College Set Bidden to Parties The college contingent is being feted at a number of parties prior to departing for schools in Ore gon, camorma ana me wuu Miss Charlen Woods, who will enter Oregon State, will be a tea . hostess on Friday afternoon at the Imperial Drive home of her mother, Mrs. Arthur woods. Coeds win call between 4 and :30 o'clock to greet the honor guests, Miss Sally Bangs and Miss Judy Babbs 01 Eugene, wno are returning for their second year at Stephens College. Bidden to the party are girls who will be entering college as freshmen. Assisting the hostess at the tea table will be Miss Helen Booth and Miss Charlotte Weatherford Of Albany. Ridden are the Misses Patsy Snider, Nancy Moorfield, Betty Zahara. Carol StrebiZ. Barbara McMullen, Nan Steele, Beverly Mott, Joan Seamster, Roberta Sears, Janet McDonald, Claudia Waters. Clarice Waters, Dons Starrett, Joan Bale, Lois De-I Guire, Virginia Lively, Janice CoffeL Mary Veal, Celesta Bart- ruff, Maudry Wilson, cnariyn Ogle, Barbara Brewer and Edna Mae Manning, who will enter Oregon State College. Misses Justine Lewis. Michelle Edwards, Noreen Nelson, Bar bara Franzwa, Gail Dorr, JJarDara Anderson, Marjorie Barge, Jackie Jones, Louisa Lamb, Araa uen, Ti Monk ' Carol Lee. Cora Lee i Koseberry, Carol Svinth, Carolyn HaydalL Pauline Mattnews ana Sandra Anderson, who will be freshmen at Willamette; Helen Booth. OCE. ' Misses Patricia Deeney, Gloria Ktnife- Dnmthv MacGreeor. Judith Carlson and Judie Burdette, Uni versity of Oregon; Laurel Herr, Shirley Crothers, Diane Burk ita TvoWn Andrus. Lewis and Clark; Pat Cameron, Maryl liurst; Louise Owens, Mills Col lege; Coleen Welch, Cottey Col lege; Sidney Kromer, Rollins col lege; and from Albany, Florence WonHworth. Delores Shortndge, Mary Jenks and Charlotte Weath erford.. A fVtctnm Prtv Ti Patsv Snider sent out clev- invitation .to ft erOUD of the niw set to a nartv for which the will be hostess tonight at the home of her parents, the mred Sniders. The party will compli ment Miss Louise Owens, who leaves in mid-September for Mills College, and Miss Sidney Kromer, who will be a freshman at Kouins f!nl1e?e. Winter Park. Florida. Guests have been asked to come dressed in a chosen profession they hope to pursue alter college f1v. The decor will also carry out the same tneme ana rexresn- ments will be served during the evening. Bidden to say au revoir to T.nuix and Sidnev are Roberta Sears, Justine Lewis, Elsbeth! Nelte, Arda lien, Julie Miller,! Claudia Waters. Clarice Waters. Sally Greig, Pat Shields, Jeri Keens of Corvallis, Shirley Croth ers, Marcla Maple of Bend, Dianne , Burkland. Judith Carlson, Carol N Svinth, Betty Zahara, Charlen Woods, Barbara 3onesteele of Corvallis, Beverly Mott, Nancy Mnnrefietd. Doris Starrett. Bar bara Anderson; Carol Lee, Louisa Lamb, Law Herr and Mary ScnrunK. , Church Rites Unite Couple Miss Arlene Pedersen, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pedersen," became the bride of Robert L. Wells, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Wells of Woodburn, at the Immanuel Lutheran Church in Silverton on August 15. The Rev. Arnold Nelson of ficiated at the double ring cere mony. Mrs. Jerry Denson of Albany sang, accompanied by Mrs. Ar thur DahL Lighting the tapers were Karla Hanson and Mrs. Ray Baucher. The bride wore a white Chan tilly lace and nylon tulle gown nvrr 'satin with a fineertiD' il lusion veil cascading from a Ju liet cap adorned with seed pearls. She carried a bouquet of white chrysanthemums centered with a white orchid. Mrs. Orville Brasig, sister of the bride, was the honor matron and bridesmaids were Miss Lor raine Eliassen of North Dakota, cousin of the bride, and Miss Norene Wells of Woodburn. Thv wore nastel tulle gowns over taffeta and flower trimmed satin bandeaux in their hair. They carried baskets filled with asters and bouvardia. Lawrence Graham was best man and ushers were Orville Brosig and Richard Price of Washington. The bride's mother wore pink with white and navy blue acces sories and the groom's mother chose blue with black accessor ies. Their corsages were of Assisting at the reception were Mrs. Cecil Jepson of Portland, Mrs. Melvin Bradley, Mrs. Law rence Graham, Mrs. Arlo Larson, Mrs. Glen Tucker, Mrs. Virgil Bradley and Jackie Price. The couple went to Victoria, B.C. on their honeymoon and for traveling the bride wore a brown suit with white accessor ies. The j newlyweds are now at home in .Salem. 9 lei acneiie August Fur Event Now! ' Exquisite New Furs 134S Ferry Ph. J-S1 a!n, Ortw Taurtv, Sept, 3, 1833 (Sec. 1 3 r.b9lfk)MliMlMl ilSiiWir'iwi!'! -" Just one brusUw with amtd to bras uifr nek lathe $24 Certified Bottle 100 100 Micrograms i Toiletry j , Of . I Reg. 7.95 Certified V ILVUNbL 27 Minerals and Vitamins Bottle 100 All the important VfMlHpt- i minerals and vitamins in one capsule: TUetrie$ Have Plenty of Fresh Cigarettes for the Holidays! Buy the Carton tnd Save 17 19' Old Gold Cigarettes Carton of 10 Pkgs. II r 1 Picnickers, Hunters, Campers Attention came gauss Prescription MEAT gc 39c Value Women's Durene English BUS ANKLETS Wash Fast, Nylon Rein forced Heel and Toe." 6Pr. $1.10 598 Value All Wool Cardigan Sweaters 100 Fine Zephyr Wool. Famous Make Classics. Pastels & Vibrant Tones. Apparel $5)98 Slightly Irreg. -PRICES GOOD THROUGH SATURDAY- Reg. 27c Tisco MM LinU 125 Ft. Roll Extra Heavy Toiletry LJ 6 ; limit 2 Four Alluring Fragrances I : . to Complete Your Perfume Wardrobe r - . . it i y .-.. Richard Hudnut Vi Dram Each $1.65 Valus RSYP Yogut Gtmey Rhapsodle Give Tour Eyes the Protection They Heed Aviation Type Sun Glasses 99' 4 base lens, jade green. AB metal frames.' Pro tects your eyes. American Optical Sun Glasses Wide vision, lightweight. Pro- tects against glare end sun- j light. Fosta Children's Sunglasses A wid. variety of stylish, practical glasses for the junior set, including Teenager, Wild West and Rocket wr styles. Re. 13c White Paper Napkins 80 Count Variety Kitchen Fresh q) Thin crisp crunchy "I m V brittle with that M Ltp) lnw rich buttery flavor. L-LJ, AJ J4 Made fresh daily so you know its fresh when you, buy itl Regular 10c Camdly 2 for B a) Box of 24 Almond Joy, Mounds. Mars, Cup of Gold, and Many Others. Candy 175 Picnic Hamper Jambo She fiber Rtg. $2.79 $.89 Bail handles for easy carrying. Roomy interior, to hold that big family spread. Reg. 15c Crayolas Box of 16 Variety $100 Veto CREAM DEODORANT Now Only Toiletry Reg. 89c Aerosol SECT Ml Easy, efficient way to control insects Variety 59c Kolynos Chlorophyll TOOTH PASTE 2 For 69c Toiletry Start Your Collection Today Dolls of The Nations Reg. '2.00 Ail dolts have pfastic bodies. 7'2' inches tell, with moving eyes that sleep or stay open. All doiis have life-like hair and moveable arms and head. Each d6fl is packed in a cello ndow box. y Vwi , " kill Mini 1111 elf Reg. 3" Green Plastic 50 Ft. Lengths 5 Yr. Guarantee rn me $249 Plastic Lawn Sprinkler 20 Ft., 3 go " Length I Solid Brass Hose Nozzle 49c Closeout Price Pin Tax Take Along Plenty of Film for Labor Day For Prize-Winning Snap Shots My-Te-Rne Photo Finishing Free Developing Save 15 a Roll KINS SIZE PRINTS Pffh 120 620 127 416 114 Your films are all processed with full treatment in a rood ! ern plant, under the diree tion of sliled technicians. 5x7 Glossy Eeloroefneat Sx7 Portrait Ealargmit 61" 29 .fa 4rl f t ,1 J tt -1 r'-7l If yy '-t;'U . - f 5 -. A i r a , V II Phatm Stction ? Reg. $290 Gallon Keeps food or beverages hot or cold for hours. TelUfry 1 Reg. 89c CAR WASH I MOP 12 Aluminum Handle OVC Variety Reg. 29c. V- HAND GARDEN TOOLS New 17c Vutrtf '2.95 Value All-rectal 'i ' -.v I. TV Sncoetx Tray I IN U Set of 4 . . 6.99 Sturdy all-metal tray folds conveniently for easy stor age. Tubular legs are rub ber capped. Tray detaches from legs . . . can be used separately. Variety .' I 68c Un-Iccd -AlMGEL food cakb I ' Easy to carry, easy to - TTS serve, light, fluffy cake (O U O G thai mtlts In your mouth -r-JLs , Bakery Serves f to 10 Buy Now! We Will Be Closed LABOR DAY M0H SEPT. 17TH toe fitt aurfes M mdJ 148 N. LIBERTY We Reserve the Rrght to limit Quantities 19c My Te Fine Alcdiutn Ripo I ' OLIVES '.: t!e D 'ffor 2s 7-oz. Size Toiletry Limit 3