The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 06, 1953, Page 14, Image 14

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4 (Sec 2 Statesman; Satan, Or, Sunday, Sept. C 1353
Miss Patricia
Sunderlin Now
Mrs. Miller
Exchanging their vows at an
. S o'clock ceremony at the First
'" Christian Church Saturday night
were Miss Patricia L. Sunderlin
and Ramsay E. Miller Jr.f The
bride is the daughter of Mr; and
rT lIrf. E. C Sunderlin and the
' groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
, Sanuay E. Miller. v , ,
The Rev. Dudley Strain per--formed
the nuptials before a set
tine of pink and white gladiolus
es combined with hydrangeas.
Lighting the candles were Miss
- Barbara Snook and Eddie Sun-
. derlin, the bride's brother. Elton
i . Benedict was the soloist and Mrs.
Benedict the organist j -
Of white satin and nylon; net
" was the bridal gown, fashioned
with a satin bodice and net over-
skirt with scalloped edge extend-
ing to the end of the court train.
The gown was enhanced with vel-
Yet applique. A crown of white
velvet adorned with seed pearls
held in place her fingertip veiL
She carried a bouquet of white
agapanthus orchids and stepha
J notis.
j The Bridal Attendants
Miss Joan Juul was the honor
maid and wore a pink gown with
J orerskirt of nylon net She car
ried a crescent bouquet of pink
2 gladioluses. The bridesmaids,
i Miss Diana Stewart and Miss Ar
J lene Werner, wore blue organdy
dresses embossed in white and
. matching hats. They carried cres-
cent arm bouquets of pink gladi-
. oluses tiea with blue ribbon.
' "Cheryl Lynn Kindle was the
; flower girl and wore a pink frock.
The train bearers were Greg
, fihrake and David Snook.
Delton L. Miller stood with his
brother as best man. Ushers in-
eluded Thomas JL Walden, Eu
gene D. Lcbold, William A. Beck
ett, Johnny M. Rex and Lawrence
A. Scheelar Jr.
Mrs. Sunderlin chose a navy
blue suit for the wedding with
deep pink velvet hat and pink
gloves. Mrs. Miller wore a grey
suit and a dusty pink hat Their
corsages were of pink roses.
At the Reception
The reception followed In the
church parlors. Mrs. Harold
Snook and Mrs. M. H. Drake pour
ed. Cutting the cake were Mrs.
C. O. Gillming, aunt of the bride,
and Mrs. Norris Stevens. Mrs.
Warren Shrake assisted about the
When the couple left on their
wedding trip along the Oregon
coast the bride donned a white
and black faille suit with black
velvet trim and black velvet hat
The newlyweds will make their
home in Salem.
Fall Activities
Planned by Unit
Mr flrrnl1 ftnhinnn nrt.
dent of the Salem Unit 136 Amer
incan Legion Auxiliary presided
at a special meeting Thursday
evening at the Salem Women's
Club. Reports of the department
convention were given by the del
egates. Mrs. A. B. Chapman has
been appointed child welfare
chairman and Mrs. Robert Per
lick, junior activities chairman.
Committee chairmen reporting
were: Mrs. Joe Marcroft Ameri
canism, who said her committee
had been contacted for flags for
Boy Scout troop; membership,
Mrs. Jerome Hansen, who an
nounced a series of "kidnap
breakfasts" are being planned;
ways and means, Mrs. Dan 'Pan
tovitch, gave September 29 as the
date for a rummage sale.
Miss Dolores DeFilippl was
presented with a certificate of
membership to the senior group,
promoting her from the junior
group on the age of 18. This is
the first certificate to be given.
Guests present were Mrs. Myr
na Males, Mrs. Charles Robinson,
and Mrs. Eugene 'Oliver.
Reports of summer activities
were given and during fair week
the auxiliary will assist the Post
in their booth. Mrs. Ted Ullakko
and Mrs. Robinson were hostesses.
Fear Corners a son, Robert
Allen, was born August 31 at the.
Salem Memorial Hospital -to Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph H. Calkin (Betty
L. Justis). He weighed seven
pounds and three ounces and has
two brothers, Gary Lee and Ken
neth James. The grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. James U. Cal
kin, Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
K. Justis, North Richland, Wash.
Great-grandparents are Mr. ' and
Mrs. William MacDonald. Salem.
You'll Look
Lovelier in
Coats Stoles
Capes- Scarves
Jackets . . . from
; tJ48 Ferry
Phone 3414 '
1 '
- ... .1 ..i . ii
Mrs. Kenneth D. Kottke Gecm Bull) who was married on Aug. 28 at the First
Baptist Church. The bride is the- daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. Barney L. Bull and the
groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Kottke. The couple will live in Los Angeles.
(McEwan Studio).
Rites Read at
Married at a simple ceremony
on Saturday night were Miss Lou
isa Jane Spalding, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Spalding
of Chemawa, and Billy W. Suggs
of Warm Springs, Oregon, son of
Mrs. Effie Suggs of Spur, Texas.
The rites were read by the Rev.
Brooks Moore at the First Meth
odist Church parsonage at 6
o'clock. The couple exchanged
their vows before the fireplace;
which was banked with baskets
of pastel gladioluses.
The bride, who was given in
marriage by her father, wore a
powder blue afternoon gown with
navy blue accessories. She car
ried a nosegay of yellow rose
Mrs. Bruce Peterson was the
bride's only attendant. She wore
a toast brown afternoon dress
with chocolate brown accessories.
Her nosegay was of pink rose
buds. Mr: Peterson served as best
man for Mr. Suggs.
Mrs. Spalding chose a steel
grey afternoon dress with white
accessories and a corsage of
white rosebuds for the wedding.
The groom's mother was unable
to be present for the nuptials.
A reception followed at the
home of the bride's brother and.
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Vir
gil R. Spalding, on South view
Place. Pouring were Mrs. Jack
Kizziah, sister of the groom, and
Mrs. Virgil Spalding. Mrs. Earl
Spalding cut her niece's cake,
with Mrs. Harold Spalding as
sisting. After a wedding trip'to Lub
bock, Texas, the couple will be
at home in Warm Springs, Ore
gon. Chapter Resumes
Fall Meetings
Ainsworth Chapter. OES, began
its fall meetings Wednesday eve
ning at the Scottish Rite Temple.
Honor guests were Mrs. Paul
Ha user, past grand matron; Mrs.
Paul Robinson, past grand ma
tron; Mrs. W. L. Lewis, grand rep
resentative to the state of Tenn.;
and Mrs. J. Edgar Reay, grand
representative to the state of
South Dakota. Among other visit
ors were Mrs. Jean MorrisonJ
Mrs. Emery of Florence, Mrs.
Francis Gutfeld and Mr. Nathan
iel Storey of Lancaster, Calif.
Many invitations were received
to attend receptions for grand
officers, among them being the
reception to be given by Chad
wick chapter for Herman John
ston, grand associate patron,
Sept. 19.
Since this was the last meeting
for Mrs, H. E.. Smedley, worthy
matron, to preside, a farewell
program was given with the star,
points putting on a flower degree
and Robert Goddard playing
piano selections. 4
Mrs. Smedley will " reside in
Los Angeles for the ensuing year,
Serving on the refreshment
committee for the evening were
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jenks, Mr,
and Mrs. Robert Ramgage, Mrs,
Lou Williams and Mrs. Kermit
Mr. , and Mrs. James ADes, Jey
and Steven of El Monte, Calif.,
are visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Nick Sakota. :
miLLER 5
Salem Council to
Sponsor Seminar
- A mission study coaching sem
inar is announced by the Salem
Council of Church Women for
Sept 22 to be held in the Carrier
Room of the First Methodist
Church from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
This is the first such seminar to
be sponsored by the council and
the plans for it were made by its
World Mision committee at a
meeting Thursday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. C P. Goulder.
Committee members are Mes-
dames C. W. Stacey, J. P. Smart,
and Sidney VanDyke. This semi
nar is to prepare the leadership
in the churches who will conduct
the inter-denominational mission
studies to be used this year, which
are "Winthin These Borders" and
"That The World May Know."
Leadership from the Portland
seminar will be brought in for
the day, films on both studies
will be shown, and supplemen
tary material will oe on display.
Brooks Visitors at the G. A.
McNeff and Walter Brutka homes
for the past week have been Mrs.
Julia A. Luby of Los Angeles,
Calif., and son, John Luby, of El
Paso, Texas, and daughter, Mrs.
Ben Sexton of Ontario, Calif. Sun
day a picnic was held at the Mc
Neff home for Mrs. Luby. Honor
ing her were: her sons and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Luby,
Dan and Joan of Culver Lane in
Salem; a niece, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Brutka, and Judy; and
nephews, Mr. and Mrs. O. C Mc
Neff, Jane and Jimmie; Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. McNeff, Shirlee, Caro
lyn, and Duane; and Cecil A.
McNeff, all of Portland.
Four Corners The Rev. and
Mrs. V. L. Livingston, Lew and
Jimmy of Astoria visited at the
William Fiester and Homer Bales
homes this week enroute home
from a month's traveling. The
Rev. Mr. Livingston is pastor of
the St Paul's Episcopal Church
n Astoria. The families were for
merly neighbors in wniung, Kan
Cloverdale Mr. and Mrs. Dean
Hall and daughters, Coleen and
Deana, will leave next week for
a vacation and business trip that
will take them to Wakeigan and
Tulon, I1L for three weeks. Mr.
Hall will visit his mother and sis
ter and brothers, where they liv
ed before moving here a few
years ago.
Salem Sojourners will meet for
a dessert luncheon and cards
Thursday afternoon at the Salem
Woman's Clubhouse at 1 o'clock.
Hostesses for the day include
Mrs. Willard Christopher, chair
man, Mrs. Keith Rohde, Mrs.
P. J. Edkins, Mrs. Edith Cunning
ham and Mrs. Laura Fletcher.
Many Choice Pieces Imported Items
Visit Our Display Room
John Korenian
Importer Oriental Kugs
" 1857 S. Commercial - fhone 2-7944
For an Exclusive Hair Style
to fit Your Personality visit
5 ricl of lfew lork
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.... , ,. ; ,;..
w -
Miss Mullins,
Mr. Wei I brock
Wed Saturday
Miss Loise Aline Mullins,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs Ray
Mullins, became the bride of Ru
dolph Paul Wellbrock, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Wellbrock, on Saturday
night at the Halbert Memorial
Baptist Church. The Rev., Rob
ert Sanders officiated at the
7:30 o'clock ceremony. Miss Vel
va Clark was the soloist and Mrs.
Robert Sanders played the wed
ding music
Miss Pettie Otjen and Miss
Christine Maynard lighted the
candles at the altar, which was
banked with bouquets of gladi
oluses. A white satin gown with Chan
tilly lace bodice and a floor
length nylon skirt was chosen by
the bride for. her wedding. A
sweetheart crown held in place
her fingertip nylon tulle veiL She
carried a white Testament mark
ed with a spray of white glamel
ias centered with an orchid.
Mrs. Robert Johnson was her
cousin's matron of honor. She
wore a waltz length gown of ap
ple green with forest green ac
cent and carried a spray of orchid
gladioluses. Bridesmaids were
Miss Wilma Karsten and Mrs.
Neal Wolf, sister of the bride,
who wore waltz length dresses
of orchid nylon and forest green
accent They carried sprays of
greenlite gladioluses tied with
Sharon Mullins, the bride's sis
ter, was the flower girl and she
wore a pale green net frock over
apple green taffeta.
Mr. Tibbetts Best Mao
Loren J. Tibbetts stood with
the groom as best man and
groomsmen were David Cooley
and Robert Cooley. Seating the
guests were Virgil Boyd, Max
Klotz and Richard Rogers.
A dusty pink nylon crepe
grown with dark brown accessor
ies and a corsage of pink gla
melias. A reception followed in the
church parlors. Mrs. Audrey Hel
ton, the bride's aunt and Mrs.
Florence Flagg presided at the
coffee urns. Mrs. Clifford Tib
betts cut the cake. Assisting were
Mesdames Roy Vibbert, William
Pierce, Ronald HalL Paul Zielin
ski, Allen Vibbert and Esther
Broer, Misses Betty Zahara,
Ferne Legler, Laurene Karsten,
Jackie Prall. Karen Helton, Bar
bara Withrow and Marita Flagg.
The couple went to Washington
on their honeymoon and for trav
eling the new Mrs. Wellbrook
changed to a coral knit suit with
black accessories. The couple will
reside at Route 1, Brooks.
St. Jpseph s -
Setting "for;;
Nuptials v
St Joseph's Catholic Church
was the setting for the : first
solemn nuptial high mass to take
place in the new, edifice on Sat
urday morning when Miss Do
lores Bartosz, daughter of Mr.
and 'Mrs. Joseph J. Bartosz, be
came the bride of Elmer Each,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Esch
of Mt AngeL
Father Joseph E. Vanderbeck
was celebrant for the 0:30 o'clock
mass. Assisting , were Father
James Flemming, deacon. Father
Eugene Esch, OSB, the groom's
brother.' and Andrew Landay.
master of ceremony. Wayne Meu
sey was the organist and soloist.
. The bride s gown of white lace
and satin was designed and made
by her mother. The bodice was
lace over satin with a lace yoke
and sleeves and .the full satin
skirt ended in a chapel train. Her
nylon net veil, edged in Chan
tilly lace, was caught to a wreath
of orange blossoms. She carried
a white prayer book marked with
Miss Patricia Ackerman, the
bride's cousin, was maid of honor
and she wore a pink kown and
carried lavender gladioluses. The
bridesmaid, Mrs. Paul Bartosz,
the bride's sister-in-law, wore a
lavender dress snd carried a bou
quet of pink gladioluses. Terry
Esch, the groom's niece, was flow
er girl and she wore a violet
dress and carried a minature
bouquet of yellow gladioluses.
Groom's Attendants
Virgil Diehl stood with the
groom as best man. Paul Bartosz,
the bride's brother, was the
groomsman. Ushers were- Clar
ence Esch, Ben Zitzelberger and
Maurice Hammer.
The bride's mother wore a vio
let dress with pink and black
accessaries. Her flowers were
pink carnations. Mrs. Esch chose
a two-piece aqua gown with black
accessories. Her corsage was of
yellow carnations.
A reception followed at the
Mayflower HalL Pouring were
Mrs. C. J. Stupf el, the bride's
aunt, and Mrs. Clarence Esch, the
groom's sister-in-law, Mrs. B. P.
Stupfel cut her niece's wedding
cake. Assisting were Miss Eliz
abeth Polivka, Miss Sharon Se
quin, and Miss Patricia Schott
hoefer, the bride's cousin. .
After a wedding trip to South
ern Oregon the couple will be at
home in Mt. AngeL For traveling
the new Mrs. Esch wore a brown
and aqua check suit with red ac
cessories. Poetry Contest
Rules Listed
Mrs. Leah Sherman, chairman
of the committee for the observ
ance of National Poetry Day in
Oregon, announces from Portland
that three cash prizes will! be
awarded, and prixe-winning poems
read at the Poetry Day banquet
at Congress Hotel in Portland on
October 15.
Poems will be judged for quali
ty, with no limitation as to sub
ject matter. Contest rules limit
entries to one poena of no more
than twenty lines, to be submit
ted in three typed copies, with
author's name, address, and poem
title enclosed in accompanying
sealed envelope. Entries must be
mailed by closing date, September
15th, to Mrs. Leah Sherman, 13801
S. E. Morrison St, Portland.
Clubs, organizations ' and indi
viduals may get in touch ;With
the committee through its cor
responding secretary, Lucia W.
Moore, 134 Regal Court, Eugene,
Oregon. (
, I r "
' - " t f
Two Ways, Good Looking!
She looks good to the world because her smartly-styled mod
em glasses are so becoming. The world looks good to her
because she sees everything so clearly now . . . without
eye-strain, without squinting. Glasses may make a big differ
ence In your favor . . . both ways! Have your eyes examined.
Dr. E. E. Bering Dr. Sam Hughes
( !
Mrs. Thomas Maynard Scheldel, the former Frances
Emily Smith before her September 4 marriage at the
Westminster. Presbyterian Churchy in Portland. The bride
Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth K. Smith of
Portland and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
M. Scheidel of Salem. The couple will live In Seattle.
(Gladys Gilbert Studio). 1
Master Points Are
Three of the seven outside
teams who entered the first Sep
tember master point competition
of the Salem Elks Duplicate
Bridge Club . managed to win
points in two warmly contested
nine-table tournaments this
week, but none of the outsiders
qualified for top honors. Master
points went to Mrs. Milton D.
Parker and Charles Tambling, L.
W. Frasier and John Pugh of
Shedd, Mrs. Dorothy Bemmey
and Ralph S. Dannen, both of
Brownsville, and Mrs. John Bone
and Ellis H. Jones, all members
of the local club.
Among those securing points
were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Peter
son of Portland, Mrs. F. T.
Munger and A. J. Tiroux of Port
land, Jack Shepard and Mrs.
Miner of Corvallis, Mrs. Ralph
S. Dannen of Brownsville and
Mrs. Leona Taylor, Mrs. Lloyd
Jones and Mrs. Roy Tokerud,
Mrs. Ward Graham and Mrs.
Paul F. Bums, Mrs. F. C. Lutz
and Mrs. Walter M. Cline,
Charles X. Newsom and Leonard
Kremen, William F. Leary, Mrs.
Elsie Day and Gilbert Groff.
Double winners also were pro
vided in the sixteeen-table regu
V i
lar weekly tournaments. Those
finishing high were Mrs. Walter
M. dine and Mrs. Ward Graham,
Mrs.' Elsie Day and G. Groff. L.
W. Frasier and Mrs. G. Groff,
Mrs.;; P. F. Bums and E. H.
Jones. Others awarded points in
clude Mrs. C. L. Newsom and
Mrs.; Rupert Park, Mrs. F. T.
Munger and Mrs. A. C Smith,
Mrs. E. E. Boring and C. L. New
som,! Mrs. L. W. Frasier and Mrs.
George Rein, and Mrs. L. Jones
and Charles Tambling.
Next Monday's tournament has
been postponed to Tuesday be
cause of the Labor Day holiday,
according to Chairman Arthur
L. Lewis. Next main event on
the jElks Club bridge calendar
will be the teams of four com
peting in two sessions Saturday,
September 26.
The Roberts Hill Billies will
not hold their regular dance on
Tuesday, Sept. 8, instead a dance
has been scheduled for Tuesday,
Sept; 22.
Capital Drug Store
40S State St. (Corner of liberty)
' We W SH Green Stamps
Miss Bauer
Is Bride of
Mr. Surgeon
Miss Kathleen Marie Bauer be
came Jay B. Surgeon's bride at
a 3 o'clock ceremony Saturday
afternoon at S. Vincent dePaul
Catholic Church. The bride Is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Bauer .and the groom's parents
are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baer.
The Rev. John Reedy perform.
ed the rites before t setting of
white and yellow gladioluses ss
orchid chrysanthemums. Mrs.
Lorain e Nelke was the soloist and
Andy Fischer was the organist.
Of white satin and lace was
the bridal gown designed with a
lace bodice enhanced with bead-'j
ed motif around the tulle yoke. '.
The full satin skirt was adorned
with the lace, which extended
into a sweeping train. Her finger
tip illusion veil cascaded from a
lace Juliet cap. She carried a
bouquet of white stephanotis cen
tered with a yellow orchid.
Mrs. Edward Wlchman was the
bride's only attendant She wore
a yellow organdy and eyelet gown
with a. matching headdress. Her
bouquet was of pink: roses with
yellow and orchid chrysanthe
mums. , .! v ' . ; 4
Mr. Wlchman stood with Mr.
Surgeon as best 'man. Ushers
were Ed LeBlanc, Ralph Eauer,
Lee Surgeon and Randall Sur
geon. : .
Reception at Bride's Heme
The bride's mother wore a vio
let and rose gown with black
accessories and the groom's
mother chose a deep pink gown
with black accessories. Their cor
sages were of white roses and
The newlyweds greeted their
guests at a reception at the home j
of the bride's parents on North
5th Street Pouring were Mrs. V. j
L. Berglund and Mrs. Edward Le 1
Blanc, sisters of the bride. Mrs.
D. S. McDonough, also a sister,'
cut the cake. Assisting were Miss
Joan Polster, Miss Darlene Meyer
and Miss Shirley DeHut
For their wedding trip along
the Oregon Coast the new Mrs,
Surgeon wore a brown and aqua
wool suit with brown accessories
and a corsage of yellow orchids
and stephanotis. The newlyweds;
will make their home in VaUejo,
Calif. .'(.
Sewing Machine at .
153 S. Liberty j Ph. 3-5773
8 Exposure Film
Developed & Printed
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Just 40c
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S25 Court St
Much as
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Open FrL Kites Til 9
will appreciate
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, At last . . a maternity
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