2 (Sec O Sloiwnnan, Salem, Ortw Friday, Sept. '4, 1953 450 Merchandise 1 450 Merchandise 450 Merrlianclige 450 Merchandise 600 EmnToTTnent - 1700 Rentals 400 Agricoltnrc 425 Auctton Sale. SCOTTY'S FREE PRIZES ANTIQUES AUCTION HOUSE. Salem at Center St. Big Auction Sat, Sept. S. 1 jn. t j.m. AtlquM Jt misc. at auction. One hous full furniture to go. Refrig.. lc ranee, bed R. set It many misc.. Item. Emerson red mahogany comb, radio it record player. Rom davenport 4c chair Ac autmn, swing rocker & autmn. 3 fx 12 wool ANTICJUEisiXU NO BESERVX. 1 Story r Clark old organ. 1 Modello player piano. chair from Mexi co. 13 Iron kettle with Jet. 1 ori ental elec. lantern. 3 single ant. poster bed. 3 braaa oriental vase. S old clock, rocker Ac chair, 10 very old picture frames (good). Dresser Ac comodes. 3 pictures. 1 C. Wash. Ac Lincoln life sir. Tables Ac tables of misc. dishes from ori ent. Germany England. Trance Ac Austria. Antiques Sell Sat. Eve. at 9 p.m. Livestock Sell at 3 pjn. Cows. bull, veals, baby calves, weaner pigs, feeders. Beef, any stock you have, let us sell for you by bead or weight. PHONE 4-6433 AUCTIONEERS Col. Ernest E. Scott Col. Jom R. Vaughn NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE "There win be sold at public auc tion for accrued storage and other charges IS bales of bops aescrioea as follows: 1 Bale IMS Crop Lot GM9 a - 1 Bale 1947 G 1733 1 31 Bales 1947 4 Bales 1949 2 Bales 1949 33 Bales 1950 7 Bales 1950 . 3 Bales 1950 1 Bale 151 IS Bales 1951 G 546-1 ' G 949 G 1903 G 160 G 160 G344 G 220 G 571-A 1 Bale 152 G 1755 "Sale will be held in the Oregon Electric Freight Warehouse. 153 Che tneketa. Salem .Oregon, at 10:00 a.m. September 28th. 153. The hops may be inspected ai xne coon srlbr to the date of sale. Oregon Electric Railway Company Z. C. Micneisen. Auditor Revenu Accounts SCOTTY'S SPECIALS KEW Ac USED FURNITURE. RETAIL New Hide-a-bed seta $179.50 Ksw chrome sets 357.50 Ac up New swing rockers -329.50 New 4 drawer cherts 313.50 up Used trunks 3 7.50 up Used elec. rang 343.00 New box springs Ac matt. $29.50 ea. Ocas, chairs $12.50 up New baby bed. yr. $25.00 complete New wool braded rug 937.50 up China cloet $75 00 walnut Glass Door, walnut bookcase ...325.00 Used Breakfast sets $10.00 up RoUwav beds . $23.00 set New Hi chair tamp tables, coffee tables, table lamps, floor lamps at low price. come see for yourself, our store is chucked full of bargains galore. Cash talks here Ac you save, save. Save. Phone 4-4433 AUCTIONEERS Col. Ernest E. Scott Col. Jim R. Voughn 4 50 Merchandise 457 Radio and TV USED RADIOS W have 30 used radios, combina tions, tape Ac wire recorders for you to choose from. All sold un der thirty day guarantees. Month ( ly, terms if you wish. Will a. ' cept older radios and combina .tions in trsd. We must clear our floor to make room for new trades coming in on PHTLCO. RAYTHE ON and PACIFIC MERCURY TV sales. Have priced used merchan dise accordingly. Our TV store is open Monday. Wednesday and Friday evenings until 9 p.m.. ex cept Labor Day. PRALIS t20 N Liberty 4-4742 458 Building Materials Paints Barn White $2.23 Osl. Red. Lite Green. Gray Linoleum linoleum Remnants Up to 505. Di. Linoleum Tile HI 10c Ea. Tile Plastic Wall Tile . 8e Ea. NORRIS WALKER P. 1710 N. Front Phone 4-2279 Sa lem. Oregon Red Cedar Shingles Best grade, coast or mountain "tim ber, delivered prices. No. 1. M.23. No. 3 $5: No 3. 34.. No. 4, $2.50. COMMON LUMBER Complete mill stock. Ship lap 2x4 and wider. Delivered prices $23 per . thousand and uo. Tea. Muller, Ph. Salem 2-1196 evenln g s. WINDOWS Largest stock ta Salem. New weath er stripped windows completely assembled. $14.20 up. Large modern sashes and crystal picture windows, $8 up. Pick your choice at bargain prices. PLUMBING New toilets with seat $23.50 20" x 18" washbasins complete 17.30 Bathtubs with fittings .50 Double laundry trays complete 20.75 Shower cabinets complete 4X00 Double kitchen sinks, electric water heaters, pipe CHEAP 4" solid Orangeburg pipe , . 38e SOO-gaL steel septic tanks $7.50 BARGAIN Colored bath sets OTHER BARGAINS Metal garage doors with ndwe . 45.00 New 4x8 plasterboard 1 40 4x8 waterproof wall board ... 1.73 Interior At exterior plywood CHEAP Nails, carload supply $.73 Overhead, garage door, bdwe 13.95 Loose insulation, per bag . . .1 1.00 Roll blanket insulation BARGAIN - Jap Birch" plywood i ! 2SC - -Jap Birch" plywood j 51 e s4" mahogany plywood i 42c No. I ced r shingles -I 3 3 No 3 cedar shingles ,,. ; 3.00 No. 3 cedar shingles , 4.00 Three-tab comp roofing BARGAIN Panel doors, hardwood doors, all types glass doors LOWEST PRICES New fir door Jamba 2 JO Painted cedar shakes 10.73 Unpainted cedar shakes , 3.00 New asbestos siding 9.50 Exterior white paint ... .. ', 3.93 Shake molding, per ft. . ' JO Cedar fence posts Cheap C. G. LONG &; SONS Ph 4-5051 " I mile N. of Ketzer nodel. Renair. Now Save your cash for a rainy day. No down payment. 3$ months to pay Enmn?: Lnraher Co. . , 474 SUverton Rd PtMmf4-123 Open all -lay ..Saturdays JoTEicrcleT BOYS 2S bike In good condition. fll Ne-uenschwnder -4Wn9. I2iGLISHbicvcie, 1 man'." S15T00.i I woman a 820.00. Pboo 2-1136. 450 Merchandise '455 Hseneld Goods For Sol piece walnut dining set. Buffet, table, arm chair. side chairs. 1 en. ft. Norge refrigerator. Westing hJ-w electric range, need 3 new burner. Phone 4-5765. i PCECX dining set. large extension table. Good condition. $63. Phone 3-5359. U53 WESttNGHOUSli electric stove 3200, or trade your old stove and only 3150; also Montag wood neat er. $19. 4-260. 456 Wonted. Goods r 5IIT- OA.-i ruUAi . Uooo usea furniture or will sell on consignment. Pa. 3-60M Surttell's Auction, WANTED USED FURNITURE TOP PRICE Valley Furn. Co. 2-7472 480 Musical Instrum lents PIANO. Kohler Campbell. For sale Cheap 2 miles N. of Wood burn 1st Road to right after passing Betty's Cafe. CarlMikkelson FOR SALE 1 Buescher tenor saxo- phone Ac case. $150. Ph. 3-3666. ; BAND instrument rentals. Music Center 470 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-5371. GRAND PIANO, like new. $685. Many good reconditioned Uprights. Music Center. 470 N. Capitol. Ph. 2-5371. ONLY Story and Clark Pianos have mahogany sounding boards. Will not split, warp or crack stays in tune 75 better. The Music Cen ter. 470 N. Capitol. Phone 2-5371. NEW and used pianos. For a better buy. WUtscy Music House. 1360 State. 462 Sports Equlpmsnt HUNTERS attention 1843 Studebak er pickup. Excellent condition. 5270 Lancaster Dr. Call after 6 p.m. PRACTICALLY new 35 lb. grixzly bow. dozen broadheads. IS target. Complete with glovelets. $43. Ph.. 4-3341. ex 63. NEW & used boats at reduced prices. Phone 3-8904. 3-3722. Ho-Hi Boat Co- 1885 Birchwood Dr. ARCHERY tackle, hunting oows. ar rows, free instruction. Call 3-6444. 30.06 CONVERTED Enfield 2TiX condition. $73. cope. Excellent Phone 4-1823. 466 Trad. MisoaUanoousT TRADE good 1 wheel trailer for good girls bicycle. 3230 Lansing Ave. 468 For Bent Miscellaneous U DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT. Blankets furn. 1201 State. Ph. 2-9063. TOOL RENTAL. U-flX-IT. Corner of North Commercial and Columbia 4-5261. RENT or Duy. All types electneai or nsnd tools, garden tractors, spray ers. Howser Bros, 1113 S. nth. lOB RENT or lease, Ige. warehouse pace, cement floors, orteK niag. down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Fur.i. 3-9183. 470 for Sale. Miscellaneous" ROYAL Portable typewriter, late model, good condition. Can be seen st 213 So. Winter St. or call 2-9382. COLEMAN floor furnace complete with thermostat, just used 1 sea son for a 4 or 3 room bouse. 30a. Phone 4-4933. 1Tam 6 MAHC iron M0. Glenn Woodry 1003 N. Summer. - 150 HAliLfcY Davidsoa $&50. Will - take trade in. 1 man chain saw. 1- 3 horse Elgin outboard ,motor. Shaw garage. Sha wOre. THOR conventional washing ma chine, late model. $33. Phone 2- 0076. HARDWOOD playpen $8.30 Glenn Woodrv lbOS N. Summer. STANDARD Encyclopedia excellent condition. 695 N. Liberty. SMALL refrig. Dinette set, chrome stool. Washing machine. Set of child craft. Ph. 3-7830. ' MAPLE 6 yr. Crib. 'fall Panel inc good mattress $19.50. Glenn Woodry 1605 N. Summer. GAS compressor, complete spray outfit including trailer and all at tachments. Reasonable. Ph. 4-3252 or 4-3791. MAHOGANY drop-leaf table. 4 chairs, daveno. complete bedroom auite. Alexander Smith Rug. Ken more washing machine, two-unit cabinet. 3-7305. GLENN Woodry's open Fri. till $ m. Bargains for all. 4 THERMADOR wall heaters. Reas- jinable.Ph. 3-7149or920 Wilbur. TRADERLbUIE open Friday eves. ELRCTROLUX vacuum cleaner and all attachments, just like new. Spc. only $39.50 Glenn Woodry's 1605 N. Summer. Clearance Sale New Singer, electric cabinet sewing machine, floor models and demon strators. 20'. off on some models. Singer Sewing Center, 130 N. Com- mercial. FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, in first class condition. Phone 2-1361. . 21 INCH Console television, portable laundry trays, a large dining rm. set. 11 ft. plywood boat. Ph, 4-3293. SOLID "Leather Suitcase. Only 8.50 Glenn Woodry's 1603 N. Summer. SIMMONS single bed. inner spring mattress. Very good shape. $25. 10 x 13 blue wool rug. like new, 335. Ph. 2-6723 or 2155 N. Liberty. FO! SALE Used stoves, little ones Sc big ones. 1073 7th St. W. Salem. Ph. 3-4450 ELECTRIC fan $10.00 Large. o? t dilating Woodry 1603 N. Summer. Top Soil River silt, fill dirt, prompt delivery :i .ne S-1749. 12x36 WOOD lathe with stand and tools. 1173 Dearborn Ave. Phone 2-2654. PIANO Bench $10.00 Woodry's. MAPLE BED 3c chiff.. floor lamp, child's furniture & ' playthings, women's clothes. 3-9876. TV. 53 model, Stromberg-Csrlson. cabinet model. Trade for car or p.ckup. 2650 Portland Road. ICROEKLER davenport & club chair suite. Kidney style. Very good condition 379.50 to ckweout. Ciena Woodrys 1605 N. Summer. FARRAND UPRIGHT piano 3c girls bike, both in perfect shape. 2168 Mill St. or call week dlays after 3 p.m.. 3-3321. DAVENPORT, custom built. Excellent shape. Can 3-5707 day time. EfELTA 10" band saw. $55. with mo tor and stand, like new. Box 839. Statesman. BURROUGHS adding machine $35.00 Glenn Woodry's 1603 N. Summer.. FOR SALE: Corner bath tub it fix tures. Wssh basin t fixtures. Duo. Therm Oil Heater & mat. Metal Medicine cabinet. A bargain at m $150.00 Call 2-7133, Salem Crushed Rock FOR roads & driveway Cmcat Ready-mix Concrete Garden Sand Bulldozing drainage and ditching. 4 yd. shore! J drag line. Phone S-S248. Walling Sand 4 Gravel Co. PLAMl-KUl'b require oo waxing for your floors or linoleum Yeater Aptrt anc Co 373 Chemeketa.. Pb t-43il ; y BEMSTiTCHING Singer isew machine Heavy duty $30.00 Glenn Woodry 1605 N. Summer. FoVNTAtf and rarbo.y . ; 1.000. Meat sheer $100. Meat grind, r $230. All Lke new. Pbon 2-7661 or 2-7003 455 Hsehold Goods For Scde453 HstAold Goods Tor Sol, Famous Brand Name Appliances Many Like New Compare our Prices Before You Buy! t SEE US FOR EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL RANGES REFRIGERATORS AUTO WASHERS IR0NERS SEWING MACHINES WRINGER WASHERS DISHWASHERS RADIOS WOOD RANQES ROASTERS MIXERS HEATERS & FANS TOASTERS HAND IRONS SANDWICH MAKERS WATER HEATERS VACUUM CLEANERS OIL HEATERS And Many Other Small Appliances at the 328 N. Commercial 470 For Solo. Miscellaneous New 1$ cu. ft Sub-Zero upright freezer . . . Reg. $59 99 . . . now only $529.95. New De Luxe G.E. Ironer . . . Reg. $217.28 . . -now only $150.95. Deluxe used Electric rat.ge. late model . . . Was $165.00 . . . now only $125.00. One Onlv Demonstrstor G. X. Dishwasher . . Reg. $399 93 ... now only '$249.95. One only Deluxe automatic G-E washer demonstrstor ... was $349.93 . . . now only $249.95. One very clean, used Easy spin-dry wssher, priced for quick sale. New 11 cu. ft. floor model G.E. Chest type freezer . . . Reg. $429.93 . . . now only $3(7.00. MASTER SERVICE STATIONS 363 N. Commercial Open Eridays til t P.M. HARE'S Best Buys Sensational REG. , YR $59.50 SERTA MATTRESS. 10 guarantee. A tremendous buy st only $3950. Terrific REG. $89.509' x 12' genuine Axmin ster Rugs. Beautiful patterns. While they last only $59.95. Stupendous REG. $79.50 PLATFORM ROCKERS. Some miXh full foam rubber seats In beautiful frieze covers. Also la Slastirs. No where els can you uy this quality rocker for only $4950. A Real Buy GENUINE SERTA DAVENO AND MATCHING WOCKER in beauti ful frieze covers. 3 yr. guarantee. Never before have you been of fered such a fine daveno set for only 8129.50. Linoleum Rugs 9' x 12 Linoleum Rugs. Cash 3r carry $5.95. ALWAYS A BETTER DEAL Hare Furniture Co. 25a N. High Ph. 3-3797 STANLEY home products. Lee Mlndt, 1680 Madison. Phone 3-4056. THOR SPINNER automatic washers, like new. 3 onlv $79.50 ea. Yeater A -reliance Co. 370 Chemeketa. Ph. J-4311 BEAR Rug! $T5 Glenn Woodry 160.1 N. Summer Ph. 3-5110. USED electric ranges 312.85 and up. Yeater Appliance, 373 Chemeketa. Phone 3-4311. REDUCED $3 PER DAY UNTIL SOLD 1 SHAPER AND STAND Starting price Auc. 5Sth. 383 Sept. 4 $42.00 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard Front and Court Phone 3-9111 We give S 3c H Green Stamps OAKK buffet 110 00 Glenn Woodrv 1605 N. Summer. Open Fri. tiU P CH ARRIS foundation girdles, bra. For appointment phone 2-6433 or 3-5072. Mary E, Bales. 472 Wanted. Miscellaneous LOGS WANTED Top price on today's market for long or short second growth fir logs. For irices phone 3-9593 days. 4-1784 eves. West Salem Lmbr. Co. 1160 Wallace Rd. BRING us Douglas fir cones. We pay 1.40 per bushel or 4 cents per pound whichever is more. Act now. squirrels are busy. Time is shwrt. Green cones only. Wood seed, old Sunnyslde Road, South of Salem. Logs Wanted Good 2nd growth logs. Prem. paid for No. 2 logs 28 and longer. Also 8' stud logs or multiples of 8 plus trim. 6" to H" diam. BURKLAND LBR. CO. Ph. Turner 1125 Eves. 2303 Turner or 2-7826 Salem. WANTED. Junior sir boys, alio girls bicvele and good sewing ma chine. 3-9313. 44 kisceH an ecus Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE tS MOST - CASES Bring or man. your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adoloh Bids Sat St Com. Ph 3-3311 HOSPITAL beds for sal or rent Stiff Furaltur Co Ph. 3-8186 47g rue! " Highway Fnel Co. Clean sawdust, wood, grceta or try Store-Diesel oils, pn Capitol Lbr. Fnel Co. ORDER your wood now. Plywood cores, old growth Mr. oak planer ends. 198 S. Com! St. Phone 3-7721. ANJUM)N t nana sacked sUnwooa i cord $14. Phone 1-7731 or 4-4253. Sewaust: blower and P O SASH DOOR PIANER ENDS. WEST SALEM FUEL CO 152a Edgewater Phoo 34031 USED APPLIANCE CENTER OPEN USED APPLIANCE CENTER Open Friday 470 For Sals, Miscellaneous Phone 3-4163 $30 ALLOWED for your old water neater regardlest of condition or make, on a new Westinghouse automatic electric water neateryl with a ten year guarantee. Yeater I Appliance Co. 370 Chemeketa. Phone 3-4311. EASY wssher 13.50 Glenn Woodry 16Q5 N. Summer. . NEEDED, old sewing machines. Up $50 or more for your old sewing machine on a new free Westing house sewing machine with a 20 yr warranty. Yeater Appliance Co.. 375 Chemeketa St.' GOOD used refrigerators $49.30 and up. Used washers $9.93 and up. Yeater Appliance 375 Chemeketa. Phone 3-4311. SMALL enamel wood range $20 00 .Woodry 1003 N. Summer, Diamonds & Jewelry at cost phis 10S&. Can or -write W. C Mitchell. 1173 Hitlyard. Eugene. Ore. i-fi557 . ELEC clothes dryer only 359 93. 2 only Yeatei Appliance Co.. 373 Chemekta St LAMPjhadM$15Glenfl3roodry. LINCOLN Welder. 180 D. C. Gas driv en, mounted on trailer. $430 cash. Phone 4-2332. 4134 Hsger St. DEEPFREEZE home freezers. Yeat er Apliance. 373 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-4311 CLOTHESLINE posts, iron legs for tables, furniture, railings. 1143 N. Liberty HI CHAIR, new hardwood $6.93 Glenn Woodry 1603 N. Summer. 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Lean Consolidate All Bills Twenty-flv years ago General Fi nance Corps was organized by Sa lem business and professional men to give you a loan service. W hav lent millions. TRY OUR SERVICS Tiu can repsy anytime to reduce costs. No endorsers or help from friends longer time to repay. Ph. first for a on trip loan. Loans $23.00 to' $300.00 on signature, furniture and equipment. Loans to $500.00 on cars, trucks, and trailer houses. Free customer parking at "Marlon Car Park'; across from office. 136 S. Commercial St. Lit No S13t and M333 f iSrrrre-. itiitm SEE US FOR FARM. CITY or ACRfc AGX LOANS BEST OF TERMS. WE BUY Real estate mortgages 3t contracts. STATE FINANCE CO. 167 4 High St Ph 3-4131 PRIVATE money to toan. Ph. 3-0794. CUT CUT CUT Cut your present payments as murh as SO".. Let us show how it may be don. $30 - (2.300 AMOUNTS $164.33 258.T3 533.93 $30.0$ PAYMENTS $ 9.00 i4.ee 29 M 48.09 PACIFIC Industrial Loans lis S Liberty Phone 4-2203 COLONIAL LNVXSTUJCtT COMPANY 687 Court Street 4-2233 Real Estate Mortgages Cottracta auto Loan WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. u 1S3 S Church St Pb, 3-3437 Parking Aplenty Lie. M1S-S134 S15 In'restments GOOD BUY! IF YOU are look in? for good invest ment property. I have some prop erty close la. Call Fay Seal. Br PO. 4V4384. j 455 H hold Goods Tor Sole TODAY Til 9 P. M. 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted INSTITUTIONAL matron, some cooking ic practical nursing. State experience, qualifications, address & phone. Box 643 co Statesman. WORKERS WANTED For Immediate and permanent place merit with better than average earnings to start. No layoffs, shut downs or strikes In over 30 years. Advancement within SO days to those who qualify. Com prepared to stay 9 or 6 hours Wed. if chosen. Business or sport clothing O.K. Apply 10 JO-12 a.m. and 1:30 to 3 p.m. Ask for Mr. Mucrs. Marion Hotel. KITCHEN help wanted 3400 Portland Rd. San Shop, KITCHEN help, apply in person. Speedway Restaurant. 1170 Center St. ' MEN t WOMEN for hop picking mach. & 1 truck. Can 4-1220. CASHIER bookkeeper. Speedway Restaurant. 1170 Center. No phone calls. NIGHT SCHOOL $13 per mo. Mon.-Thurs. 6 to 9. Includes all subjects. Fall classes starting. Register now. Shorthand speedwriting. typewriting, office machines, etc. Free placement xei vice for studsnts. Call 2-1415. Merritt Davis School of Commerce. Over the Man's Shop, 420 Stat Street WE ARE now taking applications for Paper Routes at Carrier Divi sion. Statesman Building. Boys nvist be 13 years or ever and have the written consent of their par ents If you have already applied kindly do so again. THE OREGON STATESMAN 604 Help Wanted. Male FART TIME man to operate power auger for land clearing. 1563 Nor COMPETENT young man. 27 years old. college grad. moving to Salem, desires position with reliable firm as bookkeeper or office mgr. Please call Salem 4-1949. CAR hop. Woodruff's San Shop. 3400 Portland Rd. No phone calls. 606 Help Wanted, female RELIABLE-lady may live with us in comfortable home. T.V. and auto matic appliances in return for care of children. Wages paid also. Ref erencse required. Phone 4-3236 evenings only. . - . . URGENTLY needed, elderly woman for housekeeping and care for children while father works. Mother in hospital. Room, board, and wages. Phone 4-5866 or 2-9978. Phone 2-4544 after 8 p.m. SALESLADY. Must play plane and be experienced musically. Wills Music store. MIDDLE aged lady to care for chil dren, in my home. Vicinity of 31st and State. Phone 3-1898. EXPERIENCED waitress. Part and full time. Apply in person. China City. 3555 S. ComT. WANTED 6 women over 13 years of age, must be neat appearing and nave a pleasant personality. This Is a good Job with good hours and good pay. IX you are interested call at room 303 at 513 Hood St. Call between 9 and 13 and 1 and 3 any week day WANTED highschool girl to live In nd babv sit for room and board and small wages. Call 4-6106 till 2 p.m STENO for law office. A-l. short hand required. Must be permanent Phone 3-3238. CEfcRK TYPIST Permanent posl ti on for a young woman 20-34 yrs. old. who types st least 43 WPM. Experience is not necessary but s helpful. This position offers good starting salary modern, pleasant working conditions va cations with pay free hospitaliza tion planned program of advance ment. Call 3-4168 for appoint ment WOMAN1 to care tor children. X home and 3 in school while mother works. Phone 2-1954. EXPERIENCED waitress, day shift. Sundays off. Apply at 133 N. Com iiH'cial. CPERIENCED or inexperienced girl willing to learn general house work, cooking, serving in nice home. Private room 3c bath. In town. Permanent. Phone 4-3773. Housekeeper for cduntry. a 10 care of invalid wife. J. D. Hart- welL Phone 3-1343. ; EXPERIENCED grocery clerk. Sav lng Center. 3390 Portland Rd. 608 Pickers Wanted WANTED Hop pickers, early and lata nor. Bus leaving from Employ ment otfic on Ferry St. at 655. Starting Aug. 24th. Paul sued ell. Rt 3. Bex 143. SUverton. Phone SU erton 3-4830. HOP PICKERS URGENTLY NEEDED Early clusters, good picking, pick up at employment otnc : mora anga, Sirvertoo 3-4784 or S-47S. ERNEST STADELI BEAN pickers wanted, peak pick- Inf. Shull beanyara. across zroni Clear Lak Store. j BEAN picking, heavy picking in late planted yard. Only 1 mile oc rlmary highway to our front fat, mil south of the Y on Salem Independence Hlghwav. Free rabtna also available. Dean Walker Farm YOUNG RANCH. Ph. Independence f 433 Hsehold Goods for Solo Phone 4-3204 600 Employment 608 Pickers Wanted NOTICE John J. Roberta 3c Co. will start hop picking Mon Sept. 7th. 1953. See forman at ranch or call 3-9623 d-iys. 2-30B3 eves. BEAN PltfkTAA WANTTD. peak picking, cabins. stove. wood, lights, and showers furnished. Store on grounds. 3-8F4 Werllne Hop Ranch, Independence. 612 Work Wanted. Male CUSTOM hay baling. O. Strand, Ph. 3-4512 SUverton. ' DOZIN3and grading with ' light crawler, 3-6913. Tractor Work Plowing, discing, blade work. Phone 2-3041 LAWN MOWER sharpening. Also sharpen scissors, clipper heads, saws. etc. Oscar Vasfaret. 391 Gerth. Phone 2-1656. FALLING, bucking, clearing, etc. Writ Box 398 Statesman. Mason Work. Patch Plastering Stucco and repair. Basements water proofed by plastering. Barbeques outside fireplaces. Plantery's, patios. 3-6543. 614 Work Wanted, Female COMPaTTENT young man. 37 years old. college grad. moving to Salem, desires position with reliable firm as bookkeeper or office mgr. Plesse call 4-1949. ECP. BKKR. wishes part time work. Payroll, gen, ledger, etc. 22321. WASHING, Ironing and sewing don In my horn. Ph. 3-3093. 615 Situations Wanted NEW home construction, remodeling. Free estimates, local references. Miles ex Knutson. 4-6340 after 5 In -ves. FOR practical nurses 3c domestics, call Mrs. Hopkins Registry. .3-3073, CHILD CARE wanted, my home. Phone 3-2722. KINGWOOD kindergarten for West Salem children., begin Sept. 8th for children under 4. call 4-3397 over 4. phone 3-4538. NEW lawns, complete, phone 4-2941 or 3-8445. PABSFHnTS and decorating quality workmanship. Choice materials. Terms. Martin Wolfer. Phone 4-2879. PAINTING" paper hanging, day day or contract, sma u jobs welcome. Phone 2-7692. BOOKKEEPING and payroll service. also typing at horn. Call 2-4816. WILL TAKE car of children in y car of children in your home, day or eve, phone 2-6876 IRONING 30e an hour. Bring hang- ers;10112nd St. WestSalem. NEW lawns: Prepared and seeded, rotary hoeing. Duane Wolcott 2-hl27 BRUSH and Spray painting. Phone 4-3509. 3-8591. PAINTINC waterproofing. Free es timates. L. E. Hess Nelson. Phone 3-4307, 3-8243 DRESSMAKING, experienced. Mrs. j-.lius Plncus. 1700 North 20th. Ph. .t-9.142. , CEMENT WORK Sidewalks, steps, patios, basements. Prompt service. Guarantee. Phone 4-M29. , FAINTING, exterior and" Interior. McOain and Golden, Phone 3-3323 or 3-3869 HAVING AUf 6 RADIATOR ' TROUBLES 7 V ley Motor Co. experts will solv your problems and save you money. Free estimates, speedy service. Center and Liberty MICXENHAM S NURSERY STATE LICENSED AND INSPECT. ED. HRS A.Ml U $ P-M- PH. 2-796w HOME building, remodeling. Free e- tlmates Ben Graves. Ph. 3-8393 LANDSCAPING, tractor and tiller work. Service Center. Phone 4-3573 NURSERY SCHOOL.' Fine's Ultra modern $53 Mission. Ph. 2-7656 LIGHT crawler dozer, dirt leveling! trading. Phon 2-3220. CARPENTER WORK. Any kind. Rea- sonabl. 4240 Macleay Rd. Pbon 4S961. Painting For quality work reasonable price cat! 2-S623. Licensed Day Nursery Especially for Infants and two-year- otds Phone $-022. FISH smoking-and fish canning.' Sa lent Custom Curing Plant. 3-7003. P-&INTING. Reasonable prices. Arils Melt-jB. Phon 3-1362. BULLDOZING, yard grading, dirt loading. Ph. 2-0716. 24M Northgat Ave, CARPENTER work wanUd. New or f fito3l. Phone 4-B308. CONCRETE workTT kinds. Concrete walla, oatioa. sidewalka. basements. Jehn Feldschau & Son. Pbon 2-8623, 4-3323. Call after l$ A 118 EdncatSon SALEM Christian Kindergarten open Sept. 31st. Enrollments taken now. Phon 2-7942. Evangelistic Tempi 3030 Garden Rd. flANO LESSONS by experienced teacher. 31 a lesson. 3-8498. HIGH SCHOOL for diploma at home. Contact AMERICAN SCHOOL. 8543 N. Interstate-Av.. Portland 3, EE A 'Naturopathic Physician. For in formatton. writ w WESTERN STATES COLLEGE. Dept. 4523 SX 63rd avenue. Portland, Oregon. C20 Day and Contract Salem Sand & Gravel Co. i ' Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching i Sewer c Basement Fqulpment Rental : Ditching by th foot Phone day 3-f40S j Evenings 8-7413. 1-4417 Salem, Oregon 700 Rentals TRAHJCR SPACE, 610 a me, N peta-i Ph. 2883. 1740 Oxford. . 702 Sleeping Booms. Board CLEAN, clos in. reasons bl. $53 N. High, . KICK sleeping rooms with hot 3c cold 'wster. 235 Center. DOWNTOWN, modern, clean, well furnished. 3 rooms, bath. 65$ Cen ter St. ; YOUNG working man desires room and board near Stat Capitol. 4 -6697. NTcE clean light housekeeping room. 735 N. Church. CLEAN, quiet room, good location. Some kitchen privileges. 3-1449. $ ROOMS for rent, clos to fair grounds. 930 Tamarack. Phon 3-6837 NICE room for gentlemanj Clos In. 632 N. Winter. NTCE light housekeeping room. lady. ooa n. i nurcn. DOWNTOWN modern, clean, will furnished. S rooms, bath. 65$ Cen ter. 706 Apartments fog Bent LEEAPTS. Salem's most distinguished address. i wo natchcior units available in Sept Nice large room with neat, compact pullman kitchen; ward robe it linen closet, alrge dressing room, bath with tub Ac shower. In- spectlon invited. 885 N. Winter. CLOSE to down town, rang and re- frjgeratorr 679 N. High. LARGE 3 room furnished apt. Pri vate bath. Utilities. Phone 3-7367. 3 ROOM apt. with private bath, fur- -usnea. including refrig. Newly redecorated. Close to down town. North. $47.50. See Burt Plena 379 N. Hieh. Phone 2-4047. NTWpartment for rent with gar- ag. 710 Cross, St. Phone 3-3954. 1. 3 BEDROOM apt on 816 N. 14thT Stove, refrig water furnished. pn. a-B5ee. LGE. 3 rm. furn. apt. Clos in i. Private bath, llghU it water paid. $43. Jo Noonchester. Realtor, 1599 N. Cottage. Ph. 4-3661 Day or eve. i ROOM, completely furnished apt. 23.1 Center. X SEDRM. apt. Water, stove, refrig. furnished. Inquire 1664 S. 13th. ONE Br. Apt. Nicely furnTPri. en trance, girl preferred 433 N. Winter. i ROOM furnished apL Elec. rang and refrigerator, washing facili ties, utilities paid. $40. 2609 Maple. Phone 2-503. FURNISHED 3 room apt., close to school, utilities. 3310 N; 4th. iR&OM furnished, utilities, wala ing distance, slat hOus and University. 450 S. Capitol. 3 ROOMS furn. near capitol Bldg. Ground floor. Phone 2-5083. CLEAN, quiet 1 room apt. right down town, lady preferred.. 343 rerry 3 ROOM furnished apt. Private bath, utilities furnished. Close In. 348 Marlon. FURNISHED, nice clean 3 room apt, with private bath and entrance. Utilities Included and use of washer and dryer. Adults. 897 g. jjth. Call . 3666 after 6 p m . FURNISHED 3 room. Heat and wa ter furnished. 963 Saginaw. SMALL Apta. Util. furn. $20. it up. Inquire apt. 4. 827 N. Liberty. FURNISHED 3 rooms. $40: 2 rooms 630. pnone I-76Q0. SMALL furnished apt. private bath. first floor. Working couple. 3-6434. l-R60MA.pt.-Private entrance, ga rage, close to CapitoL 868 S. Sum- .ner. NEW Court apt stove, refrigerator, svburbanji '$50, Phon $-6367. l3th, nice- roomie corner furnished spt ' with' bedroom and bathi$50. To see phone 3-4370. TTN rirRNISHED exceptJor stove and refrigerator. 1 bedroom. 2050 N. CapMal,Apt.3: CEbSfTtn deluxe apt. 2 beds. 44l N. CotUge. VERY attractive new and clean 3 rooms furnished. J blocks to state buildings and shopping center. Phone 2-7830 FOR ONE ORTWO Everything furnished, close to Cap ital Shopping Center and State outldings. Available now. 136$ Cen ter St BASEMENT, nicely furnished, 2 loomi. prviit bath. Utilities. 420 S 20th. 4-ROOM apt. partly furnished. Dav erea u x. 1 488 State. Phone 3-2534. LARGE duplex apL Right down town, adults. 660 Ferry. Phone 3-6273 or 3-3437. 3-ROOM furnished, ultra modern, radiant heat, bus by door.-1920 Rel vuf. Ph. 4-3714. BEAUTIFUL 3 rooms and bath. All electric. Auto, washer. Ph. 3-8511. 2290 Fairgrounds Rd. COUFT apt. extra nice, 3 rooms and bath, stove and Frigldaire fur nished. T. V. antenna available. In quire:1348 S. 12th. TlRST floor furnished or unf ur nlshed. Heated. 14 1 1 Court. FURNISHED 3 rm. court apt. Newly decorated, clos in oa N. Com'L Ph 3-8648 or 3-6644. REDECDRATED, furnished, modern , apts. $40. Estep. 1075 N. Capital. Ambassador Apts. Nicely furnished sots 850 N Summer. Capitol Plaza FURNISHED and unfurn. anartmcntf 1138 ChemekcU. Phon 3-8630. 707 Houses For Bent 4 BEDROOM house between St. Vin cents and Highland school. Phon 3-4329. 3RObM. All Furnished House, Com pletely electric, clos to bus. See at 450 Rosemont Ave. West Salem. FOR." RENT 1 bdrm. close to shop ping, bus. Attached garage $60. Ph. 2-6.591 3 BR. See house in morning at 1293 McCiy Ph. 3-1251. X BEDROOM hous in splendid U cation. Immediate possession. Call 3 - 94 1 3 bet w e n 6-8, 1 2 -1 e v es . PARTIALLY furn 2 bedroom home. $50. 645 Falrview Ave. East off S. Com I St r"BEDROOMnirnisner house $42.90. See owner In rear at 2663 Portland Rd. , STBtDROOM unfurnished house $40. See owner In rear at 23 Portland Rd. . DUPLEX. S rooms, clean, unfurnish ed, bath it store room. 1605 N. 4th Phone.3-4816. : 4 BEDROOM suburban home, fur nished. Ph. 4-3293. 2 BtoftOOVt modern. restricted residential district, bus by door. Phone 3-4234 i BEDROOM unfurn. $65" Phon 3-8452 1 BEDROOM hous. unfurnished. In quire evenln rs at 841 Mill or ph. 4-4003. Oaks Villa Court. 3 BJL unfurn. home, fireplace, at taehed garage. Needs some redec orating. Water furn. North. See Joe L.. Bourn. 1140 N. Capitol. CLEAN 1-bedroom unfurnished hous. hardwood floors, oil clrcu lator. attached garage. Ph. 2-6259, 3 BEDROOM modern hous. Refrig rater and electric rang. On Cas cade Dr. and. Bonal Way. $63. per month. Call 4-479$ after 4 p.m. UNFURNISHED one-bedroom house. $25. Rt. 1, Box 809. Ph. 4-1060 UNrCkNLSHliJ hous north. 3 yrs. old. very clean. Ideal for couple, m ist b seen to appreciate. Se at 891 N. Water. Phone 3-8624. CLOSE IN Extra nice street floor duplex 3 rooms, large living room, furniture. creek, car port, $75.00. Ph. 3-612$ eves. I ROOM, modern house. Partly fur suahed. Inquire 3418 Williams Ave. 709 Wanted to Bent EXECUTIVE want lease $-4 bed room. hem. Desirable district. Caa redecorate If necessary. Phone 2-4674. j COUPLE want 1 or 3 bedroom un. furnished house, no children, ne pets. Pbon 3-093$ or $-6351. 7T0Wmt4d to Rent. KoueesT 3-4 BEDROOM unfurnished house. Salem family. References available 3-7153 - Good 2-3 bedroom, basement, flre pUce. West Salem. : Phon 3-4031 ' between 8-6. 714 Business Rentals """" OmCI SPACE. Jnquiro 10$ s. Kifh. Phone 3-4 U 4. : FOR lJtSE. 160-300 ft.' frontage oa Fdgewaier St.. West Salem Irm rtts Ptone 3-8403. SELL OR LEASE (WITH OPTION TO BUY) INDUS TRIAL SET-UP. Lot 440 X 220. Ov ver 7500 square fet. warehouse spec with oil furnace, private of - flees. 4 rest rms. Large covered truck or machine shed and anoth er small bldg. Train track for box cars. Right in th heart of West Salem Industrial area. PRICE $40. 000 or leas-for $400 per month with option to buy. SEE "KIG KIGGINS Eve. Phon 4-3494. , Dial 4-4494 y dROUND FLOOR' office or store space for rent. Can at Fitts Market 216 N. Commercial Ph. 3-4424. FoHXEAS. businesVnbuTlding. 4000 q. ft. 2193 Fairgrounds Rd. Phon 3-7124 ; A NICE room in the Trailway Bui Depot. Across from new Meier At Frank Bldg. For barber shop or real estate, etc. Msy be leased tor j years. Call 3-3815. FOR RENT OR LEASE" Office space suitable for doctor or dentist. Located In fast growing community. Contact Musgrav R altors. 1211 Edgewater. 1BLDG. in-Hollywood. Approx. BOO sq ft. $50 a mo. , Call Rawlins Realty at 2-4664 or 4-1761. '00 Keal EsUte LISTEN!! And well describe a 2-bedroom home we think you'll like. It's about $ yesrs old and has a spacious Insid utility room, double garage, alum inum greenhouse and about one third acre. $8,923, with $1,000 down. Terms to Suit Very nice 2-bedroom horn only f years old with bus past door. In sulated. Oil floor furnace. Attached garage. Paved street. Priced at 88. $950. Right party can practically nam his terms. Lovely Home . This on has th features you want, including 3 fine bedrooms, living room with fireplace, dining room, hardwood floors. Insulated, good lot. garage. Only i years old. All for $11,250. ,i RAMSEY, REALTOR 3084 North Commercial Office 4-6311 Eve. Al Render 3-7646 Eve. Jim Ramsey 4-1696 1 BlTtERVAtDES ' $ 49$ Down, bsL like rent, lat built 1-B.R. home. Clean, neat, dou ble lot. North of town. $3,750. $ 496 Down. Nicely furnished. 1-B.R. home, fine location, large lot, food 3-car garage. Highland- ' t. Vincent Set), dist. J1.250 Down. Falrmount Hill, good 4 B.R. home, H.W. Floors, base-' ment. oil furnace, large. liv. 1 and din. rms. Best of sur- MMAfllMM tm . a fWWI $1,730 New Home, just completed, In th City, 3 Mr six B.Rs. H. , W. floors, oil furnace, att. ga 4 ' rag. Largs lot. $7,850. : B. M. Mason, Rlt. 164 S. CommX Ph. 3-8841, v. 3-7323 801 Business Oportunities TO LEASE, large rooming house, -lose in to middle aged man and wife. Experience and furnished reference. Writ to Box 643 co Statesman. MONEY making business. Would self interest or all. Would accept i good lot or late model car, equity in house . Box 642 co Statesman. ' 1 SMALL store "living quarter, prop- i erty tc fixtures. $43,000. Only $500 ' dn. plus stock of about $1,000. L. J Brink North Side Grocery, North K 2nd tc Lincoln. SUverton. A SmalfB-uslness I Operated From Your Own Horn I Be Independent i Work For Yourself MAN OR WOMAN A new item. First time offered. Start in spare time, if satisfied then work full time. Refilling and collecting money from our machines in this area. No Sell ing! To qualify for work you must have a car. references. $633 cash to secure territory and Inventory. Devoting 3 hours a week to busi ness your end on percentages of collections could net above aversg monthly with very good possibility of taking over full time. Income increasing accordingly. If applicant can qualify financial assistance will be given by Co. for expansion to full time -position and $5,000 a year potential. Include phone in appli cation. Box No. 640. Statesman. FOR LEASE good major oil com pany service station in small town nesr Salem. Call 4-4458. j HAVEVOU"verhad a-desir to j own your own business? Here Is t your chance. Due to ill heslth, owner prepared to make big sac- ' n - r Miti-lr e..h a . 1 aI .mall grocery attractlv I living quar ters attached. Good location, near schools and bus line. Will con sider trad for two bedroom horn In Salem. Write Box 641. Stites man. f FOR LEASE Independent service -Station St Garage Richfield Pro ducts. Located on U.S. Highway 99W in McMlnnvllle. Pumping be tween twelve tc thirteen thousand gallons monthly. Phone 8001 or J 2911 McMinnville or write Roy j Wahl 1048 N. 99W McMlnnvtll. ' Oregon. , ' f ; FOR SALE by owner 1 mile S. o! A Hubbard on Highway 99. Service itition it garage with living quar ters. Large grounds and well. A good buy it terms to suit. Write W. Wagner. P. O. 4291 Portland or Call Ca 1339. . MOTEL Can he bought at a price you ran make money. Nod-A-Way Motel. BUSINESS-and Highway -rontag on S. 90E. With nice bungalow only $8,800. Must sacrifice. Hi Way Gift Shop South of th new Drive la theater. , 804 Suburban ! TRADE YOUR CAR For this nice country home on S acres, all in fruit and nuts. Nice hdwd. firs., 3 bdrms.. deep dry basmt. Small stable for pony or chickens .Built tn deepfreeze. Lo- '' rated clos tn East. MOVING TO TOWN it SELLING THIS FOR ONLY 940.500. "KIG" KIGGINS HAS THE KEY Eve. Ph. 4-3494. K Dial 44494