Statesman. Salenu Orsw Friday,. SpL L 1353 (Sec. IV 7 0p MJ-y ... Til 9 JVft iMirfer ' FRIDAY WfillKl ' j iff 1 1 , - A I I I :. , 'TM .-.V l . , VIM Ts Wy tell cvb Z3Z ' v ?.a i Special Purchase! M T. : T Jhere Slim Smart, Ail-Wool! There Specially Priced to Save! C SD Si Skirts are a girl's best friend for back-to-school and career wear . . . a smart investment for. that precious i. fashion dollar! Specially purchased, and just unpacked, you'Jl recognize the impeccable detailing, the grand wool fabrics as features found in skirts selling for dollars more! s . . Free-striding and reed-slim models in plains, snowflake tweeds, plaids, . . . sixes 10-U. Roberts' Sportswear, second floor 2 for Would b 1.35 Pr. if Perfect Stock up on nylons during our special sale of world famous Cannons! Two pop ular weights for dress and daytime wear: 51 gauge,' 15 denier and 45 gauge, 30 denier (with lisle- foot) in lovely Summer tones . . . sizes cVj to 1 1 . Microscopic flaws class them imperfects . . . save your dollars! Roberts' Hosiery, main floor. 3Pn. S2 c Pr. paid, (sZa 8 Colors! filercerized Cotton Anklets Turn-over cuffs; foot reinforced with nylon for wear and comfort. 8V4-11 white, beige, blue, brown, green navy, royal, wine. 3 pr. 1.10 or 5.95 EACH 2.00-2.50 Nylon Panties Sleek-fitting trunk style in white and pink. Nylon tricot; waist elastic is easily replacable. Irregs. of famous make. Sizes 8-9. COATS THAT WILL SELL FOR $50 TO $60 Mlr(S)(o) m i ii i i i i WYANDOTTE'S JEWEL TONES and MYRA CURL JULUARD'S BOITCLE '' KANAAAK "KA-MA-CURL" NORTHFIELD, 10 CASHMERE BLENDED . IMPORTED SCOTCH AND BRITISH TWEEDS Nothing like this sale ever before at Robertil Elegant new coats fashioned with a new-season air you'll see in our Coat Shop this fall at their regular prices . . . sale-priced today at the phenomenal low of 39.99. Coats of the finest, luxury woolen fabrics Julliard, Wyandotte, etc. can offerl r Coats for all-occasion wear . styles! . . the best the top mills like ,. cardio?ns, hi' h-u, t.on collars, rolf-C-'lar New, afl-weather insulated linings will be found in many of the coats. No li-'t on color range either from clear Autumn tones to new smoky cross ies. Misses' 8-18; and proportion-fitted sizes 12'j-24Vj. Roberts Fashion Floor, second " . .. i.1 lii. P ..... . ' L? BOYS' 8-0Z. DOUBLE-KNEE JEANS . . . . . . Sturdyv8 oz. Sanforized denim jeans with fused double knees for double wear! Well made with zip per closure. 4-12. 98 "TOM FAWYER" WASHABLE FANNEL- LINED JACKET . . . . . iFor p!ay or schooll Fast color and shrink-proof in red, navy, green and maroon . . . repeals wind and rain! Zip front; 6-16. f95 FOR LONG WEAR! NYLON SOCKS Guaranteed to wear 1 year. Ribbed knit with elastic tops; shrink-proof. ; Navy, brown, maroon, green. powc'zr, maize; 7 to IO'j. C m m . i r a l Boys Main floor 3 pr. $2 MEN'S "COPPER KING" WAIST CALLS 3.39 3.69 Wear cm wash 'em! They'll last longer, fit 'betterL Tougher, too . . , because they're, made of strong 11-oz. Sanforized, denim; reinforced seams to prevent splitting; scratch-proof rivets. Smooth zipper front. Western style. ! .",: : Work Clothes-Main floor