Buy -Sell -Rent THROUGH THE Valley's Leading Market Medium Classified Ads , News Radio-Tehvision POUNDDD 1651 Faffes 1 -4 Statesman. Salem, Ore. Friday. Sopt, 4, 1953 (Soc 4) 1 Section 4. 1 1 1 1 1 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 Radio and TV Schedules JtPTV Channel 27 FRIDAY 9:30 What's Cooking 11:00 The Big Payoff 11:30 Welcome Travelers 12:00 On Your Account 12:30 I). N. Assembly 1:00 Double or Nothing 1:30 Strike It Rich 2:00 Matinee Theater 3:15 Search for Tomorrow 3:30 Love of Life 3:45 Toymaker 4:00 Terry and the Pirates 4:30 Six-Gun Playhouse 5:45 Northwest Digest and Newspaper of the Air 6:00 Cavalcade of Sports 6:45 News Caravan 7:00 Gene Autry 7:30 You Asked for It 8:00 Doorway to Danger QP Gonna Trade My TRADER 1 J 1870 Lana Ave Open Monday FRIDAY'S BROADCASTS KSLM 1IS, KOCO 14M. KGAI 1438, KOIN 978, EGW 828, KXX 11M Pacific Standard Time KFTV-UHF Channel 27: FM: Megacycles KOIN 111.1; KEX 92J Editor's note: The Statesman publish 1b rood faith the programs and times as provided by the radio stations, but because ofttmes the programs are chanced without notification, tbls newspaper cannot bo responsible for the accuracy herein.) HOUR 6 KSLM News KOCO West. Melodies KGAI Brlc. Nook KOI RJTJD- Oregon ROW Dave West KEX Oro Farm Hr. 00:15 Timekeeper West. Melodlos Brlc. Nook KOIN Klock Dave West I Oro Farm Hr. 7 KSLM Hemingway KOCO KOCO Klock KGAI Brk. Nook KOIN KOIN Klock GW Country Ed. KEX First Edition Break. Gang KOCO Klock (Brk. Nook I Macleod. News J. Lee Wills lAgronsky 8 KSLM Cecil Brown KOCO News KGAI Jim Dandy KOIN Cons. News KG Old Songs Family Altar (KOCO Klock (Jim Dandy IVatle News I Old Songs ' t Break, duk Break. Ciun 9 KSLM KOCO KGAI KOIN KOW KEX Dr. Sword Ray's Records Backtence Mat Road of Life News 9 a. in Edition Cap. Comment I isior Call IRay's Records I Ray's Records (Backfence KSLM KOCO KGAK , KOIN I KGW KEX Glenn Hardy Rays Records Backfence 2d Mrs. Burton H. House Prty. Chet Huntley jTello Test (Rays Records Backfence Perry Mason H. House Prty. (Morn. Melodies! True Story KSLM Ladles Fair KOCO Rays Records KGAI Backfence KOIN MkuplirMind (Ladies Fair (Rays Records Backfence IMusic Sparklea I Pays to Marry KGW Bob Hope KEX Whispering Sts.lGirl Marries KSLM KOCO KGAE 01N KGW KEX Top Trade News Spider" Macleod News Noon News Paul Harvey I News I Major League ("Spider" 'Come Get I I Road of Life I Noon Edition KSLM K'rkwood !;, KOCO Major League I Major League KGAI "Spider" "Spider" KOIN Hilltop hse. i A. Godfrey KGW Backs t a Re Wife Stella Dallas KEX Kay West . Kav Wei 2 KSLM KOCO KGAI KOIN KGW KEX News Major League Record Room A. Godfrey Plain Bill Betty Crocker I Music i iMajor League I Kecord Room (Art Godfrey Fr. Pa. Fan-ell Jack Owen 3 KSLM Music IMusic KOCO Magic Melody (Magic Melody KGAI Jim Dandv I Jim Dandv KOIN Wizard of Odds I Ruth Ash ton :w travelers i Travelers KEX know your news P. M. Edition (For Girls 4 KSLM Fulton Lewis KOCO Music U Want KGAI Kid's Corner .Hemingway Music U Want IMusic Mart KOIN Art Kirkh- (Rosemary KGW Life Beautiful I For 'rd March This is Oregon squirrel Cage KEX 5 KSLM B Bar B Songs! B Bar B Songs I Wonder City KOCO Tune Time r or ara March Traffic Jamb. News News Hour Virgil Pinkley KGAI Traffic Jamb. KOIN C R. Morrow KGW Sports Daily KEX Happy Time KSLM Gab Heater KOCO Candlelight KGAI Supper Club KOIN Music in Air KGW Hetax. Music KEX Weatherman i Perry Como I . '!! (Supper Club IMusic in Air (Relax. Music (Home Edition SLM Jimmy Fldler ;oco Rosary KGAI Music .tOlN Lost Persons KGW Sports Tops KIX Fights Music I Stars Sing IMusic I Lost Persons (Sports Tops (Fights KSLM John Ste-'e IJohn St-ele I Jarn..Miaire I Dinner Concrt KOCO Dugout Dope I Baseball Baseball ' I Baseball KOIN Johnny Mercer) Johnny Mercer I This I Believed Danoe Orch. KGW wri- rn Eddy Fisher (Rose. Clooney KEX Symphonette iSymphonette Research Adv.! Favorite Mus. nSLM News Newsreel MO Baseball I Base ball KOIN Bdwy's my Beat! Bdwy's my KGW Best Plays (Best Plays KEX What Song lWhatSong KkLM KOCO AOIN GW KEX Coke Time Baseball IMusic 'Baseball U Sc World Import Pare (Dance Time " RDtr Edition Final LM V UC Night Seng .OIN City Club GW News I FX Dane Time Music i Music Night Song iNight Song City Club (Music iwson 'IcCail City Council Dance Time trance Time KOAC 550 tc- Pacific Standard Tim. 1 v00 a.m. The News and Weather: 10:15 Especially for Women; 10:43 Story Time- 110 Concert Had; 120 The News St Weather: 12:13 p.m Noon Farm Hour; 1:00 Rid Tm Cowboy; 1:15 Let's Go to Town; 1 JO Artistry in Classics- 2:00' Living & Learning: 2:13 Hawaiian Holiday: 2:30 Memory Book of Music; 3:00 Ore goo. Reporter; '3:13 Music of the &30 The Goldbergs 9:00 Chance of a Livetime 9:30 Bob Considine 9:45 Vest Pockejt Theater 10:00 Portland Wrestling 11:00 Pulse of the City 11:15 Nite Owl Theater 12:00 Sign Off (approx.) HIGHLIGHTS What's Cooking?, 9:30 Cook ing show with Barbara Angell tuna souffle Ambrosia (simple) Matinee Theater, 2:90 "Spy Train" with Richard Travis, Cath erine Craig and Chick Chandler. Terry and the Pirates, 4:00 "Chinese Coffin" story concerns a wealthy Chinese who concocts an elaborate scheme to have him self declared dead in order to swindle his own heirs. The Dra gon Lady kidnaps the coffin holding the body, but her ran som note bears tell-tale perfume which send Terry and Hotshot to investigate. Little Red Wagon On a Brand New LOUIE TV and Friday Eves. Ph. 3-8558 00:30 I News (Farm News IBrk. Nook KOIN Klock I Dave West I Oro Farm Hr. 00:45 March of Time (World News I Brlc. Nook KOIN KiocJt I Dave West (Ore Farm Hr. I Break Gang I KOCO Klock (Brk.. Nook Com News (News IBob Carped INews I KOCO Mock IBrk. Nook Babbit Show I Knox Manning Bob Hazea Bible Inst IKOCO Klock Jim Dandy (Helen Trent I Music Box I break.. Club (Bible Inst I World News Jim Dandy (Gal Sunday I Music Box Break. Club Bargain Counter Ray's Records Mat (Backfence Mat 1 Backfence Mat, (Ma Perkins Dr. Malone Guiding Light IMer'd'th Wilsonl Mdrn. Rmncs. (Mdrn. Rmncs. Stars of Today Dbl. or NothinglDbL or Nothing (Coca Cola CaUl Music I Hays Records Rays Records Backfence Backfence Norah Drake Strike it Hictt Brighter Day Istr'- it Rica iTrue Story (Queen for Day IQueen for Day I Hays . -cords iRays Records Backfence Backfence Wendy Warren Phrase Pavs I Aunt Jenny (Second Chanoo (Keep's Korner 'Keep's Korner I ay to- IMajor League "Spicier" (House Party iPeppet Young I Sam Hayes I Music (Major League 'Spider" (House Party Happiness The Todds Kirkvi'fid 'Lucky u Ranrb. Lucky u Ranch I Major League (Major League "Spider" "Slider" I A. Godfrey (A. Godfrey NWidder Brown i.vnun in Um I Kay West Kay West IMusic (Magic Melody I Record Room (Art Godfrey ' Lorenzo Jones ISmr. Bandwgn Better shoppers Magic Melody (Record Room I Curt Massey I Doctor's Wife Smr. Bandwgn INews iMagic Melody 'Jim Dandv IStory's Bk'yrd liPaula, Stone Magic Melody IJim Dandv I Tunefully ID Garroway 'For Girls ur. rauk Curt Massev i Sam Haves IMusic U Want! I Music U Want; Music, Mart IMusic Mart' I Art Kirkham Art Kirkham I M usic Box , Art Baker 4 :5S Squirrel Cage Hapov Time Wonder City I Music (Supper Club World Today (Lawson McCall I untlev News Fish Caster Supper Club . Goss E. Peterson Bob Garred ICall Board ISupper Club Spts. Spotlit I Judy Canova Good Ust'nln' Ne 88 Keys ISupper Club IMeuitation Judy Canova I Good Lisfnin' I Cisco Kid 1 Bandstand iSignOff IL. Thomas I Hit Parade (News Cisco Kid I Bandstand (Fam Skeleton Hit parade I Encores Music I Music I Baseball I Baseball Beat) Music in Air (Music in Air I Best Plays I Best Plays (Mike Malloy IMike M alloy Off. Detective Night Song (Record Show Bob St Ray Dance Tim Night News Record Show I Bob St Ray I Da nee Tim (Music Night Song Music City Council I Dane Tim Masters: H Sports Forecast: 4:13 On the Upbeat; 443 News Commen tary, 3.-00 The Children's Theater: 3 Jerry of the Circus: 3.-43 UN Stoiy; 4:00 News St Weather: 45:19 Voices of Europe; 4:43 Here's to Veterans. 7:O0 Frontier Fighters: T:13 Evening Farm Hour: 8:00 Cooper Forvm: a. 00 Music that Endure: :53 News and Weather; 1040 Sign off. , Calvalcade of Sports, S:00 David Gallard of . Los Angeles vs. Lulu Perez of Brooklyn in a 10-round featherweight bout from Madison Square Qarden. You Asked For It, 7:10 Tear less Gregg" will be. shot out of a cannon Puppeteers ob Brom ley from Paris will present his puppet "Sir Butch" Rudy Docky and his talented Boxer dogs give an exhibition of water polo Art Ashton, The Golf Trickster.' will demonstrate some tricks with a golf ball Doorway to Danger, 8:00 Agent Doug Carter falls in love with a Hungarian girl during a Bermuda vacation, but finds she is a Communist ?.' ?nL Portland W.c .tling, 10:00 Local, live, remote telecast origi nating from the Armory. Nite Owl Theater, 11:15 "Murder by Invitation" with Wal lace Ford, Marian Marsh, and Sarah Paddin. SATURDAY 9:00 Dog Tales 9:15 Toymaker and Friends 10:30 Championship Tennis Match 1:00 Date with Judy 1:30 Smilin Ed McConnell 2:00 Lone Ranger 2:30 Arthur Godfrey 3:00 Beat the Clock, 4:00 Johnny Jupiter 4:30 Superman 5:00 Saturday Night Review 6:30 Private Secretary 7:00 Amateur Hour 7:30 Sammy Kaye 8:00 Dangerous Assignment 9:00 Death Valley Days 9:30 Playhouse of Stars 10:00 Mr. and Mrs. North 10:30 Premier Theater 11:30 Sign Off (Approx.) City Firemen Find Damage Minor on Calls Two small grass fires were among four alarms answered by Salem firemen Thursday. Dam age was negligible at all of them. The grass fires broke out about 10:30 a. m. One burnc' ,- small plot at the Evergre "nue entrance to the f Tair Grounds and the othc ant lot at 560 S. 22nd St. A furnace backfired in the basement of a building at 237 N. Liberty St. and prompted a run by firemen at 1 p. m. There was no damage, firemen said. Youngsters smoking under a bridge in the 600 block of South Church were blamed for setting a blanket and some trash afire. Firemen were called at4 p. m. and quickly extinguished the blaze. SERVICE CO. 9 A. M. - 9. P.M. Daily 1410 S. 12th St Ph. 4-5512 MEN WANTED AT ONCE To Train For TELEVISION BIG BOOMING TELEVISION LEADS ALL INDUSTRIES VIN ADVANCEMENT RIGHT NOW TRAINED MEN NEEDED TO FILL JOBS IN EVERY PHASE OF THE TV-RADIO FIELD Large construction program starting this year tens of thousands of new jobs will have to be filled with newly trained men over 24 million sets now in use millions spent for service in past year why be an unskilled worker on a dead end, no future job future unlimited for trained men. HERE IS THE OPPORTUNITY OF THE CENTURY WE TRAIN YOU We want to talk to sincere, ambitions persons who wish te mold their career in TV-Radio no experience required program combines complete basic and advanced training latest, com pletely np to date study material, shop equipment furnished by only leading school in Northwest. Permanent Jobs High Pay TRAINING FITS YOU FOR THESE JOBS AND MANY MORE... TV-JOBS INSTALLATION MAN REPAIRMAN SHOP REPAIRMAN OUTSIDE SERVICE MANAGER SALES SERVICE MAN CLIP AND MAIL TODAY I want to enter the Television-Radio field. Please furnish me full Information about your training and placement service. I am par ticularly interested in: -( ) TV SERVICE and MAINTENANCE ( ) MY OWN BUSI NESS ( ) TV-RADIO OPERATOR NAME ... : ; Age ADDRESS ' : City and State . HOURS I WORK . NOTE: IF R-FJ). GIVE DIRECTIONS . i - Mail to: Television Training Service Box C14, eo Statesman Salem v Salein Obituaries BKEITHACPT Charles Frederick Brelthaupt. late resident of Cutler City, Ore, at a local hospital. Sept. 3. Survived by wife. Jennie Brelthaupt, Salem: two daughters. Mrs. Irene Van Natta. St. Helena, and Mrs. Helen Heath. Sa lem; two sisters, Mrs. Cora Lippold and Miss Augusta Brelthaupt, both of Salem: two brothers, John Brelt haupt, Sequim. Wash, and Henry Brelthaupt. Spokane, Was. Serv ices will be held Saturday. Sept. S, at 1:30 pjn. in the chapel of the W. T. Rigdon Company with concluding services at Belcrest Memorial Park. CHKJSTEANSEN Adolph Christeansen. late resident of Dallas, Ore", at a local hospital Sept. 2 at the age of 81. Survived by one son. Emil Christeansen, Garner, la. Shipment being made to Dallas. Ore., for services and interment by the HoweU-Edwards Co. CLEARWATER Mrs. Jean Elizabeth Clearwater, 42. at a local hospital Aug. 31. Late resi dent of 1230 N. Liberty St. Survived by husband. John Clearwater. Salem; daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Griffin. Sa lem; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomp son Reel, Salem: sister, Mrs. Edna Rogers, Salem: two brothers, Carlton Reel. Salem: and Walter Reel. Oak land. Calif.: two granc uldren. James and Donna of Salem. Services at the Virgil T. Golden Chapel Fri day. Sept. 4 at 2 p.m. Burial at Bel crest Memorial Park with the Rev. Harold W. Black officiating. DUNS FORD Adeline Dun? ford. 84. Sept. 3. of 1943 S. High St., Salem. Widow of the late George Dunsford. Beloved si5ter of Mrs. Delia Jeffrey and Miss Mary Payne, both of Portland. Friends are invited to the funeral service Tuesday at 2 p.m.. at the First Christian Church. Marion and Cottage Sts.. Salem. Interment at City View Cemetery. Arrangements are in charges of the Colonial Mortu ary. Sandy Blvd. and 14th St., Port land. ELD ' Minnie G. Eld at the residence at 1950 Warner St.. Sept. 2. at the a?e of 83 Survivors are: Two sons, Evrt and Henry of Salem; brother. J. A. Hanson. Salem; granddaughter, Miss Clara Drake, Salem: three great crandsons. Barry. Larry and Ter ry Drake, all of Salem: also several nieces and nephews. Funeral serv ices at the Virgil T. Golden Chapel Saturday. Sept. 3 at 2 p.m. Inter ment at City View Cemetery. The Rev. W. H. Lyman wiU officiate. HULBERT Elmer Clarence Hulbert. late resi dent of 990 Park Ave., in this city, Sept. 1 at the age of 45. Survived by wife. Mrs. Johnnie Belle Hul bert. Salem; daughters. Miss Car lets Vay Hulbert and Miss Lois Irene Hulbert. both of Eugene; Cher yl Anne Hulbert ana Jeanette JLor ain Hulbert. both of Salem: sts ten, Mrs. Hugh Morgan, Cocur d Alene, Ida., Mrs. Jo Hoffman, Hemet. Calif.. Mrs. E. Anderson, Riverside, CaUf.: brothers, Ansel Hulbert, San Jancito, Calif.. Roy Hulbert. Riverside. Cahf.. JJovd Hul bert. Lo Angeles, Calif., and Floyd uuioert. Hornet, cane.: mother. Mrs, Jennie Hulbert. Hemet. Calif. An nouncements will be mad later by tne Howeu-Eowaras co, MEIH Lawrence Meyer, in triis city sept. a. 1853. Late resident of Port' land. Services Friday. Sept. 4, at 10 a.m. in the W. T. Rigdon Co. Chapel. Concluding services at St. Barbara's Cemetery. TARRANT Edmond Sullivan Tarrant, late resident of 1290 Oak St., at a local hospital, Sept. 2, at the age of 78. Funeral services will be announced later by HoweU-Edwards Co. Stocks and Bonds Complied by the Associated Press Sept. S BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 10 Rails Indust. TJtil. Fgn. Net change D .1 D J2 unch D .1 Thursday 92.2 98 0 32 79.2 Previous day 92.3 96.2 93.2 79.3 Week ago 92.6 96.2 IM S 79.4 Month ago - 92.6 95 9 93.8 79.4 Year ago 95.6 96.4 98 2 77.4 STOCK AVERAGES 30 15 15 60 Indust. Rails Vtil. Stks. Thursday ....134.5 78.5 Previous day 134.9 79.0 Week ago 136.1 80.3 Month ago 141.5 87.8 Year ago 142.S 84.2 53.0 103.3 54.0 103.7 53.4 104.8 53.4 109.4 53.9 108.7 YOUR OWN BUSINESS private repair shop contract repair shop Spare time repair sales and service store Phone Portland Produce PORTLAND UR Butterfat Tentative, subject' to f immediate change Premium quality, friaxi mum to .35 to one per cent acidity, delivered in Portland, 68-71 lb; first quality $6-69; second quality 63-66. Valley routes and country points 1 cents less, Butter Wholesale, f.o.b. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 93 score, 66 lb; t2 score, 65; B, 90 score, 63; C, 29 score, 60. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers Oregon singles, 42 Vi 45 lb; Oregon S-lb loaf Eggs To whofesalers Candled eggs containing no loss, cases in cluded. f.o.b. Portland A grade large 68 tt-69 V; A medium 60 Vi 62; A grade smalls 40 M-A2 Vz ; B grade large 59-63 hi. Eggs To retailers Grade AA, large, 76; A large. 71; AA medium, 63-65; A medium. 62-64; A small. 43-45; Cartons 3 cents additional. Live chickens No. 1 quality, f.o.b. plants Fryers, 2 -3 lbs, 29-30; 3-4 lbs. 29-30; roasters, 4 lbs, up, 29-30; heavy hens, all weights, 18-19; light hens, all weights. 15-16; old roosters 14-16. Rabbits Average to growers Live white, 4-5 lbs, 20-23, 5-6 lbs. 18-22; old does, 10-12. few higher. Fresh dressed fryers to retailers, 57-59; cut up 61-65. Wholesale dressed meats: Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind quarters. 53.00-57.00; rounds, 50.00 55.00; full loins, trimmed, 70.00 78.00; triangles, 27.00-32.00; fore quarters. 28.00-34.00: chucks, 35.00 38.00; ribs. 49.00-55.00. Wholesale dressed meats: Pork Cuts Loins, choice, 8-12 lb. 54.50-58.00; shoulders, 16 lbs, 38.00 42.00; spareribs, 52.00-55.00; fresh hams. 10-14 lbs. 63.00-66.00; car casses, choice 120-170 lbs 38.50 40.00, Pork cuts Loins, choice, 8-12 lb, 54.50-60.00; shoulders. 16 lbs, 38.00 42.00; spareribs, 52.00-55.00; fresh hams. 10-14 lbs. 63.00-66.00; car casses, choice 120-170 lbs 38.50 40.00. Veal and calves Good-choice, all weights. 28.00-38.00; commercial, 24.00-30.00. Lambs Choice - prime 37.00- MO.OO; good 33.00-37.00. Wool Grease basis, Willamette Valley medium, 51-53 lb; Eastern Oregon fine and half blood, 55-62; Willamette Valley lamb wool, 42; 12-month wool. 45-50. Country-dressed meats, f.o.b. Portland: Beef Caws, 23-26 lb; canneri cutters, 17-18; shellsdown to 13. Veal Top quality, lightweight, 28-30; rough heavies, 20-25. Hogs Lean blockers, 37-38 lb; sows, light, 32-34. Lambs Best, 32-34 lb. Mutton Best 10-12; cull-utility 7-9 lb. Fresh Produce: Onions Calif. White Globe, 2.25 50; 50 lb sacks of Wash. Yellows, med. 1.75-2.00; lrg., 1.25-1.40. Potatoes Boardman Long Whites, No. 1A. 2.25-35; Washing ton Russets 2.75-3.00; No. 2. 50 lb sack, 80-85; Wash. Long Whites, No. 1, 2.00-25. Hay U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa. 28.00-30.00, delivered car and truck lots, f.o.b. Portland and Seattle. Portland Grain PORTLAND UP) No bids or offers. Thursday's car receipts: wheat 74; barley 2; flour 5; corn 3; oats 1; mill feed 8. ( ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Marion County Court. 460 N. High Street, Salem. Oregon, until 10:00 A.M. September 14 1953. on the fol lowing pieces of equipment: Two (2) Dump Trucks. 1 Current Model Four-door Sedan. 1 Suburban Carryall. 1 One-half Ton Pickup. Details and specifications may be secured in the County Engineer's Office at 493 N. Church St.. Salem, Oregon. AU bidders shall comply with all state laws pertaining to the quali fications of bidders and each pro posal i ha 11 be accompanied by a cer tified check or surety bond made payable to the Marion County Trea surer in an amount not less than ten percent (10) of the total amount of the bid. Bids must be sub mitted on each piece of equipment. The County Court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. MARION COUNTY COURT By Rex Hartley, County Judge By Roy J'. Rice, County Commissioner By X. L. Rogers. County Commissioner s S. 4 MARR RADIO & TELEVISION Sales - Service - Installation TV Open i A. M. te 9 P. ftf. Weekdays Ph. 2-1611 2140 S. ComT. Salem's First Television Store Motorola Radios ' Portables Table Models For Automobiles Complete Line of Telerisiea Factory Authorized Installation Sales and Service MITCHELL RADIO t TV ISSt Stat St. Ph. 2-7577 lion York Sledx Qnoiafions Admiral Corporation 27 Allied Chemical 66 4 Allis Chalmers 43 4 American Airlines' 12 American Power Light American Tel. TeL 1544 American Tobacco 74 k Anaconda Copper 32 Atchison Railroad 90 V Bethlehem Steel 47 Boeing Airplane Company 39 Vs Borg Warner v 67 Burroughs Adding Machine 14 Vt California Packing 23 Canadian Pacific 23 hi Caterpillar Tractor 49 Celanese Corporation 23 Chrysler Corporation 67 Cities Service 764 Consolidated Edison 39 Consolidated Vultee 17 hi Crown Zellerbach 29 Curtiss Wright 7 V Douglas Aircraft 65 du Pont de Nemours . 97 V Eastman Kodak 42 3,s Emerson Radio 11 V General Electric 72 General Foods 54 General Motors 55 Georgia Pacific Plywood 12 hk Goodyear Tire 46 h Portland Livestock PORTLAND UV-(USDA) Cattle salable ISO; market slow, mostly steady: small lots good 1100 lb grass steers 19.00; truck lot good 1029 lb steers 21.00; Individual good around 750 lb steers 21.00-22.50; few good short fed heifers 18.25; canner-cutter cows mostly 7.00 8.50, shells down to 6.00, utility cows 9.00-11.00. Calves salable 50: market active, strong with heavy calves now 1.00 2.00 higher than week ago; good choice vealera 18.00-21.00, prime to 22.00; good-choice above 325 lb calves 16.00-18.00, few choice around 350 lb 19.00; culls down ward to 7.00. Hogs salable 200; market active, strong; choice No. 1 and 2 butch ers 180-235 lb 26.25-27.00, few head 27.15; choice 240-320 lb 24.50-25.50; choice around 325-450 lb sows 22.50 23.75, medium grades down to 20.00. Sheep salable 800; market steady, around 500 head choice prime around 100 lb spring lambs 17.00; good-choice lots 15.00-16.00; few good-choice shorn springers 15.50; good-choice 76 lb shorn feed ers 13.00; few wooled r?eders 14.00; utility ewes 2.25-3.0v good-choice salable around 3.50-4.50. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN' that FRANK rREEBURGER has bean, by order of th Circuit Court of tht Stat of Oregon for Marion County, appointed executor of the estate of DOROTHY r. BURGOYNE, deceased. Any persons having claims against said estate arc requested to present them, with proper vouchers, to said executor at 310 Pioneer Trust Build ing. Salem. Oregon. 4nthin six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 27th day of August. 1953. FRANK rREEBURGER. Executor of the estate of Dorothy T. Burgoyne. deceased. RHOTEN. RHOTEN & SPEERSTRA 310 Pioneer Trust Building Salem, Oregon Attorneys for Executor AU. 28. S. 4. II. IS. 23 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A Sagner's Son. a partnership of 600 south Pulaski street. Balti more. Maryland, has filed its "PUNGTANG" i trade - mark for clothing, with the Secretary of State, State of Oregon. Au. 21. 28. S. 4 NOTICE OF FINAL. HEARING As administrator of estate of IVA B. CUTLER, deceased. I have filed in Circuit Court of Oregon, for Mar ion County, my final account in said estate, and 7 October 1933. at 9:13 o'clock, a.m. and courtroom of said court have been appointed by said court for hearing of objections to said final account and settlement thereof. OSCAR CUTLER Administrator Allan G. & Wallace P. Carson Attorneys for Administrator S. 4. 11. 18, 13. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL. PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, as guardian of the estate of Qoris Maxlne Morris, an incompetenr person, by virtue of an order issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion, on the 9th day of Aug ust. 1953 will proceed to sell at Private sale, for cash, at 412 Pioneer rust Building, Salem, Oregon, from and after the 8th day of SepteVnber, 1953. at the hour of 10:30 o"clock A.M. of said date, to the highest bidder, all right, title and .interest of the estate of said incompetent person in the following described real property: AH of Block 18 of Amended Plat of Brooklyn Addition, to Salem. Marion County. Oregon. (See Volume 2. page 81. Record of Town Plats for said County and State). Said sale shall be made subject to the confirmation of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marlon, Probate Department, In the matter of the estate of said In competent person. Dated this 5th day of August. 1953. HENRY LEE MORRIS Guardian of the Estate of Doris Maxlne Morris, an incompetent person. WILLIAMS & SKOPLL Attorneys for the Guardian 412 Pioneer Trust Building. Salem. Oregon Au. 7. 14. 21. 28. S. 4. Or. V- T. Lass ND Or O Cfeaau WD DRS. CHAN .. . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS rjpstain. 241 North Liberty Ui.u. wymm mmmt wv . to 1 . 8 to T mjm. CeBsmltaUe,! blood pressor and rittme tests aswf free e charge Practiced since ' 9lf Writ fa attractive Ut--N Hatfe . , - 36 26 sou S8 24 624 Vi 23 11 25 57 18 214 56 9 38 113 4 69 19 12 29 22 23 44 45 49 36 61 56 32 39 51 70 27 7 38 25 17 40 102 23 38 5 24 3fi' 12 43 24 42 43 United Airlines 1 United Aircraft United Corporation United States Plywood United States Steel Warner Pictures Western Union Tel. '.Vestinghouse Air Brake Westinghouse Electric Woolworth Company Salem Market Quotations (As of late yesterday BUTTERFAT Premium No. 1 . No. 2 . BUTTER Wholesale Retail . EGGS (Buying) (Wholesale prices range from to 7 cents over buying price Large A A Large A ... . Medium AA Medium A . Pullet .84 .84 .94 .92 U .19 .18 JO rouLnr Colored Hena Leghorn Hens . Colored Fryers Old Roosters Roasters ! L- Call 2-2441 To Placo Ad 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found LOST: Brown and white English Pointer.; Mile dog. Phone 2-1978. 314 Tixmsportcrtton WANTED, responsible driver to help drive car with trailer house to San Diego. Phone 3-9098. 316 Personal Madam Heart Palmistry Located in house trailer by Salem Dr i veI n Thea ter . fWILL NOT be responsible for any 1ebts unless contracted by myself. Thomas L. Snethen. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group N 1. 2088 N Commercial. Phone 2-9419 or 3-4837 P O Box 724 ALCHOLICS Anonymous. 315'i N. Commercial St. Ph. 2-2108 or 2-2843. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock BAY mar and S months colt. Phone 2-3204 Sunday or evenln gr,. 2 YEAR old genU chestnut Shet land stallion. Can be seen Satur day or" Sunday at 412 Jefferson SU Sllverton, Oregon S PART Holsteln cows 2 yrs. old. Rt. 1. Box 112. Marlon. Or. BEAUTIFUL Palamino Mare. Must be sold ; by Saturday. Best offer takes. Ph. z-z-za 4tON DED . Livestock buyer. Claud Edwards. Rt. 3. Box 899 Ph 4-1 11 3 LICENSED and bonded livestock buyer. B. L Snethen. 169 Kenwood Ave. Phone Z-I345, LOCKER BEEF Hereford. 24c; locker pork 45c. Nothing- down, 8 months to pay. Custom kiHing. Trailer loan ed free. Salem Meat Co 1329 S 5th Ph 3-4858 tlo.xDED ' Livestock Buyer. A. F. Sommer. 1263 Harmony Dr Ph 4-2617. . BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E. C. McCandHsn. 1127 S. 29th. Pn. S-8147. 404 Poultry and Rabbits NEW Hampshire pullets months old. 2-3230. FRYEitS for your locker, dressed & drawn S7c lb. 3 to 4 lb. live weight. Rt 6, Box 603. Phone 4-3048. Dressed Hens. Ph. 41090 tirA J rrn , .hnrn ni rnlored hens. Any quantity immediately. .Will pay over top Portland Mkt. Le s CUSTOM tilling. Fowl'of any kind. Ph. 4-3428. Me well's pouiury fianv KID days a week. Rt S. Box 109. Salem. Homestake Mining Company International Harvester International Paper Johns, Manville Kaiser i Aluminum ' Kennecott Copper Libby, McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Loew'a Incorporated Long Bell A Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvinator New York Central Northern Pacific Pacific American Fish Pacific Gas Electric Pacific Tel. Tel. Packard Motor Car Penney (J. C.) Co. Pennsylvania Railroad Pepsi Cola Co. Philco Radio Radio Corporation Rayonier Incorp. Rayonier Incorp. Pfd Republic Steel Reynolds Metals Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Inc. Scott Paper Company Sears Roebuck Co. Socony-Vacuum Oil Southern Pacific Standard Oil California Standard Oil N. J. Studebaker Corporation Sunshine Mining Switf & Company Transamerica Corporation Twentieth Century Fox Union Oil Company Union Pacific WANTED lien and Women lo Register (or work cn peaches and prunes. Panics Bros. Packing Go. ' Hth and Oxford Stroof - 400 Agriculture 404 Poultry and Babbit ' WE are hatching New Hampshire. GoideB Broads, and Arbor acre White Rocks every week. Special price to year round fryer growers. Fox Hatchery, 3830 State tl Phooe WHITE. Cornish Gam Chicks, ac clalmed the true fryer of tomorrow. avauaDia commercial xryer irowtn. Processors pay premium prices for this broad double-breast fd fryer. Quantities limited and If unavailable, try the next best, our first feneration. Arbor Acres White Rocks. Year-around hatches every Thursday. Also Mew. Hamp shire. ' . LEE'S HATCHERY 5310 Center Street Phone S-2881 408 Pet. COUNTRY home with children wanted for S months old Labrador. Phone 1-O803. 5Sl Pekingese male dog. 10 months a. , fnone z-4zt. WAi ANTED good home for purebred niaie cocxer spaniel, fnone 4-4872. TAME South American ring tailed monkey. Chllds . pet Can be seen Saturday or Sunday at 41 J Jetfer son St.. SJlverton. Ore WHIfaTmaleTpikingeses, J mo. old.' 2260 Claude. . . GiVtiwy 3 colored female cats! Good pets St mouaer. 83t Gaines. CHYHuXfiuA PuppicsTrATmsT DACHSHUND pup. wieks-old, black. Seeat 24jSSSi!Hlgh. WANTED female fox terrier purfpyl Non registered Phone 3-1331. HoLEWOODTAOAMuiOsSnJc: Coy. 1 blocs' east of N. Capitol. la wlockn north of Madison. Ph S-807. CHAMPION bred boxer puppies. EVl ery pup potential champion. Moore's Tropical fish, equipment Goldfish. Parakeets, t miles from Lancaster on Macieay Road. Phone 4-377. Closed on Wednesdays. 410 Seed and Plants AFRICAN Violet headquarters over 200 varieties, new and old. hun dreds In bloom, visitors welcome. Open Greenhouses, 4330 Auburn RoadJ Salem. - - , WANT to buy. Whit (grand) fir cones, loggers, ranchers I We par $1.80 per bushel or 4 cents per pound whichever Is more. Bring to our plant or write us for nam pf buyer near you. Wood seed. Sa lem. 4-3335. SECONlAS, ft for 1.60. 1 week only. .' Cazzell's Greenhouse, 1 mi. on Lardon Rd. 412 Fruit and farm Produce"" BARTLETT pears "Hill Flavor". R. W. Clark. Rt. 8 Box 82S, Orchard HelghtsHd. ' WANTED fres.: nd springer dairy to-vs. Phone 4-2817. . bartlKt ururv-PiciTPhrVmC Calleveninj. ' IMPROVED AT3TA'pa-reHE Some one of Mission Bottoms finest orchards. Extra full bu. get them now while you have a large quan tity to select from. Also pickling cukes, sorted or field run. Fresh daily. Beans by order, apples, Bartlett pears, St blackberries. Phillips Bros. Farm Mkt. 8SM Port land Rd. Ph. 8-48-t.. SUV your . orchard fresh improved Alberta peaches at ChrisY 43 Satm. .way, ta thehoqwator it Afc wayt w the Nr. Pole. .'Open from I tin a. in. . -wio. CANNING and freezing beans.. Lots of them. You pick 4 lb. S mile northst of Kcizar on Lak La blah Watch sign to bean yard. Ralph Hoeilng. Phone 2-8588. ITAtLtTT Pears ' ili Bu'. ' tPick Ed Dunigan 1 ml. So. Hazel Green School. - ', YOU ?ICK peaches. 2"l80WaTUc Rd. Hi miles from bridge, R. L. Forster. Phone 2-213'. FEACHi-O. HTBaTe. and Improved! Albcrtas. Tint load Wed.. Sept. 2nd. Puritan Cider Works. 791 Ed.ewater. W. Salem. BARTLeTT pears and Gravensteln apples. Sprayed. 81 JO. 310 W. Chemawa Rd. Kelzer. Ph. 2-01 8 1, BARTLETT pears. $1 .OO" bushel. Rt. 6. Box 13. S-lem-SUverton High- way. Ph. Z-ZW68. CANNING Peaches are now ready at 2985 Fisher Rd. PEACHES Improved Albcrtas. Ready now at Kron's Orchard. I'i miles out Wal lace Rd.Phone 2-4361. 5RAVENSTEINS: Thi best, only couple tons left. 82 box delivered. Com for them 81.50 a box. Wind falls, your price. Stevens. Rt. 2, Box 894. Roberts South River Rd. Phone 3-10&4. CUCUMBER U-pick. 3c. RL 3, Box 3B.Phone 4-3847. Clear Lak. PEARS for sale. A. STBoltzcIaw. 4450 Claxter Rd. BARTLETT pears. $1 per box for No, 2. 81.23 for orchard run, $1.79 for Nq, 1. Phone 2-0047. RL 8, Box 39, on Macleay Rd. Anton Koch. BALED HAY7Aifalfa. $17 a ton. Good meadow hay $13, a ton. Tic Ranches. Burns. Oregon, or call Filmore - 9349. Portland. Oregon MOST varieties of peaches in season. Worm free Gravenstelns. I1, mile on Wallace Rd. L. E. Wcndt, grow er 8 TON alfalfa and rye grass hay. $20 a ton In th field. , Werlln Hop Ranch.. Independence. Phon 38F4. POISOII OM! Why experiment? Other remedies may possibly cur you, but th additional suf fering is not only unneces sary, but also Tory pcdnfuL For quick relief, try' HOOD'S Poison Oak Lotion DRUGSTORE Open Dally. 7:30 AJkL-S PJL Sunday, I AM. 4 PL 135 N. Commercial