14.00 535.92 29.00 350.0$ 46.00 PACIFIC Industrial Loans 118 S. Liberty Phone 4-3203 -Business $PDINO MACHINES r.t. MAKES adding machines and typewriters sold, rented, rPj Roen. 45C Court Phone 3-6773. ALUMINUM WINDOWS, doors, screens, a wninrs. Cliff Wilson Co- Portland H. P Lenton. Salem. Phone 3-6881. APPUANCB BEBVICli BENDtX Croaiey and otpoint iles and Service. K'00 ?&U' nee. 355 Center St Ph. 3-3139. f EATER APPLIANCE CO 37S be- meketa. Phone 3-4311. tvnRtVINO ENGRAVTN6 " Half-tones, tine Prompt service. Salem Enrrsvlng Co division of Statesman PuWish tng Co, 280 N. Church St Phone 2-2441 FUHNACE CLEANING BILL'S Furnace cleaning. All work - fuily guaranteed- Phone 3-1243. HOC9K MOVINO fiOUSEMOVlNG and lacking up Jfor foundations. Bales Brady. Ph 2- 4543 546 N High. B6JSS M6V1NG. raising, leveling and foundation work. 10 years ex perience. Fully bonded and Insured. Free estimates. Phone 3-3063 or 3- 7586. i BOU$tHOLP PRODUCT J R, WATKlNS' Co oroducU. 1134 S. Comt Saiem. Ph. S-39. Free 'elivery. ' i SHARPENLNG. Sales and Service. Dougherty Bicycle and Mower Shop. 2130 Fairgrounds Ph 3-6721 STiXRPtNING-Guaranteed service, New power and hand mowers. Call SUrxr W. Scott 143 So. Coml St I (fern: ftmi I 510 Money to toon SEX US FOR FARM. CITY or ACRE AGE LOANS. BEST OF TERMS. WE BUY Real estate mortgages at contracts. y STATE FINANCE CO. 187 S High St Ph. 3-4121 PRIVATE money to loan. Ph. 3-0794. 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted GOOD JOBS F -Cashier, hostess (type) F-Assit. cashier. 25-45. salary .3200 - 193 F-Inv. elk. It, typing . 185 F-Gen. off. hrs. 9-5, 3 days F-PBX receptionist (type) 200 195 r -Counter clerk 25-45. must type 300 F-Mail clerk, light -type 220 F-Recept, drs. off., out of town Open r -Saleswomen, exp. (sevrL) 25-50 200 F-Asst. bkknr.. 20-30. S day 200 F-Bookkeener (Dart time) 1.23 hr. F-Bookkeeper . 225 F-Lesal Steno. 250 F-Medical Steno. 200 F-Leeal steno. (North Bend. Ore 275 M-Sales ( auto. exs. D referred) Open M.Rookeener . 250 COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGCY. 494 STATE ST: PHONE 4-3351 KITCHEN help wanted. San Shop, aw fonianq na. SALAD MASTER Sale Inc. wants supervisor ana salesman ec saies- i.ji.. ... . mwHnff ra. Givm qualifications. Write Box 647, Co KITCHEN help, apply in person. . . . . tllA m . w speeaway nnwiuiui, iv -" St. HOW ARE YOU DOING? RE YOU SATISFIED WITH THINGS AS THEY ARE? ARE YOU UNI TING AHEAD? ARE YOU MAK ING AS MUCH MONEY AS YOU IF YOUR ANSWER IS NO TO ANY OF THESE QUESTIONS. IHtn YOU WILL BE DEFINITELY IN TERESTED IN OUR PROPOSI TION. WE OFFER YOU . . A JOB THAT NEVER GROWS OLD. . . UNLIMITED FUTURE POSSI BILITIES . . OPPORTUNITY TO EARN $500 to (i rum prn MONTH. IF YOU OWN A CAR, AND 21-40 YRS. OF AGE. NEAT APFJEAK ANCE. ENJOY MEETING THE T3TT-OT Tr Be at the Marion Hotel Tuesday. Sept. Bth. 2 pjn. 7 :sw pjn. see Mr. lyong CASHIER bookkeeper. Speedway Restaurant 1170 Center, wo pnone Mils. WE ARE now taking applications nr raper nouxes a wmw j-i-aion. Statesman Building. Boys rn'ist be 13 years or over and have the written consent of their par ents. If you have already applied kindly do so again. THE OREGON STATESMAN 604 Help Wanted, Male CAR hop. Woodruffs San Shop. 3400 Portland na rto pnone cam. TIVT.P WANTED Opening with progressive finance company ior young man " business career in the field of credits, collections and insurance. Requires young man preferably with some business office experi ence who is capable of learning to efficiently handle office duties and generally assist with the finance business which includes both office and field duties. Applicant selected will be given valuable training with good pay while learning. Apply at Calkins Finance Company, Albany. 312 First National Bank Building. Ask for Mr. Steen. 606 Help Wanted, Female WANTED, experienced office girl to woric aunng vacation pen. Ap ply Warner Motor Co. Tues. Mont ana- , , EXPERIENCED beauty operator, full or part time at Loveall, Miller's. pnone 3-7870. EXPERIENCED waitress. Nohlgren's, 440 state MIDDLE AGED lady to do house work. Room, board and wage. Rt S. Box 342. Ph. 83F11 Salem. EXPERIENCED hotel maid wanted. Inquire at the Marion Hotel. 200 s. commercial. INSTITUTIONAL matron, some cooking St practical nursing. State experience, qualifications, address ec pnone. po3t wj co jmciuau. RELIABLE lady may live with us in comfortable home. T.V. and auto matic appliances in return for csrs of children. Wages paid also. Ref erencse required. Phone 4-3236 evenings only. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk. Sav Ing Center. 3390 Portland Rd. 608 Pickers Wanted NOTICE John J. Roberts St Co. will start hop picking Moil. Sept 7th, 1953. See forman at ranch or call 3-9623 dys. 3-3052 eves. WANTED Hop pickers, esrly and late hope Bus leaving from Employ ment office on Ferry St at 633. Starting Aug. 24th. Paul Steedeh. Rt 3. Box 143. Silverton. Phone Silverton 3-4850. BEAN pickers wanted, peak pick lng. Shull beanyard. across from Clear Lake Store. ' NOTICE! Bean pickers urgently needed. Clar ence D. Herr, Rt. 2. Box 188. Sil verton. U mile East and North of Central Howell school. Salem Ph. 3-1207. BEAN pickers wanted at Rienache's Bean Yard. Fairly steady work. Ph. 4-2789. Directory- UGHTTNO FIXTURES SALEM'S Exclusive lighting store. 183 N Hteh St Ph- 3-0413. MM1RK8SES CAPITOL Bedding Mattress reno vators. Full line. New mattresses. Fhon 3-4069 PAFh.RlNQ. PAINTING JAMES DOWNES. Painter and Dec- orator. Phone 3-9591. PALNTINO & Papering, rree esU- mstes. 3-ai3. 837 snipping. pi .iuKin GLNERAL REPAIR and pumps. Det cattir t Maers, 970 S. Coma Ph. 3-6223 PRINTING PRINTING Complete Printing Service. Pronant delivery-: reason able prices. Commercial Printing Department, statesman rupninmg CO Dial Z-Z441 ROAD GRADING TILE DlTfINJG. Joy Sbkkfaden. PhTiC 8-510. $ AND AND GRAVEL' IvaIXLN'Ij SAND and CrAVeL CO. Crushed rock. For roads and crlve wav. Cement Readv-Mlx concrete. Garden sand. Bulldozing drainage and ditching. yd. shovel and drag line. Phone IfPTir TANKS Mike's SepUe Service. Tasks cleaned. D rooter cleans sewers, drains. Ph- 3-8468. HAMELS septic tanks cleaned. Line service. Guaranteed work. Phone 3-7404 OT t-0774. ilEWER Septie drains. cleaned. Roto-rooter service. 3-5327 WH D HILLING DnmHtii- Irrigation. Industrial. H. A Robtnsoa. 221 K. Front St Pa. 3-7283. 610 Sales Persons Wanted MAKE $100 A WEEK Must nave made at least $3000 last Sir selling. Prefer man wno naa d successful experience selling cooking' utensils, vacuum cleaners, or sewing machines. If you can qualify, this position will lead to sales manager after proven suc cess with company. Local firm established over 20 years in down town Salem. Phone 3-4642 for ap pointment 612 Work Wasted, Male COMPETENT young man. 37 years old. college grad. moving to Salem, desires position with reliable firm as bookkeeper or office mgr. Please can Salem 4-1949. CUSTOM hay baling. O. Strand, Ph. 3-4513 Silverton. DOLING and grading with light crawler. 3-cib. , Tractor Work Plowing, discing, blade work. Phone 2-3041 LAWN MOWER t sharDeninf. Also sharpen scissors, clipper heads. saws. etc. uscsr vaszaret. xi erui. Phone 2-1656, FALLING, bucking clearing, etc Write Box 598 statesman. Mason Work. Patch Plastering Stucco and repair. Basements water proofed by plastering, xsaroeques. outside fireplaces. Plantery's. patios. 2-6545. 614 Work Wanted, female RELIABLE baby sitting while you attend the fair. Days only. Call Z-4550. WASHING, ironing and sewing done In my home. Ph. 3-3095. 615 Situations Wanted Roofing Large or small. No long wait 10 years experience, rnone a-vxu. ps-r.TAmK hahy aitter. Any time Hv TilrVi 9.104S. CUSTOM cabinet work and installa- tion. Dick HignDerger. iosa xsircn wood. Ph. 3-8904. Roadgrading EVENINGS 3-0010 NEW home construction, remodeling. Free estimates, local references. Miles Knutson. 4-6340 after S In eves. KSnGWOOD kindergarten for West Salem children begin Sept 8th for children under 4. call 4-3507 over 4. phone 2-4538 NEW lawns, complete, phone 4-2941 . 3 aA.AK PAINTING" and decorating quality workmanship. unoioe nunmu, Terms. Martin Wolfer. Phone 4-2879. Open Ditching EVENINGS 2-0010 PAINTING, paper hanging, day or contract small jods welcome, r-none m j . WILL TAKE care of children in your IWI11C, jr vi mvm IRONING 50c an hour. Bring bang' home, day or eve. inone s-osfo. ers. 1011 ana at. cat o m. NEW lawns: Prepared and seeded. rotary hoeing. -ane woicot- 2-fcl27 PAINTING, waterproofing. Free es- tlmates. ess ncison. rnoni 2-4307, 3-8243. DRESSMAKING, experienced. Mrs. Julius Pincus. 17W rtorxn . ra. s-9342. ; CEMENT WORK Sidewalks, steps, patios, basements. rTompl service, viuaraniee. rnons PAINTING exterior and interior. McClatn ana uoiaen. ont .- or 3-3869. HAVING AUTd RADIATOR nnrmT.tes Vs3ey Motor Co. experts wGl solve your prooiems ana save you moavy. Free estimates, speedy service. Center snd Liberty. MTr-v!nrWA1Lf MTTT?ST.RY STATE LICENSED AND INSPECT ED. HRS S AM. to 9 r . 3-7896 fTfYhnc hiidHlny, r-modaling. Free" tlmates. Ben Graves. Ph. 3-8393. LANDSCAPING, tractor and tiller work. Service Center. Phone 4-3573 NURSERY SCHOOL. Fine's Ultra modern. $55 Mission. Ph. 3-7658 LIGHT crawler doter. dirt leveling. grading. Phone 2-3220. -CARPENTER WORK. Any kind. Rea- sonable. 4240 Macieay ko. mone 45961. Pa in tine ror quality work reasonable prices call a-se. FISH smoking and fish canning. S lem Custom curing Plant. a-7oro. BULLDOZING, yard grading, dirt loading. Ph. 2-0716. 2460 nortngate Ave. POINTING. Reasonable prices. Arils Meltvn. Phone 2-1352. Licensed Day Nursery Especially for Infants and two-year- Alrfa PIMM CARPENTER work wanted. New or CONCRETE work all kinds. Concrete walls, patios, sidewalks. Dasem en John Feldschau Son. Phone 2-8628. 4-5329. Call after S p. m. 618 Education PIANO LESSONS by experienced teacher. 81 a lesson. 3-B4MH, HIGH SCHOOL for diploma at home. Contact AMERICAN SCBOOU 6543 N. Interstate Ave- Portland 13. Oregon. 620 Day and Contract Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer dc Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the foot Phone day 3-9408 Evenings 3-7412. 2-4417 Salem. Oregon 700 Rentals TRAILER SPACE. $10 a mo. No pels. pn. z-swa. ivw uxxoro. 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board HOUSEKEEPING room, exchange for 1 hour s work a day. Ph. 2-9833. 1 Af M m4 REASONABLE, clean, attractive rms. Private entrance, close in. rnone 2-7481. FOR GIRLS with kitchen privileges. 630 N. Winter. WARM ROOM for man. Refrigerator and cooking faculties, sao. i7 Court . DOWNTOWN, modern, dean, well furnished. 3 rooms, oatn. ess cen ter St NICE clean light housekeeping room. 733 W. Church. CLEAN room for 3. Free parking. Day. week or month rate. 334 i. Winter. Wn r.lMTT.S nr archers. Men. Close to school. 2-8433. 820 N. Cot- sge. NICELY furnished, reasonable. Gen tleman. 985 N. Summer. 3-6368. GOOD light housekeeping or sleeping rooms. $6 per week. 3131 Center. Phone 3-491B. CLEAN, quiet room, good location. Some kitchen privileges. 3-1449. NICE room for gentleman. Close to. 832 N. Winter. NICE light housekeeping room. lady. 685 N. Church. 705 Apartments For Bent DOWNTOWN, lovely, large furnished apt Suitable for several girls. Util ities. Also small furnished duplex. $30. Call after 11:00. 765 Marlon St. LGE. 3 RM. tpt One blk. from city library. Ph. 3-4920 or 3-6853. PRIVATE 3 rm. court apt. furn.. clean, adults. $45 a month. 3560 Portland Rd. EXTRA, extra nice. lg. room furn ished spt Fair week or permanent Near CapitoL 310 S. Winter. Ph. 3-3128. 705 Apart ten For Bent "MADISON COURT APT. Newly decorated, unfurnished 1 room apt $50. Also nicely furnish ed apt 1065 Madison St. FURNISHED 3 room basement apart ment private bath & entrance, re frigerator. $45. 660 Union. Ph. 3-5248 MODERN 3 room apt, adults only. private pain, rn. 3-7 ia, DOWNTOWN, clean, well furnished. ranier, a rooma, pam. ego venter. 2 BDRM, unfurn lower floor. Close in. Ph. 3-7495. 2-0507. COURT apt, newly decorated. 1 looms and bath unfurnished, ex cept stove and refrigerator. TV available, inquire 134 s. lztn. 3 BOOM, clean, furniahed." private entrance, bus, store, school. Phone 3-6546. fc-tmNlSWETl lng room, bedroom, kitchen, elec tric range and refrigerator. 3 blocks from downtown. $45. See manager 640 N. commercial. 3 ROOM furniahed apt Walking"! "m trance. $30 for one person. $35 for z. ugnt & water inciuaea. rn. 3-9839. . SINGLE cosy apt Furniahed, utili ties, near school and bus. Private home. 935 Belmont X ROOM furnished. $38. Utilities fur nlshed. 723 S. 13th. 3 ROOMS partly furnished, day light basement Outside entrance. 1063 Oak. SMALL modern 2-room furnished apt Adults, no pets. Sheldon Apartments. 1360 w. Liberty. MEW apartment for rent with gar- ace. 710 Cross St Phone 3-3934. . 7 L 3 BEDROOM apt on $16 N. 14th. stove, remg., water xurmsnea. Ph. 3-8566. " Capitol Plaza FURNISHED and unfurn. apartmeati 1165 Chemeketa. Phone 3-8C30. 1 BEDRM. apt Water, stove, refrig. furnished. Inquire 1664 St 13th. 3 ROOMS furn. near capltol BldgT Ground floor. Phone 2-5083, S ROOM furnished apt Private bath. utilities furnished, aose in. z Marion. FURNISHED 3 room. Heat and wa ter furnished. 985 Saginaw. SMALL Apta. UU1. furn. $20 & up. Inquire apt. 4. 827 w. lberty. FURNISHED 3 rooms. $40. 2 rooms $30. Phone 2-7600. SMALL furnished apt, private bath. first Poor, working couple. 3-e34. l-ROOM Ant Private entrance, ga rage, close to CapitoL 666 S. Sum mer. NEW Court apt stove, refrigerator. suburban. $50. Phone 3-3367, CLOSE In deluxe apt 2 beds. 444 N. Cottage. FOR ONE OR TWO Everything furnished, close to Cap ital Shopping center ana otate buildings. Available now. 1369 Cen ter st BEAUTIFUL 3 rooms and bath. Alt electric. Auto, washer. Ph. 3-BSll. 2290 Fairgrounds Rd FIRST floor furnished or unfur- nlshed. Hested. 1411 Court FURNISHED 3 rm. court apt Newly decorated, dose In on N. com i. Ph. 2-8848 or 3-6644. REDECORATED, furniahed, modern apta. 840. Egtep. 1075 W. capital. Ambassador Apts. Nicely furnished apts. 550 N. Summer. 707 Houses For Rent 3 ROOM, preferably elderly people. 1137 S. 12th. Call 1368 Fir 5t. SMALL APT. size house completely furnished. 2 blocks east of state CapitoL Just right for 1 girls. Ph. 3-&320. 3 BR. home including elec. range 6c oil floor furnace. Close in. mo pets. Adults only. Write Box 646, Co Statesman. 2-BEDROOM modern. South near Leslie school. Phone 3-4213. ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED Very cozy and neat yard, patio, no ozts. 845. water paia. rn. a- os or 3-5038. MODERN farm house. 13 miles North on Wallace Rd. Joe Beaty. UNFURNISHED house north. 3 yrs. old. very dean. Ideal for couple, must be seen to appreciate. See at 1897 N. Water. Phone 2-5624. CLOSE tS Extra nice street floor duplex 3 rooms, large living room, furniture, creek, car port $75.00. Ph. 3-5128 eves. $ ROOM, modern house. Partly fur- nlshea. inquire 3413 wiuiams Ave. 710 Wanted to Rent Houses Good 2-3 bedroom, basement, fire place. West Salem. Phone 2-4031 between 8-6. 714 Business Rentals SUITABLE for dr., dentist, etc.. Near hospital. 510 S. Winter. Ph. 3-5128. BUSINESS building with living quar ters on N. Capitol St. Phone 3-C70C, OFFICE SPACE. Inquire 109 S. High. Phone 3-4114. rOR LEASE, 160-300 ft frontage on Edgewater St, West Salem. Ira Fltts. Phone 3-8403. GROUND FLOOR - office or store spsce ior rent Can at Fltts Market Z16 is. commercial rn. a-e. FOR LEASE, business building. 4000 sq. ft 2195 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 3-7124. FOR RENT OR LEASE" Office space suitable for doctor or dentist. Located in last growing community. Contact M us grave Re- altors, 1311 aagewster. 1 BLDG. in Hollywood. Approx. 500 sq ft $50 a mo. can Kawuns Realty at 2-4664 or 4-1761. 800 Real Estate NEW HOME NOW READY RANCH TYPE with 3 large airy bed rooms, plenty bullt-ins, large living room. Hdw. floors throughout, spa cious kitchen with dining area, full deep basement. Automatic Chrys ler furnace, large 3 car garage. At 813.000.00 you will agree it s a oar gain. See Mr. Johnson at once. ED D. POTTER, Realtor 315 S. High St Ph. 3-3630 or 3-6373 801 Business Oportunlnes Richfield Oil Corporation Offers for lease excellent service station with established gallonage. Phone Branch Manger. Portland TU5236. or Salem 3-9533. TAVERN - CAFE Money Maker! located close to Salem, and close to mill, good lease on the bids, with option. Lots of equipment In A-l shape. Real buy at only $10,000 plus inventory with terms. CAFE a real set up for some people, doing good business, has lot of equipment too much business for owner. Will sell for $3500 or will lease to responsible people. Better look Into this, this is a deal. STEVE SADOWSKY. REALTOR Phone 4-4896 TRADE OR SELL SMALL HOf-L Located on ME north. 3 units furn. plus 3 br. living quarters. Room for expansion. $13,000 or take home . . acreage near Salem In trade. SPECULATOR ATTN, J1.000 DN. Bojse with S sm. apts. needs deco rating throughout Good cr. It On ly $4.5000 Call Nell Knittel with ALLEN C. JONES. REALTOR 331 N. High Ph. 3-5838. Eve. 4-2310 FOR LEASE good major oil corn pany service station in small town near Salem. CaR 4-445$. FOR SALS by owner 1 mile S. of Hubbard on Highway 99. Service station St garage with living quar ters. Large grounds and welL A good buy St terms to suit Write W. wagner. P. O. 4297 Portland or call Ca 1359 MOTEL Can be bought at a price yon can make money. Nod-A-Way Motet s,Mir' flavins WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WE NEED LISTINGS: Homes, Farms. Acreages. Businesses. Taverns. Mo tor Courts. What Have You? Get Action. Actual sale for the month of August through our office 1466, 4SU0. ! 3 Bedroom Trade f pr 2 Yes. this owner says he will trade his home for a 3 bedroom. Sep. uliiry room. Fireplace. Oil heat Pvd. st Bus by door. Lot 50x200. Lots of room for garden. Price is only $7500. What have you? .Value Worth Talking About Shiny new home in a fine location. Very close to school. Oil heat Lawn is, in. Insulated. Very colorful bath. '67 x200 lot. Good soil. Owner leav ing state. Full price $10,500. Comfortable-Spacious Yes. the arrangement la the best 3 Bedrooms on one floor. On a very quiet st. Near school, bus and stores. Very dean. Nice yard and shrubs. Fireplace. Forced air oil furnace. Full price $10,500. Value on Candalaria Yes, a nice home with full basement Very choice corner lot Gorgeous yard. 3 Fireplaces. Large rumpus room. 3 Bedrooms. Mahogany trim. Bus by door. Panoramic view that is unobstructable. Live in a lovely neighborhood and home at at price you can afford. Only $17,950. Lib eral terms. Trade For New Home The owner will trsde this Income property consisting of 4 modern rentals. Modern clean 3 bedroom home. 14 Trailer stalls with a very large lot inside city for. a large new home. His asking pries is $33,. 500. Whst have you! Garage In an unusually prosperous commun ity and town. Has been a large money maker for many years. Well equipped with all tools necessary plus a tow car. Steel reinforced cement bldg. 8000 sq. ft. On main st Everything goes for $48,000 plus inventory. Terms arranged. Apartment Bargain 1 Units with 'an Income of $320 per mo. A very long list of furniture. 86 by 150 ft lot Shown by appoint ment only. This is sound income property and offered at the bar gain price of $17,250. 5 Acres Very good modern 3-bedroom house. Garage, fruit house, chicken house. Paved rd. Only S miles from Sa lem. 48 Walnut trees. Chehalls soil. Full price only $12,500. Lovely County Home Very close In. Lovely view. 14 Acres. A very good irrigation system for 10 Acres. Very clean and modern home with basement Seversl out bldgs. Owner will accept late mod el car ss part payment. Full price $18,500. 20 Acres 2-Bedroom house. 20 by 34 Barn. Chicken house. Garage. Machine shed. Walk-In cooler. Fruit, nuts and berries. Only 9 miles from good town. Full price $7500. Terms. For Homes and Business Opportuni ties call for: MR. CRAWFORD (Eve. 4-5020) RAY GRIMMETT (Eve. 2-7679) DAN ISAAK (Eve. 4-3533) For Farms only call for: MR. LEAVENS (Eve. 3-4733) LICENSED ALSO IN WASH. St IDAHO F.H-A. Mortgages St Conventional Loans, 20 Year Maturity AL ISAAK & CO. REALTORS 3035 Portland Road Office Phones 4..1311 or 3-7820 Eve. 3-4735. 4-3533. 4-5020. 2-767$ U no answer mono - 806 Houses For Sale BY OWNER: Older 2-bedroom house. $500 down. Call 3-6271. 3 BEDROOM home in nice neighbor hood. Owner moving & will sacri fice. Call 4-4354 or see snytime t 1445 Wallace Rd. GOOD i bedroom home with fire- place. double plumbing, full base ment. Would trsde for smaller at Kdzer or N. Salem. Owner 260 S. 23rd St. Phone 3-6350. BY OWNER. 2 bedroom plus den. 2 fireplaces, lanascapea. Morning- side School. 598 Rstcllff Dr i BEDROOM house, lot 110x120. Full price $4500 Call evenings 875 caaar- wav. BY OWNER 3 bedroom older house. fenced corner double lot fruit and nut trees, bus one block, nesr Baker School. Reasonsble. 104 E. Wilson. Ph. 2-6901 OWNER'S SACRIFICE Beautiful 3-bedroom home in Can- dalaira Heights, unobstructed view, real daylight basement, party room. 2 fireplaces. Birch kitchen, etc 185 culver Lane, ynone s-wwo, ESTABLISHED 3 year old home for rural family living. enascapea. i acre of ground, more available. 4 bedrooms, 2,a baths. Full dry base ment 3 fireplaces, expert interior decoratingl Spacious rooms, small barn. Built by builder for his own home. Phone 2-1316. FOR SALE BY OWNER Good home on large business lot well located. Hollywood aisv sa iem. Wj-itcoStaman.ox627. OUR BEST BUY $1,500 DN. 8-B.R. home, 2 years old. Immacu late throughout Utility room witn in house. Only $9,750. Hurry. DRIVE BY 1205 PARK AVE. ONLY $5,500 dn. pymt $2,245 bal. $40 mo. Excel, location. N. Bus at door. Approx. A. Hen house and garden SDOt TOTAL price $1,200. i down. 610 A. RESTAURANT. $750 DN. INC. considerable equip, and lease. Price $1,950. y $500 DN. OR TRADE TOR CAR . 3 YEAR modern home with approx. 32100 A. Located 8 ml. S. ALLEN C. JONES. REALTOR 231 N. High 35838. eve. 3-9848 BY OWNER, new ranch type home. 1350 sq. it. Dining, birch Kitcnen with nook, utility, fireplace, birch china closet hoi air oil furnace, large garage, covered patio, many other fine features. Must be seen to appreciate. FLA. Committment, 1070 James St, Kelzer. 1X blks. from school. Lot 103x133. none 2-1115. NXW a bedroom ranch style home, wooded lot rough sawn cedar ex terior, living, dining and kitchen, finished In Redwood cathedral celling, stone fireplace, $13,000. 8. Commercial to Ratclift Drive .turn east to 2nd road on left Gray house at end of road. Road to be paved. Phone 2-7794, BY OWNER, modern 2 bedroom home. lk dr 2 acres. Keiser dist Very reasonable. Phon 4-1709. 3 BEDROOM dose in. good clean home, living room end din. rm. fir pi., bsmt. auto, furnace heat Nice .ge. lot shrubs and trees. Price to sell $9250. George Alderin, Realtor 960 S. Coml -Ph. 3-5780 - 2-1483 BUT Htssesssssssssssssa 9SSIIIMM SS SSSSSSSSSt assess si ssssssse SULLIVAN TRADE Here is a 22-acre farm with very modern up-to-date hog house with concrete floor, electric brood er, etc. 7 A. seeded to pasture. 12 A. in wheat, osU and clover. Let's go now so you can see what a real crop loosa use. some um ber and brush pasture. Very com fortable older home. $14,000. Call v McTarlane. eves. 4-2343. Will take small acreage dose to Salem. 2-BDRM.. SOUTH 1000 sq. ft this 14.wM t.t.l. k.i . .. heat and hdwd. firs. Lot is MxUif with fruits, nuts, fish pond, and shrubs. $9,000. Ed Bristol, eves. 3-8814. BEACH HOME Completely furn. 4 bdrra., 3 baths, huge liv. rm. with fireplace; beach frontage and right next to golf course. Sacrifice at 310,000. Call Bob Sullivan, eves. r 4-5977. ENGLEWOOD D 1ST. Cape Cod with fireplace, full basement, sawdust furnace, dble. plbg., close to school, quiet neighborhood. A 3rd bdrm. in basement 812,900. Mr. Rice, eves. 3-4869. Robert B. Sullivan Realtor 367 North High Phone 4-6533 Don't Have to Sell BUT would like to sell their home located at 1120 Dearborn Ave. this week, as the owners are leaving for Arizona, the home has been very reasonably priced at $13,900. but as a special Inducement for only a few days have offered to reduce the price. to $13,500. why not drive by and give a look, we bellve you are missing something. Phone 3-6680. For lease, Mdn. new 3 Br. home, Auto, aisnwasner $85. Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor 433 N. HIGH ST. 80S Houses For Sale S500DOWN TO OREGON G.I. NEW 3 BEDBOOM HOME with large living rm.. large kitchen with nook, oil furnace, nice bath. hdwd. firs., corner lot st edge of city limits North ONLY $8950. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION SEE. Ben Colbath, Realtor 815 Court St. Dial 3-4552. Eve. 2-6923 ULTRA MODERN. 2 SR. redwood finished exterior, beamed ceilings, glass gsbles. Swedish fireplace, built-in Thermadore Range units, ' from a $30,000 plan. Price $9300, $2,000 down. Shown by appeint- ment. can snaney. 4-4731, SEE THIS 2 new homes, 3155 and 3165 Frederick St Phone 2-0701. " ESTABLISHED CANDALArIA HEIGHTS VIEW HOME Built for owner by one of Salem's better builders. Home complete, with screens, storm windows, in sulated, Venetian blinds, all large rooms, full basement and double yarage. Priced at actual FHA ap praisal. Loan available at 4,,i. 585 Ben Vista Dr. or call 2-4920. By OWNER very nice 5-room home, 2 extra lots. SDrinkline system. fenced yard, outdoor fireplace. Work shop. block to bus. $9,900 Ecsy down psyment & monthly, After 8 a. m. 4-1798. BY BUTLDER EAST ENGLEWOOD New 3 bdrm. exclusive district birch kitchen, quality built excellent loan. 2-7071, ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom dwelling. Hardwood floors. Wall to wall oar petlng in living Sc halL Oil hest Lot 53 x 210 ft. Neatly shrubbed. See at 3810 La Branch Ave. Call Pioneer Trust Company 3-3136 for aetsus or sale. NEW 3 bedroom home. Hi baths, nook, dining; area, a nice floor plan, basement with fireplace. 1133 I eel Court. Just off D. St. i BEDROOMS. 3 baths. 2 fireplaces, double gsrsge. playroom, view. Will trade zor Poru ana resiaence. r-nons 3-4448 BY OWNER Two bedroom house. 4 yrs. old. lg. lot Psved street im mediate possession. $8,850.00, terms. see 4134 wager st, PRICED to seU. 2-bedroom home, 3 years old. 2 blocks from Richmond School. 89250. Phone 3-8118. See 770 S. 34th 2 BEDROOM, living, dining St utiU lty room. Fenced in back yard. Kelzer. 1185 Diets Ave. $8,950. $800 down. CLEAN 3 bedroom S year old home, attached garage. Plastered Insul ated, electric heat large fenced yard, close to bus, school snd Morev $6,750. Terms. Corner Moody and McArthur. 3-BEDROOM home furnished with T. V. or unfurnished. Sawdust heat Zone 3. Make offer. 1011 Elm. 3 BR. HOME, 2 baths, playroom with fireplace, out door fireplace. FJH.A. appraisal, $12,500 with grantee loan of $10,000 above r.HA. appraisal. Wall to wall carpeting, dishwasher, garbage disposal, kitchen table St sppostered slat, bar St playroom, awnings built-in In 3 bedroom, sell ing price $13,500. Ph. 2-5694. 943 Wilbur, washer, drier St stove msy be purchased also. BY OWNER and builder, new 2 bed room plastered home, close to high school, psved street; price $12,700. Located 1060 N. 13th. Will consid er car or lot trade In. for ap pointment call 2-3800. 808 Lots For Sole WILL SELL or trade lot on Holly wood Ave. 300 block for good used pick-up or csr. Ph. Mill City 5824. Olive W. Willis. Chuck's Fine Foods. BEND Lomond view lot. Phone 3-4210. ONE lot 60x110. Nesr Hoover school. Call 3-4963 eve. 810 Farms. Acreage For Sale FARM 63 acres, located 4 miles east of Salem, cash, trsde or terms. Phone 3-1194. 812 Exchange Real Estate 3 Bedroom One Floor 3 BEDROOM ONE FLOOR TRADE This has large living room with cir culating fireplace, naw. floors, plenty bullt-ins, garage. Newly painted. Lot 84x136. Bus by door. Only $9900. Terms or take 3 bed room with upstairs. See us at once. ED D. POTTER, Realtor 218 S. High St Ph. 3-3630 ' 850 Automotive 852 Used Cars For Sale 46 HUDSON 4door. perfect eondi tlon. See to appreciate. Call 3-3264. 1953 FORD Customline V $ four-door sedan R H. Overdrive, etc, local car, save $250. Lees than two months old. 185 Culver Lane, Phone 4-5865. 1947 NASH Ambassador 4 door sedan equipped with radio, heater, over drive, new tires. Interior is spot less and in excellent mechanical condition, Only $693. McCall's, 1297 State. s - '50 BUlCX special sedan. 3.060 miles. Good tires. 3-tone green. $1299. See at 1995 W. Nob Hill after 8 P.m. FOR SALE 1939 small Packard, coupe Very good. $73. Phone 2-8326. '49 KALSER Deluxe, 4 dr. Beautiful original finish of Caribbean ooral. Overdrive, complete deluxe acces sories. 1 owner, excellent condi tion. Ph. 3440$. 'LIST ttisiV 850 Automotive 852 tJged Cars For Sole S We Will TODAY LABOR DAY Prive Safely and Enjoy Yourself I SALEM USED ii f I CAR DEALERS ASSOCIATION 1940 MERCURY sedan $123. Dave nrrs, io otewart. fTX. 3-7168. '41 FORD CPE, milled hood and EQUITY lBiJ Huick. Special 3.000 uiuca. xaae oiaer car as part pay- - . . , V o. I Li i . 1950 NASH STATESMAN Super quippea with radio, heater, over drive. Attractive sest covers, orig inal f tone paint A car anyone "PH. ... be proud to own. $1,095. McCall's. 1297 State. THE COMMERCIAL SEAT COVER CO. ! Will Be Closed SEPT. 7 TO 12 Thank You 1M4 PLYMOUTH" Clb. Cpe. Radio it neater, other accessories, white sldcwall tires, good mechanical con dition. $675. 2-2389. 1941 CHXV. with 1951 motor. Mach. sound. Ph. 2-1316. 1941 PLYMOUTH 2 door, heater. Rea- sonable offer takes. 4630 N. River Rd. Ph. 4-5767. SAM SAYS: We're back to Church (street) where we may be "UNDERCOVER BUT NOP UNDERSOLD" Drop In today and see these terrific values we re ottering to celebrate our homecoming. 267 No. Church Ph. 3-7817 1947 DESOTO 4 door, radio, heater. guaranteed perfect. Original owner. 77. Phone 3-7794. 193i DODGE Meadow Brook 4 door i sedan, immaculate inside ana out. A car anyone would be proud to own. Well equipped. ! Low mileage. $1498. McCalls. 1297 State. THE SEAL OF QUALITY Come in and pick out one of our . better used cars for your motoring pleasure. 251 Olds 88 4 Drs. 51 Olds 88 2 Door 49 Nash 600 4 Dr. $695 i ! Makes into a bed. 51 Mercury Sport Cpe. i Perfect , condition. 49 DeStoto 4 Dr. $1195 CUSTOM MODEL. Owned by I local doctor. 249 Olds 98 Dlx. Sdns. 49 Buick4Dr $995 47 Buick4Dr $595 48 DeSoto4Dr $895 47 Ford Cnvrtble. $645 i V-8 Immaculate condition. j Pickups 50 International lz ton 49 Ford Pickup : Hunters special. Loder Bros. 458 Center Ph. 3-7973 DAILY CROSSWORD U ACROSS X. Fellow 5. Plant ovule 9. Native i Hawaiian i danc 10. Cattle 1L Biblical l nam 12. Funeral ; ; song 14. Penetrated 16. Mimic 17. Pictur ! esquo 15. Eye 19. Spread ii g aas I to dry 20. Flights of missiles 22. Practical unit of ! electrical capacity 23. Student 28, Feminine pronoun 29, Steep, j broken Jjcliff 20. Seesaw 22. Breeze 23. Abandons 24. Ud.rf4 38. Capital !(IL) ' 37. Check 25. Tolerate 39. To cut: in - f phrase - ; after I -anick" 40. Sharp DOWN , l-Fortuaa 2. Searched for 3. Foreign 4. Father 3. Slip aidewtys 6. Goddess of healing LNorse Myth.) 7. EngToaa 8. Profoundly 11. Finest 12. Orn men ted 13. Observes IS. Competitor 18. Ancient 11 124 3T 777 1 it m tt"i:fz:i pt:ii-,-.-. YA" v, 1 1 Va 1 850 Automotive tl2 Used Cars Teg fkd Be Closed i M DODGE CORONET SEDAN Gyro drive, radio, heater. Fine seat covers $130$ '4$ BUICK SUPER SEDAN ! Dynaflow, radio, heater, white tires, spotless ., $129$ '50 BUICK SPECIAL 8 ED AN Heater, washers, covers, good condition ... , , -$127$ '4$ FORD CUSTOM I SEDAN Msgle air heater, custom radio. Immaculate 4896 '43 BUICK SUPER SEDAN Radio, heater, excellent tires, fine paint, spotless Interior , , , , .,, WHOOPIES '41 BUICK SUPER SEDAN 41 CHRYSLER SEDAN '42 BUICK SUPER SEDAN '30 CHXV TUDOR , 1 iivc r Otto J. WILSON Company OREGON'S NUMBER ONE DEALER Coml t Center . Phone 3-3623 854 'Trucks. Trailers For Sal 1 1943 DIAMOND T. . log truck end 1944 Win twin log trailer, on good ob. Cash, trade or terms. Phone . 3-1194. S3iCHEV. flat bed farm truckj licensed to Dec. Also 1 ton CMC pickup box in good condition, fits I94S thru 1983 pic mi p. en. a-iigs. i$43 CMC dual drive short log truck in good condition. $650 cash. Phono 3-1194. 858 Wanted, Cart Trucks WE'LL BUY your equity, cash for clean ears, uira Auto, at j&qurp ment 371 Wallace Rd- West Salem. 858 Motorcycles T. OR SALE,4 MOTOR 18th. SCOOTER. 60 1378 N 1950 new. nsoo les, windshield, extras. 3-0892. 882 House Trailers COMPLETELY re finished inside and out 20 ft. Rollaway. Priced to seU. Electric brakes, controller, awning. 3 gas tanks. Panel-ray heater. 603 Miller. Dallas. GOING TO THE FAIR? Be sure to See the "Long-Long Tall er as seen in the recent movie. Should you like to see trsllers oth er than those on display. Just walk across the street to . . . JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES ! 2640 Portland Road ! 21. Roman house " rods 22. Haze 23. Crust on a wound 24. Anno a cert 23. Become firm 2. Walked with long ateps 27. Cossack headmen 28. Scottish Gaelic Satarlay'f Aaaver SLWdrd 23.8andduAS IE f- 33.PerUh 38. Book labor.) yf mm Mil CM UMB&Yl CZ2ZJ .7 , j 1223 $203 $123 cTT 7 jfUU aTTT A MA I wl f A rp i. 2J mJl 5 ni tJfTo SIT, SuT a p t